Comedy Central Cancels BattleBots 356
Rathian writes "Bad news for BattleBot lovers, I saw on the BattleBots Builder's Forum that CC is NOT going to film Phase 6.0 of BattleBots. You can see copies of the email from the BattleBots founders Trey & Greg at RobotCombat.com, and at Team DaVinci Robots
God willing, another network will pick it up and keep this sport alive!"
Why? (Score:5, Insightful)
Not that I don't think something BattleBots-ish won't survive for a while, but I doubt it'll be for long. Just a prediction.
Re:Why? (Score:2, Insightful)
I would put it more towards the stupid rules that they had imposed. Stuff like weapons limits and all that.
I stopped watching after last season because I knew that it would just be yet another batch of improvements upon the same old designs with maybe one or two new ideas thrown in there for the mix.
I want my large caliber projectiles and I want them now.
Re:Why? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Why? (Score:2, Interesting)
BTW, I believe you can have large caliber projectile weapons, you just need to tether the projectile and reel it back in after firing.
Re:Why? (Score:3, Interesting)
About time.. (Score:4, Insightful)
New formula: A real sport plus explosions (Score:2)
That is like saying, "How many times can you watch a bunch of sweaty guys bounce a ball around a wooden floor and toss it thru a ring." Yet sports fans can never get enough.
They have to treat it more like a sport, including making the builders into celebrities. I am sure there is a Kobe Bryant of smashbotics out there.
And finally, they need *explosives*. You have to get rid of the idea of a live audience, at least a close one though. But roughly 80% of all men like explosions.
Make it a true sport with explosions and it becomes a sure winner with males.
BTW, why no Geek Channel? Or at least a Guy Channel. Then we can see the 3 Stooges too. Most females lack a gene to make them appreciate The Three Stooges and explosive hardware.
Re:About time.. (Score:2)
Well (Score:2, Redundant)
i've seen this coming. (Score:3, Insightful)
battlebots is RAW, its just the bots out there with some minimal hazzards. you look at other shows like robot wars, and each individual bot makes little difference to who wins. there are like 5 huge 'house bots', and all you have to do to win is watch the house bot push the other guy in the pit. lame. shows like robotica are just glorified RC cars that race around. lame.
battlebots did everything right, no compaints here at all. i'll be watching the re-runs after back to back to back SNL marathons i'm sure.
on a side note, be sure to check out the new season of INSOMNIAC on comedy central, its fucking hilarious.
Re:i've seen this coming. (Score:2, Informative)
Re:i've seen this coming. (Score:2)
The idea is to allow more inovative robots that can disable rather than outright destroy, such as flippers or robots that can push the opponent into the house robots. Just having robots with either a big axe or a big disc could easily get boring.
Still, my friend on the Storm team will be disappointed, he wanted to get into Battlebots because they pay a lot better than Robot Wars.
Re:i've seen this coming. (Score:3, Insightful)
I also agree that the other Battlebots imitators (and I don't care who "really" was first, Battlebots was the first one anybody knew about) are unwatchably lame.
Although, there are too many hazards in Battlebots. They are too much of a factor in the fights. Too many fights are decided because somebody accidentally drives over a hazard, which is unavoidable because there are so many all over the place. Get rid of the spinners, the pistons, the spikes in the floor, and the lifting panels in the center. They just break up the flow of the action too much. They should just have the hammers and a couple sets of saws, and of course the spike strips on the sides, and let the robots fight. And please, make the hammers and saws sensor operated so that the jackass hammer nazi doesn't get to pick and choose who gets smashed. That's ridiculous.
As a genre (Score:2)
coolio (Score:2, Informative)
I can see why (Score:5, Interesting)
Independent bots would force the bot makers to build navigation systems (to avoid the hazards), target acquisition systems (to find the other bots), decision making (push the bot toward the hazard, or try to flip, or run away and hide until my buzz saw starts working again?).
Additionally, they should build a better arena and allow all those weapons currently outlawed, like EMP weapons, chemical, flamethrowers, magnetic grapples, swarms of multi-bots, etc. Should be much more exciting.
