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Television Media

iTV Standard v1.1 Released 133

mbstone writes "The iTV Standards Initiative this week announced the release of version 1.1 of its proposed iTV Production Standards, an open XML-schema-based scheme for interactive TV. In other words your set-top box or PC TV card would use the proposed standard to let you click on something displayed on your TV screen, for example, to answer a poll or buy the product featured in a commercial."
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iTV Standard v1.1 Released

Comments Filter:
  • Fascinating (Score:2, Interesting)

    by jimmy_dean ( 463322 )
    This is pretty cool stuff...would this kind of be like the HTML of TV? :)
    • I'm thinking it would be even more like the XML of TV. ;)

      Nice first post attempt tho.
    • Apple makes TVs now?
    • Notice how this will make your tv more web-like?? But yet, the media is also trying to turn the WWW more tv like. So, it appears they are trying wash every form of media out to a uniform middle line "safe" grey. How about they turn off TV period. This technology will NOT make tv more interactive. They would control what/how/when/why you would click anything. They would let you have the illusion of being able to interact with a program, but, if I am watching a movie, and suddenly one of those god-forsaken pop-up text balloons pops up over the hero as he lifts a drink to his mouth to tell me "Punch the monkey and you could win a free drink like his!!!" I WILL empty every guns I own into the fscking tv!!!
  • Pop-Up Ads (Score:3, Interesting)

    by lordkuri ( 514498 ) on Saturday February 15, 2003 @01:00AM (#5307394)
    And the Popup ads begin to multiply... quick! get the raid!
    • Note the website:

      ummm.. doesn't that say something?

      No longer will your viewing habits be anonymous if you have a traceable button.

      • is run by Don Fitzpatrick, a well-known agent for "news talent." The site hosts "ShopTalk," the pre-eminent listserv for people who work in the TV news biz. See also, a job board run by ex-TV news people. The site has nothing to do with spies, TIA, etc. (as far as I know).
  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Saturday February 15, 2003 @01:00AM (#5307396)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • It will fail. (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Spazntwich ( 208070 ) on Saturday February 15, 2003 @01:01AM (#5307400)
    Notice how easy it is to just change the channel when commercials come on? Now notice how few people actually change the channel when commercials come on.

    People watch TV to be totally passive. They don't WANT to interact with the news channel. They just want to sit there and absorb information.
    • Re:It will fail. (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward
      IMO, iTV only makes sense if the TV show itself is set up to be interactive. Think, for example, reality TV type shows where you could vote for certain things to happen, or where the audience could vote off contestants, rather than having the producers make the decision.

      Otherwise, iTV simply gets in the way of TV viewing. If I want to talk to others or answer polls about my favorite TV show, I will do it on my computer after watching the show, not on my TV during the show.
      • Re:It will fail. (Score:2, Informative)

        by stratjakt ( 596332 )
        Something was built into MS's WebTV... I cant remember what it was called, but I had it back when I was using my all-in-wonder card under 95 or 98. It would basically embed URL's into broadcasts, when one appeared, a little icon would pop up next to the channel number. It'd take you to, say, the Jeapordy home page (thats the only show I remember clicking it on).

        Mostly the URLs would accompany commercials. But it wasnt really intrusive or anything. Just a handy way to get more info on a product or whatever. I remember following one to the local Ford mega-dealership to get some info on one of their sales.

        Not a bad idea. Didnt add much, didnt take away anything either. I could see how it could be enhanced to allow voting for stuff like American Idol or the other rash of 'reality' shows.
    • This is seriously cool stuff -- the IEC-13818-x spec (MPEG2) is fascinating stuff, and set-top boxes are very cool platforms to code to. There are lots of ways to enable interactivity in television -- the XML-based trigger info can be snarfed from an ethernet network (I used to code to the PowerTV API, and it had a version of BSD sockets on it to receive data from the set-top's ethernet port). It could be another elementary stream encoded in the MPEG PS itself. it doesn't even need to be a digital signal -- it could live in the VBI with closed-captioning and other stuff (this is how WebTV, Wink and others work). It could even be on a sideband-type thing, i.e. transmitted on a different frequency than the picture. This isn't even touching on the services that could be enabled with the DSM-CC portion of the MPEG spec.

