Samba Turns 10 149
abartlet writes: "Samba is celebrating its 10th birthday - initally released as Andrew Tridgell's humble 'Server 0.5' 10 long years ago. Tridge has made some notes on the past 10 years. And Samba is still going strong, becoming a cornerstone of the Linux community. Samba 3.0 is on its way and promises many new features, including for the first time support as a server in an Active Directory domain!
But the biggest thanks goes to all those who have contributed code, bugs, testing, docs and feedback in general. We could not have come the last 10 years without you!
-- Andrew Bartlett, Samba Team."
The begining (Score:5, Interesting)
Story submitters: Try to do this every time. It's provides context, and you know we all want just click and not hunt it down.
Re:The begining (Score:1)
I think there should be some extra fields for additional URLs on the story submittion page. For instance, the first mention of something on USENET would be an interesting related link for a lot of stories. However, there is no way of intergrating it into the story without it sticking out.
Just a thought.
Rev-eng feats never cease to amaze me (Score:4, Insightful)
I also get the same feeling of awe when I see emulators for proprietary game systems released a very short time after the hardware is. For example, I spent some time writing a little game for the PlayStation to get my hands dirty, which I couldn't have done without the talents of the people who take the time to disassemble the ROMs, write the docs, produce the tools, and analyze the source code.
If there were some way I could contribute monetarily to the Samba project or even some of my time (I have done some rev-eng stuff myself, mostly on undocumented Palm libraries), I would gladly do it. These guys deserve major kudos.
Re:Rev-eng feats never cease to amaze me (Score:3, Informative)
It's a well known fact that Andrew Tridgell, Samba's creator, accepts Pizza if you feel the urge to be generous. More details in the FAQ [samba.org]:
Andrew doesn't askfor payment, but he does appreciate it when people give him pizza. This calls for a little organisation when the pizza donor is twenty thousand kilometres away, but it has been done.
Method 1: Ring up your local branch of an international pizza chain and see if they honour their vouchers internationally. Pizza Hut do, which is how the entire Canberra Linux Users Group got to eat pizza one night, courtesy of someone in the US
Method 2: Ring up a local pizza shop in Canberra and quote a credit card number for a certain amount, and tell them that Andrew will be collecting it (don't forget to tell him.) One kind soul from Germany did this.
Method 3: Purchase a pizza voucher from your local pizza shop that has no international affiliations and send it to Andrew. It is completely useless but he can hang it on the wall next to the one he already has from Germany
Method 4: Air freight him a pizza with your favourite regional flavours. It will probably get stuck in customs or torn apart by hungry sniffer dogs but it will have been a noble gesture.
Re:Rev-eng feats never cease to amaze me (Score:2)
Well, it is Microsoft's protocol... no one really has the God-given right to reverse engineer it! You're acting like you're pissed off about it, but remember, if it wasn't for MS, Samba wouldn't exist.
Re:Rev-eng feats never cease to amaze me (Score:2, Informative)
hehehe well MS didn't write SMB, they took it from the lanmanager standard, I believe origionally written by a number of companies including IBM. Now you are partially correct in stating that SAMBA, the project wouldn't exist without MS, because there wouldn't have been the need, all the trials and tribulations that the team went through wouldn't have existed if MS hadn't co-opted the standard and done their typical embrace and extend on it.
Re:Rev-eng feats never cease to amaze me (Score:1)
I believe reverse engineering is a God-given right. We received the right to do it when God gave us the ability to do it. Things like reverse engineering birds, atoms, etc. don't typically require a license.
But I can understand how some might feel differently.
Re:Rev-eng feats never cease to amaze me (Score:1)
Not only under Linux (Score:5, Insightful)
I just find it amazing and it IMHO has become a true protocol, much beyond its original Linux/Windows filesharing scope.
Thanks !
Here Here (Score:2, Informative)
I used Samba 2 as the basis of my CS senior project. It was maervelous technology then, and it's only gotten better since.
BTW, my senior project led to the use of Linux in our labs, as SMB was the only thing they really needed and had been looking at going to a *nix. My project deomnsrated that Linux with Samaba was the platform they needed to be on.
Samba is cool, (Score:5, Interesting)
Wouldn't it be just better to invent a very new protocol, and provide clean clients for all major operating systems (Linux, BSD, windows 9x/NT, etc.). For Linux/Unix/BSD, something better than NFS is really required - NFS sucks (security? etc.)
I'm a bit thinking about efforts like Coda [cmu.edu] which is in the Linux kernel for years now, and there also exists a Windows client. Last time I checked there was no NT client which makes Coda practically useless at this stage.
