RIAA Sues Backbone ISPs to Censor Website 916
prostoalex writes "Music labels filed a lawsuit against major Internet service providers for not blocking access to Listen4Ever.com, music site located in China. The defendants in the suit include AT&T Broadband, Cable & Wireless USA, Sprint Corp., Advanced Network Services and UUNET Technologies." Wow.
from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:4, Insightful)
If this suit passes in the favor of the RIAA, then you can kiss your fair use rights good-bye.
I think I will end this before I start stringing together several run-on sentences comprised solely of Carlin's Seven Words you Don't Say...
Music industry indeed. Why not call it like it is and start calling them the Music Mafia? Oops. That's insulting the mafia...I shouldn't do that.
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:5, Insightful)
If this suit passes in the favor of the RIAA, then you can kiss justice goodbye, as well as the common sense of that judge.
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:5, Insightful)
If this suit passes in the favor of the RIAA, then you can kiss The Constitution goodbye.
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:5, Funny)
If this suit passes in favor of the RIAA, then you can kiss
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:5, Funny)
> you can kiss The Constitution goodbye.
Uh, The Constitution's *already* gone, "like a turkey through the corn." You can satisfy your kissing urges by kissing the police state hello.
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:5, Insightful)
People opposed to this insane measure taken by the Music Industry are not necessarily opposed to copyright. I don't beg for, borrow, or steal music but I'm COMPLETELY opposed to what the industry is requesting of the backbone service providers.
They are advocating CENSORSHIP, they are pushing and pulling with every muscle they have, and they are tying up our courts with frivilous lawsuits and innane complaints, and pursuing people who are not going out of their way to cause harm or break the law(backbone companies). Rather than pursuing these companies that provide American Citizens with much-valued connectivity (at already absurd prices which would only be driven up by the necessity of blocking certain sites) they should pursue the bootleggers who sell CDs at Times Square, those who sell their music without their permission, and the *actual offending parties*.
Censorship on a backbone level hasn't been done for even cases that most people would consider deserving, such as child pornography sites, terrorist sites, sites that advocate the hunting and killing of pro-choice doctors, and the list goes on. THE MUSIC INDUSTRY SHOULD NOT RECIEVE PRIORITY OVER THESE OTHER SITUATIONS, and I'd even be hard-pressed to say that censorship of these sites should rest on the backbone provider.
The recording industry has just proven that if anything, it is OVER-FUNDED and has too much money to spare to tie up the courts with airheaded legislation (DMCA) and lawsuits that should never see the light of day.
How long before they say that speaking up against the DMCA is a violation of the DMCA since it advocates the abolition of a copyright protection measure (the DMCA)? Oh, wait. It's already happened on a much more subtle level. I belong to this mailing list, and posted an innocuous question about how to copy a CD at a raw data level without having to mount it because some backup software I used (To create a backup of my own hard drive with my own personally-created information on it) creates backup CDs that are non-mountable. I could use the backup software to dupe the CD, but the read-write process it uses would take 3 hours with a 32x burner, and I had over 200 CDs that I wished to create a second backup set of to keep off site. (Being located in NYC, this would be a good idea, no?) Apparently this question was in too "murky" an area, and the list owner did not want to deal with the possiblity of the question being misconstrued by anyone who might be listening in.
Tell me that the "entertainment industry" isn't sounding a bit hitlerish, and having way too much control over way too many things?
But.... Shhh.. I didn't say that. I don't want anyone "listening in" to misconstrue things.
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:5, Insightful)
If this suit passes in the favor of the RIAA, then you can kiss Listen4Ever.com goodbye. The rest is only speculation.
Before you mod me as redundant, consider this: What are the real consequences of the RIAA winning this? Well, Listen4Ever.com will probably be blocked, fair enough. Does this give the RIAA too much power? Well, that depends. Let's say that the RIAA demands that ISP's sue another site like Listen4Ever that pops up. Will that mean the RIAA can demand ISP's to block it? That depends on the exact findings of the judge. The judge could say "ISP's must block this site..." or he/she could say "ISP's must block sites that break copyrights...".
In the first case, the RIAA would have to sue again in order to block another site. (Eventually that'll get a bit spendy...) In the second case, the ISP's could appeal. They could challenge any site that the RIAA attempts to block. It wouldn't take long for a freedom of speech case to come up. It is hard to imagine that the RIAA could develop any real policing powers.
In other words, nothing is absolute. The more ridiculous steps that the RIAA takes to control content (especially when they can't prove they've lost money on 'unauthorized copies'...), the harder it is for any legislation to be passed to lock up the content. "We shut down this site, but our income didn't suddenly grow." -- How well will that hold up? I think this type of crap makes it less likely that new versions of the SSSCA will get passed. I see a silver lining either way.