      ... and yes, it will be used for advertising, but it also enables much cooler things. Imagine interactive children's programs -- that big black box so often used as an electronic babysitter has some truly awesome education potential, and interactivity only makes that better. Technology doesn't always have to be seen as some sort of Orwellian or Matrix-type enabler for the pot-planting of humankind ... it can be a window to a great and vast world.



      • I used to code to the PowerTV API

        I'm sincerely sorry to hear that. If I ever see preprocessor macro based exception handling again, I'm going to strangle something. Probably a kitten.

    • Good points. Personally, I'd be more interested in the interactiveness if it allowed me to punch annoying advertisers in the face.
      But why stop at commercials? If I could virtually punch Dawson or Pacey in the mouth and tell them what fu**ups they are, I might actually be lured to watch the show! ;)
    • Don't you mean propaganda? That is pretty much all television spews these days. "Buy duct tape and plastic and tape all your vents shut in case of a devestating biological attack... but don't panic! By all means, we don't mean to make you PANIC! Why would you PANIC? Just because there's going to be an ANTHRAX attack doesn't mean you should PANIC!"
    • My Admission (Score:1, Offtopic)

      by amigaluvr ( 644269 )
      My name is Darren Howard Hayes. I am an arrogant fool who gets off on abusing people on IRC and web forums. I have a sad life. I am 43 years old and am still single. I talk shit regularly and when called on it I lie to try worming out of the situation. I have been known to mail bomb, packetflood and stalk my internet co-users. I am a loser in life and I was stupid enough to use the same password on my email, irc and web forum accounts. I may not be around much any more. I Apologise to the two Steves, I am sorry for the porn spam! really that was very immature of me. I have signed myself and my own family members for all the porn I can get to show my deep sorrow. Apologies for the email bombing to Agnus, Para and cRo on #amigazone, I will definately stop now. I am sorry I called Danamania a transexual, I know I am such a smelly personality-free blob I never had a chance of getting in your pants to find out. I apologise to everyone else for existing.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 15, 2003 @01:05AM (#5307410)
    My cat has been pointing and clicking on the screen for years. Now I finally know what she was getting at.
  • by TechyImmigrant ( 175943 ) on Saturday February 15, 2003 @01:07AM (#5307417) Homepage Journal
    So how long until ITV (The TV channel) in the UK decides to let their lawyers loose?
  • How about.... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Zeinfeld ( 263942 ) on Saturday February 15, 2003 @01:11AM (#5307431) Homepage
    How about developing a standard for TV remote controls instead, and a standard way of connecting a set top box to a tv so that they can actually work together competently?

    I have a $200 sony all in one remote that tries to provide a single interface to all my stuff. Problem is that it does not quite cut it, the Onkyo receiver does not quite do what it should.

    Result is that only I can get the home theatre to work properly so I leave it turned off most of the time because I don;t want to spend all my time being sysop for the home entertainment system. Wish the wife would buy a Mac, then I could tell her she is absolutely on her own for service calls as I don't do Macs.

    All I want is for a bunch of high end but still mainstream stuff to work together - we are not talking about obscure audiophile $25,000 turntables here. But there is no reason that a $2,000 TV and a $500 satelite receiver and $1,000 home theater box should not talk to each other either. We are not talking about big ticket changes, just an RFC822 or maybe a USB port.

    Interactive TV leaves me cold, the stuff is real weak when you try the canned demos with oodles of thought gone into the interactive parts. Run of the mill content that will be seen mostly on non-interactive tv sets will be a bust.

    There is no middle ground worth exploring between TV and videogames. Tombraider and such are lightyears beyond what iTV could hope to be. Why fight it trying to do interactive lite?

    • Re:How about.... (Score:5, Informative)

      by MeanMF ( 631837 ) on Saturday February 15, 2003 @01:21AM (#5307464) Homepage
      I have a $200 sony all in one remote that tries to provide a single interface to all my stuff. Problem is that it does not quite cut it, the Onkyo receiver does not quite do what it should.

      Try this []. I have everything programmed into one $30 Radio Shack remote, including an Onkyo receiver. It takes a little work, but it's definitely worth the effort.
    • Re:How about.... (Score:3, Informative)

      by Null_Packet ( 15946 )
      Look into the TheaterMaster remotes. I have the MX500 and it's a superb remote, and has numerous macro/learning features. I personally like it because it has learnable lcd/soft buttons as well has hard ones.

    • I think we have the same remote []. I think that it can (with some extra massaging) do everything that your receiver remote could do - provided you have the original remote, available and working.

