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Star Wars Prequels Media Movies

Star Wars Extras Needed 145

lyonsden writes "Ever want to be in a Star Wars movie? Live in Australia? Check out this page at the Maura Fay Group Casting web site. Especially the Star Wars part towards the bottom. Any takers?"
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Star Wars Extras Needed

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  • by jeffkjo1 ( 663413 ) on Sunday April 27, 2003 @02:42AM (#5818119) Homepage
    All the people that just blocked viewing info on Star Wars movies are gonna be really mad. Mwhahaha.
  • by Toasty16 ( 586358 ) on Sunday April 27, 2003 @02:42AM (#5818120) Homepage
    ...Chewy's dad, Crunchy!

    kill me now.

    • Coulda sworn his dad was Lumpy... At any rate I really want to see how Bea Arthur got her job at the cantina!
    • by Anonymous Coward
      I'd like to play a wookiee, but only if they let me wear the costume off-set.

      Nothing like a big, hairy space-ape walking through the park to make everyone's day a little more surreal.

      Bonus points if you meet a cute girl who'd just as soon kiss a wookiee.

    • anyone ever picture seeing chewy's dad and seeing him being bald, and or having a midlife crisis about being bald. See him sitting on a couch blamming the wife for going bald.
    • Re:I wanna be... (Score:3, Informative)

      by s20451 ( 410424 )
      Chewie's dad is named Itchy, his wife is named Molla, and his son is named Lumpy, according to the Star Wars Holiday Special [] -- a disowned piece of the Star Wars universe that aired on TV in 1978. It is so horrible, George Lucas has said that if he had time and a hammer, he would track down every bootleg copy of the special and smash it.
    • Crunchbacca?
    • Will they have any of the others kids as well? Who will play Eewie, Gooie, Rich and Chewy? Well, we know who's playing Chewy at least...
  • Oops (Score:5, Funny)

    by GreggyBUIUC ( 262370 ) on Sunday April 27, 2003 @02:42AM (#5818121)
    You know its funny... there are a bunch of starwars fanatics that were pissed after the previous Wookie "spolier" which was then followed by responses saying "Just change your preferences to block out all starwars posts."

    Now those guys are going to miss out on their chance to actually be in the movie. :-)

    Then again, I suppose being an extra in the film is the ultimate spolier.
    • Re:Oops (Score:5, Informative)

      by Zeebs ( 577100 ) <> on Sunday April 27, 2003 @02:48AM (#5818145)
      Well, it's all shot out of sequence obviously. So the little that the extras do see, will be very little sence to them. I'd also be willing to wager that any scenes critical to the plot of the movie aren't going to take place in front of large ammounts of by-standers, and if they do, chances are the by-standers are just going to be in a matte shot then cloned in anyhow. Chances are they wouldn't pick anything juicy up at all, save MABEY the third directors assistant's gophers first name. :D
  • Extras? (Score:5, Funny)

    by Fex303 ( 557896 ) on Sunday April 27, 2003 @02:42AM (#5818123)
    What do they want extras for? What they really need is a script writer.
  • meesa (Score:3, Funny)

    by SHEENmaster ( 581283 ) <> on Sunday April 27, 2003 @02:43AM (#5818124) Homepage Journal
    an army of moronic gungan extras!

    Just out of curiosity, do extras get paid with cash or "the joy and experience of doing their best"?
    • Re:meesa (Score:5, Funny)

      by Prof.Phreak ( 584152 ) on Sunday April 27, 2003 @03:01AM (#5818179) Homepage
      Just out of curiosity, do extras get paid with cash or "the joy and experience of doing their best"?

      You're confusing this with the IT industry...

    • They get paid with a cheque for some small token amount, and most don't cash the cheque, they frame it and put it on their wall.

