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Faith Returns to Buffy 252

duffbeer writes "According to an article at Yahoo!, Eliza Dushku will be in the upcoming Buffy season 7! Five episodes are scheduled, along with three over on Angel. Now starting the oft-mentioned space-cowboy-thriller Firefly on Fox, I wonder if Joss have enough juice left over to invent plots for Faith as entertaining as those in the past?" Since the Slayer line has to continue through Faith, and since Gellar wants to leave the show after season 7, there is much interesting plot potential with Faith's return.
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Faith Returns to Buffy

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  • by Mononoke ( 88668 ) on Sunday September 01, 2002 @09:31AM (#4180302) Homepage Journal
    Eliza Dushku can kick my ass anytime.


  • always refreshing when taco posts about buffy. good to know I'm not alone in my fanaticism.
  • Having never seen this Buffy show that you speak of I had to do some research. I discovered that Eliza Dushku is an attractive woman [].
    • Jeeze! I had forgotten all about this movie [].
      • *drool*
        Which movie is that?

        Does she appear naked somewhere?
        • Does she get naked! not likely.
          checkout the Celebrity Nudity Database (the whole concept of which makes me laugh).

          It was really weird when i realised that it was Eliza Dushku who played the daughter in True Lies.

          "Bring it on"
          a light hearted amusing movie about cheerleading
          also features Kirsten Dunst and the one who played Glory in Buffy.

          Im just another Teenage fanboy!

          Mmm Kirsten Dunst in "get over it" pointless and gratuitous scene just so that we get to see her at the pool in a bikini.
          Mmm Kirsten Dunst in Spiderman, unecessary rain and a tight dress ... thanks Sam Raimi ;)

          • That's a great site.. thanks for telling me about it.
            Unfortunately, it adopted the "mostly text" approach of IMDB, which can be a big bummer for anyone who wants to see nude chicks now.
      • Jeeze! I had forgotten all about this movie

        She kind of looks like this cleavagey slut-bomb walking around going "oh check me out, I'm wicked cool, I'm five by five."
    • I discovered that Eliza Dushku is an attractive woman [].

      Pretty much have to be. Playing a Vampire Slayer is pretty physical. By the time you work your body into a shape that can handle the stunts, you're pretty much guaranteed to be in nice shape.

      (personally, I always thought that Tara (Amber Benson []) was the babe of the Buffy series).

    • Yeah. She is totally delicious. I "discovered" her after my wife convinced me to watch "Bring it On".
    • Well, duh.

      Every major character in a primetime show these days, especially women, are "pleasent looking young ladies". That's the point.

      These people make money off of their looks. And, what, did you think Buffy was such a popular show because of its excellent writing?

      Thats just the way television works.
  • I've seen her in 3 different movies/TV shows and never understood why she always looked so familiar.. until I checked her name in IMDB []. Besides of Faith, She was Schwartz' daughter in True Lies and Missy in JayAndSilentBobStrikeBack (sucky movie, btw.. Clerks and Chasing Amy were much better).

    Is she single?
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Is she single?

      Yes, and I hear she's attracted to fat, ugly, pear-shaped, acne-faced, loser nerds who've never been on a date, so go for it.

    1. I know it's been said before, but...So What?
    2. Besides the original replacement slayer from Africa was MUCH more interesting than that snotty Faith character.
    • i dont get it, why isn;t there a 3rd slayer now?, buffy did die last season, right?
      • by bnenning ( 58349 ) on Sunday September 01, 2002 @12:52PM (#4180965)
        why isn;t there a 3rd slayer now?, buffy did die last season, right?

        The death-trigger only works once. Buffy has already died at the end of the 1st season (thereby summoning Kendra), so nothing happened when she died again.

        It's like how a Java object gets garbage collected; you can resurrect it in its finalize() method, but when it's garbage collected again later finalize() won't be called a second time.

  • ...since Gellar wants to leave the show after season 7, there is much interesting plot potential with Faith's return.

    Yep! Since Little sis is going to take over the family business. Or something.
    • Yep! Since Little sis is going to take over the family business. Or something.