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:5, Insightful)
If the RIAA wins this, they have a legal precedent for blocking whatever the hell they want to under the guise of copyright infringement. Now, the second time around their case may not be as strong, and the backbone operators may stand a chance of winning if they challenge, but with precedent on the **AA's side, it is not in the financial interest of ISP to follow through on that challenge. Defending yourself against litigation is costly, and the lesser your chances of winning, the smaller your desire to pursue.
The problem with your scenario is that so far as I know, the ISPs aren't altruistic slashdot readers, they're businesses. And when backed into a corner by the legal system, businesses usually prefer to just pay the fee to the troll under the bridge rather than fight it for a chance to pass for free. It ends up costing them less in the long run.
Business opportunity? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:4, Insightful)
I'm not so sure. First, the ISP's being sued do have the money to fight. At least they have a chance (the old justice to the highest bidder game). And they have incentive to fight.
If they win, they now have a legal precident which would help deter future lawsuits, not just from the **AA, but from anyone with a gripe about a website. Think abortion friend/foe, various religious groups, companies (MS suing to block Linux sites for instance), etc. Face it. If every web site that contained something someone didn't like was blocked, there would be very few websites. If they fail to fight, they are just inviting many more lawsuits, again, not just from the **AA (see list above).
Now the big question is are the execs at the ISPs bright enough to see this.
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:5, Insightful)
No, you just won't be able to reach Listen4Ever.com from anywhere that goes through these backbone carriers. Carriers. That's an important word here. The RIAA isn't suing a copyright infringing website, they're suing the phone company. These backbone folks are "common carriers," meaning that they are not responsible for what passes over their cables.
An FTP request is an FTP request is an FTP request. If it goes to Listen4Ever.com, goatce.cx or whitehouse.gov, it doesn't matter to them. They've got a really fat pipe that they're trying to keep up. They're not some public library that went and accepted federal money to get on the net and has to put mommyware on their boxen, they're common carriers. Once they start picking and choosing what traffic to allow, they're responsible for all the traffic they carry: terrorists' instructions, gay bashing emails, kiddie porn and auctions of Nazi memorabilia.
The telcos aren't going to let anything take their common carrier protections away from them. I think that the RIAA finally took on the wrong opponent.
Re:Crappy music jokes aside (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Crappy music jokes aside (Score:3, Insightful)
No. They're not equal to compare. Child pornography is totally illegal. Music downloads are not.
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:3)
I expect the judge will provide the best justice that money can buy.
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:5, Insightful)
Seriously, if the RIAA goes through with this, you can kiss your ISP's fiscial stability good-bye.
Can you imagine how many sites for illegal content appear outside of the US? Can you imagine how many requests every large backbone provider would have to deal with? Can you imagine how quickly the blocking tables on the router would be stuffed to the gills?
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:3, Interesting)
Too much excess capacity, not enough fiber was a myth, etc.
There would have been demand for the capacity... if organizations like the RIAA had not ruled it illegal! As more and more of the good new uses of computers are being made illegal, demand for bandwidth is dropping. The same is happening for CPU power (DVD ripping, music encoding, etc.). End users are afraid to upgrade their computers, for fear of triggering Windows Product Activation. The whole tech economy is in a tailspin, caused by copyright greed....
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:5, Funny)
That Gigantic Fucking Amoeba-Thing from Zelda 64
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:5, Funny)
Sincerely, That Gigantic Fucking Amoeba-Thing from Zelda 64
Mom reads ./?
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:3, Funny)
So this single-celled organism, without so much as a finger to type with, has managed to acquire a Clue whilest the entire Recording Industry Association has not. I swear, sometimes it's a real shame we humans have insulated ourselves from 'survival of the fittest' because there's an awful lot of chumps out there that need to be Darwinized.
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:5, Informative)
Providing complete copies of copyrighted recordings is by no means fair use. Fair use would be providing short sections for critical discussion and analysis.
Take a look at this excellent article [chronicle.com] on real threats to fair use. It defines fair use as follows: "If you are accused of infringing, you can make an argument that your use of the protected works is 'fair' because of some combination of these factors: The nature of the original work makes it important that it be publicly discussed; the nature of your use of it is important because of teaching, research, or commentary; you do not use very much of the original work; your use does not significantly affect the market for the original work." All of these four criteria fail in the case of pirated popular music.
Tim Maroney tim@maroney.org
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:5, Insightful)
Should we sue the Post Office for anthrax sent through the mail? Sue the Dept of Highway Safety because a gangster robbed the bank then made his getaway on the highway? Sue the telephone service because a stalker keeps calling your house?
No company - no company - should be able to sue a communications company just because they don't like what somebody says. If the government of China doesn't want to shut it down, then the RIAA should be applying the powers that be there - not on the communications medium.