      ProfQuotes []
    • a few years ago at least, the standard pay is $90 a day & a bag lunch. better than working in mcdonalds...
      • The lunch is optional. Many production companies try to squeeze on some of the unnecessary overheads - this includes extras, particularly food and drink.
    • I did bits and extras for 5 years. Productions that are sure to draw a zillion fans who'll do anything to worship in the production shrine usually don't pay (Starship Troopers didn't pay because they figured all the Heinlein nuts would show up in droves -- which didn't happen). No one who knows anything about the business works as an extra on such a shoot; it only draws one-shot amateurs, who then discover it's an awfully long boring day for no money and maybe a sack lunch. Productions that don't pay extras
  • Sign Up! (Score:3, Funny)

    by CaffeineKills ( 652146 ) on Sunday April 27, 2003 @02:44AM (#5818131)
    Wanna go places? Wanna blow up things?
    Wanna kill people?

    Then join the Storm Trooper Army!
    • Re:Sign Up! (Score:3, Funny)

      by Moonshadow ( 84117 )
      Guns don't kill people, bullets do.

      Shouldn't that read "Guns don't kill people, blaster bolts do"?


      • Re:Sign Up! (Score:5, Funny)

        by mcpkaaos ( 449561 ) on Sunday April 27, 2003 @05:19AM (#5818403)
        Shouldn't that read "Guns don't kill people, blaster bolts do"?

        Considering that Stormtroopers hit their target about as often as on a GI Joe cartoon... probably not.

        • Sorta reminded me of Black Hawk Down ... man there must have been a three thousand natives walking around that town, each one with a machine gun or what have you ... and maybe twelve actual hits (we had maybe a dozen guys get hit, plus two helicopters got tagged by RPGs.)

          What the hell was that? The sights on top of AK-47s there for decoration or what?

          Sorry about being off topic. I would LOVE to be in a Star Wars flick but I'm not going to be in Australia anytime soon. I am looking forward to see how Lu
          • You'd be suprised. I'm a canadian kid, so i grew up with no guns whatsoever. I was in israel two years ago, and got use use an m-16. They taught us to assmble, clean, and shoot one safely. Very cool, considering it's the only time in my life i have ever or will ever get to hold a gun.

            Anyways, as it turned out, i was one of the best marks-people there. I put 8/10 in the center of a paper target 150 yards away. However, most people didn't hit anything. That, and we were shoooting lying down, with no
        • Dr. Evil: "Son, meet my nemesis, Austin Powers"
          Scott Evil: "What is he doing here? Why don't you just kill him?"
          Dr. Evil: "No son, I have a better plan."
          Scott Evil: "Why don't I go up to my room, get my gun, and shoot him here!!!"
    • Of course, the only way to SEE the USO show is to sign up for the Army! So join the Army and KILL SOME REBEL SCUM as we continue ... THE MARCH OF WAR!!

      [eat snackey-smores]
    • Travel to distant exotic worlds
      Meet strange and interesting Aliens
      and *Kill them!*
  • By Crikey! (Score:5, Funny)

    by lewko ( 195646 ) on Sunday April 27, 2003 @02:47AM (#5818141) Homepage
    Am I the only one who has visions of Steve Irwin chasing Ewoks and Russell Crowe punching Darth Vader in the mouth?
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 27, 2003 @02:47AM (#5818142)
    Now /. is done its harm with slashdotting websites and the like, the editors are setting their aims higher by the first ever attempt to physically slashdot the film studio!


    btw, I think this is called "flash crowds" or somesuch
    • by Anonymous Coward
      "btw, I think this is called "flash crowds" or somesuch"

      From a Larry Niven SF story, where instantaneous teleportation and fast news coverage combined to. . um. . slashdot places.
  • Maura Fay Casting (Score:5, Informative)

    by Mattygfunk1 ( 596840 ) on Sunday April 27, 2003 @02:51AM (#5818149)
    Maura Fay Casting are top notch casting recruiters. A relitive of mine went in fresh out of college and scored some minor roles very quickly. They worked with her as she built up to doing more major jobs.

