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Ask Bruce Campbell Anything... 362

Bruce Campbell has a new book out (If Chins Could Kill) and I thought it would be fun for Slashdot to interview him in our charming, enigmatic way. Bruce should be familiar to you though such films as the Evil Dead (include Army of Darkness) and ,well, anything Sam Raimi has ever done. The book is a lot of fun. As usual, moderate up your favorite questions, and I'll pass on the highest scoring ones to Bruce so that he can reply to 8 or so. Bruce has a website for you to check it. It's got a FAQ and bio for you to examine.
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Ask Bruce Campbell Anything...

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  • Darkman? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Nathdot ( 465087 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @07:42PM (#2556455)
    Were you pissed that liam neeson got the lead in darkman?
  • by Cutriss ( 262920 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @07:45PM (#2556465) Homepage
    As the voice actor (And model for the player representation) in Tachyon: The Fringe, you managed to have a starring role in a video game which succeeded in the marketplace based on its own merits and (No offense) not because of the draw of its cast. Tia Carrere's "The Daedalus Encounter" and Brent Spiner's "Chronomaster" rapidly shoot to mind as immense failures in this regard. How did you like the experience of helping to bring Tachyon to life? Was it better than working in film? Would you do it again? Can we have a Brisco County Jr. FPS? :D
  • by Essron ( 231281 )
    Did everyone else involved in the making of "Tornado" think it was a joke too?
  • Jim Carrey (Score:5, Interesting)

    by joeflies ( 529536 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @07:47PM (#2556479)
    I know you're working with Jim Carrey in an upcoming film, how did that come together and is it something you enjoy? I've always thought that his performance from "The Mask" borrowed heavily from Evil Ash, so I wondered what you thought.
  • Doom movie (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Posiks ( 532176 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @07:47PM (#2556480) Homepage
    What ever happened to doing a Doom movie?
  • Perspective (Score:5, Funny)

    by Renraku ( 518261 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @07:49PM (#2556491) Homepage
    When you go out in public, do people sometimes stand clear of you or look at you like you're wielding an axe, due to your roles in Evil Dead and Army of Darkness? Reversely, do you ever sometimes walk through a crowd of people and imagine that you're fighting your way through a hoarde of zombies? (I do this sometimes in college)
  • Icebreaker (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Eol1 ( 208982 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @07:50PM (#2556494) Homepage Journal
    Of all the movies I have seen you in, Icebreaker had to be the one of the best and also one that I would never have thought you to get a role in. How did you ever end up doing that flick? Do you actually speak any french? Fun/hard to cast?


  • Bruce.... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by gazz ( 101967 ) <{ku.em.oomhcs} {ta} {zag}> on Monday November 12, 2001 @07:50PM (#2556496) Homepage
    You are definately one of the most expressive actors I've ever seen...
    Which role do you find you are most like....and why...?
    (My bets are on Ash, but then, they would be....)

    Also, did you have a little thing going with Gabrielle from Xena?

    Finally, If you were asked to write a film now, what would it be about...

  • The book is a lot of fun. As usual, moderate up your favorite questions, and I'll pass on the highest scoring ones to Bruce so that he can reply to 8 or so. Bruce has a website for you to check it. It's got a FAQ and bio for you to examine. As usual, the highest moderated questions get passed on to Bruce, of which he will answer 8 or so.

    One of the symptoms of alzheimers is repeating yourself. One of the symptoms of alzheimers is repeating yourself.

  • by 11thangel ( 103409 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @07:52PM (#2556504) Homepage
    Why did Jack of all trades get canceled? It was one of the better shows in that timeslot, and Bruce sure made it worth watching. Was it a corporate budget cut, the victim of execs without humor, what?
  • Favorite character? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by mbessey ( 304651 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @07:52PM (#2556508) Homepage Journal
    Bruce, you've played a number of "unconventional" heroes on TV and in films. Which character was the most fun to play?
  • by rowdent ( 203919 ) <> on Monday November 12, 2001 @07:55PM (#2556517) Homepage
    Are you pissed that hack-job horror film directors are ripping off the original Evil Dead ideas? e.g. Blair Witch Project: the unseen dead and shaky camera shots.
  • Ideal TV Show? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by GusherJizmac ( 80976 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @07:56PM (#2556520) Homepage
    I loved Brisco County, Jr. and Jack of All Trades, and I was wondering if you had like a billion dollars to make a TV show, and there was no one else holding the purse strings, would you bring one of those two back, or make a new one (and if so, what would be it be?), or would you forget TV and make a movie, or even just lay in your bed of cash with several beautiful women?
  • Duke Nukem (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Sludge ( 1234 ) < minus cat> on Monday November 12, 2001 @07:58PM (#2556523) Homepage
    I heard you were fairly choked when you heard Duke Nukem 3D ripped off some of your lines. Now, those lines weren't written by you presumably, but by a third party. How tied do actors feel to their lines? You seemed to take personal offense to this.
    • ...A few years back [], when we published Verbosity. Personally, I loved his response.
  • Being "B-Grade" (Score:5, Interesting)

