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GameCube Really And Truly For Sale 343

Several readers have submitted the news that the GameCube is now officially for sale. With the GameCube and Xbox newly on offer, and the still-amazing PlayStation2 still hanging on, and dirt-cheap, high-power PCs on every corner, it looks like the predicted deaths of both console and PC are still some ways off. On the whole, I'd rather have the Mandrake Gaming edition (mentioned previously) than a new console.
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GameCube Really And Truly For Sale

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  • me too! (Score:5, Funny)

    by Lord Omlette ( 124579 ) on Sunday November 18, 2001 @01:51PM (#2581445) Homepage
    I enjoy playing Pikmin on Mandrake gaming edition! I especially enjoy playing networked Super Monkey Ball on Mandrake gaming edition vs. people in the same room as me.
  • I'm gonna have to import one from america to lil' ol New Zealand. Any good american retailers for exporting them?
    • Can't swear about American companies (Tronix [] is my normal shop for US game purchases, though), but you can pick up a Japanese unit pre-modded to play US and Japanese games from Lik-Sang [] in Hong Kong for a very reasonable price. I've bought from them before, and although some of the cheaper products they sell can be a little shoddy (I wouldn't trust their step down converters as far as I could throw them after one caused my import PS2 to start smoking) they've tended to be prompt and very good for better quality kit.

      My personal approach has been to pick up the JP/US Gamecube from Lik-Sang, and the US software from Tronix, who are extremely prompt with delivery (took two days from US to UK by FedEx...)

  • Xbox thoughts (Score:3, Interesting)

    by CodeMonky ( 10675 ) on Sunday November 18, 2001 @01:57PM (#2581459) Homepage
    I got my hands on an xbox and halo and it is quite a nice system. The built in hd is great because you don't have to drop $$ on memory units, I did pick up the dolby digital adapter and halo and madden 2002 look and sound great (the crowd noise in madden is great).
    Halo is a great game, although control IS definately a little harder without my aswd and mouse that I'm used to. Its a shame the network play isn't ready (for both xbox and halo/madden).
    • You think you didn't already drop $$ on memory?

      Do you feel relieved when you buy PC's [], and don't have to buy the OS?

      • No, I don't think I already dropped the money for memory.

        Take the PS2 for instance.
        It retailed for $300 and that didn't include any method of storing your games. You had to buy a memory unit.
        Xbox is $300 and comes with 50000+ units of storage.
  • by trilucid ( 515316 ) <> on Sunday November 18, 2001 @02:05PM (#2581488) Homepage Journal

    "GameCube and Xbox newly on offer, and the still-amazing PlayStation2 still hanging on, and dirt-cheap, high-power PCs on every corner, it looks like the predicted deaths of both console and PC are still some ways off."

    Actually, in my mind at least, that's actually an indication of the problem(s) to come for hardware companies. The fact that high-powered systems are everywhere you look means the market will become saturated with "more of the same" at some point.

    Already, PC hardware manufacturers are facing vanishingly small profit margins (except for Apple, which always makes it a point to sell their stuff at a price that actually makes some money). Yeah, I know all the stuff about various tech leaders making sweeping statements about "never needing more than 640K of memory" and such, but we really are headed for a "meaningful speed" cap on this.

    The gaming market will probably be the last of the hardware sectors to really feel the crunch in this respect, because new games always drive hardware to the limits (unlike business apps, which run fine on my old P2-266). One could say that companies like Microsoft drive hardware with new (arguably bloated) OSes that require bigger & badder computers to run well, but even that has to stop at some point.

    Basically, there will be a point soon where even gaming consoles will all be "fast enough", which will mean bad news for hardware manufacturers until the "Next Big Thing" emerges to max out even cutting-edge stuff. Will it be "true virtual reality"? Who knows? I for one will be interested to see...

    • by dimator ( 71399 ) on Sunday November 18, 2001 @02:19PM (#2581515) Homepage Journal
      Basically, there will be a point soon where even gaming consoles will all be "fast enough"

      ...except that it has never been about hardware performance. If it was strictly about polygons and mip-mapping, then the PS1 would not have been competition for the N64, because PS1 games all looked like shit. It's about fun games, and blockbuster titles like MGS1, Gran Turismo, Zelda, Mario, etc., make or break a system, which is why console makers love to see "exclusively for XXX" so they can have an advantage over console YYY.
      • If it was strictly about polygons and mip-mapping, then the PS1 would not have been competition for the N64, because PS1 games all looked like shit.

        Even that isn't true. There are PS1 games that look as almost good as PC games: Crash Bandicoot 3, Crash Team Racing, Spyro the Dragon. Sure they don't look _quite_ as good as PC games, but the fact that they never ever crash or have driver problems is enough reason to buy a PS1 for $99.
    • Basically, there will be a point soon where even gaming consoles will all be "fast enough", which will mean bad news for hardware manufacturers until the "Next Big Thing" emerges to max out even cutting-edge stuff.

