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Lord of the Rings Media Movies

Extra Scenes in TTT Extended Edition DVD 443

gdr writes "USA Today have an article about the extra scenes that will be in The Two Towers Extended Edition. More ent scenes so it'll be worth watching for the special effects alone. Sadly it looks like there will be no extra gollum scenes. I can't say I'm as excited about this one as the FotR EE."
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Extra Scenes in TTT Extended Edition DVD

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  • Im excited (Score:3, Interesting)

    by the_2nd_coming ( 444906 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:04AM (#6181857) Homepage
    the first box set with added sceans was great....and the cut sceans actualy made tyhe story clearer. I hear that there is an extra 40 min in TTT.
    • by johnstein ( 602156 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:13AM (#6181983) Journal
      if there are more ents, that's enough for me. I still remember the first time I read TTT... family was driving to a nearby lake. The roads to get there wound through rather dense forest area so as I was reading about the ent's charge to isengard, I could look out the window and almost imagine them.

      Since then that's what I think about when I walk in the woods... strange, but oh well. I am the same person who thinks of the opening song from fraggle rock every time I use a screwdriver.

      da-da-da dadum da-da-da dadum da-da-da dadum da-da-da dudum

      what was that old guy's name? his dog was sprocket... how did I go from massive walking trees to fraggles?

      • Doc is that old guy's name.
      • what was that old guy's name? his dog was sprocket

        The uncle was Uncle Travelling Mac(k?) if I remember correctly. I don't think the old guy ever had a name. He called the dog Sprocket but Sprocket couldn't talk and hence couldn't call him anything. The fraggles themselves never conversed with him so they didn't call him by name either.
      • I don't know what the guy's name was, but he always talked about a friend that you never saw named Al Schimmelfinny. Which I always thought was funny because my grandparents have a friend named Al Schimmel.

        I like how he consistently threw Uncle Travelling Matte's postcards into the garbage for Gobo to pick up easily.

        Massive trees to fraggles, now take it a step further to those Doozers.

    • I so agree with that. To me the first film, when I saw it in the cinema, dragged on too much. Then I saw the extended version, and I swear, even with an extra half hour tagged on, /it was shorter!/.

      That's how much the extra material added to that movie.
  • waiting to buy? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Traderdot ( 677425 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:04AM (#6181869) Homepage
    I wonder how many people are holding off on buying the dvds until all three movies are out? I know I'd like to own the dvds but I'm waiting for the super box set of the extended versions of the entire trilogy to come out. same with the matrix trilogy. wonder if this waiting is affecting their sales figures.
    • Re:waiting to buy? (Score:3, Informative)

      by Hitch ( 1361 )
      I'm one of them.
      for several reasons - one person said "in the grand scheme of things, $20 isn't very much to pay. that's what it'll cost to get the original and then the extended later" - on the other hand, why buy them *now*? a) that's $20 I could be spending on something else I'd rather have (instead of buying the same thing twice) and b) I've heard rumors that the "final" release of a box set is going to have even MORE extra added than all three of the extended editions are going to have by themselves.
  • Way too many! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by WPIDalamar ( 122110 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:05AM (#6181871) Homepage

    So first I buy the dvd of the fellowship, then I buy the extended version ... then I buy the dvd of the Two Towers, and then I buy the extended version.

    And THEN when all 3 are released, I buy the trilogy... and then the special extended version of that!

    Man these guys got it good. Maybe I should smarten up and just wait.
    • For the Ultimate Dragon Tiger Super Edition!

      blatant PVP online quote.
    • Maybe I should smarten up and just wait.

      Many of us are quite smart actually. I know I'm not going to suffer by waiting a year before seeing a movie. So instead of spending $7+/person +snacks for an overall lowsy movie experience, I just wait, and rent/buy the movie (but not until it's down to $10/movie or less)...

      Yes, some of us don't like getting raked over the coals... Others seem to think that getting gouged (or, rather, complaining about it time after time) is part of the fun of watch movies.

      • Think drive in 5 bucks a head and bring your own snacks for a double feature. 2.50 a head for a movie is acceptable to me at least.

