Equilibrium 293
The_Hiro writes ""Farenheit 451 - meets - Brave New World - meets - Matrix" (minus the overdone wire work). Created on a limited budget, Equilibrium combines the best of sci-fi with the action genre. Unfortunately, the marketing droids at Dimension have neglected to promote the film (release date: Dec. 6th). Chud.com has a glowing review of the film and some pretty pictures. Check out the trailer also."
Trailer (Score:5, Funny)
I watched the trailer
But its a film about tooth whitening? Sounds boring to me.
Re:Trailer (Score:5, Informative)
Er, yes?
Preferences -> Reason Modifier -> Funny
Set to -2 or so, and Funny mods will never get above +3.
Re:Trailer (Score:2, Informative)
People like you (moderators on crack) are one of the reasons why /. has been going down the drain lately.
And I expect this to be modded to heck, but I hope you read it (since you're too goddamn chicken to post as yourself and burn some "precious karma") and try to understand what I'm saying.
Trust me, the last thing I need to hear is why you people moderate as bad as you do. I'd rather you keep your opinions to yourselves and just get on with playing god from afar. It's so much cleaner and painless that way.
The Only Thing Stronger Than The System... (Score:5, Funny)
Is The Man Who Will Overthrow It
Wow... It would be kinda hard to overthrow it otherwise.
Re:The Only Thing Stronger Than The System... (Score:2, Interesting)
seems cool.. (Score:3, Informative)
It seems cool, I'll try to see it if it ever plays anywhere in Colorado. From scanning the article, it seems cool, but the article has that fanboy edge to it that seems like it's going to give too much away if you actually *read* it.
Re:seems cool.. (Score:2)
This doesn't seem like The Matrix or any of those other "the experience is drastically changed after you know 'The Secret'" types of movies. The article just outlines the environment, but not the plot, which is absolutely fine.
why waste money... (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:why waste money... (Score:4, Funny)
And given our track-record so far, I'd say ur gonna end up with a cancelled flick.
Re:why waste money... (Score:2, Funny)
Okay, I'll give it a go:
fUck yOu.
Re:why waste money... (Score:3, Funny)
The nice thing about the English language is its flexbility. New words are introduced all the time. Give up that capability of our language, and you make English an extinct language.
I'd suggest you and everybody else be tolerant instead of acting like common use of a shorthand word will result in an embiggening of illteracy.
Re:why waste money... (Score:2)
Wish I had a mod point for that comment. Best I can do is use my +2 to give it some visibility.
Re:why waste money... (Score:2, Insightful)
I disagree. "Ur" (pronounced "ur") is not phonetically equal to "you're" (yew-ur) or even "your" (yore). "2" is not a phonetic symbol, it's a number. Same goes for "4". And while we're at it, "u" is just a letter (pronounce it phoneticaly and you get "uh" or "oo").
I agree with the AC -- it's called "being a fucking illiterate". There once was a time when children would lose points for misspelling words, especially simple ones like "you", "your", "you're", "to", "too", "two", etc (depending on the grade level, they may or may not have lost points for using the incorrect word, since that kind of thing isn't easy to grasp in first grade). These days, kids are lucky to be able to read by the time they graduate high school. I guess all of these similar-sounding, different-spelling, different-meaning words are just too difficult for today's kids (not necessarily homonyms, though I guess they can be difficult too).
The Matrix? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:The Matrix? (Score:5, Insightful)
Well, I don't remember many people saying the philosophy backing the matrix was anything particularly revolutionary, just that the film was incredibly refined visually and beautiful. I also don't remember anything about living inside giant computers and robot overlords in eastern phil. Maybe I took the wrong class, or maybe illiterate morons such as yourself ascribe any kind of 'deep' thought to 'eastern philosophy'.
What eastern phil you might be referring to is beyond me. What does the matrix have to do with the Dao or natural way of the universe which should be followed? What does it have to do with reincarnation or karma? What does it have do with meditating and given up earthly desires to reach enlightenment?
The only 'eastern' thing about the matrix was the bad-ass fight choreography. That, along with it's visual style was what was 'revolutionary and fresh.' Not it's scatterbrained philosophical underpinnings. It's an enjoyable light movie, and as such, it succeeds widely.
