Extra Scenes in TTT Extended Edition DVD 443
gdr writes "USA Today have an article about the extra scenes that will be in The Two Towers Extended Edition. More ent scenes so it'll be worth watching for the special effects alone. Sadly it looks like there will be no extra gollum scenes. I can't say I'm as excited about this one as the FotR EE."
Im excited (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Im excited (Score:5, Funny)
Since then that's what I think about when I walk in the woods... strange, but oh well. I am the same person who thinks of the opening song from fraggle rock every time I use a screwdriver.
da-da-da dadum da-da-da dadum da-da-da dadum da-da-da dudum
what was that old guy's name? his dog was sprocket... how did I go from massive walking trees to fraggles?
Re:Im excited (Score:2)
Re:Im excited (Score:2)
The uncle was Uncle Travelling Mac(k?) if I remember correctly. I don't think the old guy ever had a name. He called the dog Sprocket but Sprocket couldn't talk and hence couldn't call him anything. The fraggles themselves never conversed with him so they didn't call him by name either.
Re:Im excited (Score:2)
I like how he consistently threw Uncle Travelling Matte's postcards into the garbage for Gobo to pick up easily.
Massive trees to fraggles, now take it a step further to those Doozers.
Re:Im excited (Score:2)
That's how much the extra material added to that movie.
waiting to buy? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:waiting to buy? (Score:3, Informative)
for several reasons - one person said "in the grand scheme of things, $20 isn't very much to pay. that's what it'll cost to get the original and then the extended later" - on the other hand, why buy them *now*? a) that's $20 I could be spending on something else I'd rather have (instead of buying the same thing twice) and b) I've heard rumors that the "final" release of a box set is going to have even MORE extra added than all three of the extended editions are going to have by themselves.
Obligitory AOLer comment (Score:2)
Seriously though, I'll enjoy being able to show my forthcoming children (first due in the Fall) the different edits of the movie, how they all fit together, contrasts between them, etc. Kinda like how I'm annoyed they refuse to release the original version of Star Wars as we saw it as children, its all repackaged Ewoks-with-walkie-talkies fluff.
Re:Obligitory AOLer comment (Score:3, Informative)
It's hard to believe, but those annoying, out of place, obviously-merchandise-driven Ewok scenes were actually in the original theatrical release!
It's true. If you can find a copy of the original you can see for yourself.
Watch more Southpark (Score:3, Informative)
I don't think extended / directors-cut editions of movies are bad, in fact for the most-part I like them, but I don't agree with _only_ releasing alternative cuts of movies and not the original.
Re:waiting to buy? (Score:2)
I only saw the extended dvd of the FotR. From what people tell me, they left alot of good stuff out of the original cut. So for me its worth waiting for all extended.
If I want to experience the story now, I'll re-read the books.
Re:waiting to buy? (Score:2)
Re:waiting to buy? (Score:3, Informative)
Unless of course your grand scheme is taking place in a third world nation, where the per capita GDP of Sierra Leone, for example, is $150. Granted, in purchasing power that's almost $500, but even still I would bet that $20 is a lot of money to pay. (source [lyd.com])
I would say it's a safe bet that since you're posting to this forum, you're making slightly more than $150 a year however
Re:waiting to buy? (Score:5, Funny)
Its just not fair. I'm going to send a couple copies of LotR:TTT to random people in Sierra Leone. They deserve it too. I sure hope that their DVD players can read region 1 DVDs.
Re:waiting to buy? (Score:3, Funny)
Methinks thou doth protest too much...
Re:waiting to buy? (Score:2)
Way too many! (Score:5, Insightful)
So first I buy the dvd of the fellowship, then I buy the extended version
And THEN when all 3 are released, I buy the trilogy... and then the special extended version of that!
Man these guys got it good. Maybe I should smarten up and just wait.
You should wait beyond that.... (Score:2)
blatant PVP online quote. www.pvponline.com
Re:Way too many! (Score:2)
Many of us are quite smart actually. I know I'm not going to suffer by waiting a year before seeing a movie. So instead of spending $7+/person +snacks for an overall lowsy movie experience, I just wait, and rent/buy the movie (but not until it's down to $10/movie or less)...
