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LotR Two Towers Trailer Online 392

A few people have pointed out that Apple has put a trailer online for The Two Towers, so if you have broadband and the ability to play video in Apple's favorite format, you can check it out. I'm 0 for 2, so I guess I'll wait. Besides, its only a half a year away ;)
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LotR Two Towers Trailer Online

Comments Filter:
  • by eddy the lip ( 20794 ) on Monday July 01, 2002 @12:10PM (#3801330)
    Is that the Seuss version?
  • by User 956 ( 568564 ) on Monday July 01, 2002 @12:13PM (#3801357) Homepage
    Just go see it in the theater on Wednesday. [] It's being shown with Men in Black 2.
  • by American AC in Paris ( 230456 ) on Monday July 01, 2002 @12:13PM (#3801364) Homepage
    A few people have pointed out that Apple has put a trailer online for The Who Towers

    Huh. Keep your eyes open for "Entwhistle the White", I guess...

  • by JaredOfEuropa ( 526365 ) on Monday July 01, 2002 @12:14PM (#3801370) Journal
    then again, we already knew that it will look similar to the 1st one, and most of us know the story already as well. Another thing, I get the distinct feeling that /. readers who do not have Quicktime, often advertise the fact in a way that suggests they are proud of it. Why is that?
    • by reverius ( 471142 ) on Monday July 01, 2002 @12:25PM (#3801454) Homepage Journal
      Since you sound like a newbie, I'll explain it for you. I'll try to be as unbiased and non-opinionated as possible.

      Basically, the slashdot community (not as a whole, but large portions of it) dislike Apple and or Quicktime and or Sorenson for one of the following reasons:

      1) Apple is a bad/evil company, and we don't like them.
      2) We don't have Quicktime on Linux, and a few of us use linux while many of us talk about it.
      3) We don't have the Sorenson codec in any other players, so the Quicktime player is required, but isn't on linux (see #2).

      Therefore, it becomes cool to shun Quicktime, or to be proud of not using it.

      Please don't make me say all that again. :)

      -- Reverius
      • Who here talks about Linux without using it? And why in the world would they bother to do that?

        Or are you simply wanting to denigrate Linux zealots for their clear unreasonableness in running Linux? In which case, why do you bother to hang out on the Slashdot boards?

      • Apple? An evil bad company? I mean yes, they're a company, they're out to make money, they probably do some dodgy things that are morally dubious (and no, I don't mean produce a lime iMac...although that was *nearly* evil).

        However, they're OSS with Darwin, and are really trying to get into the whole Open Source thing. They're putting out some cool hardware (the XServe is *much* more than just a pretty box). They're really trying to listen to what consumers want (both pro and domestic, which is *hard*), and also what developers need.

        I know, I think they should put out QT for Linux. I run FreeBSD servers, I think they should put out packages for their various bits of free software (QuickTime Streaming Server, WebObjects adaptors, etc) for FreeBSD. But they are NOT evil!

        And anyway, didn't I see a story the other day about Sorenson coming to Linux? Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I didn't think Real or Win Media players were available for Linux either?
  • by Picass0 ( 147474 ) on Monday July 01, 2002 @12:16PM (#3801385) Homepage Journal
    Star Wars EP. III *Yawn*

    Lord of the Rings Part II !!!WHOHOOO!!!

    I definately sense a cultural shift among geeks. Or is it just that PLOT DOES MATTER!!! []

    • The problem is, the plot for LOTR is 50, 70 years old? (Sorry, can't remember). What it means is that there are no new ideas. (Although some would include Matrix. I've only seen it once, so won't editorialize on it). Or, there are no good new interpretations of old memes.

      • The problem is, the plot for LOTR is 50, 70 years old? (Sorry, can't remember). What it means is that there are no new ideas.
        Try, um, 3000 - 4000 years old? In written form anyway? Tolkien was in perfect agreement with the 1920s Hollywood mogul who said, "there are are only 5 stories in human history: we are just retelling those five in different forms".


        • Tolkien was in perfect agreement with the 1920s Hollywood mogul who said, "there are are only 5 stories in human history: we are just retelling those five in different forms".

          Hollywood mogul? I thought it was Joseph Campbell, oft quoted. Specifically, I think he was quoted by Opie-- er, Ron Howard-- in the commentary track on the Apollo 13 DVD.
      • The problem is, the plot for LOTR is 50, 70 years old?