        Otherwise netflix or now Walmart is your friend 14 bucks a month for as many movies as you can get through the mail 2 at a time. If your a bit unsavory those 170 buck DVD-R's look more and more appatizing.
        • Think drive in

          I'm rather sure that there is no drive-in within 50 miles. It's unfortunate really.

          netflix or now Walmart is your friend

          Indeed, but that's still a matter of waiting for some time to see a new movie.

          If your a bit unsavory those 170 buck DVD-R's look more and more appatizing.

          You can rip DVDs onto CDs rather easilly as well (provided you don't mind leaving a spare comuter running for a few hours). The 4.7GB of DVD-Rs isn't enough to fit a LOT of movies, so you end up having to Divx them

    • Re:Way too many! (Score:5, Informative)

      by tuffy ( 10202 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:31AM (#6182211) Homepage Journal
      The first release of the film gets you:
      • The short theatrical cut of the film
      • One disc of shorter extras
      The second release of the film gets you:
      • The extended cut of the film
      • Two discs of completely different, longer extras
      So, getting both sets (about $40 worth, IIRC) gets you all the extras (3 discs worth) and both cuts of the film. New Line announced this release strategy last year and have stuck to it, so folks shouldn't feel too surprised by it.
    • Re:Way too many! (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Lemmy Caution ( 8378 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @12:12PM (#6183309) Homepage
      Fanboys are the ultimate consumers. Blaming the corporations for exploiting them with the collector's editions and boxed sets and specia gift-packs would be like blaming someone for eating beef, after a cow walked up to them, started covering itself with steak sauce, and handing them a bag full of charcoal.
  • Ent scenes. (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Arjuna Theban ( 143564 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:06AM (#6181898)
    The ent scenes might have been great in the book, but they were just as entertaining as having my fingernails removed in the movie. It took 10 minutes for a sentence to be spoken, I think it completely ruined the pace of the movie. I exclude the last ent scene from this, of course.

    • Re:Ent scenes. (Score:2, Insightful)

      by orpheus2000 ( 166384 )
      Some would argue that the pace of the movie was too quick to begin with. The book took its time, and this is the movie that detracts the most from the trilogy.

      The last ent scence was presented to the reader as a recollection after the fact, as well...
      • i would argue that there are fundamental differences in pacing b/n a film and a book.

        in a book, the author has the luxury of assuming he has your undivided attention and that he or she can describe certain things in extended, loving detail (e.g., the infamous whitenes of the whale chapter in moby dick).

        in addition, most books take longer (for some, a lot longer) to experience than a movie. i'm a very fast reader and can usually knock off a 500 or so page book (fiction) in an evening. by contrast, my wif
    • Re:Ent scenes. (Score:5, Insightful)

      by donutz ( 195717 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @11:48AM (#6183034) Homepage Journal
      It took 10 minutes for a sentence to be spoken, I think it completely ruined the pace of the movie.

      You read the book, didn't you? So you should have been prepared for the ents to speak slowly, and understand why they do.

      Frankly, it's probably a good lesson for people: It's not worth doing if it doesn't take a long time to do it. Take that, instant gratification!
  • Yes.... (Score:5, Funny)

    by jhines0042 ( 184217 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:08AM (#6181919) Journal
    I am very much looking forward to getting the extended edition of the TT on DVD. After the masterful job done in the extended edition of FotR, I can hardly watch the shorter version.

    Of course, I'll have a problem when I get to the RotK extended edition. I only have a 5 disc DVD changer and so I'll have to get up from the couch after 12 hours to switch to the final disk!

    • Re:Yes.... (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Sloppy ( 14984 ) *
      I only have a 5 disc DVD changer and so I'll have to get up from the couch after 12 hours to switch to the final disk!
      Think of shiny disks as being merely distribution media, not playback media. Play 'em back from your fileserver. Then you have an n disk changer, and you'll never have to get up again, except for the occasional trip to go buy and add another hard disk. (Tip: LVM and EVMS are your friends.)
  • by Zelet ( 515452 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:08AM (#6181921) Journal
    It is soooo hard to wait for the trillogy to come out in a single box set special edition. I want each one! Must... wait...

