LoTR Takes 4 Oscars 636
E1ven writes "The Lord of The Rings: The fellowship of the ring won four awards, including Cinematography, Makeup, Music (Score), and Visual Effects. "
At least they have 2 more chances for Best Picture or Best Director. They
definitely deserved the ones they got.
How many do you think Two Towers is going to win? (Score:3, Funny)
Next year's Oscars may not have as many other good films. Do you think that the Two Towers is the likely canidate for next years?
Re:How many do you think Two Towers is going to wi (Score:2, Insightful)
Well, my guess is that Two Towers won't be as impressive as Fellowship, because the ground has already been broken. Everyone now knows what Peter Jackson's Middle Earth looks and feels like. The rest of the trilogy, while I'm sure it will be great and I can't wait to see it, just won't have the same power to overawe the viewer.
Unless the sequels strike off into new territory - better special effects, for example - they will be "just sequels". Which is fine by me ... the source material is one huge book, and I want to eventually watch a 9-hour LOTR marathon and see it as one huge movie ... but not so fine for continued Academy Awards.
Re:How many do you think Two Towers is going to wi (Score:5, Insightful)
I think the main problem with a movie like LOTR or SW winning is that people basically vote for what they like, and who they like. Most of the people in the academy probably aren't geeks, so SW and LOTR, while they probably liked them, didn't really grab them. Also, there is a huge impetus to vote for people who "deserve it" after a career... Like Denzel winning for Training Day when he didn't win for Philidelphia, Malcom X or Hurricane.
Re:How many do you think Two Towers is going to wi (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:How many do you think Two Towers is going to wi (Score:2)
And I thought this year's battle with Moulin Rouge was lousy.
Re:How many do you think Two Towers is going to wi (Score:3, Interesting)
Or do you think that for the sake of the movie they will mix it up a bit, so we see both concurrently?
Re:How many do you think Two Towers is going to wi (Score:4, Insightful)
Why do you have to read the books to critique the films? It would seem to be a failing in the movie, if you had to read the source material to understand it. That said, I've never read the books (beyond the Hobbit in elementary school) and I really enjoyed LOTR - thought it was great. Maybe I don't get every little thing, but I was never confused about the story. I never even got up to use the bathroom, and that's the mark of an entertaining movie as far as I'm concerned,especially if it's 3 hours plus.
It's ok for us to be elitist, we are much smarter afterall.
Well, you obviously have just as big an ego as a hollywood celeb, at least.
Which "two chances" would those be? (Score:2)
Re:Which "two chances" would those be? (Score:2)
I figured Taco meant the next two movies in the LOTR series would have a chance as well.
Re:Gandalf the Gay? (Score:3, Insightful)
"He didn't give you 'gay', did he? DID HE?!?!"
Does Ian being gay make you like LOTR less than you did before you found out? Personally I just found out last night. I said "Oh. His buddy is pretty young." and was done with it (my wife kept saying it's probably his son, denial I suppose).
His being gay shouldn't affect you at all. If it does, it's your problem, not his.
It had to be said. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:It had to be said. (Score:4, Funny)
Oh well, 2 more chances. :]
Amelie gets zilch nada (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Amelie gets zilch nada (Score:2)
And best original script?!? Gosford Park? A Agatha Christie wannabe! Memento and Amélie were in different league than that drivel. TFOTR never had a chance; A fantasy directed by the guy who made Bad Taste? Sureley people didn't really believe that he would get an oscar?
I just hope that Hollywood producers strain their self padding themself on the back! Bah!
Re:Amelie gets zilch nada (Score:2, Insightful)
ratings of foreign films (Score:2, Interesting)
It seems a lot like the US are trying to save their children from dangerous foreign thoughts. Or is this just the usual free trade^W^WAmerican protectionism?
Re:Amelie gets zilch nada (Score:2, Funny)
Perhaps it's in the Plan (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Perhaps it's in the Plan (Score:2)
4 out of 13 (Score:3, Interesting)
A complete list of winners and nominees is here [cnn.com].
Screenplay adaptation?! (Score:4, Insightful)
Well, I'll bet they've got two more chances at this one.
