Alternative Energy: Power Via Coastal Wave Motion. 368
lavalamp writes "Scottish company Ocean Power Delivery has developed a sectional-torpedo-looking-thing as a means to transform the raw fury of the sea into electricity! I'm curious to see what happens when another drunk Exxon captain plows into a field of these things. They just secured a 8.6m (usd) in funding to continue research and build a large scale prototype." The company has won a contract to produce a 750kw "plant" off of the scottish coast and has an mou to produce a 2Mw project off of the coast of Vancouver Island in Canada. While this is far from being free energy, it is a pretty interesting way of deriving power from the tides. A side benefit is that surfers will finally be able to rail like their boarding cousins.
Another drunk exxon captain? (Score:2, Flamebait)
I swear, it's as bad as the open source zealots going after microsoft. Why can't people just say, "Hey - alternate power cool!" instead of bashing the oil companies? Because, let me tell you, the oil companies are a lot better than Microsoft as far as their antics. Microsoft doesn't have a bunch of hippies surrounding every office building 24/7 waiting to bust them for hurting some fuzzy animal.
Re:Another drunk exxon captain? (Score:2)
Re:Another drunk exxon captain? (Score:2)
Re:Another drunk exxon captain? (Score:2)
I'm not pro-oil by the way. I just think if somebody wants to take a pot shot at an oil company they should at least be accurate. Slashdot is notorious for doing things like this. Something against big bad company X, make up some FUD about big bad company X. It's just stupid, counter productive, and ultimately pointless. That's my point. If you want to bash the oil companies, go right ahead but at least be correct about it.
Re:Another drunk exxon captain? (Score:2)
I am absolutely in favor of mass transit, and alternate power supplies. I just hate when people spread lies for the sake of knee jerk reactions.
Re:Another drunk exxon captain? (Score:2)
Here [american.edu] is a good source of info for Valdez. Ugly background, but good. I usually will not back something up unless necessary to prove it, otherwise it comes to me citing facts not debating.
Re:Another drunk exxon captain? (Score:2)
If you actually looked at the history of the oil companies, they actually do invest into alternate power sources. If you have ever toured a facility you will see that it is in fact one of the cleanest, most sanitary places as of late -- to great expense to the oil company. Things have changed a lot in the last couple decades. The actual procurement of oil has become exceptionally environmentally friendly. Yes, spills are in fact a risk, but everything is a risk. Until we get some better power, oil is the way to do it -- Enron is a power company by the way. I'm not aware of them owning any oil rigs.
I really wish that people would start to look at what's going on now. Go look at the Alaskan drill zones, it may do you some good.
But, regardless of all of this, someone saying "another drunken captain" is spreading FUD. If you hate Microsoft FUD, hate this stuff too. Hypocracy is not pretty.
Re:Another drunk exxon captain? (Score:2)
I hope you realise how stupid this statement is: Why isn't BP funding the entire Scottish wave power research effort?
The entire effort? Yeah. I have a hard time understanding why you are able conveive the steps to actually post if you think that was an intelligent argument.
Re:Another drunk exxon captain? (Score:2)
Re:Another drunk exxon captain? (Score:2)
Re:Another drunk exxon captain? (Score:2)
The Valdez hit a reef, in open waters.
Here's what actually happened, to prevent more FUD and stupid dumbass lies:
"Although the weather that night was conducive to traveling, some small icebergs (growlers) had drifted into the sound from the Columbia Glacier. Captain Hazelwood radioed to the Coast Guard station that he would be changing course in order to avoid the growlers. Growlers are chunks of ice from glaciers which make a growling sound when knocked against the ship's hull. The captain received permission to move into the northbound lane. Before retiring to his cabin, Captain Hazelwood instructed his third mate Gregory Cousins to steer the vessel back into the southbound lane once it passed Busby Island. Although Cousins did give the instructions to the helmsman to steer the vessel to the right, the vessel was not turning sharply enough and at 12:04 a.m. the vessel hit Bligh Reef. It is not known whether Cousins gave the orders too late, the helmsman did not follow instructions properly, or if something was wrong with the steering system of the vessel" [source [american.edu]]
And also, the port never got rid of any spill experts. I gotta say, you guys are pretty funny. A simple google search to find the legal documents would save you guys so much time looking stupid.
Re:Another drunk exxon captain? (Score:2)
If you have trouble envisioning how far off course the Valdez went, have a gander at this map: http://library.thinkquest.org/10867/spill/maps/tan ker_lanes.jpg
The level of ignorance on Slashdot has increased tremendously lately.
Re:Another drunk exxon captain? (Score:2)
Re:Another drunk exxon captain? (Score:2)
Are you for real? The U.S. Coast Guard [uscg.mil] define aground as "touching or fast to the bottom." The Valdez was hard aground on a reef. It could not be dislodged. You don't have to hit land to be aground. Any lack of sufficient depth qualifies.
Re:Another drunk exxon captain? (Score:2)
http://www.cf.adfg.state.ak.us/region2/finfish/h er ring/pws/pwsupd02.htm
According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, who can be considered a primary source, "no recovery was evident in 1995, and based on this, the 1996 commercial fishing season was canceled." The fishing season has been cancelled every year since. The population of herring in Prince William Sound is only 1/10th the size needed to support commercial fishing.