Re:I can see why (Score:2)
Re:I can see why (Score:4, Insightful)
MUCH MUCH less compelling.
allow EMP = biggest EMP always win, and TV coverage is impossible.
chemical = are we to expect the humans will go back into the ring to pick up their bot after it is sprayed with acid?
flamethrowers i don't have a problem with, just not real exciting.
i'll just stop there... but i really feel strongly about this, there is a give and take, and the current rules make for good fights. the second someone has a 30 foot flamethrower/EMP, and can beat any bot in 10 seconds, the show is over, and its all about ratings.
Re:I can see why (Score:4, Interesting)
It can't beat the tiny bot that has magnetic feet (for sticking onto the bigger bot) and a old fashioned power drill (for drilling into it's head...). Creativity would make the show interesting when the rules are throw out the window.
Re:I can see why (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:I can see why (Score:2)
In other news: (Score:2, Funny)
Re:In other news: (Score:2)
Mentioned on TiVo Community in May (Score:2)
BattleBots/RobotWars (Score:4, Insightful)
Even though I never watched BattleBots, I watch Robot Wars in England. I'd have though BattleBots would be more suitable on Discovery or TLC rather than Comedy Central (like Junkyard Wars/Scrapheap Challenge)?
I'd think that it should have a chance of being picked up by another network, because a series like this that sparks innovation and interest in construction is better for Joe Public rather than Big Brother X (despite the 'socialology' aspect of it), The Mole, etc.
Re:BattleBots/RobotWars (Score:2)
We get the British Robot Wars on 'Space' (our equivalent to the Sci-Fi Channel), we get the WWE Robot Wars on TNN, and Battlebots on Discovery. TLC also runs both the British and US Junkyard Wars.
I always wondered if there were more than one "Sir Killalot". Kinda tough to ship him back and forth from London to wherever they film the US Robot Wars.
Re:BattleBots/RobotWars (Score:3, Interesting)
After seeing the US version of Robot Wars, it is the actual UK version but lacking some of the behind the scenes stuff (I think) and with a different presenter (Craig Charles presents it in the UK - he played 'Lister' in Red Dwarf).
This is 'cos the BBC licences it to different countries (a bit like the TellyTubbies) so they get the original tapes for them to reproduce their own versions, whereas Junkyard/Scrapheap has the same co-presenter (who is also the exec producer) and they do a combination of UK/US filming.
Re:BattleBots/RobotWars (Score:2)
First time I saw the 'Ref Bot'. Was kinda cool too, seeing 3 or 4 robots gang up on who they thought would be the toughest competition.
I get a laugh out of Craig Charles. Funnier that the guy they had on the first season.
Re:BattleBots/RobotWars (Score:2)
Re:BattleBots/RobotWars (Score:2)
A shame they change the host, I'd love to see Craig Charles do it (I'm watching Red Dwarf right now). Unfortunately Cathy Roger has left hosting Junkyard Wars in the US, leaving us with two American hosts... it's just not the same without a Brit.
Re:BattleBots/RobotWars (Score:2)
I'm not so surprised... (Score:2)
I don't have any immediate ideas how they could easily incorporate that into their current system. Maybe they could have teams of bots?
You know what ultimatly killed this wonderful show (Score:4, Insightful)
Hosts, which are more than drunken, overweight ex-NASCAR commentators looking to pay for their recently upgraded mobile home.
It sickens me to see all these cheap K-Mart quality knock-off shows, which cheapen such RAD programming such as BattleBots.
This kinda crap happens with -EVERY- form of popular TV entertainment. Look at Reality TV for fucks sake. First it was Survivor, -HUGE- hit. Then came Big Brother, Temptation Island, Fear Factor, Worst Case Scenario and a slew of other knock-offs, which have watered down and sucked all the fun out of reality TV.
I guess basically it all boils down to me being pissed off my TiVo will no longer have robots ripping the crap out of one another.
This is why! (Score:3, Insightful)
2. Carmen should never be allowed to say anything
3. Get rid of the WWF spin crap and treat it like a nascar event.
4. Battlebots started making corporate deals poisioning the rules further by restricting equipment.
Re:This is why! (Score:2)
No missiles or projectiles?
No EMP weapons?
I take more chances mowing my lawn!
