Solaris 9: Sticker Shock 317
sysadmn writes "With the release of Solaris 9 , Sun has bundled many goodies, including an LDAP directory server and a J2EE application server. At the same time, while a single CPU license is still free, they've begun charging for multiprocessor systems. As a kicker, purchasers of used systems may find that they have to pay Sun an OS licensing fee. (Curiously, the 2 CPU server version seems to be $249, while the 4 CPU desktop is $199. In some cases it's the same motherboard, power supply and memory!). At the upper end, that million dollar machine from Ebay may require a $400,000 fee :-) I like Solaris for many reasons, but I have to wonder: will this pay off? " Solaris is certainly a capable os, but sheeze that seems like an awful lot of money.
customers move to competitors? (Score:1)
Re:customers move to competitors? (Score:4, Interesting)
Sun makes a big distinction between systems bought from Sun or an authorized reseller versus EBay, etc. This is probably done to keep the resellers happy.
There has been a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth on comp.unix.solaris, primarily from people having old 4 processor servers lying around (which are worth less than the license). The license for Solaris 8 was really nice, free for machines that could hold 8 or fewer processors. BTW, that license is still in effect for people with media in hand (although it applies just for their organization).
Sun's hurting themselves more by not getting the Jalapeño systems out - keep up the pressure on the low end. Rumor was that the Jalapeño machines were to be cost competitive with the intel boxes.
Re:customers move to competitors? (Score:3, Insightful)
If peoply buy used CDs, there's less money for the RIAA
If people buy used DVDs, there's less money for the MPAA
If people buy used books, there's less money for the authors/publishers.
Re:customers move to competitors? (Score:2)
Short term, maybe. (assuming you don't plan to be around very long;)
Re:customers move to competitors? (Score:2)
Although I see it claimed all the time, I have never seen any actual numbers presented to show that Solaris really does scale well up to 128 CPU's, tho. SUN's own biggest server right now only goes up to 106 CPU's, although Fujitsu-Siemens has a Sparc server that handles 128 CPUs. I'm not saying that it _doesn't_ scale, but it would be nice to see SOME real-life case presented to actually _support_ sun's claims.
Sun sells you those large systems (E10/12/15K) expecting you to separate them into domains - entirely separate systems. Very few people are actually running one kernel on 64 or greater CPU systems.
Re:Stop fucking complaining about free software (Score:2)
I think he pointed out a flaw/lack and was flamed on by a small minded idiot. It's no wonder my IT manager thinks linux people are subversive security risks. If you want to change things in business, you do with approved business methods. If you want to alienate people you you flame as a anonymous coward. We know that Linux is capable of doing the job, it is the image of OSS that the issue here. Making the Open Source world seem professional and upright/uptight is what needs to be done to snag the corporate customers.
Re:customers move to competitors? (Score:3, Insightful)
I doubt it very much. People that buy multiprocessor Sun systems are used to paying, and most probably won't blink at those prices. They have to give away the single processor version to compete at all - Linux and BSD are very capable competitors on that hardware, and they're free after all. But Solaris still has the advantage on their multiproc boxen, so people that need that kind of performance will pay for it.
Re:customers move to competitors? (Score:2)
UNICOS, Anyone? (Score:5, Insightful)
UNICOS, the Cray OS, would cost Joe Slashdot around half a mil to run, and it's non-transferable. This new sun deal sounds kinda like that.
However, there is no Linux for Cray. There is Linux for SPARC. So, If Solaris is too expensive for you, don't use it. IRIX is too expensive for me to run on my SGI, but it's not a problem. I don't care, I use Linux.
Re:UNICOS, Anyone? (Score:5, Interesting)
Every SGI machine out there is licensed for at least some version of IRIX... depends on when the machine was built. The Indigo2 started out with IRIX 4.05 and was sold well into the release of the IRIX 6.5 stream.
The O2 originally shipped in 1996 with the O2-only IRIX 6.3. The Octane originally shipped in 1997 with the Octane/Origin/Onyx2-only IRIX 6.4. Pretty much everything built after May 1998 shipped with the IRIX 6.5 stream. If your machine has at least an R10K/250 CPU, chances are it's licenced for IRIX 6.5.
Depends on where you live and what sort of SGI offices/dealers/VARs are in your area, but most folks have had good luck getting a free/cheap or borrowed CD set of 6.5 and then downloading the latest quarterly update off support.sgi.com.