      Except that Dawn doesn't have any superpowers. Is she going to braid the demons' hair to death? Although, if she doesn't have Buffy's strange aversion to guns, I suppose she could just shoot them.
      • Except that Dawn doesn't have any superpowers. Is she going to braid the demons' hair to death? Although, if she doesn't have Buffy's strange aversion to guns, I suppose she could just shoot them.

        You think that Buffy and all the other Slayers called before her had their powers all their life? No, the power comes when the previous Slayer falls. I'm guessing that Faith will die, and Little sis gets the gig. But then, we can't call it 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' anymore.
  • Now that would be a reason to watch Buffy again!
  • potential? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by tiedyejeremy ( 559815 ) on Sunday September 01, 2002 @10:10AM (#4180415) Homepage Journal
    They have to do something. Since the move to UPN, something has been different. Buffy has gone the way of most sitcoms in that unless you have seen 3 of the 5 most recent episodes, the storyline is lost. Buffy used have stand alone episodes - each was fun, "light", and had both a beginning and an end. Lately, ever since Glorificus, it has been impossible to watch episodes out of order. The Buffy character seems to have been written into a corner, and even the introduction of the 3 arch nemisises (this is the slashdot tie-in) and their subsequent disposal has not been able break the cyclic decline into soap operadom. Maybe, if Faith kills everyone and becomes the dark slayer, we can return to the stand alone episodes of the early days and leave behind political statments and ratings whoring of the lesbian duo. I just wish they would do another musical episode. Once More, With Feeling is my favorite by far. My $.02 - and remember, an opinion is never worth more than you paid for it.
    • Re:potential? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Sethb ( 9355 ) <> on Sunday September 01, 2002 @10:55AM (#4180545)
      Bite your friggin' tongue. The thing I like most about Buffy is that there IS continuity. They make one-line references to things that happened 3 seasons ago, and foreshadow things that will happen 4 episodes from now. That's what makes the show intelligent, plot arcs.

      I feel like I'm having the debate about which is better, Star Trek: TNG, or Deep Space Nine. For stand-alone episodes, TNG wins hands-down, "The Inner Light" and "Best of Both Worlds" clinch it alone. But, for plot lines, intrigue, and suspense sustained over an entire season, Deep Space Nine wins easily. I'm not going to claim that either series was better than the other, though I'll give ST:TNG credit for fueling a renewed interest in Star Trek in a younger generation.

      It's all about what kind of TV you want to watch, if you like being able to watch TV episodes in any order, and having the characters live inside a bubble in which they never reference anything that happened in the past, that's fine, it's your choice. But for people who are really fans of a show, it's a much more rewarding viewing experience to know that each episode is only one part of a larger picture.

      I also appreciate that (apart from Vampires, Demons, etc.) Buffy is one of the most realistic shows on TV when it comes to human intereactions. I'm not some hard core Buffy disciple either, I just started watching it this summer when a co-worker convinced me to sic my TiVo on it when FX started showing it from the beginning. For what I mean by realism, watch the episode where Buffy goes to college, and the little things that she and her roomie do to get back at each other.

      And, Buffy scores one more point with me for making frequent references to movies and pop culture, especially when Xander does it. Roger Ebert wrote, in his review of Jay & Silent Bob, that it always feels so strange when you watch a movie or TV show in which the characters have apparently never seen a movie or TV show, and they never reference it. Next time you're out with your friends, see how many pop culture references you make to movies or TV shows, then notice how few movies or shows will ever include a reference to another show, it just feels weird. A good example of this was when Buffy and some college guys were turned into cave-people by some tainted beer, Xander said they were out "Questing for Fire", which got a good snicker out of me. :)
      • A good example of this was when Buffy and some college guys were turned into cave-people by some tainted beer, Xander said they were out "Questing for Fire", which got a good snicker out of me.

        "And we've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into Jawa burgers and not one of you bunch has the midiclorians to stop her!"
  • by EvilBastard ( 77954 ) on Sunday September 01, 2002 @10:12AM (#4180420) Homepage
    Find a show on TV today showing a better role model for the 'nerds' of the generation, even without getting into the whole gay/bisexual nerds can be important also subplot.

