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African animals to roam Australia ? 311

Invurt writes: "In a strange twist to the traditional conservation story, Media Magnate Kerry Packer has announced that he is planning to open a huge African game reserve, for reasons of conservation and endangered species breeding in Australia. This would basically replicate Africa in the Australian continent, on a huge scale. They are not sure if they'd leave the kangaroos there or not - always wondered what it'd be like with kangaroos roaming the plains with lions."
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African animals to roam Australia ?

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  • Won't work (Score:5, Funny)

    by Xouba ( 456926 ) on Monday December 10, 2001 @07:53AM (#2681425) Homepage
    I'm sure it won't work as intented. We all know what happened with rabbits, right?

    And besides, we all have seen "Jurassic Park", didn't we? ;-)
    • Maybe it will work. But only if they keep the Austrailian wild-life from the African. If it turns out that the kangaroo isn't "the fittest" then it would be anihalated in that area.
    • Re:Won't work (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Max von H. ( 19283 ) on Monday December 10, 2001 @08:01AM (#2681448)
      That, and the fact it's quite forbidden to 'import' any live animal or vegetal stuff downunder.

      I mean, how are they going to contain the area? Even if you put high fences, they'll be eventually destroyed by rabbits or kangaroos, possibly resulting in yet_another_ecological_disaster. Australia has no natural predators for intruders, any introduction of a foreign animal has huge consequences (see rabbits).

      The idea's nice on a species conservation point of view, but one has to make sure they don't ruin the host ecosystem.

      • This is the same thing in a larger scale.
      • Re:Won't work (Score:3, Informative)

        by el'gwato ( 232384 )
        As an Aussie, I think we should string this cunt up by the nuts.
        Not for commercialising the last big game animals on earth but just for being such a wanker.
        Cases of animal introduction gone wrong:
        1).http://www.fdrproject.org/pages/TDprogress.htm Cane Toads
        2).http://www.american.edu/ted/Rabbit.htm Rascally Rabbits
        3).http://darwin.bio.uci.edu/~sustain/bio65/lec0 9/ b65lec09.htm Australia Foxes
        4).http://www.ea.gov.au/biodiversity/invasive/pe st s/ Feral Pigs,
        Not unlike or own Kerry Packer.
        The list goes on.
        Not to say that the big fence wouldn't work http://sa.democrats.org.au/parlt/p2/981104_b.htm

        PS: Use l337Z0R cut and paste methods on these links ;P
        • Re:Won't work (Score:5, Informative)

          by sam@caveman.org ( 13833 ) on Monday December 10, 2001 @10:53AM (#2681925) Homepage
          having never heard of the rabbit case, but having seen many references to it in this story, i took a look at the Rabbit [american.edu] case. it is almost too amazing to believe, and not helping matters is the similarity to the old children's song, 'there was an old lady who swallows a fly'. if it wasn't so serious a problem, it would be insanely comical. it sounds like a joke:

          basically, over a century ago wealthy englishmen brought rabbits to AUS so that they might hunt them. eventually the rabbit population boomed to well over 200 million, becoming more than a nuisance, rather an extremely ferocious natural disaster. they brought in a virus (myxo) to kill the rabbits, and it almost worked, but eventually the rabbits became resistant.

          and this is where it gets almost too weird to believe.

          they bring in ferrets to hunt the rabbits down. however, the ferrets are found to be carrying bovine tuberculoses. so they release a different strain of myxo to get rid of the ferrets.

          so finally they are researching a new virus to kill the rabbits, but the virus escapes the labs and spreads through australia and new zealand. so they come up with a vaccine...

          and the saga continues.

          on a more USian note, how about introducing a few hundred wolves back into the ecosystem to at least nibble at the incredible deer population? what's a few small children, anyway?

          • There's a similar story about the Hawaiian islands. Something about bringing in mongooses to get rid of the rat population, only to find out that rats are nocturnal and mongooses are diurnal. So now they have a terrible rat and mongoose problem....
          • on a more USian note, how about introducing a few hundred wolves back into the ecosystem to at least nibble at the incredible deer population? what's a few small children, anyway?

            That's American...

            That's why we have deer hunters. If the population gets out of hand, you simply increase the number of deer per license; if it gets too low, you decrease the number of tags. Simplicity itself.

            The advantage is that deer hunters kill far fewer humans than do wolves/bobcats/bears/other predators. The disadvantage is that said nasty maneating evil killing machines die out. Or perhaps that's another advantage...

