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Ogg/Vorbis on Palm OS 175

loshwomp writes "We have built an audio player for Palm OS, and a public beta is available now. The beta includes support for Ogg/Vorbis audio, and a future beta will include plug-ins for more formats, as well as the plug-in SDK itself."
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Ogg/Vorbis on Palm OS

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  • Lots of fun (Score:2, Interesting)

    This should prove to be really usefull to me since i just converted all of my music to ogg. I can't wait to download it!
    • Re:Lots of fun (Score:1, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Please tell me, when you say "converted," that you did not transcode from mp3 to ogg. Tell me you re-ripped your CD's.
      • Re:Lots of fun (Score:2, Informative)

        by commbat ( 50622 )
        Please tell me, when you say "converted," that you did not transcode from mp3 to ogg.

        As an experiment I converted a 320Kbps mp3 to 160Kbps (Q5) ogg. They both sounded exactly the same through my crappy speakers.

        As soon as I hunt down an old pair of walkman headphones (for the mini plug) I'll cobble together a mini-plug to rca patch cord and hook up to my stereo. Maybe then I'll hear a difference.
  • processor intensive? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by absurdhero ( 614828 ) on Sunday December 01, 2002 @02:41AM (#4786727) Homepage
    Are Palms high performance or has the OGG/Vorbis decoder gotten a lot less processor intensive, I wonder?
    • by Burnon ( 19653 )
      From the article:
      "AeroPlayer presently runs on Palm's Tungsten T handheld."

      The Tungsten is pretty beefy. It's got both a high speed ARM925 processor and a high-speed DSP in it.
      • Yes, but it's hard to write native ARM code or native DSP code: PalmOS5 runs all applications as interpreted 68000 code; the best you can do (with a lot of work) is link in some assembly routines.
        • by Anonymous Coward
          not totally true. it will run native arm code but as of yet the build chain hasn't been release.
          • by Anonymous Coward
            According to all the information I have seen from Palm, PalmOS 5 will not run ARM-native apps ever--there simply are no ARM-based system call entry points in the kernel. What it will let you do is put ARM subroutines into 68k code, and the only build tools Palm has promised for that is for ARM assembly.
          • by ardiri ( 245358 )
            > but as of yet the build chain hasn't been release.


            prc-tools 2.2 was released a few weeks back, it has an arm compiler included in the distribution. the 'mainstream' compiler (codewarrior) has arm support as of release 9; and, has been mentioned publically in developer forums and is currently in beta testing (some developers have that luxury). i also posted arm-gcc building instructions to my website on August 05, 2002. so, its not "impossible" to build stuff - if you are a developer, and, you have the desire to program armlets; you have had a chance to do this for months. its not news; palmsource showed arm units at PalmSource 2002 in february.
        • Skimming the overview on how to link in an ARM subroutine here [], I didn't get the impression that it'd be very hard to do. There's no mention that the linked in function must be assembly - there's no reason that the entire ogg codec couldn't be linked via a large ARM C API.

          FWIW, it looks like a tools improvement permitting pure native ARM application development ought to be forthcoming sometime next year [].
    • by millette ( 56354 ) <robin AT millette DOT info> on Sunday December 01, 2002 @03:06AM (#4786788) Homepage Journal
      There are two answers to your question. First, the new Palm OS v5 was designed to run on much more powerfull processors. Second, there was a problem for a while with ogg not having a integer only decoder algo. Lots of pdas aren't equipped with a floating point unit, so that was a real show stopper. Well, not anymore, since the integer version of the decoder is now also available with an open license.
      • why? beos was designed to run on pentium 133 with 32MB of RAM. :-)
      • First, the new Palm OS v5 was designed to run on much more powerfull processors.

        PalmOS 5 runs on ARM, but applications under it mostly run as interpreted 68k code. It is possible to write native ARM code for PalmOS 5, but it's a lot of work and there qre quite a few restrictions on it. I doubt that the Ogg integer decoder would compile on it without major work.