    One box set to rule them all, one box set to bind them.
  • by reverendG ( 602408 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:08AM (#6181927) Homepage
    Not that I won't be subjected to another 3 months (more, really, considering RotK is coming in Dec) of my girlfriend saying, "Isn't he dreamy?...I love Legolas!...He's so handsome, won't you learn Elvish, honey?"

    Really, there wasn't a whole lot missing from the book that I missed in TTT. There was a lot from FotR, but I understood that they had to leave things like Tom Bombadil out for purposes of keeping the length of the movie reasonable.

    I am looking forward to seeing more about how Jackson dealt with the strife in Faramir's family, and why he took the path that he did in the movies compared to the books.
    • by the gnat ( 153162 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:19AM (#6182076)
      Not that I won't be subjected to another 3 months (more, really, considering RotK is coming in Dec) of my girlfriend saying, "Isn't he dreamy?...I love Legolas!...He's so handsome, won't you learn Elvish, honey?"

      I feel your pain.

      When I went to see TTT on the first midnight showing, most of the people in the audience were in their twenties. One of the previews was for "Pirates of the Carribean", and when Orlando Bloom's name came up there were distinct shrieks. When Legolas jumped onto the moving horse, I swear I could feel the estrogen surge. I thought girls were going to start flinging panties at the screen. One woman posted online that when she saw this scene for the first time, "I think I got pregnant."

      On the bright side, if you're not entirely joking, it's now officially studly to have learned Elvish, although the thought of bespectacled Tolkein geeks trying to pick up girls by quoting Legolas is more than a little disturbing.
    • From reading the article (I know, how dare I) it sounds like the added scenes will help those who haven't read the books. I know when my wife saw the extended FotR, things "clicked" a little better...
    • My wife is more into Aragorn. To her, Legolas == silly skateboard punk type while Aragorn == rugged ranger type.
  • More scenes? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by DrXym ( 126579 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:16AM (#6182029)
    I actually thought the cinematic release of TTT could have done with less scenes. All that flashback crap containing Arwen completely dragged down the middle segment. A five minute trim would have made it a better picture.

    Now the extended edition does appear to introduce some interesting new stuff, but I wonder if yet more flashbacks concerning Boromir and Faramir is just compounding the error. Enough with the flashbacks!

    • Also it needed about a 37-minute trim to the Helm's Deep battle sequence.
    • Re:More scenes? (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Snowspinner ( 627098 )
      I know I'm unpopular in this view, but I think the Arwen sections are totally necessary to the LoTR films.

      In the books, Arwen's marriage to Aragorn in the end comes out of nowhere. In some ways it is powerful because of this, but it really would not work in a movie, where people have been watching this story for two years. The payoff of a marriage at the end (And Jackson has confirmed, I believe, that RoTK ends with the marriage, and not with the return to the Shire) needs to actually be a payoff. That can
      • Re:More scenes? (Score:3, Informative)

        by Dirtside ( 91468 )
        In the Lord of the Rings novel, there are several lengthy appendices, one of which details the story of Arwen and Aragorn. Most of the details of this story are not in the main novel; we simply learn that they are betrothed (I think) but little more. As you pointed out, their marriage almost comes out of the blue in the novel.

        As it would not be practical to include this appendix in its entirety in the films, a little more backstory is needed. (Granted, they changed it a bit from what happened in the nov
  • by SnowDog_2112 ( 23900 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:16AM (#6182035) Homepage
    I felt that TTT was cut more harshly than FOTR was ... things didn't flow as smoothly, things were more jarring.

    I'm hoping that some of that extra 43 minutes is invested into smoothing out some of those rough edges and making it flow just a little better.

    But who am I kidding? I'll buy it anyway, and I'll buy the regular cut, and I'll buy both editions of ROTK, and if (when) they come out with some uber-box-set with all three movies, a copy of the books, a lifesize inflatable Balrog, and new commentary by Christopher Tolkien (heh, yeah right!) I'll buy that too.

    At least they're telling us up front about the different editions, so buyers can make the right choices.