      Nah, I don't think so. When you drop $1500 on a new PC, a lear later you're usually thinking, "Yeah, this is fast enough," and you don't upgrade. Consoles, at ~$300, are not as much of a problem. Besides, at that price you can buy 3 consoles before buying one new "cheap" PC, or 5 consoles for the price of a "average" PC. That's alot of upgrading.

      I don't think that the "Next Big Thing" you mention will really change any of that. If a company figures out a way to make a cheap VR headset or something that could be sold at console prices, the same accessory will come out for the PC in successive months.

      But, truthfully, consoles ALWAYS have a "next big thing" type of advantage over PCs that no PC can duplicate at this point. Group entertainment (read: party) games just don't go over well on a 17" monitor (or a 22".) You need a couch, a big TV, etc. And honestly, everything besides RPG and strategy on a PC is boring to me because of the lack of a social aspect. I think games are just more fun to play when people can watch what you're doing without getting a neck cramp or having to pull chairs over to sit next to you so they can see what's going on.
    • by 90XDoubleSide ( 522791 ) <ninetyxdoublesid ... minus physicist> on Sunday November 18, 2001 @03:13PM (#2581655)
      "Fast enough" can be an issue for someone running a word processor and internet programs, but in graphics, it is very easy to require exponentially more processing power by increasing the level of detail, and lets face it, games have a long way to go in the level of detail area. For an example of how much power you need to do detailed 3D, look at Pixar's rendering farm. They have combined processing power of 1.5THz, 8TB of RAM, and 27TB of disk space, and it still takes them hours to render one frame.
  • Why would I need a specific OS for gaming when windows does gaming just fine, among other things. It's a bit of a pain to have to reboot to play games.
  • come on (Score:5, Insightful)

    by nomadic ( 141991 ) <> on Sunday November 18, 2001 @02:14PM (#2581510) Homepage

    On the whole, I'd rather have the Mandrake Gaming edition (mentioned previously) than a new console.

    No you wouldn't. Come on, admit it.
    • Re:come on (Score:2, Informative)

      by scottnews ( 237707 )
      For just $89 you can:

      Run popular Windows® games on Linux® with TransGaming Technologies®' portability layer.

      Seamlessly run many Windows games on Linux including:

      Baldur's GateTM
      Half-Life® Counterstrike
      and many others through TransGaming's subscription service.

      Or you could pay $72 to get a copy of WinME and run them natively without a subscription.
      • WinME creates problems with DOS games, being that it tries so hard to hide DOS from the user--even going so far as to have Autoexec.bat and Config.sys do nothing, while the "real" files were changed. Plus, all that System Restore crap that eats resources and space--there are ways to turn it off and reclaim your space, but why bother with that bloated cruft anyway?

        If you simply HAVE to have WinME, at least install it with 98lite from --it will let you keep Syetm Restore, Web Folders, and a thousand other pieces of bloat from ever getting installed. Despite some complainers who probably used it wrong, I have never had a problem with 98lite, and I use Windows in some very stressing ways.

        However, for most things--especially gaming, particularly if you want to run DOS games--Win98SE is better than WinME. WinME has more recent drivers, but any self-respecting computer user downloads the latest drivers for all their hardware from the vendors' websites anyway. Again, installed with 98lite, you can remove a lot of the unnecessary crap, making it more stable and dependable.

        I have no loyalty to Bill. I disapprove strongly of Microsoft's business practices. But I also am practical enough to use the right tool for the job, and if you want to game on PCs, that tool is Win9x. That will eventually change when newer games support only the Win2k/XP family, but for now, Win98SE or WinME (properly installed) are ideal. This is why I boot into Win98 for gaming, and have chosen Win98SE as the platform I'm going to use when I build an arcade machine a la MAME, but of course with multiple other non-MAME games available. My Win98SE machine can play all the newest PC titles, a few of which I actually have, almost all of the older PC titles going all the way back to early DOS, a lot of which I have (some of the oldest need a CPU slowdown program, but still run perfectly), most of the unique Mac games from the 68k days thanks to Basilisk II booting OS 8(B2 is also available primarily for Linux, but Linux won't run all those Windoze games, soo...), all the unique Linux games not requiring 3d acceleration thanks to VMware booting Linux Mandrake, all the unique BeOS games not requiring 3d acceleration thanks again to VMWare booting Be, most of the popular and many of the unpopular Playstaion 1 titles thanks to ePSXe and Bleem!, most of the best n64 games, SNES, NES, Genesis, 2600, etc. etc. games thanks to various good emulators, and of course the ubiquitous MAME for many many great arcade titles.