    • Since Tremor - the integer only vobis decoder library , was released cpu power hasn't been so much of an issue. palms are reasonable at integer proformance it was just a problem that the standard vorbis libary uses a floating point decoder. now that this is fixed i hope we seen portiable vorbis players released.
    • by joe_bruin ( 266648 ) on Sunday December 01, 2002 @04:39AM (#4786918) Homepage Journal
      any jackass could have done this port in, oh, 5 minutes.

      the palm tungsten t uses a texas instruments omap cpu. the omap is not just an arm. it is an arm-9 and c5500 dsp core on one die (what they call a dual-core). they share memory and dma channels and a special message-passing bridge, which makes it much easier to program and debug.
      an omap can decode mpeg 2 at 640x480 at 30 frames per second. the arm 9 itself is fast enough to run the ogg tremor integer decoder without the dsp (i've seen it run on an arm-7 @74mhz, although it eats the entire cpu on that one).

      the only thing it needed was user interface/io code and recompiling the tremor libraries. this is not much of a story, as any palm programmer could have trivially done this port.
      • Easy or not, they are the ones who (apparently) did it *first*, and that's newsworthy.
      • any jackass could have done this port in, oh, 5 minutes. Shame on you jackasses and Palm Programmers for taking so long to put out what would surely be one of the more 'killer apps' for the Palm. Maybe charge $15 for it shareware, maybe get 10,000 buyers... From the tone of voice in your post, it sure sounds like you could have done it. What kind of jackass turns down $150k for 5 minutes work?
  • We should be seeing Ogg support on "dedicated" MP3 players soon, no?
    • by Uller-RM ( 65231 ) on Sunday December 01, 2002 @03:02AM (#4786777) Homepage
      The main stumbling block to Vorbis implementations was that the reference decoder was floating point intensive, whereas MPEG decoding can be done with mostly integers. However, there's now the "Tremor" reference decoder which uses purely integer math.

      It's not really that difficult of a format. The only real oddity is that you have to buffer in the first few Ogg pages quickly in order to set up the codebook and other Vorbis headers, whereas MPEG uses discrete frames; but, once you've got the headers parsed, Vorbis is a relatively straightforward format.
      • by Anonymous Coward
        IS there any difference quality-wise between the integer decoder and the floating point decoder? Meaning, is the quality of the sound the same? Does integer decoding use more CPU cycles? Else, why not go that way from the start? OK, that's enough questions
        • In theory, once you've got a floating-point PCM or ADPCM value, you can cast that out to any precision of integer you want -- the same blackbox decoder would work whether you were creating an 8-bit signal for a basic DSP or a 24-bit signal for a studio-quality DAC. (The latter is particularly relevant since Ogg can support more than two channels and can chain multiple segments in a single Ogg bitstream.) In theory you could even design a DAC to directly accept an IEEE 724 floating point number.

          Decoding using the FP decoder and casting to, say, 16bit unsigned bigendian, should sound no different than decoding to the same point using Tremor. I haven't looked at any comparisons of algorithmic complexity for the two decoders, since the one project I'm working that uses Vorbis is using libvorbisfile.

          (Or rather, the Mac OS X Framework version of it... the OSX-specific source in CVS is broken at present, but you can coax it into compiling with a bit of elbow grease. It also needs to have a Mac-specific gcc flag added to change the base address for the relocation table to allow prelinking. If anyone out there from is reading this, take those UNIX libs off the damned download page and get the Frameworks working -- most Mac users are NOT mentally equipped to su root and copy a bunch of .sos into /usr/lib!!)
    • That's what I've been hoping as well. But there appears to be one final obstacle to that: standardizing the format []. It costs money and is labor-intensive. Some good souls are working on it right now.

      I still dream of a portable player with an open API so that it could be really customizable... hell, I'd much rather have .mod playback code in it than stupid, stupid wma's.
  • by carpe_noctem ( 457178 ) on Sunday December 01, 2002 @02:41AM (#4786732) Homepage Journal
    Now I can listen to Beethoven's 9th Symphony for 24 straight hours on my palm. woot.
  • by Mirell ( 459881 ) <> on Sunday December 01, 2002 @02:42AM (#4786734) Homepage Journal
    Noting the info on the page: 4-5 hours typical battery life on a full charge.

