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Television Media

Cable TV Ruins Bhutan 483

Christ-on-a-bike writes "This article in The Guardian discusses the negative impact of TV on the population of Bhutan. It has only been legal there for four years. Violence, crime and drug use are on the up. Was this inevitable, and what does it say about the influence of TV on Western cultures?" Our previous story about Bhutan talks about the radical impact of television, but without as much emphasis on the darker side.
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Cable TV Ruins Bhutan

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  • Still... (Score:4, Funny)

    by DumbWhiteGuy777 ( 654327 ) on Saturday June 14, 2003 @09:08PM (#6202153)
    Still, it's gotta be worth it. Maybe they even get the Simpsons.
    • "Mom! Can we go buy fabric softener?", Bobby Hill
    • Why its worth it (Score:4, Insightful)

      by goombah99 ( 560566 ) on Saturday June 14, 2003 @10:30PM (#6202473)
      Lets consider an equally shocking fact. Terrorists have above average educations. (it's well documented, so let's not argue). Thus clearly education is not worth it.

      likewise, the leading cause of premature death is accidents, mainly automobile accidents among young people. Thus clearly diving is not worth it.

      Indeed we should all be on some prozium (see Equilibrium) and Drug Evasion should be a cime (see THX 1138) and our minds should be filled with Trivia (see Farenheight 451), because its a well established fact that humans are dangerous if not pacified. Clearly exploration, curiosity, dissatisfaction, and acting on ones ideas are not worth it.

      SO maybe you want to complain that, well, heck, this is "dukes of hazzard" and "freinds" not master piece theater. Having these is not worth an increase in crime, etc... Really? so its okay for you to watch this but well it corrupts "other" people's minds. Right.

      People like this stuff.

      • Tangos and Schoolin' (Score:3, Informative)

        by Wyatt Earp ( 1029 )
        "Terrorists have above average educations. (it's well documented, so let's not argue)."

        Terrorist LEADERS are usually above average in education while thier foot soldiers are typically not.

        Tim McVeigh "was very bright, not top of his class, but a solid student. He left school in 1986 and dropped out of college soon after."

        Mullah Mohammed Omar "has no formal schooling. His education consists of training sessions at a madrassah, an Islamic school devoted to the study of the principles of Islam and the rea
      • by alakon ( 657771 )
        Yes but the other extreme-- You don't understand, because you don't come from their lifestyle to ours. Imagine you turn on the TV at noon and extremely explicit hardcore porn is shown to young children. That is analogous to what is happening there... the juxtaposition of their "gross national happiness" ideal to amazingly trashy commercialism. Yes, the article is inaccurately suggesting the recent crime was is due to the TV, but the other incidents can be clearly linked. Did you even read the article? Why
  • by pjwhite ( 18503 ) on Saturday June 14, 2003 @09:08PM (#6202154) Homepage
    People learn by example, and with so many bad examples to choose from on TV, it's not surprising that a previously "untouched" culture should be negatively affected.
    • Intelligent adults are supposed to be able to know how to temper thier actions. Blaming the TV by claming they are mimicing the TV donest say much for ones opinion of the people themselvs.
      • Intelligent adults are supposed to be able to know how to temper thier actions. Blaming the TV by claming they are mimicing the TV donest say much for ones opinion of the people themselvs.

        Maybe he's right, and there aren't many intelligent adults...
      • Intelligent adults are supposed to be able to know how to temper thier actions. Blaming the TV by claming they are mimicking the TV donest say much for ones opinion of the people themselvs.

        the fact that they are 'supposed' to doesn't mean that they will. If people did what they were 'supposed' to be able to do, there would be no violence in the world at all.

        Obviously, that is not the case.
      • by NickFitz ( 5849 ) <> on Saturday June 14, 2003 @09:44PM (#6202321) Homepage

        Your definition of an "intelligent adult" is itself conditioned by the social context in which you were raised (which didn't seem to rate orthography very highly).

        I read this article in the print edition earlier today, and feel that your point is perfectly addressed by the words in the conclusion:

        But television is a portal, and in Bhutan it is systematically replacing one culture with another, skewing the notion of Gross National Happiness, persuading a nation of novice Buddhist consumers to become preoccupied with themselves, rather than searching for their self.

        Some may think it's naive of a nation to base its national goals on a "Gross National Happiness" metric; I think we could do a lot worse. Don't slag off the people of Bhutan until you appreciate what they had, and appear to be losing.

        But also bear in mind that this article isn't claiming that there is any definitive proof that the advent of TV is destroying Bhutan's society; it's raising a question which is being debated by the people of Bhutan, the question of whether or not TV is having an adverse effect on a land which has been one of the last bastions of civilisation without the thirst for mass communication.