Re:Screenplay adaptation?! (Score:5, Insightful)
Tom Bombadil is important to set the atmosphere and background of Middle Earth. I feel that the point is that some things are older and more mysterious than can be explained, even though they seem so warm and familiar.
Events that would shed light into the relationship between Frodo and Sam were edited badly. Why was the Hobbit's (and especially Sam's) natural fear of water not mentioned? (Did I miss it?) It would have added great dramatic weight to Sam's almost drowning at the end. Why was Sam not present at the viewing of the mirror? His vision was important in the book, but deleted completely from the movie.
To my mind, Sam is the everyman hero of the books, yet his role seems to be being played down. This nobility of the common man (or Hobbit) is an important message of the books and is being glossed over.
I would have liked to have seen the Dinner scene at Rivendell where Frodo meets Gloin. The discussions at that Dinner sets the background for Rivendell, what's going on in the rest of Middle Earth, etc.
I understand why they rewrote the scene at the River when the riders were closing in, but it's unfortunate that Frodo's challenge to the riders and the breaking of his sword are missing. Like I say, I understand that they wanted to setup the love story between Arwen and Aragorn so they decided to give Arwen a big role there. Actually, if I were to criticize the books, I would have to say that women were not given important enough roles, so this all may be to the good.
I also liked the scene in the book where Gandalf realizes that he's facing a Balrog...
Don't know why that was changed (do I not remember the movie correctly?).
Now, admittedly, they had to edit for length. I'm not sure what else I would have left out instead. I guess I would have liked to have seen 6 movies on all 6 books, but perhaps that wouldn't have sold well.
Taking into account the necessity to edit for length, I guess I would only really criticize the deemphasis on Sam's role.
Sorry if I've misrepresented the movie above. I've only seen it once. I don't like to watch movies more than once a year or so. I've just never seen a movie that didn't seem flat if I tried to watch it again too soon and I hate having that experience with movies that I otherwise enjoy.
Re:Screenplay adaptation?! (Score:3, Funny)
That's why I don't think this movie deserves best adaptation or whatever. Great makeup, terrific cinematography, and outstanding setting--give it Best Picture, I don't care--but please, don't parade this as the profoundly perfect adaptation everyone seems to think it is.
Re:Screenplay adaptation?! (Score:3, Interesting)
" it is good that there should be a lot of things unexplained (especially if an explanation actually exists);
But I think leaving something like that out of the movie was entirely reasonable.
My biggest disappointment (Score:3, Insightful)
Once the Fellowship started out, the movie spent most of its time on Aragorn and Gandalf. Sure, they were great Heroes, but when it came down to it, it was the Hobbits who got the work done.
It's an adaptation, that's why... (Score:5, Insightful)
A movie has a host of criteria to be concerned about, as does a book. But those criteria have very little overlap between movies and books. A book can spend a chapter on Nash's bi-sexuality without losing focus, but for a movie to properly handle it would require too much time and distract from the focus of the movie (Nash's illness and recovery through force of will and the love of his wife.) Even such an integral fact such as Nash's divorce and re-marrage districts from the focus. Picking any one facet, scene, or even sub-plot of a book to judge a movie to set yourself up for disappointment.
Books can ponder the nuances of their story, but movies must have tunnel-vision like focus. That's to be expected, they are different media. If you want long winding passages that have questionable relevance to the final plot, read the book. If you want amazing visual to help with your questionable imagination, watch the movie. And if you want bad graphics and questionable interface, play the game.
ABM Screenplay Adaption better then LOTR/FOTR (Score:2)
Now go read Nasar's book and the screenplay that came from it, actually have some basis with to judge which is better.
Personally I didn't like [slashdot.org] Nasar's book at all and claims of "whispering campaign" aside thought that the film really did ignore the some relevant but uncomfortable bits about Nash's life. However honesty aside given what the book offered the screenplay did a marvelous job of bringing the characters to life in a 2 hour visual medium.
Better the LOTR/FOTR? For a screenplay adaption: Yes. Tolkien's source material is much richer, more visual, already plotted. Then it's more a case of condensing then actually rewriting and creating anew.
