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When Sysadmins Go Bad 522

An anonymous reader writes "Here is a story about what can happen when you think you're being oh so clever. This sysadmin planted so-called logic bombs on the systems he was responsible for and then quit. He also tried to game the stock market, buying put options on his former company, hoping to cash in when the disaster he engineered struck. Who can companies trust if they're afraid that this kind of thing can happen? How can they prevent it?"
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When Sysadmins Go Bad

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  • by BuhSnarf ( 633686 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:03AM (#4914797) Homepage

    Everyone died today? Large lack of posts!
  • Sheesh! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by tigress ( 48157 ) <> on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:04AM (#4914799)
    Obviously, in the sake of security, you should NEVER provide system administrators with dangerous tools such as root passwords!

    Seriously though, security is a very delicate matter which is entirely built on trust.

    Ways to improve security is to limit access to only what you actually need to use. In the case of system administrators and the like, it's not quite as easy as they obviously need a high level of access.

    One solution would be to have third party audits of the systems, perhaps with read-only access in order to prevent tampering, but even then you need to trust the integrity and skill of the auditors.

    Another thing to remember is to have a solid disaster recovery plan, but that's only good AFTER something happens and the person designing and implementing this plan will likely be the person that has the most access.

    There's no universal answer to this problem. If I knew of one, I'd be rich as heck from selling it to companies.
    • Re:Sheesh! (Score:4, Interesting)

      by oliverthered ( 187439 ) <(moc.liamtoh) (ta) (derehtrevilo)> on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:50AM (#4914900) Journal
      Sheesh exactly, so, what happened here.
      1: The sys-admin had enough access to the systems that he could change the configuration and clean up and prevent the changes from being detected.
      The company didn't have proper procedures inplace to stop 1 happening.

      Examples of good procedures could be.
      *Systems provide automated roll back.

      *Changes can only be applied through a script that is run by xyz and required GOD access (say knowlage of a password that changes daily)

      *System should be configured to audit any changes that take place

      *A review process, where by any changes are reviewed by another member of staff


      the sysadmin was bad the company was useless, I'm not supprised he quit and tried to take the company down.

      • Re:Sheesh! (Score:2, Insightful)

        1: The sys-admin had enough access to the systems that he could change the configuration and clean up and prevent the changes from being detected.

        Right on the money. This situation is yet another good reason why you should have a large enough IT staff.

        I also couldn't help noticing that only *nix is capable of meeting your system change policy with any degree of reliability. Fancy that.

      • Re:Sheesh! (Score:5, Insightful)

        by arivanov ( 12034 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:51AM (#4915201) Homepage
        No comments on the company as it happens to handle the stock options of one of my previous employers...

        One comment on the sysadmin - cretinous moron. If he wanted make money on the options he should have been much more subtle. A sudden surge of damage makes everyone go to the backup tape rack. Everything is restored to pristine state in a day or so and the perpetrator is easily caught.

        Compared to this slow corruption and small logical errors in the nth sign after the decimal are much harder to pinpoint and deal with. A similar case in germanyt a while ago operated for more then 5 years before negotiating a settlement. He did not even get caught.

        Overall - what a greedy cretinous idiot. They should have fired him earlier for stupidity.

      • Re:Sheesh! (Score:3, Insightful)

        by wobblie ( 191824 )
        wait .. you forgot

        * treat employees with respect and dignity and they won't want to fuck you over

        Oh no - that'll never happen.
      • Re:Sheesh! (Score:5, Insightful)

        by void* ( 20133 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @12:33PM (#4916197)
        Now wait a minute

        Examples of good procedures could be. *Systems provide automated roll back.

        This isn't a procedure. This is a potential feature of the system itself. When I was a unix admin, I versioned config files, because unix doesn't provide automatic versioning of files, allowing rollback of config changes. However, as the person who set up the versioning system, if I had gone bad I would have been able to sabotage the files under revision control as well. Unless the system itself enforces this (i.e, the system keeps all versions of all files and does not allow an admin to change, in any manner, old versions), this sort of precaution can be bypassed.

        *Changes can only be applied through a script that is run by xyz and required GOD access (say knowlage of a password that changes daily)

        This, also, sounds good. However, on some Unix systems, at least, there have been issues with setuid scripts related to how the system loads and executes them, allowing race conditions that can lead to root access. Note that the issue I'm talking about is -not- a bug in the script, but rather a side effect of how #! loading is handled by some systems. A large percentage of the Unix S.A.s I know rightly disallow the use of setuid scripts for this reason, and the fact that it's easy to write a script that allows things like /tmp races and other bugs that lead to root access and/or clobbering of files.

        *System should be configured to audit any changes that take place.

        Again, not a procedure, but a potential feature of the system. If the system doesn't allow this directly, how do you propose to implement it?

        *A review process, where by any changes are reviewed by another member of staff

        "Hey Dave, I'm sabotaging the system -- Can you review my change for me? Thanks!" - Do you really think someone's going to let a change like that get into the queue for a review process? Are you advocating a line-by-line code/config review of -everything- every single time a change is made, and do you realize how impractical that is, especially if the deployed system is complex or the number of deployed machines is large? Do you understand that it is possible to make a change that cannot be reviewed []?

        You can do things to attempt to prevent this sort of thing, but you have to understand that there is no procedural solution for this problem -> the best you can do is reduce the odds that someone can do this and not get caught. This is a laudable goal, but, while in pursuit of this goal, the practical limitations need to be kept in sight.

        The moral of the story is, it's very easy to post on Slashdot saying 'x, y, and z would have prevented this', with x, y, and z being impractical/impossible to implement, and through some twist of logic, come to a conclusion such as:

        the sysadmin was bad the company was useless, I'm not supprised he quit and tried to take the company down.
        • Re:Sheesh! (Score:4, Insightful)

          by Arandir ( 19206 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @01:22PM (#4916637) Homepage Journal
          Are you advocating a line-by-line code/config review of -everything- every single time a change is made, and do you realize how impractical that is

          Departments do this all the time, with much more complex code. Those departments are collectively called "Software Engineering". It may be impossible to grasp by IT departments, but it is possible, and desired, to review every line of code making its way into the system.

          To be fair though, IT has different requirements. When the system is down, you don't have time for a review. But that's no reason not to do a post-fix review.
    • Re:Sheesh! (Score:5, Insightful)

      by SectoidRandom ( 87023 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @05:40PM (#4918886) Homepage
      There is one option that far too many companies almost refuse to consider. That is; Treat employee's nice. Yes it's a hard one, and for most companies (and many people) it's easier to rebuild the entire network after every sysadmin change!