        Om mane padme om :-)

        • Some may think it's naive of a nation to base its national goals on a "Gross National Happiness" metric

          Yup, let's buy more stuff and kill each other over oil. Let's all eat feaces everyday (Book: Fast Food Nation) and be proud that it's cheap. I think I'll kill your children if it makes me money. If not "Gross National Happiness" then what? You want every company to become an Enron? Those Enron executives have tens of millions of Dollars, they are succesful by the "American Dream" cultural metric so you h

      • by flacco ( 324089 ) on Sunday June 15, 2003 @12:59AM (#6202901)
        Intelligent adults are supposed to be able to know how to temper thier actions. Blaming the TV by claming they are mimicing the TV donest say much for ones opinion of the people themselvs.

        I think your view is unreasonably idealistic. We greatly overrate ourselves when it comes to our ability to control what we believe, and most of us are largely unaware of our own psychology.

        I believe that the omnipresent media constantly washing over us affects us all in ways that we aren't even aware of, regardless of how smart (we think) we are.

        One of the more visible social effects of this is the way advertising induces people to make stupid purchasing decisions. There are huge inefficiencies in the economies of free markets because of people's weak minds and manipulation by the "controlling classes", directly through advertisers and indirectly by their agents in the popular culture.

        naturally this capability is applied to domains other than product marketing as well.

        It's the new and improved thought control - now with a sweet mango-passionfruit twist that consumers can't resist.

      • You mean like Milosevic, Bin Laden, Saddam, Bush, Blair, the Israelis and Palestines are supposed to be able to know how to temper their actions?
        Please. If we have to rely on people being mature and acting responsibly we'll never get anywhere, except maybe to a Tragedy of the Commons scenario.
        People are selfish, greedy and corrupt. They will ALWAYS abuse the system and they will ALWAYS do what's best for THEM.
        We're only animals, dammit.
    • by tigertigr ( 610853 ) <> on Saturday June 14, 2003 @10:46PM (#6202520) Journal
      Reminds me of in the book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell talks about how suicides increased in Micronesia after reports of suicides started appearing in the papers. He argues that the idea of offing yourself just started spreading after more people "discovered" it and soon more and more started doing it.
  • by 73939133 ( 676561 ) on Saturday June 14, 2003 @09:10PM (#6202162)
    Seems to me that the problem is the programming, not television itself. Maybe instead of opening up television to everything, the country could have opened up selectively: educational programming, non-violent programming, etc.

    If the US can prohibit nudity and profanity on television, it seems pretty reasonable that other countries might prohibit violence, greed, commercialism and consumerism, etc.
    • Screening is not a good solution just like censoring is a bad idea.

      The better way is to explain or display negative examples in a positive way. This way we can educate people on what is good and what is bad.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 14, 2003 @09:35PM (#6202292)
      "If the US can prohibit nudity and profanity on television, it seems pretty reasonable that other countries might prohibit violence, greed, commercialism and consumerism, etc."
      I very much doubt this would have much impact in the US, it amazes me how people can blame TV for serious socital problems, it's completely naive and borders on the abusrd, and has worrying parallels with troublesome dogma seen underlies the likes of the Taliban, their banning of any free expresion clearly lead to Utopia.

      All TV does it reflect the society or country it resides in, if you banish drugs/sex/crime/greed from US TV overnight do you seriously believe those vices will instantly disappear from society? These are wider social and political problems that require creative thinking and hard choices in the real world, trying to deny the existence of problems buy censoring them, or trying to censor them, on the broadcast media doesn't solve anything, it's simply indicates a society in denial.

      However, this conceit hardly surprises me, I've seen maddening amounts of puritanical religiosity in the US, they truly lead the Western world in this deptartment, but they also lead the same world when it comes to violence, infidelity, divorce and acrimonious litigiousness. Faith is simply to sooth the conscience, the very fact it's so insincere makes it worse than pure dogma, because it can be manipulated on a whim, the same goes for banning the expression of undesirable things, it doesn't make them disappear.

      (Cue, -1 troll, Un-American, another cynical Brit who see's things too clearly).
      • by 73939133 ( 676561 ) on Sunday June 15, 2003 @05:25AM (#6203470)
        it amazes me how people can blame TV for serious socital problems, it's completely naive and borders on the abusrd

        No, what is "naive and absurd" is to believe that people can watch something as graphic and emotional as television for (on average) hours a day and not be profoundly affected by it. And corporate America disagrees with your view as well, otherwise they wouldn't be spending billions on television advertising every year.

        A lot of current television sets political agendas, it instills irrational fear for political purposes, it causes people to overeat and overconsume, and it glorifies violence and casual sex. And campaigns like anti-smoking commercials show that even a little bit of positive television can have a big impact. Improve television further and you will reduce many social ills.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      You are completely incorrect.

      Do contented happy people who are happy with their lives to become crimials? The answer is obviously no.