Re:Screenplay adaptation?! (Score:5, Insightful)
Giving the award to A Beautiful Mind endorses a mockery of the man's life.
I write a few of the major changes in the screen play in this post. [slashdot.org]
Basically, *every* major scene in A Beautiful Mind was completely made up.
The movie is loosely inspired from the actual book, and I do not think that anyone who has read the book can say that it is "based" on the book at all.
FotR deserved that award. Yes, there were a few problems with the adaptation, but there always are going to be them. Even Shawshank, which I consider to be the best adaptation ever, has a major problem with the amount of time that Red spend wandering around, looking for the tree.
I gave up on the Academy Awards when Forrest Gump won over both Pulp Fiction and The Shawshank Redemption.
LOTR won Best Film & Best Director... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:LOTR won Best Film & Best Director... (Score:2)
they want people to play retards and crazy people or psudo-true historical crap. they need a film that shows a personal obsticle that can be over come.
they are sort of like puritins, if it feels good to watch, it must be a bad movie
Re:LOTR won Best Film & Best Director... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:LOTR won Best Film & Best Director... (Score:2)
Why not ask the people that voted, instead of slashdot, for starters.
Post-Sept-11 nationalism?
Nationalism? Huh? I don't think anyone in the states really thinks of LOTR as a "british" or "new zealand" movie. I seriously doubt that played into it at all.
Or genuine belief that LOTR wasn't one of the best films ever made?
Or perhaps they figure LOTR has two more chances, and they'd rather not hand it BP three years in a row?
Why does /. have to concentrate on this film? (Score:4, Insightful)
This will probably get modded down as flamebait or troll, but whatever.
Re:Why does /. have to concentrate on this film? (Score:2)
Yeah, so it's for developing some game theory:
"for their pioneering analysis of equilibria in the theory of non- cooperative games"
But it's still boring.
"Why does
Probably because more slashdotters have read The Lord of the Rings than have heard of John Nash or even care about game theory.
Let me count the ways... (Score:2)
The Academy Awards have very little to do with the quality of the motion pictures this year, or the esteem in which they are held by the movie-going public. In the depths of their political pandering they have become entirely irrelevant.
Re:Why does /. have to concentrate on this film? (Score:4, Funny)
I need to turn this into my signature, because you fucking no that any time someone writes this, they get +5.
Coincidence? I think not!!
Oh well, this will probably get modded down as flamebait or troll, but whatever.
Re:Why does /. have to concentrate on this film? (Score:2)
(1) ZERO attempt to actual explain in even layman's terms the theories that Nash was working on.
(2) ZERO attempt to show more of the actual and historic strife in the relationship that Nash had with his wife.
(3) ZERO attempt to even hint at the fact that Nash was bi-sexual.
Ron Howard so candy coated the life of John Nash that this film deserves nothing but disrepect.
Re:Why does /. have to concentrate on this film? (Score:4, Insightful)
Because CmdrTaco likes the books and the movie, a lot.
That's what I like about this place. The editors aren't afraid to show their own tastes in their story selection. They aren't constantly second guessing themselves saying things like "I wonder if this story will have the right geekiness to have wide geek appeal?"
They just publish what they like. This place has character. Unlike most media.
State of the World (Score:2, Interesting)
When I look at the newpaper I want had happened in the world over the past day or so that I didn't catch on the radio.
We as a society need to get our priorities start on what is important in the world. Yes is good to know that LOTR:FOTR won 4 awards which they desevered but that information should be in the entertantment section where it belongs, not the front page where important news should be.
Re:State of the World (Score:4, Insightful)
I completely agree.
When I look in the newspaper, I want to only read about the horrible atrocities that get me depressed about the state of our nation. There should be absolutely nothing pleasing at all on my front page, because I don't care if someone's happy. I only care about the sad things, and that's all I want to read about.
Re:State of the World (Score:2)
On a side note, has anyone yet pointed out the irony that when someone tries to regulate the movie industry they cry "First Amendment"?
The Jam (Score:2)
I doubt it (Score:2, Insightful)
At least they have 2 more chances for Best Picture or Best Director.