      Sad but true all too often.

      I had a friend who after being with a company for three years was the victim of a whole lot of drummed up charges, it was clear that the real motive was cut backs, I guess HR and many others didnt like the fact that he earned more than all of the rest of the administrators combined. So one day he was escorted out of the building, after which they literally unplugged the network, the whole Australian network (3000+ users) was offline for three days while the rest of the admins rebuilt every server!

      Did it do any good? No, of course not. A typical simple minded HR view, after spending probably many thousands of dollars in time (and consultants) rebuilding the network not only was he still able to gain access, but he won a big unfair dismissal payout!
  • by FTL ( 112112 ) <slashdot@neil.fra s e r . n a me> on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:04AM (#4914802) Homepage
    Many years ago one of our staff left at the end of the summer. Our boss said "Thank you very much for working for us ... [pause as the door closed, then turned to a coworker] ... delete his account."
    • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:31AM (#4914860)
      Never ever delete an account before you're damn sure you won't need it (say one to five years after last use, no kidding). Just disable it, backup the home directory and log any access attempts.
      • by $rtbl_this ( 584653 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:52AM (#4915213)

        Gets my vote. I saw this blow up at my current workplace when a former IT drone's account was deleted (not suspended) as soon as she left the building, without anyone realising it was used as the service account for many things, including the backup server. It took many hours to track down all the things it was used for and to furnish them with saner accounts. I think this probably counts as an accidental logic bomb.

        The really sad part of this is tale that it took over a fortnight for anyone to notice in the first place. Weep.

        (I'm not part of the local IT department, so I'm blameless with respect to this particular fuck-up. I commit enough fuck-ups of my own without claiming responsibility for anyone else's!)

        • by scoove ( 71173 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @11:07AM (#4915359)
          without anyone realising it was used as the service account for many things, including the backup server

          This absolutely screams of bad process design and the blame must go to inept management.

          Some suggestions I'd pass along (having learned the hard way the first time, as well have having played on both tech and manager side of the fence):

          - use role accounts/contacts, not personal ones: Domain registration, administrative accounts on servers, contact email addresses for company stuff, etc. should all point to a generic role contact or account. It's easy to map these to the appropriate individual accounts, but avoids the hell of deleting accounts when someone leaves. I've had to personally intervene with countless companies that have had their Internet domains registered in an employee's name (individual, not role) and experienced all sorts of nonsense when the employee left.

          - require documentation (and if you're a tech, provide it and maintain even if you're not asked): Too many tech folks act as if knowing and not sharing process information, passwords, etc. is job security. It's not - it only ensures that when you go, they'll get rid of you like ripping off a bandaid, rather than offer obligatory goodies (severance, consulting contracts, etc.). I've been an advisor to many of these episodes where some tech had attained too much system control and refused to share it. The slightest demand for special treatment from these techs usually creates a knee-jerk reaction, but in the end, the tech always loses (so what if he downs the company's server for a few days - he just ensures bad references will spread and he'll be unemployable at any real job). Share your information! Document your password. Give copies to your boss. Being open like this creates trust and you'll be rewarded by knowing more things not usually shared, or in the even of a downturn, you'll probably get favorable treatment or even be retained (because they can trust you).


      • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @12:39PM (#4916255)
        Never ever delete an account before you're damn sure you won't need it (say one to five years after last use, no kidding). Just disable it, backup the home directory and log any access attempts.

        Please, please, please take his advice!
        I would be extremely disappointed if my cron jobs that sabotage the company did not run after I left!

    • by ergo98 ( 9391 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:40AM (#4914869) Homepage Journal
      How is that cruel? That is absolutely, completely normal administration, and anything less is gross negligence. Indeed, it should be common practice to reset any administrative password that a former employee might have had, and any coworkers password that they may have known: It has nothing to do with trust of mistrust, and even if it was the Pope who just left your employ that is standard protocol.
      • by Courageous ( 228506 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @12:40PM (#4916261)
        At my place of work, if you are given a termination notice, you continue to be paid for a month, and have access to your office and electronic accounts the entire time. You aren't expected to conduct company work during this time. Instead, you have free use of your office to hunt for another job.

    • Thans nothing I worked at a company where me boss came and told me to revoke his bosses access and give copies of his mail/data to some guys with no necks in suits.
    • As others have mentioned, disabling accounts is significantly better than deleting them. A very good paper on the process of dealing with the termination of a system administrator is Matthew Ringel and Tom Limoncelli's Adverse Termination Procedures [].

      --Phil (I highly recommend Limoncelli's other papers, too, especially "Deconstructing User Requests".)
    • As a rule I never delete an account or remove user identification information.

      Nuking an account kills part of your auditing trail and/or proper file associations when you do it. Besdies, if you need to check something as a specific user it can be a bear to undo the dammage. Temporarily suspending access can happen just as often depending on the environment, so why not simplify it to one process?

      Besides the practical option of re-enabling the account if the person comes back, disabling accounts is a good habit preventing nasty problems fixing mistakes (John Smith vs. Johan Smith).
  • by da3dAlus ( 20553 ) <> on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:16AM (#4914811) Homepage Journal
    What the hell just happened?

    I go to post a comment and I get a page full of ads. I think someone set up /. the [logic] bomb...

  • by MadKeithV ( 102058 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:18AM (#4914815)
    By making sysadmins unnecessary!
    Have everyone running WINDOWS XP! That doesn't need any system admistration at all, it has perfect uptime and is fully transparent for even the dumbest user!

  • by Raleel ( 30913 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:18AM (#4914817)
    every sysadmin should read this... od e_of_ethics.html

    google cache: cngllYC: hics.html+sage+code+of+ethics&hl=en&ie=UTF -8

    • A small request when posting links: make them links, please! Its not that hard.
      What the gentleman above meant was:

      Every sysadmin should read this...
      Code of Ethics [] (Google cache) []

    • e_of_ethics.html []

      For some reason, the Slash page is putting a space in the original URL? It did the same here, but I added the HTML for the link and it works.

    • by _ph1ux_ ( 216706 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @11:46AM (#4915771)
      First of all I find it interesting that many many people dont just see a proper code of professional ethics as a base level common sense requirement.

      Secondly - I am reminded of a time when I worked for this little VOIP company in San Francisco.