Re:Another drunk exxon captain? (Score:2)
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
There aren't any international antitrust laws. And yes the whole POINT of OPEC is to make more money off the United States.
The only thing you can do about OPEC is war, and who would threaten to use nuclear weapons against humans just for the sake of oil? Oh wait...
Re: (Score:2)
Windtraps (Score:4, Informative)
Seriously, power generation via wave is old news.
Check out this [murdoch.edu.au] site for some backgrounds.
Re:Windtraps (Score:2)
Wavetraps (Score:2)
This is completely different, a device that floats in the middle of the water and, better yet, can be chain-linked together in series. The installation expense looks to be much lower, and wouldn't damage coastlines either. In fact, you could probably install and use them when you're nowhere near a coastline, like near a free-standing drilling platform.
Re:Windtraps (Score:3)
Yeah, though I don't think any of the wave-powered windtraps got built until relatively recently (two years ago or so). I remember discussions of wave and tide power generation from when I was a kid in the 70's.
See stuff at the BBC here [bbc.co.uk] and here [bbc.co.uk] from November 2000.
Effects of this technology (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Surfing (Score:5, Insightful)
I'll give you a hint---it's freezing!
Sure, there are a few hardy souls who don their drysuits and hoods, I'm not meaning to discredit them!
The view? Fish can't swim around it? An undersea structure like this will likely provide habitat for so many other creatures.
Some study needs to be done--I agree! But to write the idea off as crazy is not appropriate. I'd settle for less view, a few disgruntled surfers, fish that are on drugs, if it meant that Vancouver Island could have some energy independence from the mainland.
Currently we do not produce enough power on the island for our needs and we import it from the Mainland and Washington State. Soon they are talking about building a natural gas pipeline.
Now what do you think about it?
Re:Effects of this technology (Score:2)
You begin to give habitat where there was none like an artificial reef system.
Trust me, fish lovers will get with the rest and make sure the plan works.
What I want to know is (Score:4, Interesting)
So if sea life starts to make a home out of these things, will it interfere with their operation? I could probably figure it out from their PDF's but I've left work and my brain has shut down for the day.
Re:What I want to know is (Score:3, Informative)
This is actually quite old (Score:3, Insightful)
I vividly remember a picture of a wave with a bunch of strange yellow things in it. The things were wave braker like devices that used the power of the waves to generate electricity.
"When I was a kid" is somewhere around the mid eighties here, I guess.
If everything I learned from books then is going to be re-invented this century I think we still have a LONG list ahead of us. Let's hope they pass up on some of the more stupid ones, like Windows 3.0.
I wonder (Score:2, Insightful)
You just can't take energy out of a system without a side-effect.
Of course, it will only be an issue if it is ever scaled up.
Re:I wonder (Score:2)
Re:I wonder (Score:2, Insightful)
True, but we are taking the energy out before it hits land. This will decrease natural erosion, deacrease the amount of carbon absorbed by the ocean (it is a natural carbon sink) and possibly affect sea life in that region. Granted that the energy taken from the tide would be relatively small compared to the total kinetic energy of the waves. Nevertheless, over time it would be difficult to tell exactly what the impact would be.
Woo hoo! (Score:2, Insightful)
I firmly believe that we're all getting ripped off by the energy companies out here, and that the crisis would be solved if the idiot power companies would shape up. However, this doesn't seem to be happening, so perhaps this might bring some new companies to the table, and possible spark a little competition out here? Perhaps at least give us more options so we can quit being raped by our electric bills. Even with cutting back, I'm paying a lot.
Besides, to cut back anymore would require powering down my servers. That's just not gonna happen.
Re:Woo hoo! (Score:5, Informative)
To really solve the energy crisis w/o polluting, we need to build more nuclear power plants.
It's not so bad as people think. It doesn't pollute like coal. It's not expensive like natural gas. (which, BTW, also pollutes)
Coal pollutes too much. We'd be overrun with smog, much more so than if we used gasoline engines. We don't have enough oil to be energy independant. Natural gas is too expensive and we will run out of it in about 30 years. That leaves us with nuclear. Nuclear power is not as dangerous as people think. Also, a Chernobyl-scale meltdowns in U.S. PWR are impossible. The Chernobyl reactor was a crappy commie RBMK reactor with no containment building. Of course we had the TMI reactor problem. However, that killed or injured no one. And, according to the World Health Org, only 31 people were killed in Chernobyl.
Fears of nuclear power are overblown. Radiation is just like any other pollutant. And you need a shyteload of radiation to really harm you. Nuclear power has killed a grand total of 35-50 people in it's entire exsistence. Coal power has killed somewhere in the neighborhood of 5 million people.
Little known fact, but according to the Lawrence Livermore Nat'l lab, coal power realeases more radiation than nuclear power. Coal naturally contains some thorium and uranium. When you burn coal, this is realesed into the air. We burn so much fscking coal that we realease around 150 thousand tons of uranium and 350 thousand tons of thorium into the atmosphere!!! The study is here [ornl.gov]. Nuclear power is also cheap. With some new tech, they have gotten the cost of some nuclear power plants below the cost of coal.
