Lucas Restricts Fan-Made Films To Documentaries, Parodies 236
garagekubrick writes: "A great piece at the Houston Chronicle discusses how the community of fan made Star Wars films received a boon in December when Lucasfilm loaned their sponsorship to the event, and George Lucas himself would be a judge. Unfortunately, they've limited the contest to parodies and documentaries, thereby shutting out hundreds of entries. As a Lucas rep says, 'if in fact somebody is using our characters to create a story unto itself, that's not in the spirit of what we think fandom is about. Fandom is about celebrating the story the way it is.' Pretty rich coming from the filmmaker who constantly cites greed as being the root of the dark side, and who keeps discussing the liberating values of digital filmmaking. Guess as long as it doesn't hurt his Empire..."
Fan FICTION? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Fan FICTION? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Fan FICTION? (Score:3, Funny)
Wait, that's what I thought *we* were worried about...
Re:Fan FICTION? (Score:2, Flamebait)
SCROLLING TEXT: Blah blah blah Senate blah blah blah Jedi blah blah blah.
Pan down to planet. Wipe to...
JAR JAR: (OFF CAMERA) Meesa gonna, meesa gonna, oh oh ah!
JAR JAR enters from bedroom behind a curtain. He is naked and his eyestalks droop. We see AMIDALA naked, lounging on a bed. She is coverd in CGI spunk and is eating hot grits.
AMIDALA: That was great, Jar Jar darling! See you tomorrow.
JAR JAR exits stage left, slide wipe follows him...
Re:Fan FICTION? (Score:2)
"Apology accepted, JarJar Binks"
Re:Fan FICTION? (Score:2)
New Movie (Score:2, Funny)
Imagine the whole thing with Back street boys as the only human actors plus gazillions of animated JJs
Re:He's legally entitled to. (Score:5, Informative)
If you don't like the law, think it is ridiculously restrictive of free speech maybe, then perhaps you should write your Congressman?
* Title 17 Section 106 [cornell.edu]
** Title 17 Section 107 [cornell.edu]
Re:He's legally entitled to. (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:He's legally entitled to. (Score:2)
Isn't it funny that the only things that should be illegal, are not?
Re:He's legally entitled to. (Score:2)
Can you think of *anything* that even the most dedicated of _fans_ could create that would devalue the Star Wars franchise. Even the with bugets in the tens of thousands (the most they could ever hope to raise) alternate storylines or Fan Fiction will only prove and interesting idea or speculation, nothing that could ever hope to compete with the real thing.
I understand the law as far as books and movies are concerned. It's possible for regular people to create something that could compare to "professional" fiction or music. But competing with $100 Million + hollywood blockbuster? Not bloody likely.
I support copyright as far as it prevents the inventer from losing his or her rightful profit. When it *only* prevents the profit of others, I think the laws are ridiculous.
Nearly all of the imagery of modern culture comes from copyrighted mass media sources. In a way, people have every bit as much of a vested interest in the right to freely discuss Darth Vader as they do George Bush.
There was a lot of debate between our founding fathers about copyright. There was very little about freedom of speach. I consider the latter to be far more fundamental, and when the two come in conflict, I think it is generally best to side with the freedom.
Re:Fan FICTION? (Score:2)
Don't get me wrong, I still think Lucas is a nazi and a sell-out, but I still hope that Episodes 2 and 3 can fix what he broke.
It's always about money to him (Score:5, Informative)
But Lucas is the king of special edition versions. Each of his movies have appeared in so many various special editions and formats that the fans must have paid many times over for each of the movies. The RIAA and MPAA must be envious.
Re: special edition garbage (Score:2, Insightful)
Believe it or not, I'm not being exploited by the cheese manufacturers. There is no law stating that I must buy each and every type of cheese out there. When I go to the grocery store, I make a decision on what I want to take home. I don't mindlessly walk around picking up everything in the store simply because it is there.
You seem to think that the consumer has no will, or personal desire, or even capacity to make a decision about their purchases.
Re:It's always about money to him (Score:5, Insightful)
I just wish all of the fans of these films would use all of their creativity and imagination to create something of their own. Lucas liked space opera serials, old myths, and fast cars. So he created a world based on such things.
Instead of screaming that they can't regurgitate Lucas' vision over and over, fans interested in film making should develop their own. Maybe just start with what they like most about Star Wars, whether it's comical droids, spiritual warriors, or whatever, then run with it in their own way.