          • The story hints that the virus was accidentally spread around New Zealand.

            Not the case.

            There were ideas of importing it and releasing it, but there were also fears that immunity would be quick in appearing. They wanted to do tests to check that the virus would be effective before releasing it.

            However some eager, peed off with the rabbits, can't wait for the silly Government, types from the upper South Island got a hold of some "Rabbit Calitrivirus" and let it loose.

            Big stink in the papers at the time.

      • Re:Won't work (Score:4, Interesting)

        by General Wesc ( 59919 ) <slashdot@wescnet.cjb.net> on Monday December 10, 2001 @12:35PM (#2682421) Homepage Journal

        My initial reaction was the same, but if you really think about it, as long as they only introduce K-strategist species such as the big mammals tourists are most interested in seeing, they shouldn't be too hard to contain. If the elephant species gets out of control, we can wipe them out easily, as we've seen all too well.

        Rabbits reproduce quickly and don't have body parts that sell for 50,000 each.

    • Re:Won't work (Score:3, Informative)

      by ttys00 ( 235472 )
      Don't forget the cane toads :(

      For those of you that don't know, cane toads were introduced in .au to eat pests that were destroying crops. Instead of eating the pests, they multiplied and are now as big a problem as the rabbits.
    • Re:Won't work (Score:2, Insightful)

      It's almost as if he just finished watching Jurassic Park for the first time, thought it was a good idea whilst remaining ignorant to the problems and issues and decided he had nothing better to do with his money!

      For starters, I think the environment/climate would be very different. Even though at first glance Australia appears similar to Africa in that it's hot with large planes and fields of dry grassy areas, Africa is much more moist than the harsh, dry Australian desert.
      There's no way a Hippo could survive in oz, for example.
    • Yes I can see it now. NY Times headline:

      Ferrel elphant plague strikes Australia!!

      The inhabitants of a Canberra suburb were fled in panic as the city was overrun by a herd of thousands of Ferrel elephants that had escaped form a reserve for endangered African animals. The elephants have adapted to their new enviroment admirably and have begun to travel in herds of thousands. Just last week an infestation of ferrel Elephants levelled an entire district of the city of Sydney and then went on to ravage a large peanut factory...........
      • (Score:-1, Flamebait)

        Much as I find the New York Times' registration scheme and their editorial bias annoying, I doubt they'd print a headline with a misspelling like "Ferrel [dictionary.com]"

    • by squaretorus ( 459130 ) on Monday December 10, 2001 @10:04AM (#2681773) Homepage Journal
      A guy called John Wamsley (google search [google.com]) set up a reserve in Oz to protect Australian species from Cats, Dogs, Toads etc... that had been imported.

      He got put in jail. Why? He killed all the Cats, Dogs and Toads on his land. This is against the law as its 'cruel'. The law has since softened - but technically it is still against the law to protect native species to the detriment of introduced ones.

      He has been succesful in setting u a number of reserves though - everywhere he has killed Cats the native marsupials etc have thrived. Often coming back from just a few hundred specimens to many thousands.

      He sells shares in his reserves to people, to fund purchasing of more land, and maintenence of the existing land. From memory he aims to have 10% of australia set aside as native only reserves within 10 years.

      This project should happen in Africa - not Austalia. Its not as if African land is expensive. I'm sure old megabucks Bill Gates could buy the Congo and ship out everything that threatens the wildlife if he wanted to. Those gorillas are so cool!
    • Drawing parallels is fine, but it's no substitute for thinking and analysis.

      The rabbit, like the rat and the cockroach, is pretty much unexterminable. The large mammals this would be about, OTOH, are already threatened and by definition easy to exterminate, should the need arise.

      There may be problems with the plan, but the chance that the introduced species will overrun the local fauna and be impossible to control isn't one of them.
  • Wouldn't this then be unnatural natural selection?
    • Re:Hmm. (Score:2, Insightful)

      by hatchet ( 528688 )
      Well.. if some species become extinct because of humans.. it's natural selection aswell. In history there were millions of species exctinct because of other species. Why would now be any different? How will extinction of Lions affect the world? If for the better or not affect at all.. then we do not need to preserve them
      We only have to be cautious.. because our own dominance might kill us. We might someday make globalwide disaster, which will make roaches a dominant species...
  • Really? (Score:4, Funny)

    by yatest5 ( 455123 ) on Monday December 10, 2001 @07:56AM (#2681436) Homepage
    always wondered what it'd be like with kangaroos roaming the plains with lions

    Have you? Really? Or are you Lion?
  • by cmclean ( 230069 ) on Monday December 10, 2001 @07:56AM (#2681438) Homepage Journal
    always wondered what it'd be like with kangaroos roaming the plains with lions.