But I think a clean, well designed, secure and stable protocol would be a benefit for big company's networks and for home networks. I work as developer, but I often help our admins. It's a network of w2k, NT4, Linux and FreeBSD machines (about 60 computers). The Windows machines always suck... in many cases because SMB doesn't work as it should.
Re:Samba is cool, (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Samba is cool, (Score:2)
I don't know how fast a "Aftermarket" FS would take off in the IT market right now. Most people are locking into "static" mode - Nobody i know in TN is going to Windows XP in their enterprise, and people are just now beginning to move to Solaris 8 (Where they had systems at 2.6 previously.) I know some enterprise, especially those serious about maintaining the assured quality of their networks, are not going to install a 3rd party filesystem.. as part of the "holy trinity", a filesystem is something that most system engineers/admins, at least those I know, aren't going to take any risks on.
I stand by my opinion that a Open Systems Consortium should be in charge of ensuring interoperability of operating systems.
Just my $0.02 on Samba: *Pulls hair out*
Re:Samba is cool, (Score:1)
Re:Samba is cool, (Score:2)
I'm talking things such as Coda, etc.
Personally, it was a godsend when i found out about WSFU.. eliminate samba in the environment - We're heavily reliant on cross-platform FS, heavily enough that we don't want to use an unsupported product. Services for Unix's Gateway for NFS is going to make me a happy man this year.
Re:Samba is cool, (Score:1)
Unsupported by whom? Lots of people are happy to support Samba - if you pay them. It's also supported as part of the standard install on HP-UX now, and I think on some other Unix versions (not to mention almost all Linux vendors).
...I mean, come on. Are you seriously suggesting that Microsoft supports SFU better than Red Hat supports Samba? The nature of the IT world is that any vendor will support their own products to whatever extent you desire, if you give them enough money. As will just about any third-party consultant. (Not that third-party consultants are much help for fixing bugs in SFU, due to its closed-source nature.)
Re:Samba is cool, (Score:3, Interesting)
And 3rd parties digging through code.. Im not sure I really like that idea in my environment. No thanks, but i'll stick with companies who's stock prices are well into the double-digits. This isn't an HP Shop, nor is linux allowed in our production environment. Therefore, as i elaborate on below, I'm unconcerned with the principle.
[BEGIN Diatribe]
This discussion boils down to Administration Philosophies, Open Source Zealotism and professionalism on both sides. It trancends into the metaphysical layers of the OSI Model. Financial and Political for me, Religious for most of slashdot. To my contemporaries and myself, open source software simply isnt worth the "risk". Our investors don't like it, we're past the buzzword stage, and you know, in the end, our purpose is to make money, not to stand on philosophy. The one Linux application we ran was a unmitigated disaster. While I know it doesnt speak for all OpenSource applications, it certainly puts forth the idea that when you put something into production, you want to make sure it is completely, totally, and undeniably supported for its entire lifepsan. Unix/OSS is not a way of life for me. It isn't the godhead of my existence - its not my calling. Its my job. I do my job, I take appropriate steps to ensure I'm the best I can be at what I do, and then I go home and attempt to improve myself in other ways. I like Windows. I like Unix. I accept the benefits of both. My employers like that. This is the reason i've gotten the jobs i've gotten. [Well, it obviously wasn't my charming personality]
[END diatribe]
Re:Samba is cool, (Score:2)
What exactly is wrong with 3rd parties digging through code? It's not like the original programmers are all going to be still working for the vendor you buy stuff from. For that matter, the software you buy may itself have been developed elsewhere and later purchased by your vendor - effectively making your vendor a "3rd party digging through code".
If you pay a consultant enough money they should be more than happy to accept the burden of digging through someone else's code. If they turn out to be incompetent to maintain / fix that code, it's the same as if they turn out to be incompetent to do anything else you hire them for.
And what do stock prices have to do with anything? You're saying your company never does professional business with any company whose stock price isn't well into the double digits? If you think the stability of a supplier is in doubt, you don't just walk away from the deal - you make sure you have backup suppliers. Why not the same with support contracts?
You forgot "Closed Source Zealotism" - or "zealotry", I think the word is. You've said it yourself - for some shops open source is taboo, without there necessarily being any concrete rational reasons.
Well, zealotry rarely hurts anyone other than the zealot (in a free society anyway). If a shop wishes to ignore the various advantages to using open-source solutions, hey, it's their budget.
Re:Samba is cool, (Score:2)
At least until you realize what colossal Microsoft single points of failure you've introduced into your environment with SFU and/or Microsoft DFS....
(This may have changed with XP, I haven't checked, but I doubt it. It was definitely true with W2K.)
