Wil Wheaton to get new role on 'Enterprise' 219
hisholiness writes "It seems that a major underground letter writing campaign has secured Wil Wheaton (ST:TNG's Wesley Crusher) a recurring role the current 'Enterprise' series. According to his website, he states, "The details are still being worked out, but basically what they plan to do is have Wesley use his Time Traveler abilities to move through space and time to the NX-01. He'll be written more like the dark, troubled Wesley of 'The First Duty' and 'Final Mission', and less like the gee-whiz Wesley of days gone by." He continues that he will be in 8 of 22 new episodes over the next two seasons."
Slashdot (Score:5, Funny)
Stuff that will never happen.
Re:Slashdot (Score:2)
Probably more then you ever will...
All right... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:All right... (Score:3, Funny)
Go buy your copy today at http://www.thinkgeek.com [thinkgeek.com] today!!
Re:All right... (Score:2)
Eww...that's nasty stuff. (I thought Weetabix [weetabix.co.uk] would be similar to Shredded Wheat [kraftfoods.com]. Weetabix turns into mush approximately 2.45 seconds after you add milk.)
are people even reading (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:are people even reading (Score:2, Insightful)
I think one good post would have been much appreciated. A full day of bullsh|t is just pushing it.
See y'all tomorrow.
Question is... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:are people even reading (Score:1, Offtopic)
seriously, you don't like the AF jokes, fine. Comeback tomorrow. But to decide not to come back here becasue its a waste of your time, and then to spen MORE time telling everybody about pretty much makes you a looney.
Re:are people even reading (Score:2, Funny)
And this is different from other days how?
Re:are people even reading (Score:3, Funny)
Re:are people even reading (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Yes (Score:3, Insightful)
So... (Score:1)
Re:So... (Score:2)
Re:So... (Score:2)
Re:So... (Score:1)
Re:So... (Score:5, Funny)
we know Wil still harbors Wesley Crusher fantasies involving everything from being given the vulcan neck pinch to having a gaggle of tribbles on the bed.
aw man, that got WAY too graphic.
but I'm certain that Wil probably came up with this idea ALL on his own. He's a craft guy. Not that the SLASHDORK editors don't have mad pull in the internet world...some would consider them minor deities!
Ahhhh yes. April Fools.
Re:So... (Score:2)
If I remember him correctly from the countless interviews, that'd be the Vulcan detox gel rub [google.com].
CowboyNeal and Wil Wheaton (Score:2)
He's got powers.... (Score:1)
Re:He's got powers.... (Score:2)
Bleh, this is getting old. (Score:1, Offtopic)
Re:Bleh, this is getting old. (Score:1)
Ahh yes (Score:5, Funny)
Now we know what he does with all his free time.
April fools (Score:1)
No! God No! (Score:1, Offtopic)
Re:No! God No! (Score:1)
Wil's Site (Score:5, Funny)
here's the bad news: the entire site has crashed, and we can't figure out why.I don't know when the crash happened, or why, because I was offline all weekend, but I'm working on it. I suppose that if you can read this, it means things are working again
Just wait till it get's done getting
Funny sites? (Score:2, Offtopic)
I liked the one on www.gamespot.com [gamespot.com] about the Duke Nukem developers trying to fit the game in the box
Re:Funny sites? (Score:2)
Enough already! (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Enough already! (Score:2)
You know, you're not obligated to bitch about every single April Fool's story on the web. Give it up.
Re:Enough already! (Score:2)
Letter writing campaign? (Score:1)
Blame Taco (Score:2, Funny)
AFD = 1 BIG Troll (Score:2, Insightful)
Enjoy it while you can, buddy. The AC's will be back tomorrow in full force.
Re:AFD = 1 BIG Troll (Score:2)
All of them.
In Picard's Words.... (Score:1)
AT LEAST BE CLEVER.... (Score:4, Insightful)
You could give away someone's favorite Linux distro on CD or something... ANYTHING BUT THIS!
I hate 1 April (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I hate 1 April (Score:2)
But it won't be a Dark and Troubled Wesley until.. (Score:1)
he flirts with Belana Torres (Roxann Biggs-Dawson) who then storms off the set and threatens to kill the Dark, Troubled and Horney Wesley when he takes it a bit too far...
