RotK Delayed Until May 2004 204
An anonymous reader writes "New Line Cinema's The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, will be held for domestic release until Wednesday, May 12, 2004. The effects work on this third and final film of the trilogy will surpass its predecessors in scope and intensity, and the producers as well as director Peter Jackson feel that the extra time will cement the film's status as the king of fantasy films and the crowning jewel of New Line's massive effort to bring J.R.R. Tolkien's epic to the screen."
Hoax (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Hoax (Score:2)
Those guys take longer to make a sequel than George Lucas (is the script even started for episode 3?)
So when's Duke Nukem Forever gonna come out anyways?
Re:Hoax (Score:5, Funny)
Oh, haven't you heard?
They've delayed DNF due to a platform switch []. This one looks REALLY good!
Re:Hoax (Score:2, Insightful)
Sadly it works on so many levels.
Re:Hoax (Score:2)
Check Freshmeat's Duke Nukem Forever project page []. Seems that it was released today.
Re:Hoax (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Hoax (Score:2)
God I hope not.
Re:Hoax (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Hoax (Score:2)
Console Version of DNF []
Re:Hoax (Score:5, Funny)
Yeah but... (Score:2)
Re:Yeah but... (Score:3, Funny)
No. Sauron forged the one ring c. 1600, second age. It's kind of old.
Re:Hoax (Score:5, Funny)
Re:gott admit it... (Score:2)
Yeah, a bunch of my buddies fell for this too. Frankly, I haven't taken anything I've seen today seriously at all... except maybe the SARS news.
Man, that's some scary shit right there...
Uh Huh........ (Score:1)
sure.. (Score:5, Funny)
plus it will allow him extra time to work on 'King Kong vs. Godzilla II'
Re:sure.. (Score:2)
And... King Kong...? Why? Couldn't he do Dune or some other epic sci fi/fantasy? (Even though I liked Sci fi's dune, Dune by Peter Jackson could be a real work.
Re:sure.. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:sure.. (Score:2)
I still pity the poor fools who are waiting outside the theater.
By delaying the release however, that just increases the number of cheapass pirated versions floating around, perhaps...
Re:sure.. (Score:2)
As much as I like Peter's work, I'd much rather see Alex Proyas or Darren Aronofsky do these. Lets' be honest, they've got more of the right sort of style.
Re:sure.. (Score:2)
no no... (Score:2)
what (Score:4, Informative)
Re:what (Score:5, Funny)
Re:what (Score:2)
Re:what (Score:2)
Re:what (Score:2)
Posted by timothy on 11:40 2nd April, 2003
I suspect it's adjusted into my local time, but it's waaay past April 1.
Re:what (Score:2)
Re:what (Score:1)
Re:what (Score:2)
Yeah, so what if i'm in Australia... why do we ALWAYS get our april fools on the 2nd?
Re:what (Score:3, Insightful)
Ah, but that's the April Fool's meta-joke....
Re:what (Score:2, Insightful)
to me, the sheer volume of april fools jokes today, the duplicates that happen every week, the spelling mistakes that happen in 4 of 5 posts PROVE to me that this site is one giant year-long april fools joke.
Re:what (Score:2)
Re:what (Score:2)
Yes, and they wonder why more people don't pay for subscriptions...
Re:what (Score:2)
You know I would make far fewer spelling mistakes if Slashdot would add a spelling checker. Decent open source spellcheckers have been availible for at least 20 years, it shouldn't be too hard to come up with a web interface.
I suppose I could develop the habit of typing my posts in a sane editor first but for 99% of the posts I do this is way too much trouble.
sigh (Score:2, Insightful)
April Fools (Score:2, Funny)
Re:April Fools (Score:1)
Re:April Fools (Score:2)
I pulled a quick one on a buddy of mine really early this morning (about 12:15...I don't waste my time!)...told him Ghoti Hook [] was gonna have a reunion tour this month. He went crazy! He told all his roommates and was really excited...asking me about the dates for the tour and locations and stuff...he took it [ghoti] hook, line and sinker. It went to the point that I felt really bad having to tell him the truth..then he got real supern
And just to save time (Score:5, Informative)
LOGO (Score:4, Funny)
Re:LOGO (Score:1)
You might ask why a subject wasn't created before, but nobody would answer.
Site Slashdotted, Original Text (Score:4, Informative)
Oooo Ahhh - pretty new topic icon (Score:1)
Who are the fools (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Who are the fools (Score:2)
Re:Who are the fools (Score:2)
and i forwarded it to all my friends before realising.
angry nerds downunder out of this.
Someone might burn down jackson's house if he's not careful
Finally (Score:1)
Now i just hope that the part about Mithrandir giving the elves AR-15s and Sauraman choking on a pretzel are true...
!!!... BASTARDS! (Score:1, Funny)
For more information... (Score:3, Funny)
Also, they can fix the Plot (Score:5, Insightful)
Also, they can take the time to go back, re-read TTT and ROTK and correct all the plot problems they introduced in TTT.