Re:Samba is cool, (Score:1)
Re:Samba is cool, (Score:1)
AFS is a really cool distributed filesystem and is used widely at many universities, I would like to see it used more in enterprise enviroments.
A good free AFS implementation is Arla [stacken.kth.se]. Another one is, as a previous poster pointed out, OpenAFS [openafs.org]
Re:Samba is cool, (Score:1)
Re:Samba is cool, (Score:2)
Don't see the point (Score:1)
Adding 'thin clients' and an entire new protocol is overkill for a problem that has been solved. There is nothing internally wrong with SMB, the problems often lies within the machines that are implementing them. Analogy time: lets say you came across a broken bridge that you needed to pass. You could either get a bunch of boards and nails and fix what is broken or you could create a catapult to leap over the gap. Clearly, the catapult gets the job done but opens up a whole other set of possible problems.
Re:Samba is cool, (Score:2)
While I couldn't agree more that something better is required, NFS is quite good (esp, v3 and v4).
It's also important to remember (or learn) that authentication is NOT a function of NFS - that is done elsewhere. Most people just use garden-variety NIS, which is totally insecure, but ubiquitous and interoperable. NFS can operate securely (Kerberos or whatever else you want, it's pluggable), but most people choose not to, either out of laziness or ignorance. (Although Sun hasn't made secure operation as easy as it should have, either...)
Re:Samba is cool, (Score:3, Interesting)
The SMB protocol in Windows is just ONE driver.. you can integrate others as well, you "only" need to have deep knowledge of the internals of Windows (one thing I don't have). My point is, you don't need M$' cooperation for that. I guess if someone who really knows Windows writes a driver, it can be made work better than any reverse engineered SMB server emulation.
One problem with missing M$' cooperation is that it won't be shipped with Windows. Many admins don't even install service packs regularly - why should they be more motivated to install 3rd party drivers.. on all clients! It's just not automatically in there when Windows is freshly installed. Seems funny that this is a real problem, but mustn't be underestimated.
Re:Samba is cool, (Score:1)
And that's the entire problem. Don't kid yourself into thinking the majority of people will download and install new stuff. That's part of the reason internet explorer became the dominant browser: it was available, so why would anyone feel the need to download Netscape/Mozilla? Similarly, your shiny, fantastic new protocol will NOT be adopted by windows users unless it's part of windows. And guess what? It isn't and won't be.
Re:Samba is cool, (Score:1)
Re:Samba is cool, (Score:2)
I do. I even know the error code in hex by heart. I can even recite you all the hex codes on the blue screen (it happens so often that I can remember this, amazing!).
Don't forget mars_nwe - the NetWare emu (Score:1, Flamebait)
Give it a shot. You'll learn something, and find out it's a much better product than SMB and any M$ attempt at an NOS.
Re:Don't forget mars_nwe - the NetWare emu (Score:1)
That being said, integrating novell with a Windows NT network is a pain in the a$$. I currently support an application that runs on a Novell base(which in 3 weeks will be changed to a NT based network). The performance of this application is HORRIBLE. It constantly locks up our server, constantly(probably 2-3 times a day) locks up the print queue so I have to totally reboot the server.
Samba has provided the perfect tool for me to integrate Unix environments seamlessly into our NT network, I wish I could say the same for Novell.
*cringing at the thought of Zen*
Re:Don't forget mars_nwe - the NetWare emu (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Don't forget mars_nwe - the NetWare emu (Score:3, Offtopic)
"Every mistake made with computers has been made three times: on mainframes, minis, and micros. Now we are building networks..."
Re:Don't forget mars_nwe - the NetWare emu (Score:1)
Netware was never a DOS program, although it has used DOS as a poor man's boot loader.
I always, however, found it interesting how you could still type down at a 5.1 server console prompt and exit to DOS!
Re:Don't forget mars_nwe - the NetWare emu (Score:1)
You're server ran in non-dedicated mode, sharing your valuable 10 or 20 meg hard drive, but you could still run DOS apps on the same machine at the same time. Netware ran in 256K, so on a real beefy 512K machine, you had 256K left for MSDOS and your apps.
I remember installing many a Netware 86 network -- seems to me that g/net has the most popular technology at the time (for our customers) don't remember details -- Timeframe was mid 80's
Installing and configuring required significant technical knowledge. You actually linked your own drivers (the netware shell)
Original netware was for Motorola 68K systems, and Novell sold the hardware. Eventually, Netware gave up on selling 68K hardware, as they could not compete with commodity PC's.
IMO what made netware the best back then was small drivers. When dos was king, and a 256 XT was a hot machine, a driver than ran in 40K did file and printer sharing was way more important the the NetBios features from IBM/Microsoft that sucked down 80K of RAM.