As far as the Academy is concerned the two other movies are just sequels and should not deserve more credit. Face it, unless they consider Sam a retard or re-shoot the scenes to let Russel Crow play someone they're not getting best picture.Re:I doubt it (Score:2)
Oh wait - Cast Away didn't win - the fickelness has moved on.
On the Contrary (Score:3, Insightful)
Take Star Wars for example. The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi were both sequels to A New Hope, but both ESB and RotJ won awards, even after ANH won 6 Oscars.
I'm sure there are other examples as well, but this was the first one that came to mind.
Furthermore, IMHO, "Towers" and "Return" have a greater potential of being recognized, simply because the story was just getting started with "Fellowship". The next two will hopefully be even better than the first.
Don't give up hope!
LOTR should have won. (Score:2, Interesting)
The general public should read The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell just to see what is being saved.
The oscars aren't about the best films... (Score:5, Insightful)
It was started by film and production executives, is chaired today by the same types of people. The only way to even get involved in the voting for the oscars is to be invited to join the Academy by the Board of Governers and is limited to 'those who have achieved distinction in the arts and sciences of motion pictures'. A link with the brief history is here [digitalhit.com].
You'll never see a movie like LotR take top honours, now or ever, for a very good reason. It's not in hollywood's best interest to admit that a 'silly' sci-fi, fantasy, or comedy movie was the best they had that year.
To sum up: the Oscars are of the hollywood crowd, for the hollywood crowd, by the hollywood crowd. This is why I never watch awards shows.
Re:The oscars aren't about the best films... (Score:2, Redundant)
Re:The oscars aren't about the best films... (Score:2, Insightful)
Your theory doesn't make much sense given that comedies like Annie Hall, fluff pieces like Shakespeare in Love, and fantasy like Gladiator and Titanic and Forrest Gump have all won Best Picture Awards. Do you really think The Sound of Music and Oliver! weren't "silly" films?
Maybe we didn't see The Fellowship of the Ring take top honors for best film because it didn't deserve it?
Re:The oscars aren't about the best films... (Score:2)
Now if you're the Academy you're saying: Russell won last year; Denzel deserves one for his life's work, let's give it to him. It really destroys the legitimacy of an award show.
On the other hand, I'm glad Halle Berry won for best actress. The water works on stage were a little much, but it's hard to dispute the quality of her performance.
There's my 2 cents.
Re:The oscars aren't about the best films... (Score:2)
1973: The Sting
1984: Amadeus
1994: Forrest Gump
2004: LOTR: ROTK?
LOTR Upset (Score:2)
Re:LOTR Upset (Score:3, Interesting)
Now, personally: I enjoyed LOTR: FOTR, but there were much better films this past year, some of which weren't even nominated. FOTR is a good flick, but it isn't high art and it isn't Best Picture.
For that matter, I wouldn't have voted for ABM, either: I would have voted for In the Bedroom, though I think Black Hawk Down and Monster's Ball should have been nominated.
As much as /.ers think that the Academy wouldn't recognize an F&SF flick for Best Picture, it would be my argument that FOTR was the most commericial and the most Hollywood of the choices in the Best Picture category. FOTR ranks right up there with Forest Gump in terms of marketing, and would have won for the same reason if Opie hadn't made a decent movie this year.
So, no, no upset here. Oh, and it's Gandalf, dammit!
Best Director (Score:5, Interesting)
He shot three films at the same time. Never Been Done Before.
He directed scenes in remote locations. Remote meaning remote from him. While he was directing local scenes. Never Been Done Before.
He created a beautiful work on screen of a masterpiece of fiction that most directors wouldn't even have the gonads to try. I don't agree with all his choices, but I respect them (well, not the Arwen character.)
While Ron Howard is a good director, and A Beautiful Mind was a nice film. Peter did so MUCH MORE and did it well that he deserves Best Director.
Now, as for Best Film. That is still a matter of taste. My movie choice wasn't even nominated.
Newsflash: LOTR was not the best picture of 2001! (Score:3, Insightful)
I like Peter Jackson, too (Meet the Feebles is something else) but he wasn't the best director of the year, either.
