5 Predictions for 2012 513
Structured Audio writes "Mike Langberg of the Merc put up his 5
technology predictions for 2012. Well
chosen, although of course in 2012 speech
recognition will still be 10 years away :-)."
The herd instinct among economists makes sheep look like independent thinkers.
Hmm (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Hmm (Score:5, Insightful)
I had a direct broadcast satellite in '92, so did over a million people in the UK. Predicting the launch in the US is hardly that impressive.
This years predictions include the Tivo like PVR becomming ubiquitous...
Re:Hmm (Score:3, Interesting)
I had great difficulty trying to explain to mobile phone companies that the idea of selling data on where their customers were was a non-starter businesswise.
The business problem comes into focus when you consider that politicians tend to be avaracious consumers of wireless technology (both the Bush and Gore campaigns used RIM pagers), they also have serious security concerns. The ones I talked to imediately realized that the technology would be abused by stalkers, nutcases and assasins.
I sure don't want my washing machine reporting back to its manufacturer, but I have no qualms with it determing, for itself, that it is no longer functioning under normal operational parameters.
I don't want my washing machine to call the manufacturer, but loging a problem with the home maintenance center would be OK. This is the sort of thing that Web services will be big for.
I think that devices will talk but they will talk inside the home first and any external communication will be with permission from the owner.
Having the washing machine tell me when it needs repair is not a killer app. A status light on the front panel can achieve the same result. But having the thing tell me when the cycle has completed and the clothes are ready to go into the dryer, that is useful - I am writing this three floors above the washing machine in the basement.
Equally, Negroponte's fridge that orders stuff itself is inescapably clueless. There are in fact 'fridges' of that type, we call them vending machines and lots of them are now wired to report their inventory levels so the guy in the truck knows when to go and fill them up.
However it would be reasonably usefull to be able to check the contents of the fridge from my handheld PC when I am in the store and wondering if I need to buy more OJ, milk, and eggs. I suspect that a usable system would involve weight sensors and perhaps some sort of barcode printer / scanner built onto the side of the fridge for the frozen stuff. Problem with any such system however is that the discipline required to use it tends to be too much for most.
Re:Hmm (Score:3, Funny)
Xray, MRI, GC/MS. Camera logging when the item was put in the fridge.
Re:Hmm (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Hmm (Score:3, Insightful)
It's just amazing the things that open doors in our minds. The little door in my mind that was opened led to a HUGE GAPING VALLEY waiting to be filled with a new area of knowledge/information.
I can't believe how much I've learned in just under 2 hours also. I now know not only who Terrance McKenna was, but where he grew up, where he went to for school (Graduated HS in Los Altos and studied under a newer self-directed and eclectic reading type of degree program at UC Berkeley), where he traveled to, why, and where and how he past away.
If any of you do not know who this man was, PLEASE, I beg of you to at least read for 20 minutes about the guy. Some great (AND PROVOCATIVE) ideas! I sure wish I knew some intellectual/techie/cool people near where I live to discuss such matters with! I'm sure I have A LOT to learn.
And BTW... I'm CONVINCED I NEED to try 'shrooms at some point in my life... if even just one time. Sheet... I've never done ANY type of substance!
To whomever that previous "ANONYMOUS COWARD" was, I'd like to thank you for giving me insight into an area I never thought I'd even care about! You can reach me@ armyturtle1@yahoo.com
All present and accounted for -- always. (Score:2, Funny)
unless I leave my cell phone at home
Been there, done that. (Score:3, Interesting)
Presence (Score:5, Insightful)
Family, friends and co-workers will be able to instantly see where you are,
I think this will come much sooner and, by 2012, will be gone again once everyone realises how bloody awful it is.
Re:Presence (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Presence exists... big brother is stalking you? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Presence exists... big brother is stalking you? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Presence exists... big brother is stalking you? (Score:5, Insightful)
Leave your phone at home?
Re:Presence (Score:5, Insightful)
My boss offered to give me a cell phone (me being the resident "computer guy"). After watching the head of maitenance for half a day with his cell phone (everyone calling with every problem ever 5 minutes) I said no thanks. Then again I'm biased because I don't like cell phones in the first place. It seems more and more like people are never "alone". I don't want phone calls when I'm driving (when I blast music so loud I doubt I'd hear it ring anyway), I don't want calls when I'm on a walk, I don't want calls when I'm eating, or out doing something. I could turn off the ringer, but then again I'd just never have it on at all if that were the case. Most of the time I'd just like my time to MYSELF.
