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Star Wars Prequels Media Movies

Star Wars II (Attack of the clones) Trailer 451

tjansen writes "The Episode II Trailer is available. You need be a member to watch it and must have installed the Quicktime plugin though." I guess thats 2 strikes against me. Glad I saw it in front of Monsters Inc.
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Star Wars II (Attack of the clones) Trailer

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  • by AtaruMoroboshi ( 522293 ) <> on Monday November 05, 2001 @12:03PM (#2523021) Homepage
    • The large version requires Quicktime pro. That sucks.
    • TFN has it also no membership required 2_
    • or use one of the p2p solutions. I'm currently downloading it using morpheus. Probably it is also available on the gnutella network.
  • by cloudmaster ( 10662 ) on Monday November 05, 2001 @12:03PM (#2523030) Homepage Journal
    I saw it at the front of that movie too. I was glad that there was a movie after the trailer, and that I hadn't gone just to see the trailer. The trailer doesn't make me want to see ATOTC, as it's more of a slideshow than a real trailer. Not that Lucas really needs to show anything other than a lightsaber to get the fans to go see it... :)
  • by schwanerhill ( 135840 ) on Monday November 05, 2001 @12:05PM (#2523040) []. You still need the QuickTime plugin.
  • In truth, a teaser (Score:5, Informative)

    by Chairboy ( 88841 ) on Monday November 05, 2001 @12:05PM (#2523044) Homepage
    This is actually what the movie industry calls a 'teaser'. In todays movie industry, a trailer is the Cliff Notes version of the movie.

    This teaser, on the other hand, is a series of snapshots of different scenes where some fx has been completed. It requires no music, editing, and is basically the cheapest, fastest thing Lucasfilm can put out at this point.
    • by cvd6262 ( 180823 ) on Monday November 05, 2001 @12:40PM (#2523257)

      This is actually what the movie industry calls a 'teaser'.


      The video file is 1:07 long, but after I cut out the Fox and Lucasfilm titles, and the end Star Wars logo, and then removed all of the blank screen, I was left with (I kid you not) 25 seconds of video.

      Here are the files:

      The whole 640 trailer []

      The one I edited []

      • by Anonymous Coward
        I mirrored your file (hasn't seen it, don't know if defect or something like that). It's here:


  • They Know! (Score:4, Insightful)

    by under_score ( 65824 ) <mishkin.berteig@com> on Monday November 05, 2001 @12:07PM (#2523054) Homepage
    Its disgusting how well they know how to get me. That teaser rips through my consciousness and grabs hold of my emotions instantly. I grew up with Star Wars. "A New Hope" came out when I was 5 - my dad took me to it. I'm not a huge raving fan, but the trailer gets me. Two things in particular: the breathing (!) scours my emotional memories, and the shot of Anakin and Amidala by the dome house brings up founts of anticipated grief!


    I hope that the story isn't ruined. Lucas came close with Ep. I. Please.
    • by zeus_tfc ( 222250 ) on Monday November 05, 2001 @12:27PM (#2523183) Homepage Journal
      ...and the shot of Anakin and Amidala by the dome house brings up founts of anticipated grief!

      ANAKIN!! DON'T!! She's you SIST...
      Doh! Sorry, wrong movie.
    • There is no New Hope (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Pope ( 17780 )
      AFAIC, there is no movie called "A New Hope."
      It's "Star Wars," no extra anything. Lucas added that only after Empire came out to make it look more like a continuing series than a one-shot deal that hit paydirt.
      He said at the time that it cost $15 million to make, and expected and get about $25 at the box office, if he was lucky. He got *real* lucky. :)
      • At the time that Star Wars was released it was widely known that this was the 4th in a series of nine stories. There was a lot of buzz about it because the idea of a prequel was strange to people at the time. I think that "A New Hope" was not part of the title on the movie posters, but I think that it appeared at the head of scrolling text that begins the movie.
  • by BoyPlankton ( 93817 ) on Monday November 05, 2001 @12:07PM (#2523056) Homepage
    You can download it from here: []

    Should be a link to the medium sized file. The large one requires QuickTime pro.
  • by tarkin ( 34045 ) on Monday November 05, 2001 @12:10PM (#2523078) Homepage
    Use this Crossover plugin [] from Codeweavers to play the Quicktime movies under Linux ! It uses wine and works great under Mozilla / Galeon / Netscape.