But what am I talking to you for? You wouldn't know a Zen koan from a Confucian saying, from a <p> tag.
Oh wow... (Score:2)
Re:The Matrix? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:The Matrix? (Score:5, Funny)
Yeah, yeah... (Score:2)
Can you name one quality, intresting film based on modern philosophy? I mean, I suppose you could call Austin Powers post-modern, but that's beside the point.
And eastern or western, I still don't see any giant robot overlords in anything 100 years old or so.
Re:The Matrix? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:The Matrix and Eastern Philosophy (Score:5, Insightful)
The parallel between The Matrix drew from Eastern (more specifically, Vedic) philosophy is the belief that the world we think we live in is an illusion, which affects us only insofar as we believe it it. And of course, if one becomes enlightened - whether by meditating for many lifetimes or by the grace of a scriptwriter - one may gain mystical powers that will really impress the viewing public.
While The Matrix is vastly overrated IMHO, it does have its merits in that it made many people think.
Re:The Matrix? (Score:5, Funny)
One of my commandments is "thou shalt not commit adultury" Pornography is considered adultury. Not only are you committing this sin, you are helping others commit it. Part of MY PLAN (tm) included having Keanu Reeves and Lawrence Fishburne become actors specifically so that they could make the Matrix (and sequels) in order to punish you for your sins. Have a nice day.
Re:The Matrix? (Score:2)
-Grunjnak, All-farting God of the Troll-people.
PS Anyone have any objections if I tweak the speed of light a little, or perhaps the charge of the proton? 5/32's of +1 charge would be kinda cool, would it not?
Re:anagram (Score:2)
Re:The Matrix? (Score:3, Funny)
Good day. I represent the www.MyPlan.com Corporation. I am writing you to inform you on my client's existing trademarks on "MY PLAN", "MYPLAN", "MYPLAN.COM", "WWW.MYPLAN.COM", and "WWW.MYPLANSUCKS.COM". In occordance with existing Trademark Law in the lower 7 planes of existence, my client has an obligation to enforce his trademark ownership in order to protect it. My client has signed agreements with groups in competition with yourself, and my client does not want your name associated with their trademark.
-You must IMMEDIATELY stop any and all references to "MY PLAN". All assets utilizing the "MY PLAN" trademark must be destroyed or exchanged with my client.
-You must reverse the flow of time and remove your references to "MY PLAN" from any and all Slashdot (tm) postings.
Failure to comply will result in legal action. Thank you for your prompt assistance in this matter.
Leo Fleckmeyerhofferstern
Partner, Lipshitz, Altoona, and Poo
Smite right (Score:3, Interesting)
Out of pretense, and in blasphemous contempt of The One, this unbeliever goes by the name "Nine." Please, thou who art The One, smite this heathen at your earliest opportunity. Disconnect the phone of NineNine first to prevent escape. Then grind the sucker up into that nutritious, gelatinous fluid that we all still need to consume since Liberation because we have absolutely no other source of food, having laid waste to Earth over a century ago in a bizarre Pyrrhic effort to "win."
(Anyone else notice this? If humans were powered by humans, and their heat powered the machines, wouldn't you run out of calories in a jiffy? Humans don't run on solar or nuclear power. Well, I suppose the machines could be doing some sort of protein synthesis, but if they had the energy to do that why not skip the whole "power plant" thing? And another thing...)
I do have a point! Movies like these normally require a healthy suspension of disbelief, and Matrix was remarkable because it really caused disbelief. It had certain plot and continuity problems, but not glaring enough to ruin the fun, and the sense of being transferred to a world with screwed-up tint control. It's pretty easy to pick apart, but there's a fine line between being insightful and irritating.
The philosophy was not new, but the packaging was. I had a little fun with my atheist friend who liked the movie by pointing out, "You realize that Neo was Christ, didn't you?"
The acting -- I thought everyone did fine, except for Reeves, who had mercifully few lines and mostly stood looking around stunned, until he become a gun-toting sunglass-wearing matrix rebel.