    Take the quiet kid at school, bit of an outsider, not liked by anyone except an old male friend. In her spare time, she browses the town's computers systems, and has 'Accidentally' broken into pretty much every computer in the town [1]

    Then a superhero turns up, saves her life and gives her some direction and a new sense of priorities. She begins spreading further and wider, meets up with another nerd crossing old tech and new tech, picks up on that and forges a valuable weapon in the defense of the world (althout she did accidentally releases a self-multiplying daemon onto the internet, a bit like Robert Morris, Jr did [2]). She even ends up teaching some classes in Highschool to people her own age[3].

    She gets offered a job at the worlds largest software manufacturer [4], and pretty much every university in the world [5] but turns it down to fight evil instead. When the highschool is threatened, the athletic and the popular kids turn to her as one of the few people who can help [6].

    Arriving in College, still the outsider, she still wanders around before finally discovering that there are other people like her, and when they get together there is practically nothing they cannot do [7] including giving her the power to attack a God [8], take over as the leader of the team that defends Earth from Hell for six months [9], and when her lover is killed she decides to destroy the entire world to save everyone from the pain of living[10]

    If that's not a path to base your entire life on, I don't know what is. Also, she's the only person to ever have a iMac laptop upgraded with the telepathic optional kit, making it actually useful.

    Personally, I hope that SMG does quit so they can have the Scooby Gang series : Willow, Xander, Giles and Dawn. Other people won't agree with me, but there's more stories to work with if they have to remake the Slayer out of her clone with Faith's Assistance, then by continuing with Buffy

    (In case you were keeping count:
    [1] Welcome to the Hellmouth
    [2] I Robot, You Jane
    [3] Passion
    [4] What's My Line
    [5] Choices
    [6] Graduation Day
    [7] Hush
    [8] Tough Love
    [9] Barganing
    [10] Grave)
    • *claps hands*
      everybody together!!!

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Oh God, be quiet you sad bastard. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is easily the most overrated show of all time. It's Beverly Hills 90210 with vampires and demons... it's no deeper than that. "Ohh... it's about the difficulty of puberty and the adult world... and it represents them using demons! How marvellous!" No, it's a show about attractive teenagers - it is, at best, a well choreagraphed fighting show with some decent stunts - and, at worst, crudely written wank material for lonely nerds.

      Get a fucking life, and Taco too.

      • Oh man, where are my mod points today...this has to be one of the most insightful posts I've read today.
  • by ScroP ( 536977 )
    That new FireFly show, judging by the preview at least, is a complete rip-off of Outlaw Star. Theplot looks exactly the same.
    • God, Im glad I wasn't the only one who thought that. When I first saw the commercial, I thought, where's the cat girl?
    • Outlaw Star was a complete rip-off of anime
      in general. That didn't keep it from being
      a good show that could stand on its own merits
      without being compared to everything that had
      come before it.

      Besides, (looking at the website) you could apply the same arguement in claiming Firefly
      takes ideas from Andromeda or Farscape, which
      are more likely to be in the notice of ratings
      minded TV execs than some show that happened to
      make a splash on the Cartoon Network.
    • You know Outlaw star was actually my second thought after seeign a quick clip on TV the otehr day (I was bored what can I say?)... It was right after cowboy bebop... As well as quickly followed by such other shows as Andromeda & Farscape... As well as a few others... I'm just hoping he might make me want to watch something on TV again (I loved the whole Buffy series, but was forced to tune out at season 4 due to station issues)... I've watched most of the ones I've listed above & if he can fix the few issues I've had with those shows I may have finally found something to watch again...
  • by tcc ( 140386 ) on Sunday September 01, 2002 @10:43AM (#4180514) Homepage Journal
    Season 6 was terrible.... the acting looked terrible, the character interraction was terrible (blaaa lbaaa blaa blaa blaaa, 1 fight scene or 2, blaaa blaaa blaaa blaa blaa)

    I mean, it's okay to have character interaction, but over 50% of talking and silence and so on in a show that you were looking at because it had a "season" storyline and lots of action and intrigues to which you didn't want to miss anything. In that season 5 rocked, and when buffy died, she should have stayed dead, after that the show just plain sucked (exept maybe the last episode of season 6).

