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Open the Iris: Stargate SG1 Confirms Season 7 93

Nefrayu writes "After false rumors having been posted on the /. forum lately about the 7th season of SG-1, and the SciFi Channel have now confirmed that the show will be carried on SciFi through the 7th season. Along with this announcement is the "surprise" that Dr. Daniel Jackson (portrayed by Michael Shanks) will be returning full time for the said 7th season. Excerpts from an online chat with supervising producer Joseph Mallozzi at SG1Fans can be found here. "
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Open the Iris: Stargate SG1 Confirms Season 7

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  • ...fondest Macgyver memory or joke here.
    • indeed the comparrision to Mcgyver moments/last 5 mins of any startrek involving engineering is high but that is paramount to any humour/good scifi. Suppose my current fav would be the eps in season 6 were the 2 geeks try to save sg-1 - realy funny eps but lacking in reconfiguring a starf weapon as a teleport - perhaps season 7 will see that happen.
  • That's good (Score:5, Interesting)

    by acehole ( 174372 ) on Sunday November 10, 2002 @09:46AM (#4636575) Homepage
    It's good that Daniel Jackson is to return to Stargate, but what happens to Jonas (the one who replaced him for season 6)?

    • by Anonymous Coward
      Desk job.
    • Re:That's good (Score:5, Interesting)

      by dvk ( 118711 ) on Sunday November 10, 2002 @09:57AM (#4636600) Homepage
      According to the interview, he is "certain" to sign on, if he does, will also be SG1 member. How they plan to expand SG1 to 5 people, i'm not sure. But watchng the interplay between him and Jackson, if written as well as other interaction between team members, would be fun.

    • It's good that Daniel Jackson is to return to Stargate ?

      The producer wants to kick him out, he ascends to godhood, the crowds want him back in, he descends back to mortality.

      Will they frigin decide what is his theological rank ? All these phase transitions are tiring.
    • I hope they fight. Everyone's gotten all friendly and cosy over the years that things are getting boring. Even Jonas (an alien) is being accepted now. I put ten bucks on Jonas to kick Daniel's butt. Not only is he "a quick study" (damn I hate it when he says that), he also has raging pectorals (which the makers like to remind us of by always giving him tight t-shirts). He should win, assuming that Daniel hasn't acquired any eery powers from beyond the grave.
    • I really really hope that they don't pull the whole, Season 6 was just a dream thing. It kind of soured the entire Bob Newhart show when they did that.

      What I'd like to know is how much the new season will be like the original story line was supposed to. While not having every detail planned out I'm sure the writters have the story hashed out for the most part, and I wonder how much the viewers loose/gain by the hiatus of one of the pivotal characters.
  • by Angry White Guy ( 521337 ) <CaptainBurly[AT]> on Sunday November 10, 2002 @09:57AM (#4636599)
    They travel to a world where they are attacked, the scientists screw up dramatically and the military has to go in and save the day, all the while the alien companions know absolutely nothing about the world, have nothing of value to input, and in general get underfoot throughout the entire episode.

    We can call this season: Journey to the not-so-parallel universe.
  • by Xpilot ( 117961 ) on Sunday November 10, 2002 @10:14AM (#4636630) Homepage
    Aaaah.... I've been Lone Gunmenned.

    In the country where I live, SG1 hasn't gone that far yet :)

  • I gave up on the SciFi Channel with the cancelation first of the I-Man then FarScape.
    We use to spend at least two nights watching it. Now maybe an hour per month and that is for a 2 AM old TLZone.

    Why you ask? They can not place a single show of quiality on.

    Their sister channel USA, was movies and first run of MONK. So they are spending money. But not on the SciFi but should be renamed the B-Movie Horrir Channel.
  • Brad Wright will take the year off to develop the hopeful spin-off series Stargate Atlantis, though he will still write for SG-1.

    Anyone know what this is about ?
    • Re:Anyone ? (Score:2, Interesting)

      by neur0maniak ( 322791 )
      About as much as I know, there's going to be another movie, called Atlantis. It'll be about the Ancients (Y'know, the guys who supposedly built the stargate system). They were said to have moved on from "our region of space", I think it was in Series 2: Episode 15 (The Fifth Race).

      The legend of atlantis, being an advanced civilisation sinking under sea, and with the stargate event horizon looking like water, it's easy to join the two together.

      I think the series will be a spin-off from that, about an off-world SGC, based in the region of space where the Ancients are.

