Quirky Open Source Convention Photos 122
Lisa writes "I don't know if you've seen Julian (SuperSnail) Cash's amazing photos from last year's O'Reilly Open Source Convention ,
but they are worth checking out." Julian also took some pictures of the 2000 OSCON too. We figured since OSCON 2002 is almost upon us that this would be a fun thing to post.
Re:Open source photos? (Score:1)
Hmm... (Score:3, Funny)
I heard it really blew. [spidereyeballs.com]
Re:Hmm... (Score:2)
And not to make cartoon voices either.
They moved the nitrous cartridge and cracker from the frame.
Who says techies don't know how to have fun?
dial up (Score:1)
On 56k I have time to reply on this thread before that page is even done loading in another browser.
Oh wait, my bad. That site is just slow.
Oh well. I still hate my modem.
that's it (Score:1, Funny)
Damnit, I tried.
it's a joke, laugh.
Photos? Uh-oh (Score:2, Funny)
You didn't look deep enough (Score:2)
The power of Microsoft (Score:2, Troll)
Virii? (Score:3)
Are you sure it wasn't a few errant trojii? Maybe it was gaggle of wormii. They're the worst -- they get into your system with tentacles like octopii and barbs as sharp as cactii. You need to step way back and get statii on all your system when you get infected with those. Or you could take a one or more hiatii from online computing altogether and minimize your chances of getting infected.
I hate viruses [dictionary.com].
Re:That's what we want to see (Score:2, Funny)
Re:That's what we want to see (Score:1)
Too bad people don't like it, and the post is modded as troll. I forgot most modders don't take critism. I'd never compare them to cute girls anymore.
Re:That's what we want to see (Score:1)
Re:That's what we want to see (Score:1)
Re:That's what we want to see (Score:1)
Re:That's what we want to see (Score:2)
>yes! That's exactly what we want to see! I'm sure
>nobody like those pictures [inscyber.net] taken at
>Microsoft's booth, they are very unprofessional.
Here's another guy who chooses his OS based on the quality of the booth babes:
Why BSD is superior to Linux [xs4all.nl]
Re:That's what we want to see (Score:1)
I thought people would like this girl.
I'll save you the searching (Score:2)
Right to the good stuff [perl.com].
Red-heads (Score:2)
Open Source Development HOW-TO (Score:4, Funny)
As everyone knows, Open Source software is the wave of the future. With the market share of GNU/Linux and *BSD increasing every day, interest in Open Source Software is at an all time high.
Developing software within the Open Source model benefits everyone. People can take your code, improve it and then release it back to the community. This cycle continues and leads to the creation of far more stable software than the 'Closed Source' shops can ever hope to create.
So you're itching to create that Doom 3 killer but don't know where to start? Read on!
The most important thing that any Open Source project needs is a Sourceforge page. There are tens of thousands of successful Open Source projects on Sourceforge; the support you receive here will be invaluable.
OK, so you've registered your Sourceforge project and set the status to '0: Pre-Thinking About It', what's next?
Now you need to set up your SourceForge homepage. Keep it plain and simple - don't use too many HTML tags, just knock something up in VI. Website editors like FrontPage and DreamWeaver just create bloated eye-candy - you need to get your message to the masses!
Since you probably can't program at all you'll need to try and find some people who think they can. If your project is a game you'll probably need an artist too. Ask for help on your new Sourceforge pages. Here is an example to get you started: Thousands of talented programmers and artists hang out at Sourceforge ready to devote their time to projects so you should get a team together in no time!
So now you have your team together you are ready to change your projects status to '1: Pre-Bickering'. You will need to discuss your ideas with your team mates and see what value they can add to the project. You could use an Instant Messaging program like MSN for this, but since you run Linux you'll have to stick to e-mail.
Don't forget that YOU are in charge! If your team doesn't like the idea of giant robotic spiders just delete them from the project and move on. Someone else can fill their place and this is the beauty of Open Source development. The code might end up a bit messy and the graphics inconsistant - but it's still 'Free as in Speech'!
Now that you've found a team of right thinking people you're ready to start development. Be prepared for some delays though. Programming is a craft and can take years to learn. Your programmer may be a bit rusty but will probably be writing "hello world" programs after school in no time.
Closed Source games like Doom 3 use the graphics card to do all the hard stuff anyhow, so your programmer will just have to get the NVidia 'API' and it will be plain sailing! Giant robot spiders, here we come!
So it's been a few years, you still have no files released or in CVS. Your programmer can't get enough time on the PC because his mother won't let him use it after 8pm. Your artist has run off with a Thai She-Male. Your project is still at '1: Pre-Bickering'...
Congratulations! You now have a successful Open Source project on Sourceforge! Pat yourself on the back, think up another idea and do it all again! See how simple it is?
Ahem.. (Score:2, Flamebait)
Re:Ho Humm (Score:2)
Maybe not, but there are certainly one or two frankly scary [perl.com] observations to be made.
Page layout (Score:3, Offtopic)
Come on people, when laying out a page, don't hardcode the width of the [frames|table columns] - just because you run at 800x600 doesn't mean some of us don't run at 1600x1200, and vice-versa. I'd expect this from a Windows site (Window motto - "Everyone MUST do things just like I do!"), but from a site targeting OSS/FS?
Fun ? (Score:2)
I guess Linux geeks have a different definition of 'fun' than I do...
Open source bukkake (Score:1)
...stuff that matters... (Score:1)
Why did this story get posted? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Why did this story get posted? (Score:2)
Who is this girl? (Score:1)
Re:Who is this girl? (Score:1)
Re:Who is this girl? (Score:1)
talking about open source and fotos (Score:1)