    Look at Angel, season 3 just rocked, they kept the same mood, storyline, action, darkness, heck this is supposed to be the "buffy for girls" show and I am way more on that one than on Buffy.

    I always thought a good show ends up at it's peak with a good end of story, and if you want to cash in extra, you create a spinnoff that will rock as much (angel rocks). Waiting till a show suck just enough that it loses all popularity in order to cancel it shouldn't be the way to do things. And there would be trememdous value after to buy the whole episodes on DVD season by season (and ALL of them would actually sell) and be of great entertainment. Of course, we're talking about the TV industry..... so... if they'd be any stronger and have it their way, they'd film a rock for 30 minutes and charge us for it.

    • Waiting till a show suck just enough that it loses all popularity in order to cancel it shouldn't be the way to do things. And there would be trememdous value after to buy the whole episodes on DVD season by season (and ALL of them would actually sell) and be of great entertainment. Of course, we're talking about the TV industry..... so... if they'd be any stronger and have it their way, they'd film a rock for 30 minutes and charge us for it.

      Uh, I got lost in the rambling, so I'm not sure exactly whether you were referring to BTVS or Angel here, or just TV in general, but both series have been released on DVD. In the UK, you can get Buffy up to season 6, and Angel up to season 2 (see amazon UK). In North America, due to "syndication" you can only get Buffy up to season 2 (3 release this winter) and I don't know if you can get Angel at all. And, yes, they sell quite well.
    • Sure, there were a few weak points (like the card-shark-demon-guy who actually looked like a shark) but Season 6 also had some of my favorite Buffies ever:

      1. "Smashed" (the one where Spike and Buffy finally hook up, oblivious to the building crumbling around them)
      2. "Once More With Feeling" (C'mon, they were all singing! That's awesome!!)
      3. "Normal Again" (where Buffy must choose between her screwed up reality and a safe, vampire-free future in a mental hospital)

      This is the best-written show on TV. I will watch until they stop making them, and I hope that's not anytime soon.

      • by Anonymous Coward
        Sure, there were a few weak points (like the card-shark-demon-guy who actually looked like a shark)

        That wasn't a weak point. In fact, it was foreshadowed/prophecied over a year earlier in the end of season 4 episode. If you rewatch that, you'll notice Spike wearing the same suit in both episodes AND they'll talk about a shark... on land... with feet. I found that hilarious.
      • I agree that those three episodes were really, really good, but they're getting fewer and further between - just like the Simpsons, which can still be incredibly funny on occasions.

        In my opinion, the show is running out of dramatic territory to cover, and it would be nice if it was allowed to die gracefully while we're still watching instead of die a miserable near-ignored death like so many fine shows.

    • Angel has never been the same since they got rid of Doyle. Gotta love the funny stereotypical Irish messer.

      On the upside Angle provided plenty of excuses to see more of the gorgeous [] Julie [] Benz [].

      I have always felt that Angel was really weak and even though the style was a little darker i dont think the content was really any darker than buffy, but then i have probably been completely desensitised by watching the HBO prison drama Oz [] which rocks.

      I always thought it was an interesting coincidence how the film "Bring it on" had vampire connections: Kirsten Dunst, interview with a vampire; Elisha Dusku, aka Faith the Vampire Slayer; and whats her name who played Glory in Buffy.

    • I agree that the premise of Buffy is beginning to wear out. I'm a rabid fan, but I'd rather see the show go away than descend into standard TV mediocrity.

      That being said, I really think that Season 6 was almost great. Unfortunately, when you're doing this kind of creative risk-taking "almost great" usually is equivalent to "bad".

      When you say, "They should have let her stay dead", you're forgetting that they chose to kill her off in the first place. In fact, the death and ressurrection had been planned more than a season before. A big gamble -- especially when you've just made a big point that Bringing Back the Dead is a big no-no.