You don't have to answer the phone! (Score:5, Insightful)
Here is a hint: just because the phone rings does not mean you have to answer it. In fact if there is someone physically in your presense it is IMPOLITE to answer the phone unless you are expecting an emergency. (Your wife could go into labor at anytime, your parent is going in for heart surgery, your kid is late in bad weather. There are others, but those are the big ones)
If I'm in your cube and you answer the phone I will talk to your boss about that, unless you are in customer service they can get voicemail and you will call back.
Many people are surprized that I, a strong introvert like my cell phone. They don't realise that I'm not a slave to the phone, the phone is my slave. If I'm sitting between two beatiful girls and it rings, I hit cancle without even looking at it. (As a geek I've so far had one such opportunity, I might have blown it, but it wasn't by answering the phone) Manytimes when I could answer it I will just look at callerid and send the caller to voicemail.
Re:Presence (Score:4, Insightful)
1) You don't have to answer it. (I suppose it's different if it's paid for by the boss, and you're on the clock.) By restricting circulation of the number, I almost always only receive calls that I want to get, anyway. Aside: Please, set it to vibrate so as not to annoy those around you with your cute ring tones.
2) It's handy if you want to place an outgoing call. Late because you're stuck in traffic? Flat tire? Want to invite someone to meet you down at the pub? Going on a road trip with a group split between two cars? A cellular phone is a godsend if someone gets lost. Last night I was with a group of people helping a friend move. Her landline wasn't hooked up at the new location--a cell makes it so convenient to get pizza.
A cellular phone should be a helpful accessory. If it's an annoyance, then it is the fault of its owner, not the phone.
Re:Presence (Score:2)
I think this will come much sooner and, by 2012, will be gone again once everyone realises how bloody awful it is.
It will never reach those two extremes. There are a couple of pilot programs out there and they are already using the metaphor of the Instant Messaging buddy list. In other words, you can make your presence known to everyone, if you wish, and you can also make yourself invisible to anyone you want to (except law enforcement).
It will become like my cell phone. I could give out my cell phone number to everyone I know, but I don't. And I could answer every phone call I receive without even looking at my caller id, but again I don't. Please give the marketplace some credit for leaving us those choices.
Re:Presence (Score:3, Insightful)
Oh... then that makes it alright.
Screw that. That is much too Orwellian for me.
Will the point come where if you don't have a cell phone people will assume you have something to hide?
What if I am carrying your cell phone, does that leave me open to arrest?
Screw all that. I am just gonna turn off all the lights, lock my front door and curl up in a little ball in a corner of my apartment until 2012. I'll poke my head out the front door and if I see my shadow back I will go.
Re:Presence (Score:3, Insightful)
Wired--when you wanna be (Score:4, Insightful)
I'm waiting for Americans to decide which technologies give them more or better personal time, and which technologies invade and destroy it.
Cellphones can be a blessing. They can also be a way for our employers to extend office hours through dinner and bedtime.
Instant messaging has become a burden to me. Being available all the time for any priority of message is like moving your office desk or living room couch to the mall.
I want nothing to do with people-tracking technology. The folks I care to know where I am during my day do. I don't want strangers, the Pentagon's Total Information Awareness program, or the Bush Administration tracking my movements as if I'm some sort of migratory animal, thank you.
Let's make toolks for the workers, rather than turning the workers into tools.
Re:Wired--when you wanna be (Score:3, Insightful)
and the world changes/ends on Dec 21st (Score:3)
only 1 terabyte ?? (Score:3, Interesting)
"Enderle said the new file system will also function efficiently with hard drives holding at least one terabyte of data. That's 1,000 gigabytes, or well over 1,000 compressed movies, or more than 700,000 novels the size of "War and Peace." Such drives are expected to hit the market by 2004."
i hope 8 years more can give a couple more megs to hds
Re:only 1 terabyte ?? (Score:5, Funny)
Crashes ahead... (Score:5, Insightful)
So, let's say:
I live 70 years
I watch 5 movies per week (2 hours each)
one hour of high-definition movie is about 2 GB Then, in my entire life, I will consume something like 70 TB of data. Of course, maybe there will be 3D-surround immersion imaging devices... But eventually, we will be able to store locally all the information we can consume and produce. Storing more will be useless. Eventually, we will reach a point where more and better technology will be useless.