    Short. And messy ;-)


    • I for one can not wait to see the first footage of Lions trying to hunt Kangaroos. It should make for a hilarious spectacle. I wonder if the Lions will even know what to make of a Kangaroo.
      • I for one can not wait to see the first footage of Lions trying to hunt Kangaroos.

        Now I understand why this is happening in Australia - Rupert Murdoch is behind it so he can get exclusive rights to the footage which he'll use for a new Fox show to be called "When Lions Attack Kangaroos."

      • Will the Roos be equiped with stingers [snopes2.com]?
  • I wonder what the effect on the Australian wildlife will be... It might sound great now, saving all kinds of African animals by housing them in Australia, but we might just be introducing new animal deceases in an equally precious eco-system... I don't think this is the way to go...
    • Maybe the African species wouldn't be well adapted to Australia. A lion might accidentally take one bite of (insert highly poisonous small thing that lives in Australia) and drop dead.

      I think a three-way death match with lions, crocodiles and humans would make good television. This guy is a media magnate, right?
  • The intent is good but it can be very dangerous for the indigenous fauna to import new species. Some species of platypus will probably disappear because of cats. On the other hand it might be the only way to save some endangered african species. It's really hard to know what to do in this case.
  • by vandan ( 151516 ) on Monday December 10, 2001 @08:02AM (#2681449) Homepage
    I think I speak for all Australians when I say:
    "Kerry, you are a fucking idiot!"
    Everything he touches turns to shit, whether it's TV networks, airlines, or now the whole fucking ecosystem.
  • So Australia will have a huge african wilderness park and a 1km high concrete windmill?

    I guess calling the place Oz was a nice bit of foresight.
  • I suspect it would be much more fun for the lions.
  • Killer Bees (Score:1, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    I am guessing that they have decided not to remember the africanized honey bees brought to the americas from africa.

    I wouldn't wish anything like that on the australians.
    • I wouldn't wish anything like that on the australians.

      I guess we'll have to find some other way to pay them back for unleashing Rupert Murdoch on us...
  • This is insane (Score:1, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward
    is a bad idea.

    In Europe, escaped kangaroos became a menace in the mid-1800s in southern Germany. Eventually, after years of hunting, all kangaroos wre wiped out.

    Australia still suffers from European species introduced there.

    Please, don't introduce African game... No one knows what will happen.
  • GPL? (Score:3, Offtopic)

    by 4thAce ( 456825 ) on Monday December 10, 2001 @08:04AM (#2681460) Homepage

    From the article:

    Animals are to be sourced from zoos and parks around the world.

    Wait a minute, the source code for a hippo is available? How come I've never seen this here [freshmeat.net]?

    • Re:GPL? (Score:2, Funny)

      by 4thAce ( 456825 )

      Damn, I spoke too soon. Here it is [freshmeat.net] after all.

    • Wait a minute, the source code for a hippo is available?

      Yup. Go here [cam.ac.uk] to contact Dada Gottelli, who can get you the source. Unfortunatly, it can't be sent over the internet, but there are many mirror sites around the world. And yes, the source for hippos, or at least the species Choeropsis liberiensis, is available.

      (For those who don't know, zoos around the world are preserving tissue samples and sperm and eggs from a wide variety of species. Useless (other than for research) now, but possibly vital at some time in the future... and they share back and forth to mirror each other's efforts (so the loss of a single facility won't affect the project... where is SourceForge's mirror?)


