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The Lone Gunmen Are Dead 657

Mike Perry (And many,many others) writes: "In an astounding move after the cancellation of the show, Chris Carter killed off the Lone Gunmen in tonight's episode of the X-Files. After a short introduction that re-introduced the group as trying to save "a world that isn't too kind to idealists," the episode progressed until the Gunmen realized their destiny with Langley's quotes about Joey Ramone, and then Byer's quote "We never gave up, and we never will. In the end, if that's all they can say about us, it'll do." The episode then built to an ending where the Gunmen group gave their lives to thwart a bio-terrorist financed by a business tycoon.I don't know about you guys, but back in the prime of the X-Files, these guys were as close a role model as I could find on television as a kid. I was deeply disappointed with the cancellation of the show (sure the pilot sucked, but the next few episodes were good). I feel glad that these characters were allowed to retire with dignity before the end of the show."
CD: Oops, sorry about the spoiler, when I scheduled the post I miscalculated the timing. I know, I'm evil. I promise I won't ruin the next 4 episodes or however many they have left.
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The Lone Gunmen Are Dead

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  • AASSHOLES (Score:2, Flamebait)

    by metalhed77 ( 250273 )
    i live on the west coast, i was about to watch it, thanks for the spoiler warnings. HOW FUCING STUPID ARE YOU. Thanks for ruining the episode.
    • Re:AASSHOLES (Score:2, Insightful)

      by tfreport ( 458641 )
      Nice spoilage warning. Of course, the title says it all. In the four coming episodes how bout a simple, "X-Files: Four more to go" or something like that. Even with a spoilage warning, the title gives it a way without reading what you do not want to.
    • by telstar ( 236404 ) on Monday April 22, 2002 @12:21AM (#3385725)
      I though the internet took three more hours to reach the west coast too!
  • THANKS! (Score:2, Insightful)

    by ajiva ( 156759 )
    Thank you for ruining the episode for us on the west cost!
    • Re:THANKS! (Score:4, Insightful)

      by 2muchcoffeeman ( 573484 ) on Sunday April 21, 2002 @11:18PM (#3385543) Journal
      Don't blame chrisd for this. Point your blame guns at Taco. In my opinion, he should've held it back until midnight EST, at least. There really was no good reason not to. Could've put spoiler warnings on the front page, too -- warning of information about major characters in the show's mythology getting killed off and "if you want it spoiled, click the link."

      But that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.

      (And then there's the old punishment from, but that's too harsh.)

      (Uh, then again, maybe not.)

  • Gee, Thanks (Score:2, Redundant)

    by ucblockhead ( 63650 )
    Thanks for ruining it for us west coasters.


    • I think what's ruined it more for X-Files viewers is the fact that the shows been cancelled - /. saying what happens in the last episode before it's aired is just throwing petrol on the fire!
      • I think what's ruined it more for X-Files viewers is the fact that the shows been cancelled

        I'm a great X-Files 'viewer', but I think it's quite the opposite. They should have pulled the plug a couple of seasons ago, while DD was still in the show.

        In fact, every time Fox announces "there's *only* X (no pun intended:) episodes left", I felt it really means "there's *still* X episodes left"....

    • Re:Gee, Thanks (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Kris_J ( 10111 ) on Sunday April 21, 2002 @10:40PM (#3385376) Homepage Journal
      Not to mention the Rest of the World. Down Under the new season of the X-files hasn't even started yet.
  • Sneakers (Score:3, Funny)

    by dasheiff ( 261577 ) on Sunday April 21, 2002 @10:18PM (#3385241)
    Yeah not since Sneakers had we seen real hacking.
  • by szcx ( 81006 ) on Sunday April 21, 2002 @10:24PM (#3385287)
    Way to go, fuckmonkeys. Hey by the way, Darth Vader was Luke's father.
    • by rnturn ( 11092 ) on Sunday April 21, 2002 @10:42PM (#3385394)
      ``Hey by the way, Darth Vader was Luke's father.''

      Hey thanks a lot! Just where was your spoiler warning?

      I have all the released movies but I was waiting until all the remaining episodes were filmed before watching them. But why bother now.

      Sheez. :-(

      • by BreakWindows ( 442819 ) on Sunday April 21, 2002 @10:53PM (#3385437) Homepage
        I have all the released movies but I was waiting until all the remaining episodes were filmed before watching them. But why bother now.