When Faramir turned out to be "Boromir II" I nearly walked out of the theatre.
How did they get the first film so right and the second one so wrong? *pounds head against wall*
Re:Also, they can fix the Plot (Score:2)
Of course, then I made the grave mistake of reading the two towers... Not that the book was bad, but as my memory of the story became less hazy, I kept getting angrier. sigh.
I will wait a couple of years after the LOTR movie stuff dies down, then re-read the series, I think I'll enjoy both much more. I'll pick up the DVDs after the get into the used store.
Re:Also, they can fix the Plot (Score:5, Funny)
Anybody else read that as "rolling on the ... king?"
Re: ROTK (Score:2)
Re:Also, they can fix the Plot (Score:2)
Re:Also, they can fix the Plot (Score:2)
I fully expect that when Aragorn arrives at Minas Tirith that he will be drawn and quartered for not bringing the one ring, thus further showing the desire for it.
If they'd stop thinking viewers are stupid, they could have put more of the book end and ended with Shelob stinging Frodo, which would have been a gr
Re:They started screwing the plot up in Fellowship (Score:5, Insightful)
If you would watch the director's commentary footage on the LOTR DVD, you will find that Jackson and the two other writers have thoroughly read the Tolkein cannon for many, many years and, in fact, are very well versed in Middle Earth. What many of the people who are bitching about the movies don't realize is that a movie is a very, very different beast than a book, and making a movie requires a very different type of storytelling.
There are four main issues which require major changes when going from book to movie, and on issue specific to LOTR:
1) Time. Most people have a hard time sitting through a movie longer than three hours, which translates into about 180 script pages. On a movie the size of LOTR, a unit is lucky to shoot about half a script page a day, and, when the scene involves stunts, one minute of screen time can take three weeks of shooting time. A movie which translated all of the events in the books to the screen would be, literally, too long to film, and much too long to sit through. Cuts had to be made.
2) Story-telling paradigm: Books are (duh) a verbal medium, which means that, in many ways, novelists can be very lazy story tellers. Readers will forgive pages of interior monologue, long descriptive scenes, and characters who have relatively minor roles being given large chunks of attention for short periods of time - as the reader visualizes the story in his/her head, there are no time limits necessary. Film is a visual medium, which means that something has to be happening on the screen at all times in order to keep viewers interested, and, because of point 1) stories need to be streamlined so that the storytelling never bogs down. Tolkein's writing has a habit of taking grand digressions: at many points in the story Gandalf or Elrond or whomever will completely stop the action and retell some part of Middle Earth history, which, while it throws some light on the story, would absolutely completely kill the momentum in a movie. Because much of the intricacy of Middle Earth comes from these digressions, these had to be cut or reinterpreted.
3) Character is handled very differently in the two mediums. The first rule in any storytelling is to have characters the audience wants to watch and wants to care about. As already stated, books have the luxury of time and tropes not available to film: Gandalf can spend three pages telling us of the plight of the Dwarves and, from this, we can have a deeper understanding of their motives. In film you don't have this luxury, and you really have only three ways to develop a character: dialog, action and visual symbolism.
Many people have complained about the enlargement of Arwen's character and role in the movies. This was necessary because of the constraint of film. In the books Arwen doesn't actually have that much face time - much of the information and emotional impact of Arwen and Aragorn's relationship comes from Tolkein's historical digressions and knowledge of the past of Middle Earth, specifically the story of Beren and Luthien. There was absolutely no way to fit this information in the films while maintaining a watchable narrative flow: the action would have to be stopped to explain the plight of Elves versus men, the Doom of the Val
Re:They started screwing the plot up in Fellowship (Score:2)
Re:They started screwing the plot up in Fellowship (Score:2)
I got the impression that he didn't succumb. It's a little interesting, if you watch his character in the movie, at no point does he fall to the power of the ring, certainly not falling in the same manner as Boromir. The ring didn't corrupt him, he simply felt it would better serve Gondor if it were in Minas Tirith. He did not understand the way it could corrupt those around it, and he decided not to take the ring (as the ring may have wanted, an
Re:They started screwing the plot up in Fellowship (Score:2)
Well, all I can say is Jackson hides it well. After seeing the first two films I genuinely doubted that he had even read LotR from cover to cover. If he has, then he didn't understand it or something because he's screwed the films up very, very badly. I mean, the second film
Re:They started screwing the plot up in Fellowship (Score:2)
No, Jackson doesn't understand film-making because of the Wargs; he doesn't understand LotR because of his mangling of characters like Elrond and indeed the other elves. Of the many things you could claim the point of LotT to be, the elves are high on the list.