      No naming names - but this company was ran by a very nepatistic group. Husband=CEO Wife=COO Best Friend=CTO Other Friend=CFO etc etc...

      anyway - when we came on board to build out their VOIP systems they didnt want any of the admins to have the root passwords to any of the machines. any of them.

      I had to explain to them that at this stage (build out) that was impossible. They were really really concerned that they couldnt trust any of us.

      It was sad - as they really thought that the only people who should have the root passwd werethe COO and the CEO. The two people in the company who couldnt tell a login prompt from their ass. They knew the least about any system in the building - yet were adamant that the admins cannot be trusted and shouldnt have root.

      I basically told them that if we didnt have root - we may as well quite because we wont be able to do anything they needed. I explained that after the system was actually built out and running - that we could reign back in control - and only a few people would have the root passwd and we would run things through SUDO.

      They were still skeptical. I then explained to them that there is just an operational ethics that IT admins have. I told them that there are things that admins just do not do. I told them that we have access to every file on the network, access to all email. Anything. But that it just is not acceptable to look at any of these. That we just *dont* look at these things.

      I thought this would make it better - but it was worse. These idiots didnt realize that having root actually meant that we had access to every single file on the network. This made it really bad - now they really really didnt trust us. They didnt understand the fact that there had to be a certain level of TRUST in their admins.

      We later realized the reason why they couldnt trust any of us was because they were just a bunch of slimy non-trustworthy lying execs themselves - and didnt see how anyone else could possibly be any different.

      Thank god I dont work there any more. Too bad they are still in business too... I understand that they are still late with employee paychecks. Although I am sure the exec salaries are always on time.
  • by featheredfrog ( 94181 ) <> on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:19AM (#4914820) Homepage
    Of course we never go bad. All that caffein works as a preservative!
    • ... well there was once a comment explaining how they're all bad to start with, and are only hiding it, waiting for their moment.

      Only /. decided to fall over the moment I pressed "submit", so it never appeared...
  • This guy doesn't seem to smart. You should wait a little bit longer after leaving your job pissed before you try to screw your ex-employer. Of course they will point the finger at the disgruntled ex-employee!
    Duronio, a computer systems administrator, resigned from PaineWebber on Feb. 22 after complaining about his salary and bonuses. The logic bomb he allegedly constructed from November 2001 until February of this year was activated on March 4, U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie said in a statement.
    As soon as he leaves after not getting a raise, he activates it. Stupid. Very stupid.
  • You *could*... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by veddermatic ( 143964 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:21AM (#4914827) Homepage
    Have two sysadmins, who work in different areas, and who a la "missle key firing system" both have to approve additions to important code bases.

    Obviously, you could get two bad apples and have the same thing happen, but odds are slim.

    Problem is, it tough to find ONE good admin, much less two, esp. with tough times for business... having to dole out twice the budget to protect yourself "just in case". Then again, it would double the job market =)

    OR mabye CVS everything, and look through all changes an employee made after they quit... then again, the clever get around this, etc.....

    *sigh* People just suck sometimes.
    • Re:You *could*... (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Hanashi ( 93356 )
      Actually, I don't think it's nearly as easy as you make it sound. Ok, assume we have set up such a dual-approver system. It has to run on some computer, right? There has to be someone somewhere who can administer that computer. The super user can always tamper with the software in ways you won't be able to detect.

      Even assuming the absence of an all-powerful superuser, there are problems. Someone has to be responsible for installing, maintaining and perhaps upgrading the application that manages the dual-approver system, so there's at least one person who doesn't need any confirmation before setting you up the bomb.

      And even if you solve that problem, there's the problem with untrustworthy hardware. Someone somewhere has physical access to the box, which would provide them with the ability to, say, take the disk drive "for maintenance", mount it in their own box, diddle whatever code they want, and return the "fixed" drive to service.

      And that brings up the problem of... and then the problem of... not to mention the problem of... it just keeps going. With our current technology, it's literally impossible to eliminate the issue of trust in our computing environments. They say everyone has their price. Scary thought, isn't it?

      • Re:You *could*... (Score:3, Informative)

        by Zocalo ( 252965 )
        It's *very* easy to do this - you just make sure that no one person knows the root password(s). For example you have one person who knows the first half of the root password and another who knows the second half. Both parties write their part of the password down, put it in a sealed envelope and the two envelopes go into escrow in case of fatalities (the CEO's safe will do). Both parties must be present at, and sign off on, any changes that require root access.

        Add additional safeguards as you see fit - for instance you could have two people who know one half of the password and two different people knowing the other half, or three people each knowing a third of the password, and so on. It might be inconvenient on occassion, but hey, since when has decent security not caused a little inconvenience?

        • Re:You *could*... (Score:4, Insightful)

          by afidel ( 530433 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @11:32AM (#4915608)
          You must be a student.
          No one who has ever worked in the real world would come up with such a thing! I'm just a lowly tech and I need root on the workstations I work on on a several time per day basis. If every time I wanted to do something I had to track down another person and have them be in the same physical place as me it would be insane. Now think of the sysadmins out there who get paged at 3am when something blows up. Now not only do they have to get up but so does someone else and they both have to believe that the other person will show up. The reality is you screen applicants, make sure you have some kind of regular contact with your employees, and finally have some system for angry people to vent without fear of reprisal. On my team I established an email list for bitching and complaining and made sure that no managers were on the list but also made sure management was aware of the lists existance.
          • Re:You *could*... (Score:5, Interesting)

            by vrmlguy ( 120854 ) <> on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @12:48PM (#4916359) Homepage Journal
            You must be inexperienced. I've set up systems where no one had root access. You set up sudo (or one of its commercial clones) to give specific people permission to do specific things, then you write a script to change the root password to a very random string and send it to a real printer. As soon as the printer delivers the goods (in the presence of one of more officers), it is folded and placed in an envelope (which everyone signs on the seal) and locked away. Any emergency big enough to require the password needs to be brought to the possessing officer's attention anyway, and anyone can look at the envelope to make sure that it hasn't been tampered with.
            • Re:You *could*... (Score:3, Informative)

              by whterbt ( 211035 )

              Don't get me wrong, I use sudo every day, and it's a great tool. But you have the following problems anyway:

              • sudo passwd . Yes, you can lock down sudo so that's not directly possible. But what about sudo vi? Or anything that allows a shell?
              • Shell-required operations. Sometimes you need to be root. Many software installations don't work when you use sudo because they see you as the (non-super)user instead of root.
              • Filesystem check encountered errors. Enter root password to continue. Sudo won't help here either.
              • These occasions occur on a regular basis. If I had to track down a frickin' envelope and get an Act of Congress to let me open it each time, I'd just quit.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:22AM (#4914831)
    When you have reasonable salaries, reasonable work hours, and no one that runs everything.