It wouldn't surprise me... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:It wouldn't surprise me... (Score:3, Funny)
Of course, I'm tired and it is April 1st. We'll see.
Re:It wouldn't surprise me... (Score:5, Funny)
I think the halflings' weed has clouded your mind.
Don't forget about John DeLancie! (Score:2)
Re:Don't forget about John DeLancie! (Score:2)
Who do you think wakes up Khan?
And, for that matter, what is Guynan doing right now, besides wearing Hobbit feet at the Oscars?
Someone has to go fetch Wesley and convince him to save the galaxy, one more time...
Re:Don't forget about John DeLancie! (Score:2)
OK, I see what she meant by that. I also see what Q said when he called her an Imp.
You laugh now... (Score:1)
I sure hope.. (Score:1)
Wil Wheaton OS (Score:1)
He must be very busy...
Re:Wil Wheaton OS (Score:3, Funny)
Don't Forget (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Don't Forget (Score:2)
In other April 1 news... (Score:5, Funny)
All stories will be read by the editor before adding any comments such as "this has serious ramifications for quantum computing"
Editoral budget expanded to allow for the additional 3.2 seconds required to click the spell check button
When people e-mail CmdrTaco with a concern, complaint, or question, autorespond that says, "Fuck off. I run this site, you're just a loser." will be changed to, "Thank you for your feedback. We'll take your input into consideration of this important issue and let you know of any decisions."
Editors now only have infinity minus one moderation points
April Fools jokes permanently stopped
What's next? (Score:1)
/. trolls on April 1st (Score:3, Funny)
In a dramatic twist, Slashdot a "geek" news site, turned the tables on would-be Anonymous Cowards and Trolls, posting inflamatory "news" articles and other mischeivous April 1st pranks - in the very spirit that they have encouraged moderators to trounce in times past.
I am sure when this is all over, "News for Nerds" will be back and ACs will be posting flamebait and trolls with a vengence.....
Taco, a suggestion for next year (Score:2)
If that doesn't whet your appetite, I have a great idea for next year: Research your stories and post them correctly, properly spelled. Hey, it's only once a year!
Yeah,but (Score:1, Offtopic)
dammit... (Score:1)
Awwww man.... (Score:5, Funny)
A bit weird, this... experiencing the Slashdot effect vicariously through Wil Wheaton.
GOD NO.... (Score:3, Funny)
Maybe they can have Wesley's girlfriend be Britney Spears, but she can have red hair, and she can be a mind-reading prostitude who has some sort of special psychic bond with large rodants. She could go around the ship "silently" singing via esp in people's head to lure them into sex ("I'ma Sllllllllave for u, if you pay me 3500 credits"), yet the audience would get the privlage of hearing it.
Wait, that would be silly... Britney can't have red hair! What was I thinking...
Re:GOD NO.... (Score:2)
Would that 35 mg or so of gold-pressed latinum?
And are Red Headed Rodent-Bonded Mindreading Postitute futures up or down in early trading on the Ferengi market?
ITS NOT AN APRIL FOOLS JOKE! (Score:5, Insightful)
S1E11, Cold Front
gs: John Fleck (Silik) Matt Winston (Daniels) Michael O'Hagan (Captian Fraddock) Joseph Hindy (Prah Mantoos) Leonard Kelly-Young (Sonsorra) James Horan (Humanoid Figure ("Future Guy"))
rc: Silik
When the Enterprise comes in contact with an alien vessel transporting stargazers to observe a spectacular stellar event, Archer invites them aboard the ship not realizing that Silik, a Suliban enemy, is among them. Archer quickly realizes that Silik is engaged in a nefarious time-travelling mission and must stop him before he can tamper with the course of history.
b: 28-Nov-01 pc: ENT 111 w: Steve Beck & Tim Finch d: Robert Duncan McNeill
NOTE: The Suliban and the "Temporal Cold War" return in this episode.
S1E26 : Shockwave
gs: John Fleck (Silik)
Synopsis Unknown.
b: 22-May-02 d: Allan Kroeker
NOTE: Season Finale.
Vulcans have declared time travel to be impossible, according to T'Pol. Nothing like proving them vulcans wrong!
Remember Star Trek IV?
Of course we the viewers know it exists. That's not up for grabs.
