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Farscape Returns Tonight 148

Silverhammer writes "After a seemingly interminable winter hiatus, SciFi Channel's Farscape returns tonight with the first part (of four) of the Season Three finale. The 'Farscape Undressed' recap show starts at 8 pm EST, and the episode itself -- titled 'I Yensch, You Yensch' -- starts at 9 pm EST. Here is a spoilerific review." God it's about time. Debatably the best scifi on TV.
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Farscape Returns Tonight

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  • Cooooool. (Score:1, Funny)

    by Kickstart70 ( 531316 )
    Now I can re-indulge all those "blue women" fantasies I keep having.
    • 'Cept the blue woman bought it a while back. Chiana is gray, although the hue doesn't always seem to come through correctly.
    • The pale gray babe in tight clothes is the one that I want to treat like a lollipop! A first I got all excited when I thought this posting was about the Far Side coming back.

  • by Chayce ( 199487 )
    Well, guess now is a good time to reprogram my V.C.R. since I dont want to miss this, and I'm gonna be out tonight. Then again the blinking 12:00 always put me right to sleep... hypnotic isn't it?
  • Bout time.... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Britissippi ( 565742 )
    Farscape started off kinda cheesy (the whole Buck Rodgers thing), but over time its really blossomed into a good show. I've been waiting for the new series for a while too. The only thing I can't understand is why Scorpius has to wear a bloody jockstrap on his head.. ;)
    • It's still extremely cheesy. The matured style hasn't changed all that much. I think we've just watched it long enough that it's warped our minds. But hey! I'm not complaining. Some cheese is good!

      • I think that the characters and setting are actually pretty cool. The problem with farscape is the awful writing. The cheesiness is almost entirely in the dialogue... well, that and some of the sets. (How many times are they going to darken the sound stage so we can't see the perimeter, thereby making the set look bigger and saving on the prop/design cost? Not a bad technique, but it's like they're addicted to it or something.)
        • Yes, I don't mean ANY disrespect towards the show. I actually kind of like th cheesy dialog from time to time. It's part of what makes the show fun, since it doesn't ALWAYS take itself so seriously.

          I still love that freaky ass episode with the "Amsterdam" of planets. heh. Dargo high on X (well, something like it). Woohoo! heh.

          I am waiting for my friend to get his ass over here now, so we can resume out Friday night beer and Sci Fi! :)

  • by LittleGuy ( 267282 ) on Friday April 05, 2002 @10:08AM (#3290423)
    'Farscape Undressed' [] serves as a visual FAQ (hosted by Ben Browder and Claudia Black, out of character) for those new to the series (the missus and I caught the first FU, and we because hooked on the show), as well as a recap to events leading up to the upcoming season/new shows (they updated the recap for the 2nd FU, to include all the then-new/now-old show).

    In addition, there is behind-the-scenes commentary with the producers and the crew. And the bantering between Browder and Black playing off one another is a hoot and a half.
    • yeah, it definitely gets new people up to speed
      pretty well, so you have some idea what's going on.

      Also the 3rd season is debatably the most interesting, so new people shouldn't feel tooo bad
      about jumping in there
    • Good Ghod, that sucked. Not the show (not having really watched it, a group of SF geeks got together to watch the Undressed and season opener).

      The show was okay - probably pretty good when you get into it (although the cheesy set of the battleship biomechanical ship evoked a "Hey, I think that's the arcade I used to hang out in in the 80s" from someone). Nifty aliens (which I knew), nifty costumes (which I knew), and okay dialogue and pretty decent acting. All in all, a show I would have no problem getting into.

      But the "Farscape Undressed" almost made me not want to watch the show. HIDEOUS acting (what the *hell*... it looked like a few people doing high school book reports in front of the class) cheesy interaction with the Henson characters (either you're in character or not. Having the humans be their acting selves and the aliens be in character is jarring), and really nifty but ultimately uninformative seizure inducing quick flashes of nifty SFX does not an intro to a show make.