  • Why fight nature (Score:2, Interesting)

    by hapadam ( 464468 )
    Why would one person feel it appropiate to fight nature and bring groups of animals from one region to a completely seperate land. This makes no sense in the fact that Australia has some of the most unique creatures and we don't want them to lose them because we want to save some other animals from a certain extinction. Why do we feel that we need to save all animals from extinction. Yes we may have caused them to dwindle much faster then they normally would. Moving them to Australia would be an ecological nightmare (especially if they got out).
  • Hmm (Score:5, Insightful)

    by whanau ( 315267 ) on Monday December 10, 2001 @08:08AM (#2681466)
    Kerry Packer likes to claim he is the true blue australian tycoon, unlike his rival Rupert Murdoch.
    However what this nutcase is proposing here is nothing short of ecological genocide. If large predators escape from this "park" you can kiss goodbye all of the rare and beautiful marsupial animals that inhabit his "home". If he really wants to preserve african wildlife, he can do it much more easily by offering to fund the anti poaching forces in tanzania and kenya, as well as solving rural african poverty that means many in poorer outlying areas must hunt for bushmeat which goes for a high price in Nairobi. Perhaps a biology and a reality lesson is in order Mr. Packer?
    • Re:Hmm (Score:2, Insightful)

      by sstammer ( 235235 )
      what this nutcase is proposing here is nothing short of ecological genocide. If large predators escape from this "park" you can kiss goodbye all of the rare and beautiful marsupial animals that inhabit his "home"

      Or he could surround the core conservation area with a hunting area, leading to the best of both worlds: Claim to be conserving foreign wildlife in the core area, and helping to conserve indigenous wildlife outside of the core area, while also pleasing Neanderthals who maintain the urge to kill anything that moves.

  • by TeeWee ( 98278 ) on Monday December 10, 2001 @08:13AM (#2681478) Journal
    So, the filthily wealthy has decided in his insecure ego (the contradiction in terms is on purpose) that he needs to leave some tangible legacy behind. And what, in his utter wisdom, has he chosen?

    Yes, the preservation of wildlife. A noble cause in itself, noble indeed. But to introduce African wildlife into Australia? That is pathetic.

    Let's start with the famous rabbits, foxes, cane toads etc which roam the Australian country side. It's not a pretty sight, with all the introduced animals, having perhaps few predators and therefore outbreeding the local fauna.

    There may also be the small problem of germs brought into Australia by the animals. Ever been to Oz? Ever try to bring something even remotely animal-sourced material into the country? Even the soil under your shoes has to be cleaned, for fear of foreign infection due to the relative isolation of the continent.

    And also, if they plan to put a big fence around the property, they also need to maintain the damn thing, which, due to the size of it, should mean a constant monitoring of the thing and watching for any escaping animals (which would bring us back to point 1).

    In short, any "let's bring in species X into that continent" has, up to now, caused so many unforeseen side effects this should not be done without a proper scientific ground, and even with that, it should not be done lightly. And certainly not on the whim of an insecure rich man like Kerry Packer.
  • by reachinmark ( 536719 ) on Monday December 10, 2001 @08:16AM (#2681488) Homepage
    What, no conspiracy theories yet?

    Consolidated already has secured a land swap deal with the WA Government to free up property north of Kununurra for the reserve.

    What do you reckon is on this land then..? I think the hippos are just something to hide behind.. the lions are to keep people from snooping. He's building a secret shuttle launching facility? Nuclear weapons experiments? There are opals there? Perhaps it *is* Jurrasic Park?

  • Why transport them to .au, and put them in a foreign environment where they may not survive?

    Surely it would be smarter (and cheaper) to put a reserve in Africa and just keep the bloody poachers out.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 10, 2001 @08:40AM (#2681550)
    The premise is noble, but in reality the idea is faulty.

    Southern Africa has already implemented plans to create the world's biggest game reserve that spans three countries - Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe - and which will ultimately be 38,600 square kilometres in size. Within this game reserve, animals will be free to roam, the way they were able to in deepest, darkest Africa of the past before colonisation/civilisation. Due to the success of game parks, the wildlife population is springing back despite problems such as poaching and overcrowding. So while there is always a problem associated with "threat of eventual extinction of species", Africa is already doing the best it can to preserve its species. Australia should take care of its own problems first.

    Visitors to game parks in southern Africa are very lucky if they get to spot "the Big Five" in the same day - that is, lion, elephant, buffalo, rhino, leopard; and when they do, it is at a very respectful distance, and always with an armed game ranger. These are not the tame and cuddly animals you see in zoos or sanitised environments like Disney's animal park.

    What I'm saying here is that African wildlife is dangerous. Beautiful to look at, but dangerous. Forget Rudyard Kipling's stories about the lion being the king of the jungle (Africa isn't even a jungle, it's more of an arid savannah!) - here, each animal knows its place in the hierarchy.