This reminds me something I read a long time ago: Knowledge Crash. Science progresses. It takes more and more time to reach the bleeding edge of science and improve on it. In the beginning of the century, you could write Nobel-prize class papers at 20. Now, you need to be a little bit older. Eventually, to improve on science, you will need a life-long study. And we will reach a point where human life will not be long enough to improve on humanity's knowledge. I know, teaching techniques improves over time, but even then, there will be a limit. The only way out will be a longer human life... or a limitless human life. But until Kurzweil's dream [kurzweilai.net] (read this [amazon.com] too) become a reality, both technology and knowledge crashes are part of our future - and more technology will not be usefull anymore...
I wonder what kind of society we will live in then... and what being human will mean.
Re:Crashes ahead... (Score:3, Interesting)
This could be obtained within (10 years anybody?) our own life time artifically. Even if 500+ years from now the limits of science has been reached for natural humans, I'm sure within that time they would have figured out some way to increase the activity, density, and size of the human brain, allowing us to think just a little bit smarter than what we can today...
Even if we do not change the physical aspects of the human brain, I'm sure we would have eventually come to a better understanding as to how our brain functions, allowing us to at least enhance our own thinking process a little.
In the beginning of the century, you could write Nobel-prize class papers at 20.
Who says we can't? It is the upbringing that is limiting us. Having to sit in a public school in mindless classes and PE can really hold a child back from reaching their real potential.
teaching techniques improves over time, but even then, there will be a limit.
There is no limit. No one knows the final outcome of the human brain. With more development of brain-wave (thought pattern) recognition, the possibility of thought induction is there. Who needs a text book when you can download information into your own mind? The only type of teacher you would need would be a mentor of some sort to teach you ethics and how to harness the potential of your brain. We very far away from fully understanding the human brain... throughtout that quest, I'm sure we'll figure out ways of enhancing it.
Yes, in order to reach scientific breakthroughs we need a bit more effort compared to the past, but it does not mean that we will never reach a time when that will change. Let's just hope we don't kill species before we get to that point.
Specialize! (was Re:Crashes ahead...) (Score:5, Insightful)
Not necessarily... Back at the turn of the century, there were 'doctors', and 'surgeons'. Now, there are hand surgeons, internists, gynacologists, eye/ear/nose guys, etc. Likewise, there used to be 'physicists', and shortly afterward there were 'theoretical physicists'... now there are high energy physicists, quantum physicists, particle physicists, etc.
Take any profession... expand it, through more knowledge and technology... you get to the point where you can have people specialize in barely-overlapping fields within the same industry - computer programmers vs. computer engineers vs. network engineers vs. helpdesk trolls, etc. Can your average programmer design a chip? Can your average chip designer program a GUI?
To view it another way, the age of the Renaissance man is well over... instead, we get the age of the specialized man, with more expertise in a chosen profession than any renasissance man could hope for.
Comment removed (Score:5, Funny)
Re:2012?!?! (Score:2, Funny)
Re:mod parent up!!! (Score:2)
I predict... (Score:3, Funny)
Speech Recognition (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Speech Recognition (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Speech Recognition (Score:4, Insightful)
Proper speech recognition has been proven to be AI-complete [ic.ac.uk], similar to "The Vision Problem" (building a system that can see as well as a human), and many others. Perhaps not proven as rigorously as mathematical theorems but all data is pointing this way.
Therefore, correctly solving the speech recognition problem is equivalent to solving the Turing test. So if anybody predicts good speech recognition in some near future, it is usually a sign of uninformedness and that person probably shouldn't be taken seriously.
Re:Speech Recognition (Score:4, Interesting)
What's AI-complete is
The reason perfect speech recognition is AI-complete is that it requires perfect speech understanding to choose between homophones (words that sound the same but have different meanings, such as to, too and two, or there, their and they're), and that problem is AI-complete.