      Such an ambitious story twist required soom really good follow-up. And that's where they blew it. Af first they seemed to be leading into a really good arc, which involved a long-standing "good" character getting seduced by her own power and going over to the dark side. But then they seemed to lose track of what they were doing, going off in every which direction. Some of these directions were sort of good (the Evil Nerds had their moments) but most of it was recycled corniness that was better suited to an After School Special. (Magic as addiction? Barf!) Worst of all, none of it did anything to advance the main story arc.

      Plus they put some of the characters though changes totally at odds with their past history. And then finally they picked up the original arc very clumsily, killing off a popular character in the process, but not making any real connection with the ideas raised at the beginning of the season. The final eps were very well done -- but I couldn't enjoy them, having been so frustrated by the way they were set up.

      Despite his protestations to the contrary, I've come to think that Joss Whedon has spread himself too thin. He claims he delegated Buffy to people who know his mind, but the sad truth is that Season 6 foundered on gimmicks that he never allowed when he ran the show directly. He needs either to do a better job of delegating, or scale his work back.

    • (tons of spoilers - I just finished watching last night)

      Odd, I thought this season kept building on what Season 5 offered, and was better than season 4. And of course, let me toss in the fanboy "Angel sucks, aside from Spike's monologue in Season 1"
      (you know, where Spike "narrates" a meeting between Angel and some female - "now to get some of that Nancy-boy hair gel I like so much. Quickly, to the Angel-mobile, away!).

      Lessee. Buffy had to get a real job, deal with being alive again, tormented by coming back, the sexual relationship with Spike, the Legion of Supernerds, The Asylum, her best friend going bad etc, etc.

      This could have become the 90125 season of Buffy, and while it had flirtations with it, pulled through with spirit intact. Maybe it was a little too dark. Maybe the last 5 episodes were a little too cliffhanger. Maybe the tone this season was a bit dark. Maybe the ending was a little too quickly resolved (I found it damn clever that Xander, who keeps being picked on for being normal, saves the world). But it rocked, harder than any other season. I didn't think they'd be able to beat last season. Happily, I was wrong.

      More than anything, this was almost a "piss off the fanboy" season. Joss has been known to do this, and I think either he or Marti decided to do it HARD this season:

      Kill off a major character, turn another into the season's "Big Bad", threaten their relationship with the show (Asylum), go a little dark with the Spike relationship. Oh, and make fun of the fanbase... I died laughing pretty much every time with the Legion of Supernerds. How many people posting here right now ARE those guys, but without the jet packs? Hell, I'm a nerd, I found it frickin hilarious.

      What were your complaints again?
  • Let Kendra [] return, this would be good news. She was cool, in fact she the only reason to watch the boring show.
  • SPOILERS, PEOPLE! (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Sancho ( 17056 ) on Sunday September 01, 2002 @12:16PM (#4180817) Homepage
    My lord, some of us don't want to know anything about the upcoming season. It's getting to where you can't read Slashdot anymore....
    • These were pretty mild, but if the pseudo-editors here pull a Lone Gunman with a major Buffy plot twist... Well, let's just say, the last time I tortured somebody, they didn't even have chainsaws.
    • My lord, some of us don't want to know anything about the upcoming season. It's getting to where you can't read Slashdot anymore....

      In Episode 2, Willow resurrects the Lone Gunmen and then they get killed off in Episode 3.
  • by Control-Z ( 321144 ) on Sunday September 01, 2002 @12:30PM (#4180875)

    I ignored Buffy for years because I thought it would be like Beverly Hills 90210 or something. For some reason (I don't even remember why) I started watching the reruns that came on at 7:00 & 8:00 AM on FX. This is (maybe was) one seriously good SciFi show. The whole evil mayor season and the Glory season (I think they were seasons 3 & 4) were interesting, smart, funny, and scary.

    The best and most creepy episode is "Hush", where these grinning, silent, evil beings float through town at night and steal everyone's voices and then select a few people each night to cut out their hearts while they CAN'T EVEN SCREAM. About 2/3 of the episode had no dialogue at all, the characters had to communicate in other ways. It was seriously freaky.