There's nothing wrong with borrwing the CDs for a version of IRIX your machine can rightfully use. It's not like IRIX will run on non-SGI hardware... nor were MIPS-based SGIs ever sold without the intent of running IRIX.
Lots of $500 Octanes on eBay and $400 Octanes on USENET.
Re:UNICOS, Anyone? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Cray software *and* parts (Score:3, Funny)
"I am sorry sir but I am not allowed to answer any questions unless you give me a valid license number."
"Uhh... you see I don't have a license..."
"You do not have the license, but you are in possession of one CrayJ90? Is this correct, sir?"
"Well, kind of but..."
"Thank you very much for your call, sir. I must inform you now, sir, that it is illegal to own or use a Cray without a valid license."
"What the fuck?!"
"This phonecall has been traced and recorded for further use. Our legal people will be contacting you shortly. Please pack the Cray J90 in its original shipping crate for retrieval. A failure to comply will result in further lawsuits. Thank you for calling Cray Support. Have a nice day."
Re:Cray software *and* parts (Score:2)
"I am sorry sir but I am not allowed to answer any questions unless you give me a valid license number."
"Uhh.. Where can I see what my license number is?"
"I am sorry sir but I am not allowed to answer any questions unless you give me a valid license number."
"Ok, quit joking, I have this iron, and some papers, where is this number printed on?!"
"I am sorry sir but I am not allowed to answer any questions unless you give me a valid license number."
Re:Cray software *and* parts (Score:2)
It also reflects on the value of a still-alive Cray.
Re:Cray software *and* parts (Score:2, Informative)
Or better yet, just give it to me.
os licensing fee? (Score:1)
... even though the software has already been paid for?
Re:os licensing fee? (Score:4, Insightful)
Yep. Welcome the bizarre world of software "licencing", based on the concept that reading parts of a program into memory as they are needed is making a copy, and thus subject to regulation by copyright. You can own the disk but, under this bogus theory, not have the right to "copy" it into memory.
Since we humans read text by copying it from the page to our short-term memory (via our eyes), I'm waiting for someone to apply this to books...until you no longer have the right to read [gnu.org]. After all, how is copying from printed text to synapse structure and electrical potential any different than copying from magentic alignments to electrical potential?
Re:os licensing fee? (Score:2)
This is one of the huge myths of copyright law and is often cited to justify mandatory software licensing vs. purchase. Section 117(1) of the Copyright Act amended in 1976 thoroughly debunks this:
Sect. 117. Limitations on exclusive rights: Computer programs
Notwithstanding the provisions of section 106 [17 USCS Sect. 106], it is not an infringement for the owner of a copy of a computer program to make or authorize the making of another copy or adaptation of that computer program provided:
(1) that such a new copy or adaptation is created as an essential step in the utilization of the computer program in conjunction with a machine and that it is used in no other manner, or
(2) that such new copy or adaptation is for archival purposes only and that all archival copies are destroyed in the event that continued possession of the computer program should cease to be rightful.
If you need the power (Score:3, Insightful)
If you want to serve some OSS projects, then all you need is a handful of Athlons and Linux. But if you want to serve a large enterprise system, you're going to need some big iron and big iron software.
These fees are not as expensive as having your network crash because some zealot thought he could set up an equivalent network in Linux instead of Solaris.
Devil's advocate. (Score:4, Insightful)
But if you want to serve a large enterprise system, you're going to need some big iron and big iron software. These fees are not as expensive as having your network crash because some zealot thought he could set up an equivalent network in Linux instead of Solaris.
Yeah. Zealots like IBM who have ported Linux to their 370 Mainframes. how much bigger Iron do you need? I agree with you to a certain extent, Solaris is still the top Unix system available, but in some respects, Linux is already far ahead of it, for example, in terms of portability and flexibility. Solaris won't go away in a hurry, but Linux also has its place, as does *BSD and other systems.
Re:Devil's advocate. (Score:5, Informative)
Linux on anything non-x86 is useless except for embedded applications. Do you wnat to loose all of application support? Do you want to loose the vendor support? Do you want to exchange a stable, robust datacenter quality OS that was designed for this type of hardware for Linux which probably is even less feature-rich and stable on sparc hardware than it is on x86? Do you think people would have paid 2x the price of comparable x86 hardware for those E250 and E450 to run Linux on it? Solaris and its applications is the main reason companies shell out their bucks for sun machines, not the hardware features. If you like Linux, for god's sake, get an x86 box, not a sparc. Viceversa is true for shops that prefer Solaris.
