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Children Of Dune Tonight 207

JQuazar writes "Time to get to that Tivo and select 'pick programs to record,' Children of Dune starts Sunday on the SciFi channel!" Waiting...patiently...
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Children Of Dune Tonight

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 16, 2003 @08:57AM (#5523224)
    We're having Spice Beer, Slig (Tofu) dishes and Freman cakes (pumpkin pie). Tomorrow we're gonna have Sandtrout (belly tuna with a little blue dye) and Caladanian wine. Not sure about tuesday.

    The only rule is: No Talking! and you have to have read the books... non believers can stay home!
  • by TWagers ( 657500 ) on Sunday March 16, 2003 @08:59AM (#5523228)
    SciFi is also replaying their original 3-part miniseries of Dune during the day today, so if you haven't had a chance to catch it, start the Tivo a bit earlier and snag it as well
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 16, 2003 @09:04AM (#5523238)

    Download it here [].

  • Oh yeah, dune (Score:5, Interesting)

    by thesilverbail ( 593897 ) on Sunday March 16, 2003 @09:08AM (#5523247) Homepage
    This was were the series started getting slightly wierd

    IIRC, at the end of Dune 2, Paul had run away into the dessert leaving his children at the mercy of the Bene Gesserit etc. Lot of people were dissapointed with the fact that Paul turned out to be a sissy after all.

    Now, Leto and Chani have grown up sharing every memory; The abomination has gripped St Alia-of-the- knife. Everything now hinges on the awesome sacrifice Leto has to make. (Some sacrifice: he covers himself with sandtrout and becomes a human-worm meld that lives a thousand years as the God-emperor.) Someone refresh my memory : What else happens?

    most of God-emperor was totally over my head, but Heretics and Chapterhouse were amazing. And now to ask the perennial question: who were the old couple at the end of CH:D?

    • Herbert really was hitting the crack pipe when Leto did the sandtrout thing.

      Leto's sacrifice: to live thousands of years, seeing everyone he loved die, and to become the "greatest predator mankind has ever known". Because of Leto's oppression (and his ability to carry out the oppression over many lifetimes -- long term planning), there would be no more Emperors, and mankind would scatter farther than it would have normally.

      Whatever the Bene Gesserit-cum-Honored Matres were running from, it was scary as h
      • Last I heard, Brian Herbert is doing the prequel books to prepare for the book that Frank had notes on for after chapterhouse.

        The prequel books were *ok*. I think only those interested in the dune storyline would really enjoy them. They were good enough to keep me reading, rather than some other series books that I ended up just discarding after reading half way through.

        I thought the last two books in the series, heretics and chapterhouse were respectable. I wonder whether God Emperor and those
      • More like, re-release the Dune Encyclopedia. A very cool book that provided plenty of fodder for Traveller campaigns. Brian Herbert says it is not "canon," but his Daddy who created the series said it was in the foreword. No need for a concordance, just a re-release of this book. I could make big bucks on this book if I sold it on...umm...Yahoo Auctions...but I wouldn't. Much more interesting than some of the trash that has sprung up since Frank Herbert went off into the desert to become food for Shai'Hulud
    • Re:Oh yeah, dune (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Pike65 ( 454932 ) on Sunday March 16, 2003 @09:31AM (#5523286) Homepage
      IIRC, at the end of Dune 2, Paul had run away into the dessert leaving his children at the mercy of the Bene Gesserit etc. Lot of people were dissapointed with the fact that Paul turned out to be a sissy after all.

      I must protest!

      Paul Maud'dib was living the Fremen way! If you're blind (as Paul was) you're a burden to your people and you go into the desert to die. It was either that or live in hypocrasy. I thought it was a shame at first, but in the end I decided it's better to burn out than to fade away. After all, Paul bailed as the series got lame . . .

      Like you said, the books got really freaky after the second one. God Emperor was just too weird for me, and I gave up on the last two because I thought the series was in a death spiral.

      But if you reckon they were worth it, I may go back and give them a go. What does everyone else think?
      • Re:Oh yeah, dune (Score:5, Interesting)

        by twilight30 ( 84644 ) on Sunday March 16, 2003 @09:52AM (#5523334) Homepage
        I think they are worth it. I read them every five years or so. Some of the dialogue in the later books pisses me off, to be honest with you, but on the whole it's a rich universe to think about.

