Sci Fi Gives Green Light To "Children of Dune" 263
fooguy writes "Our friends at the Sci Fi Channel have given the Green Light to begin production of Children of Dune. According to the release, 'The miniseries begins production in Prague in April 2002 and is slated to air in 2003. Dune adapter John Harrison wrote the script, based on "Dune Messiah" and "Children of Dune," the second and third novels in Frank Herbert's six-volume Dune Chronicles series. Richard P. Rubinstein comes back on board as executive producer. The sequel will continue the story of the Atreides family and recount the fall of Paul's empire, with the future resting in the hands of Paul's heirs, his twin children."
Better news than the novels (Score:5, Funny)
The previous miniseries suffered from the problem that they kept forgetting that Dune was a desert; hopefully enough fans can remind them of that fact that it might not be such a problem this time.
And hopefully the miniseries will be better than the "Dune: House X" series (for the assortment of values of X).
Re:Better news than the novels (Score:2)
I agree; factual inaccuracies are the Plague of the Dune spinoffs. I hope, at least, that they get the design of the Weirding Modules directly from the book this time. The implementation in the movie was... well... let's just say "sub optimal at best" to keep from starting a flame war.
My fear is they will attempt to change the landscape of Herbert's vision: new "houses", new races, new rules. Much like Enterprise has created a bunch of super-evil aliens never seen in the future (complete with a Time Travelling version of Wesley Crusher), I could see the sequel inventing things that wouldn't jibe with the original "Universe" at all.
Oh well, guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Re:Better news than the novels (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Better news than the novels (Score:1)
My wife insists that the "Paul and Chani's love grew" and jump cut to 3 years later was even more lame. But sorta explains why they start the film with a 20 year old Paul (he's supposed to be about 13 in most of the book).
Re: No weirding, and no Eyes of Ibad (Score:1)
For that matter, I hope that they get the Eyes of Ibad right. I sort of always thought that "deep blue whites and pupils" meant something other than "light blue pupils."
The characters would look a LOT different if you couldn't see their pupils. It would do more to convince everyone that all of the Fremen are addicts of a very dangerous drug.
Re: No weirding, and no Eyes of Ibad (Score:1)
They didn't even get it right on the t.v. miniseries of Dune a while back (on Space Channel for those of us in Canada)... dark blue on the front of the eye (glowing too!), but when their heads were turned (we see a different angle of the eye), the eyes were basically white.
The t.v. series was apparently better than the film (which I haven't seen yet, but my father insists that it is so). Unfotrunately, I don't remember much about the book anymore... I'd love to compare both to the book (in the way that I believe that the Starship Troopers movie should have gotten the super-armour right...)
Re:Better news than the novels (Score:2, Informative)
The "wierding way" was the kick ass kung-fu pranha-bindu shit the Bene Geserit did, sometimes with the voice added in.
Stilgar refers to the wierding way after Jessica kicks his ass when Paul and Jessica escape, and they had no funky equipment with them at that point.
The whole modules, and muadd'ib being a "killing word" was totally made up for the movie
Re:Better news than the novels (Score:1)
"Wierding Modules" were David Lynch's hack to try to make an totally interior ability something he could show in a film.
Re:Better news than the novels (Score:1)
I've read the complete series about a dozen times and I don't remeber any weirding or wierding modules. As far as I can tell the weirding modules in the original film were completly fabricated by David Lynch. The Weirding Way was the mental and physical discipline, created and used by the Bene Gesserit, and taught to the Fremen by Jessica and Paul.
If you actually read the definition you linked, you will see where the name comes from.
Re:Better news than the novels (Score:1)
Re:Better news than the novels (Score:1)
Weirdling Modules? (Score:2)
The "deus ex machina" of the Duniverse was spice, with some dosing of mental sciences like the Mentats and such.
The thing that struck me as being the real plague of the "Plague of the Dune" spinoffs was that they were so hot on throwing in bits of, well, late 20th century technology.
The Butlerian Jihad was all about utterly rejecting the use of computers and artificial forms of intelligence. That is not the sort of environment in which it makes sense for people to get excited about the Galaxy Wide Web :-).
Frankly, one of the neat things about Dune was the notion of the people systematically rejecting things like computers. You have to think a little bit to come up with the sorts of alternative sorts of technologies that come out of people refusing to think down those paths...
No movie to compare to (Score:2, Flamebait)
On a more serious note, I wonder how well the rest of the books will translate. I thought they were a lot less "action-packed" than the first book, which is saying a lot.