As for portability, although, it is offered only on two platforms, Solaris is still pretty portable, more so than many other unix variants. Solaris was designed and developed in a portable manner. It runs on x86 and SPARC today. Solaris 2.5.1 used to run on PPC but Sun canned that project early on. Rumors from quite respectable sources suggested that Sun engineers had Solaris running IA64 emulator before any other OS did.
Re:Devil's advocate. (Score:2)
If you were talking E10k or 6800/15000 class hardware, you'd be right. But a 250 is a worthless proposition, which is why Sun's low end systems are all just PCs with UltraSPARC CPUs these days.
Re:Devil's advocate. (Score:2)
Linux on it every 18 months, and with NFS3 implementation that doesn't suck, and with a RAID/Volume manager that doesn't suck, -then- I'll might consider buying it. Until, then, I prefer putting Sun servers in the machine room.
Re:Devil's advocate. (Score:4, Interesting)
You mean like this one [veritas.com]?
Re:Devil's advocate. (Score:2)
As for upgrade cycles, every OS requires periodic upgrades. Some (read: M$) require the entire OS and all applications to be updated and reinstalled. I have linux boxes that are over 5 years old and none of them have ever been completely rebuilt -- if you keep up with things, there's little need to wipe your system and start over. [These machines pre-date glibc (libc4) and the whole ELF migration.]
Re:Devil's advocate. (Score:2)
No you dont, several mega-corperations have already proven this. Yes The likes of AT&T and MCI have some Big iron left over but if you watch their stockholders reports that talk about the big purchases Nither have bought a mainframe in over 20 years. and from talks with people at both everyone is migrating away from them to either clusters or discreet servers. 9/11 changed more than the world, it changed the mindset of corperate america...
The scary part... I know of one of those companies above that will be sliding toward a microsoft solution... and there is nothing that microsoft sells that runs on big iron let alone medium iron.... So it will have to be clustered SQL... MS - SQL....
the thought of that makes me feel like I just drank some spoiled milk.
Re:Devil's advocate. (Score:2)
I don't agree. Consider that with modern Solaris, one can take apart and reassemble most of a server while it is still serving. Also consider that Solaris is extremely well documented and supported. Also consider that Solaris configurations tend to be more consistent, predictable, and maintainable.
Sure, it is harder to argue for Solaris on a computer that is essentially disposable (i.e., a PC), but when that computer is indispensible, Solaris will make you very happy.
Re:If you need the power (Score:3, Interesting)
One of my customers has been flirting with ripping out Slowaris and replacing it with AIX. When they've finished shitting bricks over the US$160,000 it will cost them to upgrade their web farm, they'll be signing up with Big Blue.
Ecache Parity Error Anyone? (Score:5, Informative)
This used to be true, however, Sun dropped the ball big time with their UltraSparcIII. There was a bug in the CPU that caused "ecache parity errors". We had half a dozen E6500's loaded with as much memory and CPU's as we could. Each one of these boxes crashed at least once every week and a half! At first Sun blamed us! Our computing center had too little humidity, we installed the grounding strap improperly... Blah Blah Blah, none of it true. Finally they acknowledged the problem. It took them more than 6 months to work around the problem. Their workaround was a series of hacks and kludges (strange monitoring daemons and such).
We've migrated half of production to linux now. It's not perfect by any means, but we've lowered our harware costs by 66%, and increased job performance by 75%.
We're not looking seriously at Solaris in the future.
Re:Ecache Parity Error Anyone? (Score:2)
Re:Ecache Parity Error Anyone? (Score:2)
I have an US IIi-based workstation with Solaris, and I love it. Except for one hard drive glitch, it has never had unplanned down time (24x7 for over six months at a time). It just doesn't stop taking my abuse. This experience is much more typical for hardware and software of this caliber.
On the good side, once the USII was fixed, it was fixed. We move on.
Re:If you need the power (Score:2)
If you want to serve some OSS projects, then all you need is a handful of Athlons and Linux. But if you want to serve a large enterprise system, you're going to need some big iron and big iron software.
My shop has got Linux clusters, Sun E10ks as well as desktops Solaris and Linux.