Okay, I'm not going to rant on this. I just think George has a long-range idea of what he's doing with is supossed anti-fan stance on some issues. One day he's going to die, and probably much sooner stop making movies. We need someone who will create something that will replace Star Wars, not just an army of directors making sequel after sequel of another's ideas.
Re:It's always about money to him (Score:4, Interesting)
There's nothing wrong with changing an existing story. Disney does it all the time. So did Shakespeare. In fact, that was the predominant sort of writing throughout history; continual refinement of stories using stock characters and situations.
Original works are nice too -- within reason. Total originality is hard to come by and not very useful if carried to extremes.
Take a look at how useful the revision of preexisting works has been to the arts in the past. It's not something to be ignored.
Re:It's always about money to him (Score:3, Insightful)
Because it's really cool, and we like it?
To all of the "write something *truly* original posts" I say : what have you written, can we see a link?
Admittedly, coming up with a new universe, new characters, etc. would be a greater achievement than writing fanfiction in someone else's setting. But the fanfiction is still better than not writing anything other than sanctimonious posts telling people what they should and shouldn't be writing.
Re:It's always about money to him (Score:2)
Don't like it? Don't participate, but at least give the man credit. I don't see fan favorites like Fincher or Spielberg jumping through hoops to please their fans like this.
No, part of it *couldn't* be legal. (Score:5, Informative)
That's just not true. If you don't protect a trademark, you can lose it. The same is not true w.r.t copyrights or patents!!
Remember kids... (Score:4, Funny)
"if in fact somebody is using our characters to create a story unto itself, that's not in the spirit of what we think fandom is about. Fandom is about celebrating the story the way it is."
Remember kids - when you use your *imagination*, only use it to twist your favorite characters, like Big Bird, into ironic circumstances, where they do something you'd never expect of them.
Otherwise, you could be hurting their value as characters.
Have fun kids!
Ryan Fenton
Re:Remember kids... (Score:3, Insightful)
We had Star Wars Special Edition. We had Empire Strikes Back Special Edition. We had Return of the Jedi Special Edition.
We've had hundred of fiction books.
I certainly don't remember Kyle Katarn being a central point of the trilogy.
And, we've just had to deal with rumors of another editing of A New Hope.
Perhaps... perhaps before Mr. Lucas makes this statement, he would be so nice as to decide just which way the story is in the first place.
Weren't you ever a child? (Score:5, Insightful)
If it be money or trying to stay true to his characters values, its his choice. All you people do is bitch when you don't get your way.
I realize you're mostly just being contrary (though there are worse words for it) - but weren't you ever a child? Did you ever watch or read a story with great characters, then *imagine* what could be? Sometimes amazing childhood tales come from kids sitting with their legos, acting out what a character might do in a given situation. It might not mean that much to you - but the right to freely tell such stories is a cherished act for millions of people. To disallow such public discussion on those topics is to strip people of the right to discuss their earliest explorations into creativity. Yes, older people can be expected to create their own characters - but the young should be highly encouraged to play around with the ideas of characters they like, regardless of who owns them. They should also be free to share these ideas. To do otherwise may very well be to prevent millions of children from growing their imaginations, just so a handful of adults may continue to explore their imaginations for debatably larger ammount of money.
Ryan Fenton
Re:Remember kids... (Score:3, Insightful)
Once you have your own money-making "idea" perhaps you will understand.
It's not about greed, i think.. it's about control (Score:2, Insightful)
Blame the law (Score:3, Interesting)
I can live with getting the Phantom Edit in DivX over P2P file sharing programs. Just let me see Troops on the big screen.
Re:Blame the law (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Blame the law (Score:2)
Re:Blame the law (Score:2)
This is really not an issue. Lucasfilm could easily license its trademarked products at nominal cost to participants in the contest without losing control of those trademarks.
Lucas and Rosen? (Score:5, Funny)
Who decides what fandom is about? (Score:5, Insightful)
Will sports arenas try to throw people out for cheering for the visiting team? Will they decide that it's illegal for me to get a hometeam jersey printed up with my name on the back, instead of an actual player's name, because we should celebrate the game how it actually is, not how we'll enjoy it the best?
It's silly.