There is not mountains of nuclear waste made by our plants. Each plant only uses several tons pounds of uranium a year. That would fit in an area just a few feet square. The total amount of waste ever created for a whole family for their whole lives would fit in a shoebox. If we reprocessed our fuel, it would fit in a pill bottle. Compare that to mountains of highly toxic coal waste with arsenic, cyanide, and other good stuff that just sits on the ground and leaches poisons into the groundwater.
Nuclear waste storage is very good. It's not like they are hauling it around in thin metal barrels like the environmentalists want you to think. No. The waste is transported in thick metal containers that have been tested by being thrown off cliffs, rammed into locomotives, and all sorts of crap. In Yucca mountain, the waste is stored inside these metal casks, which are in turn inside an ultra-thick concrete subterrainean room. Also, the storage place is 1,000 feet above the water table, so you're OK there.
Re:Woo hoo! (Score:2, Insightful)
Despite these logical facts about nuclear, don't expect public opinion to change any time soon. The fact is, when stuff goes wrong with nuclear power, it freaks out an entire generation who won't go near the stuff. And also, don't lump all environmentalists together; I happen to be one (a wilderness activist, to be specific), but I'm certainly aware of the advantages that nuclear offers.
Re:Woo hoo! (Score:3)
Re:Woo hoo! (Score:2)
This rather misses the point (in addition to being a bit optimistic). A brief glance at Greenpeace [greenpeace.org] highlights the dangers in long-distance radioactive fuel transport. Trafficking and sabotage [mindfully.org] of nuclear fuel shipments are the potential source of major disasters, alongside abysmal safety records [britishnuclearfuels.com] for fuel storage and reprocessing.
Nuclear power has too many 'collateral' problems, not least in the way it helps the proliferation [nci.org] of nuclear weapons. It's time to ditch it.
Re:Woo hoo! - Nitpicking (Score:2)
The high tide and low tide height difference is trivial. Just to be absurd, let's assume the height difference is 10 meters. So that's potentially 10 meters of travel from low tide to high tide. Problem is, How much time does it take to move from high tide to low tide? We're talking about literally hours.
So lets look back in our physics book.
1 watt = 1 Newton * 1 Meter per second.
To keep math simple, lets assume that our energy capturing device relies on moving a column of water weighing 10,000 Kg. - converted to force, we have roughly 100,000 Newtons. Also to keep math simple, lets assume the tide moves once every 10 hours (I honestly don't know what's accurate).
10 hours equals 60*60*10 or 36000 seconds.
Our power output is now:
100,000 Newtons * 10 Meters / 36,000 seconds = ~27.8 Watts
or roughly the amount of power required to power a high efficientcy bulb. note that this is assuming 100% efficientcy!
IMHO, 27 watts is negligible considering such a huge column of water being moved.
Now lets look at the energy of each individual wave. To keep math simple, lets assume a moving column of water weighing only 10 Kg. (converts to roughly 100 Newtons of Force). Assume a wave height (amplitude) of only 1 meter. And lets assume a wave travels past every 10 seconds. Now we have:
100 newtons * 1 meter / 5 seconds = 20 watts.
That's roughly the same power output with only 10 Kilograms of water moving! Assuming we could extract the energy with 100% efficiency, were talking about a factor of 1000:1
Please note, I'm only nitpicking. (you could easily nitpick my crude math). I agree that Nuclear energy is underrated, but I felt that this technology should also be defended.
Nuclear? Another victim of advertising (Score:4, Informative)
First, you consider a new, well run nuclear power plant with on site storage of all radioactive materials. The radiation output of such a plant should be zero. Then you measure the entire world consumption of coal, work out how much radioactive material there would be on average in all of that coal, and you get a large number. Compare the ratio of the two and you get an infinite amount. Everyone would probably agree that this is a very silly way to do a comparison.
So why is the coal radioactive? Sedimentary rock is made up of other rock that has been ground down, and then laid down as sediment - you have a wide mix of minerals in such rock. As a consequence, if you consider a large amount of any sedimentary rock you will find some radioactive material present - this is one of the sources of natural background radiation. So, if you go a step furthur, and consider VAST amounts of coal, oil or even foodstuffs, you will find large amounts of radioactive material. The difference between the radioactivity in a childs sandpit, an ash storage dam at a coal fired power plant and the lowest grade of nuclear waste to merit special storage is that of concentration of radioactive material. It would probably be extemely difficult to distingish the radioactivity in an ash heap from the background radiation.
Now the odd thing about heavy metals that people tend to forget, is that they are heavy. The cheapest form of anti-pollution equipment in a power station is to let the solid particles fall out by gravity - if you look at fifty year old plants they have at least that in place. The major material that is trapped in this process is silicon dioxide, and usually the aim is to trap extremely fine (sub-micron sized) particles of silicon dioxide. I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to calculate the size of a uranium oxide particle that would weigh the same as a micron sized silicon dioxide particle - but I can tell you that it is very unlikely to get such a small chunk of material without trying very hard to get it.In short - if gravity seperation catches the light stuff it also gets the heavy stuff.