        J.R.R. Tolkien, Oxford Professor of Anglo-Saxon, is no doubt spinning in his grave. An old-fashioned story -- heaven forfendd
    • Nononono... Starwars has plot for days; Just you already know what's going to happen. Having three prequels certianly doesn't do anything to enhance that. The producers have their work cut out for them trying to keep an audience intrested when they already know the Emperor is going to feed Anakins ego, the princess is going to die and somehow help tip him to the dark side... What do you want to bet Obi-Wan has to open a can of whoop-ass on him?

      You could say that readers already know what's going to happen in the Rings saga, but there is a huge difference between having already seen the vision on the screen, knowing what will probably happen and seeing a masterfully crafted novel done justice on the screen for the first time especially for those of uswhose first exposure to Rings is that screen. Cultural shift? Nah. Star Wars has lots of plot, but after 100's of sci-fi novels and the poor handling in Ep1 (and Ep2; Distinctly different styles from the originals. Overuse of cut sequences), Starwars has lost it's shine to stale franchise whoring.(watching Yoda command a battlefield full of stormtroopers was an unexpect delight :)
  • The Who Towers? (Score:2, Informative)

    by jeffy124 ( 453342 )
    Ya know, CmdrTaco, there are doctors out there that can help you with your depression since the loss of John Entwistle [] of The Who.
  • I just downloaded it, and mplayer plays the audio just fine, but I'm not getting the video. Is there a working Linux codec?
  • A few people have pointed out that Apple has put a trailer online for The Who Towers

    CmdrTaco has already expressed his [very high] opinion of the band 'The Who' so I wonder if this could be an intentional typo?
  • by carlos_benj ( 140796 ) on Monday July 01, 2002 @12:22PM (#3801436) Journal
    Becomes part of the machine
    Bad spelin's comin' at you
    His grammar is obscene
    Ain't seen nothin' like him
    In any other website at all
    That /. wizard sure trys to get any mention of The Who into a headline even if it don't rhyme and messes up the cadence of the song.....
  • by jhampson ( 580482 ) on Monday July 01, 2002 @12:28PM (#3801479)
    I'm told by secret sources that a guy named "Tolkien"(sounds like a 37337 name) has let the cat out of the bag and has written spoilers to this movie and, get this, The Next One! He must have been a key grip or something on the film crew, as he seems to have real inside information.
    • This Tolkien guy is a fraud. He leaked the script for "The Fellowship of the Ring" too and his character development and wonderfully thoughtful plot was nowhere to be found in the movie.

      No doubt has he made this and the next one up all by himself as well.

  • Damn! (Score:2, Funny)

    by funwithBSD ( 245349 )
    I thought they had finally talked Tom Baker into making a movie.
    I am *SO* disappointed.
    • by PCM2 ( 4486 )
      I thought they had finally talked Tom Baker into making a movie. I am *SO* disappointed.
      Tom Baker was in the movie Dungeons and Dragons playing a wizard-y guy. Not quite as satisfying as having him in LotR, I'll admit...
  • Gandalph (Score:2, Funny)

    by dirvish ( 574948 )
    Holy shit, Gandalph is alive?
  • by xtermz ( 234073 ) on Monday July 01, 2002 @12:40PM (#3801580) Homepage Journal
    ... The story of a band of elves living in middle earth, who escape to the upper levels of our planet to sneak into times square and play pinball...all the while searching for the golden ring of The Great Pinballio...

    or something..
  • by bje2 ( 533276 ) on Monday July 01, 2002 @12:41PM (#3801585)
    This is the same trailer that was reffered to by a story last week...however, it appears to be oh a higher quality...and in a variety of screen sizes...

    also, i saw this after the story was posted last week...from posted a frame by frame analysis [] of the's pretty cool, and does a good job analyzing what's going on in the teaser trailer...contains major spoilers though, of course, that only matters if you've never read the book...
  • by Mulletproof ( 513805 ) on Monday July 01, 2002 @12:42PM (#3801597) Homepage Journal
    Anal typo bitches unite! Now is your chance to display your stupendous powers of observation, your razor sharp intellect and Sahara dry wit as you keenly point out Who, not What is wrong with this article! Be the envy of your friends,your family, even your dog! Be the first to score a redundant toda-- er... um... ok, nevermind. Join ATB now and recieve a 30% discount off our already low membership rates!