    I know the past season wasn't as good, but there were still a few stand-out episodes, like the one where Buffy is dreaming (or really IS) in a mental institution and they're telling her that all the slayer stuff is in her mind. And the musical was much better than I thought it would be, it was actually very interesting.

    Don't knock it until you try seasons 1 through 4.
    • Hush is my all time favorite #2! Seriously spooky, no doubt.
    • The best and most creepy episode is "Hush"...
      Yep, that's the episode that sucked me in when it was first shown back in '99. Before that, I didn't get the basic premise of Buffy -- in fact, I'm still not sure I do. But "Hush" was so different from anything I'd seen before, I had to stick around. It isn't the creepiness of the story. (It's plenty creepy, but that sort of thing goes right by me.) It's the sheer beauty of the storytelling. Which, interestingly enough, makes very effective use of sound. And the final scene, where silence is inflicted for one last ironic moment, is priceless. I won't say, "beyond words"!

      Unfortunately, this ep loses some of its best moments in the FX version. It's a decent job of editing, but a lot of my favorite visual jokes are gone. I may have to buy the DVD. Oh wait, I don't even own a player...

      Don't knock it until you try seasons 1 through 4.
      People who aren't already hooked are not going to have the patience to sit through the the first season or the the first half of the second. If you can live with not knowing all the backstory (and you're sort of in trouble there anyway -- part of the premise is only documented properly in an out-of-print comic book), a good place to start is midway through Season 2, with "Suprise", which is the 13th ep in Season 2. This ep begins the first really great story arc, and trots out a whole slew of really well-acted bad guys.

      I actually rather like season 5. The first ep was awful, but it's my personal favorite story arc -- my favorite villain, and a new character is introduced in a truely originaly way.

  • by cliffy2000 ( 185461 ) on Sunday September 01, 2002 @01:03PM (#4181003) Journal
    Has it ever occurred to Slashdot that perhaps we DON'T like our TV shows' plots announced before they're on! Does CmdrTaco have to join the ranks of ChrisD on my blocked poster list? Bah! Leave me and my sci-fi shows alone! Alone, I say!
  • I have a really hard time watching TV because of the quality of the content. Unlike most movies (which often have millions of dollars and tens of thousands of man-hours put into them), TV series are made of much less effort, talent, and budget.

    People should spend that time reading a book or working on their doctorate or something, instead of watching TV.
    • I don't watch TV either. Most things on TV are absolute rubbish. Buffy is the exception - it's brilliantly written, well acted and is generally way better, funnier, dramatic and entertaining than most movies that I've seen recently.

    • Re:TV (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Sancho ( 17056 )
      And yet, you seem to have no problem talking about it or telling others how they should run their lives. Heh.

      I fell into a burning ring of Karma...
  • Sheesh. If you going to post spoilers for the 7th season, you might as well post ACCURATE ones.
    • She did indeed sign for two more seasons....last season. So Season 6 was her first, and 7 will be her second. Of course, unless Joss is a dumbass who can't look a cash-cow in the mouth, he'll beg her to sign for another.
  • by Dirtside ( 91468 ) on Sunday September 01, 2002 @01:25PM (#4181069) Journal
    Some of us were trying to avoid finding anything out about Buffy's upcoming season. Thanks a whole fucking lot for posting a spoiler right on the front page. God damn, you guys are fucking irresponsible some times. If it hadn't been for the Lone Gunmen thing, I might be willing to forgive it as a mistake, but you idiots should know better. Jesus fucking Christ.
    • It sucks that other assclowns have modded a completely valid complaint as "flamebait". The headline of the story being a spoiler is the thing that does it. If the headline had been "Buffy Spoiler" or "Season 7 Information" that would be one thing. You can easily avoid the information by skipping the story.

      The backlash during the Lone Gunmen debacle should have taught them a lesson. Don't post spoilers in the headline. Obviously they didn't learn.

      Want to fight back? Email OSDN and tell them that you will stop viewing Slashdot because they constantly post spoilers for television shows that haven't aired yet. Hit them in their pocketbook.
    • by extrasolar ( 28341 ) on Sunday September 01, 2002 @11:20PM (#4182514) Homepage Journal
      Its only television...