    I just saw the trailer with it ... yowza ;-)

  • I want to go into the theater without any ideas what I'm going to see. Trailers, being the spoilers that they often are, often drive me from seeing a film because I can figure out the story, which is often "attitude" + "fireballs" + "stupid plot", etc.

    Granted this is a Star Wars movie, which I'm required by the Geek Code to see, so I'll go see it when it comes out. Until then it'll be stepping through a mine field of films trying to avoid seeing it. Thanks for the warning about it preceeding Monsters, Inc.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Monday November 05, 2001 @12:15PM (#2523111)
      Hate to spoil it for you but Anakin becomes Darth Vader, his son is Luke. Luke and Vader have a fight and afterwards Vader kill the emperor to save his Luke.
    • CmdrTaco (from `'): "I plan to complain on Slashdot that Disney, AOL-TW, and Fox -- coincidentally the companies who will be making money off Monsters, Inc., Harry Potter, and Star Wars Episode II, respectively -- are using their vast monetary resources to purchase laws in the United States Congress. The irony of blasting these movie studios repeatedly on my website and then in the same breath praising and promoting their movies is apparently totally lost on me."
    • ...not *all* trailers spoil the entire plot for a movie. But some do. And in my experience, the ones that do that do so because they had to scrounge the entire film in order to find enough interesting, amazing, or funny bits to make a trailer. Once you've seen the trailer, you've seen all the bits worth watching. (Commercials for sitcoms work much the same way.)

      Case in point: Disney threw in a trailer for their theatrical sequel to "Peter Pan," cleverly entitled "Return to Neverland." It involves Wendy's daughter and the entire Neverland cast of the original movie, and apparently some Wacky Adventures. Based on that (and, admittedly, my previous experience with non-Pixar Disney sequels), I now know everything I need to know about this movie. My wife and daughter can go see it themselves in February; I know for a fact I won't be missing anything.

      If they don't provide an entire plot to you, then you're probably safe going to see it. There will be enough surprises to make it worth your $7.50. Otherwise, take a pass and wait for the Rotten Tomatoes [] rating to come in.
  • Teaser? (Score:5, Funny)

    by Knunov ( 158076 ) <eat@my.ass> on Monday November 05, 2001 @12:11PM (#2523094) Homepage
    Maybe I've become numb to such teasing in my old age, but the trailer did nothing to whet my appetite.

    The least they could have done was included a cutaway shot of Natalie's robe falling to the floor, just before her bare, firm buttocks appeared.

    I just teased myself into petrification. I'll be back in a few minutes.

  • ... that got so much interest a while back. I remember reading something that the producer of that trailer said... that mostly he just looked for various 'head turn' shots, and incorporated them into his trailer.
  • I heard a lot of people whine that one reason Episode I was such a disappointment was that the trailer rocked.

    I guess Lucas figured out that he could make a less-than-impressive trailer so people wouldn't be so disappointed.

    PS - I don't think I saw this much face-sucking in the other 4 movies combined.

    • Yeah, over-hyping a mediocre movie is a recipe for hatred, a lesson that Waterworld illustrated perfectly.

      But honestly, I thought Jedi sucked, and I hadn't seen any trailers, mostly because the plot wasn't as strong, and the ewoks were lame. I'd have thought it was fine, but it was being compared to the first two. Although the ewoks really were the poisoned pill.

      EP1 had the same problem. I wouldn't have liked it if it had been the first movie, and I'd never have seen the trailer. It was devoid of ideas and full of empty gimmicks. Marketing is a distant second to craft.

      • > EP1 had the same problem. I wouldn't have liked it if it had been the first movie, and I'd never have seen the trailer. It was devoid of ideas and full of empty gimmicks. Marketing is a distant second to craft.
        Skill without imagination is craftsmanship and gives us many useful objects such as wicker-work picnic baskets. Imagination without skill gives us modern art. (Tom Stoppard)
        And sequels and prequels, I might add.

        On an almost related note, Salon is currently an article about the so-called Phantom Edit [] of E1.
  • by _J_ ( 30559 ) <jasonlives@gm[ ].com ['ail' in gap]> on Monday November 05, 2001 @12:17PM (#2523123) Journal

    The Phantom Premise caused me concern in that I found it hard to reconcile what I was seeing with what I understood the SW universe to be.

