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Star Trek: Nemesis Gets the Go Signal 395

PatJensen writes "Star Trek TNG: Nemesis, the 10th Star Trek movie gets the green light from Paramount today. It will be directed by Stuart Baird, who did Executive Decision, US Marshals and Tomb Raider. Looks to be pretty action packed. Digital Domain (LOTR, Titanic) will be doing the SFX. The movie seems to be based around Romulan conflict with the Federation. " Can't be as bad as Insurrection. At least, I hope not. BTW the first movie is out on DVD now and they did a pretty good job with the re-release.
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Star Trek: Nemesis Gets the Go Signal

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  • Directing... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Raleel ( 30913 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @10:20AM (#2636396)
    I think that Jonathon Frakes is actually a pretty solid director, as is LeVar Burton. I look back on my favorite episodes and those guys did most of them...
  • by jmahler ( 192217 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @10:20AM (#2636397) Homepage
    so it CAN'T be too bad. :)

    besides, the romulans are, as they say, bad ass. Could actually be good!

    (fingers seriously crossed)
    • by ( 13833 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @10:58AM (#2636685) Homepage

      let's run them down, shall we? plot writeups and ratings by leonard maltin, quoted from IMDB.

      1. star trek: the motion picture. "The crew of the Enterprise is reunited to combat a lethal force field headed toward Earth. Slow, talky, and derivative, somewhat redeemed by terrific special effects and majestic Jerry Goldsmith score; still, mainly for purists." RATING: 2.5 stars.
      2. star trek: the wrath of khan. "Kirk and the Enterprise crew must do battle with the nefarious villain of 1967's ``Space Seed'' episode. A bit hokey and pretentious at times, but a likable adventure overall, with nice touches of warmth and humor." RATING: 3 stars.
      3. star trek iii: the search for spock. "Picking up where #2 left off, Kirk reassembles his crew and shanghais the Enterprise to try and rescue Spock--in whatever form he may still be alive--while both he and the rapidly destructing Genesis Planet are endangered by a Klingon warship (led by Lloyd, in an ineffectual performance). Subdued sci-fi outing very much in keeping with tone of the original TV series... and therefore, recommended most heartily to Star Trek fans." RATING: 3 stars.
      4. star trek iv: the voyage home. "The Enterprise crew takes a sharp left turn toward comedy in this uncharacteristic--and very entertaining--movie. Story has the familiar characters time-traveling back to the 20th century in order to save the Earth of the future, with the help of some humpback whales. Sheer novelty of the comic tone excuses some forays into the obvious; it's all in fun." RATING: 3.5 stars.
      5. star trek v: the final frontier. "The Enterprise crew takes off on an emergency mission when an apparent madman takes over a distant planet and holds its interstellar ambassadors hostage; his motives, however, turn out to be anything but terroristic. Dramatically shaky trek starts off with a case of the cutes, and gets worse before it (finally) gets better. A weak entry in the series. Shatner's feature-film directing debut; he also shares story credit." RATING: 2 stars.
      6. star trek vi: the undiscovered country. "The Enterprise crew is assigned to negotiate truce with Klingon leader, only to fall prey to a trap set by one of his renegade cohorts (Plummer, in a deliciously flamboyant performance). Entertaining saga cowritten by director Meyer. Nimoy helped concoct the story and also executive produced." RATING: 3 stars.
      7. star trek: generations. "The old guard gives way to the new, as Capt. Kirk (Shatner) passes the baton to a new Starfleet commander, Capt. Picard (Stewart). Episodic adventure yarn plays like an elongated segment of the Next Generation TV series; not inspired, perhaps, but entertaining just the same, with some impressive special effects. Oddly enough, the weakest segment is the climactic teaming of Picard and Kirk, which seems like a leftover from an old Saturday matinee serial. Whoopi Goldberg appears unbilled as Guinan." RATING: 3 stars.
      8. star trek: first contact. "Capt. Picard lives his worst nightmare as the villainous Borg (who almost overtook him in a two-part TV episode) land on earth with domination their goal. The solution: the crew travels back in time to 2063 to make sure a cockeyed scientist (Cromwell) fulfills his role in history with a precedent-setting rocket flight. Story goes on a bit, following two concurrent threads, but series fans will have no complaints. Krige is a standout as the seductive Borg Queen. Feature directing debut for Frakes, better known as Riker." RATING: 3 stars.
      9. star trek: insurrection. "Good entry in the long-running series has the crew befriending the eternally youthful residents of a Shangri-La-like planet whose existence is threatened by the vengeful Ru'afo (Abraham). Picard (Stewart) even has a dalliance with one of the women there (Murphy). Reliably entertaining for Star Trek fans." RATING: 3 stars.
      10. star trek: nemesis - ?