Of course, most humans don't have perfect speech understanding, and hence also don't have perfect speech recognition.
Satisfactory speech recognition may indeed be as close as 2012. Maybe not, but it is possible. It has come a long way recently.
This has nothing to do with the Turing Test, and many people are of the belief that the Turing Test is a pretty silly milestone in AI anyway as it is a poorly formed, incredibly subjective measure of intelligence.
Passing the Turing Test is a matter of being able to fool a human into thinking you are human via a simple converstion, held with words only, sight-unseen. Some humans fail the Turing Test and some computers can already pass a limited variation of it.
Something that is AI-Complete is believed to require human-level intelligence to solve, and is an entirely different, and likely far more complicated problem.
Justin Dubs
Finally, we can talk to our computers. (Score:5, Funny)
Same old (Score:2, Informative)
In the year 2012 (Score:4, Funny)
Junis will upgrade to a 386
Jon Katz II begins writing articles for slashdot. His premiere article: What caused Columbine to happen II? A 37-part epic.
Stephen King and Alan Thicke will still be dying on a daily basis, missed by all.
The goatse.cx hole will increase in radius by 3m.
The (meta)-moderation system will still be broken.
E-paper will be coming out "real soon now"
The "How about a beowulf cluster of these?" joke finally gets played out.
Mozilla supports yenc decoding.
Re:In the year 2012 (Score:3, Funny)
But the "all your base are belong to us" variations will still be going.
Cluster (Score:3, Funny)
Steve Ballmer will be chanting:
Nonono, he's got it all wrong! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Nonono, he's got it all wrong! (Score:5, Funny)
Huh (Score:2)
moving sidewalks (Score:2, Funny)
Speech Recognition (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Speech Recognition (Score:3, Funny)
Either that, or you'll give your car's computer a name and use that. "Chitty, give me directions to the nearest movie theatre."
Re:Speech Recognition (Score:2)
Re:Speech Recognition (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Speech Recognition (Score:5, Interesting)
Perhaps the computer uses a recognition algorithm based on all these factors to know when someon is talking to "it." My cat apparently has similar algorithms programmed in- I can speak in a conversational tone all day, even to a telephone, and the cat won't respond- but the moment I assume my "talking to kitty" voice, it snaps to attention.
Another interesting question about the ST computer- how did it route the person-to-person commnications before the individual spoke the receipient's name? You'd often here Picard's communicator pipe up: "Riker to Picard- you should come up to the bridge," or some such line.
One presumes that the communication did not go to everyone on the ship, only to be cut off when the word "Picard" was spoken. I always assumed the computer cached the outgoing communication until it was determined whom it was going to, and then retransmitted; the result should be a 1 second lag on the return to represent that, unless the computer subtly timeshifted the entire conversation to pad the lag into the spaces normally between words.
Re:Speech Recognition (Score:2)
"Riker to Picard- you should come up to the bridge,"
The computer just waits untill it hears 'picard' and then sends the message with a lag. The real question is what happens if two people have the same name...
As far as the computer, well, we could always tell when they were talking to it, and in 400 years a computer would probably be at least as sensitive to contextual cues as a person.
I mean at the very least the computer should be able to interact as well as any character on the holodec.
Re:Speech Recognition (Score:5, Funny)
Ahh, this is an easy one:
Re:Speech Recognition (Score:2)
Re:Speech Recognition (Score:4, Insightful)
That one's easy. They do it the same way that you do, they have a time delay loop where things that haven't been processed are buffered, and they don't start forwarding the message until enough has been parsed to identify the recipient. They may also compress whitespace during catchup so that it doesn't even add any delay into the process. (Whitespace compression during speech can usually recover over 25% of the used time, so catchup would be trivial on any except the shortest messages [where it wouldn't matter anyway].)
Re:Speech Recognition (Score:2)
Re:Speech Recognition (Score:5, Funny)
Driver: "This car is a piece of shit!"
Car: "The nearest restroom is 200 miles down route 54."
Driver : "God I hate this car, I want to kick it's ass."
Car: "The nearest brothel is located 4,364 miles away in the state of of Nevada."
Driver: "That's it, I've had enough of this you fucking car. I'm going to kill you!"