    First of all you'd have less disgruntled employees.

    Second, you'd have less disgruntled employees.

    Third, you wouldn't need to trust anyone 100%. Most egos of sysadmins wouldn't let them let someone else compromise their system. If you have 2 or more admins 100% responsible for the integrity of a system, and each performing checks on each other, you would reduce the occurences of these types of attacks.
    • There is only one problem with this, the PHB factor (pointy haired boss).

      PHB: I have one sysadmin on salary, and he seems to be over worked, I could:

      • Hire another -- NO, HR would want me to fill out a whole pile of forms to justify this, and I wouldn't have time for golf.
      • Just tell the existing one we will hire another -- YES, but really do nothing, and keep working him into the ground. Then only hire another when this one quits.... eeeexcellent.... when was that tee time again.
      It really comes down to "perceived" value, since I.T. does nothing but "suck" money out of the company, them all must be a bunch of slackers who deserve nothing.

      PHB at review time: The sysadmin seem to work lots of overtime, but since he's on salary this doesn't cost me anything, he must lack in organizational skills, we'll have to cut his bonus for that (and add it to mine for pointing out this flaw in the employee, I'll be able to get that new driver for my golf game now).

      Remember in the PHB's eyes salary == slavery

  • Damn (Score:5, Funny)

    by Sandman1971 ( 516283 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:23AM (#4914835) Homepage Journal
    I was disappointed to find that this was an article, and not a new show on Fox.
  • What can be done? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by perfects ( 598301 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:29AM (#4914857)
    > Who can companies trust if they're afraid that
    > this kind of thing can happen?


    > How can they prevent it?

    They can't.

    Employee misbehavior spans an entire spectrum of seriousness, from stealing paper clips to embezzling billions. You can't prevent a determined and dishonest sysadmin from sabotaging a system any more than you can prevent an accountant from diverting funds or an after-hours custodian from taking things off peoples' desks.

    There is no panacea, technological or otherwise.

    Preventing employee misbehavior has several parallels with Copy Protection. No affordable and practical scheme is bulletproof if the person is determined enough, so the best method is to remove the motivation. The same rules apply to all employees: treat and compensate people fairly and they will be less likely to want to hurt you.

    But even that doesn't work in all cases. If your staff is large enough there will always be people who feel that you are mistreating them, or underpaying them, and who will feel compelled to get what is "rightfully theirs" in other ways, large and small. And many people steal/etc. without regard to the harm it causes the company or other employees; their motivation is purely selfish, so it doesn't matter how well they are treated and paid.

    So even if you treat and compensate people fairly, and trust everybody you hire, you must monitor people's activity, investigate suspicious behavior, and, when necessary, prosecute wrongdoers to the fullest extent of the law.

    I probably sound cynical, but I speak from experience.
    • Employee misbehavior spans an entire spectrum of seriousness, from stealing paper clips to embezzling billions. You can't prevent a determined and dishonest sysadmin from sabotaging a system any more than you can prevent an accountant from diverting funds or an after-hours custodian from taking things off peoples' desks.

      There is no panacea, technological or otherwise.

      Ah, but you can make it harder, by having servers administered rotate among admins. That way, you cross train, and if something looks fishy, it can be.. fixed.
    • by Twylite ( 234238 ) <twylite@cryp t . c o . za> on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:49AM (#4915175) Homepage

      For some reason technical people tend to ignore many years of experience of similar problems in other domains. Quite simply, there are several effective mechanisms for preventing this type of abuse, but very few people which sufficient know-how to implement them.

      The business rules for prevention of white collar crime are division of responsibilities, and cross checking (or auditing). The rules do not change just because you are working with computers.

      The first thing to realise is that on most "enterprise" operating systems other than standard unix, the system administrator is NOT god. On NT, 2000, Novell and Trusted Solaris (amongst others) there is provision for delegating administrative privlidges and locking out the original administrator in an irrevocable manner. On most other Unix systems you can use "sudo" (or an equivalent) to selectively grant privlidges, and lock down root logon or "su" to the console only. Coupled with dual-key physical access control, this prevents any single person from becoming god ((s)he can't even modify hardware or reinstall because of physical controls). This scenario presumes procedures/rules (never leave just one admin in the room, watch and verify all operations, etc).

      Many admins baulk at this idea, but if you're serious about security, there has to be a physical barrier preventing complete power over the system. In the absence of computer systems designed for dual authentication for privledged operations, physical controls (and associated procedures) must be used.

      When responsibilities are divided, there needs to be an analysis of which privledges can interoperate, and which should not (because they could cause a security risk). The privledge of clearing log files should be limited to "god" - i.e. physical access to the console, which requires two people. Backups should be encrypted, if possible in such a manner that the key for recovery is split between two people (there is software to handle this sort of thing).

      Auditing is also essential. Every so often, external experts should be brought in and allowed to inspect the system, under the supervision of one or more of the administrators. It is likewise important that administrators be forced to take time off (instead of infinitely accuring annual leave) -- this is when fraudulent activity is usually stumbled upon.

      Does this offer complete protection? No. It won't work in organisations where there is only one admin (unless another technically savvy person can hold the second key for physical access), and it breaks down when two admins cooperate in the fraud. But it provides a whole lot more protection than the current practices, and in time can be improved (by drawing on other business and accounting practices).

    • What can be done? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Confused ( 34234 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:52AM (#4915212) Homepage
      >> How can they prevent it?

      > They can't.

      They can at least reduce the chance a lot with redundency.

      If you have a team of sys-admins, you have a good chance that the other might catch the bad one before it's too late. And if they feel treated well by the company and don't share the sentiment of the saboteur, the damage is usually contained.