Personally, I hope that AT&T et all take them on and give them what for.
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:3)
Interesting point
But in this case, I would say the "getaway car driver" is the webhosting firm in China. A "getaway driver" is an active participant or conspirator in a crime. Is that what AT&T is?
I'd say the carrier ISP's are the *highway* (where have we head that term before :). Would you want to sue a road for something someone did on it?? It's totally illogical to sue the highway system because someone stole your car and drove on the highway with it.
What is
Re:from the rabid-knee-jerk-reactions dept. (Score:3, Funny)
I think the ISPs need to take preemptive action... (Score:3)
And I don't mean just their music sites, either. I mean everything owned or operated by any RIAA member. All of those sites should be made to simply disappear.
The RIAA, through its members, needs to be made to understand that there are some things that you simply do not fuck over, and infrastructure is one of those things. Backbone ISPs provide the infrastructure of the internet, and the RIAA needs to be forced to understand that they are just as vulnerable to being cut off as any site they might wish to see blocked.
Good idea (Score:3, Funny)
O_o~ (Score:5, Insightful)
oh cripes (Score:3, Funny)
Maybe... (Score:5, Funny)
Damn.... (Score:4, Funny)
Don't thank /., thank the RIAA! (Score:5, Funny)
Makes sense to me! (Score:3, Interesting)
Now would *needs* to happen is that someone needs to pass a law that bans the RIAA from doing *anything* on the internet. Hell, even saying or writing the *word* internet should hold hefty fines for them!
Re:Makes sense to me! (Score:3, Insightful)
This is wonderful! With this precidence set, I'll be able to sue the state for the highway I was on if I have an accident, and the power company for supplying the electricity that started a house fire.
Believe it or not, you can sue the city for negligence (e.g. if your car gets a flat tire from a pothole) or the power company for negligence (e.g. if a power line breaks and sets your house on fire).
You can hold a business accountable for negligence, even if you are not their customer. Banks can have their assets seized if they don't take steps to prevent money laundering. On a smaller scale, pawnbrokers are held responsible for selling stolen goods.
Generally, when an industry creates a technology that facilitates an illegal or dangerous act, that industry is held responsible for part of the cost of monitoring and preventing that action.
Thanks RIAA! (Score:5, Funny)
-1 Obvious (Score:3, Funny)
could be a good thing (Score:5, Insightful)
Yep, it's the T-Rex complex! (Score:5, Insightful)
Those RIAA nimwits may be meeting their match here. Not only do they have deep pockets, but think of it this way - when the folks in Washington see this battle, they may rethink what's more important: keeping the Information Superhighway (tm) alive and propelling the New Economy, or keeping the music industry alive in its current bloodsucking incarnation.
T-Rex, meet Godzilla. :-)
Re:Yep, it's the T-Rex complex! (Score:4, Funny)
More like Godzilla meet Mecha-Godzilla. Both are giant firebreathing monsters, and no matter who wins, the public (and the infrastructure) gets squished and charbroiled in the process.
Deep Pockets and Deeper Affiliations (Score:3, Insightful)
Notably missing are two leading ISPs owned by one of the plaintiffs: AOL and CompuServe. I'd be interested to know if those ISPs are blocking this site.
Well, at least they're suing, not blacklisting. My big fear has always been that freedom-loving ISPs would be made to restrict user access, or lose their backbone connections. And AOL/TW is a big backbone provider.
Re:Deep Pockets and Deeper Affiliations (Score:5, Interesting)
Yes and no. I've got RoadRunner, and Listen4Ever.com automagically routes me to MP3Mediaworld.com, which looks nothing like the cached version of Listen4Ever that Google gives me. So, there blocking it, but in a backhanded way that doesn't even let the average mp3 leech know what they're missing.
Re:Deep Pockets and Deeper Affiliations (Score:5, Informative)
Funny though when I went to www.listen4ever.com/software.htm, there was no redirect.
I will try to mod you up some more if I can, to get more people to notice.
Re:Deep Pockets and Deeper Affiliations (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Deep Pockets and Deeper Affiliations (Score:5, Interesting)
GET http://www.listen4ever.com/ HTTP/1.1
Host: www.listen4ever.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; I USE MOZILLA, Support Mozilla www.mozilla.org)
Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,te
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1, utf-8;q=0.66, *;q=0.66
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
+++RESP 112+++
HTTP/1.0 302 Moved Temporarily
Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 04:25:24 GMT
Location: http://www.mp3mediaworld.com
Content-Length: 149
Content-Type: text/html
X-Cache: MISS from sexy
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
+++CLOSE 112+++
[iw@sexy] ~ >lynx -noredir -dump -source http://www.listen4ever.com/
This object may be found @ HREF="http://www.mp3mediaworld.com"
Interesting ports on (
(The 1542 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port State Service
21 ftp
25 smtp
80 http
85 mit-ml-dev
135 loc-srv
139 netbios-ssn
1021 unknown
1025 listen
1030 iad1
1433 ms-sql-s
3389 msrdp
6666 irc-serv
Port 6666, looks like some gnutella clone or something..