        One thing I particularly like about it is that it's science fiction written with an emphasis on the psychological and philosophical, as opposed to the 'Hard SF' (technologically-based) and fantasy stuff (wizards, goblins, whatever, I couldn't give a fuck, really). There are themes in all 6 books that you don't really find in other science fiction, certainly not as developed anyways.

        Tim O'Reilly in an interview with Herbert discovered that a lot of the first 3 books were meant as a riposte to Asimov's Foundation series -- there's a sense in Foundation that 'the wise men of science will save us', whereas Herbert felt quite strongly that trusting in any single group of people was a failure of intellect. (This has elements related to the Hard SF mentioned above, but I digress)

        One thing I found interesting about the Bene Gesserit was that they were sketched initially as a female version of the Jesuits.

        Enough of this. Read them, they're worth the effort. Really.
      • Re:Oh yeah, dune (Score:3, Interesting)

        by metlin ( 258108 )
        But if you reckon they were worth it, I may go back and give them a go. What does everyone else think?

        Spoiler Warning!

        After Dune, just about everything is depressing. God Emperor of Dune was weird enough, but wait until you come to Heretics of Dune.

        Herbert builds up a belief system, where he just shows everything that you knew and respected fade away. And things that you loved to despise, or did not quite like of, like say the BG, turn out to be almost the nice guys!

        And then you will realize why Leto-I
        • Now my question is, what really happened to Ix? Because in House Atreides by Brian Herbert and Kevin Anderson, he discusses some very weird things about the Atreides and the Ix houses, and some weird characters and the like. Any ideas?

          This has bothered me as well. The Ixians don't play much of a role in the books until the God Emperor, and even then it's a tad confused: they provide the God Emperor with all his "forbidden" toys, yet also send people to attempt to kill Leto. It's almost as if Leto still

        • The first book of the "Legends of Dune" series has been released, called the "Butlerian Jihad." By Brian and Kevin J Anderson, both of whom wrote the Prequel to Dune (House *) books. There are going to be two more books in the Legends series, and I can't wait. Interesting stuff.
    • Uh, Duncan Idaho back from the dead as Hayt-Idaho?
      There's a plot to kill Paul's children.

      The sacrifice Leto makes is the one that Paul is unwilling to try for; that of using prescience to its logical end (the removal of all free will from the universe).

      Basically, the question is, what happens if you know the future? It's an awesome power: Paul eventually blinds himself to take himself out of ruling Dune and the Empire. Leto, having both prescience and the ability to consult his dead ancestors through livi
      • "Paul eventually blinds himself"

        Huh? Paul was blinded by a stoneburner, a weapon (near as I can determine) made specifically as a terror weapon for that very task.

        (been a while since I read it though)

        • Technically, you're right. However, he was prescient, remember? He did nothing to avoid it as such.
        • A stoneburner is what they call a nuke. Or I was always under that impression.
          • Yes.

            "The Naraj defenders used a stone burner," Farok said. "My son was too close. Cursed atomics! Even the stone burner should be outlawed."

            Oh, and twilight30, you were right:

            Paul, knowing that sound and glow from the earliest nightmare glimpses of his vision, felt an odd sense of fulfillment. It went the way it must. "Stone burner!" someone screamed.
            "Stone burner!" The cry was all around him.
            "Stone burner . . . stone burner . . ."

            Took some digging! Wis
        • "Paul eventually blinds himself"

          Yep, that's what happens when you play with your sandworm all day.
        • True, but since he "saw" it coming, he should have been able to avoid it. I didn't see the movies but I read the books. It's been awhile for me too.
      • Which is why Leto has to live for 1600 years -- if he were to stay mortal, there would be nothing to ensure that his ideas, the stagnant culture he creates, and the ossified universe around Dune would last 50 years beyond his death, never mind over a thousand.

        Don't forget the reason that Leto wants to create this stagnant, boring culture: He and Paul had prescient dreams about the extinction of humanity. These dreams fixed the shape of the future (else they wouldn't be prescient, right?). Prescience d