    Frame rate: 1, maybe two per minute.
    Color: Black. White is optional.
    Sound: Screeching Square Waves

  • Why does it have to store ogg on the expansion card? I have space on my device, why can't I use it?
    • Re:Expansion card? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by ardiri ( 245358 ) on Sunday December 01, 2002 @07:51AM (#4787189) Homepage
      palm doesn't have an "internal" file system. everything is stored as a resource or record database. the data chunk is limited to 64k. there are API's available that allow filestreaming, which, pretty much do 'internal management' of your data in 4k record chunks :) a good programmer would support filestreaming .pdb files - i have written a number of utilities to convert from a normal file -> .pdb filestreaming.
  • um. (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 01, 2002 @02:44AM (#4786737)
    Can you really fit that much music on a palm?

    I haven't looked at Palms in a couple years. How much storage space does your average palmOS machine contain these days? Anyone familiar with the topic want to give some approximate numbers?
    • Re:um. (Score:5, Informative)

      by p00kiethebear ( 569781 ) on Sunday December 01, 2002 @02:48AM (#4786746)
      if your palm uses smartmedia or compact flash cards than you can store up to a gig of music depending on how much money your willing to shell out. more info here []
    • Re:um. (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      "Average palm" doesn't count, since an "average palm user" wouldn't give a damn about OGG support. Those who do give a damn, though, probably have 128MB or 256MB MMC or SD cards on their Tungstens (note: the beta supposedly only works on Tungstens for now), so they can fit quite a few OGG files on those :)
    • Re:um. (Score:4, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 01, 2002 @04:12AM (#4786885)
      The memory space in palms, even from the early days, was based on 'cards'. The memory built into the palm unit is all addressed as card 0 (even though you could not remove this 'card' of memory without some soldering!) Palm did this because they envisioned a day when additional memory or other resources would be added to a palm.

      With the 500 series, that day finally came. With the 500 seris, an additional card slot is available, card 1. (The same holds for the *VASTLY* superior Sony Clies, which use their memory stick technology.)

      These cards in the M500-series can be up to about 32MB for the expensive ones. A recent break through in memory production might double this. (This is the same old story about memory!)

      For the clie line, the memory stick cards can hold up to 128 MB. This of course will double in a short while.

      This compares with about 16 MB max on card 0 for the M500 and clie NX series. Why is memory so limited on card 0? Well, it's all about battery life. The reason people like palm so much is that they sip batteries (or at least used to before color screens). You used to be able to go weeks between recharging. Even with color screens, you can go a week or so before a recharge becomes critical.

      Since palms use trickle DRAM to keep memory fresh, 16MB of memory means that you need to keep draining the battery EVEN WHEN THE UNIT IS TURNED OFF. (The processor, however, is not using significant power in sleep or doze mode.) Not much power is used, but it adds up. Now, if you had 128MB of ram in a palm unit, all with trickle DRAM, the unit would have a fraction of its current battery life--enough to make the device a real nuisance! Some people might like much memory, but they probably would be using their battery to refresh unallocated parts of memory anyway.

      So, palms tends to have small memory card 0, and have long battery life. Palm made the judgment that people need about 16MB. Sony came to the same conclusion. Somewhere, the marketing people talked to the engineers and UI folks about how much memory is needed, how often recharges would be needed, etc. etc. In fact, Palm is so strict about this that for the Zire (their $99 'entry' palm), they downgraded the memory to just 2MB (what they estimate you'll need for its intended uses) and nixed the color screens. The result: a unit that guards Palm's tail end market from competition from the cheapo Franklin pda-units.

      Is this important? It is for many people. I know plenty of friends who own an iPaq, and they can only use the device full-out for part of a day. (If you are chained to an outlet, why not just cary a small vaio or something?)

      So, yes, there's not much dram on a palm unit. But, there are non-volatile memory cards available, and they're getting cheaper.

      That being said, it should be noted that palm is, in my opinion, a f*cked company. They've lost market share, from 90% to 50% and falling. And now, there's actually competition from many players. They actually did a _reverse_ stock split to avoid delisting.

      Plus, they *ROYALLY* pissed people off with the M505-->M515 bug, and by failing to issue a recall on the 505s. Palm's only chance, in my opinion, is in the Palm OS 6. They promise that Palm OS6 will be for Palm what OSX is for Apple--revolutionary.

      If it's not, they've got jack sh*t to offer, and will have to compete with Microsoft. They're toast!! Oh, one more thing. Why does *every* damn story have to link to even the most basic URL. Like when the link to a story in the Register, there's a link to the story.... and in case you have bricks for brains, they also have a bonus link to the Register home page. Moronic.