        Win98SE is the most versatile solution for gaming. Linux's Win32 compatibility layer will never be perfct, and thus the majority of Windows games will never be playable on Linux, whether a Gaming Edition or not. IMHO, unless someone goes in the opposite direction and finds a way to run Windows' actual Win32 layer on top of Linux, with hardware accelerated drivers and all, it's just throwing dust into the wind to expend effort on getting Windows games to run on Linux.

        If you hate Microsoft, pirate their OS for your gaming needs and have the best of all possible worlds--have the most compatible possible gaming machine, while not paying Microsoft anything, while having Linux for your real work. By all means, buy Linux games when and where available, to support gaming on Linux and try to help it become more viable and widespread. But don't deny yourself the world of games that will never play on Linux, even under emulation. You can if you want--but not me.
  • by Lumpy ( 12016 )
    I played the Xbox... didnt look or feel any different than my PS2.. and GT3 is a better game than gotham racing.

    Sony has one helluva head start on the two newcomers... WE'll see where things lie next year....

    My bets? Xbox goes the way the Jaguar went. It will die, but at least have better numbers than ATARI was possible of.
    nintendo? I hope they can do it, although someone needs to beat the engineer that though not using a standard dvd was a good idea over the head with several SNES machines. what moron in engineering or management thought it was a good idea to not have a feature that everyone else has?

    my first notice was the fact that the local stores still have Xboxes on the shelves.. funny, you couldnt get a PS2 for months after release, yet I could liesurely buy an Xbox.... anyone else notice this? or is it region specific?
    • It's definitely not the case in Northern Ohio. Both Gamecubes and XBoxen have sold out within the day and backorders for pre-orders are common.

    • Re:PS2 still rules. (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Richard5mith ( 209559 ) on Sunday November 18, 2001 @02:30PM (#2581541) Homepage
      I hate Gran Turismo. But anyway...

      No DVD in the GameCube allows them to be $100 cheaper than both the PS2 and the Xbox. That sounds like a good first reason for not having it. Secondly, they're marketing it as a GAMES machine, not a home-entertainment centre for your living room. And thirdly, Playstation 2 got off to a dreadful start in Japan because a ton of people bought them just as a cheap DVD player (which was somewhat of a rare thing in Japan at the time). That means they didn't buy games, the companies who created PS2 launch titles lost a fortune (like Namco) and Sony lost money too, because of course they make money from the game sales.

      Thats your other reason for no DVD in the GC. And also the reason why most Japanese developers are now happy to create games for all three consoles, instead of putting all their eggs in one basket and getting burnt again (like they did with the PS2, losing them money and killing the Dreamcast).
      • Cringely wrote an article [] back in March on why Nintendo stuck with cartridges for N64, and why they're using a proprietary mini-dvd for the Game Cube.
        The answer comes down to how Nintendo ran (and probably still runs) its distribution system in Japan. The system dates from Nintendo's days as a card game company, and in it, the wealth creation was tied to people at various levels in the complex system of middlemen buying more product than they could legitimately use.
        From what I gather, a proprietary media allows Nintendo to maintain its grip on the supply chain. By owning the supply chain, Nintendo can charge game publishers for each game produced, rather than each game sold to retail.
        No returns were allowed. And since masked ROMs had long manufacturing lead times and assembly caused delays, developers and publishers were encouraged to buy lots of cartridges lest they be stuck without stock if the game became a big hit. For Nintendo, the game was already a hit if an optimistic publisher could be persuaded to buy lots of cartridges. Except for the biggest of blockbuster hit games, it didn't matter to Nintendo's accounting department whether the game was good or not, or whether customers even bought it.
        Now, I'm not sure if that logic really translates to mini-dvd manufacturing, but Nintendo has always done it her way...

        One thing's for sure, the mini-dvd driver certainly wasn't an engineering decision.

      • "No DVD in the GameCube allows them to be $100 cheaper than both the PS2 and the Xbox. "

        Nice, but completely wrong. No DVD movie ability basically saves them $20 in licensing fees (Which on the Xbox the consumer has to pay anyway by purchasing a special remote). Also, something you might have forgotten. Sony makes money whether you buy DVD movies OR PS2 games.
      • No DVD in the GameCube allows them to be $100 cheaper than both the PS2 and the Xbox.

        More likely the $100 difference is from no hard drive and no Ethernet.

        This isn't a bad thing: the XBox hard drive seems to me like it could be the source of all kinds of problems when it a) gets filled up b) gets fragmented c) fails or gets corrupted d) gets used to patch games that were released broken. I couild be wrong, but I'm certainly waiting to see before I buy.

        Ethernet would have been cool, but OTOH, I have the Ethernet card for my Dreamcast and have never hooked it up.