Lucas is right - here's what's going on (Score:5, Informative)
Parodies are legally protected speech (subject to a few tweaks, etc.). That's why Spaceballs or Weird Al's "Amish Paradise" don't require the payment of royalties, and don't require the original creator's permission. So all Lucas is doing with regard to parodies is acknowledging that there's nothing he can do about them, and saying that he enjoys watching them and so will assist in their circulation.
Documentaries don't really use copyrighted materials - the story they're telling is not about Luke Skywalker, it's about Lucasfilm (or whomever is the subject of the documentary).
New non-parody works, though (like fanfiction), which utilize the characters to create original fiction, are legally problematic. If Lucas acquiesced in the creation of these, then he would be yielding his copyright into the public domain. This would be a hugely bad idea for him. (Every movie production company would set to work making cheap-ass Star Wars flicks, to start with.) It would mean he was relinquishing his right to royalties from the use of the characters, etc. He would be insane to do this.
Unfortunately, there's not much in the way of middle ground, where he could say "well, fans can make little fanfiction movies, but commercial movie producers can't". IIRC, Mercedes Lackey got into a lot of trouble this way once, trying to turn over a portion of one of her fantasy worlds into the public domain for fans to write fanfiction in -- ended up as a mess.
The best Lucas can do is what he has done here - applaud the parodies and apologetically forbid "Star Wars" fanfiction.
Re:Lucas is right - here's what's going on (Score:2, Informative)
No he wouldn't. Its trademarks that you have to defend or lose. All Lucas has to do is not sue the film makers in question, but that doesn't mean that Star Wars goes into the public domain.
Re: Clarification (Score:2)
Yes - you're right. What I meant, and should have said, is that Lucas would be granting an implied license to all fans to use his copyrighted materials in any way they wished. And this would make things very blurry for him legally, down the road.
Re:Lucas is right - here's what's going on (Score:2)
Re:Lucas is right - here's what's going on (Score:5, Informative)
That is completely and utterly untrue.
Copyright gives the rightholder the power to determine who does or does not get to create derivative works. Lucas would be acting completely within his powers as rightsholder to say "Okay, you can make these works, that's fine. You other people, you can't make these other works." Being able to exercise control and selectivity is part of the entire point of copyright in the first place; suggesting that actually exercising that control requires the rightsholder to surrender his copyright is just stoopit.
What you might be thinking of is trademark law, where if you don't actively defend your trademarks, you lose them. Copyright law is entirely different; the only way your work can end up in the public domain prior to the natural expiration of the copyright is for the rightsholder to expressly declare "I surrender my copyright and place this work in the public domain."
Re:Lucas is right - here's what's going on (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Lucas is right - here's what's going on (Score:2, Insightful)
Lucas's empire may be based on trademarks (Score:4, Insightful)
Clarification on Amish Paradise (Score:5, Informative)
Heh... interesting you should pick that particular reference. I caught the Weird Al episode of "Behind the Music" (I think that's what it's called) on VH1 recently. I remember one part in particular, after they showed Coolio's reaction to "Amish Paradise" -- to paraphrase:
Spaceballs is different, I suppose... although using identifiable characters, Mel Brooks wrote his own story -- instead of having to use an existing song. Also, the characters themselves are parodies of the originals.
Odd how the human mind works -- we can relate things by visual cues easily (a large (tall | fat) furry character, someone wearing a black helmet, Mel Brooks as Yogurt...) -- but to identify similar diversity in music takes significant training. Go figure.
Re:Clarification on Amish Paradise (Score:2)
But Al could totally ignore the original artist and proceed anyway. There are no royalties needed for anything with regards to legitimate parodies. If there were, it would be impossible to properly do it!
Re:Clarification on Amish Paradise (Score:2)
Coolio got paid because "Al is just a very nice guy?"
Bullshit, I don't buy it.
Asking permission "because he's a nice guy", sure. That I can explain as "nice."
When it comes to money, he's not foolish. He's (okay, his record company is...) writing large checks to the authors of music he parodies. Nice? No way. That's a royalty payment by definition.
(Skipping parts 1 to 7, which refer to monarchies, kingdoms, etc...)
8: "A share paid to a writer or composer out of the proceeds resulting from the sale or performance of his or her work."
In closing, you might wish to read some of the Weird Al FAQ [weirdal.com], which addresses this situation:
Al does get permission from the original writers of the songs that he parodies. While the law supports his ability to parody without permission, he feels it's important for him to maintain the relationships that he's built with artists and writers over the years. Plus, Al wants to make sure that he gets his songwriter credit (as writer of new lyrics) as well as his rightful share of the royalties.