      Ok, my pizza is finally here. I'm done babbling.
  • OK... (Score:4, Funny)

    by Dr. Bent ( 533421 ) <> on Sunday December 01, 2002 @02:45AM (#4786742) Homepage
    but does it support ogg? Otherwise I don't...oh wait....
    • Damn you beat me to it!!! Damn damn damn; so much for me thinking I was all clever and such... Ah well, since I haven't read the actual article, what're the basic specs needed to use this?


    • Ogg? Who wants ogg?

      Now if they had a Palm Tattooing Robot, that'd be really ......oh wait []...
  • License? Source? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by FattMattP ( 86246 ) on Sunday December 01, 2002 @02:49AM (#4786749) Homepage
    What is the license? Where is the source code? This isn't so I hope there's something more significant than just a free ad for proprietary software.
    • " I hope there's something more significant than just a free ad for proprietary software."

      You mean like the fileformat we all know and love finally getting some attention?
      If this sells than corperations as a whole might take Ogg seriously, Which is undeniably a GoodThing(tm).
    • Not everyone is a programmer. Some folks recognize the value of good proprietary software that does what it says it will do and comes at a reasonable price.

      Remember, software licenses aren't grounds for holy wars for most folks.
      • Remember, software licenses aren't grounds for holy wars for most folks.
        True, but they are legal documents nonetheless. Before I agree to use software, I want to know under what terms and conditions I'm allowed to use that software. Given that it has no source code, and I've never heard of the company that made the software, how do I know that it doesn't do more than it says it does? What if it's set to somehow damage my PDA after a certain amount of time has elapsed?
  • oh great... (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 01, 2002 @02:53AM (#4786755)
    Now I can listen to AC/DC on my PalmOS device's crappy little speaker...

    Just what I wanted...

    • Now I can listen to AC/DC on my PalmOS device's crappy little speaker...

      Just what I wanted...

      Teen1: Oh, here comes that cannonball guy. He's cool.
      Teen2: Are you being sarcastic, dude?
      Teen1: I don't even know anymore.
    • Now I can listen to AC/DC on my PalmOS device's crappy little speaker...

      The Tungsten T has a headphone jack. That way, when you're stuck next to some Olde Pfarte on a transcontinental flight, Granny won't keel over and assume room temperature when you start playing "Back in Black."

  • [Sorry for the tangentially off-topic message here but it's somewhat related so I will post anyway...]

    I just got a Sony Clie PEG-SJ20 tonight from my father. I would like to play OGG/mp3 on it but I'm unable to locate an 802.11 card for my handheld. Until I can come up with fast wireless access, music playback on this device is kind of pointless. I need to be able to access more than a handful of songs for this to work. Do any of you have one of these Clie things and if so, have you worked out wireless TCP/IP for it yet?
    • by Anonymous Coward
      are you really that stupid?

      get a 128 meg card or a 256 meg card and play your "handful of songs" where you go. although you could just bring your CD player and listen to the "handful of songs" on the several "CD's" you "bring"..

      but yeah... anyone who doesnt hav 22 terabytes of music to choose from is a complete loser.... Gawd who the hell would want to listen to only 32 songs in a 20 minute period! sheesh what kind of losers are you?

      Now please, go bang your head against the wall... for being a complete idiot.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 01, 2002 @02:56AM (#4786763)
    My comrade is named Ogg Vorbis!
  • CPU speeds (Score:2, Insightful)

    Palm machines aren't exactly known for fast CPUs, at least by desktop terms. This chart [] shows clock speeds from 16Mhz (Zire) to 66MHz (Sony Clie T665C), with most current units at 33Mhz. Now, I know clock speed ain't everything, performance-wise, but it kinda looks like most current machines won't be able to play much. Maybe spoken word stuff, which can get by with much lower bitrate & sample frequency, but forget ditching your iPod just yet...

    Port the player to Linux for the Zaurus and iPaq, or even Pocket PC, and then yer talkin'.
    • Re:CPU speeds (Score:3, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      But as the author's website clearly states, this program is intended for Palm Tungsten T (PalmOS5) devices. The Tungsten T utilizes a 175mhz (clocked down to 145mhz) enhanced ARM-based CPU called the OMAP from Texas Instruments (I believe), and compares to a PocketPC device running PocketPC2002 on a 200mhz StronARM or 400mhz XScale processor.