-> repeats this line "f:\songlib/-NeAmL/IN/s/w1r`O"
I think this is a persons workstation, so they are redirecting to save bandwidth. (IMHO)
Lowest Common Denominator (Score:5, Insightful)
theme party (Score:5, Funny)
Re:theme party (Score:3, Funny)
I dunno, lemme try suing them...
Damn, they're already broke...
In other news... (Score:5, Funny)
"We can't make money on cars," said a representative of the Harness Makers Association of America (HMAA), "so they should be illegal. Think of all the poor horsies that would be turned into Elmer's if these criminal 'auto enthusists' got there way."
Politicians hailed the passing of the DMTA as a "strong step towards halting all progress and keeping the world exactly as it is. After all, change is scary!"
Re:In other news... (Score:3, Insightful)
I mean it's the airlines' responsibility to ensure that music pirates aren't using their routes to facilitate their misdeeds.
It's a good thing the RIAA hasn't heard of those Canadian pirates, coz then we'd have to shut down the highways, too.
We're Asking the Wrong Question (Score:5, Insightful)
It seems there are at least four or five stories about the RIAA every week on Slashdot. Most deal with circumventing their legal lobbying, technical approaches for dealing with proposed DRM techniques, and whatnot.
Meanwhile, it seems the RIAA sinks to a new depth every week. With this latest story, I think it's time the tech community started asking a different question. What can the tech community do to damage the RIAA or render them irrelevant? And what are the best legal methods for kicking the RIAA where it hurts?
Re:We're Asking the Wrong Question (Score:5, Interesting)
Er, don't buy music from recording labels? The best way to express your disapproval towards any business or group of businesses is to not buy their stuff.
Of course, as we've seen (bnet vs. Warcraft 3, MPAA vs. LOTR DVD), sticking to your principles is pretty tough. For example, I bought the new Linkin Park CD because I'm against the RIAA and, as it turns out, a hippocrite.
Re:We're Asking the Wrong Question (Score:3, Funny)
Everyone: stoy buying music and instead get illegal copies from your friends.
Oh, wait...
Do that when they start DOSing. B-) (Score:3, Funny)
That will be especially interesting when/if the RIAA gets congressional authorization to DOS P2Pers.
"Those guys were flooding our network with packets and DoSing some of our customers' customers. That's against our acceptable use policies and it was chewing up our backbone bandwidth. So we had to cut them off. No, it's just a coincidence that they were already suing us..."
listen4ever.com? (Score:3, Informative)
Audacity indeed (Score:4, Insightful)
Yeesh, turn off javascript if you click that link (Score:5, Interesting)
Just viewing the site launched endless popup ad windows some of which resized themselves to fill the whole screen, popped more windows when you closed the old ones, etc.
Interestingly, the actual mp3's come from an entirely different set of domains, that don't appear related to the gateway site and probably aren't hosted in China. The site being sued over is more like a portal (link farm) than an actual mp3 host. It has tons of "legitimate" advertising including audio devices, Visa cards, etc. But I couldn't stand looking at it long, because of all the damn popups.
Anyway, this isn't some warez kiddie's server, it's a highly commercial site, and it astounds me if RIAA is really having trouble finding its owners (asking its advertisers where they send their checks is an obvious approach).
Re:Yeesh, turn off javascript if you click that li (Score:4, Interesting)
The lizard [mozilla.org] is your friend...I went there, didn't see any popups at all, and refused their cookies (from multiple servers).
RIAA's obligitary business plan post (Score:5, Funny)
1) Screw customers
2) Screw now former-customers
3) Censor the internet
4) ???
5) Profit!
This is getting very annoying (Score:3, Funny)
Thank you,
"Every time I build, you American show up and take down my wall! Stop it! You take down my wall for the last time! Stupid Americans!"
AOL Time Warner Guilty Too (Score:5, Interesting)
The copyright infringement suit, filed in Manhattan federal court, seeks a court order requiring the defendants to block Internet communications that travel through their systems to and from the Listen4ever site.
I am a RoadRunner user and have no problem accessing the site. If AOLTW is going to sue somebody to block communications, why haven't they taken this "simple" measure within their own systems?
aimed at a US audience? (Score:4, Insightful)
Nice... (Score:4, Funny)
Not a good move by the RIAA (Score:5, Insightful)
You may think that the RIAA is good at influencing the legal and political process, but I think they've just picked a fight they can't hope to win. The big backbone providers got to where they are through skillful manipulation of the system. If any set of entities is capable of playing the litigation game, it has got to be the phone and cable companies.