      It controls everything in my house that can accept some sort of IR commands. It will learn any command you can output from your original remote. So if the specific command(s) you are looking for aren't part of the default Oykno entry, there is still hope. I know that the Sony remote doesn't fully control a Replay TV and you need to program 2 or so button commands. If you don't, and you don't have an original working Replay TV remote, there is functionality that you lose with the Replay TV simply from having no access to it.

    • Use a PalmOS device...go for a cheap Visor (they have longer IR range) can play games on it during commercials.
    • Use ethernet (Score:1, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Why bother with USB, etc.? Just connect them all with ethernet cable. You wouldn't need RCA jacks, or that snarl of cables anymore. Just plug everything into a hub. Each component should be configurable via an internal web page. Just like my turtle beach audiotron, a component maker that actually gets it.
  • iTV... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by euxneks ( 516538 ) on Saturday February 15, 2003 @01:14AM (#5307441)
    Interacting with things by clicking on it, voting in polls, isn't that called slashdot?
  • by mrpuffypants ( 444598 ) <mrpuffypants AT gmail DOT com> on Saturday February 15, 2003 @01:15AM (#5307445)
    the way that we watch porno...

    I truly can't wait
  • by $$$$$exyGal ( 638164 ) on Saturday February 15, 2003 @01:15AM (#5307446) Homepage Journal
    Does anyone know what Microsoft TV [] thinks of this standard? Are they part of the committee? I couldn't find any info.

    --sex []

    • as far as I know they are not involved. though you never know who lurks behind some of the members...

      Check out the members here. []

    • I used to be one of the MSTV partners. We did training for them, and I even have a little desk clock memento from the debut training session. They pretty much killed their TV strategy a little while back when the economy went south, refocusing instead on their core businesses. They reworked the MSTV to be MSNTV and afaik, it's now just part of MSN. I could go on about the bad strategic decisions of wooing cable MSOs and not having boxes able to do what they were promising, but it's all water under the bridge. From where I sit, MS is, for now, out of the interactive TV market.
  • by PhreakOfTime ( 588141 ) on Saturday February 15, 2003 @01:19AM (#5307456) Homepage
    In other words your set-top box or PC TV card would use the proposed standard to let you click on something displayed on your TV screen, for example, to answer a poll or buy the product featured in a commercial

    Yea...TV nation. Move along, nothing to see here.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    I have to *click* on it? Can't it just buy it for me?
  • by sammyo ( 166904 ) on Saturday February 15, 2003 @01:28AM (#5307481) Journal
    Interactive Television is the granddaddy of vapor. It has been in the works in one form or another since long before the internet. Before computers probably. It just is never going to happen.
  • amazing! (Score:1, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    A screen you could watch video on and also interact with! Amazing! This will revolutionize tele-vision!
  • Oh great (Score:4, Funny)

    by gatesh8r ( 182908 ) on Saturday February 15, 2003 @01:32AM (#5307492)
    Another Mac product... oh wait... *hears Switch commercial music playing in the background* "And like, I was watching this great show on TV, and suddenly the TV was like going *beep beep beep beeeppp beep* That's when I switched to iTV."
  • is it just me...? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by pizza_milkshake ( 580452 ) on Saturday February 15, 2003 @01:33AM (#5307494)
    or is interactive TV something like videophones that although we've seen it in sci-fi forever, would really not be that useful? it's one of those things we're *supposed* to want, and while it sounds cool, it doesn't really sound useful.

    if you want to do surfing-type stuff, the web is much better (there's more content out there, pc monitors have much higher resolution, etc.), if you want sports highlights then watch ESPN, and if you want to learn something either go to the library, use the web or watch The Discovery Channel :)

    it seems that many parties are pushing for interactive TV, but that the closest thing that seems to be successful is TiVo.

    i just don't think people want to *think* and watch tv at the same time, that's kind of the point.

  • by Cruciform ( 42896 ) on Saturday February 15, 2003 @01:41AM (#5307506) Homepage
    Can't wait for advertisers to distort the hell out of this. In the middle of your favorite show's climax, oops, popup!

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 15, 2003 @01:45AM (#5307516)
    Cable companies, networks? Sometimes I wonder if there will be a day when one company will be the only source of information for any given person.

    They'll define his world. Everything in his life would be viewed from some context he learned from that company. It would innescable because everyone else around him would have personalities derived from the same source.