      looks pretty random to me.

      • Yes, it's random if you listen to Leonard Maltin (a particularly poor movie critic). But if you ask the average Star Trek fan, they'll tell you that the Wrath of Khan was a LOT better than The Motion Picture (most of my friends can't sit through ST:1, but we all love ST:2), that The Voyage Home was MUCH more fun to watch than The Search for Spock, and that the Undiscovered Country was a heads and shoulders above The Final Frontier. I don't even understand how Maltin can put these movies so close together in their ratings - 2, 4, and 6 really captured the feel of the original series, with camraderie and action, while 1, 3, and 5, were like stupid versions of the Next Generation, trying to be intelligent but completely failing.
      • by hardburn ( 141468 ) <<hardburn> <at> <>> on Friday November 30, 2001 @11:14AM (#2636777)

        Capt. Kirk (Shatner) passes the baton to a new Starfleet commander, Capt. Picard (Stewart).

        That scene sucked. In Star Trek V, he said he knew he would die alone. Checking "Generations" again . . . nope, Picard was standing right there when he died.

        Then Shatner has to go and write some stupid books about it, bring Kirk back to life after "Generations" took place, then "die alone" (as he was supposed to) while having the arrogance to destroy the entire Borg collective, then writing another book after "Insurrection", bring back Kirk AGAIN, and saying "no, I didn't destroy the Borg, that was just a small section of the collective". Uggg.

      • by denzo ( 113290 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @12:06PM (#2637084)
        Generally based on Maltin's ratings, here is the empirical formula to a successful new Star Trek movie:

        • Directed by Frakes.
        • Story and executive production by Nimoy.
        • Keep Shatner the heck away from the set.
        • Keep it fast and not too much dialog.
        • Bring in Whoopi again.
        • Throw in some Klingons and Borg.
        • Music by Jerry Goldsmith.
        • What about Q?
        • And at last but not least, for the last half of the movie, turn it into a comedy where the crew goes back to the 20th Century with the help of dolphins and Lassie to help save Wil Wheaton's career by coercing him not to accept the role in the series. Suddenly, a disruption in the time-space continuoum causes Richard Simmons to suddenly replace Wil Wheaton in all the series and movies, and the whole thing was just an aerobic workout video to begin with.
        What do you think? ;)
      • plot writeups and ratings by leonard maltin, quoted from IMDB.

        More proof that Maltin's reviews are worthless. My ranking of the Star Trek movies:
        • ST2:TWoK
        • ST4:TVH
        • ST8:FC
        • ST1:TMP
        • ST3:TSFS
        • ST6:UC
        • ST9:I
        • ST7:G
        • ST5:TFF

        My TOS bias really comes out here, although I found FC to be a very entertaining film. It was the most accessable of the TNG based films for non-TNG fans.

        Generations was a rotten TV episode translated to the big screen. The plot was weak, the script was worse (coudln't they rewrite the opening scene after Nimoy and Kelly took a pass on this piece of shit), assumed the audience had seen every episode of TNG (who were the Klingon chicks with the tits?), and killed Kirk off in a rather lame manner. I had no problem with the man dying, but he desrved better.

        I would have ranked Generations dead last, but
        Shatner did his best to do his worst.

      • 1=2.5

        So the average for ODD movies is 2.6 and EVEN movies it is 3.2

        The WORST movie was an ODD (2) one and the best was an EVEN (3.5).