      The real cause is information. The people of Bhutan are now bombarded with a million new concepts that they had not considered before. Now that they have learned more about the real world, and not the government approved world, they are more jaded and unhappy about their place in it.

      Drugs for example...the government probably told them for years that illegal drugs would do
      • There is virtually nothing a Bhutanese person is going to be able to do to get a standard of living that resembles those in the West. It has nothing to do with how hard they work: god knows that most of the people in the middle class in the US work less hard than day labourers in India or Latin America. It has to do with the context in which they live: the value of the currency they have, the distribution channels, the infrastructure, everything.

        So images of an idealized world that they can never access is
    • Prohibiting violence, greed, commercialism, and consumerism is very different from prohibiting nudity and profanity. The latter concerns things that everyone can learn about naturally(nudity), or by exposure to adults(profanity... and probably exposure to grade school for this one as well). The former are some of the kinds of ideas that storytelling is supposed to teach about. In Star Wars, the dark side loses(no spoiler tags... sorry). The entire bent of the story suggests identification with the light
  • Now all my fears are justified. I guess the internet is supposed to be better for you?
  • by gad_zuki! ( 70830 ) * on Saturday June 14, 2003 @09:12PM (#6202172)
    Sounds like culture shock. Here we have an isolated religiously traditional culture suddenly exposed to new ideas and different lifestyles and we don't expect some kind of shock?

    I don't think we're seeing negative elements suddenly overtake their society but the expression of human nature in a very dramatic way. The religious take on the "good life" simply folded for many of them and new avenues of expression opened up. This is the teething stage, soon they'll learn to live with information or, much less likely, crumble under the weight of it.

    Culture shock has happened countless times through history. Technological advances, influx of immigrantion, sudden changes in government leadership, etc all contribute to the destabilization of the status quo. Its far too easy to bash television here, its just the medium and whats more important is how the new messages interacts with old messages.
    • I have to agree with gad_zuki and Leki Dorji who says in the middle of the article:

      Yes, we are seeing some different types of crime, but that just reflects the fact that our society is changing in many ways. A culture as rich and sophisticated as ours can survive trash on TV and people are quite capable of turning off the rubbish.

      These people went from a kingdom without television to a democracy with it in a four year span.


      In my culture (US (and yes we have one)) our resistance to change is
    • I think you're making a valid point, but I have to wonder whether MTV and Fox News can be described as "new ideas".

      New something, certainly. Maybe Bhutani horses needed new light cast on their excrement ;-)

    • by Michael's a Jerk! ( 668185 ) on Saturday June 14, 2003 @09:15PM (#6202185) Homepage Journal
      "We cannot blame the schools alone for the dismal decline in SAT verbal scores. When our kids come home from school, do they pick up a book or do they sit glued to the tube, watching music videos? Parents, don't make the mistake of thinking your kid only learns between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m."--former president George Bush

      If you came and found a strange man teaching your kids to punch each other, or trying to sell them all kinds of products, you'd kick him right out of your house, but here you are; you come in and the TV is on, and you don't think twice about it."--Jerome Singer

      "Television is basically teaching whether you want it or not."--Jim Henson, Muppets creator
  • Remember kids: (Score:5, Insightful)

    by freeweed ( 309734 ) on Saturday June 14, 2003 @09:12PM (#6202175)
    Correlation != Causation.

    Just look at the article itself:

    In June 1999, Bhutan became the last nation in the world to turn on television. The Dragon King had lifted a ban on the small screen as part of a radical plan to modernise his country

    Call me naive, but I seriously doubt cable TV was the ONLY thing done to 'modernise his country'. But, telling the whole story never sells eyeballs, now does it?
    • You are totally right.... it's not TV itself causing the violence, drug abuse, and crime... it's those damn commercials!!
      Everytime I see that Old Navy botox queen I want to smash things, snort cocaine, and set the store on fire. :P
    • "Correlation != Causation"

      If people could learn that simple fact, the world would be a much better place my friend.
    • by kurosawdust ( 654754 ) on Saturday June 14, 2003 @09:26PM (#6202245)
      But, telling the whole story never sells eyeballs, now does it?

      Selling eyeballs probably fucked 'em up plenty, too.

    • True (Score:4, Insightful)

      by autopr0n ( 534291 ) on Saturday June 14, 2003 @09:43PM (#6202318) Homepage Journal
      But some people around here seem to belive that Correlation cannot mean Causation. Clearly this is false.

      Correlation means that two things are connected in some way, and that way may be causial.
    • Re:Remember kids: (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Cyberdyne ( 104305 ) * on Sunday June 15, 2003 @06:08AM (#6203560) Journal
      In June 1999, Bhutan became the last nation in the world to turn on television. The Dragon King had lifted a ban on the small screen as part of a radical plan to modernise his country

      Call me naive, but I seriously doubt cable TV was the ONLY thing done to 'modernise his country'. But, telling the whole story never sells eyeballs, now does it?