Most artists are genuinely flattered and consider it an honor to have Weird Al parody their work. Some groups (including Nirvana) claim that they didn't realize that they had really "made it" until Weird Al did a parody of them!
That was a very unfortunate case of misunderstanding between Al's people and Coolio's people. Short version of the story: Al recorded "Amish Paradise" after being told by his record label that Coolio had given his permission for the parody. When Al's album came out, Coolio publicly contended that he had never given his blessing, and that he was in fact very offended by the song. Al immediately sent Coolio a very sincere letter of apology for the misunderstanding, but has yet to hear back from him.
This is right (Score:2)
Parodies might be able to get away with using something that sounds a bit like the original, but Weird Al prefers to stay on good terms with the targets of his parodies, at least as singles. He'll frequently perform other stuff at concerts that the original artist hasn't given him permission to release.
Coolio and AL (Score:2)
Weird Al has absolutely no obligation to ask for or pay for any of the music he parodies. He does as a courtesy, however.
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Whose song? (Score:2)
Perhaps the distinction is this: Pastime Paradise sounds very similar, many parts match, but it's not the nearly-perfect match (ignoring pitch and tempo differences) that occurs between Gangsta's Paradise and Amish Paradise.
Like I acronymed before, IANAL.
I'd wonder if Coolio is paying Stevie Wonder, but that's a new thread.
Re:Clarification on Amish Paradise (Score:2)
Yes, greed is legal (Score:3, Interesting)
Star Wars has made George Lucas a billionaire (or close to it) and you have to ask exactly what he thinks he's got to lose by letting loose of the franchise. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle did this with his Sherlock Holmes character and greatly enriched popular culture. For example, Sherlock Holmes appears in more films than any other recurring character.
Lucas has also been very grandiose over the years with his association with Joseph Campbell. The two have promted Star Wars from "successful pop culture" to "modern-day myth making." You'd think that releasing his tight-fisted grasp on the material would cement Lucas' mythmaker status. Sure, Tolkein never let loose of his canon, but then again, he never claimed to be the new Homer.
Episode I demonstrated that Lucas was pretty much out of new or even good ideas. If Episode II continues this, then we can pretty much bet that Episode III will draw a shameful end to what the original Star Wars started so brilliantly. If Lucas wants to live up to his own hype and ensure that Star Wars has the new ideas to make it a legacy, he should let loose of it.
If he just wants to make a couple more hundred million dollars before he dies, then, yeah, he's doing exactly the right thing.
Re:Yes, greed is legal (Score:2)
Sorry, but I don't think that's the entire story. For example:
"Elementary, Dear Data"
Episode Number 29
Season 2
Stardate 42286.3
Original airdate 12/5/88
Writer Brian Alan Lane
Director Rob Bowman
Data and Geordi play Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson on the holodeck. The computer creates a powerful foe, Dr. Moriarty, who kidnaps Dr. Pulaski and learns to control the ship.
Main Characters and Guest Cast
Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data)
LeVar Burton (Lt. Geordi La Forge)
Diana Muldaur (Dr. Katherine Pulaski)
Daniel Davis (Dr. James Moriarty)
Alan Shearman (Inspector Lestrade)
Anne Elizabeth Ramsey (Ensign Clancy)
Professor Moriarty returns to the holodeck in sixth season's "Ship in a Bottle."
This is the only episode Data plays Sherlock Holmes, due to a lawsuit from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's estate.
ARG!!!!! (Score:2)
You simply cannot 'yield' your copyright to the public domain. That only happens to trademarks, not copyrights, not patents.
You know the movie Its a wonderful life? They used to play it on every station ever Christmas. Then, a couple years ago someone discovered they owned the copyright. Despite the movie being in the 'public domain' for decades, it's now only shown on one station each Christmas.
Copyright enforcement is totally and absolutely optional you lose it. If you let people copy your stuff around all they want, you still retain copyright.
In other words, you're totally misinformed and do not deserve a five for this moronic screed.
Re:What about Weird Al? (Score:2)
When Weird Al is making a parody of a song (like "Amish Paradise"), he doesn't have to pay royalties.
When Weird Al is using a tune to write a song about something else entirely (like "The Saga Begins"), he has to pay royalties and get permissions.
"The Saga Begins" for example isn't a parody of "American Pie", it's a song about Star Wars using the melody from "American Pie". Consequently, he has to pay royalties. Make sense?