    Have a go. You might just pull a role that will set you up long term.

    cheap web site hosting []

  • by G3ckoG33k ( 647276 ) on Sunday April 27, 2003 @02:52AM (#5818153)
    Why not scout in Arkansas instead? All people I've met from there had a strong Chewbacca-like appearance. Oh, yes, I live in Europe so I haven't met that many (three in fact); but, it all seemed so much more than coincidental.
  • by jdbo ( 35629 ) on Sunday April 27, 2003 @02:53AM (#5818156)
    ...that so quickly vanished; I thought the headline was "Star Wars Screenwriters" Needed...
    • ...only if you have not followed the book series that Lucas has based his movies on. Screenwriters & bookwriters are two seperate entities.
      • ? Pardon me, I'm confused; what are you addressing?

        I was making a joke regarding Lucas's screenwriting abilities (i.e. that I felt optimism based on a misreading of the headline as Lucas seeking screenwriters for Ep 3, thus implicitly acknowledging his writing deficiencies).

        Apparently the original joke wasn't all that clear (though at least one mod. found it funny).

        I'm not making fun, I'm genuinely wondering how you interpreted the original post.
  • Count Me Out ... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by pantropik ( 604178 ) on Sunday April 27, 2003 @02:55AM (#5818163)
    I'd have jumped all over being in the original trilogy (especially since I was just a kid) but I don't think I'd want to be associated with the new batch.

    All that overpowering CGI oooh-wow-look-at-what-George-can-do (with a giant renderfarm and a gajillion-million dollars) crap. Plus it would just plain suck to be in a scene with Jar-Jar and not have the satisfaction of throttling him until his head exploded ... and that is the real reason fully CGI characters suck.
  • Australia (Score:5, Funny)

    by Cyno01 ( 573917 ) <> on Sunday April 27, 2003 @02:57AM (#5818168) Homepage
    Of course they need extras from down under, lots of Jedi [] there.
  • Slashdotting? (Score:1, Redundant)

    by tgrotvedt ( 542393 )
    I think if all Sydneysiders reading this (like me) went on location on shooting day, we could Slashdot the scene as well as the site!

    No submission to Slashdot gets away without being 'Dotted somehow. Muhahaha...

  • by Chopsticker ( 220864 ) on Sunday April 27, 2003 @03:16AM (#5818212) Homepage
    AGH! How can I choose between my first position in line for Star Wars: Episode 3 and being part of the Wookie Army?!?!? If I leave my comforably parked lawnchair and tent for Austrilla I just know the guy with the Darth Vader mask next to me is going steal my spot!

    First Jar Jar, then the horrible movie title, and now this! What is a diehard Star Wars fan to do?

    • "AGH! How can I choose between my first position in line for Star Wars: Episode 3 and being part of the Wookie Army?!?!?"

      Be a wookie. That way you're already wearing a mask and won't have to hide your face in shame when it comes to light that you were involved in the steaming pile Ep III is bound to be.
    • ...then the horrible movie title...

      Correction: *two* bad movie titles.

  • Oh joy (Score:5, Funny)

    by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Sunday April 27, 2003 @03:16AM (#5818216) Journal
    If you think J.J.Binks was contraversial, wait until the audience sees a planet full of nerds.
  • I really want to take a surf trip to Oz.
  • Not only can I live on the Isand where Skippy the Kangeroo was filmed but what's more I can star as a starwars extra :D

    It's a good life :)
  • maybe this guy [] should try out. Looks like he'd make an outstanding jedi...
  • by CleverNickName ( 129189 ) * <> on Sunday April 27, 2003 @04:08AM (#5818311) Homepage Journal
    But with the blast shield down, I can't read the website! How am I supposed to sign up?
  • You know... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by planetside ( 668875 ) on Sunday April 27, 2003 @04:11AM (#5818322)
    A lil off topic, but with all the complaining about how crummy the new trilogy is ( is) you really have to think. Even though we don't like it, (the ones who grew up with it), younger children sure seem to love it. In all honesty thats not such a bad thing. Infact its a good thing. We have The Matrix to look forward to. That can be our Star Wars. The little kids can have the new Star Wars.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 27, 2003 @04:12AM (#5818323)
    Yes, but not anymore.
  • by Krapangor ( 533950 ) on Sunday April 27, 2003 @05:02AM (#5818386) Homepage
    Yes, it sounds rather harsh but isn't it true ?