Really- those 'robot' (remote controled thingys are not robots) 'battle' (if crap isn't blowing up or burning and there's no danger of any kind to any thing it's not a battle or war) pretty much suck. I'm dead serious.
Yeah, battlebots (Score:2, Insightful)
All I'm saying is there really was no battle. It ought to have been last robot to move, or until surrender. I mean, where were the hydraulic crushers, or the high power lasers. Or anything really. Something that can be damaged by a good kick doesn't deserve to be called a battle bot.
Is it a comedy? Is it a sport? (Score:2)
This cancellation was inevitable, because Comedy Central never made up their minds whether BattleBots was a comedy or a sport. They edited the hell out of the tournaments in order to highlight the most outrageous and destructive moments. However, in the process the tournaments lost all of the long-haul drama that made them so compelling as a sport. The end result was a neverending series of way cool but essentially irrelevant explosions.
Frankly, I'm surprised BattleBots lasted five seasons. That makes it Comedy Central's third longest running original program, behind South Park and The Daily Show.
Re:Hello?? (Score:2)
Blockquoth the poster:
There are two different ways I can answer you:
they brought it on themselves (Score:2, Insightful)
but the commentary gets worse and worse. the last episode i saw, they nearly had carmen electra perform soft-core porn.
i'm sure they did focus groups. but people in focus groups are going to see fire and say good and see the crap they aired and say good, just for the joke of it. there are some things that if you show them, even if they suck, people in certain age groups (even if they honestly don't like it) jokingly cheer.
to recap:
from an hour of deadly fighting
30 minutes of [you know what]
give me back my chainsaws and my mental patients!!!
and for god sakes, stop interviewing gary coldman!!!
then i'll watch again.
(since it seems relevant via demographics, i'm 15, male)
Sport? (Score:2)
Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)
I used to think that... (Score:2)
First, discovering something of the history [robotcombat.com] behind the two. Battlebots was originally called RobotWars, but a promotion company stole the name and sold it to the Brits.
Second was watching them head to head one night. The RC "bots" on the show called RobotWars are pathetic, wimpy little things compared to the monsters on Battlebots. They have prettier paintjobs and grillwork, combined with "weapons" that can barely scratch tinfoil. If "functional" and "actually able to cause real carnage", and "shredded steel plate flying through the air" are "simple", then give me simple any day.
That said, the Comedy Central coverage of the Battlebot events is pretty bad, and getting worse. I'm a huge Craig Charles fan, and would rather listen to him than anyone who has ever worked for "Comedy Central Sports". But dismissing Battlebots because the coverage is lame is like dismissing the Olympics because NBC is lame -- it's missing the point. I think that Comedy Central dropping the show may be the best thing that could happen to the show.
Re:I used to think that... (Score:2)
To improve the show, i'd nix almost all of the coverage and 'get to know 'ya' stuff and offer more construction details and a LOT more actual robot combat with better commentators.
Re:I used to think that... (Score:2)
> carnage", and "shredded steel plate flying
> through the air" are "simple", then give me
> simple any day.
Umm.. HypnoDisc?
Umm.. the current UK series has a flipper which threw the opposing bot into the safety glass and out of the arena FROM THE CENTRE OF IT?
it just wasn't a good show.. (Score:2, Insightful)
They weren't robotic, and hardly battled. They didn't have any 'weapons', anything interesting to see. Just oversized remote control cars smashing into each other.
The concept of robots fighting each other with crazy weapons is good, the reality a la this show, was a bore.
I saw something (didn't catch the beginning) on the Discovery Channel (?), which was a special that had two submarines 'battling' in a swimming pool. It was some university team vs. the naval academy. One of them had a 'boomstick' which used
The navy 'robot' was completely demolished. They didn't simply bonk into each other for 5 minutes. All their hard work was destroyed.
That should have been how BattleBots worked. Rather than running around bonking into each other but having no actual damage happen.
It just wasn't a very good show. Maybe ESPN2 will pick it up. I saw them run live coverage of a 'Magic: The Gathering' tourney.
TechTV! (Score:4, Insightful)
If ever there was a network born to show BattleBots, it's TechTV. Something tells me the budgets wouldn't be as high, but that might be a good thing. There wouldn't be as much impetus to tart the show up so much just to draw in the viewers required to pay back the budget.