I Submit Episode One! (Score:5, Funny)
Why I hope someone submits the complete Episode I in this contest:
1) It's a great documentary about filmmakers after they lose their talent and get greedy.
2) It'a a terrific parody of the Star Wars series. If a student filmmaker had made this, Jar Jar Binks would have been hysterical, not insulting.
3) The quality of directing was that of a student parody. After all, no one's done those cheesy side-to-side wipe-away scene changes since... well, since Star Wars.
4) The acting was so bad, it was obvious that the actors weren't being paid anything. Not to mention I'm sure Anakin was the casting agent's grandkid or something.
5) You walked out of the theater thinking, "Man, that sucked, but the guy's got potential. Maybe someone will give him a chance someday."
Re:I Submit Episode One! (Score:2)
uhh dude... he was funny! get a life and a sense of humor
Re:I Submit Episode One! (Score:2)
Yeah because the first set of Star War movies had nothing to do with cheesy commercialization, toys, posters, and other junk. Thanks for keeping it real.
like it or not ... (Score:2, Insightful)
personally, i think it's about damn time lucas did this, publicly give permission to do these parodies, etc, which mostly are crap, but a few are quite funny. this helps people understand where the line is drawn, and go forth and create.
Another media clamp down (Score:2, Interesting)
Limit this, limit that; Can't do this, shouldn't do that
Is that the only thing Media Giants know ?
I thank God that the Media Giants weren't present when paper was first being made, or else, the Media Giants will purchase the RIGHTS to make paper, and dictate what people can and cannot do with their baby - paper.
What can we, the people do ?
Why are we tolerating so much nonsense ?
We can't copy songs, we shouldn't do e-books, they say it's all piracy.
What's next ?
We can't utter the word "Coke" or "Mickey Mouse" just because those words are "copyrighted" or "trademarked" ?
Should I say
"I just finished that black, sugarly liquid, which came from a white and red can"
instead of
"I just finished my Coke" ?
That'll be a new dimension of "Political Correctness".
In the words of the dark one.... (Score:5, Funny)
Blame the lawyers (Score:5, Insightful)
Beyond simple trademark dilution, Lucas puts himself at risk for copyright infringement suits since he is actively producing more movies in the same series. If Lucas sees one of these movies, then he risks the creator of the movie suing him for copyright infringement when he releases Episode 3, a long and possibly quite costly lawsuit. A lawsuit with base and no purpose other than to extort money from Lucas.
Does this happen? Well, I haven't heard of it happening in the movie biz, but most filmmakers are rarely in a position like this. In the music industry it does happen, quite a lot, to the point where one of the first things any professional musician (particularly successfull ones) learns is if someone hands you a demo tape, you hand it right back to them on the spot! It means nothing about the musician's opinion of you, or your music if he or she does this to you - it is simply an important legal defence in this age where you find unscrupulous people who will abuse the courts for their own personal gain, at the expense of others.
Just another situation where our litigous culture and the unscruplous few(?) screw things over for everybody.
C'est la vie.
FanFic? (Score:2, Interesting)
Seriously though, some of the best Star Wars videos I've seen have followed these lines. Ever see TROOPS? It was excellent.
I agree that its just one more neon sign flashing "sell-out" to tack onto George Lucas' Motel of Movies. And I'm still going to go see all the rest of the star wars movies, because who can't??. Star Wars is burned into my brain along with Indiana Jones. George Lucas knows he owns us, and there's little we (or at least I) can do about it.
George Lucas, former director (Score:3, Insightful)
After twenty successful years with those businesses, he tried to make a movie. And it was, unsuprisingly, overproduced crap.
Lucas needs to accept his destiny, which is to be a suit.
Yoda voice: (Score:3, Funny)
And put it at the beginning of the phantom edit.
Quit whining (Score:2)
Anyway, these are simply the rules of the competition. It's not like you can't go off and make your own little Star Wars-based video if you like (although you probably can't sell it...)
Oh No! Somebody's done something I don't like! GREED! GREED!
fandom menace (Score:5, Funny)
It sounds like Lucas is trying to avoid the fandom menace.
Sometime's I just kill me.
Maybe people are missing this... (Score:2, Insightful)
I'm sure good ol' George is fully aware that there is plenty O' FanFic out there, and he's not looking to stamp that out, he simply doesn't want any of it being entered into this contest because It likely WOULD conflict with the official canon.