Linux works great and is economical like nothing else, and it's lately becoming a favorite choice on the desktop.
Meanwhile, though, for ultra-reliable, high-throughput, convenient, easy-to-manage systems connected to SANs, the big 64-way Suns are absolutely the way to go.
Dunno if that will still be true in 5 years, but it certainly is the case now.
When you need that kind of service, the kinds of prices we're talking about here are not at all unusual. While everyone should constantly evaluate their options (i.e., will a MOSIX cluster do the job?), the right answer is still Sun in certain cases.
Re:If you need the power (Score:2, Insightful)
2 vs 4 CPU apparent quirk isn't one (Score:3, Funny)
Now the question is whether Sun still doing the old 2-user Right-To-Use license from the old days or not, although, unlike some vendors, I don't recall them ever having enforced it at the software level.
2CPU vs 4CPU isn't that curious (Score:2, Informative)
What is sun doing here? (Score:5, Interesting)
Considering that the database of choice is Oracle (Larry Ellison aside...) and I have heard from numerous people and DBA professionals which say that HPUX+Oracle is the way to go (don't take my word for it, both amazon and yahoo use HPUX for Oracle), where does this leave Solaris?
I guess in the lucrative education market Solaris still has a major presence (my University certainly had a good number of solaris boxen). But with the trend to massively duplicated web services across high end Intel hardware combined with HPUX's strength with Oracle, where does Solaris fit?
Re:What is sun doing here? (Score:5, Informative)
As for Oracle, Solaris is THE platform to run it on as Oracle people have told many times, Solaris is the prefered Oracle platform because Oracle is developed on Solaris and then ported to other OSes.
Re:What is sun doing here? (Score:2)
Reference: http://news.com.com/2100-1001-912700.html
A quote: In the Unix market, No. 1 Sun gained 3.3 percent, rising from 50.7 percent last year to 54 percent this year. No. 3 IBM, meanwhile, lost 4.1 percent, sinking from 21.3 percent to 17.2 percent.
Lies. Damnd Lies & Statistics. [Re:What is su (Score:2)
The Sun numbers include "Cobalt Cube" servers.
Re:What is sun doing here? (Score:2)
You heard wrong. (Score:2)
Oracle is developed under Solaris. Though Veritas products do exist for HP-UX, Veritas's happier dealing with Sun. There is a group of support engineers from all three companies working in the same place, answering calls together, precisely because the most common use of any of their products is with the other two. The ties between Oracle and Sun (and Veritas) run quite deep, and result in better performance.
other commerical unices (Score:4, Funny)
But then again, if a person buys a brand new 512 CPU SGI Origin 3800 with 1 TB of RAM and and 25 TB of disk, SGI outta toss in a free car. Or house. In the swiss alps.
Re:other commerical unices (Score:2)
Re:other commerical unices (Score:2)
Free UNIX on SGI is NOT a solution (Score:2)
People don't just buy the SGI to say "hey, I've got an SGI, now let's see what it'll run". They buy them because SGIs have unique hardware features (yes, even the old ones) that IRIX supports.
For example, I've used my Indigo2 for some OpenGL coding. With IRIX, OpenGL in-a-window works in X "out of the box". No fussing, it just works! (there's also the Indy/O2 with video features, etc.)
Oh, and of course, IRIX has cool demos
A free 'nix would just turn the SGI into "yet another computer". SGI's are special, have features you won't find on that old Sun box, and damnit I want them to work!
Solaris freeware (Score:3, Informative)
packages are also available for download. Lots of good stuff is there, from gcc to gnome and kde. Sun has been updating this CD once in a while now and, given the popularity of free software, they'll probably continue doing so.
Re:other commerical unices (Score:2)
How to Milk Your Best Customers 101: (Score:3)
Software should be protected by copyright, not by license. It distorts the system too much this way. A software product no longer acts a a normal commodity.
Re:How to Milk Your Best Customers 101: (Score:5, Insightful)
Linux distros are cheap because there are loads of alternatives (lowering 'need' for your one) and the users are mainly cheapskates
Solaris on a low-end system indicates a low need, and/or low ability to pay so a lower licence is charged so that you 'at least make something out of them'.
The higher end systems indicate a greater need, greater ability to pay, and so these people should be milked dry!
Seriously - if they could charge by market value they would! Banks do.
