Spielberg's Taken 429
A few people submitted asking for an open discussion for Spielberg's Taken miniseries that premiered last night on SciFi
last night. I watched it, and I gotta say I dug it, and set Tivo up to snag the rest of it. I wish that they were spacing it out a bit more (in terms of scheduling, not in terms of leaving the Earth's atmosphere ;) What do folks think?
Taken No, Stargate SG-1 Yes. (Score:2, Funny)
Stargate SG-1 returning (Score:2, Informative)
Oh great, Slashdot likes it.. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Oh great, Slashdot likes it.. (Score:2)
Re:Oh great, Slashdot likes it.. (Score:2)
Re:Oh great, Slashdot likes it.. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Oh great, Slashdot likes it.. (Score:2)
Miniseries in the USA (Score:2)
Not so in the USA. How many years has Friends been running? Has anything really happened? Not really. Most shows in the USA feel the need to conclude an episode with all issues being resolved so that nothing has changed in the world that has been created. Contrast this with 24. It has a season-long plot and watching the episodes in order is important. Hopefully the popularity of 24 will lead to more shows that are actually going somewhere plot-wise instead of running in place for the whole season, an hour at a time.
Re:Oh great, Slashdot likes it.. (Score:5, Funny)
Well I'm glad you were around to clear that up. I apologize to everybody who thought my joke was funny.
Re:Oh great, Slashdot likes it.. (Score:2)
Although this is a miniseries, I have been thinking about why shows we like fail and why shows like Just Shoot Me succeed wildly.
I think it basically boils down to one issue - shows we like are not conducive to advertising. The most effective TV show is one where you do not "feel" the difference between the show and the commercials. You sit quietly in alpha state, and slurp up whatever comes out of the TV. Thinking is counterproductive to this effect. Shows like Just Shoot Me or Friends are perfect examples of this phenomenon. It is physically painful to think while watching these shows.
I tend to watch scifi and documentaries. I mercilessly channel surf to avoid even a second of commercial time, and am never "caught" unaware that I am sitting watching commercials.
I think the reality is that television programming is not a matter of entertainment/information in exchange for watching ads, but a matter of producing content just interesting enough for the average person to watch, but not so interesting that they resist the commercials. Quality, therfore, is ancillary to the entire process.
Will they reair it? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Will they reair it? (Score:5, Informative)
SciFi EAST: All time in EST
03-DEC-02 7:00PM
08-DEC-02 11:00AM
14-DEC-02 11:00AM
More complet chart of airings.
Date 7pm 9pm 11pm
02-DEC-02 -- 1 1
03-DEC-02 1 2 2
04-DEC-02 2 3 3
05-DEC-02 3 4 4
06-DEC-02 4 5 5
09-DEC-02 5 6 6
10-DEC-02 6 7 7
11-DEC-02 7 8 8
12-DEC-02 8 9 9
13-DEC-02 9 10 10
Also Note on:
07-DEC-02 and 08-DEC-02 and 14-DEC-02 they will be showing episodes 1-5 in order from 11am to 9pm
on 15-DEC-02 they will show episodes 6-10 in order from 11am to 9pm.
I hope this helps answer the airing question.
What do folks think? (Score:5, Funny)
(cymbal crash)
Thank you, I'll be here all week.
Re:What do folks think? (Score:5, Funny)
I thought it was "BU-DUM-CHING!" or just (rimshot).
But then, a cymbal is kind of like a gong. So maybe you were going for more of an Oriental atmosphere. Sort of like your comment was the wisdom of an ancient Zen master.
"Meditate on this my students, and learn the wisdom I speak. Why did the boy throw a clock into the air?"
Four hours pass....
"Students, you have meditated long enough, and the answer will be revealed. It is because the boy wanted to see time fly."
"Thank you. I will be here all decade."
If I could reach into the computer to beat you... (Score:2)
- A.P.
Re:If I could reach into the computer to beat you. (Score:2)
[/goodhearted humour]
i can't believe it (Score:4, Funny)
So you'll watch it without commercials, the Sci-Fi Channel will lose money on the show, and in a few months you'll be running a story about how a group of fans are raising money to keep it on the air...incredible.
That's not the point, moron. (Score:2, Insightful)
By Tivo'ing the show, our dear author will be assured of not missing ANY episodes, because, like me, he probably has no time to slot for several hours worth of programming when Sci-fi chooses to air it.