    • Children of Dune is a sort of fusion between the books Dune Messiah and Children of Dune. And if you are lucky, will not happen nothing very new compared to the books (well, more than the residual effects of making from those 2 books 1 tv adaptation)
    • If I remember correctly, that old couple at the end of CH:D were "perfect" Face Dancers. That's why they wanted Duncan Idaho - with his repeated lives, reawakenings, and skills of the Honored Matres, he had eventually become the true Kwisatz Haderach
      • For the "in story" explanation, I think that's pretty much right. On top of that, I've read somewhere before that the old couple also represents Herbert himself and his wife. Supposedly the physical descriptions (including thier house) match. And if you re-read those sections with that in mind it takes on a whole new meaning. Basically, the author saying goodbye to his creation.
        • That's peculiar because his kid says he found notes that would extend the story further (what becomes of the sandworms, Duncan, what the hell was chasing the Honored Matres, etc.) and that he's planning on pursuing that. For what it's worth, I think his kid's a much better storyteller than his father. His father painted a grand world, with great depth and well-developed characters with intricate plots, but I felt it got ruined whenever he tried to potificate (ie: Zensunni Wanderers and all their damned sa
    • Umm, that's Leto and Ghanima. Named after the fremen word for spoil of war.
    • At the risk of sounding like a jerk (READ: Total Dune Geek), I think you mean Leto and Ghanima (or Ghani as they called her). Also, IIRC, Ghanima means "Spoils of war" to the Fremen.

      Leto's "sacrifice" was to accept his Godhood in the way Paul could not accept the Golden Path. Basically, the Golden Path was meant to scatter human life away from the empire; to stir the pot for a while (roughly 3000 years), keeping our humanity.

      3000 years after Children of Dune, God Emperor was deeply philosophical, and
      • The "old couple at the end" has been confusing people for years, myself included. I can remeber being baffled by their appearance in the book on more than one occasion.

        Then I picked up the new Dune prequals done and read the forwards. It seems that Frank Herbert planned to finish the book series after Chapterhouse in a stunning climax, neatly bringing together the Golden Path and the evolution of humanity, but he died before even starting the book.

        For years, Brian (the son and co-author of the prequals)

    • I have read the series four times now, and God Emperor still comes out on top!
    • IIRC, at the end of Dune 2

      Dune 2 == Dune Messiah

      Now, Leto and Chani have grown up sharing every memory

      Chani is Paul's girl. Ghanima is Leto II's sister--both of whome are Paul and Chani's kids.

      I've just started God Emperor, so can't add much more, sorry.

      My understanding is that tonight's SciFi "Children of Dune" has a few good FX shots of Leto II as God Emperor...probably in the third night. I've been told, by those who certainly should know, that there are some simply breath taking shots to w

    • Re:Oh yeah, dune (Score:3, Insightful)

      by HiThere ( 15173 )
      The plot of God-emperor was inherent in the original plot of Dune. (I can't speak to the TV series. I heard about the atrocity of a movie, and assumed that a TV series would be even worse.)

      Anyway... Dune was basically about ecology. Dune Messiah was about politics. Children of Dun was about duty. God Emperor was about evolution. Chapterhouse Dune was about death.

      I don't have a one word summary for Heretics of Dune, but the one-word summaries are clearly too shallow anyway.

      When evaluating any action

  • I dont have a Tivo, you insensitive cl..

    Oh, wait... This is not a poll ? Never mind, move along, all you Tivos !
  • Humpfh (Score:3, Funny)

    by SlashdotLemming ( 640272 ) on Sunday March 16, 2003 @09:23AM (#5523272)
    SlashdotLemming says:

    Hmmm, just more intellectually devoid crap for the masses. No wonder I haven't turned on my television for 12 years. Tripe tripe tripe.

    Oh, wait, did you say SciFi channel and/or anime!?! Hell, I special ordered my TiVo already preprogrammed for this event baby!!
    Save Farscape!!
  • Yawn (Score:2, Funny)

    by X-Nc ( 34250 )
    • No TiVo...
    • Dune boring...
    • Have 6 year old son...
    I'll be watching the inside of my eyelids when this is on anyway.
    • I'm sorry, I want Farscape instead. I'm not interested in Sci-Fi's "quarterly event". Remember, that's part of the reason Sci-Fi cancelled Farscape, they were going away from series and moving towards Events. Of course, I now see ads for Tremors the TV Show (yeah, I know, the first movie was good), "analyze your dreams" crap and candid camera.

