Turning Dead Drives into Speakers? 157
An anonymous reader writes "Why pay 500$ for Klipsch's latest speaker system? You can make something that looks way cooler for the price of a DIY amplifier and some HDDs out of a dumpster. It doesn't sound quite as good but who cares!"
Next week we'll show you how to turn a laundry basket and a speak & spell
into your own segway.
Klipsch @ $400 (Score:1, Offtopic)
DIY (Score:5, Funny)
Warning!: This will reduce the value of your speak & spell and laundry basket.
Re:DIY (Score:1)
Re:DIY (Score:1)
Guess I'll have to go hunting for another one on Ebay.
Umm... REPOST (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Umm... REPOST (Score:4, Informative)
Here! [slashdot.org]
Its a good thing (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Its a good thing (Score:2)
How to turn your ink pen into a tatto gun and other neat tricks she learns being someones bitch.
Re:Umm... REPOST (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Few weeks/months ago? (Score:1, Redundant)
Um, wrong topic? (Score:1)
Re:Um, wrong topic? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Um, wrong topic? (Score:5, Funny)
...and when it gets really bad, you start reposting Slashdot stories.
30$ for surround system + sub? (Score:1)
Re:30$ for surround system + sub? (Score:1)
Re:Um, wrong topic? (Score:1)
Re:This is a repeat story (Score:1)
Re:This is a repeat story (Score:1)
Re:This is a repeat story (Score:1)
Deja vu (Score:1, Redundant)
dupe (plus a suggestion) (Score:1, Redundant)
In all seriousness, would it be all too hard to include some form of archive-checking feature to the submission queue? (Note: I don't use slash, so I don't know the internals...) Something like "if this link has been posted before, raise a flag to the administrator to make sure they really want to post a duplicate"...
Might weed out at least some of the repeats... Heck, maybe even a "link similarity" feature that could match http://foo.com as possibly identitcal to http://foo.com/index.html.
Re:dupe (plus a suggestion) (Score:1)
Re:dupe (plus a suggestion) (Score:1)
CmdrTaco just thought that the joke about the segway was so hilarious he had to post this story again.
Re:dupe (plus a suggestion) (Score:1)
Just as hard as it would be to disallow posts which start with "... by poopbot"
Just as hard as it would be to just give up on the pointlessly worthless search feature in favore of a google site-search.
In case you haven't noticed: The Editor's Don't Care.
What they are doing is posting stories they like. They don't care enough to read the site themselves because, to them, that's not what the site is about. To them this site is about posting links. To us it's about reading those links.
Seems that 90% of these posts should be -2 offtopic.
Re:Uhh... (Score:1)
Where has I seen this before... (Score:1, Redundant)
It's a real crying shame I can't block the stories like I block the ads...
Re:Where has I seen this before... (Score:1)
At least some of the X10 ads have cute chicks in them...
Re:Where has I seen this before... (Score:2)
Re:Where has I seen this before... (Score:1)
These repeating comments are almost as bad as those blasted X10 camera ads.
It's a real crying shame I can't block the comments like I block the ads...
Redundancy Prevails (Score:3, Informative)
Hmmm, I rather liked this mod, after having read it here [slashdot.org]. I even mentioned it about a month ago in some thread about DJ's and hard drives, having recalled reading it here. To find the link to this wondrous dupe, I simply pressed ALT-F2 from KDE, typed `gg:hard drive speakers site:slashdot.org`, and the very first hit was the article.
Re:Redundancy Prevails (Score:3, Funny)
get the
Funny how redundancy can be a good thing and a bad thing at the same time.
Re:Redundancy Prevails (Score:1, Flamebait)
Re:Redundancy Prevails (Score:1)
Oh wait that is plastic.com [plastic.com]!
Re:Redundancy Prevails (Score:2, Insightful)
This is a REALLY good point... why doesn't the slashdot crew hack together a perl script to check for redundant article's like this? I think (hope) they already screen URLs but going to Google (through their helpful API) for stories about to be posted would virtually eliminate double posts.
Re: (Score:1)
OK wtf (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:OK wtf (Score:1)
Can you say Circumvention Device? (Score:1)
This proves beyond a doubt.. (Score:1)
Next Slashdot news story.. (Score:2)
Heh... (Score:1)
Instead of speakers (Score:5, Funny)
Far worse than a repost: complaining about it! (Score:1, Insightful)
Reposts may be annoying to the 10% or so of the readership that reads EVERY story. The repeat of a story isn't nearly as annoying as the 14 or so posts of "THIS IS A REPEAT" whiny crap that I can't filter out because some moderator doesn't have anything better to do than mod up such carping.
Congratulations on being able to recall a story from February. Christ, not everyone reads this site every day. Does that mean a radio station should not ever play the same song twice? Or a television station should never show a rerun?