        They made sequels to that movie? Man, I imagine they must have gone downhill after that first one...probably filled with furry muppets or something.

        And to all the people complaining: come on, it's only television. If you find yourself complaining that someone spoiled the ending to your favorite TV show, AND that show is the XFiles, AND the spoilage was that the geeky subversives with whom you identify were killed: You really need to (re)evaluate your life. Put down the game comtroller, move out of your parent's basement and cut the mullet. That *whoosh* you hear is life passing you by.
        • oh great, here we go again, another 'holier-than-thou' loser who is here to tell us all how we are all geeks and should 'get a life' because whatever we happen to enjoy and take an interest in doesnt agree with what he might like.

          im SOOOO thankful that my saviour has arrived to tell me how misguided and inadequate my life is ... tell me, oh "BreakWindows" (wow man, youve already got me thinking you are a l33t h4x0r, you must have linux installed, GEEK), how shall i improve my own pitiful existence so that i may attempt to at least been seen fit for pity in your eyes? ...

          get outside some more???
          take up some sport???
          become keen on jesus???

          or better still, maybe ill just go back to doing whatever i like to do, with other people that share the same interests ... GOSH! ... is that allowed??? ...

          whatever i do, i just need to be careful to not like anything too much, cause i would hate to be able to be typecast under some sort of heading, whereby people might be able to know me and what i find interesting ... because then all the people who dont neccessarily like that sort of thing might have something to say against me; they might call me a loser because i dont fit in with what they think or do ... oh BOO HOO HOO!!!

          get a clue you dumb fuck ... if you are gonna spend your time telling people that whatever they find interesting is wrong or makes them a loser, or is boring, then you are just showing yourself up to big an even bigger loser, who obviously has so much time on their hands to be able to waste it like this (my excuse is that im bored at work atm) ... and besides, unless you find the subject matter interesting, your opinion simply doesnt count anyway, and no one could give a shit what you and your *whooshes* have to say about anything ...

          oh yeah, and one more thing moron ... ALL of the muppets were furry ... the phrase 'furry muppets' doesnt make any sense ... STUPID
          • by BreakWindows ( 442819 ) on Monday April 22, 2002 @09:19AM (#3387113) Homepage
            get a clue you dumb fuck ... if you are gonna spend your time telling people that whatever they find interesting is wrong or makes them a loser

            I didn't say anything was wrong, only that obsessing over it to the point of anger that it was "spoiled" is. It's not real life, it's a TV show. This is not real life, it's Slashdot. If you take some dumb fuck's worthless loser opinion so seriously you need to respond with angry remarks, you need to find a new anti-drug. I laughed when I read your post, because it isn't about me; it's about some handle's post to a website about a fictional character on television. I couldn't take it personally, so I found it humorous. You'll find life is a lot happier when you stop taking things that don't matter so seriously, which is the point of my original joke, and the point of this post.

            Stop crying that the X-Files was spoiled for you...any normal person would shrug it off and watch anyway, content with watching their favorite show. The need for surprise and following along like you're really there is an extension of detached reality. Watch it and enjoy it as a television show, no one said anything was wrong with that, but if you get that angry when the pictures on the screen aren't around anymore, it's time to find a new *hobby*.

  • by 56ker ( 566853 ) on Sunday April 21, 2002 @10:24PM (#3385288) Homepage Journal
    who get the X-files a few seasons behind the US - I hope I forget what you wrote before the episode is aired here!
  • by cOdEgUru ( 181536 ) on Sunday April 21, 2002 @10:25PM (#3385295) Homepage Journal
    Not because of the cheesy way they killed them off, but because I had taken it for granted that these three goofballs would always be there.

    It was kinda nice in the part where they had to cover up for their lack of equipment, blaming it on upgrades and giving them all away to charity, when for real they had spent it all on finding Yves.

    Jimmy also made a nice comeback from the Lone Gunmen era. Man, I really really wished Mulder was back for this episode. He had a real bond with these guys. And I believe with Lone Gunmen gone, and with the curtains coming down next month, one of the most hated/loved series is leaving us all.
    • I disliked the Lone Gunmen spinoff show. It had taken oddball characters who, while not always full of wisdom, constantly had the answers and the geek knowledge to solve some mystery or save the day. And it turned them in to bungling idiots overly obsessed with conspiracy theories and technology who seem to always need some "normal" character to get anything actually accomplished.

      Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed seeing the trio fumble occasionally. Or trip when confronted with situations that are out of their depth (such as a social setting). And when the show displayed a tounge-in-cheek view of geek culture. But even when these elements came in to play, the X-Files had the Lone Gunmen as valuable purvayers of obscure knowledge.

      It was kinda nice in the part where they had to cover up for their lack of equipment, blaming it on upgrades and giving them all away to charity, when for real they had spent it all on finding Yves.

      When the group first announced that they were upgrading and cleared out their equipment, I thought the spinoff writers were striking again. Since when do geeks dump a room full of equipment that they personally own? And then it came forward that they had hocked it all to finance their search. Wow. Sacrifice. Nice twist.

      So in the end, I was a bit shocked and disappointed in the Lone Gunmen's deaths. They were favored characters (heck - this is the first episode of Xfiles I've watched in a good year, all because of those characters). But in a way, they had already been killed by the spinoff show. It was kind of nice to see them retired as heros and, hopefully, beyond the reach of further character butchery.

  • by Louis_Wu ( 137951 ) <> on Sunday April 21, 2002 @10:27PM (#3385303) Journal
    Spoiler warning!!

    Oops, couldn't be bothered.

    If I were watching these last episodes as they came out (instead of taping for viewing in a month or two) I would be TICKED OFF that one of the most popular sci-fi series had a major plot point published on Slashdot before it's seen by all of the continental US. (As it is, I'm only watching the rest of the series out of loyalty to the original 7 years I loved the show.)

    Yup, that story was posted at 8:20 pm Pacific Daylight Time, 40 minutes before X-files starts.

    Before I can see the episode in Seattle (major /. hangout, I believe), the death of some major characters is put on the front page.

    Sheesh, it should have been in the [Read More] section with a spoiler warning. Publish it, but give me a chance to experience it first.

  • sad (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Scudsucker ( 17617 )
    Course, I stopped giving a shit about 4 seasons ago.
  • Spoiler City (Score:4, Informative)

    by Black Art ( 3335 ) on Sunday April 21, 2002 @10:31PM (#3385330)
    Actually this was mentioned weeks ago on []. The episode title is "Jump the Shark", a reference to [].

    But then again, I have been living 23 minutes into the future lately. (I watched the Star Trek episode of Futurama with full end credit this morning.)
    • It's not a reference to the website. The website uses a common 'entertainment' 'industry' term. It's a reference to the end of Happy Days, when they were so desperate for ratings the shows featured things like Fonzy jumping a shark on a motorcycle.
      • It's not a reference to the website. The website uses a common 'entertainment' 'industry' term.

        Use of which derives, actually, from the Web site.

    • Actually this was mentioned weeks ago on

      Yeah, but there is a huge difference between accessing AICN for movies/TV rumors and innocently refreshing your /. page in a Sunday night during your 'break' between The Simpsons and The X Files...

      I will *never* access /. in such situations again. Imagine accessing it a few Tuesday from now and see something like 'Senator David Palmer is finally dead!' or 'from the I-can't-believe-she-did-that dept: Nina Myers was the ultimate mole'...

  • You ever hear of something called the west coast? See, there's this whole other world out there that doesn't get TV shows at the exact same time as YOU do.
    • You ever hear of something called the Earth? See, there are *many other countries* out there that doesn't get TV shows in the exact same *year* YOU do.

      • You then get into the question of when does it become common knowledge? I mean, there *are* people who haven't seen Star Wars. Do we protect them from the spoiler that Vader is Luke's father, that Luke and Leia are siblings, etc?

        A year or two ago, Chewbacca was killed off in one of the novels (not cannon). Does that deserve spoiler protection?

  • by garagekubrick ( 121058 ) on Sunday April 21, 2002 @10:32PM (#3385335) Homepage
    I'm also going to join in and state that this was the stupidest thing /. has done in awhile. X Files isn't airing for another goddamn half an hour and you blow it right there in the headline.

    And furthermore, tell Jon Katz that it's "spoiler warning" not "spoilage" and stop having him mention the evils of Time Warner AOL when he sold the rights to your story to New Line Films - owned by them.

    In fact, slashdot's entire cultural coverge is pretty weak and needs an overhaul.
  • I'd be anxious to sweep under the rug any characters featured in a show depicting a near collision with the Twin Towers and a commercial jet. That plot was creepy even when I first saw the show, and thought that could NEVER happen. Interesting to think that's now going to be one of those shows (that episode at least) locked away forever never to see the light again. As far as the actors, those guys were funny, I liked what little I did see of them.
  • Geezus!