Re:They started screwing the plot up in Fellowship (Score:2)
Re:They started screwing the plot up in Fellowship (Score:2)
I like both movies, personally. Two Towers had worse plot deviations, but it was still a good movie. Not as good as Fellowship, though. The Arwen/Aragorn was probably the biggest downplay, and they went a little too far with Gimli being comic relief. The edititing and timing of scenes felt a bit strange at times, but I can't see how one could do it dif
Re:They started screwing the plot up in Fellowship (Score:2)
Well, who can? Other than Bombadil?
People are so upset that Aragorn and Faramir show *any* temptation to take the ring, but this seems reasonable. Both Aragorn and Faramir are smart enough to not take the ring, but that doesn't mean they don't feel its pull. Hell, if Faramir really was so immune to it, why don't they give him the ring and make hi
A LOGO AT LAST (Score:5, Funny)
After ALL my posts (and Total karma Whoring) LOTR HAS A LOGO!!!! THANK YOU!!
Re:A LOGO AT LAST (Score:2)
(At least, until some movie studios get on the ball and decide to produce the Hobbit; fortunately the logo will still be approp. for that. Also, some sad, sad part of me hopes that the BBC/PBS/Sci-Fi will someday adapt the Silmarillion/Unfinished Tales/Lost Tales/etc. My delusions know few bounds.)
In any case, this icon is _long_ overdue, movies aside: I've long conside
Re:A LOGO AT LAST (Score:5, Funny)
Okay, but I'm giving the maintenance programmers your email address.
It could be an April Fool prank (Score:2)
Re:A LOGO AT LAST (Score:2)
April fools day (Score:1)
This kinda joke may work better.. (Score:1)
DVD version? (Score:1)
Will the DVD version have the evil bit set on the shots featuring Saruman?
Re:DVD version? (Score:4, Funny)
NO NO NO!!! (Score:2, Funny)
Re:NO NO NO!!! (Score:2)
(/me has a wonderful wife that would kill me if I didn't take her to see it opening day)
I don't get it... (Score:2)
BTW, did anyone else see the fake doco explaining how the moon landing footage was actually faked by Stanley Kubrick because NASA knew the camera on Apollo wouldn't work? With interviews of capcom David Bowman and KGB agent Dmitri Muffley, no less, as well as the very real Donald Rumsfeld, Henry Kissinger, Kubrick's widow, Alex
shock and awe (Score:5, Funny)
So... ROTK will be employing a Shock-n-Awe campaign?
This is a Hoax. (Score:1)
And finally theres a LotR topic. Still no Star Trek topic, i guess 2 movies deserves a topic more than almost a dozen movies and 4 tv shows. *ignores existance of enterpise* Ooo, look, a new Matrix topic too...
Re:This is a Hoax. (Score:3, Insightful)
hint: )
The Hobbit... April 1st Release Date (Score:2)
Bah (Score:2)
What most fans are not twigging on, is the fact that the 'Tolkien icon' is the REAL hoax here. Think we could get Slashdot to really keep and use it? Hah!
Re:Bah (Score:2)
Just stick a windows logo in the middle of the ring and give me karma.
Two Towers (Score:2)
You know it's fake (Score:4, Insightful)
RotK??? (Score:4, Funny)
With all of these fake stories... (Score:5, Funny)
Terry Brooks needs the time to finish the rewrite (Score:4, Funny) []
This IS a good joke! (Score:2)
I wish the delay were real (Score:5, Insightful)
There was nothing that I can recall in the original theatrical release of the Fellowship of the Ring that made me cringe (some of the material that in the Extended Release did, but that largely shows what a good job of editting was done in the Fellowship of Ring theatrical release). In comparison, there were several places in The Two Towers that made me cringe.
Re:I wish the delay were real (Score:2)
People were sliding down tilted surfaces on rigid objects long before skateboards were invented. You're looking too hard for things to be pissed off at. Before the skateboard it was the scooter, and before the scooter the sled; Before the sled it was the toboggan (sleds have runners) and a toboggan bears an
The geeks come out... (Score:2)
Ring Icon (Score:2)
Dead Alive Part 2 (Score:2)
Re:This had better not be a hoax! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:fuck fuck fuck ./ (Score:5, Funny)
Re:King Kong (Score:2, Funny)
Re:I don't get it ... (Score:2)
Ok, so what would it take to do that? An extra two hours of footage per film bare minimum to develop the characters and plots properly. Watching films that long would be a pure chore and they wouldn't possibly be bareable to watch in theaters.
No, the problem is that each book is really two books squeezed into one. That means that
Re:I don't get it ... (Score:2)
Hehe...that was a purely arbitrary decision by Tolkien's publishers...they told him to seperate them, and they originally published 6 books. Later, they decided that 6 books was a bit much, and put two 'books' per book. Tolkien OTOH wasd all for just one big your point is kinda...uhm...wrong on that account
Re:I don't get it ... (Score:2)
Are you saying that a story derived from northern european myth laced with themes derived from Shakespeare, Beowulf etc. should be directed at a non-western audience??????
That would work. NOT.
Re:I don't get it ... (Score:2)
The main thing people are waiting for is The Sword and the Sorcerer II.