So bad I don't even trust REAL news... (Score:2, Flamebait)
Anyway, Bush announced the feds were giving Governors Island back to NYC. I was sitting there waiting for him to say APRIL FOOLS SUCKERS.....
Re:So bad I don't even trust REAL news... (Score:2)
In Other News... (Score:2)
...Bill Gates open sources Windows, RMS says it was all "just a fraternity prank. We at Skull and Bones never thought we could convince so many people to give away their work. I'm going to clean my self up and take that job with Texaco that W promised me."
On the international front, Arafat converted to the obscure "snake handling" sect of fundamentalist Christianity. Preachers from eastern Kentucky are en route to the West Bank.
Blah, blah, blah, April 1, Yada, yada, yada... I've pretty much written off /. for the rest of the day. Hey /. editors, it's called finesse. Look into it.
Quality not Quantity. (Score:2)
Having so many April Fool's Day joke references on Slashdot, even if some of them would be good on their own, totaly cancels out the effectiveness of ALL OF THEM, making them just seem completely STUPID. The true joy of a good April's Fool Day joke isn't the perceived 'chortle-cleverness' of an obvious joke, but the reaction of those fooled into believing it. The Slashdot editors have robbed us of seeing any of this type of reaction post by stupidly linking to every semi-geek April Fool's Day joke on the web.
Next year how about one good April Fool's Day joke that is Slashdot specific and that might be somewhat ridiculous but also is somewhat in the realm of possibility, followed by a 'Quickie' post containing the good geeky April Fool's Day jokes from around the web on April 2nd?
Enough already! (Score:2, Funny)
New Borg Episode (Score:3, Funny)
Will, you Sellout! (Score:2)
Oh, drop it! (Score:2)
I really hope this isn't April Fool's stuff. I love a well crafted time-travel yarn, and I've never understood the "I hate Wesley" sentiment. It was cool to see Wil redeam himself with his own internet presence in the face of the overwhelmingly stupid & cruel American public, and it would be REALLY cool to see this grow into an interesting new character on Enterprise.
Kid Crusher is a character with legacy and legend behind him. That sort of thing can carry a wonderful sort of weight. They say the best friends are those you went to school with. --This is because you saw old friends grow up; you know their history first hand. You shared it. Knowing that Wesley started out as most of us did, (as an uncool but earnest kid), and has grown through hard knocks and good teachers into a Jedi-equivalent is very, very cool.
I hope, if it happens, that they play it right. Could be very good!
-Fantastic Lad --The Deserving Underdog Always gets my Vote. Crass popularity is for Sheep and Cowards.
Re:Will, you Sellout! (Score:2)
Read Wil's site. He's pretty cool & honest. (Score:2, Insightful)
Take some time (15-20 min) and read it. It's NOT sameless self promotion and buy all my crap. I laughed really hard about his experience with Hooter's waitress & "Yeah, funny like when you watch another guy get kicked in the nuts."
Wil Wheaton dot net [wilwheaton.net]
Hey... (Score:2, Funny)
Archer: What is this boy doing on my bridge?
Wesley: But, sir, I've..
Archer: Shut up Wesley!
Wesley: Awww...somethings never change... *stomp*stomp*stomp*
Nooooooo! (Score:2, Interesting)
After reading Wil's comments in his recent
Don't take this wrong, Wil, but although you seem to be a standup guy, I don't want to see you on Enterprise. The show sucks, just being more of the same. They had an opportunity to make a great show, an original show, one with grit and suspense and all the stuff that makes great sci-fi. For some reason, I felt there was actually a chance that they might pull it off. I should have known better. After three seemingly endless, monotonous, rehashed spinoff series, you'd think they would have figured out what they did wrong. Silly me.
As soon as I see Wesley Crusher's face on the screen, I'll know it's truly all over. If they have to resort to bringing back our "favorite" characters to keep the series afloat, then that's the signal that things never will actually change, and that we'll be in for another seven or so years of the same old Love Boat, non-action, non-suspense, non-story, non-plot, formulaic faux sci-fi that we've become well-acquainted with.
And if we see Q on the series, it'll be time to get daddy's
Great News! (Score:2)
Seriously, as much as I disliked Wesley the character (until near the end, when he started getting into trouble), I really like Wil Wheaton the actor. Anyone who has a good enough sense of humor to take the piss out of themselves in that manner is OK in my book...