And the effects were great. We're getting tired of them now because of all the imitations and parodies (even Shrek!). But the Matrix set a new standard for viewer immersion. And the sum of its parts made it a good movie, one of my top ten futuristic movies along with Bladerunner and Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.
I can only hope this one is as good. Trailers are tough to read. FWIW I think Bradbury was better at coming up with ideas than writing about them. The script would have to be quite creative to make it work on the screen.
Oh, they explained that (Score:2)
Re:Oh, they explained that (Score:2)
Why did "they" do it? To sell tickets! A movie without humans in it just wouldn't have been the same...
Re:Smite right (Score:2)
I love have misread "A long time from now in a galaxy far far away" all 120 times I have seen the movie.
Re:The Matrix? (Score:2)
Dude, how can you diss Jimmy Jump [imdb.com]? Do you have a pathological hatred of root beer or something?
Heh... (Score:5, Funny)
They should have called the movie "Palladium."
Nah (Score:2)
Re:Heh... (Score:2)
Re:Heh... (Score:2)
This is a weird comparison to make. . . what, were you molested by a priest or something?
Casting Ryan Philipe as a genius computer programmer is probably the most offensive thing Hollywood has done to the geek population so far.
Re:Heh... (Score:2)
It's Jeb and it's brother was Re:Three Strikes (Score:2)
Another movie that this reminds me of (Score:4, Insightful)
Wow, (Score:2, Interesting)
Definetly a flick I'll have to check out.
Yeah.. I'll go see it... (Score:2, Insightful)
On my my favorite has to be the movie HARD BOILED.
I think it has a 10 minute long unedited action gunfire scene in it... it was beautifully done.. brought a tear to my eye...
Re:Yeah.. I'll go see it... (Score:5, Insightful)
This was my introduction into Hong Kong gangster films done by a master of the oeuvre. Must be one of my all-time favourites. The show-down gun-battle you mention is truly beautifully done.
A must-see for anyone who digs Tarantino (though, of course, he had a wide range of influences). Highly recommended, as is The Killer.
The key to this type of film is that they must be extremely character driven, and we have to care about the characters (note the plural) while at the same time be made unsure of the main character's direction. As you say, this genre tends to be relatively plotless, or plot figures less than the dialog and character development.
Re:Yeah.. I'll go see it... (Score:2)
The problem with most action movies is that they fall apart as soon as the shooting stops. Woo partly avoids this by rarely letting this happen, but the movie always feels more crisply plotted and engaging without feeling totally plotless. Over-the-top doesn't necessarily equate to nonsensical- very few directors (or actors) understand this.
Damn, I gotta buy that DVD.
Ah, Hard Boiled... (Score:2)
Re:How much time (Score:2, Interesting)
A few facts: over 100K rounds were fired during filming.
Over 300 people die in the movie, one of if not the highest movie bodycounts.
Very good movie...John Woo's first westernstyle film really. The Killer, as mentioned is a much better film plot wise.
The Giver (Score:5, Informative)
Re:The Giver (Score:5, Funny)
Re:The Giver (Score:2, Informative)
That's just one example of how The Giver was different from F451 and Brave New World. It was a similar genre/type of book though.
Re:The Giver (Score:2)
Re:The Giver (Score:2)
i hope i'm not mixing this up with some other book... it must have been more then 7 or 8 years sence I read it.
Re:The Giver (Score:2)
Re:The Giver Try Logans Run (Score:2)
1. Costumes from the Highander 2, from the planet zeist.
2. Farenheit 451, burning stuff.
3. Take his family, Oh my God Hi-Tech Gladiator.
4. Logans Run - Contacting the resistence.
5. Pink Floyd The Wall- Everyone all conforming wearing the same stuff.
And 100 other stolen ideas from sci fi classics.
The matrix had good effects and a decent story. One of the better of the sc fis in the past decade, althought not the best are even that good.
But this one has good cheese effect so we will check it out.
Gice me John Carpenters The Thing, good stuff that one.
Re: (Score:2, Funny)
Sounds interesting enough... (Score:3, Insightful)
another... ripoff? (Score:3, Interesting)
Now, after having seen the trailer and read the article, i can't say that i've change my mind much, but i'm probably more likely to see the film now.