And, like as not, our dear author is going to watch some of those commercials, because, since Tivo has no 30 second skip function, he will have to see some of them, even in fast forward, and will stop to watch commercials he is interested in. I do it all the time.
Now tack on the fact that the Tivo can track which commercials he is watching and narrowing down the demographic that our dear advertisers need to target, saving them money for not showing commercials to people that don't care about their products, and allowing Sci-Fi to charge more for their time because they can show exactly who is watching what. (assuming they all don't have their heads up their arses, the different companies ought to be doing this...)
So, no, Sci-Fi does not NEED to lose money on Tivo customers, and you are an unenlighted media conglomerate tool.
Re:That's not the point, moron. (Score:2)
Re:i can't believe it (Score:5, Funny)
I'll set up my VCR timer to tape it. And I already broke the Fwd button off my remote! And set a timer lock on my refrigerator so I can't make a sandwich during commercial breaks. I know every time I watch a commercial $0.07 is automatically drafted from my wallet and given to sci-fi cause I know the advertizers didn't already pay them for the air time. I don't want to see sci-fi lose any money now.
I wonder... since skipping commercials is stealing, is it also stealing to watch the commercials with no intention of buying the product? I mean really, for the advertizers to get my money, I've got to buy the product, right?
Re:i can't believe it (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:i can't believe it (Score:2, Funny)
Re:i can't believe it (Score:2)
Right now, the average cost/viewer for a channel works out to about $23,000 for a year. As you can see, while skipping commercials wouldn't fit a reasonable person's definition of piracy, it is important for sponsors to maintain confidence in the system or the whole thing will collapse like the Internet did in 1999.
They were mostly meta-commercials (Score:2)
What's the economic slant on watching versus skipping meta-commercials??
For what it's worth, I watched an unusually high percentage of them. I had fallen somewhat out of touch with the SciFi channel and I was fascinated by some of the teasers for next year.
(Although doubtless I'm a glutton for punishment...imagine me being gullible enough to actually look forward to seeing Children of Dune. They'll punish me with a poor production, of course.)
BTW you are implying that the Dot Com Bomb happened due to loss of confidence of advertising sponsors, but that's not the case.
Most of it was companies overspending without a good business model (including those who idiotically thought they could make billions from banner ads).
The exact definition of the boom and crash is multi-faceted, so it's also fair to say that another part of it was an unrealistic run-up in stock prices (by both professionals and amateurs) to unmaintainable levels measured by any means (price to book, price to conceivable future earnings, etc etc).
To imply that it was a matter of things like Replay users skipping ads, people installing ad-blockers on their browsers, Napster users sharing music, etc, is to grossly misunderstand recent history.
Re:i can't believe it (Score:2)
Is Football any better when the venues are named after companies and the players wear advertising? No. Is "Friends" any better than it was 8 years ago when it was produced for 10% the cost? No. The only "purpose" served by wasting 10 million man-hours on Friends commercials every week is to convince some one-hit wonders that they're worth $1e6 per week. TiVo is doing a real service to society.
I'd rather have a smaller number of commercial-free channels (like HBO) fighting for my hard-earned Cable TV dollar. Don't worry, "Joey" is set for life no matter what happens.
Re:i can't believe it (Score:2)
Yeah, I really miss that internet thing. To think, It's been 3 years since it collapsed. It sure is a shame.
Sarcasm aside, if confidence is the only thing holding a system together, maybe it's time for it to collapse.
Re:i can't believe it (Score:2)
The Internet collapsed? That must make you a figment of my imagination.
Seriously, though. The Internet did not collapse. The get rich quick by getting in on the ground floor of the next Yahoo business model collapsed, but the Internet itself seems to be doing quite well. The business model in question never really produced results, even in The Great Hayday, so confidence was the only driving force in the absurd gold rush of tech prospecting. Mass media advertising is a different beast. Results are what drives it; not confidence. As people's methods of acquiring information and entertainment change, the advertising industry will change with it. The "no free lunch" mantra of the disaffected post 90's venture capitalist trying to force failed business models to work is going to fail as a method to hold the 90's bubble together (this also applies to other failed business models such as 'you need the RIAA to get quality music from artists to consumers'), and certainly is irrelevant to the established advertising industry.
If the market doesn't work the way you want it to, it may be because people don't want to buy what you have. Attributing that to malice on the part of the demand side ignores the reality of the market, which is what Capitalists are supposed to live by, for better or for worse.