And now, even though it has nothing to do with LOTR, I would like to once again razz the Oscars for not even nominating Waking Life for best animated film, instead picking 2 blockbusters (Shrek, Monsters Inc.) and a glorified Nickelodeon pilot (Jimmy Neutron).
Of course, this is to be expected - the Oscars are a crock of shit anyhow. Figure skating is a more objective contest with less corrupt judging. Basically, the winner in each category is decided by bloc voting and horse-trading by the studios who control the bulk of academy members - so says a former professor of mine who's a member of the academy and actually has an Oscar under his belt, whom I'm inclined to believe. Most Oscar voters haven't even seen all the films in the categories for which they're voting - there's just too damn many films up for consideration for anyone to watch and still have time to do anything else.
Oscars are a "Good Ole Boys" Club (Score:4, Insightful)
This year's prime example is Randy Neuman (sp?) winning for best song for that Monsters Inc tune. That song sounded EXACTLY like his past 10 million movie songs. But the dear old Oscars club wasn't going to let him go 0 for 16. The LOTR Enya song was by far the best, even my wife agreed!
It's all a sham and show put on for the drooling masses who get to see their movie star idols act like their not assholes. I'm surprised Russel Crowe didn't bite a chunk out of Whoopi's neck when she cracked on him.
Pay no attention to these awards. George C. Scott was the only smart one in the bunch. He wasn't even there when he won best actor for Patton. He was home watching hockey. He believed that these "competitions" spoiled the quality of films, making them pander to the masses instead of trying to raise intellectual and artistic bars.
Re:Oscars are a "Good Ole Boys" Club (Score:3, Interesting)
i'm not necessarily saying Opie shouldn't have won the award...just presenting the opposite side to your point...
Re:Oscars are a "Good Ole Boys" Club (Score:2)
This argument is so incredibly lame. So by your thought process, the 'good old boys' decided it was OK for him to go 0 for 10, 0 for 11, 0 for 12, 0 for 13, 0 for 14, and 0 for 15. But absolutely NOT 0 for 16!!
And this quote: "That song sounded EXACTLY like his past 10 million movie songs."
This shows how much you know. Randy Newman has scored way more movies than he's written songs for. (I imagine you don't know the difference.) His best ever, IMO, was The Natural... a great soundtrack for a great movie.
Sure, mod me down (Score:2, Insightful)
Why would a site that is so anti-MPAA give a hairy orcs ass what the MPAA thinks of a movie? The whole Oscars/Grammys/Emmys/Tonys thing is nothing more than a studio circle-jerk, and the People's Choice voting is simply the public regurgetating what they're told to like.
Excellent movies come out every year that kick major ASS on whatever winner is given the Oscar ("Gladiator"/"CTHD" comes to mind), and many of them aren't even nominated.
Re:Sure, mod me down (Score:2)
Well, perhaps partially because the Oscars are awarded by AMPAS (the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences), not the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America).
The former represent the actual artists and creative individuals, while the latter represent the investors who fund the pictures and take the majority of the profits. While the former may be petty and superficial at times, they're not solely motivated by greed and lust for every fraction of a percent of profit margin.
So that may have something to do with it.
Re:Sure, mod me down (Score:3, Insightful)
First, the site isn't anti-MPAA. Many of it's users are. The site is a news and discussion forum.
Second, not all Slashdot readers are Anti-MPAA. Some don't give your hairy orc's ass about the issue. Some, like me, realize the issues and have come to an internal compromise. Some users haven't bought a movie ticket or DVD in years. You have to realize that there are many thousands of posters, and not all have the same opinions about issues.
Sure, industry awards are a circle jerk. So? Don't watch. Go to your local independant movie house and Fight The Power.
Just remember,
AMPAS =/= MPAA (Score:4, Informative)
Unlike the Grammy's where we got rewarded for watching the music industries love-fest with a harangue about piracy, the only appearance by MPAA President Jack Valenti was him talking about his favourite film during one of the documentary clips at the beginning of the show.
AMPAS is made up not just of studio executives but also of the artists (actors directors cinematographers, makeup, etc.) themselves. If you think that the rantings on SlashDot against the RIAA and MPAA are meant to imply that artists don't deserve recognition or compensation for their work, then you haven't been paying attention. The MPAA and RIAA like to imply that they are standing up for the rights of artists by crushing fair-use rights, when in actuallity they have traditionally fought against artists rights since payments to artists are just another drain on their profits.