    The clips in the Episode II trailer (send in the clones for anyone who remembers an RPG game called Paranoia) make me think that Lucas could bring the story back.

    Maybe it's just wistful thinking, but scenes of Ewan McGregor with a beard looking older and wiser and Hayden Christianson - who won't be shouting "Yippeee" - looking to do a servicable job as Anakin make me think that Lucas could get it right this time. And finally to see the explanation of the Clone Wars. Children growing into Storm Troopers. Finally we will see how Palpatine seized power.

    I had high hopes for the first one too, I hope I won't be disappointed again.

    IMHO, as per,
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Who f'ing cares?

      This Ed Wood titled piece of crap is going to totally sUx0r- and we all know it.

      Gee, maybe we'll get some more LAME DRAG RACES, goofy KID-FRIENDLY ALIENS that should all be sent to the camps with the EWOKS, chase scenes with really big fish in which the SAME GODDAMNED NEAR-MISS OCCURS THREE TIMES IN A ROW, more INANE JAR JAR(ack), low-level shibboleths about symboisis as a SOP TO PC, and some love story that would be constitute statuatory rape in all states save for west virginia and delaware. I like how Lucas and Co. relased the rumors last week about Natalie Portman appearing partially nude in this episode- the only way he's going to get geeks back onboard the Star Wars bandwagon after The Phantom Plot. Ooh, meesa hornay.

      Will more Siths drive around on their gay Darth Maul scooters? Will that kid's acting convey any emotion other than 'yippee?' Will Natalie Portman's acting have matured beyond her three emotions (stoic, worried, and happy)?

      WILL WARFARE BE SANITIZED, PC, and BLOODLESS? Will the only things that die in battle be asinine robots that say, "roger, roger?"

      And are unlucky audiences going to get treated to more REALLY FAKE LOOKING COMPUTER GENERATED GRAPHICS?
  • About half way through, there's a shot of a rather pensive Mace Windu, with Yoda behind him facing the other way.

    Yoda is looking at an approaching group. Among them are the Queen (Natalie Portman!), and Jar-Jar Binks.

    I think I'll wait for the DVD.

    • by Jboy_24 ( 88864 ) on Monday November 05, 2001 @01:21PM (#2523580) Homepage
      I made the move to Silicon Valley and ran into a friend here. We were comparing notes on who from our school in Vancouver (ECIAD) made it down. We started talking about one guy who was a great animator and got a job at I.L.M.! Instantly we felt envious.

      Turns out he has to animate Jar Jar ....

      Poor, poor guy.... I feel sooo sorry for him.
      • I saw a news segment a while ago about the guys (yes, all men) in NYC who's job is to go check out the huge freaking sewers that come out of the Manhattan whenever they get clogged, pipes that are big enough to stand in full of human excrement. Yes, it is as nasty as it sounds. Their job is to be walking fecal decompactors.

        I'd rather be one of those guys than your buddy who is animating Jar-Jar. At least then I wouldn't be embarrased about my job.

  • by Calle Ballz ( 238584 ) on Monday November 05, 2001 @12:22PM (#2523155) Homepage
    Could someone make a sort of quick & dirty java ASCII knockoff of this trailer? I'm at work right now and I don't have the administrative privelages to install the software to view this, so I have to wait until I get home, but that is in 6 hours and I don't know if I can wait that long!!!

    *desperately awaiting new star wars footage*
  • by iainl ( 136759 ) on Monday November 05, 2001 @12:24PM (#2523166)
    For those either on Linux and unable to, or just hate Quicktime for some reason, Dark Horizons [] has links to these [] four [] mirror [] sites [] in .mpg format. Note that these seem pretty hosed as well though...
    • by fobbman ( 131816 ) on Monday November 05, 2001 @01:48PM (#2523739) Homepage
      All four of those servers are painfully slow. Looks like "Attack of the Clones" is also another term for the /. effect.

    • The quicktime movies work just fine on linux with the CodeWeavers CrossOver [] plugin. I view movie trailers on Apple's site all the time from within Galeon, Mozilla, or Netscape.