        Jon Acheson
    • tsk tsk, remember Nintendo isn't that much of a newcomer. It has over a decade of fans and players. They also have prior contracts and sequels the can do for a little while longer. Look and Mario, Luigi, Zelda, Pokemon (lord help me) and other popular characters that Nintendo that has as household names.

      I'd say the cube and ps2 are on the level, except the ps2 has been out a little longer while nintendo corp has a good history going. After all, the ps2 and dreamcast didn't make the n64 go away or anywhere and vice versa. Sega just couldn't keep up a good fanbase nor release a good set of games. Well, at least not like it did in the old days :)

      • What I never understood was why nintendo allowed all of their other fantastic characters like metroid and kid icarus from the NES and SNES days on to the N64 and the new game cube. I loved those games and they have so much potential to make a really cool game (or series of games). I know I'd buy a game cube when it comes out here in europe for a chance to play new metroid. Until then it's me and my dreamcast.
    • Re:PS2 still rules. (Score:3, Informative)

      by zephc ( 225327 )
      although someone needs to beat the engineer that though not using a standard dvd was a good idea over the head with several SNES machines. what moron in engineering or management thought it was a good idea to not have a feature that everyone else has?

      It was a management decision. Any engineer(ing team) that could design the GC would want a full DVD player in it. Just wait for the Panasonic GC with full DVD capability, if you dont already have multiple DVD players in your house. They used the miniature size so that the DVD couldnt be duplicated to a standard DVD and still FIT in the GC (that's my guess anyway)
    • by cybrthng ( 22291 )
      Even if Xbox goes where Jaguar and NeoGeo went, It will have some awesome games to go along with it.

      I don't know what is up with "fanboys" and console loyalty, but to me, it is about the fun and the games.

      I will buy and Xbox, and i'll get my nephew a GameCube, i have no interestd in Pokeman or Mario, i played that back in the 80's when it was fun for me, kind of burned out on that.

      People will buy whatever they want, but it is way to early to forecast the death of anything. People say the DC died a horrible death, but it still chugs along. Most stores have long since wiped out the N64 shelves or have moved on to used games only, but even out here in Amishville they carry a great selection of DC games as well as every new release..

      buy what you want, but no one is right. Jaguar has some awesome games. And as far as people missing the bandwagon, thats what it appears to me as.
      • Yes the Jaguar did. Bought the system for Tempest 2000 and Alien vs Predator. Still play them and they are still good. Wonder why nobody has ported AvsP to newer systems in the form that exists for the Jag? It was a great game.
    • PlayStation 2 will still rule at least this Christmas because they finally have the killer app games that really show off the system: Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec, Metal Gear Solid 2, Madden NFL 2002, and coming early next year Final Fantasy X.

      Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec is right now the coolest driving game I've ever played, especially if you can get the optional Logitech steering wheel/pedal controller.

      I'm hoping that Konami releases a PS2-specific version of Dance Dance Revolution soon. :)
    • Re:PS2 still rules. (Score:2, Informative)

      by jx100 ( 453615 )
      The GOD (Gamecube Optical Disc) was actually partilally chosen by Shigeru Miyamoto (Nintendo's head game designer) and was based on other factors besides the ability to copy. Miyamoto hates load time. That's part of the reason for stcking with cartrige for the n64. The GOD has much less load time than a DVD or a CD because of the reduced mass. The drive doesn't have to move as far compared to a full-size DVD or CD. And space limitations are not a real concern, as the disc hold 1.5 GB. Yes, this is comsiderably less than a DVD (4.7 GB sl/ss) however games will not really need all of that space (unless ithe disc has a lot of media, like FMV or voice) If 1.5 GB isn't enough, the developer can always add another disc.
    • My bets? Xbox goes the way the Jaguar went. It will die, but at least have better numbers than ATARI was possible of. '

      Of the XBox failes (not likely) it will be more of type of failure the Dreamcast had. A big buzz at release and a quick fade with a remaining and steady fanbase.

      It isn't even SANE to think the Xbox will fail in any way similar to the Jaguar.

      The Jaguar wasn't even truely 64 bit, had a horrid selection of first and third party games, had hardware that was very similar to the already ancient SNES, and had a price-tag in the area getting close to the vastly superior NeoGeo.

      No games. Crappy Hardware. No fanbase. High Price. Atari's 64 Bit Gagwire. Do the math.

      The XBox may not dominate. If any one of the three dominate, it will probably be the Playstation 2 simply because it's already situated well in the market. But I doubt even the PSY will dominate any more than the XBox will fail.