In other words (Score:3, Interesting)
In other words, it won all the meaningless ones. Sure, they're nice but does anyone actually remember who won any of those awards last year? 5 years ago? And it isn't like they are going to put that on any of the DVD boxes. FOTR was just a good fantasy movie and there is no way they could get around that.
Of course it wasn't like they came even close to choosing the best nominees. Denzel, in Training Day? Penn in I am Sam? WTF! They aren't even pretending to nominate favorite sons for good movies anymore (although their acting was suspect at least when Sean Connery and Burt Reynolds won they were for two good films). And don't get me started on the sham of a remake that was A Beautiful Mind (let's just say I know there is a special place in Hell for Opie now).
The Oscars are a sham. Does anyone remember Forrest Gump anymore? And what lost to it: Pulp Fiction, Shawshank Redemption, and Hoop Dreams.
What didn't get nominated this year for best picture or directing? Memento, Bully, Chopper, Ghost World, Monster's Ball, Mulholland Drive, Sexy Beast, Faithless... on and on. Any of which are deeper, more stylistic, more satisfying, and infinitely more memorable than any of the crappola that won or was nominated.
In truth they never meant anything. On the Waterfront lost and from that point on the Academy has been living a lie ever since.
Ok, that's it. I'm done.
Re:In other words (Score:2)
And Memento was from 2000, not 2001.
Re:In other words (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:In other words (Score:2)
Ghost World was a movie I would have loved to have seen nominated for something more than best adapted screenplay.
Then again, I guess I'm shallow too - I only watch the awards to see who's wearing what see-thru stuff. I wonder who'll be the first chic just to say hell with it and show up nude.
Re:In other words (Score:2)
"Academy"==MPAA (Score:3, Interesting)
I think it's awful to look out on the front pages of many of the world's papers to see articles about who won. Why should this particular demographic deserve so much power? I take them to be only slightly more credible than Manhattan lawyers, and less credible than just about any other demographic. We have to stop thinking of them as anything more than one voice among many, and in this case, a voice of people whose explicit aim is to bring the world's entertainment under the dicratorship of the MPAA.
I for one would like to see an "I boycott Academy Best Pictures" campaign. Well, if one were to start now, it would not be very restrictive, as the Academy is sure to not even nominate the best films of any given year.
How LOTR can win more Oscars (Score:5, Funny)
* Have Gandalf take a shot to the head and be mentally impaired for the next two movies;
* Arwen's role in Two Towers should be to sleep with some Orc played by Billy Bob Thorton;
* Sam gets Rain Man autism;
* Strider overcomes his disabilities and is able to kill Orcs using only his left foot;
LOTR didn't deserve what it got (Score:2)
And yes, LOTR *did* deserve to win for Best Picture. However, the Academy is generally biased towards adult dramas, so it's not terribly surprising that they shafted LOTR.
It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time! [attbi.com]
Slashdot Poll (Score:3, Funny)
Absolutely revolting (Score:3, Interesting)
She starts out all blubbery, in a "Me? Really?!" sort of way and ends up thanking her lawyer with an almost "Black Power Rulz!" attitude. Sorry, baby, you can't play the race card both ways. About the only redeeming part of her speech was recognition of some greater (and lesser) actresses that have come before her, who, perhaps, were cheated of recognition because of their race.
Generally, "door-opening" by victims of systemic social discrimination has happened because individuals overcame the obstacles they faced, and were so much better than any contemporary competitors, that to deny their achievements would be clear evidence of that very discrimination, otherwise subtle, hidden, and plausibly deniable. It isn't fair to have to work harder to be just as good, certainly, but if you manage it, there can be no doubt as to your achievement. Said undeniable achievement, then, serves to destroy any bogus arguments of inability, or inadquacy. That's "door opening".
By comparison, Berry's win suggests, if anything, that there is no racial discrimination anymore, or worse, that there is grudging "accomodation" given to produce an equity of outcome in spite of an inequity of ability that is "unfair". "See, racism is dead... Berry won an Oscar." Sadly, Berry's win shows only that racism is an embarrasment, not openly admitted, but hardly dead.