First off, every other case the RIAA has attempted has been against shallow pockets. Not so here. While WorldCom is in trouble, they do have a large legal team sitting around doing nothing (can't work on the bankruptcy 'cause that's not their area). I don't think I need mention how deep the pockets of ATT, Sprint, et. al. are.
Also, in the past they've gone against entities without experience. At any one time any major phone company is involved in more litagation than you can imagine (minimum of 3 major legal actions per state--justifying their current rates, attacking the justification their competitors give for their rates, and fighting to keep their preferred status as incumbant carrier, besides various federal and local actions). They know how to take full advantage of the rules, which rules they have to follow, which they can bend, and which they can break. They'll make dragging any information out of them during discovery a total nightmare, while at the same time demanding the most minor scraps of records the RIAA has. They'll abuse the calander, run the clock, and overall be just not very nice.
The RIAA may act like an 800 lb. gorrilla, but they've just picked a fight with the 8000 lb. bunch. Not a good idea.
Re:Not a good move by the RIAA (Score:5, Insightful)
I think the RIAA does not actually expect to go to court. They probably just want the backbone providers to compare the cost of going to court versus simply blacklisting "just one web site". Once the Listen4ever.com precedent has been set, then the RIAA could keep pestering the backbone providers with more web sites to blacklist.
Re:Not a good move by the RIAA (Score:5, Interesting)
Also in response to Renraku's comment above.
The trouble is, there is a cost to blacklisting : violation of their contractual peering/carrier responsibilities. They have agreed to carry a lot of traffic. Some for money, some in exchange for peering, but they've agreed to carry it nevertheless. If they just cave, then they open themselves to suits from all of the people they've contracted with for breach of contract.
Now, true, you can't contract to do something illegal and have the contract be enforcable. However, they need to make a reasonable effort to fulfill their contractual obligations, which would include fighting back. Additionally, this is a civil matter, and not a criminal one, so even if they fight and loose, they could still be drug into court over failure to deliver. They may win such cases, but if they just cave to the RIAA, they can't also just cave to all of their customers. And their customers aren't small fry either -- I believe UUNET now requires you to have 3 geographically distant POP's connected by 10 Mbit to even vaguely consider peering.
Also, corporations are fully aware of the idea of setting a bad precident (shit, is that spelled right? 'prolly not). Every time they let somebody dictate what they can carry, it makes it that much easier for the next person who wants another IP block to be stopped at the border. The big baddass backbone routers already have oversized routing tables--they simply can't afford to add any unnecessary entries. And if adding these entries causes service to slip, well, most big backbones include all sorts of lovely penalty provisions against themselves in their carrier contracts, because they know that they can charge extra for the ironclad guaruntee.
No, they all but have to fight. They can either fight the RIAA in one big battle, or fight their customers in a hundred big battles. 1 is a lot less than 100...
Haha suckas... yeah mess with the big boys (Score:5, Funny)
Hehe. I can imagine the executives meeting.
"What do you guys control?"
"I control cell phones."
"I am the master of cable."
"I am the undisputed champion of the US Internet backbone."
"So... what do you control for world domination?"
"Ummm.... CD music. Not anything good though, just the really commercialized stuff."
*crowd contains guffaws and laughter starts leaking out*
Self-Inflicted? (Score:5, Interesting)
The only reservation I have on this point is that I'm not sure all the parties involved have taken steps that could be considered abandoning common carrier status. For example, while I'm sure I remember seeing AT&T Broadband taking such actions, I don't remember seeing anything from UUNET that would expose them to this kind of action.
Of course, previous establishment of common carrier status for ISPs was under a slightly different political climate. The attitude towards the Net has changed. New deals have been done in business and politics. All bets could very well be off.
Upcoming lawsuits from RIAA (Score:5, Funny)
* Power suppliers for making peoples computers run.
* CD-R makers for making piracy easy.
* Microsoft for making WMA (which listen4ever.com uses)
* Linus Torvalds for making Linux and Bill Gates for making Windows which both enable music on computers thus encouraging piracy.
* Consumers for not buying enough CDs.
* Movie companies and game creators for making products that are worth the money so that kids use their money on DVDs and games instead of music.
* Themself for publishing music, thus making it subject to piracy.
Given the right judges (Score:3, Interesting)
The RIAA would be well within their rights to sue Listen4ever in an international court, but suing the ISPs because it's too difficult to track down the copyright infringers is like suing the phone company because someone is hassling you from a series of public telephones and it's too hard to catch the caller.