Personally, I liked the original Robot Wars UK show the best. I did think the house robots had a little too much direct impact on the outcome, but I liked the concept of having qualifying rounds where the bots had to overcome challenges, followed by the individual combat rounds.
Maybe what's needed is some new thinking, like team robot combat. Maybe a capture-the-flag sort of thing. You could have robots optimized for offense and defense, which might add some interesting twists to a show. The problem would be that the costs to assemble an entire team of robots would be drastically more than for an individual robot or two.
Re:TechTV! (Score:2)
Then again, the female host is certainly appealing..
Sorry to see it go. (Score:4, Insightful)
One thing that is missing from this show: a variety of weapons. The weapons shouldn't be limited, this just makes the teams stagnate with their wedge [battlebots.com] or flipper [battlebots.com] or spinner [battlebots.com] designs. The truly [battlebots.com] original [battlebots.com] bots just aren't seen anymore because they get beaten to shreds by the people who make the old, tired, (albeit successful) designs. I think allowing for more weapons will add variety to the field.
We can only hope that ESPN picks this up.. then they'd have something to show on ESPN2 that's not jocks having a pissing contest [strongestman.com].
R2D2 goes postal (Score:2)
I forgot to meantion shooting (in addition to granades). Why can't they have Gatland guns and the like? Toss the live audience and let them go a it.
(Then send the winner into Bin Laden's cave.)
I used to like it, but now ... Good Riddance! (Score:2, Insightful)
Besides, I can hardly call those things "robots." More like RC death machines. When I think of robots, I think of more autonomous machines with some built-in intelligence. To me that would have been way more intersting to watch. Although, I guess watching some poorly programmed bot drive along the side of the ring the entire match might get boring. Oh well. Something like that.
TLC has a new show starting soon that may be intersting to see. With the original girl host from Junkyard Wars and, I think I saw him, Henry Rollins. I guess we'll see.
Comedy Central Battles CancelBots?? (Score:2)
Finally! (Score:2)
Please not on TLC... (Score:4, Insightful)
As I'm sure others will point out, these were generally nothing more than glorified remote controlled cars. The truly inovative bots were few and far between, and most of them were either designed as a "wedge" or a "flipper".
I'm not saying that shows like this shouldn't exist or even that it doesn't take know-how to build them, it's just that most of the ideas have been done over-and-over again...anyhow, I'ld call 5 years a pretty good run for most any show...I mean how much longer can you really go until there's nothing new being done. I actually think we're there now, we just didn't realize it till now.
You might get something as a Saturday Morning show on one of the networks, but I wouldn't count on it.
Here's a question...why can't the contests continue without a TV Show? I mean, anything that I'ld actually term as a sport should be able to survive without prime-time television coverage. And if it honestly holds such a large "geek" audience, then companies like IBM, Dell, and Apple should be scrambling to sponsor events and bots...
On a side note, I personally enjoyed the shows, but like most ppl thought it was out of place on CC.
Endless Wedgies (Score:2)
They have to start allowing projectiles and chemicals. Base the show out at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in a concrete bunker/sound stage with remote cameras and allow for some real robot wars.
Didn't like BattleBots.. (Score:2)
Somehow, it just seems like this is a sport by and for regular people, so it's really weird to see clean-cut jocks and dressed-up chicks talking to Joe Blow from down the street. BattleBots has way too much cognitive dissonance going for my tastes, I guess..
Good riddance. (Score:2)
First of all, the robots went from beautiful works of art, to awful construction equipment:
I don't want to see a miniature tank, with an axe mounted to its top. The "robots" where
nothing more than evil looking lawnmowers.
They should not have rewarded the most destruction resistant robot, but the most technically
advanced. The idea of a "fight" is simply flawed, and reeks of testestrone driven, cheap male
Speaking of male entertainment, carmen electra has no business in a friken bot fight.
I would pay $$$$ to see autonomous robots, put into a "maze" and let them discover their
own exit paths. It would also be a great idea to encourage alternative robot designs, not just
wheels and tank chains, I wanna see snake like bots, flying bots, swimming bots, you could
also explore alternative sources of energy, instead of just relying on batteries; give boneses
to bots which power their onboard computer with sun lights, etc.