    by NMerriam ( 15122 ) <> on Monday November 12, 2001 @08:03PM (#2556535) Homepage
    What is it like to be a b-movie star, and a very successful one at that? I assume that everyone going into acting has the fantasy that they'll be the A-list guys making $20 million a picture, so are you happy to be in that "middle ground"?

    You're well-known and very liked (probably moreso than the hunk-of-the-month actors), but is it frustrating to feel typecast in that way, or fulfilling to be successful, albeit not in the stereotypical hollywood sense?
    • What is it like to be a b-movie star

      Since the book is subtitled Confessions of a B-Movie Actor you might think that this answer would be found in the book.

      And you'd be right!

      Sarcasm aside, the book is very good. In it, Bruce says that he thought about trying to be a Star, and decided instead to be a good working B-movie actor.

      The book really made me have a lot of respect for Bruce and the other actors who work their tails off.

  • the highest moderated questions get passed on to Bruce, of which he will answer 8 or so?

    I just want to be clear.
  • Women (Score:3, Interesting)

    by EllisDees ( 268037 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @08:08PM (#2556552)
    Hey Bruce. Are you famous enough that you can walk into a bar and pick up a chick simply because she recognizes you, or do you have to struggle for poon like the rest of us? Just wondering.
  • by Wee ( 17189 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @08:10PM (#2556561)
    This might be a lame question, but I think it would let us all know more about you as a person. What project(s) would you like to do, given the chance to do anything you wanted?

    I guess there's lots of ancillary questions that could go with this. Like "What do you wish you had done (but maybe turned down)?" Or "What do you wish you hadn't done?" And "How much does it take for you to do something that you're not all that interested in?" (not necessarily money, I guess -- it could be a bad part with a good director or something, right?). And one more: If you weren't an actor (or wanted to quit tomorrow or whatever), what is it you would do?

    Like I said, maybe kinda lame. But I've found you can tell a lot about someone by both their desires and their regrets. Being quite a fan or yours, I'm curious.

    BTW, thanks for everything you done for those of us on the other side of the screen.


  • One-liners (Score:3, Troll)

    by Rezidue ( 536132 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @08:12PM (#2556571)
    Do you ever find yourself repeating one-liners in real life situations from your own extensive repetoire of movie utterances? I try to work your lines into everyday speech as much as possible, but alas, my performance pales in doing them justice. I can only dream of the social advantages offered by your own masterful comedic timing. Perhaps nature puts such safeguards in place as to not give one person such awesome power.
  • by chipuni ( 156625 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @08:14PM (#2556578) Homepage
    According to the IMDB [], you're sometimes credited as "Pete Perkinson" or "Roc Sandstorm". Where did you get those names from?
  • The Raimi's (Score:5, Interesting)

    by yardgnome ( 190624 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @08:14PM (#2556579) Homepage
    I've heard little rumor-snippets about your practical-joke relationship with the Raimi's. For example....that Sam himself threw the dirt on your face during the "burying the Evil Ash" scene in Army of Darkness.

    Could you comment on working with the Raimi's? Obviously you're friends, but anecdotes, personal commentary, and so on would be great. Basically I'd like to get some insights into your friendship with them and the sort of chemistry you have with that particular dastardly duo. Comparisons (favorable and otherwise) to other people you've worked with are also more than welcome.