The only point I can think of for the RIAA is that maybe there should be a process for shutting down a domain that is clearly violating international law. That raises all kinds of other issues, but pushing for amendments to international treaties might be an acceptable way for them to deal with their problem.
(Admittedly it would also be awfully hard to implement effectively given how easy it is to register a new domain name. In the end the only real solution is to catch the perpetrators; if that's too difficult, then you just have to live with the issue until you can improve your methods of finding and prosecting them.)
Making the ISP responsible for the messages it conveys basically shuts it down as a medium of free communication, and that's a price that is way too high for protecting copyright holders.
Fair rights has nothing to do with it (Score:3, Insightful)
The issue at hand has absolutely nothing to do with fair rights usage.
It is not your fair usage right to violate copyright holders by downloading all of the warez and mp3s that you so desire. If you want that, stick with cable TV. This is the Internet, an information sharing network -- if the information is not your's to publish, then don't.
The issue at hand is the question of if the communication network which provides access by Americans to a Chinese based system which violates United States law.
For people who violate copyright law by publishing duplicate copies of commercial software and copyrighted music and movies, I have no sympathy. Shut this server down.
The Chinese website in question is clearly violating United States law. It may also be violating Chinese law, but to this I am not knowing.
This action seems very similar to the legal pursuits of the French government against eBay and Yahoo for posting content which is illegal in their country, but not in the U.S. Specifically, they were after WWII memorabilia, and anything deemed to be offensive by the French government.
Are ISPs which provide transit access to illegal material themselves responsible for the illegal material itself, even though it is under a different administrative domain outside of their control, and outside of the control of the U.S. government?
I do not think so. This is like holding the phone companies responsible for someone who did something illegal using their network. The ISPs in question do not condone or approve of the server in question which is violating U.S. law.
I hope you do not condone it either. There are enough mp3 downloading fools on this network already. I use the Internet to publish a daily journal, to share pictures that I take with my digital camera, and to communicate ORIGINAL WORKS by myself to others, and to obtain their own original works.
Fair rights ain't got nothing to do with it.
Whoa (Score:5, Funny)
And in other news... (Score:3, Funny)
How are ISPs violating copyright? (Score:5, Insightful)
This is a serious problem with the digital world. The more digital things become, the more individual things can be blocked. Imagine if the power-grid was digital. Your computer would need a form of address to get the appropriate amount of power for your device. Then imagine the power company could specifically disallow power to that device. In a case like that, I could see the RIAA suing an electric company to not provide power to computers that go to an offending site. It's ridiculous that the RIAA could win, but if a case like this one goes the right way, it could establish a bizarre precedant.
I guess what I'm saying is: Just because somebody has the power to block this type of thing, doesn't mean they are obligated to. The RIAA has laws in their favor to go after somebody who does something like Listen4Ever has. The ISP's shouldn't have to pay because the RIAA isn't willing to do the necessary investigation to find out how to shut that server down. They're not the ones committing the crime, they are not even aiding them in copyright infractions. If the ISP's aren't treating them any differently than they are treating anybody else, I don't see how they can be held accountable if somebody breaks the law.
No organization should have that kind of power.
Re:How are ISPs violating copyright? (Score:4, Informative)
LOL, thanks for telling me about the site, RIAA (Score:5, Insightful)
Now, I think I'll go and download some Christina Aguilera music. I don't particularly like her (more of a B. Spears person), but since its free, I'll take it.
Seriously, ISPs have no business blocking web sites, or otherwise censoring the net. They are there to connect people to the internet, not to block them off from parts of it that special interests think we shouldn't see.
Legal equivalent (Score:5, Insightful)
Avoiding U.S. law (Score:3, Interesting)
Interesting. The same device that the U.S. is using to hold prisoners indefinitely at Guantanamo Bay. Too bad we (America) didn't think to patent that practice. Though if we did, RMS would probably object
This could be a good thing... (Score:3, Insightful)
1. - they may put their common carrier status at risk; and,
2. - other illegal content should be blocked as well.
So, if you live in a state where spam is illegal, a natural extension would be for the backbone carriers to block spam sites (of course, the problem with open relays means all of the far east may be blocked, but hey, spam is spam.) Of course, when jurisdictions start forcing the blockage of legitimate (read RIAA member) music sites because of language or other content, cutting them off from their customers, the RIAA may wish they never went down this road.
Not that I really think forcing the pipe owners to block content is a good idea, but the law, like landminds, can harm friend and foe alike. It's all in how a weapon is used.
Don't Buy Music From These Labels (Score:3, Informative)
Fuck it, I'm sick of it. (Score:3, Interesting)
I turned 25 last month. I'm a resident of my state. I've still got three months until November. Does anybody know of any "Running for Congress for Dummies" websites or books out there? I think I've found most of the necesary paperwork [state.la.us] but I don't think that's all there is to it...