Re:i can't believe it (Score:2)
What, you think they'll give up the chance to be rich and famous because it pays 10% less? Yeah, I'm sure if Seinfeld knew he was only going to make $900K per episode he would have gone into dentistry.
please preface posts with spoiler warnings (Score:2, Insightful)
20 hours??? (Score:2, Insightful)
WTF were they thinking?
- Necron69
Re:20 hours??? (Score:2)
24 isn't on every single day (Score:2)
Back in the 80's, the miniseries Roots and Shogun did manage to get people to ditch their lives for a little while, but they offered something new and different and informative. Taken is just a rehash of flying saucer mythos we've already heard endlessly.
I was however amused; instead of the usual (ahem) probing, judging by all the nosebleeds, they were getting nasal-probed instead. :-)
Spaced out? (Score:5, Insightful)
The series revolves around three families spaced out over 50 years of history. From strange lights over Nazi Germany, to modern day. As far as the first airing, it appears as though each family will receive 3 - 2 hours episodes, then a 2 hour finalie where everyone is brought together.
Myself, I was rather appauled by the use of Steven Speilberg so prominently. Each of these episodes was directed by a different director, then Speilberg looked it over and tried to alter it ever so slightly IN THE POST PRODUCTION!. By tagging on a big league name, the further drew people in. That mixed with constant TV commercial marketing.
Re:Spaced out? (Score:3, Informative)
As I understand it, the miniseries was basically Spielberg's brainchild. Even if he wasn't responsible for the actual directing, it still came from his head. Credit is due.
Re:Spaced out? (Score:2, Informative)
It was a combination of Leslie Bohem (the writer of each episode) and Spielberg. CNN [cnn.com] has a good article on where it came from.
Re:Spaced out? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Spaced out? (Score:2)
Re:Spaced out? (Score:2)
Yes, they are capitalizing on his name, but you need to bring your intelligence to bear as well.
Re:Spaced out? (Score:3, Interesting)
And thank god he did. When I first heard about this mini-series I was afraid that it would be another "Dinotopia" fiasco. I am so relieved that 1) Speilberg is obviously in control and 2) one of the 3 primary netowrks is not showing it.
Something that most
Lastly, one of the brochures stated that if your students did not have access to the SciFi channel, they would send copies of the mini-series to show in class (of course it is not the entire 20 hour series, but an abridged version) for free.
Tom Hanks did the same thing (not quite as much material) with From The Earth to The Moon.
DVD's (Score:2)
oh, it's on cable? forget it... (Score:2)
It wouldn't cost them much to put the content online, at a smaller quality, and charging a minium fee (like $1 per hour) for viewing. But we can't ask these kind of things as long as they are busy putting online services that have more DRM than music variety.
is the time-space continuum repeating? (Score:2)
I think.. (Score:5, Interesting)
The casting was adequate, but not spectacular. The special effects were on par with any other TV miniseries. I perhaps just expected more from Spielberg, perhaps he could have thrown some more cash into some eye candy to keep me interested.
The plot itself was reminiscent of an archetypal heaven-hell scenario. Nothing new, but a tried and true storyline if told correctly.
All in all I'd give this maybe 4 stars out of 10, but I'll reserve final judgement until after the miniseries is complete.
Re:I think.. (Score:3, Insightful)
Actually, I'm pretty sure his "claim to fame" is making Schindler's List, which is widely and rightfully regarded as one of the best motion pictures of the 20th century.
Re:I think.. (Score:2, Insightful)
No, I'm pretty sure it's ET, Gremlins, Jurrasic Park and Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Frankly, anyone could have made Schindlers List. Making Nazi's look bad is like shooting fish in a barrel.
Re:I think.. (Score:2)
Never seen it, huh?
Re:I think.. (Score:2)
The part where 1,200 were saved.
Oskar Schindler was a hero. An accidental hero, yeah, but through his misguided actions and deeply flawed motives, he still managed to save the lives of 1,200 people, and by extension over 6,000 of their descendants. Are you aware that there are more Schindler Jews-- including survivors and their families-- alive in the world today than there are Jews in all of Poland? Schindler made a difference. His story, the story of his accomplishment, is inspirational. That, in my opinion, makes for a pretty fucking happy ending, you asshole.
many of the characters are stiff cartoonish cliche's of Nazis and Jews
Seeing as how the portrayals of the various major characters were all based on the accounts of eyewitnesses, I think you're a little out of line in this criticism.
Oh well, I guess we can't expect too much from Hollywood these days.