    Even John Katz knows enough to put spoiler notices on his articles and hides the meat in the BODY, not the bloody header (never mind putting it in a completely unthoughtful, unoriginal title). For crying out loud Chrisd, thanks for ruining the episode for me.

    Just about every other news site out there that deals with TV/movie info knows what spoiler warnings are and how to use them. May I politely suggest that the editors of Slashdot take a peek at Dark Horizons [] or Trek Today [] and get a clue.

    Not everyone in this world lives by the schedule of the US East coast. Twit.

  • I liked the Loan Gunmen (Fox didn't give it a chance, what was it 4 or 5 episodes). The episode was very good, up until they got killed. I would liked to have seen them save the world, get new funding, live to fight another day, and continueing with saving the world. Mulder didn't even show up for the furneral!!!!

    With X-Files ending, EFC sucking, no order for Futurama, Stargate with only 1 season left (and Daniel done), Andromeda geting worse, Invisiable Man cancled (my favorite), Lexx cancled (it's a good laugh), 7 Days gone, Specail Unit 2 gone.......sci-fi fans have had a really really bad year or so.

    The only bright spot is that Enterprise is getting better.

  • by cybrpnk ( 94636 ) on Sunday April 21, 2002 @10:34PM (#3385348)
    Hey, you guys on the West Coast, don't take this so hard, you've seen this scene already. It's a straight rip-off from the death-of-Spock scene. Separated by panes of glass...the friends struggle to open the door...but no, can't do that, they're already we have the mauldin least they didn't say anything about the needs of the many and needs of the few.

    Oh, and in the last scene they get buried in Arlington.
  • by linuxbert ( 78156 )
    How Many times has cancer man been killed?
    Remeber, this is the x-files were talking about. a person on this show, is not dead until you see a body, in peiceis on the ground.

    and even then its not garunteed that they are dead
  • wow (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Lord Omlette ( 124579 ) on Sunday April 21, 2002 @10:42PM (#3385391) Homepage
    I'm very very serious: I was so fucking shocked by what I saw, it didn't even occur to me to submit it to slashdot. I stopped watching X-Files last season, but I saw on an ad that the Lone Gunman were featured in this ep so I stayed to watch...

    If you're upset about spoilers, don't be. Knowing what happens isn't going to blunt it when you see it happens :(

    I hate Chris Carter. I hope the feds catch him typing "ALLAH BOMB PRESIDENT" to someone on Instant Messenger.
  • by TheRealFixer ( 552803 ) on Sunday April 21, 2002 @10:45PM (#3385401)
    CD: Oops, sorry about the spoiler, when I scheduled the post I miscalculated the timing. I know, I'm evil. I promise I won't ruin the next 4 episodes or however many they have left.

    The ENTIRE THREAD, including the TITLE was designed to be a SPOILER. And you happily posted it right on the front page. Don't EVEN cry about mis-timing the posting of this thread. You did something incredibly stupid by even POSTING a spoiler story like this, regardless of the timing. What were you thinking?!
    • Plus, he's not evil (which is some tongue-in-cheek joke to him, obviously). He's just inconsiderate. Plain insensitive.
  • That's swell... (Score:2, Informative)

    by szcx ( 81006 )
    CD: Oops, sorry about the spoiler, when I scheduled the post I miscalculated the timing. I know, I'm evil. I promise I won't ruin the next 4 episodes or however many they have left.
    Yeah, thanks for the update brainiac. Too bad people have to read the fucking article to see your spoiler warning. How about making a couple of changes on the front page now, just for the lucky SOBs who haven't had the episode spoiled for them yet.
  • by Colz Grigor ( 126123 ) on Sunday April 21, 2002 @10:48PM (#3385415) Homepage
    I know it's already been said... Chris was highly inconsiderate to half the population of the country and probably 2/3rds of Slashdot readers.

    But there's a way to prevent him from doing it to us again!!!

    Edit your homepage [], scroll down to the "Exclude Stories from the Homepage" section. In the left-most (Authors) column, four down, you will find a checkbox next to the name "chrisd". Make certain there's a checkmark in it (or whatever the image is, since I'm sure you're all using different skins than I am). Then scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and click the button marked "Save".

    Once done, chrisd will never spoil another show, movie, or anything for you again.