    • his autobiography (mentioned in the story). I heartily recommend it; it's a great read. Huge chunks of the book are descriptions of Raimi-antics and opinions thereof, so it'd be a bit unfair to ask Mr. Campbell to repeat them here. :-)

      • I haven't picked up the autobiography yet, but have greatly enjoyed the rants Campbell posts online (if only I could remember where they're published....damn it!). Sorry for posting a question that's already covered in his book. I'll have to go out and buy it! You've sold me ::grin::
    • You can also hear a lot about their relationship from Bruce Cambpell and Sam Raimi themselves on the Army of Darkness director's cut [] -- which is great for the commentary, but suffers a bit on quality issues, as the "added footage" is from Bruce and / or Sam's basement somewhere... and looks it. It also features the "original" ending -- although not the theatrical ending, not even as an extra or an option.

      There is also a cheaper version of the director's cut [], for those who don't want to pay the $23 for the "limited edition."
  • I got your biography for a birthday present last month - any chance I can get it autographed?

    Big fan - will watch anything you're in...
  • Whoa... (Score:4, Flamebait)

    by Imperial Tacohead ( 216035 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @08:16PM (#2556587)
    Bruce Campbell? Bruce "Jesus Christ []" Campbell? Sweet! This guy is easily one of the coolest movie stars on the planet, just based on the strength of his autobiography alone. Those movies and stuff he did don't hurt either. If Chins Could Kill is one of the most entertaining works of nonfiction that I've ever read, and more than anything help me relate to a movie star who couldn't get a date through most of high school. Groovy!
  • by Picass0 ( 147474 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @08:16PM (#2556591) Homepage Journal
    Evil Dead II is a loose remake of Evil Dead, so that leads me to ask what do you think of Hollywood's stream of Special Editions and remakes. In the past few years we've seen classic films and TV shows re-cut with new SFX and the insertion of new scenes. At what point is a film "untouchable"? Do you have films that you wish you could re-edit more to your liking? What movie has been altered that bothers you most?

    You've been an actor, director, and producer. Pick whatever hat you want to answer.
  • by Black Art ( 3335 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @08:16PM (#2556592)
    When are we going to see Brisco Country Jr. on DVD? It was a series ahead of its time. (I especially liked the anachronistic references. Timmothy Leary as the preacher was histerical!)
  • Could someone please explain the connection between Slashdot and this actor? I mean, I eventually found a picture of him on his website so I recognize him from Army of Darkness and Brisco County, Jr--but what's the geek attraction here? Seriously, I don't get it.
    • This guy rocks. It could be that simple, but I won't leave it at that. My first real experience with BC was watching Evil Dead in 1991, and counting the number of times he hits people with the axe.

      This leads into Evil Dead 2, which was 1/2 horror, 1/2 3-stooges remake, followed by Army of Darkness, which threw most rules of horror-film-making out the window, not that the first two didn't as well.

      Bruce is a guy that seems to like what he's doing. He's a hard working actor. You never see him in a part and say "who cast this jerk? he's terrible at that part!".

      If you need any more explinations, I'd advise watching all three of the Evil Dead movies, *then* watch the DVD commentaries where he and Sam Raimi talk during the movie and get real insight into how these guys work. No stunt people, karo syrup everywhere, and plenty of scenes where Sam tries to get Bruce (literally) killed, but Bruce still gets up and keeps going.
  • Doom movie? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by illusion_2K ( 187951 ) <> on Monday November 12, 2001 @08:21PM (#2556606) Homepage

    A long time ago (mid 90's) I heard about a movie based on Doom in which you were to star. If this ever was in the works, what happened? It might not have been a classic of it's time, but it would have rocked.

    If not, please disregard =)

  • Glamour of Hollywood (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Dief_76 ( 171262 )
    As one of the few actors not suffering from self-delusion, you've been pretty successful in downplaying the hype surrounding the acting business (by describing it more as a business than an art: when it comes to movies, at least).

    Personally, I think this has made you very well-suited to the business: but is there any other field you could see yourself succeeding in? Other than hitting the convention-circuit of course: you'd be mobbed by fanboys in seconds! ;)

  • Batman? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by nedron ( 5294 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @08:32PM (#2556643) Homepage
    There has been a persistent rumor that you were up for the role of Batman before Burton was brought in (and subsequently selected the lamentable Michael Keaton). Is there any truth to this, or was it all wishful thinking on the part of your fans?
  • Why did the video game suck so much []? The control was awkward and it took forever to move around, by which time you were torn to pieces by the monsters. It was so awful that I stopped playing after 5 minutes and never touched it again.