How many movies have you made? When you make your masterpiece, we'll all listen to your blanket criticisms of Hollywood. Until then, please shut the fuck up, okay? Thanks.
Re:I think.. (Score:2)
I stand by my remark. People who have never made a movie are in no position at all to criticize Hollywood, or anybody who works in it. You can argue about the individual merits of any given film all you want-- after all, opinions are like assholes-- but in the face of so much evidence to the contrary, broad indictments of "the system" come across sounding utterly absurd.
Re:I think.. (Score:5, Insightful)
If you mean "regular people," you're right, he makes movies lots of regular people like to watch. However, he has done his share of weighty matter...
Schindler's List
Saving Private Ryan
The Color Purple
Band of Brothers
AI (even though I didn't like it)
Empire of the Sun
E.T. (both weighty AND appeals to the masses)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
"Lowest common denominator," indeed.
The aliens are too mystical/magical for me (Score:3, Insightful)
Sure, I guess that these things could be part of the same super technology that allows them to get here in the first place, but I'd think its a lot easier to move faster than light than to establish communications with a totally alien species, much less assume their biology and all that jazz.
Bottom line - too much fantasy is being injected into this science fiction.
Spielberg's Taken (Score:2, Funny)
Spielberg's taken? (Score:2)
Next on the list-George Lucas!
Since "abductions" are really ... (Score:4, Insightful)
And I have yet to hear a remotely reasonable explanation as to why an alien species would expend the enormous amounts of energy it would take to get to the one of the obscure spokes of the galaxy (way away from the interesting concentrated center) and spend even two seconds watching us. Denibian slime worms would more interesting.
Re:Since "abductions" are really ... (Score:2)
And I have yet to hear a remotely reasonable explanation as to why Charles Darwin would expend the enormous amounts of capital it would take to get to remote islands. Or Marco Polo, or Columbus, for that matter.
That you can't think of a good reason doesn't mean that there's no good reason.
Charles Darwin didn't dress like an iguana (Score:3, Funny)
They didn't skulk about. They didn't dress up like swimming iguanas or giant tortises.
They explored, and observed (and for Marco and Chris, traded). None of them hid, themselves of their purposes.
Re:Since "abductions" are really ... (Score:2)
Re:Since "abductions" are really ... (Score:2)
All right: by combining Occam's Razor with the fact that evidence of alien abductions are anecdotal at best, while HSP is well-researched and documented, we can say with a reasonable degree of certainty that most or all reports of alien abductions, aren't.
Re:Since "abductions" are really ... (Score:2)
How about: by using Occam's Razor with the fact HSP is well-researched and documented, we can say with a reasonable degree of certainty that some reports of alien abductions are actually HSP.
Unless, of course, you've got a provable test methodology that is repeatable and something measurable to document the "anectdotal at best" statement.
Galacttic Anal Probing Inc.. (Score:2)
Re:Since "abductions" are really ... (Score:2)
Considering how much time our university employees spend researching every last minutae of terrestrial life, archaeology, biology, chemistry, etc. etc., I can accept this as plausible.
Why should we assume the entire alien species is interested in us? These are probably just some interplanetary grad students out to get their Ph.D. completed as quickly as possible so they can get on with their careers.
First take confusion. (Score:2, Funny)
And earlier this morning, watching the rerun of Tech TV's Screen Savers I was cought off guard by there "Bitch chat" with George Clooney.
It was moments later I realized the height difference in Bit and Chat...
Probing (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Probing (Score:2)
Boring! (Score:2, Interesting)
10 reasons not to watch it (Score:2)
9 - I'm never going to finish reading Cryptonomicon
8 - I'll miss night 9 due to being on a bus
7 - I'll miss night 10 due to being on the mountain drying out my clothes from a day of snowboarding
6 - It might be good
5 - I might like it
4 - I wouldn't be able to deal with the loss
3 - I don't own a Tivo
2 - If I buy a Tivo I won't have enough room in my entertainment center
1 - Tivo is just a slow overpriced computer.
Does this series only seem to me or is it a way of getting more geeks (people that believe in Alien stuff) to buy Tivos this Christmas?
Re:10 reasons not to watch it (Score:2)
2 - If I buy a Tivo I won't have enough room in my entertainment center
1 - Tivo is just a slow overpriced computer.
Uh, if you can, find the manual to your VCR, it will show you how to make the flashing "12:00" go away, and explain how you can program it to (now follow closely here...) record TV shows when you're not even there!