Re:No movie to compare to (Score:3, Interesting)
I know a lot of people who start reading the Dune series and get lost after Children of Dune. I tell them to keep going, but always warn them of that darn 4th one.
As for the new series, I think it's cool, but I just couldn't get into the 6 hour "Dune" mini-series. I kept thinking after watching the first part "Hey, if I had just watched Lynch's version, it'd be over and I could go to bed." I also was very put off by the fairly obvious compositing when Paul was in the desert with his mom. It just screamed "We're in a movie studio!"
Re:No movie to compare to (Score:1)
Re:No movie to compare to (Score:3, Informative)
Mr. Spey
Re:No movie to compare to (Score:2)
I suppose it could be just bad writing tho. There were several huge plot mistakes in this book.
A) Teg's Ghola was supposed to be imprinted, but they dicided not to. Instead they sent him to the sheena, who was basically an imprinter. The whole convolutions involved were not neccissary. They could've let lucilla do her job to begin with
B) The battle against the honored matres was pointless. They had the whole battle, in the end the Bene Geserit lose, and Murbella lands on and dukes it out with the spider queen. She wins, the two groups merge.
They could've just sent murbella to kick her ass to begin with. Murbella didn't have any fear of not being accepted.
C) What is up with the farmer gholas in the net that Teg can see? They had 0 purpose in the story. If there were later books, then this would be a decent intro. But not the way they set it up.
D) They sent Duncan off into space, but no resolution to his char.
E) More exist, but I cant think of em right now.
Re:No movie to compare to (Score:1)
Re:No movie to compare to (Score:2, Informative)
It was NOT [space.com] supposed to be the last book. He died before he was finished. Brian (his son) and Kevin Anderson have done a number of prequels, and are doing the sequel [houseatreides.com] to Chapterhouse (book 7), after which they're going way back to cover the Butlerian Jihad series (3 books), which will be completed in about 2004. Their writing doesn't match Frank Herbert's, in my opinion, but it's always great to have more Dune books.
A) I think that for the sake of later plot development Teg and Sheena had to become involved with each other. Also, it was important that Teg's memories were recovered independant of Bene Geseret influence for his later independant decision making. Also, maybe this showed how the current Bene Geserit ways of imprinting were failing and had to change in the end.
B) I agree - except that Murbella probably couldn't have gotten to the spider queen without assistance.
C) I think that the 'farmers' that your thinking about were the face dancer couple that were prescient and trying to get control of the known universe using that knowledge and the the null capsule filled with all the Tleilaxu gholas.
D) When Duncan guided he, Sheeana, & Scytale to the uncharted universe they escaped them. This actually is a cool finish because it shows that independant decision is the best thing humans have, and this seems to me to be a decent resolution to the series.
Re:No movie to compare to (Score:1)
See, I wish I could agree, but Brian and Kevin's work reads WAY too much like the cheesy fucking Star Trek books. It seems like you're reading a story where the entire thought process behind major parts of the book was to fill space because they couldn't think up a more integral plot. Also, it seems like they were writing different chapters within the same book episodically. Like they were sitting around each week going "What can we do to the characters THIS week?" I'll admit that there were SOME interesting parts of the two prequels I read. I liked the whole Duncan goes to Ginaz thing. But that story doesn't fit with the blurb about the fall of Ginaz in Dune's glossary. That's amazing, considering it occupies all of two sentences, and Brian and Kevin STILL couldn't make it fit better! And Brian seems to be under the impression, like David Lynch and the people doing the Scifi Channel miniseries, that Guild navigators look like grotesque half-butterfly-half-vagina things. You must remember the end of Dune, when there were two PERFECTLY NORMAL LOOKING Guild navigators who came to Arrakis with Shaddam and later talked with Paul. The only distinguishing characteristic were their spice-blackened eyes. Even Edric wasn't described as being as grotesque as they make them out to be.
And Brian turned spice into a method of teleportation, somehow. The spice just makes it possible for navigators to see the safe path to guide ships by, and then the Holtzmann technology actually takes them there. So why did that one twin kid whose name I forget COMPLETELY DISAPPEAR from the chamber he was in after he was saturated in spice? That's ridiculous!
I sense that this post would get too long if I kept going, so I'll stop now. The point is, Fuck Brian Herbert and everyone that looks like him.