    Star Wars is one of the science fiction series which is most ridden with illogial pseudo-science rubbish. Take some examples:

    • During the space fights you heard explosions and swoosh sounds of lasers. But in space there is no air to transmit sound.
    • We see laser "beams" slowly travel from the cannon to the target. Sub-light speed light ?
    • The spaceship travel around with sup light speed, but we have NO relativistic effects.
    • In starwars II (old series) R2D2 solves several times computational problems which are NOT turing computable.
    • Most alien creatures breate oxygen.
    • The super star destroyer is so big in Star Wars II(old series) that it's gravitational field made asteriods revolve around it, but this isn't the case.
    • When the Death Star fires, we see 3 laser beams "hitting" each other an send of a 4th one in a different direction.
    • The Death Star has cooling shafts which have a direct connection to the vaccum, therefore have no air whatever for cooling in them.
    This is just a very limited list of the rubbish you see in Star Wars. Well, if the movie would be aimed just to grown-up, I wouldn't care. Grown-ups are grown-up, thus it's their own business what rubbish they watch and what not. But the Star Wars movies are aimed to kiddies ! Sorry, we can't G. Lucas to stupify our kids just that his company makes more and more money out of the Star Wars waste.
    I was even asked by kids why the US military isn't using Laser weapons in Iraq and why we use these rockets which are so slow !
    This can't go one any longer. The goverment shouldn't interfere with the rights of the individual too much, but there is a line at which the goverment must protect people from themselves. I mean, drug consumption is illegal for the very same reason, too.
    Bush should get at least something right and outlaw this rubbish.
    • Many of your points are good but

      "We see laser "beams" slowly travel from the cannon to the target. Sub-light speed light ?"

      At the energy density involved for lasers to be an effective weapon then it is vaguely possible that the photon 'bolt' would have enough mass to locally curve space time, and hence affect the observed speed of propagation. Maybe.

      "In starwars II (old series) R2D2 solves several times computational problems which are NOT turing computable"

      I like this one. What are they? But maybe he j
      • At the energy density involved for lasers to be an effective weapon then it is vaguely possible that the photon 'bolt' would have enough mass to locally curve space time, and hence affect the observed speed of propagation. Maybe.

        Or maybe not. You're forgetting your Special Relativity. The speed of light is constant for all observers.
        • Perhaps they were not 'Lasers' per say, but a sort of plasma weapon that drew a small mass of superheated pressurized plasma from the reactors and shot those out of the weapon nozzle. Or some other similar energy weapon, not necessarily phased light arrays but energy bolt weapons.
        • i think you need to check your understanding of special relativity.

          The source of the light (the head of the bolt) does not have to move at the speed of light in a vacuum (clue).
    • by radio4fan ( 304271 ) on Sunday April 27, 2003 @05:34AM (#5818437)

      I once read a book which was also ridden with illogical pseudo-science rubbish.

      Take some examples:

      • Changing water into wine
      • Feeding 5000 people with five loaves and two fish
      • Walking on water
      • Raising three people from the dead
      • Hero comes back to life after dying

      Won't someone please think of the children and ban this rubbish?

      Funnily enough, I don't remember the author; it might well have been George Lucas.

    • by UberLord ( 631313 ) on Sunday April 27, 2003 @05:50AM (#5818470) Homepage
      You're a troll, but I'll bite.

      During the space fights you heard explosions and swoosh sounds of lasers. But in space there is no air to transmit sound.
      Some keyboards were "click-less" and someone wrote a program to send a "click" out of the PC speaker making it more useable for most people. Why couldn't someone take the same approach and install sound FX units into each X-Wing/TIE Figher so that pilots could "hear" where craft were and what they were doing?

      We see laser "beams" slowly travel from the cannon to the target. Sub-light speed light ?
      What you were seeing was tracers. Modern day armies use similar things

      The spaceship travel around with sup light speed, but we have NO relativistic effects.
      Of course you've seen the real thing

      In starwars II (old series) R2D2 solves several times computational problems which are NOT turing computable.
      StarWars II was the new series - IV-VI were the old ones. As to R2D2, look at how far computers have come since conception. I really can't even to think about what they will be capable of by the time we've started to colonise the galaxy.