    Finally, a personal message to chrisd:
    Thanks a lot! What a maroon.

    ::Colz Grigor
  • by AnimeFreak ( 223792 ) on Sunday April 21, 2002 @10:54PM (#3385439) Homepage
    So here will be tonights hockey score in the Detroit vs. Vancouver game.

    Detroit - 2
    Vancouver - 3

    It was decided in overtime.

    Oh, and yes, Peter Parker is also Spiderman.
  • by chrisd ( 1457 ) <> on Sunday April 21, 2002 @10:54PM (#3385443) Homepage
    It honestly wasn't intentional. It wasn't a time zone thing, I just haven't watched x-files in such a long time (the whole alien tease thing they did was too annoying for me) so I didn't think about when the story would hit on the west coast. My bad.

    Anyhow, it's 9pm on the west coast so no real point in changing titles (something we are loathe to do), and well, a big apology to everyone who cares, and a big overall apology to people further along the dateline who we probably regularly ruin shows for. (But it is just TV, after all)


    • by TheRealFixer ( 552803 ) on Sunday April 21, 2002 @11:04PM (#3385492)
      > I just haven't watched x-files in such a long time (the whole alien tease thing they did was too annoying for me) so I didn't think about when the story would hit on the west coast.

      So, basically what you're saying is that, because you don't care about the X-Files, you didn't care enough to NOT post a SPOILER thread on the night the episode was out?

      > Anyhow, it's 9pm on the west coast so no real point in changing titles

      Yeah, except for the people who are just starting to watch it, and the people in Alaska, and Hawaii, and everywhere else in the world that doesn't run on east coast time.

      > and a big overall apology to people further along the dateline who we probably regularly ruin shows for. (But it is just TV, after all)

      Yeah, and Slashdot is just a big, overrated and overgrown news site.
      • Yeah, except for the people who are just starting to watch it, and the people in Alaska, and Hawaii, and everywhere else in the world that doesn't run on east coast time.

        And for me, who Tivo'd it, and was about to go watch it when I figured "wtf, I'll check /. first". Doh.

    • Thank you, chrisd, for revealing how many pathetic dweebs read Slashdot. I haven't seen so many losers whining since Lucas gifted us with Jar Jar.

      X-Files was polished, but it was still shite. Any show which has to invoke Roswell (a complete fraudulent crapfest) to keep viewers interested should be ashamed, regardless of how clever that show might be otherwise. X-Files gave respectability to paranoia, and probably reduced the IQ's of millions who are/will be the children of these tinfoil party-hat wearing subhumans.

      I personally think that it was plot by the Venusians to subjegate us earthlings without every having to drop a bomb.

      Anyway, chrisd, fuck the crybaby geeks who don't seem willing to accept your apology, and keep posting whatever articles you feel like. I'll keep reading Slashdot, and so will most of the moaning bitches.

    • Wow.

      What a lack of consideration.

      "(But it is just TV, after all)"

      I have no words to describe this. It's amazing. Yep, it is TV, but to some people, you know, the people who actually make up the whole Slashdot community, it's something they look forward to.

      Again, I am stupified concerning your smart ass apology. Wow. I guess the Slashdot owners really don't get the community building ideas.
    • Actually Chrisd, your article shows much other than a review. This shows me how many slashdot users are horridly addicted to TV. And so what if it was a spoiler... It's just a poorly done scifi soap opera. IT'S FICTION.

      The way I see it is if you do something that pisses off a lot of people, you probably did it right . Look how many poeple are using blantant profanity in what should be a simple, "Pull this article, spoiler".

      Oh well, you'll see many idiots who throw insults, yet they still come. (to Whiny geek-wannabees) If you dont like the site, why come back?
    • Distributed Destruction Of Show!

      Buggering up the posting is bad enough, but not changing the title is just awful. Not only are you offending readers of your own site but you're causing any site that syndicates your headlines to do the same.

      The article should have been (and still should be) pulled from the front page and replaced with an article saying you screwed up with an X-Files spoiler and provide a link for anyone who actually wants to read/contribute to the original article now they have been sufficiently warned.

      If someone had posted such spoilage in a random thread they'd have been modded to oblivion immediatly. We can't do that to your posting, so you should have.

      Cretin (in this particular instance).
    • Tivo! Tivo! Tivo!

      Timeshift! Timeshift! Timeshift!