      It looked like a fairly simple, very detailed plot (no giant leaps to follow, but lots of interesting little threads), but they tried to make it a semi-documentary, semi-in character discussion, and wound up with an incomprehensible mess. The writer and editor of it should be shot. I'd say I learned significantly more about the show by watching the episode than seeing unrelated action clips introduced by actors uncertain of what they were supposed to be playing.

      Gah. As someone else put it - "It was a pretty neat show. That undressed thing, though - I wish I had that hour of my life back".

      About the only defense it has is that it looked like it would be really cool to watch if you had seen all the shows - a really neat montage of the highlights. But for anybody who hadn't seen the show before (who is was theoretically addressing), it was utterly useless.


  • i've already grabbed them off irc since i don't
    have cable right now. but should be good for fans
    of the show (in america) who don't go that route.
    I haven't watched 3x22 yet, but the other 3 new
    ones are pretty good.
  • I'm so glad this was posted on Slashdot. I waited so long for farscape to pick up again that I forgot about it. If not for this mornings post I would've missed it.

    I can't afford to miss any episode that Chiana is in.
  • Anyone know why they decided to delay these episodes so long in the U.S?

    Seems like they're doing themselves a disservice. These episodes aired in the UK about 2 months ago. That's plenty of time for the fans to find "alternate ways" of viewing them, rather than waiting the 2 months until they decided to air them in the U.S.

    From what I've heard, Sci-Fi usually does this sort of thing to avoid competition from network television. Maybe I'm just overestimating the number of fans who were seeking the episodes out on the net rather than waiting for two months.
    • Maybe I'm just overestimating the number of fans who were seeking the episodes out on the net rather than waiting for two months.

      Yes, you are. I enjoy Farscape very much, but no television show is worth such contortions. Maybe when my television, my computer, and the 'Net are all one seamless "on demand" system (and we're getting there with TiVo), but not yet.

    • On SciFi's Farscape board, there was the briefiest of a hint of spoiler posted by a Brit. There is a valid reason for SciFi postponing the last four episodes. It has nothing to do with problems or SciFi being stupid or an attempt to build up tension. It's pretty straightforward.

      I haven't seen the episodes, though, so what I read was only hearsay. I can't find the post either (the board renders like crap in IE for Mac).
      • indeed, although it would be impossible to explain without giving away what happens, but Scifi did have a good reason for delaying the US broadcast. All might not agree, but it certanly is the safest route.

        In fact, these were initially set to air in January which is how Scifi would have prefered it... but these things happen.
    • normaly this happens the otherway round. And then for once stuff is shown in the UK first and listen to the fuss everyones making about it. We had to wait somthing like 4 months for Jay and Silent bob strike back :-(
    • well, because filming for season 4 started late (contract crap, i'm guessing), and it won't start airing until june. so if they held to the last two seasons' standard and showed the last 4 in january, you'd be waiting 5 months for the new season. they figured it'd be better if they spread it out a bit.
  • Usenet... (Score:4, Informative)

    by dane23 ( 135106 ) on Friday April 05, 2002 @10:12AM (#3290446) Homepage Had them all in high quality SVCD months ago.
  • This is great news, but it makes me hate my cable company (AT&T) even more -- they moved the SciFi channel to their "digital-only" offerings, requiring their newer/bigger set top box and yet another remote. I don't want such a box, nor another remote.

    • >requiring their newer/bigger set top box and yet another remote

      Not only that, I've noticed a real loss in picture quality on the digital channels. Anytime the video goes through high-motion, you can see lots of crappy compression artifacts (reminds me of a really badly compressed CNN video).

      "100% Digital Quality"? ... BAH!
  • If I remember correctly, the last scene in the last episode several months ago showed Crichton vowing to go off and hunt down Scorpius, right? It's been so long. I don't remember what else happened in that one (although I remember it was right after one of the Crichtons died).