    Let's just hope PJ doesn't release digitally altered (kindler, gentler) versions of the movies in twenty years :).
  • I thought the Ents were wonderful, more of them will make it worthwhile as far as I'm concerned.
  • by EricWright ( 16803 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:16AM (#6182037) Journal
    Apparently, the author was surprised to learn that in the Jackson version of LotR, Aragorn is 87 years old. As anyone who has read the books knows, Aragorn is Dunedan (sp?), a race of men who once lived for 500+ years, but in the days of LotR, live a relatively short 180-200 years.
    • As anyone who has read the books knows...

      Okay fanboy, if you look at the Book of the Years (Appendix Whatever) you'll see that at the time of LOTR, Aragorn is just a little older than Denethor, and in fact visits and fights for Gondor (under an assumed name) when he and Denethor are both young (and Denethor is still a prince).

      This worries a young Denethor that this Gandalf-loving outsider is after the throne, thus setting up Denethor's distrust for Gandalf (and Faramir) in ROTK.

      Aragorn lives a while af

      • But in LOTR he is indeed in his eighties-- Whups my apologies to the original poster, I thought you were amusedly talking about the author of the LOTR (Tolkien) being surprised at the movie's goof at making Aragorn too young, not the author of the article being surprised...
  • Good! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by meringuoid ( 568297 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:16AM (#6182038)
    So, they put the Ent-draught back in, eh? Now _that's_ good news. Merry and Pippin becoming unusually large for hobbits was only of any significance when they returned to the Shire and cleared out Saruman and his shambolic mob. Which suggests that the Scouring of the Shire will be left in the Return of the King - at least in the extended DVD, if not the cinema release.

    I doubt there'll be any good excuse for the monstrous character assassination they committed on Faramir, though.

    • Re:Good! (Score:5, Informative)

      by joeytsai ( 49613 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:32AM (#6182220) Homepage
      You're correct, the Scouring of the Shire won't happen in Return of the King. In the Fellowship DVD, when Frodo looks into Galadriel's mirror, and they see the Shire, I think I remember Peter Jackson mentioning that that was the most we'd see of that. That does make sense, though - I was a bit surprised when I read that there were still several more chapters after the ring had been destroyed. (Sorry if that was a spoiler).
      • "(Sorry if that was a spoiler)."

        Nah, a spoiler is like "Sauron is Frodo's real father".

        Join me, and together we can rule Middle Earth as father and son!


    • Re:Good! (Score:5, Insightful)

      by gdr ( 107158 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:44AM (#6182339)
      Which suggests that the Scouring of the Shire will be left in the Return of the King - at least in the extended DVD, if not the cinema release.
      IMO the Souring of the Shire is the most important chapter in the LotR. It shows both the development of the hobbits and also that wars don't just end, there's always some cleaning up to be done.

      The inclusion or otherwise of this chapter in the RotK movie will make up my mind as to whether Peter Jackson "gets" the book. Partial credit if it's only in the Extended Edition.

    • I doubt there'll be any good excuse for the monstrous character assassination they committed on Faramir, though.

      Right on there! Even now when I think of that my hair stands on end! What a snowjob!
    • Re:Good! (Score:2, Insightful)

      by bulletman ( 254401 )
      I couldn't agree more with the character assination of Faramir.

      The question is: Why? So the audience could see a ring wraith bob on top of an oversized fruit bat in front of Frodo?

      Faramir wasn't allowed to show the nobility of his character, and present the contrast of his personality and wizard-influenced choices with that of his brother's.

      The other big gripe I concerns the ending. Gandalf, Eomer, and a couple of hundred riders wipe out 10,000 orcs? In the book it took thousands of hurons to do that.

      • Re:Good! (Score:3, Informative)

        by meringuoid ( 568297 )
        "The other big gripe I concerns the ending. Gandalf, Eomer, and a couple of hundred riders wipe out 10,000 orcs? In the book it took thousands of hurons to do that."

        Gandalf, Erkenbrand, and a small force of Rohirrim turned up more or less as in the film. Erkenbrand was merged with Eomer in the movie, a change I found fairly reasonable. They did so at about the same time that Theoden and Aragorn led the charge out of Helm's Deep. This caused the Orcs to panic and flee into the forest of Huorns.