And as someone else said, it's about control. It's his property, he can do with it whatever he wants, and obviously he doesn't want to allow any fan created universe fiction into an official function. That might be contruded as him sanctioning the material.
I don't know if any of you have watched the "Making of" [starwars.com] videos on the official Star wars site, but in one of them, (Wedgie Em' Out) A stunt Coordinater starts talking a little bit about the droid in Obi Wan's Starfighter.
"The R4 is really an R2 painted Red.."
George interupts him saying "Be careful.. what you say about the R4. Because you'll get bopped on the head real quick."
Then then the next clip shows George mockingly "beating up" the guy.
It was already well known that George is very possessive about Star Wars and related information being released, and as we said, it's his property, he can do with it what he wants.
Re:Maybe people are missing this... (Score:2)
It is NOT his property. The copyright is his property, which, unfortunately, includes the right to derivative works. The actual movies aren't his anymore, not after publication.
Because of the control he is allowed where derivatives are concerned, he can decide not to allow works that fall under the aegis of derivatives. Documentaries and Parodies do not. Therefore, he is allowing NOTHING at all that he could prevent. Probably, he only agreed to be one of the judges so he would have a say about the winners - something that doesn't show his creations in a bad light.
bitter (Score:2)
Propaganda (Score:2)
Oh, I'm sure that Gangsta Rap versions, puppet characters, and slapstick comedy are just "celebrating the story the way it is." Parody and satire distort the story -- deliberately - for comic effect. True fan fiction is going to be a lot closer to the real story. But parody cannot be outlawed, so they are stuck with it.
And Lucas has used elements from plenty other stories in star wars -- he must have decided that he wasn't going to celebrate those as they were, but take the ideas and reshape them into a new story.
That comment is just propaganda from someone trying to put a spin on the notion that "We created this franchise, millions of you love it and want to add your own ideas, but we still want complete control." The only reason they are allowing parody and documentary is because they have to. So they make up something that sounds like all the spin you hear from corporations, politicians, and anyone else who wants to keep their true motives from being exposed.
And the original "endorsement" by Lucas was just another piece of propaganda to mollify fans when they realized that they had started to alienate their customers, ala RIAA. There's nothing behind it but some lame PR.
IANAL (Score:2)
I think that the point is that Lucas does not get to decide what a parody is if it came to legal action.
His Universe to do with as he sees fit (Score:2, Insightful)
You seem to forget 1 thing - this is a series of movies that Lucas made for YOUR entertainment. So what if they were so good they spawned off this whole pseudo-culture that we see today. These movies were made for your enjoyment, and Lucas has no obligation to make them or more importantly make them to YOUR specifications.
Look, I like the whole Star Wars franchise, but I also realize that if Lucas screws it up, so be it, his loss, not mine (there are a hell of a lot better movies out to see than Eps 1-3).
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead! (Score:2)
Episode III Title (Score:4, Funny)
Uh, Mr. Lucas, does this apply to you, too? (Score:2)
Mr. Lucas, it's tough to celebrate the story the way it is if you keep changing it.
So... (Score:2)
...was Star Wars a documentary about Hidden Fortress, or a parody of it?
Hidden Fortress and Star Wars (Score:2)
Re:Hidden Fortress and Star Wars (Score:2)
But that's my point (Score:2)
Re:But that's my point (Score:2)
Star Wars Downloads Available (Score:2)
That's B.S... The "Christmas Special" is proof. (Score:2)
If he wanted to maintain the integrity of the Star Wars universe, he should never have released a Christmas Special known as the "Star Wars Christmas Special".... Because there's know Christ in the Star Wars universe, they substituted in something called "Life Day". Among the events, we see Bea Atrhur running the cantina and singing, Chewie's wife trying to follow along on a cookiing show, and guest appearances by all the major cast members.
Of course, I'd love to see someone film a documentary on this subject
Re:That's B.S... The "Christmas Special" is proof. (Score:2)
Authurian Legend or Greek Mythos? (Score:2)
Unbelievable. (Score:2)
Trully, if Lucas was playing in one of its own movies, he would be acting as someone from the dark force. This guy has shown only greed and bad taste for the past 20 years (the movies he made and came close to direct himself where mere failures if it wasn't for the SW brand name that was attached to them.)
How can you spend money on stuff that makes this thief even more rich is out of my understanding.
PPA, the girl next door.