I humbly suggest... (Score:2)
I humbly suggest that you check out keepersoflists.org for some funny on the subject of the oscars.
I am simply a servant of this humble order.
IMO... (Score:4, Interesting)
(Plus, I doubted Jackson had a chance against Howard, that was nearly a shoe-in for him. And I suspect that because they 'had' to give ABM the top nod given that they were unable to give the Best Actor nod to Russell Crowe (with Denzel in the competition), and that might have made up for it).
My Precioussssss ... (Score:4, Funny)
Nasty Opie takeses it.
Gollum will have his sweet revenge, yes preciousssss, next year preciousss will be mine again
Thank Goodness the damned thing didn't win BP! (Score:3, Interesting)
I know I am in the extreme minority here, but, for goodness sake!
While FOTR was cleverly made in certain places, the overall product was middling at best.
I would have liked to see 6 or 10 episodes, perhaps done on television, WITH the light parts included with the dark, (so much beauty cut out, so much sorrow left in!), WITH Tom B included, WITH Elves that didn't fail to score in multiple ways, ("Welcome to Rivendale Mr. Anderson. You have now been knocked out of the story teller's embrace.") --WITH the proper pacing restored!
LOTR is a story about a Journey. --One where you live and grow with the characters to the point where you genuinely love them by the end. In this film, even Sam felt like a stranger to me. What bullshit! This was not a Journey. --I did not get the idea at all in the film that any significant time had passed from beginning to end. This was a massive problem for me! Tolkien understood the importance of pacing in this respect; he understood the importance of the Journey to the point where he was moved to write that wonderful little line, which I will misquote here: "The road begins at your front door.")
The movie felt like a high-speed, over-slick, Cole's-Notes version of the real thing which was trying like mad to adhere to some sort of Advertiser's guidebook about winning the viewer with hypnotically fast images. It felt afterwards as though I'd just eaten a piece of greasy McMeat stuffed in an over-sugared bun. Maybe Jackson was earnest in his attempt, and maybe he made a passable film. But LOTR it was not.
--And I have heard every apologist's excuse for why it 'Had To Be This Way' for reasons of funding, film pacing, blah, fucking blah.
Sorry, but Tolkien would have hated it. This is NOT what he intended. And the worst thing is knowing that it could have been done right with a proper captain at the helm.
Jackson is an uppity kid with a handful of childish horror flicks under his belt. Of COURSE he was going to fall short of the mark in capturing a Master Work which took Tolkien a lifetime to create; Jackson is a grasshopper with a budget. And that's alright. We all must learn, but damn if it isn't a crying shame that he had to cut his teeth on such a culturally significant work.
Best Picture, my ass. The Oscars are basically the embodiment of pure evil, but at least they made the right call, even if it was for the wrong reasons.
-Fantastic Lad
Re:LOTR will never get best picture (Score:2, Insightful)
Dude I was there and I don't hope he changes the name. Enough! The towers should still be in Spiderman too.
Re:LOTR will never get best picture (Score:2, Funny)
Re:LOTR will never get best picture (Score:2)
Granted, E.T. is hardly a classic work of literature, but it's still a shitty thing to do.
Re:LOTR will never get best picture (Score:2)
you'd lose all those sexual innuendos that make Marlowe so much fun to read!
But you are correct - the more we go changing everything to fit with current views, the worst off we are for it. "Amos 'n Andy" was okay in the 50's and then got real controversial. It shows us where we've come from.
And if they rename the Two Towers, I want the third movie renamed, cause I don't want to be reminded of the former british oppression and the amount of money the monarch consumes for no benefit to the public. See...it's that simple
Re:LOTR will never get best picture (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:LOTR will never get best picture (Score:2)
Now there's a movie I'd break my self-imposed CBDTPA movie boycott to go see!
Re:LOTR will never get best picture (Score:2)
I most certainly hope that he does NOT change the name. What does the title of a book written 60 years ago have anything at all to do with current events? Tragic as events were, political correctness and sensitivity can go too far.