    • The gnutella network is a fine place to find an mpg version of this trailer, and as more people share it the mirrors will be more and more widespread. Peer to peer networks shine best in when they solve bandwidth problems by distributing the cost of mirroring popular data over the internet.

      I recommend gnut [], a text-based GPL'd gnutella client you can use over telnet or whatever, and you can even open a shell over top of it so you can continue interacting with the file system. it's the coolest.

      It may be a good idea to search for "monsters" since the correct trailer (the one I found) was marked that way. Otherwise you might end up with the very well done forgery that has been circulating the net for a while.

  • by Nos. ( 179609 ) <andrew.thekerrs@ca> on Monday November 05, 2001 @12:25PM (#2523168) Homepage
    Went to see Monsters Inc. this weekend at a local Famous Players theatre. There was a note up at the ticket counter saying there would be no refunds to tickets purchased for Monsters Inc because of the SW Ep2 Trailer.
    • A friend of mine told me that he went to one of the very early screenings of The Matrix, and there were a whole slew of Star Wars freaks who watch the Ep1 trailer and then left.

      Little did they realize that they left a movie that was, oh, 10 times better?

  • I just got done watching this trailer on my linux box. Yes it was from the Star Wars site and in QuickTime. So everyone who keeps complaining about not being able to view QT on linux.. buck up and get the crossover plug-in [] from codeweavers [], and stop complaining. I do not work for them nor do I have any affiliation with them but I work on macs everyday at work [] and quicktime is a part of my life. Lack of QuickTime has always been my biggest gripe about Linux. But now it is no longer. That's just my two cents.

    go get crossover plug-in, watch quicktime on linux, stop complaining, smile.

    computers never mkae mistooks. --Tandy T1000

  • Bad idea (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday November 05, 2001 @12:50PM (#2523329)
    Its too late I know, but Im really beginning to believe this prequel idea was a horribly bad one. I dont see Episode 2 being much better.

    Plot: Episode I sets up the plot for the next film, but without much conviction. How can we see Anakin freeing the slaves, with "Yippee" in our minds. They will need a heavy dose of the Jedi Mind Trick (TM) to get us to forget so much of the flaws of the previous film.

    Characters: After the 1st film, we dont have a good association with any of the characters. Anakin was a child, and we had a difficult time understanding the kid. Amidala was always shifting from Queen to friend and back, so we dont really know the real Amidala. Qui Gon is dead, Yoda and Mace were introduced to us like we've known them for ages. The only one we have the slighest insight into would be Kenobi and Binks (sad but true). As such, we really arent motivated to learn more about them.

    Lack of surprises: The first trilogy succeeded because we WANTED to know what Jabba looked like. Had to wait 3 movies to find out. 3 movies to see the evil and dreaded Emperor (minus the teaser in Empire). 3 movies to find out about Leia...3 to find out what was under the mask. Episode 1 throws it all out on the table. Midichlorians cause the Force, Emperor in-you-face, etc. I dont see the room for the great plot twists of the originals.

    Special Effects: George is hooked on 3d. And it truly sucks. The models used in the originals made it the best special effects ever, and blows away anything they can do today on computers. I dont want to go see on the big screen what Star Trek manages to do on the little screen. After Episode 1, the awe of the space adventure has been cheap-nd. And with the investment in Jar Jar, it shows no sign of going away.

    Episode 2 is as doomed to fail as was #1. It may have a more adult theme, but the "magic" of Empire will not be there. And its all because of Episode 1.

    Can 3 fix all this? Perhaps but still not likely. 3's problem will be continuity. Its clear Lucas hasnt thought his plots out, and as such by the time 3 rolls around, the continuity will be completely hosed. It will be fun to hear James Earl Jones again, but those kinds of things are the only things that will make it worth watching.

    Besides, when you know how the outcome will be, how can we be expected to side with the protagonist? Is this movie going to be about Anakin, or more about Kenobi? Ep 1 had us on Anakin's side. Somewhere in 2, we HAVE to make a switch to siding with Kenobi. This is awkward, and will lose quite a few.

    They should have kept on going after Return of the Jedi. Make the final 3 movies instead of the first 3.
    • . I dont see the room for the great plot twists of the originals.

      That probably explains why you spend your days posting on slashdot as an AC while George Lucas is a multi-billionaire.

      The models used in the originals made it the best special effects ever, and blows away anything they can do today on computers.