        To top it all off there is NEVER the case that a ODD movie is followed by and EVEN movie with a LOWER score, nor an EVEN movie followed by an ODD movie with a higher score, so the curse exists. ;)

    • This is very true, if your a true trekie, you know that the odd numbered movies sucked!!

      so, it CAN'T be TOOOOO bad
  • by imac.usr ( 58845 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @10:21AM (#2636407) Homepage
    That film was made by Simon "I haven't got a fucking clue as to how to edit a close-in action scene" West [], the luminary genius behind "Con Air".

    Note that he's scheduled to direct the feature-film adaptation of "The Prisoner" as well. God help fans of the original series.

    He, Akiva Goldsman, and Nora Ephron should all be made part of the cast of the next "Survivor" series so that they can't do any more damage in Hollywood for at least a year or so.
  • Romulans (Score:4, Insightful)

    by digitalsushi ( 137809 ) <> on Friday November 30, 2001 @10:21AM (#2636408) Journal
    Finally.. we had to wait til the 10th movie to finally arrive at the one with the Romulans. They've been saving them as a plot for... forever. And, its an even numbered flick, so its probably inevitable that this movie is going to be very, very good.

    "Captain Picard and Commander Data. Oh, and those other guys too."
    • It has been said that this will be the last "The Next Generation" movie, so I'm not surprised that they kept this one in the bag.
  • by Zigg ( 64962 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @10:21AM (#2636409)

    I beg to differ. Insurrection was very good. It made sense. It was entertaining. And watching Data's head float around was cool :-)

    If you want a bad recent ST movie, try First Contact. Absolutely destroyed the Borg mythos in one fell swoop.

    • first contact was a good movie, and it did not destroy anything about the borg...they still exist you know...each cube is a hive and each hive has a "Queen" this just so happened to be the hive that Picard was captured and assimilated into before the entire federation fleet was destroyed at the battle of "wolf(can't remember the name)"
      • Sort of. The only misconception you've got is that *all* of the borg is one singular hive, with a single queen as the "avatar" of that hive mind.

        I've got to wonder what makes Humans so facinating for the Borg, though... maybe it's that "evolve into higher beings" thing...
    • -1, Opinion Differs From Collective
  • by gorsh ( 75930 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @10:22AM (#2636416)
    Although he was a producer and uncredited editor on the film.
  • by Havokmon ( 89874 ) <rick@havokm o n . c om> on Friday November 30, 2001 @10:23AM (#2636421) Homepage Journal
    "BTW the first movie is out on DVD now and they did a pretty good job with the re-release."

    You mean now the WHOLE 2 hour jouney of spock flying through V'Ger is in there? COOL!
  • by nocent ( 71113 )
    Someone should start a petition to bring back Wil Wheaton for this ST:TNG movie. Reading this interview [] gave me a much better impression of him.

    Plus, he played for EFF [] on The Weakest Link!

    • Actually, I think I saw a blurb on [] mentioning that he was talking with them about being in it...
    • Someone should start a petition to bring back Wil Wheaton for this ST:TNG movie...

      God! Nobody will ever accuse trekkies of not being fickle!
    • by Foochar ( 129133 ) <> on Friday November 30, 2001 @10:38AM (#2636549) Journal
      According to a statement made by Wil Wheaton at []he will have at least a small role in the movie. is down at the moment so here is what I can recal from his comments. When they taped The Weakest Link episdoe Wil made a comment to Levar Burton about wanting to come back and give the character some closure, but that he didn't feel like Rick Berman and the other producers liked him. Apparently Levar went to bat for Wil because they decided to give him at least a small role. According to Wil he has been fitted for a uniform and has possesion of a script with the confidential stamped in red on the top every page. I would provide links to wil's site, but for some reason Wil has had to put the moose back out front again.
      • Why a uniform, he would be returning from his experiences with the traveler...I would think he should be a guest not a crew member
        • I think his comment was uniform. Like I said wil has the moose out front so I can't check. He may have said costume or outfit or something like that and not uniform, I can't be 100% sure though. One RUMOR that I have heard bandied about is that there is going to be a wedding and that he may be a guest at the wedding... Like I said before the whole thing is very confidential so at this point a lot of this is just conjecture.
    • When last we saw Wesley Crusher, he was on the verge of becoming a full-fledged superhero. He had the ability to freeze time with his mind, and act independent of it. Before that he was able to move the ship across the universe with his mind. Now, if we're going to see a whole Q movie, where Wesley completes his evolution into Q, fine. There's plenty of back story to play with (explaining Q's interest in the Enterprise, Picard as Wesley's father-figure, etc.) but I can't see how Wesley could make a cameo. Now, wrap Will in Romulan makeup, and there you have something. Of course, Tom Paris will have to make an appearance to punch Will for hitting on Roxanne...oops, there I go confusing reality and TV again.
  • Could *anyone* stay awake with Star Trek the Motion Picture? Bad as insurrection? I think not. Granted there hasn't been any pal bald chicks in the new flicks, but that may be a little harsh.
  • settin' myself up (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Lurking Grue ( 3963 )
    I know I'll get clobbered for this, but I think Insurrection was great. Saw it several times. Bought the DVD and the soundtrack CD. I don't understand the Insurrection-bashing, but it seems to be quite popular. Oh well. Guess I fail that section of the geek-test.
  • by The Good Reverend ( 84440 ) <`michael' `at' `'> on Friday November 30, 2001 @10:27AM (#2636449) Journal
    BTW the first movie is out on DVD now and they did a pretty good job with the re-release.