    I knew there were going to be new episodes sometime in April, but I didn't expect it this early in April. Just yesterday I figured I'd better go look and see, and was surprised to see that the first one is tonight (and relieved I didn't wait any longer to check, though I should have known slashdot would have reminded me).
  • Well, since I don't have tivo, or one of the other systems, I end up recording stuff like here's my problem....sci fi fans often bitch about how great shows are, and yet they seem to be cancelled after a few short seasons.....well, here's a tip network execs, if you want your show to be successful, DON'T PUT THE DAMNED THING ON ON FRIDAY EVENING. The majority of your demagraphic is out and about partying, or hanging out, not watching tv....

    this message brought to you by the statements DUH and D'OH.
    • 1. Only nerds watch science fiction
      2. Farscape is science fiction
      3. Nerds don't have lives
      => Nerds are going to be in on Friday nights.

      Don't complain just because you're better off than the rest of us.
    • by Shagg ( 99693 ) on Friday April 05, 2002 @10:40AM (#3290594)
      sci fi fans.... out and about partying on friday evening...

      Is it just me, or does something about the above strike you as funny?
    • Heh, depends on who you are. I go home after work on friday and then go out on saturday nite. Too tired to do anything on Friday nites anymore.

      Or maybe I'm getting on in age.
    • I never bitched about it. As far as I'm concerned Farscape is the only show they have worth watching, with the sometimes exception of Lexx. And the occasionaly mini-series and re-run (I want a Prisoner Chain Reaction, Dammit!).

      Unfortunately, being a geek, Farscape on Friday nights are just fine for me. Likewise Adult Swim Action on Saturdays. I'm pretty sure these networks, knowing their demographic and the competition on other networks for the rest of the week, are counting on this.
    • I couldn't agree with you more. I haven't seen an episode of Farscape in over a year. There were two problems.

      The first problem: some west coast cable companies use the east coast feed. Meaning Farscape came on at 5 or 6pm... That was how I ended up seeing it most of the time.
      I moved to AT&T broadband, they use the west coast feed. So now Farscape is on at 9pm. I have not seen an episode since. WHO THE HELL WATCHES TV ON A FRIDAY AT 9pm!? I'm sorry, but just because I'm a Sci Fi fan does NOT mean I don't have friends and a social life to attend to.
      Second problem: I can't keep up with all the time switches, all the weeks it's not showing, when it starts again, blah blah blah. Just show it consistently!!!
    • Sci Fi usually re-airs the episodes a few hours later. So if you're not in at 9 to catch this, chances are it'll be on again at 12. At least that was what they did last week.
    • The majority of their demographic can probably figure out how to program the thing too.
  • I'm just going to plug my favoirte which seems to have been off the air for far longer than that stupid Star Trek ripoff ;) .....

    Nero Wolfe
    Sunday, April 14th.

    I'll be there.
  • If you can be bothered to click past the merchandise and episode reviews (and you can deal with some Flash), you find out a bit more. Like that Jim Henson Productions is owned by EM.TV & Merchandising AG [].

    Look just a couple screens deeper and you find out that they're deeply involved in pushing digital rollouts and pay-to-view [], from the story posted an hour earlier.

    Due to media digitalisation, which is multiplying the number of stations and broadcasting platforms and the progressive establishment of Pay-TV and Pay-Per-View programs on offer, more and more market players from the areas of communications and the media are looking for high-quality children's and family programs. EM.TV has placed the majority of its portfolio under the umbrella brand Junior ... This umbrella trademark includes classics such as Pippi Langstrumpf
    ["Longstocking" in English] and up-to-date programs such as Pigs Next Door, which also have the potential to become classics... The Junior umbrella brand is being marketed nationally and internationally on various platforms. Using cooperation agreements with TV stations, the Junior program nowadays is being marketed in numerous countries.
    Typical day at Slashdot, just like when you look see one story bitching about DVD encryption, DMCA and DeCSS followed by the next story about the latest geek-targeted DVD release (from AOL-Time-Warner or Sony) that everyone here has just gotta go out and buy.

    Excuse me while I vomit.


    • Crist! I wish I hadn't wasted my mod points modding down "funny" posts. I finally see a post so full of sanctimony and arrogance that it REALLY deserves to be shitcanned and I can't do anything about it.
      • So I'm a troll now? And me not even mentioning operating systems.