      Quite. If you look, you'll notice one of the murders being blamed on TV was this one:

      Three days later in Thimphu, Bhutan's sedate capital,
      where overindulgence in rice wine had been the only social vice, Dorje, a 37-year-old truck driver, bludgeoned his wife to death after she discovered he was addicted to heroin.

      Yep, obviously all TV's fault. Or this one:

      In Bhutan, family welfare has always come first; then, on April 28, Sonam, a 42-year-old farmer, drove his terrified in-laws off a cliff
      in a drunken rage, killing his niece and injuring his sister.

      The first one reminded us alcohol abuse was a problem before. We have two murders: one by a guy on drugs, the other by a drunk - how is either of these TV's fault? Did the first guy get his heroin via the TV? Did the other get drunk (an existing vice, as the article points out) from a program about alcohol?

      TV is a convenient scapegoat. Dealing with the reality - that these people have led very sheltered lives so far, and are struggling to deal with life now some of that isolation has ended - is much harder.

  • by Polo ( 30659 ) * on Saturday June 14, 2003 @09:15PM (#6202184) Homepage
    wait until they get GTA3...

  • by WIAKywbfatw ( 307557 ) on Saturday June 14, 2003 @09:15PM (#6202187) Journal
    Violence, crime and drug use are on the up. Was this inevitable, and what does it say about the influence of TV on Western cultures?

    It says what we've always known: that behaviour is heavily influenced by observation. Put a kid in an environment where everyone throws their rubbish in the bin and he'll do the same. Put the same kid in an environment where everyone throws stones at people with red hair and he'll do that too.

    Bombard a kid 24/7 with images of guns, explosions and murders left, right and centre and he'll want to join in the action. We learn by repeating what we've seen so it's a natural reaction. Why expect a kid that watches violent cop show after violent cop show to be a perfect angel?
    • by ch-chuck ( 9622 ) on Saturday June 14, 2003 @09:27PM (#6202251) Homepage
      Isn't there more to it than that? Most all entertainment involves some kind of story and plot - what if the show with everyone throwing stones at people with red hair ends up with the stone throwers arrested and locked up for a year? Or better yet, the redheads go get bigger stones, clobber the bad guys, then put all their rubbish in the bin? That is to say, it's not just the act, but the moral consequences of it.

      I'm sure there were Bhutanese myths, stories or kabuki theatre with very violent scenes. Even the bible beaters complaining about trash and filth in modern media have to admit the old testament has some pretty gory stuff ;)) (I'm thinking of the fat king who came out of the toilet and had a sword shoved into his belly so far the fat covered up the handle).

  • Hard to call (Score:5, Interesting)

    by The Bungi ( 221687 ) <> on Saturday June 14, 2003 @09:17PM (#6202197) Homepage
    It's easy to dismiss things like these with a "oh, that's impossible", but it's really hard to tell what type of impact this sort of culture shock will have on an isolated society. Take for example this part of the article:

    Every week, the letters page carries columns of worried correspondence: "Dear Editor, TV is very bad for our country... it controls our minds... and makes [us] crazy. The enemy is right here with us in our own living room. People behave like the actors, and are now anxious, greedy and discontent."

    Is this stupid? Funny? Bizarre? Remember that Bhutan does not follow the same societal traits we are accustomed to in the west. I'd be inclined to see this report in a different light for just that reason.

  • Has anyone bothered to corolate against other conditions. Seems like if TV is just becoming legal there are other MAJOR social changes under way, and attributing any result to TV is kind of silly.

    FWIW, I have not read the article, as this kind of voodoo sociology has never interested me. If someone who HAS read it feels that Slashdot put the wrong spin on it, please let me know, and I'll spend some time actually reading it.
    • by zutroy ( 542820 ) on Saturday June 14, 2003 @10:30PM (#6202475) Homepage
      Slashdot put the right spin on it. Kinda.

      The Bhutanese government is now considering whether TV has a damaging effect on the people. It's still an open question. But you have to understand that TV has a much greater immediate impact on those people than we're accustomed to.

      Kids there have started emulating their favorite stars because they treat the TV stars like they treat anyone else. They don't necessarily understand that TV is a caricature of real life. We understand that now; we now have filters in place that tell us that TV isn't real.

      They also haven't gotten accustomed to advertisements. They assume that when a product makes people happy in an ad, it will make them happy, too. So they want more money to purchase that product. Maybe they don't have the means to get that product yet, so they steal. After all, isn't happiness the most important value?

      Some people here may assume that this is a good thing. They're becoming capitalistic, and may become productive in the global economy. But that's not the way that people have to be. Our culture just has the means to project that way of life onto others. That doesn't mean that we should.
    • by Anthony Boyd ( 242971 ) on Saturday June 14, 2003 @10:51PM (#6202537) Homepage
      I have not read the article, as this kind of voodoo sociology has never interested me.