      Another policy I've seen in some banks is that all employees have to take 2 continuous weeks paid vacation each year (the rest of the paid vacation time can be distributed at will). This promotes cross-training and redundancy.
    • by Lumpy ( 12016 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @03:02PM (#4917581) Homepage

      you hit it on the head.... A "bad" sysadmin is far less dangerous than your "bad" accountant..

      many MANY companies were robbed blind by a bad accountant embezzling money yes you dont hear this sensationalized like this article. it doesnt matter, from the janitor to the CEO EVERY EMPLOYEE has the ability to completely ruin your company.. anyone that is paranoid about it means they know they are screwing their employees and are sure they are disgruntled and TRYING to get back at them.

      if you want to reduce the risk of having disgruntled employees screwing your company there are 2 things you need...

      1 - Pay them fairly and treat them well. this is the MOST important thing. they will NOT respect you or your company if you don't respect them.

      2 - critical parts of your company need redundancy.. if you have 15 computers and 1 sysadmin... HIRE AN ASSISTANT FOR THE SYSADMIN. less sneaky stuff happens when someone has a shadow. same as Accounting... have your books audited by someone else on a regular basis.. wow now is a good time to actually LEARN how to run your business instead of playing golf or having your Mercedes detailed.

      99% of all bad things that happen in a business is the managemet's fault. their inattentiveness or apathy coupled with ignorance and sometimes just being a plain old asshole to their employees.

  • similar story (Score:5, Interesting)

    by KirkH ( 148427 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:29AM (#4914858)
    Something similar happened to my Dad's business about 15 years ago. Back then, they just trusted the employees. For some reason I can't recall, they decided to fire the sysadmin that was running their billing systems and gave him a months notice. During that month, they let him take time off from work to interview at other places and were generally pretty nice about the whole thing.

    A couple weeks after he left, the system started crashing and losing data. Apparently he used a rather well-known bomb because the company they used for support was able to dial in and found it rather quickly. He was charged, arrested, tried, and found guilty. It was a big deal because the state (South Carolina) had just passed some really though computer crime laws at the time, and the Attorney General wanted a "test case" for the law.

    My Dad and his partner's requested that the guy not get any jail time since he had a wife and some kids, but he got major probation and a huge fine (something like $60,000, which was a lot back then). Plus he now has a felony charge on his record. Last I heard, he had gotten out of the computer biz and was working in a family business.

    Anyway, the short lesson is: if you're a company firing someone with privileges, pay them the two weeks or whatever but don't let them back on site. And if you're the guy getting sacked, don't try to get revenge through sabotage; it's just not worth it.

    As an aside: every place I've worked had a policy that whenever someone was fired they were led to their desk with a cardboard box, then escorted out of the building that very moment.
    • Re:similar story (Score:2, Insightful)

      by eam ( 192101 )
      > and a huge fine (something like $60,000, which
      > was a lot back then).

      Wow. I must not be making enough money, because I think that is still a lot.
  • (Score:3, Insightful)

    by TrumpetPower! ( 190615 ) <> on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:37AM (#4914866) Homepage

    How is this different from any other kind of sabotage by employees or ex-employees? As long as there have been accountants, there has been embezzlement. A short-order cook could forget to wash his hands. A construction contractor can use sub-standard building materials.

    You gotta trust somebody; just make sure it's somebody worthy of trust.

    As for preventing this particular kind of sabotage, use the same principles as everywhere else: supervision, audits, bonds, insurance, and the threat of jail time if the rest fails. Oh--a good disaster recovery plan sure doesn't hurt, either.



  • by constantnormal ( 512494 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:42AM (#4914874)
    ... pull a stupid crime and spend the rest of your life in a state-funded institution.
  • by Detritus ( 11846 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:42AM (#4914879) Homepage
    For critical systems, nothing gets changed without an approved change request. All changes must be examined, tested and approved by someone other than the programmer. You can also have a separate group to maintain the source libraries and to do builds.
    • Of course, this doesn't prevent someone from making undocumented changes on the sly if they've got root access ... or better yet, modifying the backups, then "arranging" a system crash. Who's going to audit a "known-good" backup, especially when your systems are down?
  • by ohboy-sleep ( 601567 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:52AM (#4914908) Homepage
    With the Paine Webber guy, I was amazed this guy didn't think the SEC could put 2 and 2 together.

    "Hmmm, there's the guy who had access to the company's computers and made all those put options, but I don't know if there's any way we can prove motive or opportunity."
  • Who can you trust? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:57AM (#4914913)

    Trust in God; Everybody else pays cash

    Who can you trust? -- Nobody. As our master said:

    For of men it may generally be affirmed, that they are thankless, fickle, false, studious to avoid danger, greedy of gain, devoted to you while you are able to confer benefits upon them, and ready, as I said before, while danger is distant, to shed their blood, and sacrifice their property, their lives, and their children for you; but in the hour of need they turn against you. The Prince, therefore, who without otherwise securing himself builds wholly on their professions is undone.
    Machievelli, The Prince Ch 17. []
    The answer to the question is no one, not even your mother. If you are not secure against being hacked by an insider, you are not secure. And that means everybody, Newspapers are full of headlines about CEO's ripping off their companies. Stories about long-time trusted employees who embezzle a few hundred thousand dollars are so common that they usually wind up on page 7 of the Metro section.
  • by z01d ( 602442 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:01AM (#4914921)

    SysAdmin, as the word says, it's the Administrator of the System.

    there's no technical way to restrict their actions, or we should restrict the computer's capacity.

    people do bad things for money, that's all, how could we prevent this happen? how could we prevent crime? how could we prevent people shoot each other? these are analog.

    it's political or human issue. not technical.
  • by puppetluva ( 46903 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:08AM (#4914937)
    Don't keep disgruntled employees or employees that you keep hidden away in a back room and ignore. Management that keeps good relationships with its employees don't have as many problems with this sort of thing.

    This means:
    1) Help work to keep employees happily employed (not with bribes - with real career paths, personal interest, etc.). If you keep wage-slaves, expect mutiny.
    2) Actively replace employees who can't be kept happily employed. Get others who are competent and glad to have the spot (which shouldn't be too hard in this economy). Keeping people around who don't want the position isn't doing them any favors. If no one who would be qualified would also be glad to have the spot, rethink the position.

    "Management" should be helping manage situations like this. If this guy had been disgruntled for a long time, it seems to be their fault for keeping him (and keeping him unhappy and ultimately vengeful). Sounds like someone did a bad job at people-management . . . sounds like the type of willfull neglect that is inexcusable but all too common. Many people think that "management" is watching the bottom line -- that is a lazy, oversimplified way of looking at an important job.
    • Help work to keep employees happily employed (not with bribes - with real career paths, personal interest, etc.). If you keep wage-slaves, expect mutiny

      I second that motion. Money is only one means of rewarding/compensating your staff. Respect is another one, and one which often is ignored.