Re:Don't forget mars_nwe - the NetWare emu (Score:2)
A friend of mine used to say, "DOS isn't really an operating system, but it's a damn fine program loader!" Pretty accurate, really.
(Program loaders were common back in the early minicomputer days before many computers had the resources to afford luxuries like an OS.)
Re:Don't forget mars_nwe - the NetWare emu (Score:1)
Samba (and SMB on Windows 9x/NT/2k for the record) works just fine over routed networks... you just have problems with browsing (better put a WINS somewhere if you have many non-technical users).
Maybe you are confusing it with NetBEUI, that.... interesting.... thing that you may choose instead of TCP/IP as the layer below SMB services.
Re:Don't forget mars_nwe - the NetWare emu (Score:1)
Re:Don't forget mars_nwe - the NetWare emu (Score:1)
Re:Don't forget mars_nwe - the NetWare emu (Score:1)
it does NOT directly run on tcp/ip.
Re:Don't forget mars_nwe - the NetWare emu (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Don't forget mars_nwe - the NetWare emu (Score:2)
No, it defeats broadcast name resolution (Score:1)
Without WINS servers or LMHOSTS, you cannot resolve NetBIOS names across different networks since netwrok broadcasts are used. MS is abandoning WINS in favor of DNS since it provided a redundant function.
Dork Moderators (Score:1)
Re:Dork Moderators (Score:2)
Yes, Novell had (and has) pricing and maketing problems - probably fatal. And yes, if your only experience with Netware is a 3.11 network set up by someone whose brother once took the Intro class, it can be horrendeous (sound familar? Linux set up by someone who has never used Unix before?).
But the reflexive hatred to things Netware seen on Slasdot is pretty counterproductive.
Re:Don't forget mars_nwe - the NetWare emu (Score:2)
The architecture of NCP is vastly superior to SMB or even NFS - NFSv4 will finally have some of the killer WAN features that NCP had in 1993. The protocol, is lean, elegant, performance-optimized, and engineered to work in the real world in ways others haven't ever bothered to think through. It pretty much had to be that way, considering it was designed to run on '286s.
Case in point: NetWare won a shootout I conducted in 1994 to pick the best file-sharing system on which to deploy an emergency oil spill response system (be in full communication with Houston from anywhere in the world within 15 minutes of hitting the ground, with no computer guys for hundreds of miles!) The data link was over an Inmarsat satellite telephone - horrible latency with the bird in geosynchronous orbit. Everything was on PCs, and file sharing was mandatory to support Microsoft Mail and I included NetWare just for political reasons, expecting it to get creamed by one of the NFSes from NetManage, FTP Software, or Sun.
Readers' Digest Version: NetWare smoked everyone so bad, I thought it must just be that all PC NFSs were bad - but the same thing happened with a Unix box over such a high latency link. I dug into it, talking with some of the Novel protocol jocks, and we identified several things that made it even faster, which they added in the next release. NetWare flat flew, NFS was unusable. I was sold on the superiority of NCP, and I think that's still true today.
Good engineering still wins. As a longtime Unix bigot, I even developed a respect for NetWare, and how little server resources it needed to support a serious number of clients. NetWare is arguably not a real OS, but there's nothing faster for serving up files and printing, and sometimes, that's all the job is. (Sadly, I haven't worked with NetWare in several years. Its only problem back then was that it was an order of magnitude more difficult to manage than it had any right to be. Much like Linux in that regard...)
Re:Don't forget mars_nwe - the NetWare emu (Score:2)
Why didn't Novell recognize Microsoft's Maoist strategy by 1990 (enemy advances, we retreat...)? Many of us in the networking world did. Why didn't (and doesn't) Novell try to find some way to counterattack other than a head-on assult? Why not seriously open source some NDS code? Why not a real Netware client for Linux? Why not try to find some ground, any ground, to fight where Microsoft doesn't hold the heights? Why didn't Novell buy Netscape in 1995 when they had the cash (although given what they did to WordPerfect and SoftSolutions, maybe not!)?
At this point I am afraid it is too late for the "Big Red N".
Re:Don't forget mars_nwe - the NetWare emu (Score:2)
I'm afraid so, even Eric Schmidt couldn't turn the place around - he recently left as CEO of Netscape to be CEO of Google. For those that don't know, Eric is the brilliant former CTO of Sun who was the internal champion behind Java and many other cool things we now enjoy...