        You need to read the moderator guidelines [], lobsterBoy. I gave up my chance to mod this thread by posting.

        FACT: The previous story was about the push to move to digital TV in order to force pay-per-view.

        FACT: Jim Henson productions is owned by one of the conglomerates paying legislators to force digital TV and pay-per-view on us.

        FACT: People here bitch and moan about DeCSS and DMCA and then a couple stories later gush about some upcoming DVD release from AOL-T-W or a new toy from Sony. "BOYCOTT THEM... after I get my memory stick, that is!"

        This makes me a troll? Bite me. You can't handle the truth.


        I'm correct, just not politically correct.

    • Typical day at Slashdot, just like when you look see one story bitching about DVD encryption, DMCA and DeCSS followed by the next story about the latest geek-targeted DVD release (from AOL-Time-Warner or Sony) that everyone here has just gotta go out and buy.

      Realize that 'michael' posted the last story, and CmdrTaco posted this one.

      FYI, these are two different people.
  • by Archibald Buttle ( 536586 ) <> on Friday April 05, 2002 @10:31AM (#3290540)
    Blimey - for once us folks on the other side of the pond (the UK) are ahead of our American cousins on a sci-fi show! The BBC showed the end of Farscape's third season a few months ago now.

    I'm not going to give away too much, but you guys are in for a treat. The interplay between Crighton and Scorpius in the final episodes of the season is fantastic. I'd love to say more, especially about the role that Talyn and Crais play in the story, but doing so could ruin your enjoyment of the episodes.

    Incidentally the BBC has a great Farscape web site (better than the official one) which you can find at
    This site includes an episode guide which has synopsis of the last 4 episodes of the season which you guys in the US haven't seen yet. The guide has plenty of spoliers - you have been warned. As well as the episode guide you'll find quite a few interviews (video and transcripts), and various other bits and pieces of interest.

    The one minor annoyance though is that the season ends on a cliff-hanger. What's really annoying is it looks like you guys in the US will be getting season 4 before I do - the official Farscape web site says it will start on June 7th on Sci Fi...
    • Agreed, it really was a very good season. My personal favourite was the one where Crichton was in the Roadrunner cartoon. Totally bizarre but very funny in places. A refreshing break from Star Trek. It's a very dark series, almost depressing in some episodes. Makes it all the more addictive.
    • The interplay between Crighton and Scorpius in the final episodes of the season is fantastic.

      True, but the scheming between Scorpius and Rygel in that restaraunt was even better; these two really should get more time together. And if there is a spin off series with Scorpius and Rygel thrown together of that standard I would be very happy indeed.

  • by astapleton ( 324242 ) on Friday April 05, 2002 @10:37AM (#3290575) Homepage Journal
    The review is fairly accurate, but remember that different writers are putting these episodes together. Still, it's not the best episode aired. Still, coming from someone who has already seen the four final episodes of this season, suffer through this's a set up for the 2nd and 3rd episodes which will establish an interesting new relationship between two of the characters. And ignore all spoilers for 'Into the Lion's Den' and 'Wolf in Sheep's Clothing''ll regret it if you don't.

    And don't ask me how I laid my hands on the final four episodes. *grin*
  • Having seen these already I can only say don't miss them! I like all seasons of farscape and this is some of the best episodes.
  • by fm6 ( 162816 ) on Friday April 05, 2002 @10:45AM (#3290629) Homepage Journal
    I do like Farscape. It's not earthshakingly good, but it's certainly the best TV SF I've seen in a long time. Fairly imaginative, interesting stories, good acting, cliche-phobic. Knows how to be bizarre without going over the top. Very funny at times.

    The best thing about Farscape is the way it turns the typical white-man's-burden storyline on its head. The hero is the standard ruggedly-handsome, super-brilliant cowboy-astronaut, of course. But for once the aliens aren't with the program. They won't admit to his Obvious Superiority no matter how many times he saves the day.

    It is hard to accept that anybody can fart Helium -- but that kind of absurdity is all part of the fun.