        Now, watch

  • by Anonymous Coward
    . . . what the fuck an "ent" is, it's apparently the name of those big-ass trees.
  • ents (Score:5, Interesting)

    by tid242 ( 540756 ) * on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:18AM (#6182063) Homepage
    "More ent scenes so it'll be worth watching for the special effects alone. Sadly it looks like there will be no extra gollum scenes. I can't say I'm as excited about this one as the FotR EE."

    i for one would have to disagree with this opinion, i've seen enough of Gollum and am bordering on thinking of him as a more refined (albeit less nauseating) Jar Jar. There were/are several facets of TTT which bothered me, but despite the obviously flawed story-line deviations i would have to say the top two on my list are: 1) the character degredation of Farimir, and 2) the inability of TTT to portray Ents as being very ancient and very wise beyond the comprehension of the fast-paced lives of the more mortal (i know 'mortal' is a qualitative measurement, but you know what i mean by 'more mortal') races.

    Perhaps some of the cut scenes will allay some of these grumblings and restore to the Ents what i have always seen as their greatest virtue.


    • 1) the character degredation of Farimir, and 2) the inability of TTT to portray Ents as being very ancient and very wise beyond the comprehension of the fast-paced lives of the more mortal

      Yep. These are my top two as well. Abso-freaking-lutely inexcusable.
    • Re:ents (Score:5, Funny)

      by ccnull ( 607939 ) <null.filmcritic@com> on Thursday June 12, 2003 @11:04AM (#6182548) Homepage
      Hear hear! The ents were about as realistic and impressive as the Hamburgler. They are embarassing in their Muppet-ness, not to mention the pathetic green-screening when the Hobbits are riding atop them... looked straight out of 1980.
  • With the recent advent of everyone turning anything in print into a movie (LotR, Spiderman, The Hulk, Daredevil, etc...) in order to appeal to a more illiterate society, and to advertise more products. I have decided to turn FreeBSD Unleashed (2nd Edition) [] into a feature film. It will feature bullet-time animation, and Beastie travelling through 3-dimensional telnet and ssh sessions to successfully configure his beowulf community.

    I will be sure not to use any phrases such as Unix, Linux, SCO, or FSF so that I am not sued.

    Then, I will release a DVD edition, then an extended edition with an interview with some programmers on how to configure you first box.

    All trademarks are owned by their respective copyright holders, please don't sue me.
    FreeBSD Unleashed: The Movie patent pending.
  • More ents...good (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Snodgrass ( 446409 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:23AM (#6182133) Homepage
    My opinion after seeing it in the theater was that we were short-changed on the Ents. They play a very important role in the book (aren't they actually the ones that win Helm's deep? Sneak in at night and rip the orc armies to bits?)

    While it's not heavy on details it mentions the Ent's draught and Merry and Pippin getting taller, which I thought would have been worth putting in the movie. Glad to see it will be there now.

    I think I'm actually looking more forward to the TTT Special Edition than I was FotR because I've seen how much extra goodness was added to FotR.
  • by peter303 ( 12292 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:27AM (#6182171)
    The original race of men in Toklein's universe live for centuries like the Biblical patriarchs. Their lifespans declined as the original high civilization declined. Also the line of kings has immortal Elvish ancestors, which confers additional longevity.
    Aragon's 87 years pales compared to his betrothed Arwen's many centuries. She is practically cradle-robbing. And her father, Agent Smith, no I mean Elrond, is an immortal Elf and many thousands of years old. Because Elrond and Arwen have some human blood, they can choose to become human, age, and die.
  • by stienman ( 51024 ) <adavis@ubasics.PERIODcom minus punct> on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:35AM (#6182249) Homepage Journal
    First thing I wanted to know is how much longer is it really?

    The original TT is 179 minutes, just a hair under 3 hours. That makes the extended edition 43 minutes longer at 222 minutes.

    In those 43 minutes you could
    • Make and bake 3 batches of cookies
    • Order and eat one medium pizza
    • Lay sod down in a 200 square foot yard
    • Makeworld your FreeBSD
    • Fax 20 government representatives digital copyright
    • View all of the easter eggs on the FotR extended set 4 times (including the saturday night live version of the council)
    • Bicycle 15 miles
    • Bookmark and replay Boromir's death fight 8 times

    Or look at new ent scenes, watch merry and pippin grow inches from ent draught, get more info about the theoden family and boramir's father and brother, etc, etc.


