Killing Rats with GPS 101
techmaven writes "When Channel Islands National Park officials needed an estimated about 300 rats exterminated on the east side of environmentally sensitive Anacapa Island, Aspen Ag Helicopters got the call. The kill was necessary because the rodents,
descendants of rats that reached the island by way of a shipwreck a century or more ago, were decimating the populations of two rare seabirds. And GPS helped the helicopter company do the job."
They needed GPS for Night of the Lepus! (Score:2, Funny)
They can have their fun now... But what will they do when the big ones come?
Remote Control (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Remote Control (Score:1)
no TV or GPS (and you cant find your stereo remote or your liveDrive remote or your car keys....)
Re:Remote Control (Score:1)
Or you could rant about nothing in particular on
Ob-sort-of-on-topic: The province of Alberta, Canada (where I live) is actually rather proud of being rat-free. Unfortunately, it looks like the tales of it becoming so by means of armed rednecks driving up & down the saskatchewan border are, alas, myth [gov.ab.ca].
Re:Remote Control (Score:1)
Re:Remote Control (Score:3, Funny)
If your remote had a GPS, it would know where it was.
This might not help as much as you would think
Re:Remote Control (Score:2)
Re:Remote Control (Score:2, Funny)
Kill?! Can't they find a peaceful way?! (Score:2, Funny)
Those terrible park officials! They're having those poor rats put to death when all of Ghod's creatures are sacred! What they should do is organize a nice conference where the rats and the seabirds can sit down and air their grievances peacefully, in a spirit of mutual harmony and understanding.
Seriously, this is pretty cool. Any time technology increases mankind's killing power, I've got to cheer a little bit. After the rats, how about some pigeons (also known as the "gutter bird" and the "winged rat," according to Kent Brockman)?
Re:Kill?! Can't they find a peaceful way?! (Score:2)
Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
Tell me, when you hope that your CornWholed nutsacks expand in practical use, is that merely a description of the total number of nutsack users, or is that also a description of the carrying capacity of the sack?
Re:Kill?! Can't they find a peaceful way?! (Score:1)
Re:Kill?! Can't they find a peaceful way?! (Score:1)
actually they used a helicopter to kill the rats (Score:1)
Re:actually they used a helicopter to kill the rat (Score:1)
A little overstated? (Score:3, Informative)
their statenments about delivering sprays and pellets by air with an accuracy of 'within a foot' would be quite a thing to see, especially when you watch what a helicopters downwash does to items dropped from below it, and allowing for the pilots abilities (remember, the computer is not flying the aircraft here) - I think there cuold be a bit of wishfull thinking involved here, but I'm sure it looks good on the enviromental reports.
I assume they are using DGPS, which is generally available, for example look at:
also for a basic discussion:
but this will certainly not guarantee you the accuracies they are claiming, at least not unless they are dropping the loads on the fixed beacons DGPS relies on (most provided by the coast guard in the US, also at some airfields).
DGPS is a wonderful development on GPS, but is still not that good. Interesting the russian GLONAS system is a little better (if more expensive for receivers) than GPS.
Re:A little overstated? (Score:1)
It's not impossible. I used to bull's-eye womp rats in my T-sixteen back home. They're not much bigger than two meters.
Re:A little overstated? (Score:4, Informative)
My initial guess was that the system computer-controlled the sprayers, so that when the GPS system detected that the aircraft was over the correct field and over a not-already-sprayed area, it would trigger the sprayers. To compensate for overlap, some individual sprayer jets may not fire so as to not re-apply over the same area.
But that thinking was all wrong. The Trimflight 3 brochure pdf [trimble.com] describes the system very well - it's a precise guidance system aimed at cropdusters-- it includes measuring the field, determining a coverage pattern, guiding the pilot through that coverage pattern (with the help of a lightbar to indicate how far off-track they are), and then doing the recordkeeping to record what was sprayed where. It interfaces to a Crophawk flowmeter [skytractor.com], but doesn't look like it controls the flow. This brochure also shows a helicopter doing application - the spray looks like a normal fixed-wing spray; I'm not sure why the downwash isn't blowing it all over!