Re:Yeah right why not use Novell crap if you love (Score:2, Insightful)
However, I think that Linux kinda blows for a file and print server in a med-large environment. Linux needs "access control list" built in to a typical Red Hat or other major distro. The idea of only having ONE owner, group or "other", for file permissions kinda sucks for most businesses. It would be nice if Linux also supported inherited rights mask, like NetWare also.
Re:Yeah right why not use Novell crap if you love (Score:1)
I do agree on the file permissions point you made. Unix really needs a enterprise class file system; it's been far too long. NTFS is somewhere in between unix and NetWare.
Re:Yeah right why not use Novell crap if you love (Score:2)
Uh, what? What sort of "protection"? The question is kind of vague.
Linux and NT (and all modern OSes) support memory protection, so one process can't access the memory of another process or of the kernel except by explicit arrangement. They also have crash protection, so an unprivileged user process can't (in theory) cause serious harm to the running of the system.
These have been considered standard features for a serious OS for fifteen years at least. The fact that Windows 95/98/Me and Mac OS 9 didn't have them only means that they should not be considered serious OSes. The fact that Netware 4 didn't have them means it was designed for a niche, not general-purpose.
Re:Yeah right why not use Novell crap if you love (Score:2, Interesting)
coming from a different angle (Score:2, Funny)
And since then, I've networked by freakin' house - all because of samba and netatalk.
AD Support? (Score:2)
Offtopic Flamebait (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Offtopic Flamebait (Score:1)
World's Shortest Samba HOW-TO (Score:5, Informative)
By the end of it, you can actually do something (gasp!) useful in some circumstances.
Here's the text
Re:World's Shortest Samba HOW-TO (Score:1)
Then I tried it on NetBSD - no suck luck. Whats worse, is that the Samba distribution with NetBSD says "smbclient is nothing to do with us, we dont want to hear about it, it sucks, piss off, etc" (OK I exaggerated a bit)
I was very disappointed. I sold the concept of Linux to several clients on the strength of Samba, but NetBSD is SO much better. I just wish smbclient would work on it (and on Sparcs, and FreeBSD).
Your HOWTO should mention that its LINUX only, and smbclient is Not Samba. (or else the NetBSD distro needs its README seriously rewritten.)
Re:World's Shortest Samba HOW-TO (Score:2, Informative)
Does anyone remember there first samba load. (Score:1)
I was made the lead unix sysadmin about 20 days previous because I could remember some line commands and my supervisor didn't want to deal with it. (Yes this was in the Air Force)
I then set up a 18 machine network with 2 servers and a raid controller. It took all of the 20 days but I thought I was hot shit back then. Then I was told that the NT machines sitting in the back had to be connected to the network. No Prob says I.
10 hours later I was still shuffling between the DEC server and the NT Server and unable to do anything but ping.
I remember fondly reading the install instructions with the hope inspiring line of "at this point you may want to take a break or get a beverage because this next part can be a little tricky" and thinking, "no way could it be that hard"
After the second day I gave up and resorted to the unthinkable. I called the real admin up who had left the air force to complete his degree. The bastard couldn't remember AT ALL! Finally at the end of the second day (only 9 hrs this time) he and i finally got it working. Granted it took a conference call to the other admin guy that went to germany but the damn thing worked.
Four years and a civilian job later and for some unknown reason I still recommend SAMBA to others.
Re:Does anyone remember there first samba load. (Score:1)
I remember it like it was today ....
Hold on - it was today. Many thanks to DrSpin for that. I am slooowly getting to grips with Linux, but still mostly use my Windows 98 box because I just have too many other things to do.
Sometimes we newbies need to be cut a little slack.
Samba validates Microsoft (Score:1, Flamebait)
Samba is awesome stuff a little harry for a late night conversion on a 300 gig W2K server at times but good stuff.
Samba makes MS look that much better and more important, funny about every couple months you hear about MS planning to do something on their end to undo the work of Samba team, seems to me like a good bed fellow for Microsoft.
Good Bad Ugly or None of the above , none of it matters when talking MS, fact is its here for the long haul, we have to connect to it, Ostritch networking dosent work in the real work (i.e. Its ms were just no going to connect and well stick our heads in the sand and act like it dosent exist) MS has been the bearer or butcher, whatever you think of many standards, Samba VALIDATES a few of those MS altered standards.
...same as Japan validating American cars (Score:3, Interesting)
And as far as making standards, a lot of the new ideas for a browser come from MS. Are they bad ideas? I think not. MS does a lot of things very badly, but their internet browser is top notch - it works better, and encorporates a lot of interesting features not found in other browsers. If they'd release it under Linux, I'd have no good reason to dual boot.
Re:...same as Japan validating American cars (Score:1)
You have to be kidding! Check this [theregister.co.uk] for some of the "features" thankfully not found in other browsers.