      I'm not really sure on this though, and don't have any sources to hand. But I must be remembering it from somewhere!
  • Did I miss somethink, or didn't Daniel DIE?(or move on to a better place, or whatever) Last time I checked, he was gone, and resurecting him would have been too much for anyone...

  • I don't watch this but wasn't the previous /. entry a rumor that it was being continued? And now it is being further confirmed? Where's the false rumor?
  • Of course the ghost of your aunt Sophie's Budgee will tell his this ahead of time.

    Seriously I wonder if Shanks/Jackson will be doing a ghost routine. After all he's sort of dead. He showed up once in season 6 as a 'spirit guide'. Did anyone else get serious vibes that the plot was spinning out of control?

  • by Call Me Black Cloud ( 616282 ) on Sunday November 10, 2002 @01:26PM (#4637339)
    ...has anyone heard who shot JR? I missed that episode.
  • I didn't mind him gone. I never really liked his character that much, especially throughout season 6. He was dead weight as far as I'm concerned.

    My big concern is how they will bring him back without making the plot totally absurd!
    • My big concern is how they will bring him back without making the plot totally absurd!

      They actually set that up near the beginning of season 5 (in episode 3, "Ascension"), long before Jackson left the show. It is aparrently easy for any ascended being to become mortal again - it's ascending again that's difficult.

      --The Rizz

      "The only 'ism' that has justified itself is 'pessimism'." --George Orwell

    • by Temsi ( 452609 )
      I didn't mind him gone. I never really liked his character that much, especially throughout season 6. He was dead weight as far as I'm concerned.

      Eh... he wasn't in season 6. What show are you watching?
      In any case, I'm thrilled he's returning. As far as I'm concerned his character is what held the show together (he offered the only non-military non-alien input), and without him it just hasn't been the same.
      Season 6 has been rather disappointing so far, but with the confirmation of season 7 and Daniel's return, I hope the second half of season 6 will improve. At least 7 will be better with Daniel back.
  • I mean, I like that Shanks will return as Dr. Daniel Jackson, but what we really need is for this girlfriend Lexa Doig [] to come on board, she is waste on that other crappy show :o)


    (I don't EVEN want to hear about how they're already out in the UK. I KNOW they're out in the UK. I want them out in AMERICA!)
  • Farscape is cancelled, but SG-1 gets another season? Were we all really bad in a past life or something?
    • Ratings.


      Number of viewers.

      A small contingent of hardcore fans a series does not make.
      • Yeah, sadly I agree. Still annoying to see a show that was occasionally excellent killed off in favor of one that was consistantly awful.
      • You forgot the other factors:
        • Moving the time so much that fans lose track of where it is
        • Splitting the series in two
        Somebody up high wanted the series nuked and they were successful. It seems that the Sci-Fi channel is afraid of Sci-Fi unless it is star-drek related.
      • Re:There is no god. (Score:2, Informative)

        by robobor ( 600173 )
        Don't believe Sci-Fi's PR spin -

        Farscape still got the SECOND highest ratings of anything on Sci-Fi, behind SG1. Even with the unfavorable 10pm time slot and lack of promotion, the average ratings for the first half of season 4 were down only a tenth or two from season 3. If you compare the episodes of season 3 broadcast during the summer (when overall TV viewership is down) and the first eleven of season 4, also broadcast in the summer, the ratings are unchanged.

        Sci-Fi made the decision to buy seasons 4 and 5 after season 3, so if the numbers from season 3 convinced them they could afford 4 and 5, and the ratings were nearly the same, then that can not be used as an excuse for the cancellation of the show.

        SG-1 gets over 2 million viewers for the episodes in syndication. Obviosuly SG-1 has a larger fanbase than Farscape, so it will do better in the ratings. The decision to replace Farscape with SG-1 was made by the beancounters. SG-1 costs about the same to make, and gets slightly higher ratings.

        What doesn't make any sense is why they couldn't do both. Farscape was still their second highest rated show. Why not try to build another night of good programing? Say, with SG-1 anchoring Friday night, Farscape anchoring some other night. That's how real networks build schedules and audiences. Not by killing their best shows. Imagine NBC cancelling Frasier because it finished second to Friends in the ratings.
        • You are forgetting about average cost per episode. Rating points per dollar were not as good. SciFi does not have the money NBC has to keep marginal shows with good ratings, and high prices.
          • But if they couldn't afford it, it would not have been renewed for seasons 4 and 5. The ratings from seasons 3 to 4 are unchanged, therefore they can still afford it - well, unless the weak economy and advertising market has depressed ad rates. SG-1 does have better ratings than Farscape on Sci-Fi, but it may not be cheaper - and the ratings per $ may not be much better. Farscape costs $1.5M per episode, of which Sci-Fi pays half. SG-1 did cost $1.3M, the next season will be higher. I don't know what portion Sci-Fi pays. The new Spielberg show "Taken" cost $40M for 20 hours of programming - $2M. I believe Sci-Fi is paying most of this, if not all. This doesn't strike me as network strapped for cash. Vivendi may be struggling, but the US entertainment division headed by Barry Diller is doing just fine.