    More likely, society will split between two groups. Those who favor homogenous information, lifestyles, entertainment. And those who don't.

    The homogenous society will dress more or less the same, listen to the same music, watch the same shows. A large chunk of society will fall into this category, and you could identify them right away.

    The heterogenous society will do whatever suits them.

    Maybe things are like this already. Do people dress/think/act more similarly in large cities than in smaller ones?

    • by stratjakt ( 596332 ) on Saturday February 15, 2003 @02:07AM (#5307565) Journal
      >> Do people dress/think/act more similarly in large cities than in smaller ones?

      I'd say its just the opposite. You go out to the small rural towns and everyone knows each other, looks and acts the same, and for the most part still shun ousiders to a degree.

      In an urban setting you have more of a clash of all different cultures and whatnot, and a general aura of diversity that lets people feel more comfortable doing what they want.

      The 'freak' with the goofy clothes, piercings, crazy music or whathaveyou looks out of place in the tiny towns, but noone bats an eye to see him in New York.

      I think the smaller towns are more under the thumbs of the big media corps. I couldnt name the characters on "friends" or know who sings the mallcore ballad to the latest comic book turned into a feature film. But I bet everyone in this suburban neighbourhood I live in can.
      • As a 'big city' guy who's moved to a small town, I agree. Basically, if they see it on TV it's like they found it in the bible. I spend about 30 min to an hour every day 'educating' my coworkers on current events and how they are missing the 'big picture' on their big screen TV.

        I lived in Minneapolis for 10+ years, recovering from my upbringing in a small town. Thank god for Minneapolis; hardly a big city, it's the reason I have some sense in my head.

        I am spreading a counter-culture here, slowly, gently. Converting the farmers daughters one by one...

        In a place where TV is the only consistent entertainment, you result in a lot of shitty, market-fed ideas. Sadly, even the adults act like its fucking high school, and Cindy didn't ask them to the prom. Never do I see more close-minded people than in small towns. (There are some crazy hippies too - they are the fun ones...)

        Off to bed my farmer's daughter... ;)

      • having lived in a small town most of my life, i have to agree that we do generally watch more tv than cityfolk. The reason is simple common-sense, too. In a city, there are usually things to do, like see a live concert or a good indie movie. In a small town, however, the best thing to look forward to in a given week is usually something very trivial, like smoking a bowl and watching scrubs or that 70s show. In a small town, you often have to get cable just to stave the boredom (without cable, you're lucky to get a fuzzy 20/20 or religious channel). In a city, however, i'm fine with mere local channels, as there is usually so much more to do and see than some star trek marathon on tnn.


      • I think the smaller towns are more under the thumbs of the big media corps. I couldnt name the characters on "friends" or know who sings the mallcore ballad to the latest comic book turned into a feature film. But I bet everyone in this suburban neighbourhood I live in can.
        I am from a small town. I didn't have a tv while growing up. No, not for religous reasons or anything else. I was too busy learning things like hunting, fishing, how to live off the land, cooking, carpentry, how to actually fix something/anything. But, most importantly, I was learning to think for myself, how to solve problems, and again, how to think for myself. Television is the complete opposite for thinking for yourself. NEVER can a movie be better than a book. But, this world is made up of those who are easily wowed by flashy visuals, and don't want to think. That is why tv is as popular as it is. Back to your post, Where I am from there were less than 25,000 people for the entire county. Yes there was the guy with the spiked mohawk who didn't look like anyone else around, but he and the football captain, and the stoner crew, and us farmers and the geeks, well, hell, everybody! would all party together and have a great time. There were the usual teasing things happening, but I don't remember but one fist fight in our school. There was at least one fight a week with the rival school, but afterwards most everybody from both schools would go partying together.
        There may be a "general aura of diversity" in a major city, but the small towns where I'm from seem to have a greater sense of community in that diversity than big cities. We didn't judge someone by which side of town they were from, we didn't care who had more money, etc. The portrayal you see on the tv of small town life being cliqueish and all children praying to leave, may be true somewhere, but not any of the small towns I've lived in/been to.
  • Maybe this can be integrated with the theoretical MPEG technology which turns video images into collections of objects... you guessed it, clickable objects. It would be damn cool to change camera angles during football games depending on the guy you click on... hell, we can already create our own instant replays on the high-end sets. why not set up an audience poll to decide if a challenged play should be overruled or not while they're at it.
  • by mbrubeck ( 73587 ) on Saturday February 15, 2003 @02:30AM (#5307624) Homepage
    Why are they wasting time and money on this? Are customers lining up to tell them, "We want interactive TV"? Maybe it's just me, but I don't see any real desire being addressed. I feel like I'm suddenly back in 1993, when technologists could throw around buzzwords like "interactive" and convince businesses to push new technology on their customers for no good reason.