      It is plenty good for more than "spoken word stuff" ;)
    • Re:CPU speeds (Score:1, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      The web page makes it very clear they only support the new Tungsten T device.

      My guess is that the decoder is written for ARM processors. ARM processors require PalmOS 5. The only Palm-compatibles using ARM processors at present are the Palm Tungsten T (144MHz CPU) and Sony NX70V and NX60 (200MHz CPU).

      I suspect these processors will be up to the task of decoding an OGG file!

    • The developer's page says that it was developed for Palm's latest model, the Tungsten T [] which uses 144 MHz Arm-based processor and a DSP.
    • Except the same chart also shows the new palms with ARM processors, which are significantly more powerful than the motorola DB VZs typically used. This includes the new Palm Tungsten T [] and two of the new Sony Clies. Granted, all 3 are very high end (MSRP $499-$599), but they do have the power necessary for good mp3/ogg decoding, as opposed to all the old OS3/4 machines.
  • by Kunta Kinte ( 323399 ) on Sunday December 01, 2002 @03:01AM (#4786775) Journal
    that zaurus has had this [] for a while now ( also here [] ).

    but it's still good to see it on the palm as well.

  • by Tsar ( 536185 ) on Sunday December 01, 2002 @03:05AM (#4786782) Homepage Journal
    You're advertising this on Slashdot as a Palm OS app, but admit that it only runs currently on the Tungsten T. Your website only has one page, with no detail as to whether your product is open source or not. I can't find info about you or your application anywhere, even at your personal site [], where you host your "free ogeLib Palm OS library". Who are you, is this for real, and how did you get it posted on the main page of Slashdot?

    As for my fellow readers, has anyone actually downloaded and run this app?
    • by loshwomp ( 468955 ) on Sunday December 01, 2002 @04:02AM (#4786880)
      Who are you, is this for real, and how did you get it posted on the main page of Slashdot?

      Three fair questions. Answers, respectively, are "a small collection of Palm OS and Vorbis enthusiasts", "yes", and "by submitting it here []".

      Free bonus information:

      • No, it's not open source, although some of the as-yet-unreleased plug-ins will be
      • The app itself is free as in beer (donations welcome, but let's wait until we're past beta first, if that's okay)
      • It only runs on the Tungsten at the moment because it requires ARM hardware, and thus far Sony hasn't provided the audio API for the new NX Clies
  • by bobobobo ( 539853 ) on Sunday December 01, 2002 @03:11AM (#4786802)
    Ogg/Vorbis and all is great. But what I want to know is, can it play mp3's? :p
  • Why no Clie support? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by AnimalSnf ( 149118 ) on Sunday December 01, 2002 @03:14AM (#4786805)
    As one of many Clie owners (N760C) that visited that page, I am curious as to why I need to email some guy at Sony to be able to use this player. As far as I understand programs written for Palm 5 today are still compiled for RISC ISA, and the sound API on Clies is documented, so what's the holdup?
    • by Enfors ( 519147 )
      I'm guessing that the deal is that Sony isn't releasing the specs of its Clie line, so the author can't make his application run on them. We're probably supposed to mail Sony to complain about this.
    • It appears that Sony hasn't documented their sound API.

      From a post previous by the story submitter:
      It only runs on the Tungsten at the moment because it requires ARM hardware, and thus far Sony hasn't provided the audio API for the new NX Clies

      I would guess that's why it's not ported. If you do know of where the API is documented, you might want to e-mail the submitter ;)
  • by 0ptimus ( 27513 ) on Sunday December 01, 2002 @03:35AM (#4786841) Homepage
    Let's clear up some things to stop the inundation of amazingly stupid posts. This software DOES NOT work on Palm's running OS 4 or below. It only runs on the new Tungsten T, which uses a 200Mhz ARM processor, and runs OS 5.0. The Tungsten T also includes expansion for memory cards, and has a headphone jack, making it quite useful for music. In fact, Palm is expected to release some sort of MP3 player for the device, but did not include one because it was not something "the target audience wanted."