The situation with British Nuclear Fuels argues the opposite. I can't recall the exact number of hundreds of billions of pounds sterling they recently announced that they had lost - but a quick google search should tell. All of those rare earths used in the equipmnet are not cheap - plus none of the radiation resistant steels or iron based superalloys are cheap. I think you will find that this should read "with a new government subsity." Anyone can make a profit if an outside source keeps shovelling in money. Therin lies the problem - a concentrated source of radioactivity. Comparing this to a beach full of sand or a hundred ash heaps is missing the point. A google search will turn up dozens of incidents where the clueless have done silly things with nuclear waste - things like poorly trained staff stacking all of the drums very close together - so that everything gets nice and hot, and kids finding highly radioactive material form the USA in a dump in Mexico. It's the idiots that say "it's clean" that cause perception problems. We have the stuff, and use the stuff, but we should never pretend that it's clean.Re:Woo hoo! (Score:2)
TMI killed or injured no one, but do you have any idea how close we came to containment rupture? If the explosion pressure was twice what it was, the design limits for the dome would have been exceeded. This could have easily resulted in a cracked containment dome. (President's Commission on TMI, Hearings 30 May 1979) And, then there's the guillotine effects that flying missiles from the explosion could have caused. We have very little experience in the operation of large reactors, compared to any other large industry. I'm not going to flee the country becaues of the possibilty of a nuclear disaster, but I think that "Nuclear energy is 99.9% safe; a meltdown could never happen here, etc." is a myth.
Re:Woo hoo! (Score:2)
BC Hydro (a crown corporation, more or less a government owned company) wants to use more "Green Power" in the future. Currently over 85% of BC's power is Hydro-electric, but the poltics involved in building large dams makes new large dams unlikely (could happen on a few sites on rivers that are already dammed). Thus the interest in alternative green energy.
Now, I'm generally a right wing kind of guy, but BC Hydro would not be looking at actually BUILDING a wave power station if it was a private company that (as it must) only looks at it bottom line.
For more information:
General info on Green Power in BC [bchydro.bc.ca]
Info on the Vancouver Island Wave Plant" [bchydro.bc.ca]
Re:Woo hoo! (Score:2)
Re:Woo hoo! (Score:2)
I got the cost figures out of Popular Science. An article from about a year ago for pebble beds. That's pretty good.
In other words, hardly anything - there's a baby off peak hydro down the road from me that has two 350MW turbines.
Yeah your right. 110 MW isn't much. But you can put in many pebble bed reactors at one station to get a couple gigawatts for a giant power station. It would still be very cheap.
Breeders are already seeing service in France
Look up some info about one that was decomissioned in France a couple of years back - I can't recall how many workers died. It isn't listed as a nuclear accident since the sodium killed them, and not radiation.
I never knew that. It does seem like liquid sodium would be pretty dangerous. It may interest you that other breeder reactors that use heavy water instead of liquid sodium. One coolant/moderator being researched for use in fast breeders is helium. A fast breeder using helium would be great. Helium does not become radioactive. A fast breeder using helium would be extremly safe. Obviosly it doesn't have the chemical dangers of sodium.
Railing on a surfboard (Score:2, Informative)
I'd hate to skip over one of those things with a surfboard...you'd rip the fins right off, best case. Worse case you'd end up with a trashed board.
Already being done.. (Score:2, Informative)
I think the tides are over 20 feet there, which I guess is the reason there aren't similar plants elsewhere.
Re:Already being done.. (Score:2)
Beware! (Score:5, Funny)
refreeze the melting ice, maybe... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Beware! ...it's not tidal power. Just dampening (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Beware! (Score:2)
Tidal power notwithstanding, this article talks about harnessing the kinetic energy of waves crashing to the shore. So instead of sending all of their energy into the beach, some of it will go into power generating devices and the rest will go into the beach.
If anything, this scheme would help *save* eroding coastlines by diverting some small fraction of the force of the waves.
It's even better than solar power that way. While solar power isn't totally free-- every joule you get from the sun is one joule that won't go into growing plants, which can ultimately have an impact on the planet's ecosystems-- the kinetic energy of waves is just going to get smeared across the beach. Some of it will become kinetic energy in the sand and rocks and whatnot, but the rest will just be conducted into the ground in the form of heat, slightly warming the sand that's already too freakin' hot to walk on.
I say bring on the wave motion generators! And while you're at it, figure out how to build a gun out of one of them, so we can use that cool name!
Re:Beware! (Score:2)
Yeah, but will they put that dumb chihuahua in the middle of the target?
Re:Beware! - NOT (Score:2)
And if you actually *read* any of the top-moderated posts on the article you linked to, you'll see that the Moon would do the exact opposite. As you tap tidal energy (which the Scottish power plant doesn't, it taps wave energy) the Moon is pushed further away. Concervation of angular momentum is Highschool physics folks...
Re:Beware! - NOT (Score:2)
Hey, Alternative Power - Cool! (Score:2, Interesting)
This is because the petroleum supply curve has a bend in it, and that bend implies huge surpluses above a certain breakpoint, which in 2002 is about $33 per barrel.