    All of the films [] are out on DVD (and have been for a while), they're just not worth buying because they contain no bonus features to speak of. Strange, considering Trek is a franchise that specifically caters to a crowd/fanbase that would love to see behind the scenes, technical, and "making of" documentaries.
    • This way they will sell 2 of each as soon as it comes out and one when it is rereleased with extended footage
    • well the first film does

      i think they're going to re-release all the films with special features and all that other crap. so all the fans will shell out for the same film twice. now thats what i call a franchise!
    • by shymog ( 531012 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @10:37AM (#2636541) Homepage
      Yeah, they're all out now. However, ST: The Motion Picture was released about 3 weeks ago.

      It can't be totally devoid of bonus features, being that it has a whole second disc of them.
      • However, ST: The Motion Picture was released about 3 weeks ago.

        I'm dumb, and forgot to mention this in my original post. All the films came a couple years ago, without a big deal release or anything special. Interestingly enough, the new version of ST:TMP hasn't been available at many standard locations like Target, K-mart or Walmart (at least around here in Souther California).
  • by xTK-421x ( 531992 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @10:27AM (#2636454) Homepage
    Visit Corona for the latest movie info..

    Coming Attractions - Star Trek 10: Nemesis []

    Just a warning, spoilers are present..
  • by Masem ( 1171 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @10:28AM (#2636460)
    I've heard rumors to the effect that this is the last planned TNG movie, at least based on the fact that Patrick Stewart no longer wants to be in that role (not that he doesn't dislike it, but he wants to return to stage work). Same rumors suggest that this isn't necessarily the end of the Trek series of movies, and future movies may either take place in the mid-series of DS9 or Voyager, or possibly an aglomeration of plots that would occur after Voyager returns.

    Anyone else heard similar? They *are* just internet rumors, after all...

    • by GreyyGuy ( 91753 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @10:38AM (#2636546)
      I had read on Wil Wheaton's site that Lavar Burton had mentioned that this was the last one.

      I think it would be cool to have the next film with the DS9 crew. Thee were a lot of stories left open. Sisko coming back. A whole new relationship with the Changlings. The whole Gamma quadrant. Lots of material.

      I don't know what Voyager could do. They got home. End of story. Thank goodness. 7 of 9 aside, I didn't like the show.
  • It will be directed by Stuart Baird, who did Executive Decision, US Marshals and Tomb Raider.

    And this is supposed to be a good thing? If anything, it sounds like this'll be the last Star Trek movie.
  • by wrinkledshirt ( 228541 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @10:30AM (#2636477) Homepage
    The plot, I read somewhere, is about a Picard clone trying to gain control of the Romulan Empire. No word on whether or not the stem cells will be used to help treat the obvious brain damage of the screenwriters of Insurrection.
  • I hope that... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    ...that if they're bringing Janeway and Wesley in (now, if the rumours are true, why did they make her an admiral so soon?), and considering TPTB apparently want to do something to permit the Data character to exit, why not bring in some other characters for further closure and whatnot?