    As for the scheduling idiocy -- well, I won't repeat my previous rant []. Suffice to say this is class media monopoly stupidity. Farscape is supposed to be a key part of SciFi's strategy to convince people that they're a real network, not just a dumping ground for cancelled shows. That's why they ordered two seasons in advance. But that strategy won't work until they start showing their viewers some respect.

    • I think it's the humans who aren't with the program. Sci-fi (mostly Roddenbery) likes to pat humanity on the back, which is fine from time to time, but I think a far more likely circumstance is that humanity would be just another species. In Farscape, the lone human has some very important information that is vital to the two great powers of the galaxy he's stuck in, but most of that information was gained accidently. Otherwise, that human are just a dopey race that (understandably) doesn't know basic things about the galaxy around him, and has bad eyesight.

      Note: One of my favorite lines is where Chrition says "My eyes are fine! I have perfect 20/20 vision, and they're blue!"

  • by OctavianMH ( 61823 ) <matthewhensrud&gmail,com> on Friday April 05, 2002 @10:51AM (#3290685)
    So, for those of you who haven't been religiously following the Farscape universe, here's a quick run down of where everything's left off.

    The last episode was called "Fractures", and features a bittersweet reunion of the crew, who had been traveling separately for about 10 episodes, one group on Moya (the big ship you see in all the commercials), and the second on Talyn (Moya's son, a mutant ship with really big guns).

    Why Bittersweet, do you ask?

    Weeeell, it's not a _complete_ reunion, two of the members of Talyn's group don't make it back to Moya. First, Stark. For those who don't know, he's a recurring character who's basically a rather deranged humanitarian, and Zhaan's (the Blue opposed to the monochromatic girl) soulmate. The second character not to make it back is John Crichton. Wait! John? Isn't he a main character? They can't kill a main character! Whooa.. settle down there sparky. John was cloned in an earlier episode. Cruel plot device? Ratings ploy? Whatever. It worked, and created some interesting circumstances. Essentially, the John on Talyn who dies gets it all figured out. Unlocks the wormhole technology in his head (with some help), forces Harvey out of his subconcious, and even gets the girl (Aeryn). In the meantime the John on Moya is just as screwed up (He has a near-death experience in the LOONEY TOONS world, for Chrissakes).

    So. The reunion. The John that Aeryn fell in love with is dead. Stark is MIA, and everyone is just plain unhappy. Aeryn's a mess, the John that's still alive is confused as hell.

    To wrap up, John(1) left a message for John(2), explaining everything that happened with the wormholes, and the knowledge locked in his brain, etc.. and told him how close Scorpius is to figuring out how to control wormholes himself. So John(2) does what any good down-home hero would do and decides that he needs to stop Scorpius at all costs, and will go to his ship to do it.

    Aeryn and Crais join John, and Fractures ends.

    Until tonight...

    All done Karma Whoring now...ENJOY!
    • Zhaan's (the Blue opposed to the monochromatic girl)

      Now I normally don't care that much about TV characters - but the monochromatic girl, (wonderful description;), is a complete babe.

      I try to watch Farscape sometimes, because I occaisonally see clips that look really good - but the whole set design is very dark, and the plots are sufficiently strange that I get confused.

      In the end I have flashbacks to Babylon 5, which usually makes me stop watching ... :(

    • Sounds like a storyline straight out of the Marvel Universe. I love it!
  • When I don't have my weekly doses of Farscape I tend to shrivel up and have problems, you know, computer crashes, IRS audits, girls hating me... it's a good thing that will now end tonight!!!
  • by ratguy ( 248395 )
    Having missed every bit of this show, how would everyone recommend I start watching? Should I jump in with these 4 episodes? Or perhaps I should wait till when Sci-Fi reruns everything from the beginning? Or, I could stop being cheap and go rent the first season on DVD. For that matter, is the second season on DVD yet?
    • Rent the DVD's (or find the binaries. ;>).

      While you could probably pick up the storyline without too much difficulty in the middle, there's lots of emotional build-up you'd be missing.