      It may be 9p on the West Coast, but prime time Sunday in my house until sometime Tuesday afternoon. (And you call yourself a geek!)

    • Hello? It's not just a time zone thing. Have you heard of Tivos? I logged onto my system to check email and headlines one last time today before watching the tivo'd episode. I couldn't even *avert* my eyes fast enough, as the spoiler was in the title! If you at *least* put "Spoilers for X-Files" as the title, I could have turned away and left slashdot for tomorrow.

      Next time, change the damn title too. It would have saved me from seeing the frickin' spoiler.

      • (But it is just TV, after all)

      You can't have it both ways. If it's 'just' TV, then why'd you even bother posting the story? Because we're down to the last five episodes of a wildly popular SF series, that's why!

      Oh well, I probably would have figured out the ending anyway. Even that joy was denied, though.

  • I LIKE.. (Score:3, Funny)

    by _aa_ ( 63092 ) <[j] [at] []> on Sunday April 21, 2002 @10:54PM (#3385444) Homepage Journal
    the fact that your role model is TV. And even moreso, fictional TV.
  • Spoilers. (Score:2, Insightful)

    by NotJeff ( 181459 )
    It's not even an issue of timing with respect to the West Coast. Given the geek predilection for spoiler avoidance, spoilers for TV/movies should _always_ be "Read More"d.
  • ...Jumped the Shark?
  • (geez, guys, after the first dozen or so complaints about spoilers, you'd stop adding more redundant postings... Aren't you smart enough to know that if a show is about to come on, you don't read a news article about it unless you don't mind the plot being revealed? Get a grip.)

    Personally, I was very glad to see this news story - I have not followed the show for several seasons (frankly, I haven't even seen it regularly since the movie), and the Lone Gunmen idea was one of the last plot devices I ever really liked about the show. To hear that they met a noble end makes me wish I'd seen this episode... and being on the west coast, I might have time to turn it on and watch it, due to ths article's timely placement. At least now I can set a reminder to watch the repeat.
  • by Henry V .009 ( 518000 ) on Sunday April 21, 2002 @11:09PM (#3385510) Journal
    This is not a spoiler. It's your own damn fault for reading it. Don't you know that the great slashdot blackout is going on?
  • NNOOO!!!!!!! (Score:2, Interesting)

    What in the world?!?!?!

    First, I hadn't watched it yet. I taped it tonight, as I won't actually have time to watch it until tomorrow. So, the spoilage, well, at least lessens the sting, though I was shocked to see the headline on /.

    I loved Byars. We had a group at college that got together and watched the Files on a semi-regular basis (our peak was the summer of '99 - everybody would come back from work, we were living in a dorm, and we'd all go down to the tv room and pop in an x-files tape, and watch classic episodes), and each of us was labeled with the person that he most resembled. (actually, we did have one girl who was kind of in the group, and she had red hair, so she became Scully.) I was Byars. I could really identify with him - had pretty much the same personality. Mulder was flamboyant, Langley was a hippie freak, Frohike was a dirty old man, but Byars was just a nice, calm guy.

    Stinks that they're dead. At least, I presume, they went out in something of a blaze of glory and died for a good cause. It's not like they'll be making more X-Files without them For that matter, it's a good thing they won't be making any more X-Files. I personally think they should have cut the show off after season 7, and permanently left everybody wondering what exactly Scully was pregnant with (and by whom, and all that).
  • Learn about spoilers!

    Editors, learn about spoilers!

    You've just told me how my favourite TV characters
    end up with no way I could possibly have avoided seeing it (except by not reading slashdot).

    Way to go.

    btw: Forget the "few hours too early" apology, some of us won't get those episodes for *months*.


  • by alazor ( 3947 ) on Sunday April 21, 2002 @11:28PM (#3385574)
    chrid fucked up. Then chrisd apologized. If I had made this mistake and a zillion people jumped down my throat I would feel like shit and I bet chrisd does. Leave the guy alone.
  • First of all, I'd like to preface this moment of full-out mainstream sci-fi geekiness by saying this: Anybody who replies by saying I have no life will promptly be ignored. Thank God (or higher power of your choice) I don't live like you.