Re:No movie to compare to (Score:1)
Very subtle propaganda (Score:1, Insightful)
I find the timing of this film to be very suspicious. In a nutshell, Dune Messiah deals with corruption in the upper levels of Fremen heirarchy, while Children of Dune deals with how Paul Atreids children sieze control of the Interstellar empire.
If you assume the Bin Laden family = Fremen, and Osama = Leto II, it gets very interesting indeed. I wonder how this will be changed to make the message acceptable for western civilization?
I hope that was a troll... (Score:1)
Oh, yeah. Let's see they made the first movie last year and got better ratings for it than anything they've ever aired on the Sci-Fi Channel. Ummmm...perhaps the fact that they are in business to make money, and they do that by selling advertising, which is driven by ratings would have something to do with it?
Why look for a complicated conspiracy theory when the facts of the matter point to a very simple explanation. I won't even go into the fact that your analogy is ridiculous...
You can do the same thing with "The One" (Score:1)
Bad Jet Li = Osama and Good Jet Li = the US Military.
It's a frightening correlation - except the whole part about time travel. And the part with the two guys chasing the Bad Jet Li. In any event, it's clearly very suspicious.
Most knowledgeable people are aware that Jet Li is from China, which is very close to the Middle East. And most Chinese food involves oil and vegetables, and everyone knows that the Middle East has oil and Muslims can't eat pork.
Geography (Score:2)
Pull out an atlas sometime. China is about as close to the middle east as England is.
Re:Very subtle propaganda (Score:2, Insightful)
1) A sci-fi writer can predict events decades in the future, and weave them into their novels, or...
2) The human mind is capable of finding coincidences in the darnedest places.
Re:Very subtle propaganda (Score:1)
Re:Very subtle propaganda (Score:1)
Not conjecture at all : (Score:3, Insightful)
Exceprt from "When I was writing dune" can be found in the front of the paperback copy of Heretics of dune.
...there was no room in my mind for cencerns about the book's sucess of failure. I was concerned only with the writing. Six years of research had preceded the day I sat down to put the story together, and the interweaving of the many plot layers I had planned required a degree of concentration I had never before exprienced.
It was to be a story exploring the myth of the Messiah.
It was to produce another view of a human-occupied planet as an energy machine.
It was to penetrate the interlocked workings of politics and economincs.
It was to be an examination of absolute prediction and its pitfalls.
It was to have an awareness drug in it and tell what could happen through dependence on such a substance.
Potable water was to be an analog for oil and for water iteself, a substance whose supply diminishes each day
It was to be an ecological novel then, with many overtones, as well as a story about people and their human concerns with human values, and I had to monitor each of thes elevels at every stage in the book
But the islam stuff doesnt stop there. The Telaxiu are Islamic, as can be seen in the later books.
Re:Not conjecture at all : (Score:2)
It wasn't just hinted at. Herbert came right out and said it.
or consider Star Wars... (Score:1)
bin laden = ben kenobi
fundamentalism = the force
F22 = TIE fighter
aircraft carrier = star destroyer
WTC = death star
suicidal pilots = luke skywalker
predator UAV = imperial probe droid
terrorists sneaking through airports = "these are not the droids you're looking for"
america strikes back = the empire strikes back
i don't think terrorists are heroes - i live in manhattan for christ's sake - but the parallels are scary.
or not... (Score:2)
Besides the fact that you just aligned some vague concepts with some more vague concepts, without explaining yourself, there's really nothing scary here at all. The term 'strikes back' is a common english idiom, and was rather natural for CNN et al to use.
However, just for the record, 'rebels' never drove around in landspeeders, and Luke was neither a suicidal pilot, nor was he attacking a weapon capable of blowing up planets...
Ben Kenobi / Osama? When did 'gentle Ben' ever advocate killing millions of innocent Empire civilians? Star Wars episode 4.5: Ben Gets Pissed?
Moby Dick (Score:2, Funny)
And of course Moby Dick is really a metaphorical foretelling of Operation Eternal Snipe-Hunt, where the Whale symbolizes Al Qaeda, Captain Ahab is obviously G.W. Bush and his cabinet. The loss of Ahab's leg is the destruction of the Twin Towers, and the Maori warrior is allegorical of the 'Global Coalition' bent on destroying the White Whale.. Arrgh! Matey!!
Then there's the crew, all of whom have different motivations for setting out on the hunt, and whose resolve waivers and falters at different times during the crusade..