      Me personally, I'm investing more into building up a Gamecube game library, then buying Xbox and PSX/Y titles on a see-them-as-they-come basis. Well, really, I do that with every system, but I already have a larger list of "I-gotta-get-it" titles for the Gamecube -- and none of THOSE are even out yet.
    • by erasmus_ ( 119185 )
      So basically you're interpreting the fact that Microsoft did a better job with manufacturing and distribution to mean that their console is inferior. I think that's really good logic - Sony made less units initially (with many problems leading to recalls, I might add), so b/c it was hard to buy one, it must be better. Right. Go read the Wired article [] about the mfg of the Xbox to get a better insight as to why there are plenty of units available to those who want them.
    • I hope they can do it, although someone needs to beat the engineer that though not using a standard dvd was a good idea over the head with several SNES machines. what moron in engineering or management thought it was a good idea to not have a feature that everyone else has?

      First off, Nintendo is very careful to make money off everything they do ... so, if Sony sells 100 million PS2s (losing $ on consoles but making it on games), and Nintendo sells 25 million gamecubes (making $ on consoles and games), they both make the same amount of money.

      Secondly, (I have to say this because everybody criticizes the gamecube for this) the gamecube is mostly targeted towards little kids, who don't really care that much about whether or not they have a dvd player. They care about Pokemon. Nintendo will battle in the older demographic but are unlikely to dominate except among hardcore fans of their systems and games (like me :) ).

      Third, the gamecube is really really tiny and I'm not sure if they could have fit everything in with full size dvd's :)

      Finally, since it's $100 cheaper than the other consoles at the moment, you can go out and buy a totally separate dvd player with that money. :)

  • A thought (Score:3, Interesting)

    by forgoil ( 104808 ) on Sunday November 18, 2001 @02:31PM (#2581545) Homepage
    PCs really took off when there became many different manufacturers. Wouldn't it be great if many manufacturers could make the same gaming console? Had to have the same specs and such, so all games would work, but it would definitly be very interesting never the less.
    • Actually, this is happening with the GameCube. Panasonic is making a hybrid GameCube system [] that also functions as a DVD player. I'm sure more will follow, although whether these make it to the US or not, I don't know. But this is evidence that Nintendo is open to the idea you mention.
    • Not really a good idea. The strength of the PC market is that different companies can try different ways to make "their" vision of a PC better. By way of being cheaper, faster, etc. And the result is that you have a hundred slightly different platforms and are constrained to using high level APIs to interface with the hardware. The big advantage of consoles is that you have a single specific target to aim at. You can tune your application to deal with the specific strengths of the console, you can avoid the specific weaknesses. As a developer you don't want there to be different versions of the same platform. You need to know exactly how your hardware behaves. Sure there are going to be revisions, but they are typically going to involve minor upgrades or just a matter of throwing out the old and bringing in the new.
      • Not different systems (as far as the software is concerned), but different manufacturers. A well specified API/performace spec would mean all of them can make the same software work, but add different nifty things. Maybe better AA, the possibility to play the games in HDTV resolution and really getting it to work, double as other kinds of devices, built in the TV, toaster, lawnmover, pacemaker. There are tons of stuff they can do without having to run different software.
  • Linux != Gaming (Score:5, Insightful)

    by EchoMirage ( 29419 ) on Sunday November 18, 2001 @02:32PM (#2581546)
    On the whole, I'd rather have the Mandrake Gaming edition (mentioned previously) than a new console.

    This is humping Linux for Linux' sake, but of course, it's FUD. Linux is not a gaming platform - we've seen a plethora of evidence for this. The Linux gaming companies can't turn sustained profits, games get released months (sometimes years) after their other-platform counterparts, and support is sketchy, at best.

    Timothy saying he'd rather have M:GE instead of a GameCube would be like me saying I'd rather use my bicycle to travel from LA to Boston instead of taking a plane. Sure they both serve essentially the same function, but one is more practical in an exponentially more obvious way.

    If you're going to parade Linux around, at least do so intelligently in markets where it actually has the edge.
    • Eh, I don't really care about what is or isn't (considered) a "gaming platform" -- the Mandrake release sounds interesting because it would let me play with a computer game that looks sort of interesting (the Sims) without paying for either a new piece of hardware (console) or another OS (some variety of Windows). I've seen screenshots from the Sims, and I know a lot of people are fascinated by it, but I've never played, myself. Since I'm likely to buy a boxed Mandrake 8.1 anyhow, the price difference isn't much, making it much more tempting as an experiment.

      Re: "markets where it actually has the edge," I'm not saying that you should want to buy the Mandrake gaming edition, or anything else. I like fireworks, Honda Goldwings, and Korean food, among other things -- if you prefer to spend your money and attention on things I don't like, well ... OK, that's your choice to make. Since Linux is for the moment at least my OS of choice, games that run under Linux have the edge in my one-person market.

      Maybe one day I'll care enough to buy a game console, but so far and for the most part the actual games leave me cold. Tastes vary, situations are complex, etc.

