Trek Prop Collecting 219
bluethundr continues: "And while we're at it. I admit it. I am an Okudagram collector. I go nuts and drain my bank account every time I see one of the control panels from the Enterprise (which I believe to be authentic and usually TNG's D, as that's all my bankroll will allow) on eBay and my home server room looks like a federation outpost. If you weren't aware, the Okudagrams from the show come in the form of black-tinted plexi that has a patterned film applied to it with photographic gels to add color and vellum affixed to said plexi with black masking tape. The idea is to backlight them for the effect they achieved on the sets of lighted control panels. Collecting these things, you get a feeling for what's authentic hollywood material and what's a cheap fanboy knockoff. I can't help but wonder if I am the only /.er to engage in this eccentric hobby... By the way, several control panels from the 1701 (including Spock's Science Station computer!) as well as an array of other authentic stuff from the 60s is also to be had for a (very) tidy sum on "the world's online marketplace"....By the way, I am trying to curb this habit of mine, hence this submission. :-|"
The sound of Trek (Score:1)
Re:The sound of Trek (Score:1)
*sniff sniff* (Score:4, Funny)
Re:*sniff sniff* (Score:1)
Just wiggle in deep and imagine you're Kaptain Quirk.
The stain... (Score:3, Insightful)
I wonder about that stain on the base. Looks like coffee. It would be interesting if that was the result of an accident (on set, or after the chair was given to the collector), or was caused by Captain Kirk holding a drink which was dropped due to an incoming photon torpedo.
Re:The stain... (Score:1)
$80K -- or a DIY cheapie? (Score:2)
Of course you would know it was fake and you could even tell your friends it was fake but they would all think it was really genuine (unless you let them see you build it) and you were really telling lies to avoid the house being targetted by burglars.
Main reason not to do so of course is the seat looks uncomfy as heck.
I have a bunch of 'Jackson Pollocks' , a 'Rothko' and a Mondrian on my walls. If they were genuine they would be worth several million, all they cost me were a few hundred dollars for the canvas, paint and a couple of art books.
Re:The stain... (Score:1)
Or, it could have been during Spock's 'redneck period' where he took up spitting tabacky and was known for soiling several areas of the Enterprise before the writers turned the idea off. Imagine the nerve of some vulcan scratching his balls while giving the "live long and prosper" sign.
Nice Scene (Score:2, Funny)
Do the switches on the armrests remind anyone of an electric organ?
18% fee for ebay? (Score:1)
That's insane!
That makes the min price for the chair $94,400.
I thought seller paid the fees.... geech.
Star Trek TNG on the "New" TNN (Score:2, Funny)
- Hyperbolix
Re:Star Trek TNG on the "New" TNN (Score:2, Insightful)
There are worse things "15 to 25 year old hicks" could watch than a show that teaches them some degree of tolerance and responsibility.
Re:Star Trek TNG on the "New" TNN (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:Star Trek TNG on the "New" TNN (Score:1)
Re:Star Trek TNG on the "New" TNN (Score:1)
Of course, I used to be glued to the TV, whenever Star Trek was on, back in the 70s when I was in elementary school.
Re:Star Trek TNG on the "New" TNN (Score:3, Interesting)
TNN dropped the "Nashville Network" from its name, and is re-inventing itself as a "normal" cable channel. Most likely due to declining ratings. How better to get an instant leg up than to purchase a series guaranteed to bring the kind of viewers your station wants? While they watch Star Trek: The Political Correctness, endless advertising for other TNN programming is constantly broadcast. TNN is operated by MTV Networks, a division of, wait for it...Viacom
TNG isn't science fiction at all...it's a drama, set on a starship. The series is about the interactions between people and cultures. The writers merely put [TECH] when something is required to be explained, and someone else comes up with the technobabble later. They never discuss science-y, Tom Clancyish things like the exact capabilites of the ship's sensors or weapons. How many photon torpedoes does it take to get to the chewy candy center of a Romulan warbird? The world may never know.