    On the other hand, the commercial [] for it was hilarious. Some guy gets a hedge-trimmer attached to his arm, and then Bruce chases after him yelling "Get back here you freak". It looks like the streaming isn't working right now; if someone else has a copy of the commercial, I'd love to see it again...

  • High School Question (Score:5, Interesting)

    by compugeek007 ( 464717 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @08:37PM (#2556662)
    Bruce, I went to same High School as you (Birmingham MI) and graduated about 8 - 10 years ago. You and Sam Rami are somewhat of a legend there and my 10th grade Drama teacher choregraphed the skeleton dance fron Evil Dead 2. My question is rather off beat - Back in high school, what were your goals? Did you ever imagine "making it" in acting as a carrer?
  • Hail to the king (Score:2, Interesting)

    by zeade ( 174555 )
    Hail to the king, baby.

    The video game: are there any Easter Eggs or inside/interesting bits you'd like share?

    The line: If I'm not mistaken the line "Hail to the king" isn't in the Army of Darkness Official Bootleg Edition, right? Travesty. And the "director's cut" ending in the Bootleg is for poot on top of that. You guys just wanted it there because you probably spent some dough on the props. Oooo, pretty. The other ending had more class. What do you think? Why not just put out one DVD with both endings, you leeches?

    enraged or something,
  • by ellem ( 147712 ) <<moc.liamg> <ta> <25melle>> on Monday November 12, 2001 @08:38PM (#2556665) Homepage Journal
    Any of your co starlettes?
    Any of your assistants?
    Any of your interns?
    Gillian Anderson?
    Pamela Anderson?
    Jean Claude Van Damme?
    Jean Luc Picard?
    Xena Warrior Princess?
    Yvonne Craig?
    Anyone remotely famous?
    My sister-inlaw?
    Margret Thatcher?
    Anyone dead (evil or otherwise)?
    Winona Ryder?
    Howard Stern?
    Heidi Wall?
    Any of your family?
    Someone too drunk to notice?
    The chick who turned gay with Melissa Etheridge?
    • I consider Bruce to be one of my favorite actors and would love to see him interviewed on "Inside the Actors Studio". Somehow I just don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. :-/

      So how about we get Bruce to answer those 10 questions they always ask at the end of the show?

      1. What is your favorite word?
      2. What is your least favorite word?
      3. What turns you on or what is your favorite thing?
      4. What turns you off?
      5. What sound or noise do you love?
      6. What sound or noise do you hate?
      7. What is your favorite curse word?
      8. What professions other than acting would you like to attempt?
      9. What profession would you not like to do?
      10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive?
  • Love Bug (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Robotech_Master ( 14247 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @08:49PM (#2556694) Homepage Journal
    I'm probably one of about three people who've seen the recent Love Bug TV-movie, in which Bruce plays Herbie the Love Bug's new driver.

    What was it like playing second fiddle to an annoyingly cute little car?

    What was it like working with Dean Jones?
  • Hey Bruce, a while back I know you appeared (or were supposed to) at Origins (Columbus,OH) and hosted an all nighter LARP session (Live Action Role Playing). I really wanted to go just see you in person, but alas I wasn't old enough to be hanging out all night in a city that was far from mine.

    I really wish I had not missed it, but is there a chance this would ever happen again?

    I'm not sure of the details governing this, but I assume one of the RPG companies involve bought and paid this session. How was your experience with such activities?
  • Cult of the Campbell (Score:5, Interesting)

    by StupidEngineer ( 102134 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @08:57PM (#2556716)
    Background: Prior to your book signing trip, you went onto's online chat. One question/response I recall was "if you've ever had a battle of wits with a fan." To which you challenged the other fan to a battle. Due to the load of questions flooding excite, the battle never took there. But recalling my memory, that fan said (in user channels) that she'd get you at your book signing.
    Question: Did you ever get a chance to do battle?

    Followup: You seem to be mostly stereotyped towards wise cracking blue collar type characters; what are your thoughts about the fan/cult base built around you when it seems to concentrate on the cult films as opposed to the more serious work that you've tried to do? Do you feel hindered in getting 'blockbuster' or 'artful' type roles. Do you even want to play more dramatic roles?
  • Book Signings (Score:5, Interesting)

    by thetechweenie ( 60363 ) <> on Monday November 12, 2001 @08:58PM (#2556720) Homepage
    What's the craziest thing someones has asked you to write at a book signing?
  • by FattyMcMurphy ( 471876 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @09:07PM (#2556741)
    A while back there was a terrific piece on "This American Life" where your literary agent - a self-confessed Bruce super fan - detailed how he worked his way into your life. His story ended with the bittersweet realization that he couldn't get over his "oh my God, I'm hanging out with Bruce!" feelings long enough to simply chill out and be friends with you.