Sorry you were so _wronged_, all of you that took the time to write a response to an article that you already read and increased the noise so I can't even read legitimate posts regarding the article.
Maybe you should go find something worthwhile to submit to the story queue instead of digesting every freaking story and then bitching about how it ran once half a YEAR ago.
Re:Far worse than a repost: complaining about it! (Score:5, Interesting)
Perhaps the concept proposed by a previous poster (to help catch "duplicate" stories) might be a good idea.
Perhaps I am mistaken, but as I recall,
This, of course, shows the beauty of Open Source, though:
In fact, since I just spent all this time complaining and finding the links, I just downloaded it. I'll commence work on a patch immediately.
Re:Far worse than a repost: complaining about it! (Score:3, Interesting)
3 in one day does seem a bit extreme, at least to my way of thinking.
Perhaps the concept proposed by a previous poster (to help catch "duplicate" posts) might be a good idea.
(Note: no offense meant to the parent poster. I just find it funny that 5 of the 6 posts within my threshold are all complaining about redundancy.)
Re:Far worse than a repost: complaining about it! (Score:1)
More Afrotech Mods (Score:2)
What's wrong with reposts? (Score:1)
Re:What's wrong with reposts? (Score:3, Interesting)
Yes they do.
I have no problem with the editors posting a story again because they think it's still cool and not everyone saw it the first time, but that's not what happened here. They posted it again because they weren't paying attention and didn't realize this was already posted six months ago. It makes it seem like the editors don't care about what's on the site.
Re:What's wrong with reposts? (Score:2)
Old news... (Score:1)
Afrotech (Score:1)
talk about duplicates (Score:1)
my lord people, is it not enough that the first 60 people making comments give the link to the previous story. compared to duplicate comments, duplicate STORIES on
Re:talk about duplicates (Score:1)
Repeat story (Score:1)
here [slashdot.org]. My friend is the one who did this, when I saw the story here, I thought "Alrdy done, big whoop". But this kid is awesome, just in his free time he does this stuff. When he showed it to me (he lived a floor above me last year), It was really awesome. So many people thought it was a hoax, but it really wasn't. The greatest part is that the kid didn't think it was such a big deal. I'm shitting in my pants with harddrives doing this, and he just thinks of it as a week project for something to do. Very smart kid.
One other thing, the first post (submitted by me) took up 65% of Carnegie Mellon's bandwidth for that week. No slashdotting, but 65% of all the bandwidth cmu used up that week was people going to this page. The power we have.
Boy... (Score:2)
Mods points. (Score:1)
Profit! (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Profit! (Score:1)
Re:Profit! (Score:1)
As a shareholder, how is improving the story submission queue going to improve VA Linux's stock price? It won't. It'll only give the readers (read: product to be sold to the real customers (read: advertisers)) one less thing to be pissed off about. And, to be honest, I think at this point most readers look at slashdot for the same reason people rubber neck at car wrecks. Fixing slashdot would be like carting away the broken cars and sweeping the glass and oil off the sidewalks. It would take away all the fun, and no-one would bother stopping by anymore.
Re:Profit! (Score:2)
This conspiracy theory has been brought to you by the letter 'M'.
been done (Score:1)
heck, it was even on
Slashdot is now in sindication... (Score:1)
As a happy reader, I'm now very excited to see Slashdot has reached its 100th episode and can be seen on the WB or on UPN when ever I want. Hopefully FOX will also pick up on the trend and place Slashdot into their lineup after the Simpsons.
Speaking of DEAD things (Score:1)
This may be a dupe. (Score:1)
I'd like to see this done with an RK05... (Score:2)
In a Digital RK05 disk drive, the magnet weighed pounds, the "voice coil" was about the size of a tin can, and generated enough thrust to move a drive assembly weighing a fraction of a pound. The recoil was enough to make the cabinets shake visibly. Under the right circumstances, disk drives of the sixties and seventies could and did walk across the floor like an unbalanced washing machine. I'm not sure I believe the stories about computer operators having "disk drive races," though.
Anyway, I'll bet that if you rigged one of THOSE babies up as a loudspeaker, you could probably get frequencies up at least to thirty or forty Hz. You could probably get some nice Sensurround effects. Play a seismograph recording back through them and actually generate the feeling of a small earthquake, maybe?
Re:I'd like to see this done with an RK05... (Score:1)
Re:I'd like to see this done with an RK05... (Score:2)
Arise, ye sons of MIT*
In loyal brotherhood
The future beckons unto thee
And life is full and good;
Arise and raise your steins on high
Tonight shall ever be
A mem'ry that shall never die
Ye sons* of MIT!
*Yes, I know that it is now "all ye of MIT..."
been there, done that (Score:1)
Another Spiffy Mod.... (Score:1)
Disconnected the beam deflectors at the base of the CRT from the board. That results in putting one very hot little white dot in the middle of the screen. Then connect your amplified audio signal to the deflector coils. Put it up where every one can see it wiggle!