    ~Ahem~ On the topic, I'm am heartend by the fact by the fact these were all filmed at nearly the same time, by the same director. It'll ensure there is no dumbing down as oft happens in sequels these days... Batman comes to mind... I'm sure Spider Man will suffer the same fate... They go from serious to "lets star Jim Carrie in one of these! Wouldn't that be great?!" or "I like the character design. Name? Ummm.. Jar-Jar. See? Kinda just rolls off the tongue."
    • Hey, you misspelled Jim Carrey's [] name. ;P
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 01, 2002 @12:52PM (#3801677)
    To: Peter Jackson and New Line Cinema
    Those of us who have seen The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring know what an amazing director Peter Jackson is. When I learned that there apparently was to be a sequel, I was overjoyed. However, Peter Jackson has decided to tastelessly name the sequel "The Who Towers". The title is clearly meant to refer to the attacks on the Whorld Trade Center. In this post-September 11 world, it is unforgiveable that this should be allowed to happen. The idea is both offensive and morally repugnant. Hopefully, when Peter Jackson and, more importantly, New Line Cinema see the number of signatures on this petition, the title will be changed to something a little more sensitive.


    The Undersigned []
    • by bje2 ( 533276 ) on Monday July 01, 2002 @01:03PM (#3801760)
      Atleast posted a sensible response...

      "Please Note: The Two Towers is the title of the JRR Tolkien book originally published in 1954, the second book of The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The title was thus established some 47 years prior to the attacks on the World Trade Center towers, and there is no evidence to suggest that Peter Jackson meant anything by continuing the same title other than faithfulness to the beloved Tolkien classics. Furthermore, the two distant, opposing towers in the Tolkien classic have very little if anything in common with the two matching towers of the World Trade Center. --"
  • by zhensel ( 228891 ) on Monday July 01, 2002 @12:54PM (#3801693) Homepage Journal
    This was a great trailer until they gave away Gandalf's return. I mean, quite a few people would know this given the wide readership of the books, but for ~half the audience that hasn't read them, isn't this a ridiculously massive spoiler?
    • i thought this at first, but you'd have to think when they start showing the full length trailers, commercial spots, movie posters, etc, that Gandalf will be included in these...much less things like the lists of the cast [], etc...that said, i would guess that the majority of people looking forward to the movie (and already downloaded the trailer) already know that gandalf comes back...

      personally i had never read any of the books before i saw the first movie...since then, i've read "The Hobbit", "Fellowship of the Rings", and "The Two Towers"...i'm getting ready to move on to the 3rd of the trilogy...

    • Exactly what I though. I was okay with everything going on until Gandalf showed up, then I felt shivers down my spine. I mean, come on, there are a lot of people out there who watched FOTR before and haven't read TTT before, don't you wanna feel/hear/experience their shock/amazement/etc when Gandalf shows up? The only hope for this is that the scene was extremely short and Gandalf might look different enough (for an old wizard, I mean they all look the same anyhow, heh) for some people to not make the connection. Hopefully everyone will just be amazed and confused at a second LOTR movie and be baffled over the Two Towers title in spite of 9/11 lol :).

  • Please, in the name of god, please, create a category for LOTR so we can ignore it.

  • by sharkey ( 16670 ) on Monday July 01, 2002 @01:22PM (#3801952)
    And does Jim Carrey play the Grinch? Perhaps the Cracks of Doom are on Mt. Crumpet.
  • Gandalf Spoiler (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Iber ( 566442 )

    Why would they show Gandalf in the preview?

    I know about 60-75% of the people have read the book, but I still think it doesn't make the preview any better and it spoils it for that 40-25% left. I have many friends that are going to be pissed when they see this

    Oh Well, i guess it a movie made mainly for the fans.

  • You're "0 for Who"?

  • I bought the Codeweaver Crossover Plugin the other day and am glad to have done so, even so much that I shamelessly pitch my happiness here. :) I like being able to watch the trailer at home, rather than having to wait for a Windows desktop at work tomorrow.
  • I am 0 for 2, so check it out

    Taco, taco, taco. A member of the Xine team reverse engineered the svq1 format, so you CAN watch the Two Towers trailer using Xine. At least, it worked for me.

    apt-get install xine-ui

    Then, drag the little bar back and forth, stop and start a few times, and watch.
  • I hit my local sam's club today, and they had the LOTR trilogy for 12 bucks. If you havent read the LOTR series yet, here's a cheap way to do so.

Thus spake the master programmer: "Time for you to leave." -- Geoffrey James, "The Tao of Programming"