    Like, why not bring back Chief O'Brien? He was part of TNG, too, like Wesley. And then, if this is really the last TNG-cast movie and if TPTB want to keep a Trek movie franchise, why not bring back, say, Lt. Nog, and some other cast members from DS9 and/or VOY?

    (Yes, Nog made it to Lt. Watch the DS9 finale again.)

    For future movies, why not create a composite cast, like "the best of" from DS9, VOY, even the ones from TNG that want to stick around?

    As long as they don't turn the franchise into "The crazy adventures of Grand Negas Rom", I'll be happy.
  • by Merlynnus ( 209292 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @10:32AM (#2636491)
    If they release a movie based on Enterprise, will they have to use negative numbers? Star Trek -1: The Klingon Wars
  • Since when did Paramount stop handing the SFX over to ILM?
    • Re:ILM? (Score:3, Informative)

      by ncc74656 ( 45571 )
      Since when did Paramount stop handing the SFX over to ILM?
      Long ago in a galaxy, waitaminit...

      IIRC, it was either TVH or TUC...probably TVH, as I know they didn't do the FX for TFF (and that was one of the complaints I remember hearing leveled against that movie).

  • by Planesdragon ( 210349 ) <slashdot&castlesteelstone,us> on Friday November 30, 2001 @10:37AM (#2636538) Homepage Journal
    It was a Star Trek Episode, just like ST II-IV were. I actually felt that it was *more* of a Star Trek flick than First Contact, and right up there with Generations.

    Of course, Star Trek alternates between "movies that are Star Trek" and "Star Trek that happens to be a movie." And that means that X will be like "First Contact", "The Undiscoveredy Coutnry", "The Wrath of Khan", and all the other even-numbered movies.

    I look foward to it.
    • I liked Insurrection a lot too...but I think that the popularity of a Star Trek is determined by space battles (Though even Space Battles couldn't save ST5, or "Star Trek V: The Wrath of God". Think about it.

      Everyone loves ST2, ST6, ST7 (kinda), and ST8. I don't know how the even number rule even TRIES to apply to ST4...

      Personally? I rank them this way: ST2,ST3,ST6,ST9,ST7,ST1,ST4,ST8,ST5. What can I say? It seems like everyone seems to forget Star Trek III when they say "This movie sucks!" or "This movie rocks!". It's got your space battles, cocky Kirk, fistfights with Christopher Lloyd as a Klingon, subterfuge at Starfleet HQ, and even Yellow Alerts in Space Dock!

      "Bridge, this is the captain...How do you have a yellow alert in space dock?" "Sir! Someone is stealing the Enterprise!"
  • Just some more info (Score:3, Informative)

    by Jugalator ( 259273 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @10:38AM (#2636554) Journal
    As always, don't forget to check out the plot on IMDb []

    ... and here's something for the trekkies out there to wet their appetite. :-)

    The dialogue below should be considered a spoiler !

    He just likes things the way he likes them..... (he looks at her, smiles) ..... Of course, so do I.

    He kisses her gently as Worf comes to them. Poor Worf is still suffering a bit from the bachelor party. He plops down beside them.

    Romulan Ale should be illegal.

    It is.

    Then it should be more illegal.
  • by toupsie ( 88295 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @10:39AM (#2636557) Homepage
    The last thing in the world we could want to see is Wil Wheaton's career suffer. We need a petition to urge the producers of this future flop not to hire Wil Wheaton. After reading his website and responses to questions on Slashdot, I started to really like this guy and learned that he is not the dweeb I once imagined. We all know this movie will be a boring morality play where the Prime Directive will be violated during a temporal distortion caused by Data's emotion chip malfunctioning after having a "human" moment with Jorde's visor in the privacy of the holodeck.

    However, I hope every scene is filled with Brent Spinner. After that "Ol' Yellow Eyes is Back []" album, he deserves to spend the rest of his life having to listen to plot flaws while signing autographs for socially-retarded Acne cream test subjects. Also, I hope that they make Marina Sirtis cover up. At her present age, they must be bouncing off her knees now.