Re:How to Milk Your Best Customers 101: (Score:3)
OTOH, if someone can break that chain, then the advantage of having a free market to allocate resources goes away. This is what happens with software licenses.
Re:How to Milk Your Best Customers 101: (Score:2)
Re:How to Milk Your Best Customers 101: (Score:2)
This pricing scheme is quite different from say the Oracle pricising which is a real ripoff. ($50K for -each- CPU, anyone?)
No one pays the list price. (Score:2)
sales representatives directly, avoiding sunstore on the web.
Re:How to Milk Your Best Customers 101: (Score:2)
So... Rather than charging the guy with the E250 $700 for their cut of the OS, they're transferring most of that fee to the guy whos actually buying the $2mil server.
See, the $2mil guy probably doesn't care much if they have a 200k OS fee where the guy buying a $2500 server would really notice the $700 -- but not so much a $250 fee.
People are used to taxes, etc. tacking on ~10% to a given purchasse -- so consider this an OS tax on the machine.
License is for CAPACITY, not number of CPUs (Score:2, Informative)
Taking this literally you still need to buy a license for a system with two CPU slots, but no CPU installed!
*shrug* pretty cheap actually (Score:5, Insightful)
sun = oracle (Score:2, Informative)
i love solaris, but it's not like they've ever made money off the OS--it's the hardware, stupid!
Re:sun = oracle (Score:2)
Sun want to be like Microsoft (more money from the sale of cardboard boxes and shiny discs), but Microsoft want to be like IBM (keep bleeding your customers for services). And given the current level of quality of much Microsoft software, maybe they've just been trying to ensure that they have a good future income stream.
Re:sun = oracle (Score:4, Informative)
The Solaris 9 license fee is a tiny little fraction of the cost of the hardware or even the anual service/support contract. $240 to run Solaris 9 on a $10 server or, what? $400 is probably not bad at all for a +$20K quad CPU box. This fee is still symbolic compared to what other unix vendors charge. Even $6000 fee is not bad either if you're paying it to run Solaris 9 on a $200,000 Sun Fire 3800. Don't forget that you get to run it for free on single processor machines.
This is quite different from oracle which charges absoletely crazy fees per concurrent user or per CPU (the cost is in tens of thousands of dollars per CPU and people still buy it)
Groan... (Score:3, Interesting)
This is very relevant new for me - I just bought a Fujitsu Primepower200 [fujitsu.com] off an auction site, and I'm currently downloading the Solaris 8 installation CD [sun.com].
The thing is, this machine has 2 CPUs. What I want to know, is it physically impossible for the Solaris 8 Free Binary version to run on multiple CPUs, or will it actually require a license? (I want to make sure the machine works before I fork out $249 for a license...)
Re:Groan... (Score:2)
Sun explains the licensing discrepancy (Score:5, Interesting)
On the Solaris 9 order page [sun.com], Sun explains its seemingly incongruous licensing fees:
"Note: User Licenses are based on system capacity, not on the number of CPUs installed."
Sun's desktop and server/enterprise systems are built very differently. The number of CPUs (or even their MHz) on a system has little to do with their performance when considered alongside bus clocking, bandwidth, RAM, etc.
As such, it appears that they're making a good-faith effort to correlate a system's performance class (and hence what type of customer probably bought it) with what they're charging for the OS upgrade. Associated with the above idea is probably their built-in support costs (e.g., a large company using Solaris on a mission-critical system will probably have greater support demands than an individual user on a desktop machine).
If you're using Solaris rather than Linux or *BSD, chances are that you're doing so in a business environment where 24x7 commercial support and Solaris' other goodies are important. Unless you're a hacker who bought a $100 SPARC 2 box off eBay to tinker with Solaris, you probably purchased it because of its commercially-supported reliability and other kinky features like CPU and HD hot-swappability etc. on high-end systems.
FWIW, I think Sun's licensing terms here are a rather good attempt at equating commercial use and mission criticality with licensing fees. So, here's the question: (GPL/BSD aside), can anyone think of a better (specific!) scheme for equating the need [and presumably consequent ability to pay for it] of large corporations to pay big OS upgrade license fees and letting individual/small business users pay smaller OS license fees?
Not that bad. Their CPUs, on the other hand... (Score:3, Informative)
For the older and lower end machines, this might have an impact on the wallet, but for their modern high end workstations, $249 for an OS license is pretty cheap compared the the price of that second processor.