      And really, it was an offhand (but truthful) statement of preference, not a demand that anyone else agree. Chill :)

      • by Anonymous Coward
        It was lame and sad.

        Besides making you look like an idiot, it also reminded everyone who reads the story, for no reason at all, that GNU\Linux is a joke of a game platform when compared to the GameCube.
      • Is the mnadrake gaming edition different from the regular versionf of the Sims? I.e, does Mandrake 8 Gaming Edition =

        1. Mandrake + Ordinary Version of Sims + Transgaming WineX

        2. Mandrake + WienX Winelib compiled version of the Sims?

        I've heard reports that 2 is the case. If so can I play this version of the Sims on other distros? Can I obtain it seperately from Mandake?
    • Just for your information. FUD stands for "Fear", "Uncertainty" and "Doubt". A good essay on its use and history can be found here []. Cheers
    • Linux is not a gaming platform - we've seen a plethora of evidence for this.

      FYI: The developers kit for the PS2 (The 'Tool' box) runs Linux. PS2 home kits now can run Linux. More importantly - most consoles are evolving to a cross-platform development model. You can take a decently programmed PC game and get it to run on an Xbox and GameCube with only a bit of fuss (If you don't need a bunch of storage on the GameCube.)
    • Timothy saying he'd rather have M:GE instead of a GameCube would be like me saying I'd rather use my bicycle to travel from LA to Boston instead of taking a plane.

      Mandrake Gaming Edition on the laptop a fellow already owns takes up less physical space than a GameCube console and a TV. It also costs less than a GameCube console and a TV.

      (I bought a GameCube because I'm not as space-constrained as some college students.)

  • I didn't buy a nintendo 64. I purchased a playstation after it had been out for 3 years (my Sega CD kept me content until then). Although I have dozens of games, I don't really get around to playing them. I have arrived at the conclusion that I just don't have very much time anymore for the long, complex RPGs that used to eat up my time. Even though playstation 1/2 and X-box games might be more "mature" than N64 and gamecube games, I find myself having more fun with nintendo games in general.

    Also, I've had too many troubles with hard drives in the past and don't wish to introduce another one into my life. Are hard drives the most failure-prone component in computer systems?
  • I went to BestBuy here in Austin [] right after it opened today. They had plenty (30-40) available. I thought about buying an extra to sell on eBay, but then I figured I'd just get stuck with it and have to sell at a loss, since Nintendo seems to be able to get these things out the door. I went up to GameSpot yesterday to check out the XBox, and the game I saw (don't know the name, but it was some sort of futuristic Mario Kart) looked like the Playstation 1 games I used to have. And the XBox controller sucked. So that sort of reconfirmed my decision to buy a GameCube (cheaper, Rogue Squadron, Pikimin).

    I got three games, a 3rd-pary controller, and a memory card.

    • Luigi's Mansion - seems like fun, in the spirit of Super Mario 64, but just got it
    • Super Monkey Ball - haven't unwrapped, but I wanted a 4-person multiplayer game
    • Star Wars Rogue Squadron - This game has amazing graphic! The gameplay is similar to Rogue Squadron for the N64, but the grafx are much, much better, even in "Hi-res" N64 mode with the video memory pack.
    I would say the GameCube is a no-brainer. Oh, and it's pretty easy to find XBox's in Austin, so I'm guessing XBox will flop. Only because I hate buying the "wrong" video game system. (Genesis vs SNES, N64 vs PS1, Dreamcast vs PS2)
    • I think you're right about the XBox flopping, but what was the logic here?

      Oh, and it's pretty easy to find XBox's in Austin, so I'm guessing XBox will flop

      You opened by saying that it was really easy to find a GameCube in Austin too. What does that say about the GameCube?
    • Are you on crack?

      I have yet to see an Xbox game look like a PS1 game. I have yet to see a store anywhere that has an Xbox on the shelf right now as well.

      Luigi's mansion "seems like fun"
      Super MonkeyBall "havn't unrwapped"
      Star was "seens the same as the n64 game"

      Buddy, it seems as if you bought the "wrong" video game system.

      Dreamcast is awesome, your just missing out on some great gaminng if you didn't buy one. Xbox is awesome to, it will have Shenmue 2 of which i'm buying an Xbox for.

      PS2 is nice, but i'm not a fan of really any games out for it, i got bored of Gran Tourismo on the PS1 so why would i fork over 50 bucks for a rehashed version?

      Gamecube will sell, but there is no "wrong" console as they all have games.