    Captain Archer owns Captain Picard!

    • Personally, I think Wil Wheaton's best work was on Family Ties, as Jennifer's jock boyfriend.

      Wil Wheaton and Tina Yothers were a winning combination, if ever there was one.
    • To hell with the goody-two-shoes know-it-all Wesley Crusher. Slap some forehead makup on Wil and give him an EVIL role. I'll bet, properly motivated, he could make a helluva Romulan Sub-Commander, or Klingon Lieutenant.

      After all, if he can hold his own with Queen Ice Bitch Anne (WL), he should have NO trouble stirring it up with the pissant Federation.

      Whaddya say, Wil?

    • by artemis67 ( 93453 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @11:58AM (#2637040)
      "When I did Weakest Link, I stood next to LeVar," Wheaton said on his website, in a post earlier this evening. "We were talking during the commercials, and I said to him that I really missed them. He said to me that I should be in the movie, especially since it's going to be the last TNG movie. I told him that I would love to be in it, but I really thought that Berman and company really didn't like me. He seemed surprised, and he told me that he was going to call Rick the next morning, and suggest to him that I be in the movie, at least as a cameo. I thought that would be really cool, and told him so.

      "Last week, on Friday, my agent called me to let me know that there was an offer from Paramount to reprise the role of Wesley Crusher in Star Trek X. We just needed to work out the details.

      "So we spent some time negotiating it, and --get this-- Rick Berman told my agent that he was 'very pleased' that I was going to be in the movie!

      "I am really excited about this for three reasons:

      * I am going to get to work with my friends again.
      * Wesley Crusher will have some real closure, finally.
      * For the last 5 years, at least, everywhere I go, fans ask me if I'm going to be in a movie, and what happened to Wesley, and I can honestly say that I'm doing this for the fans, because it will be so damn cool to see all of us together again.


      • Wesley Crusher in Star Trek X

        Has everyone jumped on the 'X' bandwagon now that Apple has labeled their next generation operating system, OS X? First it was Microsoft, now its Wesley Crusher!

        Then again, the Nation of Islam might state Apple stole it from Malcom X.

    • The sign on the front of [] says:
      is temporarily closed, due to massive technical difficulties.
      The moose out front should have told you.
      Please check back later today.
      Guess Wesley couldn't save the day this time, eh?!?
  • Man, I can't wait for the 13th movie in which Patrick Stewart's corpse will play a decaying equestrian-mutated Picard.

    The tentative title is "Beating a Dead Horse Captain"
  • It will be directed by Stuart Baird, who did Executive Decision, US Marshals and Tomb Raider.

    Were any of these movies worth watching? TNG was amazing, but so far the movies have been pretty sad.

  • by idealego ( 32141 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @10:55AM (#2636666)
    According to
    6.4 Executive Decision
    5.5 US Marshals
    6.2 Tomb Raider

    So it looks like we can't expect much from the next Star Trek unfortunately.
  • i'd have something go wrong on the holodeck that would keep the ship in a time loop. the bad aliens would turn out to be good guys and vice versa. everyone would get really old very quickly because of a space phenomenon and would then go mad. and turn into lizards. and then meet god. in the end it would all turn out to be a romulan plot. new uniforms please!
  • C'mon...let's not beat up on Insurrection. First of all, most people who go to see Star Trek films are a self-selected audience. We'll go see any Star Trek movie because it's as obligatory as filing your taxes every year. Anything after First Contact that didn't have as much action was bound to get criticized, and Insurrection centered around a theme that has produced some of the best episodes of TNG, "something rotten in the federation". Just my opinion.
  • Nudity... (Score:4, Offtopic)

    by Jugalator ( 259273 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @11:00AM (#2636698) Journal
    Since the next Bond movie is supposed to have a scene with female nudity, I'll boycott this one if it don't have a shower scene with Seven of Nine. Regardless if it fits in the story or not!

    But seriously, what do you feel about nudity in ST movies? Does it belong there? Or does it make the movie anti-ST and/or lower the quality?
  • BTW the first movie is out on DVD now and they did a pretty good job with the re-release.