      I once did a gig as a conslutant for $COMPANY. When the $PHB who hired me introduced me to the SysAdmin, the $SA was visibly displeased. I suspect that
      • $PHB had failed to mentioned to $SA that this hire was taking place
      • the $SA didn't have a say in the hiring process (he certainly didn't interview me)
      • the $PHB may not have mentioned to the $SA that $PROJECT was taking place.
      So, when $PHB mentioned to $SA that he needed to set me up with a computer and network account, $SA gave me the list of all of the admin passwords on all of their servers and said I could set up my computer and account myself. $SA quit within a week after I was hired.

      Needless to say, that was an interesting experience. :-)

  • Sysadmins? (Score:5, Funny)

    by Titusdot Groan ( 468949 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:11AM (#4914945) Journal
    Luckily it's only sysadmins that do stuff like this and not traders [], accountants [] or the CEO []!

    C'mon -- this is really small potatoes ...

    • Re:Sysadmins? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Iamthefallen ( 523816 ) <Gmail name: Iamthefallen> on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:36AM (#4915049) Homepage Journal

      yeah, but the difference is, the sysadmin is a criminal, a CEO that's stealing is just unethical...

      • yeah, but the difference is, the sysadmin is a criminal, a CEO that's stealing is just unethical...
        You know, I don't have any mod points, so I'm just going to say that is very "insightful."

        My guess is the Paine-Webber guy will be reamed, and that's justice. But what about the people whose salarary+bonuses alone cost more than the damage this guy caused, and whose shenanigans drive a billion-dollar company into the ground, destroying people's pensions? That's a heck of a lot worse than forcing a Windows reinstall.

  • by TerryAtWork ( 598364 ) <> on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:23AM (#4914972)
    That this firm had a SIXTY year old sys admin.

    There's hope for me yet.

  • by HealYourChurchWebSit ( 615198 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:24AM (#4914975) Homepage
    If systems are so critical and secure, then you need to separate responsibilities, and dispense information to those holding the keys on a need to know basis.
  • Makes my little cron job that changed the shell on this user's account three times a week look really mild in comparison.

    That guy annoyed the hell out of me one too many times.
  • I'd love to know more about how much hard evidence they were able to gather about this guy. Obviously, anyone with enough brain power to engineer the logic-bombing of 1k machines is going to try and cover his tracks, but how well did he succeed? Is the prosecution going to have to make the leap from "you left, then bought shares, then something bad happened." to "it was you!".

    Ethics aside, I have to admire this guys balls!

    I'll put my ethics back on and fix the sendmail f'up I made this morning now :-)

  • From the article:

    So-called logic bombs are pieces of software code buried within another program and are designed to disrupt computer systems. They are often delivered by e-mail.

    Ok boys and girls, would someone like to explain how this is different than a virus/Trojan?

    Keep in-mind that I am not a financial expert, nor the general public that I can assume are reading this article. With that in mind... the following statement is even more mind boggling:

    He allegedly bought more than $21,000 of put options, which grants an investor the right to sell a certain amount of underlying stock at a certain price. By giving the investor the right to sell underlying stock at a given price, put options increase in value when the stock value falls.

    Christ.... wtf does that mean :)

    All in all this article goes into no detail in regards to how he was caught, and how they in intend to prove it's him.

    • by Alphix ( 33559 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:46AM (#4915150) Homepage
      Put option quick explaination:

      Suppose that the stock of company FooBar is worth $80 today.

      I buy the *option* of selling that stock at $80 in one weeks time (this of course cost me something since there is a risk involved for the entity that I buy this option from).

      Let's say that priviledge costs me $1 (since everybody considers company FooBars stock prices to be quite stable).

      Now, one week later the "bomb" has blown up their computer system and the stock has plunged to $40.

      The option of selling one stock at $80 is now worth $40 since the stock is currently priced at 40$. I don't even have to own the stock since someone who does can buy the option from me instead.

      In total I've made 39$ on an investment of 1$ in one weeks time.
  • "Who can companies trust if they're afraid that this kind of thing can happen? How can they prevent it?"

    Management: "We don't need a sysadmin, everything is working just great!"
  • Insider Threat (Score:3, Insightful)

    by herwin ( 169154 ) <herwin@tGIRAFFEh ... minus herbivore> on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:37AM (#4915059) Homepage Journal
    This general problem is quite common--80+% of the attacks on e-commerce systems involve insiders. You either have to trust your people or watch them. Unfortunately, watching them (using intrusion detection technology) is not very effective at present. You either have to program the IDS to detect the specific signatures of malicious acts (not well understood at present), or you have to train the system to detect anomalies. The training problem is very hard because:
    1. The training data may include an attack. Then hacking will be considered normal.
    2. New things happen on networks all the time.
    3. Successful retraining of an existing AI system to handle this is a hard problem, worth a PhD.
    4. Categorization of attacks requires expert input.
    5. False positives are common.
    6. Attack indicators are brittle, so that hackers can sneak past them.

  • this problem has nothing special to do with sysadmins. its a human resource problem of a entirely generic form.

    "how do people prevent people with privledge from fucking them over?"

    i think employee onto employer a mockery of the likelihood of employer unto employee.

    i dont have much more of flame bait suggestions for answers, just more or less refined questions.
  • by gosand ( 234100 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:43AM (#4915108)
    Who can companies trust if they're afraid that this kind of thing can happen?

    Who can you trust?

    Microsoft. Trustworthy computing.

    At Microsoft, we make operating systems that administer themselves, so you don't have to hire those untrustworthy and expensive system administrators. Nearly any high-school graduate, or poo-flinging monkey, with the proper brainwa^H^H^H^H^H^H^H training can become a Microsoft-Only Operations Certified Omnipotent Worker. Get your own MOOCOW today, and let us handle your security problems. You shouldn't have to worry about these computer dealies - that's our job.

    Microsoft. Trusted Computing since 2002.

  • by SeattleSluggo ( 69668 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:48AM (#4915166)
    Forget the sysadmins hosing the company, how many friggin execs run the thing into the ground looking to pad their stock options, then leave?