      Dreamcast has 300 titles alone, not including jap releases. Sonic, Sonic 2, Crazy Taxi, Shenmue, Virtua Tennis, NFL2k1, NBA2k1, Unreal Tournament, Quake 3 Arena, Jet Grind Radio, House of the Dead, Sould Calibur, Rayman 2, Mr Driller, 18 Wheeler, Phantasy Star Online, Sega Bass Fishing, Seaman, Samba De Amigo, and much much more are reasons i have a dreamcast. And each console has its own similar reasons.
  • by MA17 ( 309062 )
    The GameCube is almost everything I could ask for in a console; it's purple, and it's a cube. If only it had electicity arcing all over it and said "Warning: Incoming Game" when I turned it on, then it would be THE last word in console systems.

    I love ReBoot by the way, maybe I shouldn't but maybe you should.
  • from the if-you-care dept.

    Is it just me, or is timothy getting irritating with his insulting the very content he posts? If it's such awful news, or so pointless, why post it? And if it's worth posting, why put snide remarks in for the "department" and throughout the post?

    Leave the snide remarks to us visitors. :)

  • Do your research (Score:2, Informative)

    by hyyx ( 447405 )
    [from the article]:

    "By contrast, both Sony and Microsoft are positioning their boxes as the foundation for home entertainment systems. The Xbox has a built-in hard drive and high-speed Internet port, and the PlayStation 2 will soon have both through external adapters... Nintendo wanted to keep the GameCube price low and keep the audience focused on the games, analysts said."

    The Gamecube _does_ have add-on components for dial-up and broadband connectivity. I think it's smart to have these features as an add-on for everyone who may/not want a wired box. This has been announced for some time now:

    modem adapter: jsp []
    broadband adapter: and.jsp []
  • Consoles with OS's (Score:3, Insightful)

    by JollyTX ( 103289 ) on Sunday November 18, 2001 @04:17PM (#2581835)
    I don't want consoles with operating systems, dvd players, harddisks, web browsers. That's what PC's are for. When I fire up my PS1 or N64, I expect them to load the games quickly, without crashes.

    I think it's a good thing that the gamecube doesn't have these things. "Do one thing, and do it well".

    And btw, Zelda 64 is the greatest game ever. ;)
    • by Osty ( 16825 )

      I don't want consoles with operating systems, dvd players, harddisks, web browsers. That's what PC's are for. When I fire up my PS1 or N64, I expect them to load the games quickly, without crashes.

      First and foremost, I've not had my XBox crash yet. Also, I don't expect it to crash any time soon, either. But believe what you will.

      Consoles have had on-board "operating systems" for a while, now. Especially any console that uses CDs (though the old Sega Master System had a built-in game that would fire up if you turned it on without a cart). These on-board OSes are typically used for playing music CDs and managing memory cards. As far as DVD players go, what do you want instead? More low-capacity CD-ROM's? Some proprietary CD-ROM hack (like Dreamcast)? Or the coming standard of DVD? With the latter, at least you get high capacity (4.5GB per XBox game, for instance) and cheap production (because you can leverage existing DVD presses). Actually playing DVD movies is only optional, as with the XBox (it costs money to get a license, for CSS decoding for instance, and there's no point including that in the box itself unless you're aiming to be a DVD player. so make an addon, let anyone who wants to play DVDs buy that.) A hard disk is a good addition, imho, if only because it lets me save money on memory cards (I don't carry my memory cards to other people's consoles, so I don't care if the storage is local to my machine). Plus, it opens up the door for programming tricks like caching level data on disk rather than streaming it from DVD (no console has enough RAM to cache in RAM), thus decreasing load times and allowing for much larger levels. And finally, web browsers. Well, I'll agree with you there. But then again, if you're going to provide online capabilities for your console (Dreamcasts's built-in modem or XBox's built-in ethernet -- add-on's for PS2 and GC don't count, as no peripheral has ever been bought by more than 10% of a console's owners), you may as well give the users something to do with it until games exist that take advantage.

      Where launch times are concerned, I've noticed that my XBox launches games much faster than my Dreamcast or PS1 (mainly because I don't have to sit through the Sony bios splash or the Sega bios splash). All I do is hit the eject button (thus turning on the system and instantly bringing up the menu, after an XBox splash), put in the DVD (in the process of getting the DVD out of the box and putting it in the tray, the XBox splash is done and it's waiting patiently at the menu), and close the drive. The game spins up in a second or two, and then it starts. Some games, like NFL Fever 2002 take the first boot to write some files to the hard disk, but this only takes a minute or so, and is well worth it afterwards -- NFL Fever 2002 only takes a scant few seconds to get to the "Press Start" screen after the first time running it. (and no, you don't have to reboot your XBox after NFL Fever installs files to the disk.) Anyway, comparing to N64 is a red herring, because you're talking about a cartridge system versus CD or DVD-based systems (Dreamcast, PS2, XBox, Gamecube). There's going to be lag time

    • Absolutely! I'd never get a 3D graphics card for my PC - who wants to play games on a PC? That's what consoles are for! My PC is for installing operating systems & hard disks into, with a bit of web browsing. Oh, and for crashing & loading things slowly.