Re:Star Trek TNG on the "New" TNN (Score:1)
they all scare me
Well.. (Score:1)
An Ex-Trek Fan Speaks About The Club Scene (Score:5, Interesting)
As time went on I went to University and lost interest around the time of Deep Space Nine, when Berman took over and made it into a 'franchise'. I think I've seen a total of 10 episodes of Voyager, but it didn't really 'inspire' me. Sure, the films give me a bit of a 'buzz' - I've bought them on DVD - but that was about it.
Now, some 10 years later, I'm moving house and find all my old stuff - the uniforms I made, the books, etc. So I decide to eBay the books (a collection of around 100 Trek books, including original 1960's editions) and it goes for £50. That's about $75 in your money. Pathetic, isn't it? I see the huge amount of Trek crap on eBay, and there's lots of people selling it but nobody really buying it.
Now I'm not even bothering with the rest of the stuff like the comics, etc. because the hassle of me shipping them to a buyer outweighs the benefit of the money in my bank account - may as well just stuff them in the attic and wait until someone comes along who might want them.
I can't seem to find any decent conventions or clubs in the UK either - all the clubs which sprang up (anyone remember Ten Forward, or the National Starfleet Alliance?) have long since disappeared.
Perhaps we've all just grown up. Or the constant milking of the 'franchise' left us all with sour tastes in the mouth. Me, I'm married with a kid now and enjoy watching Enterprise with my wife, and still I can't bring myself to throw out the old uniforms. They'll do for a fancy dress party I suppose ;)
Re:An Ex-Trek Fan Speaks About The Club Scene (Score:1)
You know you're a real Star Trek fanatic when you buy your memorabilia from yourself.
Re:An Ex-Trek Fan Speaks About The Club Scene (Score:1)
Oooh, did you get to see the one where they almost got off the island?? [voyager.gilligans.island]
Re:An Ex-Trek Fan Speaks About The Club Scene (Score:1)
Like you, I decided to unload a bunch of my old Star Trek stuff that I'd gotten way back in the 1970s.
It was about 2 years ago and went something like:
Phaser Battle (electronic game) : $75
Bridge Play Set : $50
Large Action Figures (10" or so) : $15-30 each
About 10 years ago I sold issues 1-10 of the Gold Key Star Trek comics but I forget now what I got for them...close to $100 for the first one and it went down from there. They weren't in the best of shape or I'm sure I'd have gotten more.
Re:An Ex-Trek Fan Speaks About The Club Scene (Score:2)
Re:An Ex-Trek Fan Speaks About The Club Scene (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:An Ex-Trek Fan Speaks About The Club Scene (Score:1)
The real source of that stain (Score:4, Funny)
You mean (Score:3, Funny)
The chair belongs in the Smithsoniam (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:The chair belongs in the Smithsoniam (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:The chair belongs in the Smithsoniam (Score:3, Interesting)
I'd like to be able to go to a museum and show any kids I have in the future that chair. They'll look at me like I'm crazy because of the latest Star Trek that looks super real, but it's nice to say, "This is where it all began."
Re:The chair belongs in the Smithsoniam (Score:3, Insightful)
Look, I love ST:TOS too and I grew up wanting to be Kirk or Spock, but let's face facts: When Star Trek went off the air in 1969, it was just this moderately-successful TV show, sailing into the sunset after a respectable but not record-breaking three seasons. It wasn't thought to be a phenomenon, a classic, or a national treasure. Trek occupies a place, now, in the culture not due to the show itself but due to the die-hard, never-give-up, even obsessive nature of its fan base durng the 1970s and (less so) 1980s, who kept the show alive through ways essentially unheard-of before (comics, conventions, fanfic).
No one -- no one -- in 1969 knew this stuff would be important. It's unreasonable to expect them to have saved it.
Re:The chair belongs in the Smithsoniam (Score:1)
I distinctly recall the chair being in it.
I just googled for it, and the exhibit is the number 2 question in the faq [si.edu]
Re:The chair belongs in the Smithsoniam (Score:2)
Maybe it *is* there too! (Score:2)
Gods, I know too much about Star Trek, the Original!