      (don't hurt me)
    • Nice work, Cmdr Fuckface. And to think.. I barely read /. anymore, but the one day I'm bored and look at the front page.. big old Buffy spoiler. And you're right, it's not even the first time. Didn't CmdrTaco even post something like, "I never would've posted the Lone Gunman spoiler?" And now he goes and posts this.
  • This is not worth a headline on Slashdot. I'm qualified to say this as a Buffy fan and as Eliza fan (though maybe "fan" is the wrong word []). It's just a minor casting decision, fer crisakes.

    If we're all so thoroughly into the Whedonverse, let's concentrate on the important stuff -- like the absence of space noise from Firefly.

  • This might actually be a reason to flip on the boob/moron-tube once more.

    Faith was easily, for me anyway, the most touching character I've seen on television in a long while. It's uncommon in television to see a character grow so much through a series. Think about all the phases she went through, including all the frustration, heart-break, broken efforts and masks worn, all the way to a final redemption. Underneath everything, there was a good kid after all. So many people in the real world go through similar trials, and never manage to jump the final hurdles. It was very satisfying to see her survive the journey. A very touching character.

    Faith is easily one of my favorite television characters to have graced the screen in a long while. --I found Jeri Ryan's (Sp?) charcter 7of9 on Voyager to be similarly evocative, (which was one of the bigger surprises of the last decade of television considering the initial impetus for the character; -Window dressing for a dying series!

    Though. . . Since Joss withdrew from directly working on Buffy, the show has turned into exactly the kind of high-gloss 90210 teen-shine crud it originally launched in sharp contrast with. --You know? With wisdom, compassion and actual human insight rather than a 'Pretty Kids' club house full of 'Oh So Meaningful' self-centered drama. Stopped watching about two episodes in last season, right around the time I decided to Never Watch Television Again. (An abstaintion I find myself unable to keep with absolute faith every week, but hey. Balance in all things, right?)

    Basically, the problem is that Joss was each of the characters, and knew how to write them instinctively; no formulas or mechanical thinking required. --And perhaps more importantly, he could look over a script from one of the staff writers, and fix in a flash the rough guestimates at dialogue the other writers could only ever try to capture through observation. Like some guy trying to do Kermit's voice post Henson. When such a level of understanding and humanity is achieved, no matter how hard the second in command may try, nobody can ever be Kermit again. Like-wise with Buffy & crew.

    Hopefully Joss will be working on the new Faith material. If not, then I'll be damned sure to avoid the living hell out of it. I wouldn't want to see an almost flawless story tainted by new and bullshit writers attempting to work with Faith's character.

    Though, this Firefly thing. . . Frankly, Joss is one of the few creative geniuses of our time who has made his mark in television drama. I'll give anything he works on a try.

    I just hope that, unlike poor Lucas, he can avoid the thought-police and keep his brain from being sucked out through a tube for being too likely to have a positive impact on culture! Cuz, you know, we gotta go perpetrate our greed and evil upon the world and it would be disadvantagous to have people in the West influenced by wise and humane thinking!

    Heavens, No!

    -Fantastic Lad

  • Although I'm a fan of the show, I have to wonder why this story is here. A front page posting? Is a result of some kind of coherent editorial policy or just a symptom of sloppy editing? I mean, okay, Buffy has a certain geek affinity, and so I understand why it would squeeze in for anthropological interest. But stories about relatively insignificant casting rumblings?

    There are already good sources of show and cast minutiae (e.g. Slayage []) and spoilers (e.g. The Spoiler Slayer []) for those in need. Editors: If you really feel the need to feed us, say, casting baubles, or angsty rumblings about the future of the show, make a category for them. If not, save it. Thanks.


  • Ok, I'll skip right by the fact that Buffy just isn't news. At all. And it's taking me all my willpower to do just that. It was a 'B' movie to begin-- But I digress. I did want to mention something about Firefly, however. Without knowing much about it, it strikes me as unusually similar to Cowboy Beeboy and Outlaw Star... Again, it's just a passing glance, but it's got that deja'vu thing happening all over it.

People who go to conferences are the ones who shouldn't.