            The new people who assumed control of Sci-Fi in the last year or two are conciously moving the network away from "space and alien" shows, in favor of crap like John Edward and paranormal and conspiracy themed shows. They saw the chance to pick up SG-1 for their allotment of "space and alien". When they saw that it got better ratings for less money, they axed Farscape.

            Instead of trying to build the network with good programming, they are taking the low road and filling their schedule with paranormal shows and B-grade horror schlock. So perhaps instead of doing good shows and having, perhaps, a 10% margin, they're spewing out crap and making a %20 margin. It makes sense in the short-term for some network exec who only looks at the bottom line, but all their shows are crap and it will, I hope, bite them in the ass someday.
  • How are they going to bring Daniel Jackson's character back? I mean, he fscking died/ascended! Do they have reoccur as a sort of extra-dimensional guide to the SG-1 nyuknyuks? Have him "descend" or "un-ascend"?

    Although, you know what would be interesting. The scifi/soap opera solution: Daniel's dead, but they just happen to find his long lost twin brother, a reknowed neurosurgeon raised by temporally displaced landsharks.

    Sniff...I miss Farscape...

    Love and Peace,
    • Sorry for the poor typing. I was eating while typing (multi-tasking sure would be easier with more hands). And due to an misplaced overconfidence in my literary skills, I didn't hit the preview button like I should have. It should read: ...Do they have him reoccur...

      Gomen ne.
      Voice inside my head: You're not japanese! *kick*
      Me: Hai!
      German-speaking Shark swimming through my head: Yes?
      Everyone: Doh!

      Love and Peace,
  • Shanks left the series at the end of season five, and his character gave up human life and ascended to a higher plane of existence. []

    Well you know I find it suspicious that the Cordelia character in Angel has also just returned from some higher plane of something-or-other. Maybe her and Daniel Jackson (ascended) were getting it on in some weird posthuman sense?
  • Who's a friend of mine, confirmed that they would be doing another series a couple of weeks ago.. but he said that sci-fi wasn't really that anxious to do it, they would rather just drop it.

    I don't see there being a season after this one unless they have a change of heart, he never went into why.. but he said that it was the same thing with sci-fi and what happened with farscape.. which, I have never seen.. (don't attack me)

    Anyway, it's good to see that SG1 will be around for another season!
  • OK, Daniel coming back I guess I sorta understand. I mean they'll find some way to write him back in without too much trouble.

    But Michael Shanks coming back? What's with that? I thought he left because he didn't like the X-Files'ish direction the show was going, with all the government conspiracies.

    So what happened? Did he change his mind?

    • It depends on who you talk to. As usual, some (mind you, this is just some) of the fans have their own conspiracy theories.

      One is that MGM caved into MS so he's back. Or, that MS caved into MGM, which makes no sense either. It all boils down to money and ratings. SciFi attained good ratings with season six, but their highest ratings to date for the entire network (according to their own press release) came from repeats of season one.

      Now, some ship (Jack/Sam) fans are all upset because they think Daniel coming back will come in between Jack and Sam, although where, who knows, as I didn't see much if any ship in season six. And then there are some Jonas fans who are all in a state because they think Jonas will get the heave-ho or get relegated to a position where all he does is stand around and smile. ;)

      There there are some fans who think that the Daniel fans will sway the producers to make it the Daniel Jackson hour, which contradicts their other view that the Daniel fans had nothing to do with bringing MS back to the show.

      And there are the fans who say that only the true l/ loyal / real [please select one] fans are the ones responsible for the show coming back.

      Some fans are calling for reconciliation of the fandom, but as long as you've got fans who say 'oh yes, it's a good idea, now we can get past all the death threats and hate mail and i hope those people apologize' crud, it will continue to be the little soap opera on the net ;)
  • by zephc ( 225327 ) on Monday November 11, 2002 @12:59AM (#4640537)
    scene: outside

    Daniel Jackson appears wearing a white robe, surrounded by a glowing light: "I come to you now in your hour need."

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    who end up using this language.

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