Also, Moby Dick is a cautionary tale that the US government should reread, seeing as blindly following a demented leader is sure to kill everyone except the commentator, Ishmael..
Ishmael, Israel, what's the difference? It is clear that the US is doomed to failure in this enterprise, and Israel will rise out of the ashes of the Middle East - and we are beginning to see this happen as we speak..
Well, but what about the anthrax, you ask.. I'm glad you asked.. The appropriate parallel on the high seas is scurvy.. Yes, the lack of vitamin C which causes one's teeth to fall out is an appropriate symbol for the anthrax scare which has driven the US Government out of it's very offices, rendering the law making process virtually toothless..
Damn!! I'm on a roll!! My English Lit teacher would be so proud.. I should post this to www.adequacy.org.. They'd like it there.
Re:Moby Dick (Score:2)
Eh? Doesn't seem to have prevented them from hurriedly ramming through some very broad, powerful, sweeping legislation that they'd never have been able to pass during peacetime.
If anything, it seems to have greased the wheels!
messiah probably cut to 10 minutes (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:messiah probably cut to 10 minutes (Score:2)
Dune is a set of books that should never have been put to a screenplay. Too much of what makes the books so grand is lost. Considering the first book is by far the most action packed of all six, and how badly they botched the movie for it, you really gotta fear what the sequels will be like. It'll be like High Fidelity, except with more talking, and it'll all be in reverb mode.
That first movie scarred me so badly I never let myself watch any of the other Dune releases.
Re:messiah probably cut to 10 minutes (Score:4, Interesting)
A lot of the voiceovers in the Lynch/Smithee movie were the meta-text that started most chapters. I don't mind those, they fill in lots of misc info and set the tone that you are reading an account of ancient history (from the narration perspective) and seem to imply that some of the book text itself may be seen through the cracked glass of history.
I remember when the mini-series came out at least one reviewer said that Dune was going to be like Macbeth or Hamlet in that it would be redone every generation with a different perspective.
At last (Score:2)
Re:At last (Score:1)
I dunno, i got a little tired of the whole "morphing" effect a long time ago, and unless they can do better (like doing morphing SLOWLY, over characters moving in realtime), I think that's all we'll see.
Re:At last (Score:2)
It wouldn't surprise me... (Score:2)
Re:It wouldn't surprise me... (Score:1)
I know we're talking about a scifi production, but what alternate universe are you living in?
Re:It wouldn't surprise me... (Score:2)
Re:It wouldn't surprise me... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:It wouldn't surprise me... (Score:2)
Hollywood had stones, maybe, from about 1967 until 1975. The age of the director. Read a nifty book about it.
But Hollywood has rarely been about risk taking.
I watched the David Lynch version last night (Score:3, Interesting)
I freely admit it, I'm an idiot.
One more note: I gotta say, it was creepy as hell watching the Fremen chant "Jihad!" and "Muad'dib". I think a previous poster was right - Dune will mean different things to different generations. I certainly look at it in a different way after 9/11.
It's still the Best SF Universe Ever, of course.
I'm sorry I was unclear (Score:2)
A long cult classic... (Score:2)
I'm hoping that this can be slightly more interesting... less inner monologue... but if you haven't read any of the books I simply don't see how it will be successfull.
It's going to be lame if... (Score:1)
miniseries (Score:2, Informative)
Also, neither the movie or the miniseries did Duncan Idaho justice. In the novels, he's a badass but he doesn't even do anything in the miniseries. Richard Jordan was just too old to play him in the original movie. The actor portraying him in the miniseries just wasn't given enough screen time.
Re:miniseries (Score:1)
We'll just have to see how the zombie Duncan does in the new mini-series.
Re:miniseries (Score:1)
I still can't believe they bombed him. The scene in the book could have been filmed easily (so much of the action was off-camera)
Characters in the Lynch "Debacle" (Score:2)
They may have been very weak on getting the story right, but the appearances of the characters still strike me as quite wonderful.
Re:Characters in the Lynch "Debacle" (Score:1)
when will this get to canada? (Score:1)
I'll watch it... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I'll watch it... (Score:1)
The thousand sons of Duncan Idaho (Score:2)
Re:The thousand sons of Duncan Idaho (Score:1)
Me too. But given the utter crappiness of the first mini-series, they'll get it wrong.