Car: "Security system activated. Electrifiying body frame."
Driver: Bzzwaaaarrrrrrzzzwaaaaaaaaaaa
Re:Speech Recognition (Score:3, Insightful)
Speech recognition will be used in combination with a couple of buttons, because it will never get better than 87% accuracy on novel requests, so you'll press a button to start, speak, listen to what it now intends to do, and press a button to have it do it. 5% of the time, you'll just dial the phone yourself.
2012!!! The Future is here... (Score:4, Funny)
RFID (Score:2)
Other than speech recognition (Score:4, Interesting)
2012 the year your computer... (Score:2)
Here's my predictions for 2012: (Score:5, Funny)
5. computers will be much faster than they are today
4. computers will be much less expensive than they are now
3. programs will take much more space than they do now
2. hard drive capacities will be much larger than they are now
and finally... (drumroll please)
1. there will be even more duped articles on Slashdot
Re:Here's my predictions for 2012: (Score:2)
I wonder when the last remnants of slashdot will fade away... I could see it alive and kicking in 2012 to be honest with you. Not as it is, but at least in name and scope. I could see it being more elite and underground, too.
Re:Here's my predictions for 2012: (Score:2)
Re:Here's my predictions for 2012: (Score:2)
Well, certanly not if current trends continue! If anything
Re:Here's my predictions for 2012: (Score:3, Insightful)
Hooray for RFID! (Score:3, Insightful)
I'll say, just stick your in a conductive bag and they'll never know.
erhaps Frits Hollings will introduce the CRFIDTPA which will illegalize bags and pouches made from electrically conductive material.
show in the future (Score:2)
Hopefully wrong.. (Score:5, Funny)
Hal: John, I have determined you should not have passed that last station, maybe you should turn around now.
Hal: John, you have two miles more before the point of no return to that gas station you passed.
Hal: John, are you listening to me?
John: Shut UP! You dont know i have a gas can in the trunk!
Hal: John, yes you do, but its empty! Remember last time?
John: Nag, Nag Nag..
my prediction...life will still suck (Score:2)
Re:my prediction...life will still suck (Score:2)
TV commercials (Score:5, Insightful)
I would guess it is also possible for networks to start doing what they do during soccer games when they can't take breaks -- scroll the add on top of the programming. You could be watching Friends, with a little "Pampers" ad on the bottom. This would allow for even more commercial time, and they could sell the time to sync to various moments in a program. (e.g Rachel is playing with the baby, roll the Pampers ad. They are in the coffeehouse, roll the Starbucks ad)
Another thing that can happen is a'la sports programming. At various times during the program, the picture would shrink, making enough space for an ad to be displayed alongside. Some people will put up with this if it means free, and you can't skip the commercials.
See, aren't ya'll glad I'm not a network exec.
If it goes away, good riddance. They have to be careful with subscription fees.. commercial TV is mostly crap, so it is hard to price it correctly. All my local stations together would probably be worth about $7/mo to me if they were to be commercial free. Can they make money with that?
Not quite spot on (Score:5, Insightful)
This will take at least 15 years. People don't buy new washing machines all that often.
All present and accounted for -- always.
This will be in mobile phones within 5 years.
Walk now, pay later.
Probably unfeasible as described. More likely you will authorize payment for the item before putting it in the bag. The receiver at the entryway will only check that you don't leave with any unpaid items. 10 years is about right, I wager.
Prime time is your time
Not very adventurous there. 5 more years.
Finally, we can talk to our computers
People curse them every day, so this is already reality.
I doubt true voice control will be there in 10 years either, unless there is a major break through in AI technology. Before that, we will be limited to simple voice keyed activation.
One Prediction Is Impossible (Score:4, Informative)
Not bloody likely. HD Video is likely to require about 15 GB/hour to store. 1 TB of data does NOT give you 'hundreds of hours', more like 65 hours.
Re:One Prediction Is Impossible (Score:2, Interesting)
Not with MPEG-4 or equivalent... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Not with MPEG-4 or equivalent... (Score:3, Interesting)
They're talking about squeezing HD-DVD onto the same physical medium, but using MPEG-4 compression
rather than the MPEG-2 currently used.