There is alot one could do with robot building skills, instead of investing resources on how to
build the next destructive machine. They could cut down on the weight too, some of these beasts
weight as much as 500 lbs.
But the sole point of BB is power and destruction! (Score:2)
I like testesterone driven, expensive male entertainment.
I'm not going to spend thousands of dollars to build a cute gee-whiz "technologically advanced" robot. I am am planning to spend thousands of dollars to build (and test, and repair) a semi-autonomous fighting robot that I can pit against other similar devices.
Yeah sure -- and there is a lot one could do with automobile tuning skills, instead of investing resources to build the next rubber-burning nitrous-powered drag racing machine. Sure, I could have spent the $5K to convert my car to electric power...But you know what? For many people, big/powerful/fast/dangerous hardware is FUN.
Okay, on that point I agree with you 100%. They should have gotten Cathy Rogers (Scrapheap challenge, aka Junkyard Wars), or some other photogenic female with a three-digit IQ.thank god (Score:2)
I have said this before. (Score:2)
I was excited to see the tournament on
Bill Nye (Score:2, Insightful)
Inane presenters (Score:2)
While Carmen is nice eye candy, having commentators that are making more inane comments than Dennis Miller ever did is too annoying for most people, and this probably caused the kill off.
Farscape too (Score:2)
Re:Farscape too (Score:2)
We can only hope that someone else picks up Farscape....I'm going to be awfully sad if they don't.
This Sucks, but... (Score:2)
Far too "orderly" combat (Score:3, Interesting)
However, by the third season, I (and I think *most* people) started realizing the choices of possible machine types, as limited by the extensive rules, made every "new" combat nothing more than a replay of something I'd already seen, with a new paint job.
Even now, I would start watching it again, if they ditch 90% of the rules. As long as a bot won't explode (and even "small" explosions, such as their 3" thick plexi cages would contain, seem alright), no holds barred. Flying bots? If someone can make them, good luck. Projectiles? Yup. Fire? Yup. Electricity? Yup. Entanglement? Again, Yup.
Make it a *real* contest of who can build the better bot, rather than who can build the better table-saw-or-jackhammer-on-wheels, and it would become interesting again.
I want to see REAL robot destruction. I don't want every match to end with one bot immobilized, mildly injured from a battery wire breaking, or its antenna clipped, or havings its wheels chopped off. I want sparking circuit boards, small explosions, the smell of ozone (well, okay, the home viewer couldn't enjoy that part), chunks of metal everywhere, etc.
Until then, I don't even care if Carmen starts hosting it nude. It has completely lost its "newness" appeal.
Survival Research Labs (Score:2)
Keep battlebots alive? (Score:2)
Hey man, battlebots were already around before Comedy Central decided to turn it into a tv series. Battlebots is an independant organization, that will likely return to its hobbyist roots, and be better off than it was before.
The mantra is not so much "keep battlebots alive" as it should be "free battlebots".
The *end* of battlebots? (Score:2)
Myabe now (Score:2)
Wouldn't it be a wonderful world when every battlebot in the world would stand together in a line holding hands, grapplers, chainsaws, hammers etc and sing Kumbayaya.
Now that peace has a chance we should embrace this oppurtunity to make this planet a better place for Humans and 'Bots alike. Let the barbaric killing for amusement stop and these simple machines rove around the fields of daisys like they where meant to.
i've been to a taping, (Score:2, Informative)
It SUCKS. It takes maybe 45 minutes in between rounds to set things up, you get to see a 3 minute fight, and you don't even get to stare at the hot announcers. Plus it's not a great place to pick up chicks. No wonder it was so easy to get our robotics club tickets...
Battlebots is pretty good - if you have a TiVo (Score:4, Interesting)
I see a lot of comments about how it wasn't innovative and didn't evolve but I think it did. And even though more fights were boring than not, when there was a good fight, it was really cool. Even though the show had the 'feel' of Pro Wrestling, I never thought the fights were pre-determined - don't see how they could have been.
I hope some other network picks it up - I would miss it.