The bend is there because of the natural distribution of oil deposits - they're lognormally distributed with respect to energy content. This phenomenon applies to the supply curves for all minerals deposited by sedimentary processes, BTW.
Re:Hey, Alternative Power - Cool! (Score:2)
However, unless this power generation technique is competitive with burning petroleum at about US$33 per barrel, it won't be practical in the long run.
There are other ways of calculating the cost of energy. If you treat energy as a public works project like the Hoover Dam [usbr.gov], the capital cost is paid off over many decades at a nominal rate of interest. Essentially, the cost of producing energy is the operating cost and maintenance of the plant.
Also, because a domestic source of energy is less likely to be interrupted by war in the Middle East, it would be worthwhile to have these plants for strategic reasons even if the cost is much higher than oil.
According to the April, 2002, issue of Harper's, the U.S. currently spends $50 billion a year protecting crude oil imports in the Middle East that are only worth $19 billion. These military costs are not included in the cost-per-barrel of oil. If the U.S. could replace Middle East oil by investing that $50 billion annually in R&D, the cost of the resulting energy might be offset by the lower cost of protecting it.
Oil industry subsidies [ucsusa.org] and environmental costs distort the true cost of a oil as well. In the end, politics determines the cost of energy.
puns (Score:2, Funny)
They sure seem energetic about this idea.
Within months the company will be all washed up.
Re:puns (Score:3, Funny)
They sure seem energetic about this idea.
Within months the company will be all washed up.
Will they have to buy land for this, or do they already own the tidal?
Surfice it to say, this is a good idea.
Wave goodbye to fossil fuels.
Will the public embrace it, Ocean it?
Re:puns (Score:2)
They better have a good CTO at the helm, times could get rough.
I hope there investors arent cast out to sea.
Excellent News (Score:4, Insightful)
Though this design is nothing new (I remember a theoretical drawing in a high school textbook), it's excellent to hear that some medium scale implementations are going though.
I can't help but think how this compares to the US energy policy, which basically boils down to "clean coal" and scrapping regulations that would mandade fuel efficency and pollution reductions. As troubling as this is from an environmental perspective, what's more troubling is the lack of desire within the leadership of this nation to actively invest in and pursue technology.
We as a nation seem to be more than willing to let our technological advantages slip away in our moment of decadence.
Iceland is buiding fuel-cell technology into their public buses and merchant/fishing fleet. Scotland is making power from the waves. East Germany has an all-fiber telecom network, and we have... "clean coal" and SUVs that get less than 18mpg.
Hmmmm... I don't like where this is going in the long run. The US government has the biggest bankroll of any nation. We should be putting it to better use if you ask me.
Re:Excellent News (Score:3, Insightful)
Don't get me wrong, I'm not to hip on coal either. But my point is that it's always better to pursue the cheapest energy. If we can incorporate the 'pollution' costs into the cost of that energy, then these alternatives start to look sexy.
Re:Excellent News (Score:4, Insightful)
The only actor with the ability to put these costs back on balance sheets where they belong is the TV personality every American loves to hate - the government. But in the US we've come to think it's our right to have a society without taxes or rules, so we steadfastly resist this. I really think in this case, we need to look at stricter environmental laws as common sense economics - the public looking out for itself.
Re:Excellent News (Score:3, Informative)
After years of low funding and inertia, alternative energy is really taking off in the UK. I can choose to take all my domestic electricity from wind power if I want [greenpeace.org.uk] just by ticking a box on the quarterly bill - it costs the same (to me at any rate, presumably the genco's will be making bigger profits once the capital outlaw is covered, than from fossil fuel generators which need constant money shovelled into them.) We're also building several large [offshorewindfarms.co.uk] offshore windfarms [powergenrenewables.com], one off the scottish coast, one off Norfolk (eastern English coast.) Looks like we'll clean up when the Middle East goes up in smoke and the price of oil quadruples on the international spot market. I'm glad I've got stock in Ballard [ballard.com] fuel-cell manufacturers, too. Lots of people were calling me names on the Larsen break-up story I submitted the other day - well I might be a lily-livered pinko commie shirt-lifting museli muncher, who wears sandals, but at least I'll be rich =)
Another source... (Score:5, Funny)
"Many people haven't personally seen the levels of activity that frequently are exerted in the techno-music scene. It's really quite suprisingly frenetic" says one researcher.
And because all night dance clubs are so popular in Euroland, there is a not insignificant untapped potential for power generation. The scientists are especially exited to be developing a prototype system to be deployed in Ibiza, Spain.
"What's especially fitting about this locale, is that a majority of the partiers [or, as we like to call them, acoustically stimulable periodic mass distributors] are in fact foreign tourists; which truly is free energy. They even pay to stay here, and pay for the food they are so efficiently converting into mechanical energy!
You think you're kidding, (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Another source... (Score:2, Funny)
Although really, this could be similar to the kinetic energy used to recharge the batteries of some laptops (via the keyboard).
"Raw Fury?" (Score:2)
Or, if you build one in Coney Island, the raw sewage of the sea, hypodermics and all.