Re:The thousand sons of Duncan Idaho (Score:1)
Prague (Score:2)
Spoilers (Score:2)
Re:Spoilers (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Spoilers (Score:1)
Re:Spoilers (Score:2)
Actually, I really liked the ending of Cryptonomicon. The last three pages move incredibly fast (in my hardcover ed.) have no dialogue, and in my head this translated into a sort of fugue, a lot like the ending of Apocalypse Now. Lots of cuts and dramatic music and bad lighting, especially the last couple of paragraphs.
Then again, that may just be me.
Re:Spoilers (Score:2)
Re:Spoilers - Cryptonomicon (Score:1)
I thought it was a great book (it's about the journey, not the ending!).
Besides, there are a lot of "classics" that end just as quick and just as flat (for an example, read "War & Peace" or just about any other book by Tolstoy. It's a typical scenerio: great story - flat ending.
Quit whining and go back to your X-men comics.
The only problem is ... (Score:1)
Re:The only problem is ... (Score:1)
costumer's head on a pike (Score:1)
Re:costumer's head on a pike (Score:2)
Slashdot Gives Green Light to Complain About Dune (Score:5, Insightful)
(My take on the whole thing as someone who hasn't gotten around to reading the books (which are sitting with the rest of the classic sci-fi books I haven't read yet) is that things in the movie make more sense after watching the miniseries, and that the miniseries has more emotional depth than the movie. And despite its constant darkness, the movie seems rather upbeat, to the point of silly humor at times, not even counting the screwed up ending. I found the miniseries to be much more subtle, and that made it preferable to the movie for me.)
But the really big question is... (Score:1)
Mangling The Story (Score:2, Interesting)
as they did the first time. Am I the only one
that would like to see producers / screenwriters /
directors *stop* inserting their creative fancies
in to classic works such as Dune or LOTR?
And, if anyone out there for the SciFi channel
is reading - please - don't dress the mentats
up as a bishop from a five and dime chess set
they really deserve a little more than that,
I think. Tho both attempts at making a movie
from the book (the DeLaurentis and the recent
SciFi) took quite a few liberties with the story,
I think the DeLaurentis productions costume work
was excellent. The SciFi production looked like
nothing so much as a third grader's costume
Re:Mangling The Story (Score:1)
Re:Mangling The Story (Score:2)
Re:Mangling The Story (Score:1)
I hope Jon Kaatz will visit the set! (Score:2, Funny)
Some books should stay books (Score:1)
Dune had alot of potential. Lynch and his crew could have been the right fit, then again it proved otherwise didn't it? However I just can't see how a lower budget that TV requires can possibly do justice to this series. Dune is best left on pages, not on the screen.
The story is so inner-focused and delves quite deeply in to socialoligical, political, and religious subjects that a resonable length film version just hurts the story that was built in the minds eye by reading the book. The film maker has to cut corners somewhere, and has to make comprimises. Not everything can translate to screen from the page. Inner-dialog seems to be one of the hardest (judging by Hollywood's track record) and this is the backbone of the Dune books.
Sci-Fi channel will have to make this movie accesible to everyone, those who've read the story and those who haven't. I personally don't think they pulled off Dune that well and, although Children is more filmable than other books, I just see it being too much of a stretch to get done in a resonable amount of time and still keep the story intact, plus deliver a vivid and memorable visual experience that both the experienced reader of Dune series and the unitiated can appreciate.
Both Harry Potter (although not even the same league of course) and LoTR I think suffer (and will suffer) the same problem; legions of fans who have a distinct personal attachment to and "vision" of what the characters, scenery and meanings of various points and dialog are who come away from the screen version of the story dissapointed or not satisfied because of the limits that film imposes on certain stories.
I personally would love to have a big-budget Dune made again, especially using todays modern effects capabilities. I don't want it just for the effects, but Herbert's characters and his backdrops demand it. Not even considering the cinematic, plot and overall problems delivering a coherent story on screen, I'm afraid that the TV version can't deliver this how it should be done because they can't possibly justify spending the money to do the effects right. They just don't make enough off the advertising and product sales (DVD, etc.).
My humble $0.02 on the matter,
"Dune" the Movie was on last night. (Score:1)
Having recently read Dune it was all I could do to stop myself screaming at the screen.
This wasn't just a few nips and tucks for the film version it was butchery. From the top of my head :
I think I'll stick to the books thanks all the same.
How to make this a hit (Score:4, Interesting)
It's a formula for success that hasn't (to my knowledge) really been tried yet, so here goes:
Change Nothing.