With the direction America is heading (Score:3, Interesting)
User Agent Redirect on Listen4ever.com (Score:5, Informative)
Any IE derivative browser gets to listen4ever, anything else gets mp3mediaworld.com.
Thanks to Ethereal and Mozilla's customisable user-agent setting, I can now actually get to the site in Mozilla and turn off those squillion pop-ups.
Oh and a big thanks to the RIAA for letting us know about this site
Re:User Agent Redirect on Listen4ever.com (Score:3, Informative)
Google is your friend.. but in cases like this, it's hard to find the right search terms... "user-agent mozilla" gets you close, but anyway, here's what you need.
Put this in a file called "user.js" in your profiles directory (it should be in the same directory as "prefs.js")
This will make IE-only sites believe that Mozilla is IE5.0
When you want to download a song, you need to right-click and "save link target as..." otherwise (in my case, anyway) mozilla will download the file and try and run it in your mp3 player without prompting you to save to disk.
We need to support Candidates (Score:3, Informative)
He could sure use everyone's help.
What's really weird about this (Score:3, Interesting)
Question... (Score:3, Insightful)
If its all legal battles, why cant we fight back? Why are we so powerless? Why cant we win?
I regret to say that we of the F.B.I. are powerless to act in cases of oral-genital intimacy, unless it has in some way obstructed interstate commerce. - J. Edgar Hoover
Things to do about RIAA... (Score:5, Informative)
The number one thing you can do is to get them legally disbanded (discorporated).
The Government Giveth... The Government Can Damn Well Taketh Away.
The Recording Industry Association of America is a California Corporation, corporate number C1858372.
Contact CAlifornia Secretary of State Bill Jones, and request that their incorporation as a legal entity be terminated. Contact information follows...
Mail or in person:
California Secretary of State
1500 11th Street
Sacramento, California 95814
Public Contact Phone Numbers:
General Information - (916) 653-6814
Corporations Unit & Branch Offices - (916) 657-5448
Executive Office - (916) 653-7244
Legislative & Constituent Services - (916) 653-6774
Political Reform Division - (916) 653-6224
PS: For good measure:
- Governor Gray Davis
- State Capitol Building
- Sacramento, CA 95814
- Phone: 916-445-2841
- Fax: 916-445-4633
- governor@governor.ca.gov
-- Terry
Stop Buying Music and Listening to the Radio (Score:3, Insightful)
We don't like this. So let's put our money where our mouths are. Stop buying from them, and stop buying from their sponsors. Stop listening to the radio stations that broadcast their crap, and encourage others to do the same. This kind of shit has to stop.
Yes, what I'm saying is boycott the music industry.
I don't listen to the radio anymore (pop music sucks anyway). I go and watch local bands in bars, and buy their CDs from them. It's good stuff too. You can always find someone in your area doing good stuff.
Also, there are tons of independent record labels. They also have good music. Buy from them.
That's my two cents.
Hard to say... (Score:5, Insightful)
Of course the safe harbor provisions were intended for the ISP at the end of the line. So I'm not sure what legal precedent would be in play here. Given that these carriers are common carriers, with no control over the content they carry, I should think the RIAA would lose the case. If they didn't, then it would become the responsibility of carriers to monitor traffic on their networks for illegal activity, etc. It would be akin to holding AT&T responsible for embezzling because two mafiosos talked to eachother over a long distance phone call.
Re:Hard to say... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:ok... (Score:5, Insightful)
Well, as of late, the RIAA has been pushing the theory of "contributory copyright infringement". In essence, it goes like this: You didn't infringe any copyrights. But you helped someone else infringe them. So you're just as guilty. As the
Re:Eeep! (Score:3, Insightful)
He said, and forked out $17.99 for another CD.
The citizens do have the power -- if they didn't buy CDs, the RIAA wouldn't have the money for lawsuits like this. The problem is, this doesn't mean you have a right to bootleg music just because you don't want to pay for it, and like most citizens, you don't actually care about this issue enough to go through the inconvenience of not listening to new music.
Your mouth is saying `screw the RIAA', and your money is saying `thank you, may I have another?'.
Re:"us domain name" (Score:3, Funny)
whois record - Re:U.S. Domain name? (Score:3, Informative)
Whois Server Version 1.3
Domain names in the
with many different competing registrars. Go to http://www.internic.net
for detailed information.
Whois Server: whois.melbourneit.com
Referral URL: http://www.melbourneit.com
Updated Date: 08-jan-2002
>>> Last update of whois database: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 17:02:01 EDT
The Registry database contains ONLY
Found crsnic referral to whois.melbourneit.com.