It almost makes a person wonder -- how much of an influence does the internet have on the film industry? Does it make it easier to get crappy ideas on film, because there's an easier access now? If so, i've got this great idea for a horror flick or two....
matrix and all that. (Score:3, Insightful)
But really people...
The matrix was not the first time these things had been done. Check a little film history and get out and look at some less Hollywood movies once and a while. It does not make any of these movies better or worse, almost all movies build on previous work and copy some of the effects from previous movies. Get over it.
Re:matrix and all that. (Score:2)
He made the reference to quickly distinguish between the two, not to say that The Matrix was the first in the line of Orwellian thought.
No Promotion? (Score:5, Interesting)
Considering how long ago and under what circumstances the classics of totalitarain sci-fi (1984, Brave new World, Animal Farm) were written, it can be seen that fears of the all-powerful state are in fact a product of the Fascist (1930s-1940s)and Cold War (1946-1992) eras.
With the fall of communism, fears of totalitarian states have eased, and at present, the most immediate threat in people's minds is of course terrorism. As President Bush's "National Security Strategy Of the United States" puts it: "(our biggest threat) is less from conquering states than from failing ones". Evidence that Americans, and hence the movie-going public, agrees with this assessment can be seen in the widespread acceptance of the PATRIOT act's intrusive extension of law-enforcement's powers. It seems Americans want more government, not less.
My point, however, is not a political one. Whatever one might think of present attitudes toward government, the fact remains that marketing is an objective science, and marketers need to react to present attitudes as they exist. Therefore, given today's pro-government climate of public opinion, it was a rational decision not to spend too much money promoting a movie that is at odds with present attitiudes.
The other way around (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:The other way around (Score:4, Informative)
In both 1984 and Animal Farm, all the main characters were exact analogies for Soviet figures. Big Brother and Napoleon were obviously Stalin, and Goldstein and Snowball were obviously Trotsky. The problems of Western society, as real as they are, just didn't enter into the equation.
THX1138 (Score:2)
Movie made by group of highly trained Apes (Score:2, Funny)
The release date is... (Score:5, Informative)
Demographic Equilibrium (Score:5, Funny)
In other news: In the not-too-distant future, the rapidly aging "Baby Boomers" will become a generation of self medicating drones who live their lives under constant supervision in nursing homes and managed-care facilities.
Art imitating life? Maybe I shouldn't take my parents to see this movie...
Finally... (Score:2)
I don't know man, to me, movies shouldn't be about a 30 second trailer that comes a year or more before their release (eg Matrix, T3...)...
For once, I'm surprised by a new release, and I'll definitely go and see it. Even if it's bad, it's got my attention by being confident enough to say "fuck advertising my ass off for months ahead to try and make a few bucks for my distributors".
My 2 cents.
Looks like plenty of wire-fu to me (Score:2)
Hmph. Wire-fu is here to stay, methinks, and there was plenty of it in this trailer as well. At least there was a plausible reason (within the story) for the incredible acrobatics the heroes were capable of in The Matrix.
In this particular case, we just have to believe that they are so darned over-skilled that they can do the things they can. No cheating real-world physics (remember: "there is no spoon"), like in The Matrix.
Preview looks like nice eye-candy, at least. Might be worth sitting through at your local megalo-plex. I don't much care for the warmed-over operatic score in the trailer. Here's hoping the actual movie soundtrack is more interesting.
hmmm (Score:2)
Oh, someone explain to me (Score:5, Insightful)
Bitch/moan++: even if I had 768k, I still wouldn't be able to see it if I didn't have IE... well SCREW THEM! If they don't even want me to see their trailer, I don't want to spend any money on their movie.
I see this as somewhat akin to gamespot's move to a pay-to-see-video business model. It surprises me that anybody has signed up, because all they (essentially) get is commercials for games. That's right! They pay to see commercials! It would be ironic if it wasn't such a damned tragedy that someone went ahead and actually bough into that.
Re:Oh, someone explain to me (Score:2)
Either way, after reading the review and watching the trailer, I'm going to see this movie... but probably not for the 13 dollars CDN the local theatre charges, when it's more comfortable (and less distracting) to watch in the privacy of my own home.