      Catch Dune in repeats, if it's that important. But don't watch it this week.
  • You can find the miniseries under "Frank Herbert's Children of Dune". I took me a while to find it because I was looking under "Dune" or "Children".
  • Not showing on the UK scifi channel feed. Oh well least we have new futurama and Simpsons on Sky 1 tonight
  • What about... (Score:1, Flamebait)

    by secondsun ( 195377 )
    ... those of us who don't have tivo's but instead have set top boxes based on a c3 933 and a Radeon AIW? Oh and only get broadcast because we live in the (*#($@)#@*$ sticks.
  • Yep (Score:3, Funny)

    by vjmurphy ( 190266 ) on Sunday March 16, 2003 @09:49AM (#5523330) Homepage
    "Waiting...patiently... "

    Impatience is the mind killer...
  • I saw a bunch of people in wierd uniforms handing out leaflets advertising this.

    I think they worked for Sci-Fi
  • by stienman ( 51024 ) <adavis@ u b a s i c s . c om> on Sunday March 16, 2003 @10:12AM (#5523370) Homepage Journal
    Since I have a super secret ability to see movies between the time they leave the theater and go to the video store, and since this movie about to go to TV was never in the theaters, I've already seen it.

    First off, there are no real spoilers in this comment. Things like it's a 4.5 hour movie split into three 1.5 hour segments are fair game.

    If you liked the first movie, you'll enjoy this one. This movie covers both the second and third books, of which I've heard bad things. If you like them just for entertainment then you'll do well. If you are a Dune fanatic, then whether you enjoy them or not depends on whether you enjoyed the books or not.

    Technically they are well done. The effects are as well done as the first miniseries, and the acting is on par with the first. If anything lacks, I'd say it was due to the books they are following rather than any problems of the production. Since I haven't read the books I can't comment on how well they follow the plot, except to say that the summaries I've seen online match the movies.

    All that said, I enjoyed spending a nice quiet evening with my wife watching it. It was a long evening (4.5 hours), but we were glued to the set, so we couldn't turn it off and continue it later. I'd hate to see it with commercials and with time in between. If you hate that to, then be aware that you video store will have it on its shelves on May 20th in DVD and VHS.

    I'll reply to this post with a movie summary.

    • by stienman ( 51024 ) <adavis@ u b a s i c s . c om> on Sunday March 16, 2003 @10:26AM (#5523414) Homepage Journal
      Basic plot summary (not too spoilerish): Paul has a fremen concubine and a wife (who is from another house). Paul and the fremen woman are trying to have kids, but find that they can't, so they use an ancient fremen fertility treatment which not only helps pregnency, but speeds it up and give the child born special abilities due to the spice.

      Paul becomes blind due to a terrorist attack on a city he is visiting. The ancient fremen way has blind people go out into the desert to die, which is rather respectful since they don't demand the body water they carry at death. His sister reigns while his child is growing up. A fremen prophet rises up against alia (pauls reigning sister), saying that arakis is and should be a desert planet, rather than the green earth-like planet pauls and now his sister's reign has made it. The worms are dying because of this.

      Real story (Big spoilers): Pauls public wife is giving his fremen concubine contraceptives. The are discovered, and decide to use the fremen method to overcome their effects. She has twins, a boy and a girl, and dies in childirth. During this time those who were instruction pauls wife to give the contraceptive launch another plan to prevent the birth or kill the children. They fail, but pauls wife dies due to the speed of the pregnancy and delivery. The children grow up under the care of pauls wife and sister (their aunt), as paul leaves for the desert due to his blindness. During the remainder of the movie paul lives as the prophet testifying against his own riegn and sister. Most of the other characters do not realize this, but suspect it so they don't have him assasinated as they would any other detractor.

      The remainder covers the treachery of another house trying to disrupt the spice trade so they can gain additional power and control. This fails due in part to their own treachery, and in part to pauls mother. Sister alia becomes delusional and power hungry, and eventually kills herself. Pauls son becomes one with the worms, and thus endowed with power begins to bring down the house of paul atreides, bringing arrakis back to its desert self.

      There's more, but I gotta go.

      • They fail, but pauls wife dies due to the speed of the pregnancy and delivery. The children grow up under the care of pauls wife

        I know it's confusing, but let's go over this again: Chani, Paul's concubine and mother of his children, dies in the second book. Paul married Irulan for purely political reasons, and she doesn't give him any children. ;-)

    • Yes, I found it to be pretty good myself. I downloaded it a week or two ago, and couldn't turn it off.
    • Since I have a super secret ability to see movies between the time they leave the theater and go to the video store, and since this movie about to go to TV was never in the theaters, I've already seen it.