      Dismissive without investigating it first. An educated way to think.

      This concept isn't "voodoo" -- it has been around for at least 200 years. Probably longer. It used to be called the Werther's effect, and now it's called Social Proof. You can study it in a controlled environment, and easily predict the way 95% of humans will act. The basic idea behind Social Proof is that people look to their environment for clues as to how to behave, but more importantly, they look to the people in the environment that most closely resemble themselves. You can use this for ill or good -- marketers use it to sway your purchasing decisions, filmmakers use it to shock you into buying a ticket, psychologists use it to help people (mostly with phobias, as videos of people enjoying a feared situation can greatly influence people to overcome their phobia). It's how we model behavior. You can call it voodoo, but people put huge amounts of money into the concept, and get results so good that they keep putting money into it.

  • by gmajor ( 514414 ) on Saturday June 14, 2003 @09:21PM (#6202219) Journal
    In Fiji, a big woman was considered to be beautiful. But after tv was introduced in 1995, Fiji saw a sharp rise in anorexia among girls.

    But surely there must be more beneath the surface than blaming our beloved television? TV seems too simplistic of a cause and too easy of a scapegoat, much like rock music/Doom is blamed for corrupting our youth.

    Fiji story: []
  • 2 Pence (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Ken@WearableTech ( 107340 ) * <ken@kenwilliamsj r . c om> on Saturday June 14, 2003 @09:23PM (#6202231) Homepage Journal
    I know when I see people who Rape, Steal and Kill, they are just victims of TV.
    When will we learn that we don't have freedom and are doomed to do what ever
    (negative) thing we see on TV. Bullsh*t.

    I really have to doubt that this article is truthful for a number of reasons.
    According to the article the MIDDLE class citizen makes 1000 pounds a year. Just
    the cable subscription would represent 5% of their income. The article later
    states: "Almost 50% of the children watch for up to 12 hours a day." 50% of what??
    The whole population? BS. They could never afford it. But if a culture is letting
    ANY large amount of kids watch 12 hours of TV(out of a maybe 12-14 waking hours), rather
    then say oh, I don't know, educate them, don't be surprised if it is a sh*twhole.

    TV, is not crack cocaine. It is just entertainment. People used to sit and
    listen to radio just like they watch TV and little Timmy didn't cut people
    like pirates or shot-up banks like a cowboy.

    For a change, take personal responsibility.
    • For a change, take personal responsibility.

      I'm sure the people of Bhutan will see your recommendation and act accordingly from now on.

      Most people have a capability to be rational, sensible beings. It's a capability that is not often used.

      It wouldn't surprise me if TV was as addictive as crack cocaine. Try and take TV away from a child sometime.
  • Western Civilization is uninfluenced by it's media... it created them! The influence in on the media, it reflects our -actual- values. It doesn't make us more violent, we already were violent and put than in our media. It doesn't make us more shallow, we were already shallow and put that in there. They are being influenced by us and reacting much the way indigenous people did when the missionaries came over... that is, to the real culture, not the idealized "no, this is what our culture is about" cultur
  • By the way, the same thing happened in the US when television was introduced. In fact, if you look at geographic location, you'll see that crime went up in each as soon as television became available. So like, TV would come online in New York, and crime would go up. TV would become available in California, and crime would go up, etc. Although I'm sure that what happened in Bhutan was much worse given the quality of the programming today compared to what was played in the US in the 1940s and 50s.

    I kno
    • by Selanit ( 192811 ) on Saturday June 14, 2003 @11:00PM (#6202558)
      In general, I agree; television does indeed have social effects. However, I have to take issue with your third paragraph:
      On the other hand, I would certainly be pissed off if the government decided I couldn't watch television because it might make me 'violent'. So it would be hypocritical for me to proscribe that for some other nation. And the self-proclaimed "dragon king" of this place has no more right either. Everyone hated the Taliban, who imposed a similar ban on Television, but loves the Bhutanese. Sure, the taliban were all-around evil people, and the Dragon King seems genuinely interested in national happiness, but still. People need to be free to make up their own minds about what information they want to take in.

      1) There is not a ban on television. Nor is the government considering one. Did you read the article? If you had, you might have noticed that it says ". . . in its haste to introduce TV, the government failed to prepare legislation. There is no film classification board or TV watershed in force here, no regulations about media ownership. Companies such as Star TV are free to broadcast whatever they want. Only three years after the introduction of cable did the government announce that a media act would be drafted."

      2) Comparing Bhutan's government with the Taliban is completely and totally bogus. The Taliban took power violently and sustained their rule through violence, including public executions of "criminals" such as women who committed adultery. Bhutan was founded as a Buddhist refuge. Under the Taliban, living conditions in Afghanistan became notably worse.