    So please no more of the "wow, decoding music with a 33Mhz processor would never work," "wow, I can hold two songs in my 8MB of RAM," etc., etc. comments. You are right, the old Palms WILL NEVER play music files; it is simply infeasible.
    • As long as music files are .wav

      With a good memory card (like the 128meg one I use for medical references) and a good speaker (like my Handera 330's) or an earphone jack, there isn't any problem at all.

      Of course, one would be able to store a heck of a lot more with a processor fast enough to decode compressed music, but it and the colour screen the thing would inevitably have would sap the battery life so much that it would be "infeasible" to finish playing all those music files.

    • by Skuto ( 171945 ) on Sunday December 01, 2002 @06:17AM (#4787065) Homepage
      >So please no more of the "wow, decoding music
      >with a 33Mhz processor would never work," "wow,
      >I can hold two songs in my 8MB of RAM," etc.,
      >etc. comments. You are right, the old Palms WILL
      >NEVER play music files; it is simply infeasible.

      Actually, I'm not so convinced.

      The older Palms had shitty sound hardware, but it is possible to play at least WAV files on them. The quality sucks major, but it works nevertheless.

      Disk space is also not a problem. Standard Vorbis will get down to 8kbps, which put quite a bit of files in 8M. I have written prototypes of new Vorbis encoders that will go down to 4kbps mono with pretty acceptable quality. This gets you a full album in 2M. Three albums at least on a 8M Palm.

      The big issue is the CPU. Old Palms have a 33Mhz 68k processor. All that I have seen could be overclocked without risk to at least 45Mhz, and since we're pushing the limits of the hardware anyway, let that make us our target.

      The question is if a 45Mhz 68k can decode a 6-8khz sample rate mono Vorbis 1.0 file. We're not looking for full Vorbis 1.0 compatibility remember, we just want to play those files, which have significantly less hardware demands than for example an 128k stereo 44khz Ogg. Since we're not going to need 16bits output either, you can make compromises in the decoder trading quality for speed. I have no idea if it is possible to decode Vorbis in this conditions, but I certainly don't think the answer is an 'obviously not' and I am currently investigating it.

      • Quite a few Sony Clies have 66 MHz 68k processors. The T665C, NR70, NR70V are the ones I know of. All three of those also have a polyphonic speaker, and a MP3 player (via a DSP on the circuit board). So there is capability for very nice sound via the headphone jack, and with MemorySticks you can have plenty of space for Vorbis files.
    • Ummm ... My 66 Mhz t665 clie plays mp3's just fine. Off of the memory stick too. You can get those up to 128 MB.


    • So please no more of the "wow, decoding music with a 33Mhz processor would never work," "wow, I can hold two songs in my 8MB of RAM," etc., etc. comments. You are right, the old Palms WILL NEVER play music files; it is simply infeasible.

      First, there are mp3 addon's for old Handsprings and Palm's for example []. I'm sure there are smaller ones too.

      Secondly, i'm not convinced that the base palm cannot decode mp3's the small memory footprint on the older palm's may be a problem, but I suspect that a mono 128k bit signal can probably be decoded on the 33mhz models. Look at Mayplay [] for an example of a mp3 decoder from the time when mp3s were just getting popular. I remember running it on a 486DX2-66 without any problems at all. I seem to remember it chewing up all my CPU time, but being able to decode stereo 128kbit mp3's.

  • I think it sounds pretty cool and would love to try it, but it does not give any specs needed to run the player... Like what versions on Palm, processors.. etc etc
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Which part of "AeroPlayer presently runs on Palm's Tungsten T handheld. If you'd like to use AeroPlayer on your Sony Clie, please let them know." don't you understand? I'll be happy to spell it out for you :) Or didn't you even follow the link to the page that describes the program?

      When the text on that page says [i]"runs on Palm's Tungsten T handheld"[/i], does it.. ..mean it runs on PalmOS 4? What about 3? [b]No, it doesn't. Tungsten T runs on PalmOS5.[/b] ..mean it runs on Dragonball CPUs? [b]No, it doesn't. The Tungsten T uses an OMAP CPU at 145mhz.[/b]

      The page also makes it clear that the files are stored on memory cards (which is clear to any Palm user anyway).

      It really helps to READ :)
  • Only new palms can do audio at all...
  • Even if it wasn't for the issues with the speed and space needed to play Ogg/Vorbis music, noone is going to listen to music on their palm. Well... a few people will... the same people that take pictures with their Nintendo Game Boys.