For more fun, choke the signal to the Horz. deflector for Bass only, then crank your mids and highs to the Vert. You may have to further amplify your mids and highs to have good deflection, but you get the idea... Anyway, pretty cool mod to do with your old junk...
Worse than Klipsch ProMedia? (Score:2, Insightful)
Doesn't sound as good as the Klipsch Promedia? Ouch...
The ProMedia series is famous for being very powerful for the money, but the sound quality is definitely below par. The mids are week and "flubbery", the highs are slightly colorized and overly enthusiastic. The lows are nice, but the transition from tweeters to subwoofer is off a bit. Monsoon speakers are good for those who want real sound quality from a PC at a sane (in fact, even cheaper than the Klipsch) price point. They are nowhere near as powerful though. Klipsch are for gamers and those who watch DVDs on their PC, where accurate sound reproduction takes a back seat to thumping. They are not good for the music listener at that price point. I have heard (no pun intended) that the new 5.1 Klipsch system solves many of these problems. Note that I have nothing against Klipsch--in fact, my home theater system uses KSB 3.1's, but the ProMedias do have their weaknesses.
Re:Worse than Klipsch ProMedia? (Score:2)
Some people.
these guys... (Score:1)
Use the tray (Score:1)
The system, with woofer, midrange, and tweeter harddisks, lying on my favourite stolen cafeteria tray:
Ha! I can make the same quality sound using ONLY the cafeteria tray! Just use my Magic Wand! [thinkgeek.com]
You mean like these...? (Score:1)
Reposting for New Viewers (Score:1)
Hey, my submission of this to /. got rejected! (Score:1)
Slashdot [slashdot.org], a news for nerds site, is reporting about a audio system where hard drives replace speakers [slashdot.org]. Over 208 comments are available.
Laser Engine (Score:1)
If you connect the voice coils of two drives as suggested, (to an audio amp) and mount two small mirrors on them and shine a laser pointer on them with the axes 90 degrees apart, you can make a very cheap laser display. Connecting the audio to both drives with a few other basic components gives the most fantastic squiggles in time to the music - anything with a sampled beat is brilliant, the same pattern repeats when the same samples are played. Connecting the audio to one drive and a triangle wave generator to the other gives an oscilliscope-style wave display, which looks fantastic with a bit of smoke in the air. (a domesic iron makes a great smoke machine, just put the proper smoke juice in it and crank it up high. a tube from an aerosol pump or car windscreen wiper pump can be used to inject the fluid directly into the chamber)
I am working on how to drive them from my computer as a laser engine to do real laser lightshows, anyone else done this? I'm thinking either from the soundcard as above, or a clear cover and actually use the heads to read the surface with positioning info on it for a closed-loop system
(of course, you can buy the proper parts (galvanometers) to make laser shows but they cost big $$$, and also recycling is good)
Re:Laser Engine (Score:1)
What did you use for mirrors? Did they have to be lightweight? Did you leave the heads in the original drives, or remove them to get them closer together? Did you use a HeNe laster? Any other tricks you learned?
If I was experimenting with this now, I think I would use a dedicated microcontroller with a 12 bit DAC and power amplifier. I wonder what the maximum frequency response of the drivers is, maybe higher than 20kHz, so the filtering on the sound card might be holding you back.
My goal for this was to build something that would let me throw some arbitrary images and simple text against a wall. My hope was that I could do it with a fairly simple open loop drive, as a high speed closed loop control system sounds like it would take more than a couple weekends to get going!
Anyway, if you got it to do some nice graphics with the sound card, I'd be interested in checking it out....
why repeat stories are annoying... (Score:1)
how would you feel if the news, 6 months after the fact, repeats the story about WorldCom and thier 3.8 billion dollar fraud case... Like it was brand new and no one had heard it before?
Newsflash... this just in the Japanese have surrendered, WW2 is over!!
Its news ONCE, after that, its annoying, especially to those that have submitted stories only to have them rejected...
Actually... (Score:1)
From the article... (Score:1)
heh, I thought induction coils were just a Star Trek thing. I learn so much from slashdot...
rats (Score:1)
omfg (Score:3, Insightful)
Yeah. I buy speakers because they look good.
- A.P.
How 'bout tthe other way.. (Score:1)
I only read dupes written by the idiot Katz (Score:1)
Yeha! (Score:1)
i paid because my klipsch rock (Score:1)
Are these the End all? (Score:1)
Re:Chill the fuck out man (Score:1)
BTW: Cable modems roxxor ADSL!
Re:You've exposed yourself. (Score:1)
This conversation has malingered far beyond what is sensible, though.
Re:linux avi viewer? (Score:1)