    Anyway, at the end after Frohike pulls the fire alarm and they're all standing there with their hands against the glass talking to Jimmy, it really reminded me of the end of Star Trek II. I couldn't help but think of Kirk and Spock staring at each other across the glass as Spock faces his death. Of course, there are probably a number of similar scenes on film and in plays, but that one stuck out in my mind. The reference may or may not be intentional, but I also couldn't help but think that Scully has attended a premature funeral before. However, it's highly unlikely that they'll bring these guys back since these last five episodes are supposed to be all about tying up the myriad loose ends the scriptwriters left. As I said in my other comment, they've killed most of the good characters (Deep Throat, CSM, Krycek, and now TLG) and these last 4 episodes had better be really good.
  • Oh yeah, by the way:

    THE PANIC ROOM: Jodie Foster and her kid get out of the Panic Room but all the thieves die or get arrested.

    STAR WARS EPISODE II: Anakin's mom gets killed by Sandpeople. He freaks out and slays an entire village. Later in the movie, Anakin loses an arm to the evil Count Dooku -- who turns out to be Darth Tyranus. Anakin marries Padme.

    CITIZEN KANE: "Rosebud" was his sled.

    IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE: No man is a failure, who has friends.

    BRAVEHEART: He arrested, then gets his intestines ripped out to the music of Enya.

    CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON: They all fight a lot. The main guy dies of a poison dart.

  • All I see here is a bunch of people bitching about spoilers. Fer cryin' out loud, why not bitch about the serious audience fuck that Chris Carter pulled when he canceled the TLG series.

    That's right, that bag of bones waste of space left the series hanging with a 2 parter ep. That was a monumental cluster fuck of the people watching the show. There they are stuck in a vault in a building and the BBP (Big Bad People) are coming to get them. We have *NO* fucking clue how they got out of the mess.

    Damn him, damn him to all hell.

    (for the clue impaired, this post is dripping with sarcasm and wit)

    [NOTE: Fox canceled the show, they are proportionally responsible shitbags]
  • by codexus ( 538087 ) on Monday April 22, 2002 @12:48AM (#3385788)
    Ok, I'm gonna burn some karma on this one but I'm really angry at the /. editors for letting such a spoiler on the frontpage without even a warning.

    Yes, this message is redundant, so moderate me down but I just had to say it. :(
  • fucking goofball (Score:2, Insightful)

    by mr_walrus ( 410770 )
    nice spoiler for those of use who time-shift.
    and your lame ass apology just somehow makes
    it worse.
  • I wonder if he will find out in the last few episodes? I think he is the last person to know. :(

  • ... for the spoiler.

    I *was* going to watch this episode, which a friend had taped for me. So much for that.

    Seriously, think twice about posting something like this - period.
  • WORST EPISODE EVER (Score:3, Interesting)

    by gnovos ( 447128 ) <gnovos@chi[ ] ['ppe' in gap]> on Monday April 22, 2002 @01:09AM (#3385850) Homepage Journal
    Poorly written, filled with chese, complete lack of pacing, the deaths of those characters for the SOLE PURPOSE of ending the fan mail campaign asking to brink back "The Long Gunman" spinoff, and plot holes you could shoot a Kennedy through... The more I watch, the more I think that the writers have begun to really hate and resent this show, so they want to make damn sure that when they end it, it stays ended. Like, piss off and disgust your fans enough right at the end that not a single person will care enough to write a letter asking for more. Either that, or the guys at FOX have finally decided that it's time to retire, so they are trying thier best to get dumped out on the street. Bye bye X-Files, bye bye Futurama... bye bye FOX!
  • Living in South America with Hitler, Elvis and JFK.
  • by Picass0 ( 147474 )

    Thanks, asswipes! I taped the show for later. I didn't think checking /. before going to sleep was going to ruin the ending.

    Jon Katz is an asshole.
  • I must be a sappy chick. I actually shed a tear for 'em. hehe

    Tempted to light a candle for my favorite geek characters on tv...

    But guys, this means they won't be in the movies... *sob* I'm gonna go ice cream myself into a coma.
  • I don't bother watching X-Files anymore since the show has gone into the proverbial toilet... Slept through the episode, but bet the roommate that the Lone Gunmen would be the ones to die based on the ad... Thanks for proving me right (and that X-Files is incredibly predictable now, and no longer worth watching)...
  • by tommck ( 69750 ) on Monday April 22, 2002 @10:36AM (#3387509) Homepage
    I don't know about you guys, but back in the prime of the X-Files, these guys were as close a role model as I could find on television as a kid.


    When you were a kid!?!?!

    Jesus, I need a beer.

The question of whether computers can think is just like the question of whether submarines can swim. -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