      Or you have a broadband connection ;-)
    • Technically they are well done. The effects are as well done as the first miniseries, and the acting is on par with the first. If anything lacks, I'd say it was due to the books they are following rather than any problems of the production. Since I haven't read the books I can't comment on how well they follow the plot, except to say that the summaries I've seen online match the movies.

      It's hard to criticize such incisive comments.
      I mean, you haven't read the books, but you're sure that any negative aspec
  • Damnit Janet! (Score:1, Flamebait)

    by Tugar ( 316285 )
    Too bad Susan Sarandon is in it.
    I would have liked to have watched it.
  • by Paersona ( 176868 ) on Sunday March 16, 2003 @11:08AM (#5523511)
    For those who think that the Dune books provided diminishing returns, there's at least one other geek-friendly choice for your viewing pleasure tonight. Game Show Network [] is airing "Big Bucks: The Press Your Luck Scandal", also at 9 ET. It's the story of Michael Larson [], an out of work ice cream truck driver from Ohio, who managed to beat the system on a network game show. He realized that the "random" prize board actually followed a few basic patterns, including two spaces which would continually give him more spins on the board. He then memorized the patterns, got onto the show, and set the earnings record for TV gameshows before Millionare came on. It's a fun story. GSN is airing a documentary about his plan and both episodes of his original appearance tonight.
  • by N8F8 ( 4562 ) on Sunday March 16, 2003 @11:34AM (#5523570)
    I've seen it, in a word: Awesome. More polished and better effects than the first series. The space guild character CGI is pretty sweet. If I had to pick a real standout performance it would have to be James McAvoy [] who plays Leto II [].

    I've never read the series though I hav read tons of sci-fi books. I saw the origional movie [] before I joined the Navy out of HS and started reading Sci-Fi. This is still the first half of the Frank Herbert Dune timeline []. Its looking like one or two more mini-series' are in order (God Emperor of Dune,Heretics of Dune, Chapterhouse: Dune). Let's hope this series makes a bundle so they keep making them.

  • I don't want to miss Six Feet Under. Hopefully they'll show Children of Dune again.

    • Ditto on the Six Feet Under, but it's on at 7 p.m. in Arizona on the HBO-Eastern Feed and again tomorrow at 8 p.m. on the regular HBO channel.

      I won't be missing either...

  • by bani ( 467531 ) on Sunday March 16, 2003 @11:52AM (#5523629)
    the first miniseries was AWFUL.

    Every character was totally uninspiring and the acting was just... horrible (never to mention the odd accents getting in the way of everything).

    Kyle MacLachlan can act the pants off this Alec Newman guy.

    William Hurt is a normally a fine actor, but in the dune miniseries they had him as if he was permanently goosed up on nyquil or something.

    Then the sets. Many of them were BLINDINGLY obviously sound stages, especially the desert scenes. It was very distracting.

    The only thing distracting about the Lynch production was Duke Leto speaking into a socket wrench :-)

    As jumbled as the Lynch dune production was, and despite how much it deviated from the book, it was easily a million times more enjoyable than the miniseries production.

    Given all that, I guess they can hardly do worse than the first miniseries. Nowhere to go but up...
    • I'd disagree. I enjoyed the series but had many problems with the theatrical version.

      The special effects in the series, at least for me, did not detract at all from the story; this was precisely because the series followed the essence and the ideas of the book if not precisely the images. Have you ever seen a play or an opera? Certainly no one would believe the sets are real, but the sets are there merely to advance the plot and the story. Too many productions rely on dramatic visuals but fail in the impor
      • The first mini-series was far more of a departure from the book than was Lynch's movie.

        I thought it was terrible through and through (apart from the deviation from the printed source, that is understandable).

        I prefer to movie, but am still waiting for it to
        be done right...along with LOTR.

    • Willaim Hurt should have had his SAG card yanked for that performance. Honestly, he really phoned that one in.

      But still, think about the production costs. Think about the blindingly huge concepts the books have to cover. With all of that in mind, you really get to the point that there are some real impossibilities with making these work IN ANY FASHION. I am impressed that they even try.

      Yet they do. And although not perfect, they do in my estimation a bang up job. SO FOR THAT, I consider them
    • by Jerf ( 17166 ) on Sunday March 16, 2003 @03:00PM (#5524436) Journal
      To understand and enjoy the (original) miniseries, it is vital to understand one critical point.

      It's not a movie. It's a filmed theature production with a few special effects.

      Without that, you're doomed.