      In other words, certain "aha!" events aren't going to mean anything to you.
      • Yeah, I forgot about that. There are a couple IRC channels where you can download DivX versions of all the episodes...I got myself caught up doing that. If you're patient there are some VERY high bandwidth people on that channel, I was getting 2-3 episodes a night.
    • You have a few options. There are a few decent primers out there for newbies like yourself. Here's One. [] Go, read, enjoy. If you have a bit of cash sitting around, almost all of the first season has been released on DVD in the States, but they're a bit of a rip off. My personal recommendation is [] Kult T.V., the U.K. distributor has done a FANTASTIC job of putting out the episodes, and they're FAST, the first boxed set of Season THREE is already out, where in the U.S. they haven't even started season TWO yet. Grrrrr. Very frustrating. So.. If you have a DVD player capable enough, go to the other side of the pond. Much better value, and hey, even much prettier packaging.
    • Yeah the second seasons out on dvd IN THE UK. I wound up getting all my farscape dvds from the other side of the pond. Not only is is cheaper than the use versions, but they come in these cool 2 dvd boxes. I just got my first 5 eps of season three two weeks ago. Only thing to be wary of is you need a dvd player that is region free and a way to convert PAL to NTSC.

      A Daewoo 5700 from World Gift Center [] and a Amazon [] account UK style gets me up to the date Farscape in the US. It takes about 9 days from ship to show via mail.
    • Tune in an hour early tonight and watch Farscape Undressed.

      Should give you enough of a primer to follow the rest of the series. Then either try to catch the reruns as they air or buy the dvd's -- because while FU will bring you up to speed, nearly all of the episodes up to this point are just awesome and are definately worth watching.
  • Debatably the best scifi on TV.

    I have to agree with that sentiment.

    While Farscape is good, I have to say that I find Stargate: SG-1 much better overall. SG-1, while having some problems, has a much less soap opera feel to it.
    Additionally, the science in SG-1 is (usually) a lot more grounded in fact than Farscape's is.

    But then, that's just my personal taste in shows. If you like soap operas, and don't care about completely made-up "science", then Farscape might be a better show for you.

    ...but then, of course, everyone knows that the real best sci-fi show on TV is Invader Zim.

    --The Rizz

    "There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesome returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact." --Mark Twain

    • You forgot to mention it has McGyver.
    • Additionally, the science in SG-1 is (usually) a lot more grounded in fact than Farscape's is.

      Oh, you mean like transporter technology? Screw Hiesenberg s uncertainty principle. Teleporting from a ship to earth is entirely grounded.

      Yeah, that worm hole technology sure is bogus in Farscape's starburst, yet totally acceptable in SG-1's stargates.
  • Can anyone keep track of a series in which the whole season consists of 4 episodes? Good grief, as much as I like Farscape, I've about given up on it. Why can't they produce a decent number of episodes?

    P.S. Please, kill the screamer, immediately. What an annoying character.
    • Only Lexx has four-episode seasons, and that was just the first one. Every Farscape season up to and including this one has been 22 episodes.

      This is the last four episodes of Season 3. They're just separated from the rest of the aired season for some bizarre profitmongering scheme by Sci-Fi channel. Either that, or SFC is trying to promote international file sharing of Farscape eps...

      Don't worry, when the season ends, you'll know it. :P (stupid evil kemper)
  • by Anonymous Coward
    The reason the show is on Fridays, and it's show so sporadically is because the major networks can kick the living crap out of SciFi on any given day. If there is a show on, say, CBS, Mr. Everyman is more inclined to stop at the new show on CBS instead of some weird ass SciFi show.
    BUT if everything is in reruns, then there is a better chance that that Mr. Everyman might stop and watch the show.

    That and, people have said, the people that watch Farscape regularly are of 2 types: those that don't go out on Friday nite anyway...and those that know how to program their VCR's to record the show while they are out. (or a combination therein).