Another IE fanboy (Score:1)
I'm seriously tired of hearing about "What A Great Browser IE Is".
This story is supposed to be about "How Great Samba Is" for managing to survive despite the Empire's best efforts to break it.
Once again, for the record:
Those Of Us Who Use Other Browsers(tm), especially on Other OSen(tm) are fed up with M$IE and its invasion of the Internet on bahalf of the Evil Empire(tm). We've now come to a point where we must actively hide the real identity of our browsers and state that we're using IE in order to gain admittance to an increasing number of web sites. These web sites then claim that, since no one but IE users hit their site, no one is using anything besides IE and they better soup up their websites with tons of M$ proprietary "content" that only works in IE. This has reached critical mass, and soon we'll _have_ to have M$ and IE in order to browse the web at all. As a Linux user, this bothers me.
Kids, that isn't what the Internet is about, at all. The Internet is about open standards, interoperatbility, and easy communication between different systems and even hardware. IE's purpose is to break all that, and it is therefore evil.
And I _REALLY_ don't care about "How Great IE Works", or "How Much Cool Innovation IE Has Brought To The Internet", or any of that.
I'll probably get modded down for ragging on "The Internet's Greatest Browser", you moderators on crack obviously love to hear that crap, because this message's parent is at +3. I don't know where I ever got the idea that this was a Linux & Open-Source oriented forum. Now I guess it's a safe haven for Astroturfers....
Go get a legitimate browser. Or go make a pilgrimage to the sacred city of Redmond where you can suck Bill Gates' ass. Or just go away.
Re:Another IE fanboy (Score:2)
IE is a criminal tool of an anticompetitive monopoly.
Believe it or not, Troll, it is possible for IE to be all three of the above.
It also happens to be the best browser for Windows.
Opera fangrrl over here... (Score:2)
On Linux I like Konqueror. It's IE the way IE should be. I suspect there are people sniffing around at Konqui's code up in Redmond now.
This reminds me...I should download Opera for MacOS PPC right away. Netscape 4.08 and its quirks are getting old, and IE 4 for Mac committed seppuku a few weeks ago...it freezes when you try to open it.
Yeah, I'm typing this from work on IE. But folks... http://www.opera.com/ . Just do it. Actually supporting these guys by buying the browser is a Very Good Thing (tm) and it's really not that expensive.
Re:Samba validates Microsoft (Score:3, Insightful)
I think Samba exists not for the validation of Microsoft but for the encouragement of interaction among heterogeneous systems.
Here are a couple of points to consider:
I think overriding effect of Samba and other free software projects that implement proprietary protocols is to make operating sytems that incorporate these implementations (originally GNU/Linux and FreeBSD, but now also several other UNIX variants) more attractive as newcomers to many previously entirely DEC or Microsoft shops, since they can interoperate seamlessly with legacy equipment. I would rather implement GNU/Linux with Samba in my datacenter than some proprietary OS that doesn't use Samba because I know Samba will be perpetually maintained and will always interoperate with any particular legacy system I am forced to use.
Having worked for a major life sciences company in a biochemistry research facility, I know the need for interoperability with legacy systems. For example, we had a number of instruments called BetaRams which we the biochemistry IT team had to support because they would be expensive to replace, yet the company that manufactured these no longer existed. The only software available for these systems was only certified to work on particular versions of IBM PC-DOS and MS-DOS. We had to be able to allow the software to write data to network drives, and all we could run was LAN Manager or Novell. We needed to store the data on fault-tolerant, near-perfect-availability systems. So, we used VMS with PathWorks (SMB) - this decision was made long before Samba.
Re:Samba validates Microsoft (Score:2, Interesting)
No it doesn't! There seems to be two groups of people here - those that embrace every attempt to get Linux to work with the rest of the world, and those that see anything like that as some sort of "betrayal" to the Linux community (to be fair, you haven't worded it that strongly, but I've seen it many times here).
As an end user, and not a hacker, I cannot tell you how important it is to be able to have sharing of resources with others, regardless of their OS. It goes without saying that the majority of computing resources in the world are attached to MS-run machines. Anything that promotes access is a winner in my books. That the Samba team has accomplished this, to the degree they have, with a protocol as "crappy" as that, with MS doing everything they can to obfuscate matters, well, hats off to you people. Thank you very, very much.
Would you prefer that they dismantle Samba and wait until enough Open Source resource sharing protocols are embraced by windows users? Don't hold your breath!