      The performance of the Baron Harkonnen is most telling and what first twigged me to this; after the big space scene with the House Atreides moving off Caladan it looked like a movie, but as the planet Dune fades into the Baron's face, who is quite obviously delivering a soliloquy, I understood.

      After that, the soundstages, the extreme lighting, a lot of other little things, it will all make sense. I also think that given the obvious budget constraints the hybridized approach allowed a superior product to be produced, vs. the cost of doing the whole thing as a movie. The cost of filming "on location" would have been truly prohibitive, and the project would simply never have been at all. Considering the IMHO fine quality of the final product, I think it's worthwhile.

      I didn't find the acting flat, I found it appropriate for that environment.

      I suspect the same will be true of the sequel, though as I can't get the Sci-Fi channel (sob!!!) I won't know. So watch it as a recorded theatrical production, not as a movie, and I think you'll see what I mean and enjoy it more.

      The only thing that I really feel was sacrificed and I wish they had tried a bit harder ($$$) was they lost the feeling of being out on the Dunes. Even just one shot on location with a nice sweep away (my choice would have been as Paul and Jessica emerged from the ornithopter just prior to finding the Fremen) would have added a lot and I would have forgiven them the rest of the soundstage stuff. (Remember in Star Trek VI the huge pull-away done on location in Alaska? Effective, even though all the scenes on each side of that were soundstage.)
    • I have to agree with you there.

      However, after just having seen the first part of the Children series tonite, I have to say it was amazingly well done.

      The acting, direction and effects were much more subtle -- it seemed much more epic. Something about the previous series felt small, low budget, and made-for-TV.

      And there was the overly theatrical lighting, bad CG matte paintings and painfully bad acting.

      This one was just miles and miles better -- in a class of its own.

      And the 20-ish Alia. ROWR!!!
      • after having seen the series, i have to agree. it was much better than the first series.

        where i would have given the first series a 3, i give this one a 7. it was FAR less amateurish this time around, probably because they got a real directory...

        the casting was much better this time around too!

        james mcavoy gave a very good performance of leto II... the actor for duncan was much better... a better jessica... a much better stilgar!

        bijaz was spot on, exactly as i imagined him from the book... scytale was a
  • by ipxodi ( 156633 )
    This is one movie I'll not bother with.
    The Sci-Fi channels bastardization of Dune [] was terrible.
    Paul Atriedes played as a whiney brat by Alec Newman made me want to hork something up. Duke Leto could have been played by a cardboard stand-up of William Hurt. The only decent acting was done by Saskia Reeves as Lady Jessica.
    When David Lynch's 1984 movie version [] looks fantastic in comparison, you know that it's time to change the channel.
    So no, I think I'll pass.
  • by duck_prime ( 585628 ) on Sunday March 16, 2003 @12:21PM (#5523723)
    Kid Leto's business plan:

    1. Wait while your whole family dies in "accidents" or is "posessed by ghosts".
    2. Become one with worm
    3. [...]
    4. Prophet!
  • If you live in Canada, the Space channel will be showing it on April 13:



    That was the best part anyway.

    (Dives into a bunker and holds his Jiffy-Pop Tin out the doorframe)
    • You must be referring to the weirding (sp?) modules. That was stuck in the original David Lynch version in the 80's, but had no place in the Dune books.

      Cool idea, and lent itself fairly well to the big screen, but not canon.
  • Mainly because the reviewer I saw had never read the books. He kept on referring to "Spice," capitalized as if the word was horribly over-emphasized and screamed. (Sorry, thinking of first Dune movie)...

    Most of all, though, it annoys me that they seem to have converted all of the characters into extremely attractive 17-year-olds. Which is especially fretting, as the way I read it, Ghanima and Leto are only ~8-10 at the time Children of Dune occurs.
  • Children Of Dune Tonight

    Not in the UK it isn't, you insensitive clod!
  • I for one won't be watching. I loved Dune, but won't be watching COD or any other movie that uses actors that are so anti-american.
  • I'm just wondering... why would anyone risk watching a new series or serial on the SciFi channel?

    They've proven that they can't be trusted to finish what they started. As a result, I don't trust them any more. How do you know that Children of Dune won't be cancelled just before the last episode? Or that any of their new series won't just be given the boot?
  • I wish I had read this article before I began installing Gentoo [] on the only device I have with a TV tuner! Sigh... I guess there's always P2P. :-/

It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless one has plenty of work to do. -- Jerome Klapka Jerome
