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Lord of the Rings Media Movies It's funny.  Laugh.

RotK Delayed Until May 2004 204

An anonymous reader writes "New Line Cinema's The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, will be held for domestic release until Wednesday, May 12, 2004. The effects work on this third and final film of the trilogy will surpass its predecessors in scope and intensity, and the producers as well as director Peter Jackson feel that the extra time will cement the film's status as the king of fantasy films and the crowning jewel of New Line's massive effort to bring J.R.R. Tolkien's epic to the screen."
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RotK Delayed Until May 2004

Comments Filter:
  • Hoax (Score:5, Funny)

    by Ken@WearableTech ( 107340 ) <> on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @08:41PM (#5642034) Homepage Journal
    Dry your tears this is a hoax. Its the Matrix 2 that is being pushed back to May 2004.
  • Well, I hate to admit it, but I nearly hit the ceiling when I saw this one, before I remembered it was the 1st of April. I guess he wants the extra time to work on King Kong.
  • sure.. (Score:5, Funny)

    by outsider007 ( 115534 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @08:43PM (#5642047)
    Peter Jackson feel that the extra time will cement the film's status...

    plus it will allow him extra time to work on 'King Kong vs. Godzilla II'
    • Or it may just infuriate the masses to riot and torture him into releasing it once it's done...

      And... King Kong...? Why? Couldn't he do Dune or some other epic sci fi/fantasy? (Even though I liked Sci fi's dune, Dune by Peter Jackson could be a real work.

      • Re:sure.. (Score:3, Interesting)

        Dune's been done to death. I was hoping he'd get William Gibson's Sprawl (Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive) trilogy.
        • Or something by Terry Prachett....

          I still pity the poor fools who are waiting outside the theater.

          By delaying the release however, that just increases the number of cheapass pirated versions floating around, perhaps...

        • Dune's been done to death. I was hoping he'd get William Gibson's Sprawl (Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive) trilogy.

          As much as I like Peter's work, I'd much rather see Alex Proyas or Darren Aronofsky do these. Lets' be honest, they've got more of the right sort of style.


        • I'd kill to see someone worthy take on Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars Trilogy! Imagine that though, no more struggles to make a ring and an eye the centerpiece, now you have to make it the planet! Failing that I'll give my vote to doing all the City Watch books of Terry Pratchet! SocioPolitical commentary in my movies please, guess I'll have to wait for Michael Moore to do his next movie though if I want it to be american!
    • It's so Jackson can add more realistic explosions, more droids, and random walking dewbacks into the ROTK scenes
  • what (Score:4, Informative)

    by CanSpice ( 300894 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @08:43PM (#5642050) Homepage
    I thought April Fools jokes were supposed to stop at noon.
    • Re:what (Score:5, Funny)

      by dimator ( 71399 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @08:46PM (#5642067) Homepage Journal
      I thought April Fools jokes were supposed to not suck.

    • Heh that's just something that teachers tell their students to get them to cut out the crap when the day has barely begun.
    • Yeah and its mid afternoon on the 2nd of april, and we STILL have to put up with this shit.

      Yeah, so what if i'm in Australia... why do we ALWAYS get our april fools on the 2nd?

    • Re:what (Score:3, Insightful)

      by gilroy ( 155262 )
      Blockquoth the poster:

      I thought April Fools jokes were supposed to stop at noon.

      Ah, but that's the April Fool's meta-joke....
    • Re:what (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Naikrovek ( 667 )
      yep, and ya know what? news organizations aren't supposed to play april fools jokes. its unprofessional, and if they're this cavalier about journalistic integrity, then how much more integrity do you think they have the rest of the year? (clue: the answer is 'not much')

      to me, the sheer volume of april fools jokes today, the duplicates that happen every week, the spelling mistakes that happen in 4 of 5 posts PROVE to me that this site is one giant year-long april fools joke.
      • Let's not underestimate the need for a little lightheartedness given the geopolitical circumstances. People are so consumed in war right now that it's probably a good idea to be distracted by a handful of jokes.
      • to me, the sheer volume of april fools jokes today, the duplicates that happen every week, the spelling mistakes that happen in 4 of 5 posts PROVE to me that this site is one giant year-long april fools joke.

        Yes, and they wonder why more people don't pay for subscriptions...
      • by ces ( 119879 )
        ... the spelling mistakes that happen in 4 of 5 posts ...

        You know I would make far fewer spelling mistakes if Slashdot would add a spelling checker. Decent open source spellcheckers have been availible for at least 20 years, it shouldn't be too hard to come up with a web interface.