    Yer sex without your palm []
    • Eh? Why wouldn't we? I pretty much always carry my Clie with me (which has built-in MP3 support, and a 128MB memory stick), so it's always right there in my pocket when I feel like listening to my favourite tunes.
      • by Anonymous Coward
        It's true that traditionally Palm's own PDAs have been associated more with "productivity" than "multimedia", but that doesn't mean that adding in multimedia features makes it a toy. For me and for many others PalmOS is simply the superior platform to PocketPC2002 because of speed, speed, speed.

        A month or so ago I contemplated upgrading from my Palm m505 to either the Tungsten T or a PocketPC. I borrowed a PocketPC from a (generous) friend of mine since I hadn't used a PocketPC device before and wanted to know first-hand what it was like. Suffice to say I wasn't blown away.

        Sure it was nice to play DivX videos while commuting, but for REAL use - the stuff *I* do every day with my PDA - PocketPC simply felt too.. weird. At times it was slow and most of the time I had to go through more loops than on Palm to get something simple done. I used third party PIM software, mind you, just like I do on my Palm.

        For ME, Palm simply works better. And if in the end both PocketPC and Palm devices can be used for the same things (PIM, multimedia, games), why would I choose the platform that gives ME less satisfaction?

        Hell, that goes for EVERYONE. If Palm devices don't "do it for you", would you still buy them? I wouldn't. I'm just glad I got to try the PocketPC first hand, because before that the only information I had on the platform was what I had read elsewhere. NOTHING beats hands-on experience. Even if that experience isn't quite what you had imagined.
  • My Palm M100 has 2MB of RAM, more expensive models have 8MB. Why should I waste so much memory for one mp3^H^H^Hogg file?
    BTW Check and see what can be created in just few kilobytes. That is true software, not that bloated monsters available everywhere.
    • Re:Palm memory? (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Well, the answer is: you shouldn't.

      And you couldn't even if you wanted to. Palm's internal memory is used through a Palm-specific file system (PRCs and PDBs), and it can't handle "regular" desktop file formats. Hence, you CAN'T put an .OGG file into internal memory and use it as you normally would. You put these files on memory cards such as SDs and MMCs or with Sony devices, Memorysticks, and then use a program to access the files.
  • PalmOS 5.0 only... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by OneFix ( 18661 )
    Since this is only for the Tungsten T, this will only be available to the early adopters.

    As for my Palm, I currently have no intention of getting rid of my Palm IIIxe. I know that alot of ppl are waiting for the Tungsten T to gain that "killer app" that they can't find on their old Palm (or in some cases Pocket PC)...

    One of the biggest hurdles for the Tungsten T to overcome is the fact that HackMaster is not compatible with the new hardware. ~80% of the current PalmOS apps will work with the Tungsten T...or to put it another way, ~20% of the apps will not work with the Tungsten can bet that 20% includes all of those popular hacks currently available for the Motorola-based Palms.

    The price is also about $100 more than the same speed iPAQ with about twice the memory (4M ROM and 16M RAM vs. 32M ROM and 64M RAM)...This comparison was not valid when palms had 180x180 displays and low-quality sound...but with these new features (faster processor speed, 320x320 resolution, Color, and "high-quality" sound), owners will demand use of the higher resolution, Color (already available on some Motorola-based Palms) and higher quality sound...all of which slows the system and increases application size...

    So, what's all of this mean??? I'm pretty sure that 16M is going to start looking pretty small when the new apps come along...
    • not really.

      windows CE devices need the extra ram and rom because the apps are bloated because of the requirement to use Microsoft Dev Studio. which bloats the hell out of anything... microsoft libs are huge... visual C++ apps are gigantic and bloated and microsoft is pushing Visual basic for the pocket PC programming pretty heavy.

      Microsoft based products NEED that extra ram and other space because the apps are 2-3 times larger than the SAME app in palmOS.

      It's fine... I've had a 8 meg IIIx for over 3 years now and I have NEVER filled it up with useful apps and data (Yes including the 20 Project Guttenberg books) and wanted to install more I have crammed it full of games and gameboy roms before... but that isnt important... it's screwing around.
    • by 0ptimus ( 27513 )
      The one very important difference between Windows CE and Palm OS is that Windows CE works much like any other version of Windows. Files are loaded off of disk (in this case, a flash disk) and into memory to execute. Palm OS, on the other hand, designed for PDAs, knew that the actual files would be stored in memory on the device anyways, so it executes the program in place, with no need for additional RAM to load a copy of the program into.