      Bhutan's monarchy, by contrast, was not "self-proclaimed". It was set up under British influence in 1907, as mentioned here [] and here. [] That second source contains, among other things, this information: "Bhutan's third hereditary ruler, King Jigme Dorji Wangchuk (reigned 1953â"72), modernized Bhutanese society by abolishing slavery and the caste system, emancipating women, dividing large estates into small individual plots, and starting a secular educational system. Although Bhutan no longer has a Dharma Raja, Buddhist priests retain political influence. In 1969 the absolute monarchy gave way to a 'democratic monarchy.'"

      What's more, the article we're discussing mentions that "[In] 1998 . . . King Jigme Singye Wangchuck announced he would give up his role as head of government and cede power to the national assembly. The people would be consulted about the drafting of a constitution. The process would complete Bhutan's transformation from monarchist Shangri-la into a modern democracy."

      Listen, sounds like in balance they've been pretty good for the country. Given a choice between living in Bhutan today or Afghanistan-under-the-Taliban, I would take Bhutan in a heartbeat. The main fault of Bhutan's government seems to be that they're embracing foreign ways a bit too enthusiastically. Comparing them to the Taliban does them a disservice.

      Kindly think twice before posting.
  • Four Years... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by andrewski ( 113600 ) on Saturday June 14, 2003 @09:34PM (#6202285) Homepage
    Is Cable the only thing that's happened in Bhutan in the last four years? Probably not. I would bet that the rises in crime, violence, and drug abuse have more to do with the fact that Bhutan is constantly shat upon by the west, economically at least.
  • by pioneer ( 71789 ) on Saturday June 14, 2003 @09:42PM (#6202315) Homepage
    for about four years my parents unplugged the TV. that was basically 8th grade through most of junior year of high school. and to be quite frank those are still my most productive years. i wrote more code and learned more outside of school during those years than i have learned on my own for the last 6... crazy. and i'll add one more thing, the thing that brought my incredible self learning to end was first college applications and then college when i was forced to sit down and be taught rather than exploring and teaching myself...

    now i certainly played video games during that period so i wasn't completely immune to imitated violence completely, but i certainly kept out of trouble ...

    TV rots the mind... specially in the crucial early years... if your typical day is get home watch 2-4 hours of TV than you are falling behind your potential...

    crazy thing is now i use the internet like the TV. i have my "channels" (websites) that i check often, don't really stray that far. and i check them constantly even if nothing has changed. i waste so much time with the internet its stupid. don't get me wrong some things i do are impossible without the internet and when i do use it to research its fantastic...

    so i think what's happened to TV will happen to the internet... most content in the hands of a few corporates and nothing really "on" even though we have tons of channels

  • A few random thoughts on the subject:

    1. Don't trust everything you read in a newspaper. Ever read an article on computers/Linux/etc. in a newspaper, and notice all the errors in it? Well, just about every article in a news paper is riddled with the same kind of errors, but since it's not in an area you have particular expertise in, you don't notice it.

    2. Especially don't take anything at face value that fits so neatly into the ideological orientation of the paper in question. In this case, The Guardian is well known for it's leftist slant, and things that slide smoothly into its ideological reality filter (Western Culture Bad! Cultural Imperialism Bad! Consumerism Bad!) should be especially suspect. (Likewise, a news source tends to be at it's most trustworthy when it publishes a story sharply at odds with its natural idiological inclinations, such as The Guardian recent story about how the Baghdad Museum looting story was a complete crock. []

    3. Be especially suspicious of any story that was compiled by "fly in" reporters new to the scene. Especially when they don't speak the local language. I'm willing to bet good money that the two reporters named are not permanately assigned to Bhutan. There's just no way for us to know that Bhutan was really the idyllic, crime-free paradise the reporters claim it was before the advent of The One Eyed Idiot God. The reporters could be mistaken, could be lied to by people with their own agenda (be they politicians, police officers, religious officials, etc.), or could simply be taken the facts that only fit their story's arc. There are any number of ways in which this story could be spun to make things appear worse than they really are, any number of contributing causes that go unmentioned, etc.

    4. However, for the moment, let us suppose that everything this article suggests about TV ruining Bhutan are true. Some posters seem to suggest that letting TV be introduced was therefore a bad idea. Are you really willing to advocate freedom for yourself, but not for others? If so, it's an example of "compassion as contempt" writ large. It also suggests that the Bhutanese aren't worthy of even the freedom you enjoy. "Oh sure, I can be trusted with peer-to-peer file sharing, motor vehicles, and alcoholic beverages, but the Bhutanese can't be trusted with TV." Short of actually advocating violence against them, that's about the most racist, arrogent, paternalitsic, ethnocentric attitude possible. "We must save others from our culture." It's like saying that we have to remove liquor stores from around indian reservations and black inner city neighborhoods because they can't be trusted with the freedom to decide for themselves. It's to suggest that people with a different ethnicity or skin color will never be considered adults. "I am the Great White Father, and I have decided that you should be denied freedom for your own good." It's racist. It's insulting. And it's wrong.