    Ignoring for the moment that there has to be a reason (whatever it may be) why kangaroos are not found in Africa, and the Big Five are not found in Australia, I'm very much afraid that in a pissing match between the two continents, the Australian wildlife will lose.

    Kerry Packer's billions would be better spent at creating more game reserves in Africa, but bearing in mind the cliche "charity begins at home"....
  • We've already got [monartozp.com.au] one [murrayriver.com.au]...

    Admittedly, it's prolly not as big as the one Kerry's planning.
  • When the lions/hyenas get loose, and start eating all the indigenous Australian wildlife like <strike>camels</strike> kangaroos, they'll be an ecological menace right? We'll have to track them down and kill them, right? And if we're going to have to do that, wellll, we'll have to do it as an organised, controlled hunt - the lions still belong to the reserve, so we can't have any old Bruce Stockman just thinking he can shoot them, right? And while we're doing that, we might as well charge concerned individuals a fat free for the priviledge of helping out? All funds to go back into the reserve, of course...

    Am I being overly cynical here? I really don't know if I'm joking. At the least, if they get the ecosystem wrong within the park, they'll have to cull the big predators anyway, and if they're going to have to do that, they might as well make some money off it (and so on).

  • Amazing. (Score:4, Insightful)

    by James Foster ( 226728 ) on Monday December 10, 2001 @09:35AM (#2681683)
    Maybe Kerry Packer has enough money now that he doesn't need to think. Maybe he focussed on economics in school rather than taking biology. I don't know. Mr Packer seems pretty clued up when it comes to money but whats he doing now?!?

    There's a food chain and an ecosystem. Mr Packer wants to isolate an ecosystem with some sort of fence. The food chain goes down to tiny organisms which can easily pass through his fence. Either the food chain will have significant gaps which cause this idea not to work, or there will be some mixing between ecosystems.
    If the ecosystems mix, then he risks unbalancing nature's balance within the Australian ecosystem. If he leaves gaps in the food chain, then it's possible that Australian organisms may fill them but then how does Mr Packer expect to contain birds with his fence?!? What about plant life? It's part of the ecosystem too... birds can spread plant seeds and plants can probably spread through Mr Packer's fence.

    I don't take biology as a subject but there are problems preventing this from being feasible that are incredibly obvious. Has Mr Packer thought about this idea at all? It seems as if he had the dream last night and started working on the press release just after he woke up.
  • ecosystem survivor (Score:2, Insightful)

    by archen ( 447353 )
    How about this? We take samplings of each eco-system, and put them on every other eco system, and see which ones destroy which eco system. If it gets out of control, that's okay - because we'll just bio-engineer giant mutant ants that can fly, which will wipe out only the bad stuff. And if that doesn't work, we'll make an army of intelligent android like machines to kill all offending life forms - and that's perfectly safe, because we can always hit the "off switch".
  • you know (Score:5, Interesting)

    by nomadic ( 141991 ) <nomadicworld@g[ ]l.com ['mai' in gap]> on Monday December 10, 2001 @09:54AM (#2681749) Homepage
    I support this wholeheartedly. Yes, the introduction of other species in the past has decimated Australia's natural wildlife, but what this guy is talking about seems to be very different.

    There is a huge difference between inadvertently introducing small species such as rats and rabbits across the country (well, starting at coastal shipping ports), and introducing large mammals into a controlled region. Large mammals such as elephants and hippos are much easier to track, and more importantly will typically have offspring every few years (about every two years for hippos and rhinos, four years or more for elephants, and two years for lions, though the latter usually have a few cubs per litter), while rabbits breed like well, rabbits.

    Personally I think he'll have a very hard time of doing this succesfully; it's not easy to create an African savannah ecosystem from an Australian outback, and megafauna are notoriously slow at increasing population (thats one of the reasons we need reserves in the first place).
  • by CoopersPale ( 444672 ) on Monday December 10, 2001 @09:59AM (#2681758) Journal
    The results do vary, but here [afl.com.au] is the result of a recent clash...
  • hmm... (Score:3, Informative)

    by truesaer ( 135079 ) on Monday December 10, 2001 @10:01AM (#2681763) Homepage
    well I've seen a lot of talk about lions and rabbits and stuff. Australia also has big problems with pigs and some frogs, according to the Crocodile Hunter.