Not open to criticism (Score:4, Interesting)
An excerpt: "I mean, they aren't like the rest of us. They don't have any knowledge of anything. They're not successful in any world that I've
What can I add? Not exaclty Mr. Open-Mind. I don't like the idea of him as a judge.
There is a great homemade video that just came out (Score:2)
so? (Score:2)
Fan Fiction (Score:2)
Whoa?!?! I don't know about that. MAYBE it's because it's his story and he wants to know what happens in it. I mean, if your fan fiction becomes generally accepted and screws up the story he is trying to tell, then he has lost control of his work. I mean, what if he kills Luke Skywalker in one episode, and you have him doing something in a fan fic that is set later?
So am I going to get sued for my video game? (Score:3, Interesting)
I recently discovered another game written for the same class that is a even more blatant rip-off. It is here [stanford.edu]. Strangely, this second game was developed without any knowledge of mine. Both seem to be inspired by Star Wars and specifically by the asteroid field scene in ESB.
So could we get sued?
Whatever, George (Score:2)
Oh, the iorny [salon.com]
I see no one bothered to read the story again... (Score:5, Informative)
Only documentaries and parodies in the CONTEST. CONTEST--as in the CONTEST. That is to say, the rules of the CONTEST will be allowing in the CONTEST only parodies and documentaries.
Why is this? Probably because yes, Lucas doesn't want people telling a serious alternative to his Star Wars universe. I say his because it is his. He created it. He made the original movies. Hie company authorizes all official fiction and technical supplements. It is his creation.
Now, I will address all the comments I've been reading.
This does not equal a crackdown on fan fiction. This means that in said CONTEST fan fiction-esque films may not be submitted. No, you will not be arrested for shooting your own film about *your* version of Star Wars. Just don't expect official sanction for it.
Those of you who expect more: I ask on what grounds do you expect this. George Lucas is under absolutely no obligation to do anything for you. Just as you are under no obligation to do anything for him.
He is the artist. He is the owner and the creator of the material. Yes, he based it off Hidden Fortress and B-movie serials. However, his story was about some droids, not some Japanese, therefore it is PARODY and not "fan fiction."
I see many people comparing Lucas to Vader, twisting story dialogue to demonize him...etc. First, I find it quietly funny that you parody Star Wars to attack him, but I digress. Personal attacks, while always modded up on this site, don't accomplish much of anything. Bill Clinton, an expert on personal attacks, said he welcomed them in campaings since that meant his opponents had nothing left.
All this is a long way of saying RTFS. This is a contest in which certain types of films will be allowed an other types will not. You might as well flame the Obfuscated C contest for not allowing your "elite" Visual Basic program.
Thank you and good day, ~Chazzf
It's about money (Score:2)
Note that this applies only to "serious" fanfiction. Parodies [csustan.edu] and documentaries don't dilute the IP in the same way.
Don't write off Lucas's attitude as simple greed. He likes to make movies without studio 3-piece idiots looking over his shoulder. Only way he can do that is to be the majority backer in his own projects. For that he needs a steady stream of tie-in income.
Still, I find this supposed protectiveness of Lucas's creativity to be a little hypocritical. It isn't just that the writing in the Star Wars movies has gotten more and more childish. If he wants to control the story, why doesn't Lucas pay closer attention to what the tie-in authors write? When The Empire Strikes Back came out, a friend of mine who was into Star Wars comics was pretty upset — DV being Luke's father invalidated more story lines than the return of Bobby Ewing [ndirect.co.uk].
Hey, it's just business!
3 words: Star Wars RPG (Score:2)
(okay, maybe that's 5 words)
It is about control, yes, but also hypocrisy... (Score:2)
The reason I say that (and I thought this was newsworthy) is because Lucas' actions and the public perception he attempts to display are so out of wack. On the one hand he's attempting a damage control campaign to placate fans by claiming that their criticisms of The Phantom Menace have been taken on board, while at the same time dissing them. From a recent Time cover story: [time.com]
Lucas blames the anti-Jar Jar sentiment on "37-year-old guys who spend all their time on the Internet. But you have to remember that when we did The Empire Strikes Back, some people hated C-3PO. When we did Jedi, they just loathed the Ewoks. There was no Internet to jazz it up, but there was the same conversation. Fans are very opinionated, and that's good. But I can't make a movie for fans." Nonetheless, Jar Jar has a far less prominent role this time. In movie theaters you will hear a cheer from Binks-ophobes when, as he launches into an anecdote, Padme cursorily cuts him off.