    5. Freedom comes with costs. It means having to make up your own damn mind. It means making mistakes. Either the Bhutanese are a free people, or else they're exhibits at a little ethnic zoo, never to stray beyond the confines of What's Good For Them.

    I say let them make their mistakes, let them figure it out themselves, and let them enjoy the same measure of freedom every other nation in the world enjoys. (And hopefully a lot more than that enjoyed by North Korea, Cuba, Syria, etc.) Freedom has a price, but it's a price worth paying.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      1. Hm. You just posted the exact same comment on The duplication of your writings is undermining your credibility through astroturfing [].
      2. Whenever anyone starts mud-slinging and calling sources "leftist" / "right-wing" - it's usually an indication that the callee is themselves on the fringes and probably not a credible source. If I were to use same bias you did, I should not believe a word you wrote. For example:
      3. "You're a SCIENCE FICTION WRITER with CHRISTIAN ideals! You're a RIGHT-WING LOON! Yuk!"
  • pfff (Score:3, Insightful)

    by mR3p ( 631377 ) on Saturday June 14, 2003 @09:57PM (#6202375)
    "There's so much comedy on television. Does that cause comedy in the streets?"
    -- Dick Cavett
  • Television's fault? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Dannon ( 142147 ) on Saturday June 14, 2003 @10:00PM (#6202389) Journal
    First rule of rational statistical analysis:
    Correlation != Causation

    So a rise in television use happens at the same time as a rise in crime. It doesn't necessarily follow that the first caused the second. There are alternate explanations that deserve at least a second or two of consideration before we blindly accept this one.

    Maybe the rise in crime is causing the rise in television use? Escapism isn't all that unusual.

    Or, it could be that a third event is the cause of both. Recently, political power in Bhutan has been shifting away from the monarchy into the hands of the elected parliment, especially since the democratic reforms of 1998. People are feeling more freedom. Only with self-delusion could one assume that the people limit their tests of this new "freedom" thing to legal ways. And who's to say that the Parliment is as efficient as the Monarchy was at running criminal justice?

    I tend to lean towards this last theory, myself. The "television's fault" view implies an innocent human turned into a monster by evil technology, or evil western civilization. Point the finger anywhere but the actual person doing the murdering.
  • Not surprised (Score:5, Interesting)

    by emaveneau ( 552950 ) * on Saturday June 14, 2003 @10:06PM (#6202408)

    There have been the hundreds of studies (laboratory experiments, field experiments, correlation surveys, longitudinal panel studies) all showing a link with viewed violence and violent tendencies.

    Bhutan's experience has already been documented in studies in Canada and South Africa, showing that before TV and post exposure to one channel or multiple channels of TV the children in schools became more violent and the increase was in response to the dose (number of channels). (for notes see the book quoted below).

    Whenever I hear "there is no proven link" I am always shocked by the extreme ignorance. Who said "the Truth is not as important as repetition"? Was it Goebbels or Stalin? Either way here are some quotes from the book, "Children & Television" 2nd edition, Barrie Gunter & Jill McAleer; Routledge. Chapter 7 pages 92,93...

    Exhaustive reviews of the scientific literature on the relationships between television depictions of violence and the aggressive behaviour of viewers have consistently documented how exposure to such content is linked to a likelihood of enhanced aggressiveness among children and adolescents.

    Major reports from leading public health agencies in the United States, the 1972 Surgeons General's report and the 1982 National Institute of Mental Health review, concluded that television played a significant part in the lives of young people and had a general potential to influence their aggressive behaviour. The Surgeon General's report presented findings from a number of original and specially commissioned studies of children and adolescents, which utilized various research methodologies. The overall conclusion of the body of investigation was that regular exposure to television violence is a causal agent underpinning the aggressive dispositions of the young, and may be especially significant among children and teenagers who already exhibit aggressive personalities.

    ... During the 1990s, further reports from the Centers for Disease Control, National Academy of Sciences and the American Psychological Association have provided further support for the conclusion that the mass media contribute to aggressive attitudes and behaviour.

    The American Psychological Association established a Commission on Youth and Violence to examine the literature on the causes and prevention of violence. This commission concluded that American children are exposed to high levels of violence on television, and that heavy viewers of this violence demonstrate increased acceptance of aggressive attitudes and increased aggressive behaviour.

    ... A comprehensive review of hundreds of experimental and longitudinal studies supported the position that viewing violence on television is related to aggressive behaviour (for foot notes and bibliography see the actual book).