    Well, we might HATE the MPAA and their way of doing business, but of course that doesn't mean we shouldn't buy all the shiny new DVDs they release...

    I hate to repeat myself, but people who complain about the MPAA and RIAA all the time, but still rush out to buy every new CD or DVD they think they could like need some serious attitude adjustment.

  • I'm sure this will result in a flame war and several Troll mods, but here it goes...

    As someone who likes Sci-Fi and Star Trek, but is NOT a trekkie, I'd like to note that the even numbered Trek movies are good, and the odd ones are not that good (I won't say "bad", but they could be better).

    1: Long, too detailed
    2: Khan was sooo evil. Coolness
    3: A lame excuse to bring Spock back
    4: Whales. Time Travel. Spock using colorful metaphors. Cool
    5: Great Barrier? Lame
    6: Klingons and Federation make peace. Cool
    7: Generations. 10 minutes of the Enterprise crashing. Twice. Need I say more.
    8: Star Trek "history". Nifty plot, cool movie
    9: Insurrection was just bad. 'Nuff Said.

    That said, Star Trek X will rock. Flame away.
  • They're going to have to go through extensive effort to maintain Brent Spiner's appearance as the immortal android Data and not some dude in his 50's with crows feet and a middle aged gut.
  • Is it just me, or does it seem like the Future Dude directing the Suliban on Enterprise is a Romulan? Maybe we'll get to see the 24th Century theater of the "temporal cold war".

    Also, it wouldn't be a Star Trek movie without time travel. *sigh*
  • by sterno ( 16320 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @11:09AM (#2636748) Homepage
    Let's look at the brief history:

    Star Trek I - Rather cheezy looking and overall not that good of a movie

    Star Trek II - KHAAAAAAAAAN! Still one of the best Start Trek movies

    Star Trek III - The search for spock. It had some good moments but overall kinda dull. Not bad, but not great

    Star Trek IV - Okay, the environmentalism was layed on thick, but overall a very different style from the other movies (much more humor), and quite a bit of fun

    Star Trek V - Today red shirted ensigns we are going to go find God on some funky planet in the middle of nowhere. Set phasers on CRAP!

    Start Trek VI - My personal favorite. Lots of good drama between Federation and the Klingons. The big fairwell for most of the original cast.

    Star Trek VII - a crossover between the old and new, and the movie clearly suffered for trying to force that.

    Star Trek VIII - We get to see the old federation, a borg trying to seduce Data, and overall a fun and action packed movie.

    Star Trek VIX - Ummmm.. what was this movie again. I know I saw it, but I don't recall it having anything worth remembering. Something about somebody rebelling I think but I forget.

    So, back to an even number and so we can reasonably assume it will be good. It seems like they screw up, and then work hard to get the next one right. Then they rest on their laurels and screw up again.
  • by tswinzig ( 210999 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @11:21AM (#2636823) Journal
    I know you have a boner for SFX companies that use Linux, but Digital Domain only did a few FX shots for LOTR. To list LOTR as one of "their" SFX films is a bit much. Here's a quote directly from

    Peter Jackson and his team not only created a physical Middle-earth, they also designed an entirely digital universe for The Lord of The Rings trilogy. This staggeringly intensive, behind-the-scenes work was carried out by WETA Digital. The New Zealand based F/X company assembled a crack team of computer artists, key frame animators, modelers, digital paint artists, motion editors, compositors and software engineers, among others, to devote years of their lives to creating never-before-seen effects.
    • One might note, to those not famaliar with Peter Jackson or Weta FX, that Weta is Peter Jacksons company.

      Weta was established to do the CG for Heavenly Creatures, arguably Jackson's first non-low-budget gore movie. Next was The Frighteners, which heavily used CG and Weta was awarded for its skills.

      Anyway. I kinda know coming from NZ and having Weta FX (and for that matter, Jackson) 5 minutes down the road.

  • But don't take my word for it. Here, read this script review [].

  • by weave ( 48069 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @11:41AM (#2636944) Journal
    Can you imagine The Attack of the Klingons or The Romulan Menace.

    And as annoying as Wesley might have been, he's no C3P0....