    DIE BOROMIR, DIE!!! "My K...-rewind- THAP! "ARRRGH" THAP! THAP!

  • by jonesy16 ( 595988 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:40AM (#6182306)
    Ok ok, so I understand that some of you haven't read the books and believe that the additional scenes in FotR were trivial. But come on, leaving out the reforging of Aragorn's sword by the elves? Tolkein's poetry? Crack open the book for one minute and see how many poems you come across. This man invented (documented) 10,000 years of history, constructed a couple languages from scratch, and wrote countless songs and poems to complete the world of Lord of the Rings and Jackson all but throws it away. The extended edition of Lord of the Rings did exactly what I wanted it to, it completed the parts of the movie that I thought were missing from the book. It will be a harder challenge for TTT:EE to do the same, but I look forward to the "small" details being put back in so that the people who have read and enjoyed the books can see it in action.
  • Revelation?? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by utdpenguin ( 413984 ) <> on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:49AM (#6182401) Homepage
    The big revelation is that Aragorn is old?? Well DUH. He is decended from the Numenoreans and has elvish blood. Elrond is like his super great uncle. I wish these movies had never been made. All of a sudden Im being forced into "Tolkien Conversations" with people who have never read the book. Back in the day when I talked LOTR the other person at least new the _real_ non-holywoodized version.

    Ok ok. I KNOW Im ranting in a crazy fashion. I appologize. It is just that I am a Tolkien fanatic. Imagine (linux geeks) if all of a sudden everyone was using lindows and talking about how great linux was and if you tried to tell them about debian, suse or whatever distro you liek they were like "hunh? thats not linux."

    Im goign to go drink something very strong and try to regain my composure. Thank you for reading this rant.
    • I wish these movies had never been made. All of a sudden Im being forced into "Tolkien Conversations" with people who have never read the book.

      Forced into conversations? Maybe you should take off the "Tolkien Rules" t-shirt, Comic Book Guy.
  • by KFury ( 19522 ) * on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:51AM (#6182430) Homepage
    Considering the LotR:FotR enhanced DVD had the risque Jack Black MTV skit as an easter egg, I wonder if they'll incorporate the Gollum MTV acceptance speech in this set.

    Anyone have difinitive word? Does Weta even know yet?
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:54AM (#6182456)
    Bilbo dancing with Gollum? Gandalf visiting the gay bar? There has to be some outtakes from these movies that could've been added to the special edition DVDs. Wait, don't tell me there's going to be another edition released?
  • Gandalf at the end (Score:3, Insightful)

    by rf0 ( 159958 ) <> on Thursday June 12, 2003 @10:57AM (#6182482) Homepage
    One thing I would like to see, and something that dissapointed me at the cinema is that battle of helmsdeep. They way I remeber it basically gandalf turns up with a load of people, next scene they have one. Surely 30 second worth of Gandalf kicking arse wouldn't be to much to ask..

  • I'm sorry, but the scenes when Merry & Pippin are riding on the top of Treebeard, the special effects are awful. I hope there's not more of that, because it was simply shockingly bad.

    The ents weren't too badly done overall though, but I wouldn't say the effects of the ents alone would be worth paying out for the extended edition. I haven't read the books (*ducks*), and I've read they're more important in the books though, so I suppose it could add a bit to the story if we get interesting scenes rather
  • "USA TODAY got an early preview in Wellington, New Zealand, last week at director Peter Jackson's private screening room".

    Is that private screening room the recreation of Bag End in a New Zealand hillside that he talked about in the FOTR EE director's commentary?

    - adam

  • Thank God for DVDs (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Phoenix666 ( 184391 ) on Thursday June 12, 2003 @11:46AM (#6183015)
    The thought of all great movies getting dumbed down to the level of Peoria, IL, always made me cry. Now there can be two levels of mass entertainment: one for the sheep and one for us. I'm looking forward to seeing the extended TTT DVD. Faramir was a great character, and they didn't do him justice in the cinematic release.

"I've seen the forgeries I've sent out." -- John F. Haugh II (jfh@rpp386.Dallas.TX.US), about forging net news articles