Re:The chair belongs in the Smithsoniam (Score:2)
Back in 1992, the Smithsoniam, in fact, had a Star Trek exhibit. Among other things, they had the origial navigation panel (the one Sulu would sit at). It was in pretty bad condition; looking at it live, it looked a lot more cheaply built than it ever did seeing it on the show.
I don't remember seeing the captain's chair at the exhibit.
- Sam
Re:The chair belongs in the Smithsoniam (Score:1)
I could deal with one person getting it wrong, but two is too many.
Re:The chair belongs in the Smithsonian (Score:1)
Also for sale: (Score:2)
Bob Justman's original handwritten notes creating the "Wesley Crusher" character for TNG. [ebay.com]
Anyone want to organise a fund so that we can buy them for Wil? [slashdot.org]. ;-)
Re:Also for sale: (Score:1)
Then, I'll find out who created Guinan.
Re:Also for sale: (Score:2)
Well, if we're looking for the original inspiration, it was probably Harriet Beecher Stowe [virginia.edu], but she's been dead for a while now.
Don't do anything rash (Score:5, Funny)
Props to Hoagy. He should be working for Hollywood.
Re:Don't do anything rash (Score:1)
Hrmm... (Score:2)
Re:Hrmm... (Score:2)
Shatner Comments on Chair Auction (Score:3, Informative)
He subsequently posted comments from William Shatner to his personal website:
So yes, you somehow missed it.
Re:Shatner Comments on Chair Auction (Score:2)
Is this another way to say, "Get a life!" ?
I remember once at a Trek convention one really geekball fan asked, no begged Shatner to tell him to "get a life" (mirroring the SNL skit). I think the audience beat Shatner to it.
The Real McCoy? (Score:1)
Re:The Real McCoy? (Score:2)
Star Trek not for Geeks? Posh! (Score:1)
Actually, as a fair weather fan of the series, it's getting so i can't stand it. It's too clean and everything fits into a nice, one hour box. No sharp edges and the characters remain rather static in their personalities compared to other series of the type.
Old story (Score:2)
Note - You can now listen to Cnet Radio on the air on 890 AM Radio in Boston. which is kinda cool, having a geek radio station to listen to in Boston. It is actually located in Dedham, and is a little under powered (You really can't hear it in providence, for example.)
I would love to destroy this thing... (Score:1, Troll)
Yes, it is amazing that this prop would sell for $80k or more, but go in the Smithsonian, as someone suggested? OMFG please! Just let it go. Take a step back, and look at your damn self. Stop. Just stop.
More like $1.50 (Score:1)
6 bucks an hour in 1964 would be one a hell of a wage for a studio carpenter. And I bet he is probably crapping in his drawers!
Re:I would love to destroy this thing... (Score:3, Insightful)
Trekkers? No. It's trekieeeezzze..... (Score:3, Insightful)
There is no such thing as a `Trekker'. It is a pathetic attempt to regain the last shard of self respect they lost when Shatner told them to move out of their parents' basement and get lives. There's the trekkie who girlfriend is going to dump him if he doesn't give up being the head of his college Vulcan council, he gave up the pussy for the pointed ears. Another trekkie showed up for OJ trial jury duty in her Starfleet uniform.
In case the point isn't clear, Trekker is a pathetic attempt of people who take a tv show waaaay too seriously to wrap the mantle of Political Correctness around themselves. So Trekkies, move out of your parents' basement! Get a girlfriend! Get a job! Show up for jury duty in sensible clothes! Get a life!
Re:Trekkers? No. It's trekieeeezzze..... (Score:2)
It was Whitewater [parascope.com], not OJ.
Re:I would love to destroy this thing... (Score:4, Funny)
I'm curious what you consider to be a good show, then. I seriously think you're judging ST for the wrong reasons.
The reason that Trek is popular among geeks is that the depicted world of the future is more pleasing to live in if you're a geek.
For example: You can tell the computer "go find me some porn I like!" and boom, you'll get porn you like. Today, we haveta scour the web manually for that. That sucks.
Another example: I want a burger and fries right now. But *gasp* I have to walk for 15 minutes to do that! That sucks! In Star Trek, you'd walk up to your replicator, say "Burger and fries, Burgerville style." And boom, you have a burger and fries, Burgerville style.