Yes, some of us don't like getting raked over the coals... Others seem to think that getting gouged (or, rather, complaining about it time after time) is part of the fun of watch movies.
Re:Way too many! (Score:2)
Otherwise netflix or now Walmart is your friend 14 bucks a month for as many movies as you can get through the mail 2 at a time. If your a bit unsavory those 170 buck DVD-R's look more and more appatizing.
Re:Way too many! (Score:2)
I'm rather sure that there is no drive-in within 50 miles. It's unfortunate really.
Indeed, but that's still a matter of waiting for some time to see a new movie.
You can rip DVDs onto CDs rather easilly as well (provided you don't mind leaving a spare comuter running for a few hours). The 4.7GB of DVD-Rs isn't enough to fit a LOT of movies, so you end up having to Divx them
Re:Way too many! (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Way too many! (Score:4, Insightful)
Ent scenes. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Ent scenes. (Score:2, Insightful)
The last ent scence was presented to the reader as a recollection after the fact, as well...
book pacing vs. film pacing (Score:2, Informative)
in a book, the author has the luxury of assuming he has your undivided attention and that he or she can describe certain things in extended, loving detail (e.g., the infamous whitenes of the whale chapter in moby dick).
in addition, most books take longer (for some, a lot longer) to experience than a movie. i'm a very fast reader and can usually knock off a 500 or so page book (fiction) in an evening. by contrast, my wif
Re:Ent scenes. (Score:5, Insightful)
You read the book, didn't you? So you should have been prepared for the ents to speak slowly, and understand why they do.
Frankly, it's probably a good lesson for people: It's not worth doing if it doesn't take a long time to do it. Take that, instant gratification!
Yes.... (Score:5, Funny)
Of course, I'll have a problem when I get to the RotK extended edition. I only have a 5 disc DVD changer and so I'll have to get up from the couch after 12 hours to switch to the final disk!
Re:Yes.... (Score:3, Insightful)
Must... resist... the... one... ring... (Score:5, Funny)
One box set to rule them all, one box set to bind them.
They don't mention much extra Legolas footage... (Score:5, Interesting)
Really, there wasn't a whole lot missing from the book that I missed in TTT. There was a lot from FotR, but I understood that they had to leave things like Tom Bombadil out for purposes of keeping the length of the movie reasonable.
I am looking forward to seeing more about how Jackson dealt with the strife in Faramir's family, and why he took the path that he did in the movies compared to the books.
Re:They don't mention much extra Legolas footage.. (Score:5, Funny)
I feel your pain.
When I went to see TTT on the first midnight showing, most of the people in the audience were in their twenties. One of the previews was for "Pirates of the Carribean", and when Orlando Bloom's name came up there were distinct shrieks. When Legolas jumped onto the moving horse, I swear I could feel the estrogen surge. I thought girls were going to start flinging panties at the screen. One woman posted online that when she saw this scene for the first time, "I think I got pregnant."
On the bright side, if you're not entirely joking, it's now officially studly to have learned Elvish, although the thought of bespectacled Tolkein geeks trying to pick up girls by quoting Legolas is more than a little disturbing.
Re:They don't mention much extra Legolas footage.. (Score:2, Funny)
One woman posted online that when she saw this scene for the first time, "I think I got pregnant."
Or as the saying goes: "Not a dry seat in the house."Re:They don't mention much extra Legolas footage.. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:They don't mention much extra Legolas footage.. (Score:2)
More scenes? (Score:5, Interesting)
Now the extended edition does appear to introduce some interesting new stuff, but I wonder if yet more flashbacks concerning Boromir and Faramir is just compounding the error. Enough with the flashbacks!