    But! A game reserve for ENDANGERED species might be ok, because that would be things like rhinos and giraffes and primates. There's a reason that they're all endangered, and part of it is because humans can kick the ass of any natural population with ease (compared to rabbits, which breed like rabbits, and thus are not endangered).

    So for these species it would be less risky. On the other hand, a reserve in Africa would be ideal, and it is possible to have a reserve without major problems from poachers if the location is right.

  • by forgoil ( 104808 ) on Monday December 10, 2001 @10:03AM (#2681770) Homepage
    I'd say, fix the problem instead. And what is the problem? The problem is the africa's wildlife is being killed off. Fix that instead of screwing up Australia.

    I would love to hear what Steve "the Crocodile Hunter" would say about this. Sure the guy is the goofiest person I've seen from .au yet, but he is one of the few who really do care about animals and knows his shit. It's people like him we need to make decisions.
    • OK, I'm gonna troll the hell out of this. Insightful? What? Going on the advice of a TV animal expert is an insightful suggestion? Should I call Jack Hannah the next time one of my dogs comes down with some trouble? I'm sorry, but I'm sure there are environmental experts with more intelligence and a tad less goofiness than the Crocodile Hunter. I mean, crikey, what are you thinking? The only shit he knows is how to risk life an limb to look like a fool on TV. Maybe I'm wrong and he is an expert zoologist, but even if that's the case I'm absolutely that there are several hundred people more qualified for this job than Steve.
  • by MdeG ( 209400 ) on Monday December 10, 2001 @10:25AM (#2681830) Homepage

    Wouldn't this just be a dream come true for the big white safari hunters (and watchers) of the world; exciting African wildlife without the pesky african people to spoil the scenery.

    As pointed out by many already, the conservation aspect of this plan is trite. Look at the actual percentage of conservation land in Africa (especially S. Africa, Zambia Kenya, Botswana, Zimbabwe and increasingly Mozambique) - its far higher than any western country. All of these places have viable stocks of elephant, rhino etc. The dangers of poaching are usually specific to an area (ie Reduced elephant population in Tsavo in Kenya). Having elephants in Australia is hardly going to solve this.

    There are vastly more important conservation projects going on in Africa that make this look ridiculous - particularly the peace parks mentioned in another post.

    If he wants to do something stupid like this - fine; but not by claiming some kind of moral imperative about saving African wildlife from the predatorial, poaching africans.


    P.S.Apologies for the invective; my currency (the South African rand has just fallen even further into the mire based, as far as I can see, on similar self-fulfilling racist (or more likely, cynical) fantasies of those that control the money markets.
  • Check out my mad ideas [danny.oz.au] page...


  • Inserting endangered species in an already endangered eco-system is the most stupid idea i've ever heard, even if they are in a reserve with the great wall of China as borders.

    Everyone knows the effect of inserting foreign species in a balance eco-system and that already happened in Australia during the colonial days. These species are now making it harder for the native Australian fauna. ( That happened with rabbits, dogs, ... )

    Those who watch the croc guy on discovery know what i'm talking about, and i would certainly like to hear from Steve about this idea.

    Sometimes, i just want to hit people with a buick! I don't know why, don't ask.
  • Hmmm (Score:2, Interesting)

    by AbeSR ( 536251 )
    It does seem fairly odd at first...but really, it's just like an extension on the "African Savanna" exhibit at your local zoo, right? If the "Park" is separate (and I'm quite sure it will be...lions are expensive...can't have them wandering off to Canberra to be hit on the freeway) they shouldn't alter the biosensitivity any more than the Bronx Zoo does. I do wonder what's being "displaced" in order to make this possible though. Protect endangered African wildlife--Kill Australian Wildlife!!! I agree, it must be a front for something. A four-acre Meth Lab masquerading as The Lion House? An underground nuclear weapons lab underneath the Giraffes of the World enclosure??
  • by goodviking ( 71533 ) on Monday December 10, 2001 @11:08AM (#2681982) Journal
    Soon to be seen on Animal Planet:

    "...and here we are in my native Australia, home to the koala, the kangaroo, and ... CRYKIE TERRI, THAT LION JUST BIT ME DAMN LEG OFF ..."
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 10, 2001 @11:09AM (#2681984)
    The thing is that humans have already introduced many species of animals to Australia, volountarily or involountarialy. And some of these introductions have had disastrous ecological effects (still, since this is biology, scientists disagree whenever they can), for instance the introductions of rabbits, cats and foxes. Add to this various invertebrates and plants affecting local species.