Lucas is continually at the forefront of discussing how liberating digital technologies will be to filmmakers; the problem is his actions belie a complete ignorance and arrogance that denies there can be any other effect than making it cheaper for him to make his films in his own weird way. He seems to be totally unaware of the effect the universe he created has had on millions of imaginations; or if he is, he wants to control that in a manner that suits him. Thus fandom is a thing which can be used to promotional effect and to make his hardcore constitiuency feel that he adores them... But when he slips in caveats to a contest that he's controlling in order to limit how that can be expressed he's really saying, "You can use those new technologies, just as long as you don't do it how I want you to." He's opened up a can of worms and seems totally oblivious that he's done so.
I'm a paid, working filmmaker. My first film is coming out this fall. I would never make a fan fiction film; I prefer to make my own. But I do feel that as cultural artifacts (and in my opinion very cheesy ones at that) some of the fan made Star Wars films are impressive enough and show such hard work with limited resources that they deserve some genuine praise and are sterling examples of exactly what doors digital filmmaking are going to open.
God, if I had a dollar for every genuine working filmmaker I know of my generation who wasn't influenced or their imagination fired by the original Star Wars, I'd be funding my own damn movies. Under those auspices I believe that given the line Lucas likes to spout he ought to pay attention to them. After all, he continually revises the continuity of his own universe when it suits his franchises and spin offs into other media to make more money. He allowed and has even admitted to letting the marketing tie ins to The Phantom Menace run rampant. Read this even better Newsweek story [msnbc.com]. Does Lucas play through all the video games made from his Empire to ensure quality control of continuity? I seriously doubt it. In other words, it's fine to do this as long as he's making some money off of it, or it's unenforceable since he lost the Starballz [starballz.com] suit.
I doubt this is about money (Score:4, Interesting)
George lucas has just always been protective of his story. If he doesn't anway anyone else taking over where he leaves off, just respect it.
Re:CYA? (Score:3, Funny)
Yup, i have a sneaking suspicion that this closely mirrors the Plot of the upcoming Episode 3
Will George Lucas sue the kids ? (Score:3, Flamebait)
Imagine this
A kid is playing with his StarWar toys.
Using his own imagination, he positions the toy figures, and playacting.
The kid provides dialogue, sound-effects, screenplay, and all the rest.
Suddenly, the front door busts open. An army of armed law enforcement officers come rushing in and take the boy into custody.
The charge ?
The boy has violated George Lucas' copyright / trademark on StarWars' characters.
The End.
You think that can't happen ?
Just wait till congress pass ALL THE LAWS Hollywood wants, and the kids won't be able to play with their imagination anymore.
Re:Will George Lucas sue the kids ? (Score:2)
pan to night sky
And from this, a fallacy so ridiculous, it could exist only... in the Slippery Slope Zone.
cue music
Re:Will George Lucas sue the kids ? (Score:2, Funny)
The PTUA (Proper Toy Use Alliance) will then be formed to go around offering to "discuss" proper toy use and its downfalls with parents, slapping them with audits, and threatening to sue if they don't comply with paying for the new toy license on toys they didn't bother saving the boxes on.
Elementary schools will eventually be forced to offer the infamous "Mattel Tax" and increase their requirements by $500 per student (passed on to the Tax Payer for public schools).
But no well-thinking business-oriented government would allow such a rediculous thing to happen, right?
Re:Will George Lucas sue the kids ? (Score:3, Funny)
So technically it's the government who's producing this unauthorized fanfiction.
So let Lucas & US Gov't duke it out in court - by that time Lucas will have enough $ from royalties to make it an interesting showdown.
New software category. (Score:2)
LOL--thanks, moderator! (Score:2)
Re:Fandom (Score:2)
Nearly all of classical theater is taken straight from mythology or history.
Most pre-1800 fiction was elaboration upon the bible (which was a modernized form of an already thousand year old tradition with some bits lifted from eastern culture)
the idea that the author must come up with something totally *new* is a very modern one.
Even Joyce's Ulysses, widely considered the most shockingly original work of english literature ever to be published, took it's form from Homer's Odyssey, it's characters from Irish politics, and Joyce's earlier works, and it's themes and style from Irish folk culture.
All authors borrow on previous work. Mythology is a particularly popular subject. Starwars is our modern mythology...