Isn't the max res of MPEG-4 short of what real HDTV requires? From what I understand a lot of people think trying to cram HD-TV onto a DVD-9 is going to lead to a lot of compromises in video quality.
From what I understand the majority of equipment manufacturers are pushing HD DVD as something with a blue led and 25 GB per layer.
of course, we'll have much larger hard drives..... (Score:4, Funny)
Of course, they will run at 400 degrees and last a week, but tradeoffs always need to be made...
As Avery Brooks said: (Score:3, Funny)
"Where are my flying cars? I was promised flying cars..."
- Avery Brooks [imdb.com] (In a IBM [ibm.com] commercial)
Do we really want these things? (Score:2)
My presence is for me to decide. I don't want anyone to know right where I am unless I tell them or they are with me. The first anyone who insists on knowing my wherebouts 24/7 (who's not my wife ;) will learn a lesson in the wherebouts of my fist.
Smart tags wont be on price tags, they'll be built in to products. Again, I don't want little tattletales broadcasting every thing I have to anyone with a hig gain scanner. Theives will move from the store to your home. Expect that they will be illegal to remove by anyone, too.
TV will move to a pay per show model. Product placement will be rampant, as well as the commercials (you'll get those for free, of course. ) Expect shows to be shorter, and drawn out over longer periods. Reality Based shows will most likely thrive, since many of the things they will do on TV won't be allowed in RL. Invasiveness is the key.
Talking to my computer will still be hampered by bloated code, legislation, monopolies, and chewing with my mouth full.
All this will be driven by companies who want you to consume more and more. Durabillity will be replaced by a throwaway society - recycling will most likely be increased, since raw materials will become scarcer, and the number of people will continue to balloon.
See you there!
Something old, something new... (Score:2)
I don't know about these predictions... (Score:5, Insightful)
That would mean that internet connectivity has to be wireless and cheap. It would also require people to WANT their appliances connected to the internet. I'm sorry but my washing machine works really well right now on it's own without it bugging me to take it in or yelling adds at me. If that's why these machines want to connect (to rip me off, advertise to me, tell me i should take it into the dealer and pay more money) then I'm gonna be ready with a nice jamming signal for them.
2. The IM prediction and online presence.
Maybe it will be like somewhat as he says. But I sure as hell am not going to have a damn gps signal telling everyone who wants to talk to me exactly where I am. And I'm not gonna be available all the time either. My settings are gonna default to "leave me a god damn email msg and I'll get back to you when I can". Not 'here's my exact location, what I'm doing and 5 ways to page me right now'. :)
3. Walking out of shops and the rfid tag nonsense.
Riiight. A store with no clerks. Talk about easy to shoplift if you have your own programmable rfids. or just walk out next to someone else and charge your stuff to their card.
4. Tivo in every home, no restrictions.
Let's see if the mpaa + networks will just roll over for that one. My guess is it will be a crippled tivo ripoff with all sorts of DRM and palladium inside if that happens. Anything else will be illegal.
5. Speech recognition.
Don't know about this one. Everyone and their mother has thought this was right around the corner for the past 20 years.
Here's my prediction:
Corporate America will finally dispense with the play acting and be in direct control of the country. Instead of having senators from each constituency, we will have senator Disney, senator Microsoft, senator Tobacco industry, senator chemical industry. And the president will be the CEO of the country.
ObFriends (the TV show) (Score:2)
2012 or available now?? (Score:5, Informative)
All present and accounted for -- always. [attws.com]
Walk now, pay later. [aimglobal.org]
Prime time is your time. [newtimewarnercable.com]
Finally, we can talk to our computers. [onstar.com]
I know these things aren't all in common use today, but they are available. He could have had at least one prediction that was a little bit of a leap.
Washing machine, quit making long distance calls! (Score:4, Insightful)
That sounds kind of silly. Would be kind of like the grocery store calling me up and telling me I was low on milk. Yes... it would be great to know that my washing machine is using too much hot water... but the washing machine should tell me, and not Sears.
Re:Washing machine, quit making long distance call (Score:4, Informative)
2012 - endpoint of Viridian design movement (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm a bit surprised that some more thought wasn't given to how different our energy consumption patterns and transportation modes will be by then.