Major Underground Letter Campaign? (Score:2)
NO, NO, NO! (Score:2)
This proves "Wesley" is not a real geek. Everybody knows it's 'fscking'.
Gotcha (Score:5, Funny)
I hope everyone takes this in good humor.
Lots of people sent really kind and sweet congratulatory messages, and I actually feel pretty badly for fooling such nice people. All the idiots who thought it was a really good idea to fill my inbox with "Wesley is gonna ruin Enterprise" crap should get a life, and direct any further comments to the nearest brick wall.
I think the greatest highlight of the day came when my mom called Anne, while I was at work.
The conversation went something like this:
Mom: Do you have something to tell me?
Anne: Uh, no.
Mom: Do you have some big news about Wil?
Anne: Oh, that. Uh, what day is today?
Mom: It's Monday!
Anne: Right. And the date is...?
Mom: It's April Fir-- OH! Damn you!
Heh. I guess my dad was all pissed off, stomping around my parent's house because I didn't tell them myself, and he "had to read it on Wil's $%@#!ing website!"
Re:Imperial interests at conflict (Score:2, Funny)
And the moderators did moderate, and they did moderate well.
And the peasants rejoiced.
sympathy for the devil (Score:1)
Re:sympathy for the devil (Score:2)
Seriously, though, I imagine /. would care, seeing as how ST is part of the geek canon, and how Wesley is a highly controversial and historically despised character.
Weenie.. (Score:1)
Congrats, Wil! (Score:2)
Yep, you're a weenie.
Well, Wesley is a weenie, but thanks to Wil, at least he's a cute weenie.
Now that he's what - thirty? - hopefully he will have weathered those raster-burns and keyboarding callouses well. Too bad he's straight. [sigh] [glowingplate.com]
All the best, Wil. Now got get yourself an Emmy.
Re:oh good god... (Score:2)
Re:How do you observe April 1st? (Score:2)
Thats the problem 12 noon in the US, could be 9am for some viewers of even 5 or 6pm for others!
Re:How do you observe April 1st? (Score:2)
Basically, don't trust postings with an April 1 date.
Re:Yeah but its been April 2nd for hours already (Score:2)
Good luck.
Re:Letter from Israeli Refusenik (Score:2)
Why not?
Re:Letter from Israeli Refusenik (Score:2)
Why aren't they full fledged voting citizens?
Weren't there originally large numbers of Palestinians on the land?
Why aren't they citizens?
Honestly, I don't get it.
Re:Letter from Israeli Refusenik (Score:2)
The only ones who can vote in Israel are the Jews...
Is this really true? I tried to search through their Constitution to see who could vote, but couldn't figure it out. Are you saying there are no voting Arabs in Israel?
Why doesn't the U.S. and other first world countries look at this situation skeptically? If what you are saying is true, do you realize that the average U.S. citizen is simply not aware of that?
The U.S. is a nation of many minority interests. We have asians, hispanics, africans and men of african ancestry, and a vast spectrum of expatriates from all over the world. If the truth is as you say, the belly of America would quiver if it understood. Franchise, the simple concept of having a voice in your government, is the foundation of America.
Re:Letter from Israeli Refusenik (Score:2)
Don't take this wrong, but I'm not sure I believe you. How can I verify through independent and objective sources that only Jews can be citizens/vote in Israel? How can I verify through independent and objective sources what I suspect is true: that Palestinians have been nothing other than systematically interned?
In the _Wall Street Journal_ some pro-Israel group occasionally runs these full page pro-Israel ads, loudly espousing the status of Israel as the sole democracy in the Middle East. Well and good, I say. I'm all for democracy and economic success.
But why is it that Israel's opposition isn't doing more in the American media to discuss the 20:1 rule? The internments? The lack of ability to vote? The general pattern of disenfranchisment? These are not things that would sit well with the American people if the American people regarded them as true.
I'm genuinely confused and don't know what to believe. The Arab press itself waxes towards the blatantly delusional some of the time. I can't read that; who could? Allegations that the WTC was blown up by Israel itself? Come now. That's hysteria, not objectivity.
Will the _WSJ_ simply not sell ad space to a well-reasoned counterpoint to the current Israeli ads that it runs? Is there no way that the opposing interest groups can reasonably expect to deliver their message?