For example, click on one of the Blade 2000 systems on this page [sun.com]. Go down to the part where it says, " 900-MHz UltraSPARC III Cu Processor with 8-MB External Cache [add $4,500.00]". Now that's a spicy meatball. (It is a helluva processor, but 4.5k makes me gasp).
I do sort of feel bad for the old timers with older systems, but if they're trying to be cheap, they do have the option of sticking with the same OS, or switching to Linux. Solaris really is a solid OS, and for a lot of people, $249 will be definitely worth the cost.
Re:which ibm? (Score:2)
Re:Not that bad. Their CPUs, on the other hand... (Score:2)
Not that it's definitive, but Ace's Hardware [aceshardware.com] has a "SPECmine" page [aceshardware.com] that lets you search known SPEC ratings for various processors. On SPECfp2000, the results are:
So the high-end UltraSPARC outperforms the Athlon by a healthy margin. (I mentioned in my earlier post the 900 UltraSPARC-III Cu, but the SPECmine doesn't have results for that exact processor. I'd expect it to perform at about 90% of the 1050Mhz version).
You can use the SPECmine to find the SPECInt results, and the Athlon does in fact beat the UltraSPARC (749 v. 610). So you're paying for floating point performance on the Sun part, but you actually pay an integer performance penalty.
In real life, the Blade feels like a REALLY fast system, in spite of the SPECInt numbers. Perhaps that massive 8MB cache doesn't help the SPECInt numbers, but pays off in day-to-day tasks? I can't explain it, and maybe it's just "This machine cost $20K+, it must be fast", but I'd definitely prefer the Blade to my current Athlon home system... If cost were no object.
On the other hand, cost is an object, which is why my current home system IS an Athlon. But don't knock the Blade system; it's outrageously priced, but it's one boss machine.
Sun's transitioning (Score:4, Interesting)
Sun's trying to move from a hardware company to a service provider. Just look at all the software products and services they have to offer right now. The only problem is that their customers haven't realised this yet and still consider it a hardware vendor. I've heared people saying they were amazed about the products/services (SunONE etc...) that Sun has after attending presentations... they just didn't know.
I guess Sun is trying hard to change that perception and is using Solaris 9 to wake people up.
Sol9 licensing. (Score:4, Insightful)
I've worked in a number of large Solaris shops, and never ONCE has a Sun sales droid or FE/SE asked about licenses. We spend $$$ on systems and support contracts; they dont bicker about petty things like per-CPU licenses for the operating system.
I've got some reader reports about the Sol9 licensing issue on my web site, SunHELP [sunhelp.org].
Re:Sol9 licensing. (Score:2)
and don't forget free patches and support 4 years (Score:5, Informative)
However, Solaris 2.6 is five or six years old and Sun said they will support it for two more years. Do any Linux vendors support an OS version for six years, or five, or four? They hardly support it for three years. Last year I had to upgrade a bunch of perfectly well working RedHat 6.0 servers. Why? Because redhat stopped releasing updates for 6.0.
Also, Sun backports the drivers to old Solaris versions. For example, they used to offer Solaris 2.6 and 2.5.1 until a year ago preinstalled on all
of it's UltraSPARC II machines. Now, can you buy brand new IBM or Compaq x86 server with RedHat Linux 5.0 preinstalled? No.
This is a huge value for real production environments. That's why Solaris is so popular..
Re:No difference between big patch and upgrade (Score:2)
He doesn't mind applying vendor-supplied patches, regardless of what OS is there. His point is that RedHat stopped providing patches for a system after a couple years. Sun's still providing patches eight years later. Therefore, Sun's more stable and less hassle for sysadmins.
Further, there is a Huge difference between running patchadd or rpm -F and rebooting the machine off of some install media, using the vendor's install software to upgrade the OS (presuming that actually works with your vendor's software), booting back up, then fixing all the software that doesn't work in the new version of the OS, since no dependencies were checked in the upgrade process.
(For most commercial installations, that difference might as well start and stop with "Rebooting..."--"nope, can't do that. This system needs to have 24/7 availability. Find another way.")