    With his experience in mind, have you become good friends with any of your fans, or is it just too weird?

    PS, was he involved in your latest book project?
  • by hrieke ( 126185 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @09:12PM (#2556756) Homepage
    So if you and Jay Leno ended up in a fight to the death, who's chin would come out on top?
  • Fan fiction (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Wuhao ( 471511 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @09:20PM (#2556769)
    I've heard that you're rabidly opposed to fan-fiction, going so far to call it uncreative theft.

    Is this true, and if so, is there such a thing as "good fan-fiction?" What constitutes it, or if it's all bad, why is it so horrible?
  • Cliche (Score:5, Interesting)

    by number one duck ( 319827 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @09:22PM (#2556771) Journal
    Its been said and said again that Evil Dead IV will not be made, simply because the studios didn't make money on the last encounter, and are unlikely to make any profit on a further sequel.

    However, have you considered doing a further sequel the old fashioned, low budget way? On, say, an Evil Dead I budget?
  • I loved that show. it was the best comedy/action/western that I have ever seen. Why did the writers end the main plot in the 3rd season?
  • by CleverNickName ( 129189 ) <wil@wilwheaton . n et> on Monday November 12, 2001 @09:35PM (#2556806) Homepage Journal
    So, uh...can I be in one of your movies?
    • by sparcv9 ( 253182 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @10:55PM (#2557010)
      So, uh...can I be in one of your movies?
      Wil, if you ever make raspberry seltzer water come out of my nose again, I swear I will... well, do nothing, other than be in pain for a little while. That was the funniest damn thing I've seen all day.

      (Yes, kids. That is the real Wil Wheaton who posted this comment's parent.)
    • Not unless you want the line "Shut up Ash" to feature in the script... ;-)


      PS. Gotta get yourself in a horror film, WW. OK, the leeches in Stand By Me were icky, but something where ppl get sliced and diced. Bonus points if you're doing the slicing and dicing.
    • Damn wil, you really want to be in a movie with Bruce? I never saw you as a big Bruce Campbell fan...

      How about it Bruce? Are you a Wil Wheaton fan???
    • Very funny Wil... A bunch of us here at Cornell Univeristy were watching a "Q-a-thon", which was all the ST:TNG episodes with Q the other day. There was a big screen TV nearby our projection system, and while we were watching Star Trek, we noticed that some odd movie had come on with you in it; it was a very improbable coincidence... I mean, how many movies have you actually been in? ;)

      Actually I can see you as Bruce's kindy dorky sidekick :) I think I'd pay to go see that in the theatres. Bruce could use one of those.

      Cheers, Justin
  • Face Off!! (Score:2, Troll)

    by webword ( 82711 )
    It is you versus Wil Wheaton for a part on Army of Star Trek. Who wins? Why?
  • Rumors... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by kenixkil ( 460602 )
    It seems to me that due to your cult status, that there seems to be a big buzz anytime your name is mentioned in relation to a movie or project. I've noticed that on your website you have a section devoted to trying to clear up what is true and untrue about your work. I guess my question is do you truly enjoy the fans reaction towards you and try to keep up with the rumors or do you get annoyed sometimes and wish you could be more private.
  • Bruce's email address is listed on his web site []. Your guess is as good as mine, however, as to whether or not you'll get a form letter or a real reply. (He seems like a pretty approachable guy from what I hear, but he's got a fair degree of fame to take into account as well)
  • by farrellj ( 563 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @10:12PM (#2556898) Homepage Journal
    How much fun was it working in the Xena/Hercules Universe? And how challenging was it to play opposite and off of the charactors of Xena and Gabrielle?

  • Signature (Score:2, Funny)

    by realdroll ( 530340 )
    Do you always sign your autographs as "ZY" because that is what it looks like in my autographed copy of If Chins Could Kill?
  • by IronChef ( 164482 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @10:19PM (#2556922)
    Check out the URL given for the book. It ends in:


    The last parameter makes it look like the sales link is passing on affiliate info, so that the story submitter is making cash from each transaction. Knock off "&from=MJF138" and you still get to the book page.