Re:Battlebots is pretty good - if you have a TiVo (Score:2)
I wish that they would have allowed more variety in the weapons... perhaps it is something they will think about in the future (if it survives)...
ARGH! (Score:2, Informative)
That said, it was clear from the last event that Battle Bots is on its way out. The robots are getting stale, and the rules surrounding robot design and weaponry are too restrictive. There were few, if any, innovative robot designs this last time. Mostly the same old robots you see each season, or knockoffs of existing robots. They even had to cancel the customary rumbles which take place after the finals (and even had to cancel the last half of the last final), because they were shut down by the San Francisco FD after one of the robots started ripping holes in the battlebox and spewing metal projectiles into the audience. We were rather disappointed at the whole thing, and decided to only see the last day of competition next time (it takes a weekend for them to do all of the filming). Looks like there may not be a next time.
Seems like it will take a bit of work to resurrect the show. Not only will they need to get a new sponsor, but they'll have to spice it up somehow to get better robots. They will also need a better battlebox...
The show might be dead, but the sport isn't (Score:2)
Blessing in Disguise (Score:2, Interesting)
Hey Folks,
Cool to see that BatttleBots has made the Slashdot news :)
My name is Jon Autry, I have competed at two of the BattleBots competitions, and at several smaller regional competitions. I have been building bots now for close to two years: http://www.robot-village.com
Here are a few comments from a BUILDERS perspective: (these comments and thoughts are my own, and in no way reflect the opinion of BattleBots INC. or any other builder)
As a competitor at BattleBots, I had mixed emotions when I heard that CC had decided NOT to extend their contract.
I remember hearing the first commercial for BattleBots on Comedy Central. I thought: "Sweet! That sounds like it will ROCK!" but I was also confused as heck as to why in the world Comedy Central would be picking up the program?! Hey, I didn't really care at the time... I just thought the idea of seeing machines fight was awesome, and would take it any way I could get it.
After watching a few episodes, I was addicted to the show. All I could think about was: "What kind of bot would I build?!". I went along like this until I finally decided to try MY hand at fighting robots.
It took me nearly six months to make my first bot, and I can tell you that I learned more in those six months than I did in High School. You cannot appreciate the time, work, and research that goes into making one of these robots, until you do it yourself. The science and physics involved in engineering one of these machines needs to be focused on more, (IMHO) instead of "dumbing the show down".
After attending my first BattleBots in Spring 2001, I couldn't wait for the new season to air on CC. However, after seeing the competition live, watching it on CC only made me frustrated. Here are a few of my "gripes" with the way CC presented the show:
Those are a few of my main beefs with the way the show is presented. I have to give CC props for picking up the show in the first place though, otherwise I don't think that I would be building bots now. But I think that they will do more for the "sport" (or whatever you want to call it) by letting it go, than they ever did by picking it up in the first place.
If and when the show is picked up by another network, I hope the focus shifts more to the competition, and away from making it into a circus.
Just my opinion...
Comedy Central Scheduling (Score:2)
I think Comedy Central kills alot of shows due to bad scheduling. I used to watch Ben Stein and then they shuffled it around. I watched Battle Bots when I was home and it was on (rarely). I certainly try with all my might to watch the Man Show, but its just on at a bad time.
How much did comedy central pay them? (Score:2)
Self Destructed (Score:2)
I'm an avid BattleBots fan. Every week a new episode airs, I'm planted in the chair with my beer and popcorn. Unfortunately, the show is losing it's appeal. I enjoy watching the fights. It was great during the second and third season when they would air back to back episodes, because I could count on seeing up to eight fights in a night. This limited the chance of seeing some wedge weenies bumping around and increased the chance of a couple of spinners knocking themselves silly.
I think the show started to go bust when they went from two commentators and an interviewer, to a team that rivals professional baseball coverage. Do we really need this many people to host the show? Season 5 is by far the worst in this respect, with plenty of Carmen dancing in tight shirt and short skirt, and Tony Rock being Chris Rock's brother. The builders do not make good interview subjects, and the interviewers are even less apt in their role.