Re:More scenes? (Score:2)
Re:More scenes? (Score:3, Insightful)
In the books, Arwen's marriage to Aragorn in the end comes out of nowhere. In some ways it is powerful because of this, but it really would not work in a movie, where people have been watching this story for two years. The payoff of a marriage at the end (And Jackson has confirmed, I believe, that RoTK ends with the marriage, and not with the return to the Shire) needs to actually be a payoff. That can
Re:More scenes? (Score:3, Informative)
As it would not be practical to include this appendix in its entirety in the films, a little more backstory is needed. (Granted, they changed it a bit from what happened in the nov
Umm - you *did* read the books, right?? (Score:3, Funny)
Or it could be that you just have a thing for pointy ears... ;)
Just as excited (but I'm hopeless) (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm hoping that some of that extra 43 minutes is invested into smoothing out some of those rough edges and making it flow just a little better.
But who am I kidding? I'll buy it anyway, and I'll buy the regular cut, and I'll buy both editions of ROTK, and if (when) they come out with some uber-box-set with all three movies, a copy of the books, a lifesize inflatable Balrog, and new commentary by Christopher Tolkien (heh, yeah right!) I'll buy that too.
At least they're telling us up front about the different editions, so buyers can make the right choices.
Let's just hope PJ doesn't release digitally altered (kindler, gentler) versions of the movies in twenty years
Re:Just as excited (but I'm hopeless) (Score:5, Insightful)
The Ents are tricked into attacking?
Faramir is a prick?
What happened here!?!
Re:Just as excited (but I'm hopeless) (Score:4, Informative)
But yeah, the Ent thing would be nice too.
Re:Just as excited (but I'm hopeless) (Score:3, Informative)
As was suggested [slashdot.org] here, may be the Purist Edit [everything2.com] can help ease your pain.
Re:Just as excited (but I'm hopeless) (Score:3, Funny)
I'm going to hold out for the Lifesize Inflatable FLAMING Balrog(TM).
Ents!!! (Score:2)
Article author never read Tolkein (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Article author never read Tolkein (Score:3, Insightful)
Okay fanboy, if you look at the Book of the Years (Appendix Whatever) you'll see that at the time of LOTR, Aragorn is just a little older than Denethor, and in fact visits and fights for Gondor (under an assumed name) when he and Denethor are both young (and Denethor is still a prince).
This worries a young Denethor that this Gandalf-loving outsider is after the throne, thus setting up Denethor's distrust for Gandalf (and Faramir) in ROTK.
Aragorn lives a while af
Re:Article author never read Tolkein (Score:2)
Good! (Score:5, Insightful)
I doubt there'll be any good excuse for the monstrous character assassination they committed on Faramir, though.
Re:Good! (Score:5, Informative)
spoiler (Score:2, Funny)
Nah, a spoiler is like "Sauron is Frodo's real father".
Join me, and together we can rule Middle Earth as father and son!
Re:Good! (Score:5, Insightful)
The inclusion or otherwise of this chapter in the RotK movie will make up my mind as to whether Peter Jackson "gets" the book. Partial credit if it's only in the Extended Edition.
Re:Good! (Score:2)
Right on there! Even now when I think of that my hair stands on end! What a snowjob!
Re:Good! (Score:2, Insightful)
The question is: Why? So the audience could see a ring wraith bob on top of an oversized fruit bat in front of Frodo?
Faramir wasn't allowed to show the nobility of his character, and present the contrast of his personality and wizard-influenced choices with that of his brother's.
The other big gripe I concerns the ending. Gandalf, Eomer, and a couple of hundred riders wipe out 10,000 orcs? In the book it took thousands of hurons to do that.
Re:Good! (Score:3, Informative)
Gandalf, Erkenbrand, and a small force of Rohirrim turned up more or less as in the film. Erkenbrand was merged with Eomer in the movie, a change I found fairly reasonable. They did so at about the same time that Theoden and Aragorn led the charge out of Helm's Deep. This caused the Orcs to panic and flee into the forest of Huorns.