    Why doesn't the TV industry spend more effort figuring out what people actually like, instead of trying to convince us we want something that we really don't?

  • by philipsblows ( 180703 ) on Saturday February 15, 2003 @02:40AM (#5307643) Homepage

    How about a way to have my PVR determine when a program really starts and ends, so that a preempted or delayed show won't cause me to record 20 minutes of a news cast or the show that was on before the one I wanted. A particluar network may slip a few seconds per hour, causing a missed lead-in for a particular show (eg for CSI this can be disappointing), and there is a trend lately on broadcast networks to run shows together by a minute or two either way with little or no break between them, which also throws off recording.

    It should be relatively easy to send this information, per channel in the overscan area (close caption area) in the current scheme of things, but with interactive television on the way, I would love to see the broadcast be able to interact with automation devices as well as people, if only for this one feature.

    Unless they completely disable our ability to record by the time this stuff is in use...

    • Unless they completely disable our ability to record by the time this stuff is in use...

      This is an incisive statement, because the kind of integration that will be required to provide the features you seek (roughly, the recorder knowing what programming material is being recorded and played back at all times) will not be put in place to save you missing show teasers or missing the end of a movie. It'll be incorporated to allow DRM that prevents you from recording what you're not supposed to, or avoiding recording/playing back commercials. Enjoy the wild pioneer days of your PVR, because they won't last.

      As for your teaser-missing problem, I set my VCR clock 30-60 seconds fast to avoid that on shows I watch (without having to remember to manually program in a buffer each time). I assume it's impossible to manually set the clock on your recorder?

    • But that would mean true collaboration between local affiliates/networks and PVR companies. They can get away with a branding and still images licensing aggreement to allow theme channels (at least with Replay TV) but to aggree to send collaborative data (at least one way - from broadcast point to Replay TV) would be an admission of acceptance of PVRs. PVRs currently suck revenue away from networks and local rebroadcasters who rely upon ads to pay the bills.

    • In the UK, we already have this feature - even for analog VCRs. It's called PDC (Programme Delivery Control).

      A google [] turned up this explanation [] of how it works.

      The actual standard [] is also available (free registration required).

      Of course, this is only for analog TV. Digital TV already has some information which could be used for this (Event Information Tables - EIT) but I don't know if any integrated digital reciever/PVR combos use it.

  • when the media are placing ads within ads, when interactive really means free marketeering, which seems to be the real advantage of this system.
  • Hey, I have a better idea... How about we have to plug our brains into the TV, like they have to do in the Matrix to go into the Matrix, you know? So we'll all be plugged into our television sets, and whenever a commercial comes on, the thing will read our minds. If it senses that we might even remotely be somewhat interested in owning the product being advertised, the amount of its price, plus shipping and handling (and plus a nominal clerical service charge--equaling the rest of your bank account--for reading your mind) will automatically and immediately be billed to your bank account or taken out of your next paycheck if you don't have enough in the bank, and the aforementioned product will be shipped within 6 to 8 years, for your convenience. If it senses that you're not interested in the product, it will charge you anyway, but it won't get sent to you, because you didn't want it. Now, the televisions will be set up electronically so that you can't watch unless you're jacked in. But a bunch of evil hackers, who will want to perform the worse-than-murder, worse-than-genocide act of watching television without paying extortion to advertisers, will figure out ways to bypass this technology, so that they can watch television without being billed for every product advertised. Of course, the television industry will gang up, buy everyone in Congress, and get innovative new legislation passed which makes it illegal to infringe on huge global multinational corporations' God-given right to perpetually increasing profits (the 11th commandment, which was so important that it was placed on a third tablet all by itself, said, "Thou shalt bend over before the holiness of the huge corporation and let it fuck you in the ass."). Oh, and the punishment for this crime? At least 50 years in maximum security prison without the possibility of parole, and you'll be beaten every day and given one slice of moldy bread once a week, along with a shotglass of dirty water once a month to live on. Oh yeah, and they'll throw your entire family and all your friends in jail too, even if they didn't know that you were committing this horrible, outrageous crime against humanity, just to be safe. They'll call this bill the "Ethical Television Broadcast Consumer Convenience Bill," or ETBCC. Just wait, I know it's going to happen sooner or later.