    Oh, and for reference, Farscape gets like a 1-2 share. Thats GREAT for SciFi - a non-cable network channel would kick a show off for ratings like that.
  • ... faint praise.
  • You can get the DVD's for the first season episodes off of the usual channels, but aside from having 2 episodes on each DVD, each one has great information on each character, make-up, design, henson animatronics, etc.

    The DVD's are a must for any true Farscape fan!

  • If you enjoy sci-fi shows, I would recommend Cowboy Bebop on Cartoon Network if you haven't tried it already.

    • Some other good ones are SpongeBob Squarepants - love the trips to the moon; Powerpuff Girls (strong SF underlay, with some Fantasy); and that Space Ranger that hangs out with Cowboy Woody (whatever his name is) - anyway, it's a great SciFi series in the classic space opera genre.

  • Debateably the best sci-fi? Wot? Who on Earth would say that?

    Sorry not trying to flamebait, but could someone please explain to me what the attraction to this series is supposed to be - I genuinely can't see it. It's like Doctor Who rickety sets with the muppets in space. As comedy, yes, sure, I get it, but serious sci-fi? What?
    • ok.

      must be just me... i typcially dont consider serious love stories where one of the two people dies to be much of a comedy...
    • True, Farside is more along the lines of Doctor Who with muppets in space, as you said.

      Lexx, on the other hand, is more classic SF, although all the recent "visit to Earth" stuff is a big yawn for the most part (though I did like the Dr Frankenstein working in the Morgue and the Dracula in Vampire castle themes - great homages).

      Sadly, from my viewpoint, Farscape is an offense to classic SF, and at best could be termed Science Fantasy, whereas Lexx which is billed as Science Fantasy by many is undoubtably classic Science Fiction.

      But that's just what some of us who've written this stuff think ...

  • The nympho chick is so HOTTTTT and that stupid dorky white guy commander is so funny!!!! oops, that's LEXX

    Okay, the hot chicks are so kewell!!! and that stupid dorky boss they have is just dumb... oops, that's Baywatch

    Okay, the robots are so funny, and that stupid dorky white guy just does not get his character... oops, that's MST3K

    Okay, the hot chicks are in such good shape and wear tight stuff, strong legs are a real turnon for me, then that stupid dorky boss... oops, that is Pacific Blue.

    Okay, the hot chicks always talking about sex and that one that is always wearing hot shoes, then there is the older one that is ALWAYS doing some sort of wild sex... oops, that is Sex and the City.

    Okay, the hot chicks in the strip club and that big mean guy that is always having people killed... oops, that's Soprano's

    Ummm, this show is on Friday night? Wait, I am usually out drinking then. Will have to build a DVR to figure out what you guys are talking about ;-)

  • I wonder which group the will focus on.. My guess is that it will be the group that requires less makeup.

  • They were just trying to make us desperate for an episode of Farscape that we'd go out and buy all the DVDs.

    It worked on me.
  • I, like many other Farscape fans, got the last 4 episodes of season 3 (which is what is starting to show today) several months ago off of after they were originally aired (not in the US, elsewhere). They're good, with alot of suprises so I'll probably watch them again now. Unfortunately, that leaves poor old me still waiting for the new Season 4 episodes. :(
  • The countdown clock at the top of the page makes the entire story blink on and off on my netscape.

    Why do morons over-produce web pages?

    Same reason morons boy $300,000 home sterios. To make up for inadaquate penis size...
  • The thing I find interesting about Farscape are the twists it puts on the tried-and-true (and a little stale) Star Trek formula. One of the most obvious is:
    In Trek, the Federation is a large military organization which spans many planetary systems and is run by earthling humans. On the whole, the Federation seems relatively benign along the shiny-happy-we'll-all-get-along-eventually idea of Roddenberry's future.
    In Farscape, the Peacekeepers are a large military organization which spans many planetary systems and is run by humanoids who look EXACTLY like us. However, in their corner of the universe, they're the bad-ass megalomaniacal xenophobic overlords.
    Considering the history of human nature, which iteration seems most likely to happen around here when we develop interstellar travel?

In specifications, Murphy's Law supersedes Ohm's.