I used to live there. I know what I'm talking about. I used to live on the Jersey coast too, but that'd be too easy.
Marine life (Score:3, Insightful)
Another Wave-energy project (Score:5, Interesting)
You can find it at http://www.waveswing.com [waveswing.com]
Re:Another Wave-energy project (Score:3, Funny)
To this end, I have designed a generator which derives all its power from falling apples.
Re:Another Wave-energy project (Score:2)
Tidal power and desalinization (Score:5, Interesting)
It becomes cost effective because it would be overly expensive to provide power out to these remote areas which desparately need fresh water. It supposedly opens up a whole bunch of land to agriculture that was unusable before.
I remember hearing about this being done before for some third world country but it failing miserably because of storms and such.
Unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to find much info on google so I could be mistaken.
Re:Tidal power and desalinization (Score:2)
WOW - you want to see some salty water. Andre the Giant could easily float
Fixed and marginal costs (Score:4, Insightful)
So while I'm happy to see a range of things working out as possibly viable, 750kW is not alot to get out of the resources that appear to be going into this.
Re:Fixed and marginal costs (Score:2)
PDF press release, text version (Score:2)
Regarding Ocean POwer Delivery, there is a pdf regarding their funding package available here [oceanpd.com].
If their site goes down or if you don't want to click, here is the text clipped from the pdf:
Press release
Wave energy company Ocean Power Delivery secures £6m funding package
Edinburgh-based wave energy company Ocean Power Delivery Ltd (OPD) today announced that is has secured £6m (EUR 9.8m) funding from an international consortium of venture capital companies led by Norsk Hydro Technology Ventures (NTV), the venture capital arm of Norway's largest industrial company and including 3i, Europe's leading venture capital company and Zurich-based Sustainable Asset Management (SAM). Each organisation provided an equal level of funding to produce the largest investment of its kind in a wave power company.
The investment success builds on OPD's steady rise to prominence in the field and clears the way for the company to become the leading force in the sector.
"This investment is the culmination of OPD's intensive four-year programme to develop the Pelamis concept, the funds secured today will allow us to demonstrate and commercialise the system," says Richard Yemm, Managing Director of OPD. "Wave energy represents a major commercial opportunity and we have positioned ourselves well to take advantage of this."
The Pelamis is a long, thin, semi-submerged articulated structure composed of four cylindrical sections linked by hinged joints, the complete system is oriented head-on to incoming waves. The wave-induced motion of the joints is resisted by hydraulic rams, these pump fluid through hydraulic motors to drive electrical generators. A 750kW machine with a similar output to a modern wind turbine will be 150metres long and 3.5metres in diameter. An array of 40 Pelamis machines would provide enough power to supply the energy needs of 20,000 homes.
OPD aims to have a working prototype producing electricity to the grid within the next two years.
Many previous wave energy concepts have failed as they lack the inherent survivability of the Pelamis. The system uses the unique combination of a streamlined, low-profile form and proven technology from the offshore oil and gas sector to provide the required load-shedding and reliability to withstand the rigours of the marine environment.
OPD has recently demonstrated the system at intermediate scale in the Firth of Forth as part of a UK DTI supported programme to address all key aspects of technical risk. Further DTI support in conjunction with today's investment will allow all elements of the full-scale system to be thoroughly tested this summer before being installed in the first full-scale demonstrator next year.
In 1999 the company won a contract to install a pair of Pelamis machines off Islay within the Scottish Renewables Obligation and recently beat off stiff international competition to secure an agreement with BC Hydro, the Canadian West Coast utility, to carry out a full feasibility study for a 2MW scheme for installation off Vancouver Island during 2003.
Graeme Sword, 3i director commented: "OPD has developed a leading renewable energy technology which positions the business to take advantage of the tremendous opportunities in the rapidly developing renewable energy market. The combination of this unique technology and strong management makes OPD an ideal fit for 3i in the development of our support for alternative energy technologies."
"NTV's role is to seek exciting investments with venture capital financial returns, in arapidly evolving new energy economy." says Jørgen Rostrup, NTV's Managing Director. "We screened several wave energy machines around the world before finding Pelamis, and are delighted to work with OPD and our co-investors in commercialising this concept."
"SAM is proud to be part of this exciting project in what we have identified as a highly promising new opportunity in the renewable energy space. Dr Richard Yemm has managed to gather an impressive group of talented people who have produced a design that stands out for successfully marrying robustness with efficiency," says Gianni Operto, principal of SAM Private Equity.
ends 20 March 2002
For further information please contact:
Ocean Power Delivery Ltd
Richard Yemm or Max Carcas
Tel: +44 131 554 8444
Email: enquiries@oceanpd.com
Web: www.oceanpd.com
Combined benefits possible? (Score:2)
Then it occurred to me that they'd obviously want to mark these things off, along with painting them fluorescent orange to make them easily visible, to keep stray boats out of the area. Then I wondered about the impact on the fishing industry if these become widespread. Then it hit me: they could mark off a section of the water and use it both for fish farming and power generation. Double the economic benefits, and now you only have to worry about fish pirates in stealth submarines.