To get more viewers, they need to show more fights, and less talk. The big attraction for me is to see machines that are not quite fully controllable ripping each other apart. Fully armored wedges are no fun to watch, but the point system can be adjusted to insure that these bots don't win. The best fights are usually the lightweights, as the power of the machine surpasses the ability of the driver to control it, and the low weight means little armor. Spinners are great fun (Ziggo!), especially when they fight each other. Spinners are even fun when they malfunction, as they tend to tear themselves apart when they become unbalanced (Mauler, Son of Whyachi). Flippers are entertaining as well(Toro!). I'm sure that the builders will continue to come up with more ideas on how best to wreck the opponent. I think the current set of limits on weapons are not hampering the builders either. In fact, I think the limits are fair. How much fun is it to watch one machine douse the other in water? About as much fun as the dunk booth at the county fair. The show needs to go back to a four fight format. Get rid of the useless interviews, prancing, and posturing.
Re:GOOD! (Score:2, Funny)
I admit I never watched BattleBots. But I would have watched it if the show featured real live people wearing battlebot armor beating the crap out of each other. Something along the lines of the hydralic lifter suit Sigorney Weaver wore in Aliens. It would be challenging for the contestants to figure out what bodypart to 'enhance' with robotic technology, assuming that a full-body suit wouldn't be practical (do you turbo charge your shoulders, arms, torso or legs?). And controlling the suit while moving your own body would probably require some fancy physical skills. But just watching a couple of machines fight isn't too exciting to me. Who cares who wins or loses?
God willing, another network will pick it up and keep this sport alive!"
I assume this is a joke. BattleBots may be entertainment but it's no more a sport than playing a videogame.
Re:GOOD! (Score:2)
I resent that. My right hand is quite athletic now, thank you.
Self-controlled would be cool (Re:GOOD!) (Score:2, Interesting)
However, I must definately agree that a self-contained/controlled bot would be way-cool. Perhaps using one of the mini-ITX boards/setups mentioned previously [slashdot.org] on slashdot, you could build some decent bot AI. If the bot needed to be controlled remotely, a wireless ethernet card would work.
Anyone on slashdot want to take a shot at a mini-ITX project that makes an AI battlebot?
No T-800's please... killing audience members is frowned upon
Re:sport? (Score:2, Interesting)
Preplanning and design combined with real time action and on your feet dynamic thinking.
Sounds like a sport to me.
Assloads more entertaining then that garbage that is (american)football. Yueck. Rules rules rules more time-outs then you can shake a stick at, they spend more time waiting to play then actually playing, yeick. Not to mention all that woosy ass protective gear, WTF is up with that shit? Want to make football a worthwhile watch, get rid of all of that penalty shit and just give them some leather helmets and some basic elbow/shin/knee guards and a jockstrap and throw'em on the field. Tell them to get the ball to the opponents end of the field, and let them loose. No freakin penalties, no freakin fouls, and unless somebody goes unconscious NO FREAKING STOPPING THE GAME
Now that'd be a sport worth watching.
But until the, erhuhrm, humanitarian issues, are worked out, battle bots is the next best thing you are going to get to raw destruction in a sports arena. (well aside from Ultimate Fighting, but wasn't that canceled awhile back? Not to mention that it is pay per view any ways, bleh)
Re:sport? (Score:2)
Now that'd be a sport worth watching.
You've just about described Australian Rules Football. Definetly worth watching if you can find it on cable
Re:sport? (Score:2, Informative)
whaaaat? Even by your rather silly and arbitrary definiton, baseeball is a sport.
You get your ass up on the mound and pitch 6 or 7 innings and see if your sweating or not.
By your definiton, a person pounding their head against a wll is participatig in a "sport".
Re:sport? (Score:2)
no, its a contest.
Ice hockey is a sport.
you need two teams in a playing area at the same time.
a team must be able to(legally) activly defend against the opposing team.
It must require hard physically excertion.
Swimming laps, contest, not a sport.
Water polo, sport.
track and field, all contests.
Football(either one) is a sport.
baseball, while it is still the only game where the defenders control the ball, is a sport
basketball is a sport.
Volleyball, a contest.
Archery is a contest.
to romote control vehicals smashing into each other, not a sport.