    At a big EDA firm I worked at the sysadmin got into big trouble (I think he was fooling around on his old lady and was trying to run away with some other chick). He decided to hose the backups by placing a small magnet on the read/write head (IIRC). Then he did real backups, which he hid in the drop-down ceiling. His stupidity led him to try to blackmail the company (gold coins). The episode ended badly--high speed chase, crash, prison. Now that I think about it, yeah, a Fox mini-series!

  • A lot of larger companies can have multiple admins, each taking care of a particular sector. By having a common methodology or plan, you can ensure that one admin can cover for another (in case of unforseen accident) or take over.
    In the schools where I work, I can walk into another admin's school and be fairly comfortable with making fixes/changes to their system - since everything runs similarly. This is convenient if one of us gets sick, or has a holiday, etc, and a server goes kaput somewhere.
    Some of us are more well-versed than others, and one of the other admins has a much better knowledge of most of the systems than me - in particular our main user repository.

    I can get by fairly well the "armadillo book" (0'Reilly) when there's something I don't understand, but sometimes I still need to call him when things go awry. For those that need to catch up with other admins, I do recommend the O'Reilly books though. I've only been here a few months, and I expect that after time (and reading) I'll be much more confortable with some of the systems I'm not currently as fluent in as others.
  • Duronio's logic bomb, the government charged, deleted files and led to $3 million in costs for PaineWebber to assess and repair the damage.

    It just sounds like to me the guy set up a nice little crontab entry that no one bothered to check that did a rm -rf /* on their systems. But, then again, the article did say...

    Duronio, a computer systems administrator, resigned from PaineWebber on Feb. 22 after complaining about his salary and bonuses. The logic bomb he allegedly constructed from November 2001 until February of this year was activated on March 4, U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie said in a statement.

    So this guy was clearly dumb, executing something like this only two weeks after he left. I could see how it would take him from November to February to figure out how to work cron.

  • sounds like something right out of the Bastard Operator from Hell []
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:53AM (#4915222)
    • Reasonable salaries, benefits, and work hours
    • If someone is to be canned, you provide reasonable severance pay, and immediately lock them out of everything (including the physical building itself). Give them a month's pay, one week at a time, with the understanding that professional behavior is expected and they are to answer whatever questions might arise during this one month period.
    • Maintain some level of operational redundancy. Relying 100% on a single sysadmin is asking for trouble. They might be dishonest, or they might die in a car crash.

    All of this costs money, but think of it as cheap insurance, compared to the cost of rogue sysadmin. Is it worth penny-pinching on salaries and benefits, while maxing out the workload if that results in disgruntled employees who timebomb your systems as they head for a new job?

    If you paid the sysadmins $1 million per year, there would be zero theft, zero funny business, and zero turnover. Of course, nobody can do that and stay in business. At some level less than $1 million and higher than fast-food wages, you can retain decent people and discourage malicious tactics. The key to avoiding a technological meltdown is to treat people well enough so that your recruiting process lets you avoid the marginal candidates. Once hired, a properly compensated person should feel as if the "have something to lose", and therefore you can expect such a person to act as a professional. Paying hamburger wages and putting a person in the sysadmin seat would be like staffing a nuclear power plant control room with random selections from the phone book.

    This is a very interesting topic, especially right now. We are in a down market, and there is an irresistable temptation for some employers to make lowball offers to currently-unemployed candidates. This allows the employer to cheaply refill vacancies (or exert leverage against current employees). Those employers who are gung-ho about bottom-feeding are setting the stage for big trouble later. Employee turnover is just the tip of the iceberg.
  • - Design the system so that it requires change controls

    - Take daily md5 snap shots of systems

    - Always keep off site duplicates of your monthly full back ups. It's not just for DR; it's also for versioning.

    - Sue him out of existence and make sure EVERY employer in the area knows about it - not just for vengence, but also as a heads up to other rouge sysadmins.

    In other words, follow best practices and procedures.
  • by Chagatai ( 524580 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @11:02AM (#4915315) Homepage
    Here's a question that is related in part to what this numbskull did: suppose you are a sysadmin responsible for some set of vital systems like this guy was. You are fired/terminated/leave the company. However, during the course of your stay, you never documented anything (and I'm not talking about deleting documentation because you were pissed off and left). Consequently, your employer is definitely set back trying to figure out what you had in place. What are the legal ramifications from this?

    My take on it would simply be that your employer did not pay enough attention to your activities abd subsequently due to their mismanagement you would not be at fault. Comments?

  • by Call Me Black Cloud ( 616282 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @11:15AM (#4915425)
    You can't. Next question.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @11:30AM (#4915576)
    Here in Venezuela, when the Oil strike begun some sysadmins blocked and placed logic bombs in the critical computers. It is costing the country an average of US$ 15 million a day. The computers that control the fuel-load process in the tankers where so sabotaged that any try to get the system up would end up spilling fuel on every "island" (the place where the fuel truck loads). The only way to stop the spill would be to activate the emergency system in the plant. Gladly (it's already very known worldwide) the goverment set up a "hackers team" to take over all the sabotaged industry computers. Most of them are running Solaris or Windows NT 4, so it wasn't too hard to break all the systems. If you calculate: US$ 15 Millions * 16 days = 240 Million US$ ... and most of it is because the admins who sabotaged the critical computers.
  • Time bombs (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @11:41AM (#4915703)
    There are a few examples of this in my past:

    1985: A travel company with several offices (local big group) had only one sysadmin for their computerized booking system. He was this nasty guy who was related to one of the founders, and no one wanted to fire the guy because only he knew how to run the damn things. Not that he did a good job. He was lazy, rude, and demanding. Well, one day, new management got sick of him, and tried to get an "assistant" for him (read "learn his job so we can fire him"). Sysadmin was wise to that, and basically they went through several employees in as few months. Finally, they decided to fire the guy, and hire a contractor to replace the systems. The firing was ugly, they ex-admin had to get dragged out by the police in the end. Days later, the whole system went down. Guess what? No backups. No one knew how it ran, and years of data was lost, chaos among their customers ensued, and six months later the company went out of business.

    1996: Our company bought out a competetor. They guy in charge of the call center was the only one we didn't lay off right after the merger because he was the only one who knew what went where, and he used this knowledge to leverage his job security. He was impossible to work with, never did anything on time, never answered his pages, and did just enough work not get fired, but it was really, really hard to get him to do anything else. Finally, we gathered a team of experts (our staff plus vendors) to go as a group, figure out what he was doing, then fire him. His response? He deleted all the call center tables, databases, and destroyed all paperwork... then quit. We had him arrested, but he posted bail, and we never found him again. It took half a month to get everything working right, which meant we had to tell 300 call center employees they couldn't come to work or get paid until we called them back. Boy, was that a clusterfuck.