      Please, get real. The SFX from 1977 blow away the SFX in Phantom Menace? Say what you want about Ep1, but the SFX was not one of the weak points. I guess you forgot how in the original Star Wars, a group of 3 fighters had to move absolutely in sync (ie. battle at the Death Star).
    • Lack of surprises!!! Well that depends if you look out for spoilers on the Internet. I tried to stay spoler free as much as possible, and I did my "mom" test, I asked her and she didn't know anything except for what she see on the trailers. Some people have a "fast food" instant gratification mentality but there are many others wanting to be surprised. Your other points are subjective they are valid opinions, but they are not certainties. I mean have you ever played with a little brother or nephew? They talk like that aand I don't see how just saying Yipee will later prevent someone from growing up and doing stuff. As I said a valid opinion but there are others. Just let Lucas make his movie.

      yeah like the previous poster said, first check the facts before making such bold statements.

      Episode 1 was the biggest project the ILM model dept. has undertaken. There are tons of models in there, from battle tanks, spaceships, set pieces, practiacl elements and interiors. Just check out the Beginning documentary in the DVD or better yet the best source of info, Cinefex issue 78:

      Cinefex issue 78 []

      Too bad the official site is kinda hosed, you could check some there.

  • Direct Link (Score:3, Flamebait)

    by macdaddy ( 38372 ) on Monday November 05, 2001 @12:51PM (#2523338) Homepage Journal
    Here's the direct link to the larger movie []. NOTE: They appear to have done something funky with the web server to first check to see if you have QuickTime 5.0 before they let you download anything. If you do not have 5.0, you will not get to download the movie. It's amazing what you can accomplish with a packet sniffer though. :-) The large movie is 12.1MB. Looks more like a slideshow to me though.
    • Thanks, that link worked great!
      The quality is oustanding. Best video I've ever seen on the Mac; it easily surpasses DVD video. Go Sorenson 3!
      • 1) There's a link further up that should be modded up, this link doesn't by-pass the check for QuickTime Pro (AFAIK!).

        2) QuickTime most certainly is NOT superior to DVD video. I've seen MPEG-2 streams that look much nicer than this and are comparativly sized.
    • So... I'm curious ...

      What is it that makes it fail if you don't have QT5Pro installed?

      Also, since I work in a research lab where we use QuickTime all the time, we have it on all machines -- so I don't even know what it does if you don't and click the link anyway.
      • I'm not a buff on the specifics of the HTTP protocol(s) but I believe there is something similar to the information you send about the name (identity) of your browser and the version number that shows plugins and versions. I believe that's what they are looking at. If their server detects that the connecting client meets the requirements, it serves the file. If it doesn't, it serves an alternate file. I think... I really don't know though. That's my $.02.
        • I thought about your response for a bit and recalled reading that there is a way to use JavaScript to go through the available plug-ins one by one to see if any of them meets the ID string of the one you're looking for.

          This one is for Netscape 3 or higher and detects a VRML plugin:

          function DetectNetscape() {
          var retVal = 0;
          var version = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion);
          if (version>=3) {
          var plugin = navigator.mimeTypes["model/vrml"];
          if (plugin != null) {
          retVal = 1;
          return retVal;
          // -->

          The snippet is from which has details on how to do it in IE along with a script that makes use of this function.

          It might be fun (but I'll probably forget) to write a simple page that just spits out all the ID strings of all installed plugins on your system. Then one could remove the serial number from the QT control panel to make it think it's unregistered, load the page, put it back, and see if anything changed.

          Or maybe if I get bored I'll just turn Javascript off and see what the trailer loader page does without it.
    • Actually, that is not a direct link. It's a link to binary file of some kind containing a pointer to the actual movie file out on Akamai's network. If you do not have QT5Pro, it still prompts you to upgrade before downloading the file from Akamai.

      I may be in violation of the DMCA for having used the notorious hacker program strings(1), but here is the Akamai link [] I found in the pointer file downloaded from the link above. Hope Apple doesn't sue.
    • Flamebait? I hate it when newbie on crack get mod points.
  • QuickTime for Linux (Score:5, Interesting)

    by update() ( 217397 ) on Monday November 05, 2001 @01:06PM (#2523467) Homepage
    CodeWeavers makes the CrossOver [] plugin to view QuickTime under Linux. It costs $20, but for all the complaining about the absence of a Linux viewer, I'm sure there'll be a healthy market, right? Right?