    I wonder how many sales will be made and how much commission chrisd will earn as a result of this slashdot post?

    In the context of a commercial site, is it proper to disclose that the content creators are profiting in this way?

    Would it be more appropriate for this site to choose a charity like the EFF and send affiliate commissions to them, when stories tied to products were run?

    This isn't a flame, even if it turns out that the submitter is making a packet of the fatbrain affiliate program. I just thought it was worth talking about.

    For the sake of being a curmudgeon, here's a link to the book at Amazon []. It's a better site anway, it shows more info about the book, including interior pages.
    • Would it be more appropriate for this site to choose a charity like the EFF and send affiliate commissions to them, when stories tied to products were run?

      No, it would be appropriate for the readers of this site to join or donate [] to the EFF, if they want to.

      /. is a commercial site and so I don't see anything wrong with it getting revenue.
  • ...Ummm, what were you thinking, exactly?

    As a minorly tangential aside, what's it like working with Tim Curry? Poor fellow seems to end up in just about every cheesy villain role out there these days.
  • Cinematic badness (Score:5, Interesting)

    by HP LoveJet ( 8592 ) on Monday November 12, 2001 @10:54PM (#2557007)
    Many people love you, Bruce.

    In fact, many of us love you so much that we rented movies we suspected would be extremely bad, solely because you were in them.

    And though our suspicions were confirmed, yea, though we cringed and groaned and hooted and were just generally nonplussed by much of what we saw, still...still....

    "Look, there's Bruce!"

    We are the people who spotted you in Fargo. But I digress.

    If you can answer honestly, and without fear of legal action by directors or producers:

    What was, in your estimation, the worst movie in which you ever had a significant role?

    (My personal shortlist: Moontrap, Mindwarp, and Maniac Cop 2.)
  • Bruce, I remember seeing a quote, atributed to you, that the movie "Titanic" was 194
    minutes, and they could have lost 194 minutes from that. Anyway it sounds like
    something you might say. My question is: Are there any so called "chick-flix" you
    really liked, and could you picture yourself one day playing let's say in a
    Merchant-Ivory movie of something by Henry James? (Or Shakespeare's Richard III starring
    Bruce Campbell! Wouldn't that be a hoot?)
  • Klaatu Barada N... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Etrigan_696 ( 192479 ) on Tuesday November 13, 2001 @12:14AM (#2557219)
    After reading your book (actually, my wife read it to me, while I was trying to watch Evil Dead 1&2 and Army of Darkness) I must say - you're a very odd, goofy man.
    Seeing all the stunts Sam Raimi "made" you do for those three movies....some of which would make Jacki Chan wince....Was there ever anything Sam asked you to do and you just plain said "NO" (or "HEll NO!" or even "Thank you, no. I'd rather die...") because it was too dangerous/stupid/life threatening/unnatural?
  • Hi,

    I know that for now, Evil Dead 4 is a non-starter (tho we all hope it happens one day). But my question is this: If it ever happened to be made, which ending of Army of Darkness would you prefer to work from? The 'S-Mart' ending or the 'End of the World' ending?
  • Hopefully everyone knows about the up-coming movie Bubba Ho-tep [] (Bruce - playing Elvis playing an Elvis impersonator vs a 2000 yr old mummy in an old folks home).

    1. What can we expect after Bubba Ho-tep? Time for a break, or is there another movie lined up?

    2. When are we going to see you in Australia damnit? :P (specifically - Adelaide, South Australia)
  • You must get tired of being asked the same things over and over. Do you relish the opportunity to embarrass unimaginative interviewers?

    I ask because a friend gave me a video of a backstage Q&A session you had at an anime convention with a guy named Ray. Ray was reading his questions off a card, and it quickly became apparent that he knew nothing of you or your work. He blithely nodded in agreement as you assured him that you were most famous for your role as Yakko the Milkman. By the end of the interview you had completely turned things around and were asking him all the questions. The image started to get wobbly because the cameraman was laughing so hard. It was priceless.
  • Hi Bruce,

    Maybe I'm in a minority here, but I was disappointed by Army of Darkness - the intensity and clautrophobia of the first two films, plus the sheer "man-having-worst-day-of-his-life" nastiness was completely missing. I'm wondering what lay behind the decision to turn the Evil Dead series from one of coolest series of horror films to a 15 rated (in the UK) comedy full of cheapo Marx brothers humour?
  • Is it cruel... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by OpCode42 ( 253084 ) on Tuesday November 13, 2001 @06:02AM (#2557728) Homepage
    Is it cruel to keep a giraffe as a pet?