      Most alien creatures breate oxygen.
      AFAIK, all creatures on Earth breath it as well - even the fish in the sea. They are as "alien" to us as we are to them.

      When the Death Star fires, we see 3 laser beams "hitting" each other an send of a 4th one in a different direction.
      Well, just whack a prism or similar at the point where the beams join and blamo - it could work. And as it's transparent, you didn't see it in the movie.

      The Death Star has cooling shafts which have a direct connection to the vaccum, therefore have no air whatever for cooling in them.
      Why does it have to be air? You do know that NASA space suits are very well insulated to stop there astronuts from freezing right?

      Why does a movie have to be scientifically accurate? It's supposed to entertain you dammit. And little kiddies who you want to protect have vivid imaginations - something which you appear to have lost. Their imagination is often their freedom which you want to remove.

      Outlaw inaccurate science fiction movies? Then there would be NO SF movies! Heck, whilst we're here let's outlaw ALL fiction because as it's fiction it can't possibly be true.
      As to the kids, you could have told them that Star Wars is not a true story. I take it that you've already old them that Santa doesn't exist either and mythical persons don't bring presents.
      • No prism needed. Depending on the polarization of the laser and its phase, you can cancel out the 'tangential' components.
      • Actually, the Last book I read in star wars, the new Jedi trilogy "on slaught"
        They have speakers in the tie fighters that catch the "magnetic" interference of the lasers/other fighter's engines and project them into the fighters so you can have a realistic audio interpretation of where everything is.
      • "> The Death Star has cooling shafts which have a direct connection to the vaccum, therefore have no air whatever for cooling in them.

        Why does it have to be air? You do know that NASA space suits are very well insulated to stop there astronuts from freezing right?"

        You don't insulate space suits. Space, being a vacuum and all, kinda does that all by itself. You don't try to keep your astronaut from freezing, you try to keep him from roasting.

        Speaking of vacuum, the poster was trying to point out tha
        • You don't insulate space suits. Space, being a vacuum and all, kinda does that all by itself. You don't try to keep your astronaut from freezing, you try to keep him from roasting.
          No, goober, you do both. The side in the Sun will roast, but the shaded side will be very cold. In space, you want to keep everything inside in, and everything outside out. That, my friend, is what insulation is for. It does both.

          Hmm... there are some minds I'd like to apply this to.

    • Shhhh! If you're very quiet, you can hear, the strange mating call of the red brested flame bait...
    • It's science fiction, not science fact. And it's a fscking movie what do you expect? Ever watch any movie about hacking? Not a single one ever deals with real hacking, it's always some thing like "Ok I've got to get past this firewall by using a joystick to control a worm I uploaded to eat away at the firewall and we're in." Or like in Swordfish, the building of the Hydra, that was great I wish programming was as easy as making a cube that the computer doesn't reject, it'd make my job easier.

    • "During the space fights you heard explosions and swoosh sounds of lasers. But in space there is no air to transmit sound."

      At least they weren't using "sonic charges" in space! Oh, wait...

      But forget the bad physics, how about the freakin' moronic bad guys? Let's look at Ep II for a moment:
      • We blew up the landing pad and missed our target. Let's now send two tiny worms to kill the senator instead of, say, blowing up the whole damned city block.
      • Why kill her myself when I can send an intermediary to scr
    • "Mensa member, beware of the high IQ"

      Shouldn't that be "Beware someone taking themselves too seriously"?
  • by Rinikusu ( 28164 ) on Sunday April 27, 2003 @05:18AM (#5818402)
    Advertising this on /.? I imagine a horde of geeks flooding Australia...

    This will be the ugliest collection of extras, ever.

    Of course, the amount they'd save on makeup for alien depictions might more than make up for it...

  • ... a bunch of slashdotters getting recruited and screaming Nathalie Portman hot pants grits in every scenes.
  • by madmarcel ( 610409 ) on Sunday April 27, 2003 @06:17AM (#5818510)
    I was an extra in a locally made movie (in NZ, not in Ozzie ;) an extra seemed to mostly consist of ....WAITING. waiting waiting waiting....