    I submitted this as an article when it was announced but it was rejected. Apparently, weekly articles complaining about editors' inability to run QuickTime (while they're happily playing one Windows-only game after another) is News For Nerds, but a solution isn't.

    • No, actually, I'm willing to bet the "CrossOver" plug-in won't do extremely well at $20 a pop.

      Quite frankly, I'll well past the point of being willing to pay anything extra to be able to view a specific video file format. If people doing advertising want me to see their sales-pitch for a new movie (what a "teaser" is, after all), they should provide it in multiple formats - not just proprietary Apple format.

      I appreciate the work that was put into trying to get Quicktime movies to play on Linux - but if they expect payment for it, I just can't cost-justify it. If others can, great. I hope it does well for them.
  • So, after about 15 minutes of download install download install, I finally get a message from the Star Wars site: To view this you must have Quick Time Pro. Click here to upgrade.

    Gees, another upgrade... off to Apple's site I go (again) and what's this? $29.95 ?!!? TO see a TRAILER!! SCREW THAT!!

    Please, someone tell me that I am wrong, that I missed something, that I don't have to PAY to see a trailer. Please, because this is just killing me that Lucas would think his followers would PAY to see this trailer.
  • Click link on website to play teaser. After teaser is downloaded go to your /tmp/501/Temporary Items/ directory. There should be a QTPluginTemp* file in the directory. Copy the file as a .mov file. I don't know if /tmp/501 is the same for all OS X systems, but the cached file will definitely be in there somewhere.
  • by Junks Jerzey ( 54586 ) on Monday November 05, 2001 @01:11PM (#2523513)
    It's always amusing to see the dichotomy between Slashdotters blindly hating all corporations (Borland is giving their C++ compiler away for free, but not the source code! They are evil; down with Borland!) and the love of various other corporations, like AMD, Paramount, Lucasfilm, FOX, and so on.
  • Went to take my 2 year old to see Monsters, got treated to this teaser as well as a longer trailer for LOTR.

    When she saw the lightsabers, she said "Hey! That's my Daddy's movie!"

    The force is strong in this one....
  • by Mustang Matt ( 133426 ) on Monday November 05, 2001 @01:29PM (#2523632)
    I was hoping to hear Weird Al Yankovic's "I think I'm a clone now" song as the background instead of the typical Star Wars type music.
  • As mentioned, it's just a teaser. Except that it isn't much of a teaser, either.

    There isn't much of anything shown. Most of the teaser is "fade in from black, show something for 2 seconds, fade out to black".

    In fact, it was a large let down. If you go to the effort to download it, you'll just be sorry. Even a diehard fan of the series should agree with that!

    We saw the teaser with Monsters, Inc. Now, that rocked!

    Of the 4 trailers attached to it, Clones was the most second most forgettable; the other being some lame computer animated movie called Ice Age about a band of prehistoric animals saving a human child from the ice age. Lame.

    Two good things were shown with Monsters, Inc.

    - the trailer for Fellowship of the Ring. While I can't wait for this, I felt the trailer did not do the story justice. (and I'd already downloaded this, too)

    - the Pixar short For The Birds. This is hilarious! If you feel like downloading something, then go to [] and see the first half of it. You won't be sorry!
  • I hope there is a nice lovingly drawn out and detailed scene featuring Jar Jar and an interrogation droid. Maybe it can jab that syringe into his tongue. It could be a sort of Clockwork Jar Jar thingy. If EPII turns out to be nothing more than yet another sappy melodrama with great special effects then I'll still pay to see it if there is a decent torture Jar Jar scene. What would really backfire and add to the tastiness is if the torture scene is supposed to be a dramatic emotional moment. The cheesy orchestra music can play up the wincing of the other characters as the so-called bad guys get a standing O from the Jar Jar haters.
  • No stupid user id needed either... Off you go []
  • by Mr. Sketch ( 111112 ) <<mister.sketch> <at> <>> on Monday November 05, 2001 @01:37PM (#2523681)
    This is a little off-topic, but I heard that the Episode 2 trailer was physically attached to the beginning of the reels of Monsters Inc. So, in essence, the teaser is the beginning of Monsters Inc. This was arranged by George Lucas and Pixar since 20th Century Fox and Disney didn't want the trailer in front of it and it's usually up to those companies and the theaters to put the trailers together before the film. Pixar used to be part of Lucasarts, but Lucas didn't want to go the whole CG'd route so they broke off, but they're still good friends with Lucas. So Lucas basically called them up and asked them to put his little teaser at the beginning of the prints for Monsters Inc.