Re:10 reasons not to watch it (Score:2)
Spielberg trademark (Score:3, Funny)
After seeing the commercials, I just couldn't bring myself to watch it. Is it just me, or is it true that "the little kid who knows everything" cliche is SO FREAKING OVERUSED by Spielberg (and other) films that it's almost embarrasing to watch??
Once a week, when I see a commercial for a new movie or show where "the little kid knows everything," I can't change the channel fast enough. And I don't tire of these kinds of things easily.
My take on Taken (Score:2, Interesting)
One scene that stood out was when the woman was walking through the ship wreckage and discovers the alien metal. I was waiting for something to either jump out and attack her or she was going to discover a body. Instead we see her walk off and the camera zooms in on the tree revealing an alien. That was eerie.
The rest of the episode was brief flashbacks and intricate character developement. I also noticed they tried to keep with the Area 51 crash and weather balloon coverup, these were blended into the story quite well. Dont forget the bits with the alien drivebys and cars/electrical equipment shutting off.
I will be tuning in the check out more....
No Farscape, No Sci-Fi Channel (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:No Farscape, No Sci-Fi Channel (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:No Farscape, No Sci-Fi Channel (Score:2)
As I wrote to the head of SciFi Channel:
Before dumping I-Man: View on actual TV, when showing: 5Hr on Friday, plus secondary runs tape and other channels.
When they dumped I-Man: View on actual TV: 2Hrs Farscape only.
When they add StarGate: 2 to 4 hours. StarGate was a so so view add.
When they dropped FarScape: 0 hours.
Now it is food channel: Iron Chef! - maybe they move Good Eats to Friday too!
My house hold will *NOT* be watching the finally of FarScape... This season sucked anyway.
But note: They sure wasted alot of $$$ on ADs on other channels for "TOOKEN". Now we know where the FarScape budget went.
No Farscape, No Sci-Fi Channel - AMEN (Score:2)
Screw me Sci Fi? No...screw you, and the AT&T you rode in on.
Now it's $20 a month for Net Flix, and I still save $30 over the cost of cable.
damnit (Score:2)
Ohhh sure .. (Score:5, Funny)
wait ... taken was the name of a show ...
The Death of SCIFI (Score:5, Informative)
I also am seeing, what appears to me, to be the beginning of the end for the Sci-Fi channel.
The first clue was canning Farscape. While it may not have been a ratings powerhouse, it was arguably one of the most creative shows on television - and elevated the SciFI genre far beyond it's peers. The show was perceived as the fledgling channel's flagship show and, when combined with it's on-air identity, really got folks pumped-up about the SCIFI brand. I wish more conglomerates understood the power of a franchise beyond it's initial ratings.
The second clue is the channels reaction to John Edwards and it's new-show-to-be "The Dream Team with Annabelle and Michael". These are shows that are cheap to produce, attract a strong female audience - if not skew heavy female - and get ratings. Despite the fact that these shows are only marginally related to "science fiction/fantasy" etc. and are better suited aired on it's USA sister channel - belies the fact that they are polluting what made the Sci-Fi channel so strong to begin with and what gives these shows such strong lead-ins.
The third clue is the new on-air ID and identity spots currently running. I speak from experience here, as I am a broadcast designer who has done some high profile work as well as sit-in on the meetings where the politics of changing something as momentous as a logo are in full-play. First let me say this: The new logo is clunky and horrible and the new spots that I have seen are mostly insipid and mushy. Everyone I know in the Broadcast Design/ID business has for years been in agreement with me when I say "SciFi has the best, most innovative broadcast design on the planet. No contest". The work now looks like it was designed by a committee and not a visionary. What's particularly telling is the new logo. Why on earth change the logo? The old logo is far superior to the ham-fisted hack-job logo they now use. The only thing I can think of, and if anyone has any information on this I'd love to hear it, is that "new management" came in and wanted to put their stamp on everything. The whole "If it ain't broke - I'm gonna fix it anyway 'cause im the new person!" seems pretty strong here.
In conclusion, SCIFI is trading Farscape for John Edwards and in the process losing its soul. Instead of watching a particular show, I would watch "SCIFI" - I don't do that anymore, I pick and choose from a rapidly shrinking pool of shows I want to see. And the shows that do remain could be as easily shown on many other, less distinct, channels. I'm sure "The Dream Team" would do just as well on VH1. So sad to see you go SCIFI, it was fun while it lasted.