Re:Samba validates Microsoft (Score:1)
I would also just like to point out the, although many people dont like it, M$ is not going to be going away for a long long time. Samba is an easy to use/setup tool that allows the two interfaces to interact nicely. If anything, this has (and will continue to) help people to make an easy transition from OS to OS. I am not going to pretend that I understand a lot about the different sharing protocals...maybe the M$ one is a pain--but that is somewhat irrelevent. It is a sort of standard (sad as it may be) so whether we like it or not, we can't just ignore it.
I would just like to say...thanks Samba...without you I might have abandoned my Linuxbox long ago.
Re:Samba validates Microsoft (Score:1)
Regarding the "MS altered standards"... SMB itself has never been a standard. Microsoft's implementation of STD 19 (RFC 1001/1002) is very broken, however, and yes we do copy them on that. (I'm working on documenting [ubiqx.org] their implementation errors.) Others, like their Kerberos PAC manglement and the evil they've done to/with DCE/RPC... again, this is a valid perspective and one that has not been lost on us.
On the plus side, by doing the work we do we expose some of these problems, and hopefully work toward raising awareness.
Chris Hertel -)-----
Samba Team
Golden Pizza Award (Score:4, Insightful)
Samba and AD (Score:2)
BDC? (Score:3, Interesting)
Does anyone know if future versions of Samba will be able to function as a backup domain controller in an NT4 domain? That right there would be a huge boon for companies that don't want to spend MS License costs, but need failover protection.
Unfortunately, I'm still a novice programmer, and that sort of thing is well above my abilities. Oh well, maybe one day.
Re:BDC? (Score:1)
Re:BDC? (Score:2, Informative)
(Good Thing is a trademark of Martha Stewart Enterprises.)
Samba can't BDC to itself (Score:1)
Re:BDC? (Score:1)
It's kind of a kludge, but it works.
I hear that Samba 3 is supposed to have full blown ldap support built in.
2003 Challenges for SAMBA team (Score:3, Insightful)
Microsoft is just biding thier time and waiting for the ultimate outcome of the Napster and other laws that forbid fair use, reverse engineering, etc.
My personal prediction for 2002-2003 year is that SAMBA will end up in the fryin pan with a letter from Microsoft's cronies/lawyers telling them they are in violation of and that they must cease operations immediately.
Same goes for a lot of other open source projects.
I think the Open Source community should preempt the money establishment and prepare for the day when projects and servers can distribute free software without being so centralized as they are today. (i.e. SourceForge).
I won't get into what I think the rammifications are should SourceForge ever becomes seriously compromised. (i.e. a new project Opens up and voila', the source code to Windows 2000 is downloadable....)
The past year has been the worst year of patents, MULA, EULA, RIAA and DMCA crap I have ever seen.
More shananigans no doubt will be the rule of thumb for 2003, but only this time, there won't be so much confusion, as recent ignorant courts have made some very very dangerous precedents.
Microsoft is just waiting for enough of them to accumulate before they hit the Open Source community with 2 Billion dollars funding a horde of lawyers that will forever do away with critical key software the OpenSource community relies on. (i.e. SAMBA, Linux Kernel, X-Windows, etc.)
It very well maybe that Europe will see the rebirth of Open Source as such crap doesn't go over very easily in Europe. (i.e. the ludicrous idea of software patents.)
Re:2003 Challenges for SAMBA team (Score:5, Interesting)
Yes, the samba people do reverse engineer lots of part in SMB, AD etc, but MS knows about it, MS got even a link to Samba on their web pages, and there is even a person (forgot his name) who works at Microsoft (they call him "our man at MS")...
Microsoft actually profiting from this move - sure, they'll loosing a bit on server selling if you use Linux as a PDC, but you still need NT/2K for BDC stuff, you're also using Exchange server which needs licenses (and connected to PDC/BDC), and the biggest part - those servers service the Windows workstations - which is the big revenue to MS...
So if MS wanted to sue the SAMBA people - they would have sued them long time ago (see how fast they sued Lindows for a small thing as the name)..
Not for long... (Score:2)
Once Samba becomes a full-fledged server/client piece, with PDC/BDC et all, you would be able to have a full network with Linux stations and servers running Samba.
Why use Samba for Linux, if most are Linux anyway? For those couple of MS workstations/servers you still have. It would be great for migrating from MS to Linux. First, slowly replace the servers with Samba stations, then slowly replace the workstations. MS wouldn't like it if Samba was widely being used as a Windows-to-Linux migration tool.
Lindows... (Score:2)
Best wishes to Samba! (Score:2)
Samba should be at the next Carnival in Rio, guys!!
Happy Birthday Samba... (Score:1)
I use it in our Backyard-Network here in Munich, where a friend/neighbour and I share a single DSL Connection.