Re:Combined benefits possible? (Score:2)
If you find yourself worrying about fish pirates in stealth submarines, you've got bigger problems.
Wavebreaker the danish way (Score:2, Informative)
It has (according to the studies) somewhat better effectiveness than the one mentioned in this article.
Read more here:
- Miklos
* good judgement comes from experience - experience comes from bad judgement *
Tides != Waves (Score:4, Informative)
The unit described makes use of the height difference across waves, and has nothing to do with tides, from what I can see.
In the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia, there is a small tidal power plan (experimental, I think). Basically as the tidal water flows in and flows out due to the big change in tides (highest in the world), power is generated.
It seems to me that there is more potential (so to speak
Of course, the construction costs to harness it, might be more than proportionately higher.
It seems to me, one big advantage to the tides is that they're 100% reliable, whereas wave action (like wind, and solar) will vary based upon weather.
Re:Tides != Waves (Score:2)
Btw, if you ask nicely, they'll give you a tour of the innards. It's warm down there
Tides != Waves. Either way storage still a problem (Score:2)
In my view, the main problem with solar/wind/tide/wave power generation is that we can't guarantee a steady flow of energy. Excess energy can't be stored for use when we need it. Solar energy is good as a supplementary source of energy for areas with high AC usage because when usually it's hot, the sun is out. But the problem still remains that we can't rely on any of these environmental energies for a constant flow of energy, which is what we need (Having lived in CA during the energy "shortage" recently, I know of what I speak).
I think we should be spending more time/energy (hah) researching methods to store large amounts of energy. Flywheels seem to me to hold good promise of extremely high energy density, efficiency and simplicity compared to schemes involving batterie or water <-> H2+0 schemes. Just don't put any on geologically unstable areas... Any other good energy storage devices in our future?
Oh yeah, I consider fusion research (hot/cold, laser pellet/toroidal plasma etc.) a huge waste of money and resources. We've already got a fusion reactor [nasa.gov], damnit!
Home Use (Score:2)
Argh! Something's wrong with this... (Score:2, Interesting)
Another Wave Energy Site (Score:2)
Wave Energy [wave-energy.net]
Cool! Surfs up! (Score:3, Interesting)
While the tidal generator might not be proven, we know we can implement wind energy today. In fact, the whole Western US/Canada energy crisis caused us to build more alternative energy in the US/Canada in the last year than we had built in the entire previous century.
A diversified energy supply would do us good - and locally-produced energy supplies are always better than energy from other sources. The more different sources we have, the less vulnerable to price fluctuations, the less vulnerable to terrorist attacks.
Maybe I should pick up a board for use here in Seattle, huh? Got one in Santa Barbara CA and one in Mount Pleasant SC - might be fun to ride the pipe on the West Coast up in BC - heard the waves there are among the best in the world.
Re:Cool! Surfs up! (Score:2)
I am aware that in the United States that some states like California are experiencing an energy crunch that is making them buy energy from us in Canada.
Canada does not face the same energy problems as you guys because of how they're managed. All of the provinces in Canada have crown-owned energy corporations (such as Quebec Hydro, B.C. Hydro, Ontario Power, etc...), though some provinces as mine (British Columbia) are considering to privatize some parts of the business.
In the United States, though, some states such as California have deregulated their energy corporatations and have lost most of their power over them.
And yes, the west coast of Vancouver Island is fun to surf and is a very nice place to visit (I live in Vancouver if you're curious).
Already been done, and can produce up to 240 MW (Score:3, Informative)
Check out: http://membres.lycos.fr/larance/main1.html (french) [lycos.fr], http://www.edf.fr/html/fr/decouvertes/voyage/usine /usine_d.html (french) [www.edf.fr] or http://www.edf.fr/html/en/decouvertes/voyage/usine /retour-usine.html (english) [www.edf.fr].
The 240 MW figure comes from this page [www.edf.fr]: the power plant contains 24 groups, eeach group able to ouput 10 MW.
Ocean Energy (Score:2)
Giant Wind Farm being built off of Cape Cod (Score:2)
The turbines will stand 130 meters (426 feet) tall, are to be spread over 65 square kilometers (25 square miles) and supply up to 420 megawatts of power at peak. They'll be just visable from the shore at 8 kilometers (5 miles) distance where they should blur into the sea chop.
Scheduled to begin construction in 2003 and be operationial by 2005 the $600 million project has thus far kept on track and met all impact reviews. It has proven to be particularly economically viable in the ecologically sensitive but rapidly growing Cape Cod area which has unusually high energy rates and a large volume of steady offshore winds.
This isn't as unusual as wave turbines and the like (though it's size is notable) but it is a clever solution to the sound and sight pollution that have been issues with land-based wind farms. While not completely out-of-sight/out-of-mind these will be far enough from folks that they shouldn't be an issue. Furthermore these modern designs have incorporated lessons learned from previous generations and should be wildlife-friendly.