    I saw this button once, "Now that I have changed the master password for the database, it is time to discuss my salary." Heh.

    1997: The head of our HR department was fired due to some political bullshit. Standard procedure was to take an ex-employee's computer, wipe it, and give it back to the tech department. Guess what we lost because no one thought about it? All employee records for the department. Backup was on a single floppy that wouldn't load, and she hadn't done backup since the first of the year anyway. We had to have every employee resubmit 1099s and W4s, plus tell us honestly what vacation and sick they already took.

    1999: Same company, same situation, but this time it was the guy who kept the entire tech department hardware inventory records. It took a year to recount what we had, and re-enter serial numbers and license keys into a new database. The stupid thing was, this guy made regular backups on the network drive... which was on a server they wiped by accident. Doh!

    2001: After a round of layoffs, one of our more brilliant and inspired programmers had "expiration dates" on all his compiled software. He wrote most of the tools we still use today. Months after he was laid off, all of them stopped working on September 17th, 2001 at 12:00 midnight. The only way we got saved was that no one wiped his original desktop box (which had the source code on it, which is how we found out about the "expiration date"). So we recompiled without the date, and everything worked again. Due to WHEN it happened, our whole company thought we'd been attacked by terrorists (the clever generic error only said there was a "network failure") until the truth was revealed. Later we found 9/17 was his birthday, and it was just coincidence it happened so close to 9/11; the layoffs were in March, and they were unexpected and sudden. I doubt this guy had Al-Queda (sp?) connections, so he must have been planning this "job security" (as the comment in the code labeled it) way in advance.

  • by billtom ( 126004 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @01:25PM (#4916666)

    Remember the lesson of "Jurassic Park":

    If you don't pay your programmers enough money, a tyrannosaurus rex will eat your lawyer.

  • Had this myself (Score:3, Interesting)

    by theolein ( 316044 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @01:59PM (#4917021) Journal
    A company I previously worked for treated me like absolute crap. Eventually they threw me out and I before they threw me out they let me go clean up my desktop. I copied a "logic bomb" that I had studied out of interests sake onto the firewall and then left. This one required a specific IP/request to set it off, but I never did it, because after I had calmed down it was just too childish and irresponsible. They had been scared however, that I would do something like that and deleted all my accounts, thereby shooting themselves in the foot when they needed to work on the webserver sometime later, I heard from a former coworker. For all I know that bomb is still there today.
  • Payback is a bitch (Score:3, Insightful)

    by MinkeyBrines ( 584079 ) <> on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @02:27PM (#4917284)
    Face it. Businesses COULD NOT EXIST without those special individuals who by some freak of nature don't feel the pain of the computer learning curve. It is only these people that get suckered into the thankless job of the Sysadmin.

    Remember Columbine? Think about it... For every PHB... For every dumb joke about "geeks"... For every clueless idiot employee that businesses give computers to who eventually DEMAND that the Sysadmin practically do their job for them... If you run a business, consider yourself LUCKY that they used a "LOGIC" bomb instead of getting MEDEVIL ON YOUR SORRY ASS.

    Here's how you avoid all this (and consequently save your wretched, lost corporate soul):

    o Pay them what they're really worth

    o Let them charge your company internally for the services they provide. That way you'll see exactly how they are NOT JUST OVERHEAD.

    o Run your business ethically. Don't force them to do your dirty work.

    o Hire more IT staff. I GUARANTEE you that you don't have enough right now.

    o FORCE your people to get trained or don't let them touch a computer.

    o Hire the best IT guys you can find (not just paper M.C.S.E's) and outsource your Help Desk so innane questions from lame lazy-ass employees can drive someone else insane.

    o Actually spend the money it takes to do IT correctly. It actually does cost lots of money. You're IT budget is probably off by a factor of five.

    o Stop trying to figure out how to cover your corporate ass in the event of a Sysadmin "going bad" (Translation: "that you drove insane") and follow the steps above.

    Remember, Sysadmins don't "go bad". They eventually become INFECTED and INFESTED with the EVIL that corporations have learned to LOVE while doing business.
  • by RomulusNR ( 29439 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @02:55PM (#4917528) Homepage
    They should hire more sysadmins and pay them more than a few grand over what a phone support tech makes. (Chipping in a little for periodic training -- and providing the time to get it -- would be a nice gesture, too.)

    Not only will having more sysadmins reduce the ability of one bad seed to FUBAR things, but paying and training them decently will also make them all happier, and less likely to *want* to.

    But this is all purely leftist drivel.
  • by Maul ( 83993 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @03:38PM (#4917890) Journal
    Actions such as this are immoral, no doubt about it.

    I've heard some other random stories about coders and sysadmins setting up time bombs that will go off after they are gone. Some of it is very minor (such as a small prank) to very dustructive (such as deleting years of records, etc.).

    I also know that many coders do not document or comment very well on purpose, as they percieve this as a way to preserve job security (if I'm the only one who knows how to use it...) as well. This is not quite as bad... but still...

    Anyway, there are a couple things that might protect from this happening, though there are probably no ways to prevent this 100%.

    #1. Have multiple admins, and audit everything!
    Having multiple administrators who know how to
    run lots of machines will minimize damage, or
    prevent it. Having audits of everything, and
    requiring good documentation/comment also
    will help to dissipate the risks.

    #2. Don't treat your employees like crap!
    While employer mistreatment doesn't justify
    sabotoge, it does encourage it. If management treats employees like crap, retaliation is more likely.
  • On my honeymoon (Score:3, Interesting)

    by MrScience ( 126570 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @05:12PM (#4918587) Homepage
    We got back after one day, and had more than 20 (!) messages on our answering machine. The entire line was shut down because the software was not seeing any new orders. My boss had been going around, saying, "Well, he's finally left. I knew he would do something like that. We're screwed."

    Turns out some fool had modified a record without using the proper indexes (ancient FoxPro for DOS). Because the indexes were no longer synchronized, the software's "do while order == opened" loop hit a closed record that was indexed as open, and exited prematurely.

    I went in, fixed it in five minutes, and left. They were bankrupt within 4 months, and I was thankfully on to a new employer (that didn't trust employees any further, but that's another story).

Let's organize this thing and take all the fun out of it.