A better way? (Score:1)
the problem with this (Score:5, Funny)
Re:the problem with this (Score:1)
Re:the problem with this (Score:1)
Re:the problem with this (Score:1)
Hard to beleive... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Hard to beleive... (Score:1)
They used bait pellets (Score:2, Insightful)
Santa Anacapa is three really small islands, so I doubt there are any native land mammals there (or ones which aren't common on nearby islands.) Santa Cruz island has some native foxes, but that's about it. The seals are quite happy in the area, though. Maybe the beaches are the areas where the poison isn't allowed.
Re:They used bait pellets (Score:2)
The system is designed to disperse materials in a 360-degree swath, but because pilot Miskel had to keep the pesticide pellets out of the sea, the spray angle had to be cut to 45 degrees.
which i believe is to protect the birds:
The kill was necessary because the rodents, descendants of rats that reached the island by way of a shipwreck a century or more ago, were decimating the populations of two rare seabirds.
so evidently they were worried about the birds eating the stuff.
there are links to the article so we can read them and discuss it. just because the editors dont read the articles doesnt mean we have to follow their example.
Re:Hard to beleive... (Score:2)
The folks at the USF&W know more about biology than you do, that's clear. Having worked with USF&W biologists in the past I can assure you that on average they're quite knowledgable. Nowadays it's hard to get in without an MS earned in a discipline that requires a lot of field work, usually helping a professor whose studying habitat needs of a particular critter or something similar.
Using a Trimble System :-) (Score:2, Informative)
A Trimflight 3 system [trimble.com]. I work next to the people who designed this system here in New Zealand. And they might have even been using the GPS receiver that I write firmware for, the Ag214 [trimble.com] (Also known as the MS750). But they were probably using the Ag132 [trimble.com] which only does DGPS instead of RTK.
I'm sure this URL will be circulating around the Ag division of Trimble tomorrow :-)
Re:Using a Trimble System :-) (Score:1)
Animal Fascination (Score:1)
use MissCleo.pm
if ($nextStory =~
$CmdrTacoBachelorParty = $tonight;
Re:Animal Fascination (Score:1)
This just goes to prove the old saying (Score:2, Funny)
Alternatives to GPS extermination (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Alternatives to GPS extermination (Score:1)
Possibly they didn't introduce cats to eat the rats because they thought the cats might be even more effective at destroying the rare seabirds they wanted to preserve, than the rats were.
Presumably the rats were decimating the sea birds by eating their eggs, where the cats could not only eat the eggs, but eat the birds themselves.
Re:Alternatives to GPS extermination (Score:1)
Re:gimpboy, The GIMP sucks major ass behind Photos (Score:1)
Re:Alternatives to GPS extermination (Score:2)
One problem is that rats have co-evolved with any of the predators one might choose to introduce and are well adapted to avoid them. Predators might make a dent in the rat population but there's no way the rat population would be eradicated.
But that's not the worst problem with your idea, which has been rated a "4" by the clueless Slashdot crowd. Here's why:
The seabirds in question, like many species of seabird, have evolved a breeding strategy based on isolation from land-based predators rather than active defense.
Land birds use a variety of techniques to avoid land-based predators. They hide their nests, build them on floating vegetation far from shore, build them up in trees, etc etc.
The sea birds in question get all the food they need to raise their chicks from the sea, so have no reason to breed in ecosystems that include diverse food sources along with the land-based predators that invariably are part of such ecosystems.
They just breed on remote islands that lack land-based predators capable of taking their eggs or chicks. They mass together as a defense against avian predators (who often breed on the same islands) much like B-17s massed against German fighters in WWII. Unfortunately these dense colonies are very vulnerable to introduced land-based predators.
The rat is one such land-based predator.
Is it the rat?
No, of course not, it is the cat.
So the brilliant idea here is to protect the seabirds against the rat by introducing cats, a far more efficient bird predator! Can you imagine the havoc cats would do in such a circumstance?
You don't have to imagine it, actually
Re:Alternatives to GPS extermination (Score:1)
Re:Alternatives to GPS extermination (Score:1)
Day They Parachuted Cats on Borneo [amazon.com]
Of Course... (Score:1)
Oh well, getting to use GPS is cool.
eco-wacko control freaks (Score:1, Funny)
GPS and rats (Score:1)
I guess... (Score:2)
Re:I guess... (Score:1)
It was our carelessness that introduced the rats there, so there is some justification.