      That is why Palm's do not need the same enourmous RAM banks that CE machines have.
      • Well, I poked Google pretty hard to verify your claims but couldn't find anything to corroborate it. However, I have the feeling that you're just pushing a line that somebody told you.

        1) "Windows CE works much like any other version of windows"

        True, that was its design goal
        2) "Files are loaded off of disk"
        Not implied by #1, but let's go with that.

        I'm looking at my iPAQ right now. It's got 5.54 MB of memory used for currently running programs. I navigate over to my WinHack image, 2.45 MB of goodness. I run it, and now my iPAQ shows 5.86 MB of memory used for currently running programs. Loading WinHack used 320k.

        Now, I've not taken the Pocket PC OS through a kernel debugger, but my results seem to contradict the broad, sweeping "+1, Interesting" statement you made.

        3) "Palm OS ... designed for PDAs" The
        Pocket PC faq [] can help clear up some misconceptions.:
        Q: What is Pocket PC?
        A: Pocket PC is software for personal digital assistants (PDAs). ...
        Q: Is the Pocket PC OS the same as Windows CE?
        A: No. The Pocket PC OS is a custom version of Windows CE ...

        Pocket PCs don't need these enormous RAM banks because of the reasons you give. They need them to support multitasking, voice recording, and the storage space that your MP3s require. They need them for the same reasons that Palm V users slap 64mb SD cards into their PDA.

  • audio quality (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Can anyone comment on the quality of the Palm audio hardware ? Is the DAC/Amplifier etc of hifi quality, or just good enough computer sounds ?
    How does it stack up for audiophile use ?
  • for $500 I can get the palm zire and a 10gig iPod. i'll just wait until the iPod supports ogg. With 10 gigs of space, just encode your music at 320kbps to get the same quality as ogg.
  • Palm's do not have the same processing power as Pocket PCs. The fastest Palms are around 66MHz, while my iPaq is 206MHz, and other Pocket PCs are around 400MHz. My Sony T665C(I think thats the model...) play's mp3s and videos horrilbly compared to my iPaq. I would think that they would port it to a platform that has the most processing power. Regardless, I can't wait for it to come out for Pocket PCs... it maybe time to invest in that 1GB Microdrive....
  • Wow, does anyone bother to try software before ripping on it? Here's my $0.02
    I do in fact own a Tungsten T. I pulled down the PRC, (134k nice size) Dropped it on my Palm then tried dropping various songs on a tiny 16M SD I have from work. Found out quick that encoding with -b 64 was a no-no (crashed every time, but reset nicely by tapping 'reset' button on error window), but -b 96 works fine. Given this is a beta I can't say too much about the interface (could be a little sleeker)It read the Song title/artist OK. There is an option to blank the screen after 10 or 60 seconds (good) although once it blanks, I can't quite figure out how to get it back on (without stopping it, no so good) For those who don't know, the Tungsten T does have a headphone jack. The stereo worked fine. My only qualm is that the audio is rather muffled. (Not sure if this is Palm or the software.)

    All and all, a nice first try. Fix the audio. Add an equalizer. Spiff up the look, and ship it! It is important to note that as an early Tungsten user/developer (I had a demo unit weeks before release) Palm has not, to date, been extremely easy to deal with when it comes to specs and the like. Working with ARM native code is still not very developer friendly. This is the first app I've seen that stresses the audio hardware (and the chip for that matter) and I think credit should be given where credit is due. Bravo for making this an OGG decoder and bravo for the early release. Keep the betas comming! (I myself have a reason to buy that 64M SD now!)
  • Right around Comdex-time, Palm and Real made an announcement to the effect that RealPlayer would be coming to Palm OS in the near future. I was somewhat dreading installing this in order to add MP3 support. Once AeroPlayer gets MP3 support (supposed to happen RSN), it'll be a welcome alternative to letting Real 0wn j00.

    (Ogg zealots can shut up right now...I have >10GB of MP3s on hand, and I'm not reripping/reencoding them.)

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