      I'm also steering clear of TV tuner cards(convergence? who needs it), high-quality audio cards (that's what studios are for), DVD writers (hooray for Hollywood), recklessly fast CPUs & excessive memory - my PC is for web browsing.. ok, between you & me, I use it for email too, somtimes.

      I think it's a scandal that these things are even offered for PCs. Don't people realise that they're not what PCs are about? Just do web browsing & do it well, I say. Everything else just distracts from a PC's true focus!

    • I couldn't agree more. Beyond the simple pleasure of hitting GO and playing within 30 seconds, theres the fact that all the NON techie people I know remember the Sega and Atari machines with fondness and stil use them, whereas they found the PC they bought soon started crashing, having problems with speed, and new games wouldn't work.

      I think Nintendo have got the market sussed. I've got a DVD player - I dont need another. I'd bet most people are in the same boat - especially in a family setting where Dad wants to watch his work out DVDs and little Jimmy wants to play a game having it all happen in one machine sucks.

      Remember - the world doesn't all live alone!

      The Nintendo machine seems to be a TV game, rather than a next gen console to most people. This makes it MORE appealing, not less. And the wee plumber is so cute! And Yoshi! dont forget the power of Yoshi!
  • Couple Observations (Score:4, Informative)

    by creep ( 150035 ) on Sunday November 18, 2001 @04:23PM (#2581847)
    I hopped in line at my local Wal-Mart at about 9:00 PM. They had 92 systems; I was number 52. Aside from the employee who messed up and started handing out tickets from the end of the roll when he got to me, I am a supremely happy camper and extremely pleased with the GameCube.

    A few observations:

    • The console setup menus look a lot cooler than the PS2 (I've not seen the X-box's yet)
    • If you've not yet held the controller, just let me warn you that it will be hard to put it down. It is the single-most ergonomically-pleasing controller I've ever held (maybe that is because I have average size hands, but it is way nice).
    • Rogue Leader just flat out rocks, no two ways about it.
    I am totally pleased I bought a 'Cube, now I can't wait for Super Smash Bros. Melee to come out for it.
  • by WWWWolf ( 2428 ) <> on Sunday November 18, 2001 @04:28PM (#2581858) Homepage


    "XBox Released" to "Blah, it just happened - who cares?"


    "GameCube Really And Truly For Sale" ... to "The day when our Lord and Savior shall return has come!"

    Somehow, I get the impression that Slashdot is somewhat biased towards one of these systems =)

    Anyway, I hope the console market will find a good direction too... and at least my sister will shut up when GC comes to Europe and she'll be able to get one =)

    (And remember, verily, we shall speak like Shakespeare, for ever and ever...)

  • If people were paying attn to Nintendo, they might have known the systems, as the slashdot title suggests, were on sale a little earlier in some places. Two of my friends got one. One got one off of a voucher, found out they had extra since no one was asking, and told me and another friend. He got one, I'm gonna wait a little while when I can afford it.
  • I went to Media Play at 7 this morning. They told me that they would have 20 cubes and would open at 8. They opened at 9 and had 32 cubes. They didn't even sell them all at 9. Bought the system, luigi's mansion, and memory card. Going to buy smash bros. and another controller when the time comes.
    Basically Luigi's mansion is great, it's very similar to all the 64 games like DK64, and Mario 64. The controller is great, the Z button is the only slight problem, but the L and R buttons make up for this in a big way. All analog buttons should be like that. Overall the cube kicks ass. It's really really small too. Incredibly convenient, powerful, I gotta go play some more of that. And uplink too.
  • I found myself at my local CompUSA this morning looking for inkjet cartridges when it opened .... they were handing out numbers at the door nd when they ran out people were pissed ....
  • I bought my next console system and portable gaming device yesterday. A Nintendo 64 (+ 2nd controller and game) for A$20 and a Sega Game Gear (+ 3 games) for A$10. I've now got a whole new couple of platforms to find interesting titles for. And heck, down here in Australia the N64 is Nintendo's current offering through to the first half of next year some time. (When I can start hitting the bargain bins.)
  • Went looking for early Gamecubes on Sat and did not have any luck. Heard a lot about XBox though.

    Saw a number of display areas with Xbox turned way up, and PS2 off. Go figure.

    Target had them opening day (of course) they handed out numbers so people would know if they were getting one or not. 45 people in line for Gamecube avg. age 20 something sales person told me there were about 8 for Xbox. Could be the neighborhood, but on Sat, there were many Xbox units for sale.

    Target was giving away free game seats with your Gamecube purchase. They had the Xbox logo on them.

If you do something right once, someone will ask you to do it again.