    Actually, there is an ecological theory called "the tens rule", stating that approximately 1 out of ten imported species escapes and becomes introduced to the local flora and fauna. In the next step 1 out of 10 introduced species manages to maintain self-sustaining populations. And in the final step, 1 out of 10 established species becomes a pest.

    So, if statistics are true even down under, there is a slight risk that the Australians will end up with pest elephants roaming the countryside and eating peoples grapes (they produce much but wine there, do they?).

    Furthermore, even though insects are not the most important savannal grazers, they are still numerous enough to be of ecological significance. So they'll probably have to import them as well.

    Ehh, not to mention the savanna itself of course.
  • Parasites? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Ssolstice ( 198935 ) on Monday December 10, 2001 @01:13PM (#2682633)
    And what are they going to do when mammalian parasites from the African animals start infecting the Australian wildlife? The Aussie critters will have no defenses to tsetse flies and the like. And there's no way they're going to get enough animals to Australia to make a stable population, but make sure they're all free from parasites, too. It's just going to make another big mess...
  • by Zeinfeld ( 263942 ) on Monday December 10, 2001 @01:38PM (#2682754) Homepage
    Exotic animals don't just disrupt the eco-system directly, they bring parasites and disease that cause havoc. For example the Europeans brought smallpox to the Americas which wiped out much of the indigenous population.

    This type of thing is still going on. There is a plausible theory that BSE did not suddenly jump from sheep to cow but was introduced by a particular wilderbeast at a safari park that died with BSE type symptoms and whose body was sold for rendering. Wilderbeast in their natural habbitat are subject to a prion type disease similar to BSE.

    The theory is still controvertial, the MAAF are ridiculing it. Unfortunately they have little credibility after it was discovered that three years of research into 'sheep brain' turned out to have been examining cow. The MAAF theory was used to reassure the public that BSE was the bovine form of scrapie, a disease of sheep that people have been eating for centuries without contracting CJD, the human form. However people have been contracting CJD so the 'scrapie' theory requires the emergence of a new form of scrapie prion while the wilderbeast theory does not.

    Whether or not the 'wilderbeast' theory is true the risk of introducing exotic diseases is significant.

  • Okay fellows, enough of the lessons learned from watchin' Jurassic Park III. It's really not so big a deal to introduce select foreign species on a limited basis. I did a very basic study of bamboo lemurs (http://www.duke.edu/web/primate/labamb.html) at the Duke University Primate Center (http://www.duke.edu/web/primate/) some years ago. The guys were hanging out in a fenced enclosure with a couple of other species of lemur and loving it.

    I had to take readings every five minutes and record their actions, and I had several interactions with squirrels and the like. Really pretty interesting to see two disparate species like this have face-to-face "showdowns". There's no real worry that these guys are going to transmit anything.

    The point, in brief, is this: Zoos do this all the time in the US, from San Diego to Asheboro, North Carolina. Believe me, they keep a very close eye on the animals. The biggest hurdle for many zoos is finding a climate that suits the animals. Australia fits the bill for many African hoofed mammals almost to a T, I'd bet. The only real concern is what happens if a large habitat is cleared of rare indigenous animals to make room -- that could potentially have some obviously bad repercussions.

    This isn't a case of kudzu, African "killer" bees coming up from Mexico, or rabbits running rampant around Australia. In this case, hopefully, the goal is to breed rare animals in a land well suited to the task (stable government and good climate). The whole purpose is to breed animals that have a hard time making more, not to give range to wascally wabbits. Assuming the intentions are sound, good luck to them, and don't worry about us playing god.

    One final point -- if you're worried about this guy making money, don't be unless animals are being hurt or exploited. We won't have conservation without placing worth on healthy animals, and, for better or worse, money is the way we seem to measure worth in this "first world".
  • I can't wait to see those pussies get their asses kicked!

    I don't imagine that the lions will have much of a chance against the kangaroos. Besides their superior speed, kangaroos can also kill predators with a single kick.

    Though, I wonder how the cheatahs will fare.

    Personally, I think that this won't solve the problem. Species will become extinct, period, in one fashion or another. When there isn't sufficient habitat, species suffer. The only one that doesn't seem to suffer is the human species. We seem to be able to sufficiently adapt and destroy whatever environment we're put in.

    Ah, human nature.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