Re:I guess... (Score:2)
Re:I guess... (Score:2)
Rat Numbers Don't Add Up? (Score:1)
Then it says that the exterminators killed 100 to 300 rats.
Maybe I'm missing something, but wouldn't a rat population given 100 years to grow without interference from humans number a lot more than 100 to 300 individuals by now? Or are they saying that the rat population was already held in check at 100 to 300 by the carrying capacity of the ecosystem?
Farmers really pay this much? (Score:2, Insightful)
I don't know about all this. Increasing yields, paying huge sums of money... in the end, it still means that less and less human intervention is needed, less jobs are created, big farms get richer and smaller farms just can't keep up.
It's not really like technology is helping democratise here, is it?
Re:Farmers really pay this much? (Score:2)
Yup. This trend has only been going on, for what a couple of hundred years now since Mr. McCormick and his reaper. All in all, I consider this a pretty good thing, since it means that we now need about 2% of our population involved in agriculture to feed ourselves, rather than the 50% of the good old days. Food in cheap and plentiful, and I don't have to grow it.
This is the march of progress - technology makes things more efficient, so you need fewer people doing any given task. Costs go down, and more resources are available for all. Farming is just catching up to what every other industry did back in the 1800's. It's industrializing. You don't wander down to the neighborhood tailor to buy your cloths anymore(unless you've got a good deal of money) and you don't nessecarily buy your food from the family farm anymore. Small isn't efficient. If small famers want to compete, they need to form cooperatives and be as efficient. If not, well, thats capitalism and the other guy is cheaper. It's not as though we don't subsidize farming in ridiculous amounts anyway.
I can guarantee they didn't kill all the rats (Score:2, Informative)
Even when living in captivity alone, rats will taste a tiny bit of new food, and see if they become ill, finishing the food if not, so the posion they used would have to be increadibly strong to kill a single rat with a single bite, or very slow acting to kill a pack after the taster has sampled it and given it the OK.
Clever little critters. I've kept domesticated ones for many years, and they never cease to amaze me with things they do or learn. You can house train them, get them to come when called, and do simple tricks for treats, just like dogs.
It is reckoned that living in a big city, you are never more than 3 yards away from a wild rat. Nuff said!
First rats... (Score:1)
Killing Rats with GPS... Great Idea! (Score:2)
I can't even afford a call phone, why should rodents be allowed to live with GPS!?
I agree with this post: Kill all the rats with GPS, and give us needy humans some of that technology!
Thanks to video games... (Score:1)
A funny story (Score:2)
Goats had been introduced back when the first sailors had arrived. Now they are upsetting the balance of the ecosystem and must be erradicated. Unfortunatly, due to the delicate nature of the ecosystem, and the general lack of navigability around the island, goat removal options are few.
One is to use $20,000 dollar goat attack dogs (I swear on my karma I'm not making this up) with self-destruct collars (if they attack anything besides goats)
The other is called the judas goat program. One goat is captured, his horns painted and a tracking device attached, then let lose. In a few days he will find another goat herd, at which time a helicopter with hunters (goat snipers, again I'm not making this up) flys over the herd, and methodicaly pick off each goat except the judas goat.
Now, If That Doesn't Just Get Your Goat (Score:3, Funny)
Bizarre reasoning (Score:1)
1) We have a fragile ecosystem that is being decimated by interloping humans^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hrats.
2) This is a protected environment for rare seabirds.
3) The very first ecological disaster that led to the banning of a pesticide was due to it's negative effect on the indiginous bird population (DDT).
Conclusion: we should drop a ton of poison pellets in this National Park in order to save the birds.
And I thought some of Microsoft's arguments in their anti-trust case were wacky...
Killing rats with GPS? (Score:2)
Quibble... (Score:1)
Decimate, obliterate, or exterminate?
that's too bad (Score:1)
I know these folks (Score:1)
I am also pretty familiar with GPS's and Helicopters.
one more thing I am familiar with; Anacapa Island, and I just can't see how GPS would help with this job. Anacapa is little more than a rock that juts out of the ocean about 14 miles off the coast of California, you can see it from anywhere in ventura county that has a clear view of the ocean.The island is broken up into 3 smaller islands each not much larger than a couple of hundred yards. Any sufficently detailed map should be all you would need to precisley dump your poison.
Just hold survivor 56 1/2 on the island. (Score:1)