Clicky for ASFRecorder! [sourceforge.net].
Point it at:
Trailer Download: Working Link (for now anyways) (Score:2, Informative)
Note that I obtained the URL by changing 300 to 700 in a link mentioned in another comment, and you can likely access whatever format you prefer by changing the URL accordingly.
Re:Oh, someone explain to me (Score:5, Informative)
mencoder -o equilib.avi -oac copy -ovc copy "mms://a1919.v7287f.c7287.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7
Re:Oh, someone explain to me (Score:2)
Is there a windoze util that will allow someone to d/l these damn asf mss streams and the annoying quicktime ones also?
Re:Oh, someone explain to me (Score:2)
Mencoder is part of the Movie Player for Linux [mplayerhq.hu] project.
Re:Oh, someone explain to me (Score:2)
Re:Oh, someone explain to me (Score:2)
Umm... what? I viewed the trailer just fine with Chimera
Re:Oh, someone explain to me (Score:2)
And to think I swimmed all the way across the oceon for this!
Language is changing. And now the Oxford Dictionary says I can end a sentence a preposition with. Also, if to merrily split infinitives I wish, allowed am I.
Thank goodness too, otherwise we'd be speaking Old English.
Re:Oh, someone explain to me (Score:2)
They probably use onclick. The *cough* webmaster *cough* probably isn't aware you can do onclick="dostuff();return false;" to stop the href being activated, and so uses the braindead javascript:void(0) method to avoid an error being raised when you click on it.
The 700kbps one worked fine here, for small values of fine; I had to use ASFRecorder just to get something I could play without the video stopping dead after 3 seconds. Streaming sucks.
Why oh why? (Score:2)
They try to arrest him with 3 people. Or send 2 people to kill him when they DAMN WELL KNOW that the ultimate weapon was trained to go against an army an win?
Oh when will these govt agencies learn?
Re:Why oh why? (Score:3, Funny)
They try to arrest him with 3 people.
Yeah, like that Saturday Night Live skit where they show a clip of black-clad ninjas attacking two karate masters and then the ninjas are all sitting in their locker room at their hideout nursing their injuries and talking about how they could have done better.
"Why do we always attack one at a time?!"
"And when we do attack at the same time, let's try not to do a running attack directly opposite each other, because the guy always just moves out of the way and we clunk our heads together..."
Funny stuff.
Re:Why oh why? (Score:3, Funny)
I for one, will make damn sure to not make my daring last minute escape via a helicopter with its rope/chain ladder.
Oh come on (Score:2)
The only real difference is this one is low tech while Minority Report actually introduced some sci-fi ideals. This is just wanna be matrix-minority report nonsense.
Maybe it will be good, Christian Bale is a fine actor, so is Tay Diggs, but honestly, the movie is unoriginal.
what on earth are you talking about? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:what on earth are you talking about? (Score:2)
Wash rinse repeat. Same crap different title.
Observations (Score:2)
If this movie is 1/3rd as good as the trailer looks, it's gonna be amazing. And we all know that movies are quite capable of being less than 1/3rd as good as the trailer looks.
Finally! I get to see a movie that looks really good within 1.5 years of finding out about it!
Pardon me stating the obvious, but the way technology and the Bush administration are rolling along utterly without any reigns -- either external or internal -- this might be nothing short of a documentary. Yes, I realize I'm being bombastic. And yes, I really think we're heading toward this.
Re:Observations (Score:2)
Except that the supreme court, even packed with Republican appointees, has been steadily expanding your freedoms for most of the past 50 years, and many of the rights we take for granted and bitch about today were unheard of for much of our nation's history (ahem, abortion). Sure, Bush would love to change the makeup of the court, but people seem to spend more time bitching than doing anything about it.
Don't forget, too, that the (failed) Clipper Chip scheme was Clinton's fault. We also have much stronger- and 100% legal- cryptography now, that the NSA won't be able to break, and there's no practical way this can be supressed. Carnivore is essentially a joke, because my sense is that we could easily defeat it with ubiquitous strong encryption but the apps just aren't there yet.