Social consequences (Score:3, Insightful)
Likewise when checking out in the store, you will need to explicitly authorize the purchase, otherwise you could contest it later. You will be presented with an itemized receipt based on a scan of your items, and you're supposed to look it over quickly and make sure there's nothing on there that you didn't buy. Then you do something to initiate the payment. You can't let people take money out of your account without giving approval! There has to be some action you take to explicitly authorize a certain amount to be transfered.
With the "presence", again you will have much more control over it than he implies. You will be able to say who can find out how you are reachable. You can have filters that automatically email you when your voice mail comes in, etc., so that people with different levels of access don't necessarily know how much priority they're getting. That way you don't offend people.
As far as ubiquitous TiVo, it depends on the outcome (both legislative and technical) of the copyright wars. You may be able to record the shows only under the control of strict DRM software that won't FF through the commercials (like the way DVD players won't FF through the FBI warnings now).
One additional social/technical prediction I'd make is more use of webcams for business meetings, creating the virtual office. Assuming that terrorism scares keep happening, people will prefer not to travel so much, and employees will want to stay home and not come into the dangerously concentrated population areas downtown. We'll see a continued trend towards white collar workers using live video feeds to communicate with their co-workers both locally and around the world.
RFID cloaking device, uncappers (Score:3, Funny)
In 2013, after you install the water limiter uncapper, your maytag washing machine finks on you and collects a reward.
In 2013, the invention of the RFID cloaking devices (aluminum lines shopping bags), leads to whole sale shoplifting. An new chain of stores called "shop-naked" emerges, and becomes wildly popular not only as a place to meet members of the opposit sex, but because it is the only place that sells food in the city anymore.
in 2013, stranger-on-a-train parties become an out-of control trend, with complete strangers exchanging their Presence ID tags. Thus subverting the tracking scrutiny of big brother and his computerized corporate stooges. Faced with a loss of control over ordinary citizens, President Jenna Bush imposes mandatory ID tatooing and all babies receive an injected RFID module.
Talk to computers? (Score:5, Funny)
Isnt handsfree silly enough to watch? Will the computer understand foul language and respond by deleting files (happens anyway if you use Windows).
I agree (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm already using it, and it drives me nuts. When I add money to my "pay and talk" cell phone account, I am forced to use their new (within the past couple of months) speech recognition menu. I am literally answering a robot's questions, and she makes me want to bang my phone on the closest solid structure near me.
Welcome to Rogers At&T pay as you go service, would you like to add money to your account today? Please say yes, or no.
I'm sorry, I didn't hear you, would you like to add money to your account today?
I'm trying to ask you a question. Please answer with yes or no.
this is the part where I wonder if swearing at the system will make it work. Maybe it recognizes "i said yes you piece of shit android" No it doesn't (I tried), but it usually takes about 5 tries, and I get into the "add money to my account menu" where i can then use the keypad (still) to enter in my P.I.N., new card number, etc.
How the car will REALLY answer... (Score:5, Funny)
Car: Eight miles ahead at exit 37 there is a Chevron station.
Driver: Is there a Mobil station there?
Car: No.
Driver: Are there any closer gas stations?
Car: Yes.
Driver: Where?
Car: Six miles ahead at exit 36 there is a Citgo station.
Driver: Are there any Mobil stations within the next twenty miles?
Car: Yes, there is one four miles ahead at exit 35.
Driver: Why didn't you tell me that in the first place?
Car: To keep the costs of the service low to you, we present you with value-added featured placements first. By the way, wouldn't you like a larger penis?
Plan (Score:5, Funny)
2) Have a lot of them turn out right
3) ????
Walk now, pay later (Score:5, Interesting)
Slightly different view... (Score:4, Insightful)
Everyone doesn't have a cellphone..... yet, but it seems to be getting that way quickly. You can't walk down an asile in the supermarket without seeing someone talking on the phone, usually about some useless, pointless conversation that is only occupying what free brain cells they have left, and leaving very little, if any, available for any other purpose, like not blocking the asile, or applying the brakes in an orderly fashion. More and more places are banning active cellphone use, mostly to appeal to the customers that find others yelling into the cellphone during a movie to be somewhat disruptive. And those of us who value our privacy will venture away from the option to be located anywhere at any time. The feature might exist, but very few people will probably use it, unless its necessary.