Re:sport? (Score:2)
Do we really need to be so stingy with our definition of "sport"? It seems like we should allow our broad categories ("sports", "art") to be as inclusive as possible, and then get more specific after that ("dull, lifeless sport")...
Re:That stinks... (Score:2)
Re:That stinks... (Score:2)
What about... (Score:2, Interesting)
Also, didn't TNN's Robot Wars come out before battlebots? I remember when battlebots first came out, the first ad I saw for them was during watching Robot Wars on TNN. I could just be mistaken and it was an ad for a new season of Battlebots and I hadn't cared.
Still, It is a shame that they are canceling battlebots. Not to be a troll, The only thing I didn't like about it is comedy central put that dumb carmen electra slut on there for sex appeal. Why couldn't they have put some prety girl on there who actually knew something about electronics.
Re:What about... (Score:2, Informative)
And, TNN's Robot Wars did not come out before Battlebots. This was also originally a British show called 'Robot Wars'. All TNN did was take the British show and hire professional wrestlers to redub the announcing bits.
Re:What about... (Score:2, Informative)
Robot Wars, that you see on TNN, started int he UK in 1997, as a spinoff to the US event. It was then, and still is, an invite only TV show, designed as a kids program, where matches are made as long as the producers want, pre-arranged judges decisions or rules clarifications were not unusual, and the house bots trash bots under the direction of the producers.
The Robot Wars that were made for TNN were filmed in summer of 2001, initially, at the same time as a live show for the UK teams. This was about half way between series 3 and 4 of the Comedy central series (or events number 5 and 6 for Battlebots, having done two events before Comedy Central came along, one for ZDTV that was broadcast LIVE, and the other a PPV for direcTV that was aired around superbowl time in 2000). The second series was broadcst in January of this year.
The only thing, in fact, that the current Robot Wars has to do with the origional events that took place 1994-1997, is the trademark.
To address your second point, BattleBots has not been "cancelled" any more than Formula 1 was "cancelled" when the BBC did not renew it's contract a few years ago. The BattleBots event is run by BattleBots Inc. It is filmed by TallentWorks, and Edited/produced by first Productions, to be Presented on comedy central. TallentWorks also did the first two, pre-CC, events, so at most, the break is half-way up the chain. All that has changed, is that it will be televised on a different channel, probably with different presenters, in a different style.
Pretty Girl? - I say Amy Sun for Bot-Babe!
Re:That stinks... (Score:2)
Re:Hopefully (Score:2)
Re:A sport? (Score:2)
Battlebots is quite entertaining, but I would hardly call it a sport.
Some people have some strange ideas of what makes a sport:
Marge: Homer, Homer?Homer: Huh? Wah? Oh, How was bowling?
Marge: It's a very challenging hobby.
Homer: Heh heh, It's a sport dear. It's a sport you silly thing.
Re:Who would fly on it? (Score:2)
$12? [SOB!]
Re:A sport? (Score:2)
I don't remember which address it was, but there was a POKE on the CoCo that would throw a relay somewhere in the guttyworks - a quick 2-line basic proggy would set the computer to constantly throwing the relay, making a hella racket and eventually burning out and trashing the computer. I used to do this to all the CoCo's on display, especially at the RS Computer Center downtown.
Ahh, youth!
Toughman vs. BattleBots (Score:3, Funny)
Maybe FX will pick it up, they seem to have lots of fighting there...
A Toughman-BattleBots crossover show would be cool to watch! Have 5 battlebots attacking some plumber or construction worker or something. While he's got his hands full with fighting one robot, two others are hammering away at his feet! So he bends over to pick up one of the machines when a third one shoves a corkscrew up his...
Actually, now that I think about it, maybe this crossover show would be more suitable for Comedy Central...
Re:"sport", eh? (Score:2)
First of all: I don't know who 'they' are, but nobody I know considers curling to be a sport.
Curling is a game.
Secondly: curling isn't mopping, it's sweeping (brooms, not mops.)
And thirdly: like golf, curling is a practical joke played by the Scottish on the rest of the world - the rest of the world just hasn't caught on yet.
Re:No complaints here (Score:2)
Re:Upright Citizen's Brigade cancelled for BattleB (Score:2)