Now, watch
To those who are wondering . . . (Score:2, Troll)
Re:To those who are wondering . . . (Score:5, Funny)
ents (Score:5, Interesting)
i for one would have to disagree with this opinion, i've seen enough of Gollum and am bordering on thinking of him as a more refined (albeit less nauseating) Jar Jar. There were/are several facets of TTT which bothered me, but despite the obviously flawed story-line deviations i would have to say the top two on my list are: 1) the character degredation of Farimir, and 2) the inability of TTT to portray Ents as being very ancient and very wise beyond the comprehension of the fast-paced lives of the more mortal (i know 'mortal' is a qualitative measurement, but you know what i mean by 'more mortal') races.
Perhaps some of the cut scenes will allay some of these grumblings and restore to the Ents what i have always seen as their greatest virtue.
Re:ents (Score:2)
Yep. These are my top two as well. Abso-freaking-lutely inexcusable.
Re:ents (Score:5, Funny)
I'm gonna direct a movie! (Score:5, Funny)
I will be sure not to use any phrases such as Unix, Linux, SCO, or FSF so that I am not sued.
Then, I will release a DVD edition, then an extended edition with an interview with some programmers on how to configure you first box.
All trademarks are owned by their respective copyright holders, please don't sue me.
FreeBSD Unleashed: The Movie patent pending.
More ents...good (Score:5, Interesting)
While it's not heavy on details it mentions the Ent's draught and Merry and Pippin getting taller, which I thought would have been worth putting in the movie. Glad to see it will be there now.
I think I'm actually looking more forward to the TTT Special Edition than I was FotR because I've seen how much extra goodness was added to FotR.
kings live for centuries (Score:4, Funny)
Aragon's 87 years pales compared to his betrothed Arwen's many centuries. She is practically cradle-robbing. And her father, Agent Smith, no I mean Elrond, is an immortal Elf and many thousands of years old. Because Elrond and Arwen have some human blood, they can choose to become human, age, and die.
Re:it's all agent smith's fault! (Score:2)
Duh. So he could pursue a career in a cross dressing cabaret act under the name "Mitzi Del Bra." (The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert) [imdb.com]
Wierd trivia for that flick. The three principle actors (stamp, weaving, and pearce) next major film went on to become a blockbuster, academy award winner. (Terrance Stamp did Episode 1, Guy Pearce did L.A. Confidential, and Hugo Weaving
Re:it's all agent smith's fault! (Score:2)
Time difference... (Score:5, Funny)
The original TT is 179 minutes, just a hair under 3 hours. That makes the extended edition 43 minutes longer at 222 minutes.
In those 43 minutes you could
Or look at new ent scenes, watch merry and pippin grow inches from ent draught, get more info about the theoden family and boramir's father and brother, etc, etc.
Extended scenes are essential to a complete story (Score:5, Informative)
Revelation?? (Score:5, Insightful)
Ok ok. I KNOW Im ranting in a crazy fashion. I appologize. It is just that I am a Tolkien fanatic. Imagine (linux geeks) if all of a sudden everyone was using lindows and talking about how great linux was and if you tried to tell them about debian, suse or whatever distro you liek they were like "hunh? thats not linux."
Im goign to go drink something very strong and try to regain my composure. Thank you for reading this rant.
Re:Revelation?? (Score:2)
Forced into conversations? Maybe you should take off the "Tolkien Rules" t-shirt, Comic Book Guy.
Gollum MTV easter egg? (Score:5, Interesting)
Anyone have difinitive word? Does Weta even know yet?
Where are the outtakes? (Score:5, Funny)
Gandalf at the end (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Gandalf at the end (Score:2, Insightful)
Special effects alone? (Score:2)
The ents weren't too badly done overall though, but I wouldn't say the effects of the ents alone would be worth paying out for the extended edition. I haven't read the books (*ducks*), and I've read they're more important in the books though, so I suppose it could add a bit to the story if we get interesting scenes rather
Jackson's private screening room (Score:2)
Is that private screening room the recreation of Bag End in a New Zealand hillside that he talked about in the FOTR EE director's commentary?
- adam
Thank God for DVDs (Score:3, Interesting)
Re: FotR EE? (Score:2)
Re: FotR EE? (Score:2)
Re: FotR EE? (Score:5, Informative)
It was actually a nice addition to the movie, although I thought that the original was outstanding as is.