    Even if you live in a tall house?

    Well, you said ask him anything...

  • Will you be in another evil dead movie?
  • Input into Scripts (Score:2, Interesting)

    by azaroth42 ( 458293 )
    How much input do you personally have into the scripts, in particular the TV shows (Xena, Hercules, Jack, etc)? Obviously you're in a masterclass of comedy timing and expressions, but are the words simply repeated from the Raimis' scripts or do you get to write them too?

    Hail to the King! :)

    -- Azaroth

  • I loved you in (among many others) "The Hudsucker Proxy." Any chance of you working with the Coen brothers again?
  • This past year a good friend to many in SF / Fantasy passed away. Gharlane of Eddor (a.k.a. David Potter), who's knowledge and breath of the subject was beyond encyclopedic, enjoyed all the shows that you were attached to, as in his words "Good yarns", and would go out of his way to let the world know that they were shows worth supporting. [1]
    He was a mentor in the arts of television crafts, story telling and nearly all things scientific.
    Would it be possible to return the favor, so to speak, in some Rami production? I don't know how much pull you would have with the insertion of a minor character - but it would be a nice homage to a man who educated quite a few people in many subjects, and really knew well produced TV when he saw it.
    Maybe have that starving actor who likes to hang around here play the part...

    1. This so happens to explain why the demographics in Northern CA have dropped by one.
  • My question(s) (Score:3, Interesting)

    by weslocke ( 240386 ) on Tuesday November 13, 2001 @09:40AM (#2558075)
    Considering how close you are to the Raimis, I was wondering how that relationship has affected you. Obviously Sam's reputation has grown at the same time as yours, however (and I'm sorry to say this) his reputation as a 'famous director/producer' has just shot like a bullet. This seems to have helped out your career... while the Evil Deads were the projects of all you guys, Sam's other projects have allowed you to step into parts (and even directing) more or less by calling up and saying "Hey, Sam...".

    How much does this bother you, though? We fans tend to hear things like, "A new Sam Raimi movie, eh? Wonder how big of a part he'll give Bruce Campbell and his brother Ted?" Or the people who just assume that you landed parts due to your friendship with him as opposed to getting them by your own merits. (Though according to your book, apparently friendship with Sam has its own price. If you guys haven't read it, there's an absolutely _GREAT_ story about a walk-on part in 'The Quick and the Dead' that was never used.)

    As a side note, I wish I could've met you at Gateway in St. Louis this past June. Not sure what the conflict was, but I had my book in hand ready. (However I did pick up Ted Raimi at the airport, so it wasn't a total loss. But still, Brisco wasn't there. Oh well.)


  • Would you be interested in auditioning for the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie, which is currently on indefinite hold due to the sad passing of DOuglas Adams?

    Do you see yourself more as Zaphod Beeblebrox, or Ford Prefect?
  • In the Xena episode where Xena's psyche controlled your body, how much fun was it kissing Gabrielle (Renee O'Connor)? Was it weird kissing a woman knowing that you were really playing a woman in a man's body ? Did you channel any special feminity in that scene ?
  • Being as well-known as you are, have you caught anyone going through your garbage (or other "Get away from me, you twisted freak" sort of things)

    And if not, do you wish someone would?

    And lastly, if they did would they find anything interesting? :^)
  • by geekoid ( 135745 ) <dadinportland@ y a h o o . c om> on Tuesday November 13, 2001 @12:20PM (#2559034) Homepage Journal
    How did you become so damn cool?
  • .. guys movies. Any movie Bruce is in, I will go see. there as may 3 actors whom I bestow that 'honor' on.
    I am forced to ask, once again, why somneone who acted the role of a fictional character is worth interviewing on a site devoted to nerds?
    Maybe if he did the interview in character as Ash, but that would really be unfair to Bruce as a person.

A language that doesn't have everything is actually easier to program in than some that do. -- Dennis M. Ritchie