        I suppose I could develop the habit of typing my posts in a sane editor first but for 99% of the posts I do this is way too much trouble.
  • sigh (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    i can't wait till today is over :-\
  • April Fools (Score:2, Funny)

    by Traxton1 ( 154182 )
    C'mon, these are some pretty weak April Fool's jokes this year. Although I would cry if this was true, I'm sure it isn't. I mean, it's not, right? Right?????

    • Actually they're better than last years, which isn't saying much.
    • I think your post proves how effective this april fool's joke was.

      I pulled a quick one on a buddy of mine really early this morning (about 12:15...I don't waste my time!)...told him Ghoti Hook [] was gonna have a reunion tour this month. He went crazy! He told all his roommates and was really excited...asking me about the dates for the tour and locations and stuff...he took it [ghoti] hook, line and sinker. It went to the point that I felt really bad having to tell him the truth..then he got real supern
  • by Drishmung ( 458368 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @08:45PM (#5642058)
    And the reaction from the one ring web site [] is...
  • LOGO (Score:4, Funny)

    by doomy ( 7461 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @08:45PM (#5642062) Homepage Journal
    It took you 2 movies to get the logo done? I knew things were slow in middle earth, but this slow ? :)
  • by tbmaddux ( 145207 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @08:45PM (#5642063) Homepage Journal
    April Fool! []
  • Methinks this bogus story was just an excuise to put a new ring icon in the topics section.
  • by TedTschopp ( 244839 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @08:45PM (#5642066) Homepage
    Who exactly are the fools... The ones who believe this or the ones who thought others would?
  • About time that someone posted a decent April Fools joke.

    Now i just hope that the part about Mithrandir giving the elves AR-15s and Sauraman choking on a pretzel are true...

  • .... NOT FUCKING FUNNY! :)
  • by Znonymous Coward ( 615009 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @08:47PM (#5642072) Journal
    Visit []

  • by weston ( 16146 ) <> on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @08:47PM (#5642079) Homepage

    Also, they can take the time to go back, re-read TTT and ROTK and correct all the plot problems they introduced in TTT.

    When Faramir turned out to be "Boromir II" I nearly walked out of the theatre.

    How did they get the first film so right and the second one so wrong? *pounds head against wall*
    • see, It had been years since I read the book, and had played in quite a few games, so my memory of the actually story was sketchy, so I enjoyed the movie.
      Of course, then I made the grave mistake of reading the two towers... Not that the book was bad, but as my memory of the story became less hazy, I kept getting angrier. sigh.
      I will wait a couple of years after the LOTR movie stuff dies down, then re-read the series, I think I'll enjoy both much more. I'll pick up the DVDs after the get into the used store.
    • by Thing 1 ( 178996 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @10:54PM (#5642514) Journal

      Anybody else read that as "rolling on the ... king?"

    • Is that you, Comic Book Guy?
    • Don't you know - PJ just can't resist any temptation to hammer into the viewer's head that man can't handle the right. Elrond goes on about it over and over, Boromir and now Faramir go on about it.

      I fully expect that when Aragorn arrives at Minas Tirith that he will be drawn and quartered for not bringing the one ring, thus further showing the desire for it.

      If they'd stop thinking viewers are stupid, they could have put more of the book end and ended with Shelob stinging Frodo, which would have been a gr
  • by halo8 ( 445515 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @08:48PM (#5642082)
    FINALLY 16 794 =4983 792 =5033 027 =5280 387 =5416 129 =5579 563

    After ALL my posts (and Total karma Whoring) LOTR HAS A LOGO!!!! THANK YOU!!
    • I'm glad someone campaigned for this; we've only got 9 months (+ the DVDs) left of major Tolkien news. and I want it properly labelled!

      (At least, until some movie studios get on the ball and decide to produce the Hobbit; fortunately the logo will still be approp. for that. Also, some sad, sad part of me hopes that the BBC/PBS/Sci-Fi will someday adapt the Silmarillion/Unfinished Tales/Lost Tales/etc. My delusions know few bounds.)

      In any case, this icon is _long_ overdue, movies aside: I've long conside
    • What if the ring doesn't return? ;)
    • But now its time to start a movement to get an "April Fool's Logo". It would save us to much frustration. And how 'bout a "dup article" logo ... yeah that's the ticket.
  • How about next year the editors try real hard to get everyone, and then on april 2nd post a slashback with all of the hoaxes they found on april 1st instead of bombarding us with crap all day? well, it was worth suggesting :p
  • If there had been a few more real stories posted.. It's hard to fool people if it's compleatly obvious from the rest of the stories that it's april fools day..
  • Will the DVD version have the evil bit set on the shots featuring Saruman?