Re:No difference between big patch and upgrade (Score:2)
I'm not sure why you are rebooting. I haven't rebooted production servers to do a security patch in a long time. We still have lots of RH6.2 boxes running simple because of the same reason the poster said -- if they are running fine, don't bother. Which I still get patches for RH6.2 and that has been out for a while now. And since RPM is easy to do and well documented (I have yet to find a good source of doc's from sun on their package system -- found an okay one from a guy on the net) even when RedHat does stop releasing critical fixes to RH6.2 I can make the patched rpm's myself.
We had some solaris boxes for a while, and from Sun support were instructed to do reboots on the production systems after some patches were applied . And I can't forget the fun of the ecache firmware flaw in the mid range servers Sparc processors that caused them to die randomly.
This pricing scheme almost makes sense (Score:2, Interesting)
$10, $20, or $30 thousand dollars (such as Sun Blade2000, aniversary edition). Finally, the price for server licenses is not bad at all either. A dual processor license is only $240 Now do you know how much a new dual processor Sun box costs? $10,000 -minimum- (with discounts). Maybe more. Quad and eight processor licenses, again, are not bad at all considering the overall price of the server. I also really doubt Sun would charge $400,000 even for a big-iron 100+ CPU Sun Fire 15000 server. Which I believe, can be bought for under 3 million dollars.
The only problem with this pricing scheme is that it does penalize people who use very old, slow, obsolete, but still very reliable and useful hardware such as sparcstation 10, sparcstation 20, and Ultra2 all of which can be bought very cheaply on ebay.
Not too overly surprising (Score:3, Informative)
Am I the only one who has actually PAID for Solari (Score:5, Insightful)
I know it may be something you don't know if you're 16 and you're only familiar with "Dude you're getting a Dell" but for some reason (I'm sure those with marketing backgrounds can elaborate more than anyone wants) companies feel the need to put list prices that are out of the ball park. I guess so their customers feel they're getting a great discount or who knows. Anyway if you go to the SUN online store and you think that's what people really pay for those systems no wonder you're having a conniption. Of course not.
For real people who use real SUN machines to accomplish real work are not paying any attention to that web page. The media and the license are covered by the annual support agreement and it will just show up in the mail (well obviously only if you have support but again if you're a real SUN customer you do). I have no idea what functionality is even available in Solaris 9 that I would want...I got a card in the mail the other day but nothing really jumped out at me...although if they can fix that screwed up LDAP server product they have and make it easy to configure and install that would be enough for me.
But really Solaris 9 pricing is a non-starter....unless I guess you buy a used E3000 on ebay and put it in your bedroom or something but I don't think any of SUN's marketing or saless are really too worked up about that.
And as for running LINUX on a 24 processor SPARC box? What the Hell are you talking about?! No one does that. Sorry to rain on your open source parade they don't.
I'm not saying LINUX doesn't matter but nobody doing real computing on SUN's is having wet dreams about LINUX because it's such a super 31337 operating system...now the fact that the Intel CPUs are substantially faster than the SPARC ones - that's what's driving LINUX adoption where I work. People just want their jobs to get done faster....that is all they care about. The tools they are using costs hundreds of thousands of dollars per year in license fees, the fact that the OS is free is a non-issue...it's all about the speed advantage of the Intel chips...
OK rant over
Screwed Up LDAP Server? (Score:2)
Before they gave a 200,000 licence version free in Solaris 8 and above, this used to cost a significant fee per user, I think the list price was around $10 per entry, even if you asume people payed 10% of that it is still an expensive product, and getting it free with Solaris 8 is a bargain.
The server itself is very stable (version 4.x and 5.1 at least). I have been running it for three years to manage almost 200,000 entries, we replicate the data to seven servers worldwide and service well in excess of 4 million searches every business day. The servers are fast (much faster than Oracle's LDAP interface, OpenLAP or Active Directory), not resource intensive and are very stable, on a par with Apache for stability rather than say Solaris itself but still good. I would highly recommend looking at this product again, if you are interested in building a corporate directory it may be worth getting an E220 or two just to get hold of this product.
Re: List Prices, Real Prices (Score:2)
Also, I haven't looked at the page yet, but has anyone noticed if they offer volume licensing?
corporate math... (Score:2)
a 40% fee to make your $1M investment work like it is supposed to is not that big of deal.
You're confused... (Score:4, Insightful)
If you can afford a $3.4mill machine like a Sun Fire 15k, you can afford another $400,000 for the O/S to run on it's 106 processors...