Re:LOTR will never get best picture (Score:4, Insightful)
We can't suddenly start censoring reality because something horribly happened. If we did that we are injuring our freedoms as Americans. And if we lose these freedoms then what is left of the country? The power of the United States comes from the incredibly smart men who drafyted the constitution and design our government. They gave us what no other country had, freedom. If that freedom is taken away then all is lost, the initials U-S-A mean nothing, the terrorists will have won.
Re:LOTR will never get best picture (Score:2)
Re:LOTR will never get best picture (Score:3, Insightful)
The politicaly correct are weak willed psuedo-intellectuals that would not know how to hold a book without pictures right side up if the utne reader did not come that way. Those that feel justifed in meeting social problems with expedient political solutions that are far removed from the root causes of the situation should be drove to the sea and forced to crawl back in till they evolve a suitably advanced brain for deductive logic.
Re:LOTR will never get best picture (Score:2)
That's a great idea, but the Secret Service might object.
not true! (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:not true! (Score:2)
Re:LOTR will never get best picture (Score:3, Interesting)
Of course, Tom Cruise's nauseatingly self-congratulatory "we need Hollywood more than ever" intro took the edge off this.
But Nora Ephron's tribute to New York movies was brilliant. In fact, the short specially-produced films were the highlight of the entire show.
Re:LOTR will never get best picture (Score:3, Funny)
Well, I don't think that is entirely fair. For all the hype, crap and bullshit that goes with each Oscars ceremony, what it is really about is universal appeal to a panel who all want to pick a good film that is somehow "universal".
Mainstream films are the only films that ever get a look-in at the Oscars, but comedies have won. Some people might even say that LOTR is a great book, but a dreary mainstream adaption. Visual effects aside, I didn't find the characters anywhere near as pensive or wrapped up in their world as in the book.
And, of course, no comment about your comment about changing names of films, but a couple of references for the fun of it:
Re:LOTR will never get best picture (Score:2, Informative)
He is a masterful troll, if such a thing exists. (Score:2, Insightful)
Plus, what person would be so insensitive to vote for the best picture for a film entitled The Two Towers in this post 9-11 age? I hope Peter Jackson shows a little sensitivity and changes the name.
"9-11" should get the same treatment that "Nazi" gets on Usenet.
"Won't get trolled again", with apologies to The Who.
Re:LOTR will never get best picture (Score:2)
The WTC was usually referred to as the "twin towers" not the "two towers".
If Peter Jackson changes the name of the movie for that feeble reason then you'd better find a replacement for him because a brilliant man has obviously had a major stroke.
Re:LOTR will never get best picture (Score:3, Insightful)
Absolutely! Only by forgetting the past, erasing painful images, and ignoring anything that makes anyone, anywhere the least bit uncomfortable, can we get on with our blissful, ignorant lives under the rule of our teleprompter programmers who tell our "elected" officials what to say and do.
Perhaps we can also finally put to rest those rumors of a "Holocaust" in Germany in the late '30s and early '40s. But you probably have already managed to put any reference to THAT out of sight and out of mind as well.
Re:LOTR will never get best picture (Score:2)
First of all, LOTR has many 'serious messages.' More so than A Beautiful Mind.
So, forgot about a fantasy film, a sci-fi film or a comedy ever getting best picture,it's always going to be a dreary mainstream serious film.
LOTR *is* a serious film, and no, the movie that wins doesn't have to be 'serious.' Forrest Gump was essentially a comedy, and won. The Sting was not a 'serious' movie, and won.
Plus, what person would be so insensitive to vote for the best picture for a film entitled The Two Towers in this post 9-11 age? I hope Peter Jackson shows a little sensitivity and changes the name.
You are insane! The books were written and titled decades ago. I hope (no, I KNOW) Peter Jackson is not going to change the title. If anything, LOTR is a perfect movie for these post 9/11 times, the ultimate story of good vs. evil.
Serious? (Score:2)
Re:late? (Score:2)
Re:late? (Score:2)
I do really suggest Monster's Ball, even if you don't like her.
Re:grow up! (Score:2)
It was a great film, but the snoring started to get a little annoying after awhile
m o n o l i n u x