RFID tags are great, and it makes sense to simply walk out the door and have your credit card deducted for the right amount as you do. And if you accidently walk out with something you're not supposed to, it will let you know. If it was a simple accident, you have the option to walk back in. If it wasn't, you can still run..
Cable already SHOULD be advertising free. You're paying a monthly fee for the shows, you should get them without advertising. And if not for the advertising, they shouldn't care when, or how many times you watch something. As long as you keep dishing out the monthly fee, and you will, it should make little, if any difference. Its the dependance on advertising that's biting the cable networks in the ass, hence their bitter complaints about Tivo and the like. Rid themselves of the advertising beast, embrace the PVR, restructure their budget, and life will be good.
As for voice recognition, we got that today. Of course, there's an AI element that's lacking, but if the driver is willing to stick to a standard convention for command structure, most of what the author is predicting in 10 years could be done today with little difficulty. The simple fact of the matter is, 99% of the time, I know where the nearest gas station is. Only travellers need this information, and most intellegent travellers will fill up at the most convienent opportunity (i.e., not when they have 10 miles worth of gas left) Better for the car to simply inform me as I'm passing a gas station, knowing my destination and most likely route, that the gas station I'm passing is the least expensive one I will pass before running out of gas and therefore I should stop now to fill up. Screw asking the car about it.
Can anyone play? (Score:5, Funny)
After years of mis-understanding and accidental death, new Tablet PC's will come out that are chewable, in colorful Flintstone shapes.
Bill Gates will be a distant memory having been killed in 2006 in a bizarre accident when his computerized bidet malfunctions (a brief investigation can find no evidence of tampering and very little evidence of Mr. Gates)
Steve Balmer retires from Microsoft in 2005 to star and produce in a remake of the Battle for the Planet of the Apes. Mr. Balmer also becomes heavily involved with the smoothie cult as it's symbolic leader and introduces ritualistic clapping and hopping to the group before being asked to reduce his role and "just be the head"
Terrorism is a thing of the past when, in a 2003 CIA plot, the leaders of al-Qaida are clandestinely fed Depilorex and cannot look at each other without giggling and are too embarrassed appear in threatening videos.
The new head of Microsoft, an incomplete 6 year old Bill Gates clone hastily harvested from the scene of his death, announces (via a translator 'Mr. Wuzzy his Spokes-Teddy Bear') the switch to a new open source philosophy, introducing the new direction with a new mascot, a fuzzy green reptile called 'Opensaurus' and changing the marketing tagline of the company to "We wanna play too! "
this has got to be a joke... (Score:3, Funny)
Why it won't happen. (Score:3, Insightful)
Won't happen. "Home control" systems have been marketed for 20 years, and have never caught on. The system administration takes more time than the thing saves. How many people even use the time clocks on ovens?
All present and accounted for -- always.
Truckers have had this for years. You can buy it for your car now. It will be a work-related thing, not a generally used feature.
Walk now, pay later.
Probably not, but things will go faster at checkout.
Prime time is your time.
Not if the MPAA can stop it.
Finally, we can talk to our computers
No way. We have speech recognition now. What we don't have are systems that comprehend natural language. We're no closer to that than we were ten years ago. If you like speech recognition, call TellMe at 800-555-TELL, which offers news, sports, driving directions, phone information, and movie tickets. Try to buy movie tickets in less than five minutes of talking.
Speech recognition... hee hee hee... (Score:3, Funny)
Can you imagine speech recognition becoming so common it gets built into every computer?
It would be worthwhile paying for a 1U slot in a colocation facility, just to have a machine that has no purpose whatsoever, except to randomly scream out at the highest volume on it's sound card "SHUTDOWN NOW!" to the other machines...
-- Terry
Re:its gonna suck to be stupid 10 years from now (Score:3, Insightful)
In contrast, Stupid People in the middle ages were illiterate and relied on a lot of superstition.
So future stupid people will probably be just fine with new technology. The problems will come when todays stupid people can't handle new tech, much like many seniors today and computers.
Future geeks will probably be just as aggrivated with these new advanced stupid people.
Re:IN SOVIET RUSSIA (Score:3, Funny)