Here's yet another example: I have to walk 3/4ths of a mile to work every day. This sucks! Well, in Star Trek, I could just say "Beam me up!".
One more example: Isn't it a pain in the butt to get a phone number of some chick? Face it: Most chicks don't wanna talk about computers, and none of them are impressed if you're running Linux. (Actually, you lose points for that, as a woman I dated pointed out.) Well, fear no more! In the Star Trek universe, you could just say "Wiggam to Portman, c'mon girl, my tricorder says that your hair is not in need of washing!" You couldn't do that today!
As you can see, the world of Star Trek is quite appealing and serves as an acceptable template for the future. Geeks have a lot to be happy about when the world churns out one more Trek-like device.
x-files prop collecting heads up (Score:1)
did he get too scared? (Score:1)
Hmm... gunna have to ask for some off (Score:1)
Hmmm... uh... one of the lights is missing here... and Naugahide... not real crazy about that material... I'm going to have to ask for $3000 off your asking price, what with all the repairs I'm going to have to make....
I bid 100,000 quatloos for the chair (Score:1)
And yes quatloos is how you spell it in The Gamesters of Triskelion
Too bad.... (Score:3, Funny)
People seem to like stealing these things ... (Score:2)
Wonder how long before THAT one shows up on Ebay ...
I thought about buying it. (Score:2, Funny)
See, there's no cup holders.
Wouldn't fit with my lifestyle.
I'm willing to bet (Score:1, Insightful)
Star Trek bridge simulator (Score:3, Interesting)
Speaking of cool Star Trek Stuff... (Score:5, Interesting)
The one which caught my eye [ebay.com] says:
Re:Speaking of cool Star Trek Stuff... (Score:2)
I have a vague memory of reading somewhere that just about every writer then immediately did a "Wesley" script, but then was some dispute invoving the writers, so instead of spreading the Wesley scripts over a while they used them all close together because that was all that was available, and that overuse is where the alt.ensign.wesley.die.die.die type backlash started.
Personally I found Wesley a somewhat irritating character, but didn't think that was the actor's fault. It's good to find out Wil is actually a pretty cool guy, (or has one amazing PR setup faking his website etc.
Changing universes, I briefly worked with someone who had an original Millennium Falcon model because he'd worked on special effects for the film. That was cool.
Re:Speaking of cool Star Trek Stuff... (Score:2)
Listen to Rick Berman. Rick is good, Rick is wise. Obey the Word of Rick. Obey. OBEY!
Kind of how it went? ;-)
Star Trek Not Geeky (Score:1)
The old one is cheesy. They *all* have bad acting (with a few exceptions like Patrick Stewart). They all have bad writing.
In Star Trek if somebody has a bump on his nose, or slightly different ears, but otherwise looks human, he's an alien. What's that about?
I saw one episode of DS9 (the first), where Cisco had to teach an entity that lived outside of our time stream. If the thing is simultaneously at all points on our timeline, how can it learn? It should know now, what it knew 100000000 years ago, and will know 1000000000 year from now, because to it all three points are the same.
(Not a troll, I just *really* don't like Star Trek, or people assuming I do, cuz I like Star Wars, anime, etc.).
More cool stuff, affordable by mere mortals (Score:3, Informative)
The list of items on the block is here [ebay.com]. It includes such things as:
That's not the real chair.... (Score:1)
You can sort of see it in the still from the show. But there several close ups of the right control panel, and that is NOT the real chair.
That might be the one they build for "Relics" (STTNG), but that is not the original chair.
Ebay picture choice is weird. . . (Score:2)
Interesting advertising. . .
No, that's not a coffee stain. (Score:2)
Available long before the 23rd century.
Re:almost first post. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:almost first post. (Score:5, Funny)
oh come one.. any poor sod can sit in front of his monitor playing Personal Whack-A-Mole without plonking down $80K.
... oh, did you mean with someone else?
Re:almost first post. (Score:2)
I wonder if the kind of person who would lust after this chair would even be aware that sex can be a multi-participant activity?
Re:almost first post. (Score:1)
Unless you mean "alone"...