Re: FotR EE? (Score:2)
Re: FotR EE? (Score:5, Funny)
Re: FotR EE? (Score:5, Funny)
Ring zero to rule them all...
Re: FotR EE? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Extra scenes (Score:5, Interesting)
The LOTR-movies are cut down because a 4 hour-beast is not acceptable for a movie that has to make a lot of money.
Most poeple I know, at least the geeks and especially those who read the book, found the longer version of the fellowship a _lot_ better.
o? (Score:2, Interesting)
btw: am i the only one who had to put the captions on to understand what galadriel is saying during her temptation scene?
Re:o? (Score:2)
Seamless branching would be nice (Score:3, Interesting)
I cant think of a technical reason why this isn't possible, unless there are different versions of the same scene instead of different length cuts of the same scene.
A 5th disc with the original cut wouldnt be hard to add either. I wonder if a superbit version will ever come out?
Re:Mark the extra scenes! (Score:2, Funny)
Re:You're Only Feeding the RIAA (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:You're Only Feeding the MPAA (Score:2, Insightful)
it seems to me that there may be a good chunk of people that separate the MPAA and RIAA into two different ideological entities. while it is true that both are pursuing lawsuits and a boycott of one inevitably calls for the boycott of the other, the subject matter they deal with is inherently different. the RIAA either puts out a good song bundled with crap music or force feeds us a lack of viable options, and the only way to change that is by not buying any their prdoucts forcing them
Re:You're Only Feeding the RIAA (Score:5, Insightful)
One of the advantages of living in a house with 4 other guys, either someone will buy it, or their girlfriend/mom/dad/brother/grandmother/aunt/etc/et c certainly will, either way i still get to see it :) ...
in any event, there's always the option of buying it used, while it could be argued that buying used DVDs supports the MPAA via creating a secondary market demand for their products, i personally think that it's a happy medium between being devoid of art in life and supporting one of the world's most evil empires. Also it should be noted that someone who buys a DVD for $25 and sells it to a disc-whorehouse for $5 probably isn't considerably driven by the market demand for his/her used product...
And (as a sort of sales pitch), EVERYONE who sells a movie or CD isn't necessarily affiliated with the MPAA or RIAA, as an example i am certainly purchasing (brand new) the 'Ohgr' CD (Nivek Ogre and Mark Walk) being released by spitfire records [spitfirerecords.com] on July 1, and they are not affiliated with the RIAA (according to something i read a while back)... So don't let your boycotts hurt the innocents (like all of those idiots who said they'd boycott Heineken beer because it is German, after the fallout of an Iraq war resolution...)
Sorry, i'm mumbling again...
Re:Screw the Movie... (Score:3, Insightful)
Did I like the two movies so far? Yes. Were they Earth shattering? No. I would much rather spend my money on nice copies of the books than on these DVD's. (In fact, I have)
And while I am inviting the flame-bait moderations:
Is anyone else as sick to death as I am about hearing how amazing Gollum was, how he should have won an academy award, been knighted by the Queen, been elected supreme ruler of Earth, etc.?
Was the performance good? Sure. Was it spectacular. Dear god no. Frankly I have no idea wha
Re:Screw the Movie... (Score:5, Interesting)
I watched TTT over the weekend again, and there was a lot of things I was disappointed in. The dead marshes scene, where gollum keeps talking about not following the lights.. that weren't there. Perhaps Peter Jackson was too busy with all the FOTR award hoopla to supervise putting the lights in?
But, no, the big thing I disliked about both FOTR and TTT was how de-emphasized Sauron was. In FOTR at least you get to hear him talk and have a sense that he's really menancing, when the Jacksons weren't giving his actions to Saruman to perform (such as bringing down the mountain). But in TTT, Sauron was a non-entity.. you'd think he was incapable of any direct action.. just a big floaty eye, unable even to do so much as turn and look in different directions.
Sauron is one of the biggest characters in the books, but the movies have really pushed him aside in favor of Saruman. Yay Christopher Lee and all that, but it's hard to really understand the point of all the hub-ub without understanding that Sauron is the real problem, and that he's really unnervingly dangerous and evil, a force of nature almost, beyond comprehension. Even his Nazgul seem sort of weak compared to those depicted in Bakshi's LOTR.