It runs really fast, even on my old CF-41 Notebook, and serves many Simpsons, Futurama or Buffy Episodes every day...now for nearly 100 days... []
Happy Birthday Samba!!!
I integrated Samba into our flagship product... (Score:1, Informative)
We started with samba 1.9 and now are installing 2.21 with neww customers. Of all the versions, 2.21 was the biggest performance improvement - making shares "feel" like local drives - and running better than our PDC's shares.
Although it's been a pain at times, it's well worth the trouble.
We now have hundreds of people who realize that you don't need to buy a NT Server to have centralized file and print sharing.
Happy Birthday! (Score:1)
Come to think of it, I need to add him to my 'fans' list. Good job, guys.
Cornerstone? (Score:4, Informative)
This counts as sort of amusing as Samba was originally written for Trigells' DEC system, and I doubt he even expected to ever get off his DEC, let along be ported to a dozen other systems and become one of the highest profile Free Software projects in use.
Giving credit (Score:1, Informative)
So lets have a round of applause for the Samba developers.
Isn't this to early? (Score:1, Insightful)
Since the initial announcement on USENET was 1992-01-10 see here [google.com]. And todays date is 2002-01-08. So isn't it more right to say that Samba's 10th birthday 2002-01-10? Or am I missing something?
No, it's late. (Score:1)
Now all it really needs... (Score:2, Insightful)
I have said this many times before and many people agree with me on this. All Samba (and Linux) needs is a simple way of graphically browsing and right-clicking, then choosing a menu option of share. It also needs to become more incorporated into the operating system to allow one single listing of user accounts, instead of one list for Samba, one list for the OS.
This will do wonders for opening up Linux to places that it currently is unable to get into. I am not saying that those other lists need to go away, because there are plenty of times when having those additional, seperate, user lists can be beneficial to security.
Will having a powerful feature like that seriously hinder the stability and security of Linux? I personally believe that that wouldn't be an issue, if implemented properly.
Until that day, unfortunately, Linux will remain a backroom OS only usable by those that enjoy learning and battling with dificult to follow configuration files. I happen to enjoy that, but I cannot count the number of times that a Samba config gave me minor issues with a single config line.
The news that I really want to hear is someone proclaiming that they have built a Linux distro that allows you to easily setup the system with one single user listing and the ability to configure network shares very similiar to how you can do so under Windows.
I know, it is a blasphemous thing to say. However, it is the truth. It will help Linux grow in market share, usability and seriously help Linux gain more ground over Windows.
If I had the time, I would work on it myself. I just don't have the time and energy for such an ambitous project. Please,take this idea and run with it.
.sig seperator
HOW IS THIS FLAMEBAIT? (Score:1, Insightful)
Calling the above post flamebait is like calling someone that watched a football game a murderer.
It is a simple, inteligent response that has excellent merit.
What kind of moderator are you anyway?
Re:Now all it really needs... (Score:2)
NIS?, that works for me. Now answer the second, more important piece of my comment.
Show me a kernel incorported Samba configuration that allows shares to be created on the fly, as you can under the Windows OS.
By the way, I am unable to claim that I am a guru or true expert on everything Linux related. I have never read anything about NIS, until your insightful post.
.sig seperator
Re:Now all it really needs... (Score:2)
I have used SWAT, I have used Webmin and I have manually edited the configuration files. I have never seen a tool in KDE or GNOME that will accomplish what I am looking for. What I would love to see is a simple, right-click on the folder and then left-click on the share option in the menu.
Once this feature is added to Linux, small business people and small IT consulting services can begin to look at Linux as a viable option.
Until then, only people with time and interest in banging their heads against a wall will use Linux. Being one of those people, I know what it is like.
.sig seperator
smbfs (Score:2)
One of my machines boots into both BSD and windows; the other one serves as a Samba server so that I can share media and data. Using smbfs, I was able to put a line into
Re:smbfs (Score:1)
Re:Redundant but short (Score:1)
Free shit that works; who woulda thunk.
Re:Happy birthday !!! (Score:1)
I believe he was talking about the FS not being unmounted cleanly (i.e., hitting the power switch while it was mounted.)
I've seen it happen before. fsck is a bitch.
Re:Ah (Score:4, Insightful)
Indeed, thanks to the design of NetBIOS and the MSRPC protocols for NT domains, it is quite easy to be a very disruptive influence on a network. And thanks to bugs in the NT implementation, misconfiguring Samba can actually take down NT machines! (Yes, that's a denial-of-service security hole. No, Microsoft doesn't care.) Of course, misconfiguring NT machines can take down NT machines as well - but NT's configuration isn't even close to as easy / flexible as Samba's....
Re:Ah (Score:1)