Re:almost first post. (Score:2)
Most slashdot readers would think it would be cool to perform some sort of sexual act Full Stop.
Re:almost first post. (Score:2)
That probably would have gotten a +1 funny if it hadn't been the same thought on everybody's minds. Heh.
Re:almost first post. (Score:1)
It appears someone already did- note the stain on the rug. Either that, or someone had a wicked party, and spilled a big glass of synthohol.
Re:Faint sense of disgust (Score:2)
Re:Faint sense of disgust (Score:5, Funny)
Are you suggesting that I pay hungry kids to let me sit on them? You cynical bastard!
Re:Faint sense of disgust (Score:2)
Re:Faint sense of disgust (Score:1)
Re:Faint sense of disgust (Score:2)
Feel Better?
That is all the people who post drivel like this are looking for. A Quick dose of feel-goodism, WITHOUT the effort of actually doing something about those poor kids they pretend to feel soooo much pity for.
Hey you got your freebie good feeling in, how many of those kids got full bellies out of your worthless post?
IF you really care about those damn kids, then get off your lazy ass and do something to raise money to feed them instead of expressing hollow empty messages of "political concern" that are nothing but covers for envy that someone has the money to blow on something as stupid as an old TV prop.
Re:Faint sense of disgust (Score:2)
If some fool wants to spend a pile of HIS money on a stupid TV prop he has the RIGHT to waste HIS money without asking some would be slave master like 00_NOP
Can the bullshit about starving kids, they are just an excuse to cover your real agenda, control over other people's lives. Seeing a would be slaver hiding behind "morality" is almost as big a joke as your political ideas. Anyone who is willing to sell himself into slavery as long as he can have a few lesser slaves under him isn't worthy of the title "human"
So go stick your slaver fantasies up your ass, you pathetic excuse for a human being.
Re:Faint sense of disgust (Score:2)
One who isn't an Anonymous Coward.
We have plenty of mechanisms to control other people's lives - the law, the cops, the state pen being just a few.
The Control freaks aren't sastified (nor will they ever be sastified) with the current laws, the want "political reform", the buzz word for extending control, and they need an excuse to do it, hince all the BS about starving kids and the enviroment. They don't give a damn about the kids or the furbish lousewort, the only thing that motivates them is controlling other people.
You pay any bills lately? Surely you didn't sell yourself into the slavery of the electric company?
You are full of it. Unlike the state, I can elect NOT to do buissines with my Electric CO-OP if I wish. Having someone else deal with the hassle of generating power is a convinence I don't mind paying for. I get a benifit out of it, which is more than I can say for statist plans to forcibly sieze my money or to control my life.
Re:Faint sense of disgust (Score:1)
1 items found for hungry children
There doesn't seem to be much of a market for hungry children. There's more of a market for computers; you can sell yours, go to Somalia, buy a farm and participate.
Re:Faint sense of disgust (Score:2)
Won't somebody please think of the children!
[/Helen Lovejoy]
Re:Faint sense of disgust (Score:1)
Since when have geeks been good at politics?
Re:Faint sense of disgust (Score:2)
Or does your luxury (time on the computer) somehow not have to follow the same rules as the luxury of some collector?
Re:then you should do something about it (Score:1)
I'd expect them to manage it with thought, and using it in other red-cross programs is the apropriate action once an apropriate amount is spent on WTC.
Re:It was worth more 10 years ago ... (Score:1)
T&A star trek isnt real Star Trek.
Re:It was worth more 10 years ago ... (Score:1)
Re:You're not a geek unless... (Score:1, Funny)
I e-mailed this message to bluethndr (Score:1)
I wanted to post this on
IOW, show me the Federation Outpost that you have! That should be worthy of a
Hailing bluethundr at all frequencies, Captain
Re:Geeks aren't geeks anymore (Score:1)
I doubt it. My bet is your sister just has better thingies.
Re:Geeks aren't geeks anymore (Score:1)
Go ask the football and basketball teams if they want to play some Civ III.
NE means "any"? (Score:2, Funny)
Buethundr's guide to Collecting Okudagrams (Score:1)