Re:Giant Wind Farm being built off of Cape Cod (Score:2)
It wasn't the captain... (Score:2)
I don't know why everyone assumes that the Captain was responsible for this; Exxon required him to submit a plethora of reports as soon as the pilot disembarked and he went down to his cabin to do it. He was never convicted of any criminal activity or found guilty of any liability. The USCG officers who claimed they could smell alcohol on the Captain's breath were in an environment similar to standing with their noses up your gas tank filler opening; millions of gallons of volatile vapors making it so difficult to breathe that some crew members put Scott Air Packs on to get to the bridge.
Statements like this are like declaring that your father is responsible for your car accident just because he is, after all, your father.
Mechanical nightmare (Score:2)
Worse, all the working parts are at the water surface, where they get the most pounding and accumulate the most crud. Most ocean systems try to put the important stuff either well above or well below the waterline.
Somebody is going to have to go out in a work boat and fix those turkeys, or tow them in for repair. Not fun.
Re:Talk about a place to put a bomb.... (Score:2, Insightful)
and any 'terrorist' wouldn't really get that much bang out of it-- stuff doesn't blow up that easily when it's in the water.
How long will EVERY conversation we have about ANYTHING require the obligatory security/terrorist wanring/advocation?
Re:Slowing down the earth/moon (Score:4, Insightful)
Think of this energy like using the steam coming off a kettle to drive a kid's toy windmill - you won't affect the rate at which the kettle boils (but you will change where the kinetic energy from the steam is turned into heat)
Re:Slowing down the earth/moon (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Slowing down the earth/moon (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Slowing down the earth/moon (Score:2, Interesting)
Funny... Galileo, among the first to truly understand and explain many things in the world, wrongly used the tides as "proof" of the movement of the Earth, particularly its diurnal rotation. His theory was that the oceans "sloshed" because of the earth's spinning motion. Of course, we know that's not true: the tides are caused by the moon's gravitational pull as it travels around the Earth.
The ocean's sloshing action has no more effect on the Earth's rotation or the moon's orbit than water sloshing in a glass on a train affects the speed or direction of said train.
Extracting energy from the tides will no more affect the earth's spinning than putting up windmills to extract energy from the wind does.
Re:Slowing down the earth/moon (Score:2, Interesting)
Extracting energy from the tides will no more affect the earth's spinning than putting up windmills to extract energy from the wind does.
It just depends on how much energy you subtract from the system. You can make a effect apparent, but I will admit that it may not be likely. Since the oceans do effect the rotation of the earth:
then subtracting energy from the oceans *may* have an noticable effect *if* the energy is great enough. Even if it is not enough energy there will still be an effect (just not detectable by our instruments)
Re:Slowing down the earth/moon (Score:2, Insightful)
Even if it is not enough energy there will still be an effect (just not detectable by our instruments)
That would make it a theoretical effect, right? I.e., if we can't observe it, even indirectly, then it may or may not actually exist. Thus, this idea is more philosophical than scientific.
Anyway, I still object to the idea that any energy is "lost" or "removed from the system." The energy is transformed and relocated, but it's not "lost." Perhaps this energy will be relocated to people's Pentium laptops, thus increasing global warming, thus keeping the Earth's core and mantel from cooling as quickly, thus allowing the core and mantel to continue to be affected by tidal forces, thus keeping the energy entirely "within" the "system" and allowing the moon to stay in its comfortable orbit.
Problem solved! And I never realized how Intel might be saving the planet from annihilation. Wow.
Re:Slowing down the earth/moon (Score:2)
In this case, Conservation of Energy tells you that the waves must naturally lose energy if some is transformed into electricity by these farms. This is true. But Conservation of Momentum means that the total momentum of the system -- in this case Earth -- will remain unchanged. Thus it will have no effect on the Earth's rotation or position.
Launching rockets into space does effect the earth's position, because then you've expanded the system to not include just the Earth, and Conservation of Momentum only applies to systems, not components of systems.
Re:Slowing down the earth/moon (Score:2)
Wrong. That's not what the theory says. Remember, CoE and CoM are -not the same thing-. What -you've- missed are the two very important points I made: 1) Momentum is a -vector- and 2) CoM only applies to closed systems.
So for billiards, as soon as a ball hits a table wall, the system must include the table when calculating momentum for CoM purposes. When the ball hits the table, some momentum will be transfered into the table. The momentum vector imparted to the table will be exactly opposite to the change of the momentum vector in the ball as it bounces. When you add the momentum vectors of all elements in the system before and after the bounce, you arrive at the same vector. CoM is satisfied. CoM does -not- require, nor even imply, that the ball will bounce away from the table wall with the same speed (magnitude of velocity, a vector) that it had before the bounce. Energy and Momentum are different, remember.
The energy is lost in the sound of the balls colliding, a little heat energy, and most of all friction. Momentum systems can and do lose energy, some people call it entropy.Momentum systems can't lose Energy, because my whole point is that they aren't the same thing!
Which, coming back to the wave generators, is how you can reduce the -energy- of the waves without affecting the -momentum- of the system.
Re:Slowing down the earth/moon (Score:2)
I never said nor implied that Momentum systems can't lose Energy, because my whole point is that they aren't the same thing!
Which, coming back to the wave generators, is how you can reduce the -energy- of the waves without affecting the -momentum- of the system.