    It goes like this:

    - Meeting the director - cool
    - Meeting the lead character (and assorted females) - neato
    - Having to sign a non-disclosure agreement - worrying
    - Wearing a nifty custome - very cool
    - Having make up applied by people from LOTR - very cool
    - Waiting for 5->6 hours in the middle of the freezing cold night (in some poky shed) - not so
    - Finally filming some scenes (outside) - which takes half an hour (if that) and by God it's gotten colder outside - most excellent.

    (Although it was so cold that my big red nose was probably clearly shining through the layers of zombie make-up ;^) oops...wasn't supposed to tell you that..

    Would you willing to go through all that to be an extra in a star wars movie?
    YES? (this is /. after all ;)

    Ok, then follow the above procedure, but imagine yourself wearing (for example) a wookie-outfit or a storm-trooper outfit...and consider what the average day-time temperatures in Ozzie are like...

    Good luck matey :)
  • by stereoroid ( 234317 ) on Sunday April 27, 2003 @06:18AM (#5818512) Homepage Journal
    Since we're doing casting calls... living in Ireland? There are open auditions next week for extras for the film King Arthur [] being shot here over the summer. Audition details here []. They want men with long hair and beards particularly, so I may get in, as long as I can get some contact lenses...
  • ...I live just across the park from Fox Studios in Sydney. There must be money to be made out of fanatical StarWars fans. Maybe I can rent out my loft space to hopefuls by the square meter per hour. What am I bid?
  • Hey! (Score:3, Funny)

    by Neck_of_the_Woods ( 305788 ) * on Sunday April 27, 2003 @06:46AM (#5818556) Journal

    I suddenly heard millions of Star Wars geeks cry out, then silenced when they found out it was in the land down under. Seriously, I really can see them now trying to do the Jedi mind trick on the cast pickers, "Those others are not the extras you are looking for."

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Having worked as an extra (and an actor), it's not a lot of fun being an extra. You're not allowed to eat lunch before the crew & the actors. You'll get paid minimum wage and spend 14 hours a day on set standing around, waiting and being quiet.

    Yes, that's right, they pay you to stand around and wait while they adjust the cameras & lighting. Maybe 10-20% of your time is when the cameras are actually rolling.

    There are a lot of people who want to be extras thinking that it will be their big break, th
  • by Michael_Burton ( 608237 ) <> on Sunday April 27, 2003 @08:39AM (#5818799) Homepage

    Surely this must be a hoax.

    If you've seen the last two Star Wars movies, you'll know that George Lucas has moved beyond this gross material plane. There's no way he would tolerate mere human beings getting in the way of his luminous vision. Send in the CGI extras!

  • by Angry Black Man ( 533969 ) <> on Sunday April 27, 2003 @10:03AM (#5819134) Homepage
    The Stormtrooper who hit his head on the door in the Deathstar in ANH was an extra. You could be just as famous - with your picture on thousands of blooper sites across the internet.
  • Ever wanted to post a dupe? Heard of Star Wars? Check out this page []. Especially the 2 Star Wars posts on today's frontpage. Since there are two stories about Star Wars, we need a duplicate of each. Any takers?

    ... oh, and it would also be nice to have that unix-haters-handbook story posted again (you can't hate unix-haters too much, can you?)
  • by QEDog ( 610238 ) on Sunday April 27, 2003 @02:01PM (#5820267)
    Me: "You will let me be an extra..." waving the hand.

    Casting guy: "I will let you be an extra"

    Me: "And you will let me see George Lucas"

    Casting Guy: "I will let you see Lucas"

    Lucas: "Weak minded fool! You let the fan come right to me!"

    Me: "I came here, almighty Lucas, to ask you not to write another crappy love scene for Episode 3"

    Lucas presses button "To the Rancoor pit!"

  • I REFUSED to play JarJar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I rang these guys as I have lived here in Sydney for the past month or so and would love to get in the movie.

    Currently they are only looking for 7ft people.

    DOH! But they are awaiting more requirements as it is only in pre-production.

After any salary raise, you will have less money at the end of the month than you did before.