I really hope ROTK shows just how awe-inspiringly powerful and evil Sauron is, otherwise much of the drama of the books is just gone.
Whew, I'm happy to have _that_ off my chest.
Re:Screw the Movie... (Score:3, Insightful)
I think he was referring to the flames coming out of the ground. (Took me a second viewing to figure that out.)
"Don't follow the lights. Careful now, or Hobbits go down to join the dead ones and light little candles of their own."
Re:Aragorn is 87 years old? (Score:5, Informative)
Elrond and Elros are called the Half-elven, but strictly that isn't quite true. It's all rather messy and incestuous. Beren (a legendary human hero) married Luthien (daughter of an elven-king and a Maia - a minor deity like Sauron but not evil), had many adventures, died, came back to life as ordinary humans, and then died again of natural causes; their son, Dior, an elf, married Nimloth, another elf, and their daughter was Elwing.
Meanwhile, Belegund, Beren's cousin, had a daughter Rian, who married Huor, another hero; Tuor, Huor's son, went into the heroic family business; he ended up in the hidden elven-city of Gondolin and married the princess, Idril. Their son was Earendil.
Earendil married Elwing, and their sons were Elrond and Elros. Now, all this was terribly confusing, because nobody was entirely certain what species they were. So the Valar (the major gods) said that Earendil, Elwing, Elrond and Elros would each get to choose their species. Earendil and Elwing both chose to be elves, and went on to start new careers as the planets Venus and Mercury respectively. Elrond also chose to be an elf, and became the great elf-lord we know so well from Rivendell. Elros chose to be human, and was the first King of Numenor, and is an ancestor of Aragorn - which was the point of this long digression.
Aragorn's long life, then, comes from his being, in a small part, Elvish, and in an even smaller part, divine - and also from the general favour of the gods on his people. However, Elrond frowns on his plan to bring up again the whole problem of the Half-Elves. Elros' children were all human, and Elrond's children were all elves, but what happens if Elros' descendant Aragorn marries Elrond's descendant Arwen? I don't think the exact policy of the Valar was ever made explicitly, but the most likely outcome is that if Elrond sails West and Arwen stays behind and marries a human, she will become mortal as well, and will die with him in Middle-earth.
On his deathbed, Aragorn suggested that Arwen might still have the choice to follow her father Elrond to the West, and live forever there - she says that the only reason she cannot is that there are no ships to take her back, and she is stranded. But we know that Legolas sailed with Gimli into the West after the death of Aragorn, so there was at least one sailing available.
Re:Aragorn is 87 years old? (Score:5, Informative)
"I speak no confort to you, for there is no confort for such pain within the circles of the world. The uttermost choice is before you: to repent and go to the Havens and bear away into the West the memory of our days together that shall there be evergreen but never more than memory; or else to abide the Doom of Men."
"Nay, dear lord," she said, "that choice is long over. There is now no ship that would bear me hence, and I must indeed abide the Doom of Men, whether I will or I nill: the loss and the silence."
I think this can be read either way. It may be that her choice is not truly made until this moment; we are told that 'the light of her eyes was quenched; and it seemed to her people that she had become cold and grey as nightfall in winter that comes without a star' - or it may be that her choice was made when Elrond sailed away without her, or a variety of other possibilities.
Arwen would probably be able to sail to the West if she decided to do so - Gimli made it, as did Frodo and Bilbo. Whether Aragorn was right and she still had the chance of immortality, or whether even in the West she would die, is something we'll probably never know...
Re:Aragorn is 87 years old? (Score:3, Informative)
When Elves die, they go to the Halls of Mandos, on Arda (earth), where they wait for the end of the world. Elves truly are immortal, in that even if you slay them, they still exist in some form on Arda until the end.
It is different for the race of Men. When Men die, they do not go to the Halls of Mandos... I don't remember exactly what happens to them, but I think
Re:Ents suck (Score:2)