The only thing that I'm really worried about is this program Poindexter is heading. But I'm not worried about Bush, per se, but some of the people who'll be in charge. (I didn't vote for Bush and don't like him very much, but I'm annoyed that liberals speak about him in the same tones that conservatives used to speak about Clinton.)
Minority Report.... (Score:2)
TV Promotion for Equilibrium; compare "The Giver" (Score:2)
On the separate topic mentioning "The Giver" versus F451 and Brave New World -- I recently read "The Giver" for the first time (I'm looking to change careers to become an English teacher) and it was quite clear to me that Lois Lowry's goal in writing "The Giver" was essentially to address many of the same issues as in "Brave New World" (and to a lesser extent, some of the issues in "Farenheit 451"), but for a young-adult audience. "The Giver" is a book frequently used in 8th and 9th grade classrooms.
I also just watched the movie "The Handmaid's Tale" (based Margaret Atwood's book of the same title, which I haven't yet read), and some of the same issues come up there, too. The issues of forced conformity and censorship are recurring, and nobody can claim to "own" them. As I think about it, my head is swirling with all kinds of plots from books, short stories, and TV episodes (especially Twilight Zone and Outer Limits) that offer variations on these same themes.
Philip K. Dick Nod/Reference (Score:2)
"The advent of the drug Prozium has helped erase war, murder, and all of the other things that the oppressive powers that be determine is forbidden and each member of society injects the drug to suppress their moods and stave off that hideous thing known as emotion."
Sounds like Philip K. Dick's " Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep [is.free.fr] "?
"My schedule for today lists a six-hour self-accusatory depression," Iran said.
"What? Why did you schedule that?" It defeated the whole purpose of the mood organ. "I didn't even know you could set it for that," he said gloomily.
Trailer download! (Score:2)
New trailer (Score:3, Funny)
He's been a girl.
And on December 6th,
Rob Schneider is: the Cleric
Watch him try to bring justice to an unfair world, all the while trying to make his way through blahdiddy blah blah blah.
Rated G, for high-adrenaline sexual innuendo and some drug references.
Unpromoted? Shock. (Score:3, Insightful)
Of course, you don't get as many votes by waging war on heart disease and cancer as you do by vaporizing foreigners with exotic bombs.
Yeah, I'm totally off-topic. The movie sounds cool. Mod me into oblivion. I was just feeling cranky and wanted to add to my PATRIOT Act dossier.
Re:Unpromoted? Shock. (Score:2)
Right, and we know how pro-drug the current administration is.
To make your analogy work, you'd have to imagine heart disease explosively wiping out a quarter of the stadium during the Superbowl all at once. (okay, perhaps that isn't so far out...)
Re:Unpromoted? Shock. (Score:2)
Somehow I think heart disease and cancer will prove harder to vanquish than say, Iraq.
Re:Unpromoted? Shock. (Score:2)
"robot" -- another literary connection (Score:2, Interesting)
"Young Rossum invented a worker with the minimum amount of requirements. He had to simplify him. He rejected everything that did not contribute directly to the progress of work. He rejected everything that makes man more expensive. In fact, he rejected man and made the Robot. My dear Miss Glory, the Robots are not people. Mechanically they are more perfect than we are, they have an enormously developed intelligence, but they have no soul. Have you ever seen what a Robot looks like inside?" (from R.U.R., 1920, trans. by Paul Selver)
Before this, he wrote a humorous short story about a crafty businessman who rounds up all of society's undesirables, purges them of all emotion through lack of artistic and sensual stimulation, and turns them into a phenomenal working force. But his design is put in ruins when the keepers inadvertently leave the light on during a working man's monthly conjugal encounter. That man is so inspired by her beauty that he breaks out in song during work, and the domino effect continues as within days the men have organized debating societies, newspapers, amateur theater troupes and the like. Before the week is out, the men rebel against their oppression and lay the entire operation to waste.
Re:No hires quicktime? (Score:2)
Probably becuse it's hard to copy RealPlayer and Windows streaming, where making a copy of Quicktime is built into the player.
Re:F451 (Score:2)
Re:F451 (Score:2)
Look mummie! There's going to be a fire.
Re:F451 (Score:2)
Re:Judging from the trailer (Score:2)
Re:reviews in chud (Score:2)