But the price isn't that bad for their lower end things. Compare the price of the 2 processor server license compared to that for Windows 2000 Advanced Server. Or compare the price of the 4 processor desktop version to a copy of Windows XP Professional (retail, not upgrade). The prices are relatively comparable.
Sun spent a lot of time on development of the Solaris 9 platform, and they want to make money off of the development. That is why they are in business, to make money. They are not one of those dot-coms that was selling stock at $100/share and was still in the *coughred(hat)cough*.
Time to short sun stock (Score:2)
Free solaris on DVD (Score:4, Informative)
Why do you think this is new? (Score:2)
And as for licences staying with (or not with) the hardware, well, you can't have it both ways. When I buy a copy of W2K, I put it on whatever machine I want to -- provided I only have it installed on one machine at a time. When I buy a copy of Solaris, I'm currently stuck to a given piece of hardware since Sun won't sell me new hardware to go with my old licence.
cadillac vs honda civic of UNIX (Score:3, Insightful)
On the other hand you can get Linux at low cost. When something breaks, you can go in and fix it right away, given you understand it. Linux doesn't have the multi-CPU performance of Solaris. Its is not 64-bit battle tested. hwoever, SGI and IBM Linux are making a lot a progress in high ed Linux.
J2EE Server bundled? (Score:2)
Re:J2EE Server bundled? (Score:2)
Similarly, there's a whole butt-load of apps that are bundled with nearly every linux distribution - you just don't have to install them.
You always had to pay. (Score:2)
Additionally, if you want to get a support contract from Sun for a used system they first come in and turn it upside down (which is a couple of thousand bucks).
So in the end: Nothing has changed.
No one pays license fees (Score:2)
reason for server/workstation price difference (Score:2)
Drop hardware costs? (Score:2)
But I'm not that naive.
The best thing about open source (Score:2)
Re:The best thing about open source (Score:2)
I was refering to a feature that doesn't constantly change. Something like drivers for a TIS card reader. Also, at the very least, an open source project will make sure what you had written will at least work properly in future versions...
While you may need to pay to get updated to the newest version of whatever it is, the fact that it is open source implies that others may add-on features they need, before you need those same features. And even if you ALWAYS end up footing the bill, and it always costs you as much as a commercial operating system to add that feature you need (not damn likely) you still come out ahead because you are tied to an Open Source solution, not a propritary one, and have the advantages of free, and freely modifiable software.
no fees... (Score:2)
Re:Can you imagine? (Score:3, Funny)
SGI big iron supports a fancy new flavor of HIPPI that can do 800 MB/sec (that's 6.4 gigabit for the myrinet folks) per link. Up to several links per machine.
So... if you needed such a beast, you could buy several dozen 512 CPU Origin 3800 machines, plus several dozen what-ever-this-new-flavor-of-hippi-is-called cards... boom, fifty gazillion CPUs.
Of course, you'd also a need a fifty acre warehouse and a nuclear power plant...
Re:Can you imagine? (Score:2, Funny)
Hardware: 1.7 billion
Software: 150 million
Nuclear Power Plant: 4 billion
Cracking RC5 in under 10 seconds: Priceless
Re:Hmmm (Score:2)
Re:Always though Sun was all about hardware..... (Score:2)
The fee that you need to pay is still a fraction of even the yearly support contract that Sun would require you to pay to support it. Also don't forget, that Solaris 8 license used to be free only for up to eight processor servers. I don't really think this fee is going to make a big part of their business. Hardware sales and maintenance contracts is still Sun's bread and butter.
Re:Always though Sun was all about hardware..... (Score:2)
Re:Always though Sun was all about hardware..... (Score:2)
Re:Get the FSCK'ng facts right here (Score:2)
Well, Europeans for one. That kind of stunt is illegal here under an EU-wide 'Sale of Goods' act.
This was recently upheld by a German court against Microsoft - the topic was covered on Slashdot I think, but the essence is that Microsoft tried to stop people selling on their old Windows licenses along with their machine. Exactly as Sun are now trying to do with Solaris.
Re:Did Sun forget that Redhat runs on Solaris? (Score:2)
Re:things are not looking bright for Sun (Score:2)
Which part of your body do you use when thinking. I doubt it's your brains. So, how many people do think will be forced to replace a $15,000 server in order to avoid paying a $240 Solaris 9 license fee?