Domain Name.......... listen4ever.com
Creation Date........ 2002-01-09
Registration Date.... 2002-01-09
Expiry Date.......... 2003-01-09
Organisation Name.... Jun Sun
Organisation Address. No.15 Xinghua yizhi road.
Organisation Address.
Organisation Address. tianjin
Organisation Address. 300381
Organisation Address. Tianjin
Organisation Address. CHINA
Admin Name........... kery crise
Admin Address........ Rotterdam-Maasvlaktee Europaweg
Admin Address........
Admin Address........ Rotterdam
Admin Address........ 223211
Admin Address........ Rotterdam
Admin Address........ CHINA
Admin Email.......... yourlisten4ever@yahoo.com
Admin Phone.......... (31)10-2217741
Admin Fax............ 31)10-2217752
Tech Name............ luo qiang qiang
Tech Address......... Linguo beilu
Tech Address.........
Tech Address......... Lasa
Tech Address......... 223211
Tech Address......... Xizang
Tech Address......... CHINA
Tech Email........... sfp@eyou.com
Tech Phone........... (86)0891-63322444
Tech Fax............. (86)0891-63322444
Name Server.......... dns1.hichina.com
Name Server.......... dns2.hichina.com
Re:This is your reward for voting for Bush (Score:5, Insightful)
Guess what! The Democrats entire campaign was also built on huge contributions. Furthermore, they Democrats are the partly closest to Hollywood and the entertainment industry. The biggest pusher of digital rights management (read: restrictuions on what you can do with media) are Democrat congressmen.
But wait... the truth...
That wouldn't stop you from a baseless troll against Bush!
Corporations do what corporations will do.
The real problem here is that congress passes bills extending ownership "rights." A copyright is *not* a natural right. It is granted as a result of the authority given in the US Constituiton. However, that grant also includes a phrase about public interest.
If you elect politicians who vote for judges who actually read the constitution (i.e. "original intent"), you might get judges who would find many of these copyright abuses to be unconstitutional - not supported by the copyrights and patens clause in the US Constitution.
But guess what? THOSE politicians are republican conservatives. Oops...
Oh well, that won't stop the Bush bashing...
Too many people have been brainwashed into believing that Republicans are the tools of corporations, while Democrats are somehow the saviors of the people. Wake up! Corporations give to whoever they think will support their business. And Hollywood gives to DEMOCRATS.
Re:And the RIAA doesn't go after radio? (Score:5, Interesting)
The arguments about lower quality music selling CDs is one of the two core factors of the RIAA business model. If you like a song played on FM or via any MP3 provider, you'll buy the CD, it's a lot less hassle than a 50 meg CD audio and you get full quality and all the nuances you paid for when you got your big bucks stereo or Dolby Pro Logic system.
The difference? If I'm an independent artist, I can upload to any P2P or any Internet Radio provider that's left. If listeners like what they here on P2P, they'll tell their friends. If the owner/DJ of a Internet Radio station likes it, they'll play it on the "air". No money changed hands.
As an independent artist, (which I'm not) I can NOT get access to a FM radio station playlist without paying a shitload of money to an "independent promoter" who pays the radio station in an under or over the counter transaction. Even given the money, the good timeslots go to the regular customers, all of which are RIAA labels.
So RIAA labels have a monopoly on FM radio content. That's where the sheeple go to hear "new music". Anything you hear on commercial radio is a commercial for an RIAA label band or musician. (A series of Salon articles lays out the whole deal [salon.com]) That's the OTHER core factor in the RIAA label business model, exclusive access to FM radio.
If an artist goes platinum without record company backing, he'll have made $5M-$10M. If one goes platinum for the first time with a label behind him, he might break even against his record label advances, partially due to legit advances but mainly due to Enron-style economics.
The day one goes platinum without a record label, the business model used by all the RIAA labels just went into the dumper.
Metallica will hear "this guy went platinum and made 5 MILLION DOLLARS OFF HIS FIRST RECORD?"... and I predict they will be among the very first to tell their lawyers "GET US OUT OF THIS RECORD LABEL CONTENT NOW!!!". However, this will probably be page 10 of Billboard, that issue of the magazine will be the first "all lawsuit" issue.
With Internet Radio and P2P unplugged, the record industry can say to an artist "You make a living with us or not at all, without us, the only people you can sell CDs to are the ones who show up at your gigs."
Without exclusive control by labels over any method a musician can use to get to the public, all a RIAA label is, is a ruinously expensive source of venture capital, both in terms of money and personal integrity, and if they change their mind about promoting a record, the musician can;t legally work.
Anyone who talks about piracy is either a conscious shill for the industry or parroting industry propaganda. Check out what Courtney Love and Janis Ian have to say about this. (presumably you know how to use Google)
MP3s and songs played back on analog FM are promotional tools, NOT products.