  • NO NO NO!!! (Score:2, Funny)

    by Dareth ( 47614 )
    You don't understand, unless you married like I am, ... no this aint another April Fool's joke, I am really married... but it is important this comes out in December. My birthday is December 18th, so I kinda get a free pass with my wife on picking a movie to see. If it is moved to May, I may be forced to divorce my wife and quit my job just to go see the last movie in the series!!!!!
    • You mean you married someone that doesn't like LOTR??? That's grounds for divorce right there!

      (/me has a wonderful wife that would kill me if I didn't take her to see it opening day)
  • Isn't the point of April Fool's jokes is to make it obvious, in hindsight, that it was a joke? What gives this one away, aside from the date and the April Fool message on the link?

    BTW, did anyone else see the fake doco explaining how the moon landing footage was actually faked by Stanley Kubrick because NASA knew the camera on Apollo wouldn't work? With interviews of capcom David Bowman and KGB agent Dmitri Muffley, no less, as well as the very real Donald Rumsfeld, Henry Kissinger, Kubrick's widow, Alex

  • by cford ( 141147 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @08:58PM (#5642122)
    The effects work on this third and final film of the trilogy will surpass its predecessors in scope and intensity

    So... ROTK will be employing a Shock-n-Awe campaign?

  • Funny, cuz the just the other day I was reading about how they had to speed up post production because of the new oscar deadline.

    And finally theres a LotR topic. Still no Star Trek topic, i guess 2 movies deserves a topic more than almost a dozen movies and 4 tv shows. *ignores existance of enterpise* Ooo, look, a new Matrix topic too...

  • Seems a lot of these movies are coming out on April 1st.
  • Fools, all of you!

    What most fans are not twigging on, is the fact that the 'Tolkien icon' is the REAL hoax here. Think we could get Slashdot to really keep and use it? Hah!

    • What most fans are not twigging on, is the fact that the 'Tolkien icon' is the REAL hoax here. Think we could get Slashdot to really keep and use it? Hah!

      Just stick a windows logo in the middle of the ring and give me karma.
  • Was it just me or did anyone else feel like the Two Towers was carried by the momentum of the first? There was some great action, but a lot of movies do that today. I didn't feel the same suspense and didn't see the same intense level of new character or story detail as in the first. The Two Towers relied too much on action to hold my attention, and I ended up bored through much of the time.
  • You know it's fake (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Winterblink ( 575267 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @09:24PM (#5642205) Homepage
    Because if it was real there'd be like 2000 comments by now. :)
  • RotK??? (Score:4, Funny)

    by ewhenn ( 647989 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @09:27PM (#5642220)
    The final stage of Leprosy.
  • by nekura ( 600099 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @09:58PM (#5642355)
    ... am I the only one who thought it seemed like a normal day at Slashdot?
  • I heard it was pushed back so Brooks could finish up the last volume in his rewrite of The Lord of the Rings. Details at: []
    • April fools jokes are supposed to have an element of absurdity. Just passing on false information does not a joke make. That's why the article in the parent comment is so much funnier than the one Slashdot linked.
  • by Adam J. Richter ( 17693 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @11:24PM (#5642598)
    I wish this announcement were not an April Fools joke. Fellowship of the Ring was cut much better than The Two Towers. I think that the cartoonish special effects to represent the Ents was probably also the result of a too tight schedule. I think that with a little more time, the Ents probably would have been redone, and a more careful viewing of the movie would probably have resulted in removal or replacement of some of the credibility-destroying scenes, like when Legolas became a skateboarder in the middle of the battle for Helms Deep. I also think the comic relief by Gimli should and would have been toned down a bit.

    There was nothing that I can recall in the original theatrical release of the Fellowship of the Ring that made me cringe (some of the material that in the Extended Release did, but that largely shows what a good job of editting was done in the Fellowship of Ring theatrical release). In comparison, there were several places in The Two Towers that made me cringe.

    • credibility-destroying scenes, like when Legolas became a skateboarder in the middle of the battle for Helms Deep. I also think the comic relief by Gimli should and would have been toned down a bit.

      People were sliding down tilted surfaces on rigid objects long before skateboards were invented. You're looking too hard for things to be pissed off at. Before the skateboard it was the scooter, and before the scooter the sled; Before the sled it was the toboggan (sleds have runners) and a toboggan bears an

  • Is it just me, or has Slashdot seen an unusually high amount of traffic today just because of all the Foolish activity? It's like the geeks come out just to make witty comments..
  • When did Slashdot FINALLY assign an icon just for LOTR? Took tem long enough....good to see though!!
  • Comming in Summer 2005! One billion gallons of blood are said to be used for the film's special effects (This is at least a thousand gallons more than the first one). Peter Jackson's dreams to take this classic and turn it into a trilogy have finally come real.

You can not win the game, and you are not allowed to stop playing. -- The Third Law Of Thermodynamics