It's really just that simple. Who is the target audience? People who watch the Sci-Fi channel...or to put it more simply, Us Geeks. And we're sticklers for detail. Don't believe me? Go to a sci-fi con sometime and ask anyone there who Nomad is. You will have your ears talked straight off.
I really wanted the miniseries to make up for the movie. I really did. But as I sat there watching it I couldn't help but say over and over, "Well that's wrong. So's that. She shouldn't be there. Those aren't supposed to look like that. He shouldn't be here yet." And so on.
Other bits were pleasing, and an improvement over the movie. Hearing the water sellers cry in the city was a nice touch. Cloaks over the stillsuits. Fremen popping up from the sand to fight. Details like that are exactly what we're looking for.
So my advice is this...if you're short on time, omit something if you must. That's entirely understandable. But don't change anything! Omissions are far easier to ignore. Having Irulan seduce Feyd was inexcusable.
If I were to take a picture of the Mona Lisa and crop it a bit to fit on my web page, everyone would still be able to tell it was the Mona Lisa. If I put her in a bikini top, give her a moustache and make the background Coney Island....well, it's no longer the Mona Lisa, right?
Please, if anyone at Sci-Fi is reading this...show this series the same respect you'd show any other work of art. Mr. Herbert wrote everything in a particular way to express a story he had in mind - you cannot improve upon it. All you can do is change it, and it's his story that we are fans of. So read the books carefully, and please don't paint another moustache on Dune.
Dune Prequels (Score:1)
Having read the first two, although markedly inferior to Frank Herbert's original works, they do strike me as much easier to translate into film than the rest of the original series. Plenty of moments where you can say 'So _that's_ why x hates y! and went on to give birth to z'
Aw, man! (Score:1)
Granted, the Sci-fi cahnnel's version was better than David Lynch, but that's hardly high praise.
Visuals! (Score:1)
Also, the acting was pathetic. Especially compared to the Lynch movie. But the fact that the miniseries was still enjoyable, even with shite acting and visuals, speaks volumes about the quality of the original story.
reality... (Score:1)
when is herbert and everyone since finally going to realize, the fremen are BLACK.
Re:reality... (Score:2)
Also, the Fremen traditionally move at night and live in caves.
How about this time... (Score:2)
I mean, in the scifi channel remake, everyone's acting was flatter than a pancake. That and the cheap-ass sets were the two most distracting points of the scifi channel remake.
Kyle MacLachlan (Paul, Lynch) had more talent in his left pinky than Alec Newman (Paul, Scifi) And what the heck was up with William Hurt (Duke Leto, Scifi)? Normally a fine actor, in the remake it was like he was on prozac the whole time! Jurgen Prochnow (Duke Leto, Lynch) might have been somewhat oddly cast for the Lynch production, but at least he had emotions!
Come on guys, be a little daring this time, try some location shots. Dont be weenies and do everything on stage sets.
I'd rather they did DOON (Score:2)
A much more entertaining read....
And he shall pour a beer without head, and it shall be nothing
Re:Get some priorities people! (Score:1)
Re:Dune rock solid (Score:1)
Re:Weirding Modules (Score:2)
Re:Weirding Modules (Score:1)
Re:Weirding Modules (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Weirding Modules (Score:2, Interesting)
In the book, the weirding way is mroe focused on the nerves and muscles of the body to allow a person much more precise control of their body. It always seems to me that the weirding way is simply an extension on Bene Gesserit Prana Bindu training that focuses on combat.
While the miniseries di have its faults, this is one part that they got much more correct than did the original movie.
The Movie (Score:4, Insightful)
Now, if anyone is interested in seeing a really fun film, go find Amelie [amelie-themovie.com]. Also, film noir with some chuckles, Novocaine (w/Steve Martin) Both worth seeing a second time. Hopefully LOTR will not disappoint, after all the hype.
Re:The Movie - Different Version (Score:1)
Re:What about after Children of Dune? (Score:1)
Not likely. Books 5 and 6 are in the way off future (like thousands of years). They would need to be a seperate series on their own with an entirely new cast.
For what its worth, in my opinion (-- just an opinion), books 5 & 6 are complete rubbish.
Re:Spoilers/Dammit! (Score:1)
Mary-Kate and Ashley (Score:2)
Well, the Olsen twins managed to play a child of about 4 years old well into their early teen years. Although how they plan on making one of them male is beyond me (not that any self-respecting geek would care, c'mon, these are the OLSEN TWINS!).
Re:Hire people with Skills (Score:2)