    I thought that was kind of interesting, but according to [] the trailer isn't on all prints or some theaters are chopping it off so it's possible some people won't see it in front of Monsters Inc. Just thought some people might find that interesting.
    • You know, that makes sense of how the "trailer" was placed right before the movie.

      Usually, you get the all the previews, then they run "lets all go to the snack bar" or whatever kind of ads they have that aren't trailers and then the movie starts.

      Yesterday when I saw Monsters, the StarWars teaser was played apart from the other previews, *after* the concession stand pitch, where the movie would normally have started.

      I thought "Birds" was one of the best Pixar shorts and it made up for the stupid SW trailer (my kids were giggling well into the movie credits).
    • Pixar used to be part of Lucasarts, but Lucas didn't want to go the whole CG'd route so they broke off, but they're still good friends with Lucas. So Lucas basically called them up and asked them to put his little teaser at the beginning of the prints for Monsters Inc.

      I would assume that it also had to do with the relationship Steve Jobs is building between Lucasfilm and Apple. This is the second time that Apple has featured a Star Wars trailer on their QuickTime site.
    • Where I saw Monsters Inc., the theater's own little promo was between the SW2 preview and the film. So either the rumor is untrue, or else the theater chopped up the reel.
    • When I used to work as a theatre projectionist (before they all went south and had the managers do projection work instead), several films had trailers attached directly on the movie, or in the can with the movie. Usually, though, these were advertising other films by _that studio_.

      At one chain I worked at, it was company policy at the time, and probably still is (Regal), to cut off the MPAA "green/red" warning in front of all preview trailers, and attach ALL trailers together (if it was attached to the film, we were to "remove" it from the film and re-attach it to the rest of the preview trailers). I'm sure other theatres have similar policies, since they assume that the audience assumes the feature presentation is next after the "theatre chain" ad & sound trailer (for those theatres that still bother to put sound trailers on the film).

      So while it isn't that interesting that the trailer is directly attached to the print, and it isn't that interesting that the trailer is being chopped off/moved around/replaced (has been happening for years), it is rather interesting that a Fox movie trailer was attached to a Disney film.

  • Is this movie still called "Attack of the Killer Clones" or something stupid like that?
  • Check out CNN's [] write-up of the teaser; apperently the author of this article thought it'd be worthwhile to list tons of thoughts of people who posted on's message boards, such as these--

    -- It was "dark" in style, according to at least two posters.

    -- Natalie Portman, who stars as Queen Amidala, looked "hot."

    "It was freakin' awesome!!!!" posted jacenggf.

    I dunno... the middle one, about Natalie Portman, just struck me as funny for a news outlet to quote.
    • Its not funny, its a serious issue, Natalie Portman _is_ hot, and some people just don't understand how hot she is. I actually hated episode one and two will probably be just as bad, but i will be forced to part with cash because i must get my fix of Miss Portman on a big screen.

      Every day, people are turned to crime to pay for their Portman fixations, something must be done about it.

      Is this something you consider funny? - seeing peoples' lives ruined because Natalie Portman is to hot? maybe your the sort of person that drowns little puppies and kittens too? CNN has every right to inform us on this.

      You can also donate money to help people who have suffered from prolonged exposure to Natalie Portmans beauty, and keep kids off the streets by donating to
  • by bryanbrunton ( 262081 ) on Monday November 05, 2001 @02:40PM (#2524045)
    In the far distant future...

    After George Lucas is dead. And his copyrights on the original Star Wars material have expired.

    A new film director arises and reshoots the Star Wars Episode I to III as they should have been done.

    This new director focuses on story telling and character development. The new films do not make use of fart jokes, inane action sequences that only exists to have action sequences, and highly annoying animated aliens that only school children can appreciate.

    All you need to know about CmdrTaco is that he actually liked [] The Phantom Menace.

Kleeneness is next to Godelness.