    They call this shit Marketing?! They claim this creates value for the consumer?! Fuck that. Those lying theiving sons of bitches, those marketing people.

  • Hopefully, they can time any hardware requirements to release about the same time the FCC yanks the plug on analog TV. That is, assuming there are any equipment requirements (I can't point and click at anything on my TVs, now, so I would assume so). Having another box in my entertainment center is not an option.

    Ideally, some corporate jackass will provide me with a completely new, state of the art entertainment system, gratis, that includes cable/satellite/internet access, all also for free, and then I'll think about using this BS they're touting as interactive. You want real interactive TV, you should read Neal Stephenson's The Diamond Age. Until something like that is generally available, I'll pass on buying any new TV technology.

  • MHEG (Score:3, Informative)

    by albino eatpod ( 242140 ) on Saturday February 15, 2003 @04:44AM (#5307840) Homepage
    The UK digital systems have been using MHEG [] for the past 5 years for our interactive service, and although slow at first (mainly due to STB problems) it's getting pretty fast now. BBC's BBCi is superb, and offers everything our our teletext system used to.

    Some of the interactive services are a bit naff, but some are pretty interesting.
    • Some of the interactive services are a bit naff, but some are pretty interesting.

      One of my personal hates about the system is those incredibly annoying red dots or 'press red' logos [] they put everywhere. I expected it from Sky, but I am really disappointed to see the BBC reach such low levels also.

      I don't care about them putting up those logos during the adverts, I don't watch the adverts anyway. But to plaster them all over the programs people watch is just wrong.
  • horror movies where the dumbass is going down to the basement and everyone could vote to have them sit upstairs and watch the Big Game instead...coz that's how it would be in real life right, riiiiight ;-)
  • Well we got excited about ATVEF [], then MHEG [], then MHP [], somewhere in there OpenTV [] developed their own proprietary system, as did Liberate []. And that's not even including the TV over ADSL guys...

    iMagicTV [], one of those TV over ADSL middleware providers uses HTML with 'tv in the browser' as does others like Minerva [] and Orca []...

    Don't forget about hardware vendors who are already [] shipping [] and this includes the big boys like Thomson/RCA []

    So why yet another dtv standard.. I'm getting dizzy...
    • I had the same feeling. I've been developing digital TV apps and boxes for five years and every month there's a new "standard". However, these guys seem to try to address a need. From their FAQ:

      Q: Do the standards work with ATVEF or MHP?
      A: The standards are agnostic to the distribution platform. Thus, they can be used with both ATVEF and MHP.
      Q: Why is there a need for production standards when there are so many standards on the distribution side?
      A: The content community made up of studios, networks, producers and others has struggled over the past few years with a multitude of changing distribution methodologies. There is tremendous work taking place throughout the industry to create distribution standards. In order to facilitate economically viable production of interactive content today, the content community has proactively created this committee to provide a standard method for creating interactive content. This standard will benefit all involved, including the work in progress for various other standards forums in the industry.

      However, for it to make a difference, it needs to be "compiled" on the distribution side to MHP/ATVEF/*Fad_Of_The_Month*/OpenTV... or packaged and interpreted on the terminal. Hence, someone needs to develop and deploy that software.

      If you ask me, this is way premature. If someone comes up with ORIGINAL programming utilizing interactive TV (not commercials...) that is so fun and/or useful that every ITV network and user wants it, then the cost of implementing that on different distribution networks will exceed the cost of implementing and deploying the needed general software. Maybe then it will happen. Otherwise... Naaah! Get's my vote for fad of the month.


  • As I mentioned in my other comment, the UK system uses MHEG, and we've been able to enjoy some pretty interesting interactive experiences. David Attenborough's "Life of Mammals" allowed some cool interactive 'games' to be played.

    ITV's "Who wants to be a millionaire", previously interactive, is now going back to an interactive version that allows you to play along with the game, using the remote buttons to choose your answers. You can then enter into a prize draw to win:

    Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Goes Interactive on ITV1

    A fully interactive version of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? launches this Saturday (15 February) on ITV1.