  • by MythosTraecer ( 141226 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @11:47AM (#2636977)
    Actually, the correct formula for determining whether a Star Trek movie is good or bad was flushed out by Brunching Shuttlecocks in their review of Insurrection []. Obviously, it's too long to repost here, but is highly accurate (or at least will at least make you smile).
  • The romulans and the federation get into some conflict and wesly jumps in and stops time, like he did when the Cheroky(sp?) started to fight with the Cardasians, and some how resolves there diffrences
  • As I recall from Insurrection, the Enterprise had to eject its warp core. Without that, the Neutral Zone is a loooooong way off...
    • As I recall from Insurrection, the Enterprise had to eject its warp core. Without that, the Neutral Zone is a loooooong way off...

      Maybe so but they probably still had FTL comms. Starfleet would send a tow truck by soon enough, I'm sure. While they waited they could kick back and enjoy not saving the unuverse for a while.

  • by hughk ( 248126 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @12:12PM (#2637120) Journal
    After watching Galaxy Quest [], I realised how much ST films sucked. I am sorry, but the acting/direction isn't really there. GQ was just a satire on the whole ST idea.

    Sorry I am spoiled, I want to have better action and more fun with this sort of movie and ST lacked in both departments. We all have got a little blase about SFX, they are good for spectacle but don't exactly help the movie develop. Some of the ST story lines were just plane lame, some showed promise, but were not well developed.

  • He wrote, "Star Trek is the McDonalds of science fiction." Sometimes filling, sometimes good in a pinch, sometimes what you're looking for, but never quite good.My guess is that this new Star Trek will suck, not because of the director or the tired old franchise, but because even the best Star Trek tends to be marginal.I think it is interesting that we now live in a world where the original themes of Star Trek are considered so obvious that they are cliches: we should all get along, maybe we shouldn't screw around with other cultures, 'stun' is better than 'kill,' etc. Back during the original run, these were revolutionary concepts. Now, they're commonplace. Star Trek lost any sort of social relevance decades ago and now solely exists to validate pathetic fan fantasies. It's about hardware and in-jokes.Q says in the final episode of the Next Generation: "That's the exploration that awaits you. . .not mapping stars and studying nebulae. . .but charting the unknowable possibilities of existence." Good mission statement for a real science fiction series. Too bad Star Trek rarely lives up to it. Too busy selling toys, I guess.Star Trek to me is like giving a child a toy and watching as he plays with the box.
  • I guess I missed some of the latest ST films, which doesn't say much about them being good, since I'm a cinefile on a grand scale.

    My first reaction to the script review and other details is: How Last Century.

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this probably won't be as good as some of the current Enterprise episodes are, which is a shame, cause I quite like the Enterprise series.

  • by msm1th ( 68753 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @12:40PM (#2637318)
    Boycott the MPAA fascists! Fight for your rights! Don't give these freedom-hating bastards any more of your money! Don't give in to --- OOH! CANDY!
  • by feed_me_cereal ( 452042 ) on Friday November 30, 2001 @12:47PM (#2637361)
    It's a documentary about star trtek fans. Anyone who has seen it will remember and recognize a particular trekkie who was creating his own star trek movie called "Nemisis". This was quite a while ago, and the movie, I believe, was supposed to be about a star station, but what impressed me was the detail he and his crew put into designing their movie. Now, I would have written this incident off as coincidence if not for the information I just recently aquired, which is that this particular trekkie was seen on an episode of drew carrey. Now, this isn't exactly a "big holywood break", but I can't help but wonder if they're using any of his ideas in this new movie. Does anyone have any information about this?
  • Star Trek Topic (Score:3, Interesting)

    by IdocsMiko ( 534405 ) <idocsmiko@ido c s . com> on Friday November 30, 2001 @01:42PM (#2637670) Homepage
    Why does /. give Star Wars its own topic but not STar Trek? Slashdotters probably waste^B^B^B^B^B spend far more person-hours watching Star Trek than watching Star Wars. Don't get me wrong... I love them both. It just seems to me that there is more discussion here about Star Trek than about many topics that get their own, um, topic.

"Who cares if it doesn't do anything? It was made with our new Triple-Iso-Bifurcated-Krypton-Gate-MOS process ..."