Scifi channel died a long, long time ago... (Score:3, Insightful)
The birth of the Sci-Fi Money Maker (Score:3, Interesting)
Of course it is, this is the nature of all cabel channels. They do really well in the beginning but then they just skew to their audience to get better ratings and settle into a funk of turning out crap.
Every year a cable channel is remaking itself into one thing, something that can make money. Several years ago it was The Learning Channel which no longer teaches anyone anything but is mostly melodrama about emergency rooms, police chases, and weird medical sob stories. Recently they got back to their roots by actually putting something on during prime time that educates about science or history, but I have the history channel now so pffffffft (God how I long for Connections:2).
Last year it was "The new TNN!" and their revamp around Star Trek:TNG, Baywatch, and Wrestling, from a country and western style station (If you weren't enough of a redneck to know before, it used to be the Nashville Network, now its The National Network).
This year its the Sci-Fi channel, and I'm surprised it didn't come before. What most
John Edwards is cheap, and he pulls in ratings.
I don't see this as a death, just the natural order of that evil thing called cable.
If I want sci-fi, I'll tape Adult swim on Saturday night on Cartoon Network (mmmmmmmmm Cowboy Bebop *incessant drooling*)
They must be expecting us to record it (Score:2)
I felt Taken for wasting two hours watching it... (Score:2)
Well, my wife was Taken by the sandman about halfway through, and I was Taken by a game of Rolling Thunder on my laptop. What a SNOOZEFEST! After about an hour, I found myself scrolling through the onscreen guide to see what I was missing.
I finished watching it out of the hope for some twist to keep me hanging on for the next episode... no luck. I think I'll pass on this series.
Compare the best prices on: Consumer Electronics (Score:2, Interesting)
T*KEN (Score:3, Insightful)
2. I liked this series better the first time... when it was called "Amazing Stories".
(oh yeah, and 3. ???, 4. Profit.)
Glad it was on, ... (Score:4, Funny)
Somebody got took (Score:2, Funny)
Well I watched it last night and I can say it lived up to it's name sake. Someone got took and it wasn't by they aliens.
Oh. Well then (Score:2)
heh, sorry, couldn't resist...
"...premiered last night on SciFi last night." (Score:2, Funny)
A few people submitted asking for an open discussion for Spielberg's Taken miniseries that premiered last night on SciFi last night.
Today Slashdot destroyed my ability to speak properly today.
Well obviously, though they may take our lives ... (Score:4, Funny)
our freedom!
If that isn't a sci-fi premise, I don't know what is.
Re:WHO TOOK HIM!?! (Score:4, Funny)
I want to know who took his PRESENTS. I mean, every time the show returned from a commercial break, the "Steven Spielberg Presents Taken" newsflash would pop up.
Poor guy, it being Hannukah and all (okay, YOU try to spell it...).
Re:WHO TOOK HIM!?! (Score:2)
Pandering (Score:2)
Everything that has happened seems like it's just rehashing the cliche'd mythos: crash at Roswell, abductions, military cover-up, etc etc etc.
All of this stuff was really old news even back in the 60's; is the show going to dare to do anything new at all?
I doubt it, but I'll watch a bit more to give Spielberg the benefit of the doubt.
Re:Not worth watching (Score:2)
Re:Not worth watching (Score:2)
Did you watch the first two minutes of Taken? It was one hell of a hook. I wasn't actually that interested in watching, but when I saw the air battle over Germany and how it ended, I planted my butt on the couch and watched the rest of the two-hour episode.
That's a hook, friend.
Re:Not worth watching (Score:2)
Re:Not worth watching (Score:2)
I understand its a well worn topic, but I was hoping for something new and exciting. X Files was for the first few seasons. I'll probably give it another chance tonight though =)
Re:Not worth watching (Score:2)
At this point you should be thinking, "Hey, Band of Brothers was an awful lot like Saving Private Ryan. And From the Earth to the Moon was a lot like Apollo 13."
Maybe the resemblance-- thematically and visually-- between Close Encounters and Taken is no accident. Just maybe.
Re:Wish They'd take me... (Score:2)
Bonnie Hammer in action...
Re:Spielberg. Alien abductions. You'd watch this?? (Score:2)
Re:Boring (Score:2)
Re:waiting for it to show up on p2p (Score:2)
Re:Taken (Score:2)
Yeah, because that's never been done before... *cough*X Files*cough*Independance Day/V*cough*Invasion of the body snatchers*cough*Plan 9 from outer space*cough*war of the worlds*cough**cough**cough*