    This interactive service, which will be sponsored by BT, follows a major agreement between ITV and BSkyB that will enable ITV to launch a range of interactive services on the digital satellite platform. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire - Interactive will also be available on DTT from Saturday and Telewest in the near future, making it available in approximately 8 million homes in the UK.

    Using their remote control, viewers can play along with the contestant in the studio to answer questions, notch up points and enter a prize draw at the end of each programme. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire - Interactive has been designed by Carlton Active to mirror Celador's hugely popular television show experience as closely as possible, and the game is simple to play and enjoy for viewers at home.

    A prize draw after each show will offer two viewers who register with the required score the chance to win one main and one runner-up prize. The highest scores (based on how quickly the questions are answered) will also be entered on a leader board, creating a weekly league of the best 'armchair' contestants.

    As part of BT's renewed sponsorship deal, BT information graphics will run alongside the weekly league table. Interactive users will also be able to obtain further information on BT products and services by entering a BT branded information zone, accessed via digital TV handsets.

    Paul Cooper, Carlton Active's commercial manager, said: "Millionaire is a fantastic brand and the interactive service is a natural extension to that brand. We are delighted that BT has renewed its sponsorship - this proves that interactive advertising works, and works well, when done properly. Viewers see BT as bringing a new experience - as well as the chance to get on the real show - into their homes and the value of that should not be underestimated."

    Amanda Mackenzie, director of marketing services at BT, said: "The renewal of BT's sponsorship of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire - Interactive is great news, especially given that the programme is breaking new ground by being the first interactive programme accessible via all interactive TV systems. BT's relationship with Millionaire enables us to demonstrate our continued commitment to offering new and cutting edge communication. In addition the sponsorship brings families closer together as they play the game at home - consistent with our campaign theme of 'Bringing People Together'."

    The deal between BT and Carlton TV was brokered by the Allmond Partnership and BT's interactive graphics have been designed and produced by ape TV.

    Bruce Vandenberg, Head of Digital at Celador, said: "We are really excited now that Millionaire can be played interactively across all 3 major platforms. The technology is becoming more accessible and being able to reach 8 million homes will provide a substantial base for us to extend our programme brand and commercialise the audience."

    BSkyB's Chief Operating Officer, Richard Freudenstein, said: 'Sky is delighted to welcome ITV as the latest terrestrial broadcaster to take advantage of the interactivity available on digital satellite and are delighted that they have chosen to use sky interactive's infrastructure for this launch on the digital satellite platform. Over 20 channels and 250 advertising campaigns have used this technology so far to enhance their offering, and I am sure ITV and its viewers will benefit from it too. We look forward to working with them as the services develop.'

  • Or of course you could move away from the idea that XML is "interactive" and look at MHP [] which covers alot more than this lot and has many more senior players.

    Oh and of course... IS ALREADY RUNNING IN EUROPE.

    That last being the reason why these people have come up with a braindead standard of their own. OpenCable in the US is based on MHP, and is supported by most of the cable companies. This is another wonderful case of the US deciding on 25 different standards while the rest of the world picks one.
  • Assuming a somewhat standard http client-server app serving the XML and handling user input, here are some other fairly simple applications:

    -Accurate "hit counters" for TV shows.
    -Cookie-based tracking of viewer's prefrences
    -Targeted advertising
    -Surviellance method for TIA

  • This does not sound like a particularly good idea, when there are already existing standards for building interactive television applications. The current, open standard endorsed by Europe is of course MHP [] (Multimedia Home Platform), which is based on Java and a number of existing standards, such as JavaTV, HAVi and DAVIC.

    I can understand some motivation towards building simpler standards (e.g. not requiring a Java VM), but fragmentation in this field will not be a good thing. We're talking about a mass market (television / STB manufacturers) and it needs volume, which calls for a single, common standard.

    Of course, I suppose the US industry wants to create its own proprietary standards for interactive television just as for everything else they do.
  • Its not the set box that usess it..its the applicaiotn running on the set box.. .....Frustrated itv developer........
  • Starship Troopers (the movie) style "Would you like to know more?" questions popping up could be kinda cool... :)

  • i know some r already invading our privacy some way or the other.. but with iTV they will know everything they want about u.. u think its bcz they want to give u the adds u like? well that would be a plus for u! sheeesh!!!

People will buy anything that's one to a customer.