  • by primus_sucks ( 565583 ) on Saturday June 14, 2003 @10:15PM (#6202434)
    Bullet In The Head

    This time the bullet cold rocked ya
    A yellow ribbon instead of a swastika
    Nothin' proper about ya propaganda
    Fools follow the rules when the set commands ya
    They said it was blue
    When the boold was red
    That's is how you got a bullet blasted through your head

    Blasted through your head
    Blasted through your head

    I give a shout out to the living dead
    Who stood and watched at the feds cold centralized
    So serene on the screen
    You was mesmerized
    Cellular phones soundin' a death tone
    Corporations cold
    Turn ya to stone before you realize

    They load the clip in omnicolor
    They pack the 9, they fire it at prime time
    Sleeping gas, every home was like Alcatraz
    And mutha fuckas lost their minds

    Just victims of the in-house drive-by
    They say jump, you say how high

    They load the clip in omnicolor
    They pack the 9, they fire it at prime time
    Sleeping gas, every home was like Alcatraz
    And mutha fuckas lost their minds

    No escape from the mass mind rape
    Play it again jack and then rewind the tape
    Play it again and again and again
    Until ya mind is locked in
    Believin' all the lies that they are tellin' ya
    Buying all the products that they are selling ya
    They say jump
    Ya say how high
    Ya brain dead
    Ya gotta fuckin' bullet in your head

    Just victims of the in-house drive-by
    They say jump, you say how high

    Ya standin' in line
    Believin' the lies
    Ya bowin' down to the flag
    Ya got a fuckin' bullet in ya head

  • It's not only TV.. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Mesozoic44 ( 646282 ) on Saturday June 14, 2003 @10:36PM (#6202488)
    There are other economic forces at work here. People are moving into the larger towns from the countryside; there is more trade with the outside world; there is also more crime (mostly theft) because many of the religious artifacts and species which are endangered in other areas now have economic value.

    As the older (non-monetized) economy is disappearing there are many changes in people's roles and in the social hierarchy. Older political hierarchies are also changing as the King is moving the country (with much skill) toward democracy.

    It's not just TV.

    I wish them the best of luck; they are going to need it to keep their bearings in a more globalized world.

    It's not like they have a lot of choice though. At the end of WWII there were three Buddhist kingdoms: Tibet, Sikkim, and Bhutan. Tibet has been absorbed by China; Sikkim was absorbed by India. Bhutan is the last one. If they are going to stay independent they need friends; and to have friends means that they need to trade with the outside world. It's a very special place - I hope that they can keep most of their culture while remaining independent.

  • by jhouserizer ( 616566 ) * on Saturday June 14, 2003 @10:50PM (#6202533) Homepage

    Let me share a true anecdote: In my first year of college, I took a âoewestern traditionsâ class in which we were one day having a lively debate about the affects of TV/movie violence on society. There were the typical extreme liberals speaking out about how it had absolutely no affects, etc. And there were the typical extreme conservatives with the opposite view.

    After a considerable amount of discussion, a young lady (19 or 20 year old) stood up and shared her personal experience on this topic. It turns out she grew up in the middle of no-where New Mexico (or somewhere - I forget exactly where) and there has no broad-cast television in the area, and her parents didnâ(TM)t get a satellite dish. So here whole life growing up, she had no exposure to TV or movies except 2 or 3 times when she was visiting her grandma or something like that. So she goes off to âoethe big cityâ for college, and gets a dorm-mate who watches TV a lot. The first evening in the room, she became entranced with what was happening in the show (some prime-time Cop show if I remember right) and sat and watched. She said that after only 10 minutes of viewing she felt âoeemotionally sickâ, and after about 30 minutes (after watching a few people get shot) she actually threw up! She then said that after living with her roommate for a few months, she only got slightly bothered by such scenes, and after a full year it didnâ(TM)t bother her at all.

    I think this (along with all of the studies, etc.) is direct proof that exposure to scenes of violence is âoedesensitizingâ. Does it mean that watching TV will eventually turn her into a killer? Of course not. But it does mean that her âoepsycheâ no longer panics at the sight of violence, and I donâ(TM)t think that it would be too big of a stretch to say that somewhere in the deep recesses of her mind there is a conditioning that thinks assigns less of a âoebadness levelâ than it once did to acts of insult others, curse at others, slapping others, etc..

    In the end, this same conditioning is happening to all of us. Luckily, most of us have a lot of counter-conditioning to keep our âoemoralsâ system on the side of still thinking treating someone badly is in fact bad. But letâ(TM)s face it, if we never saw someone strike out in anger, never heard anyone curse at someone else, wouldnâ(TM)t we really be less likely to do those things ourselves? Just like so many studies show that someone exposed to domestic violence as a kid is more likely to inflict it as an adult - our brains simply learn patterns of behaviors. Thatâ(TM)s why weâ(TM)re so good at becoming addicted to things.

  • Old old news (Score:4, Informative)

    by sakusha ( 441986 ) on Saturday June 14, 2003 @10:52PM (#6202541)
    Margaret Mead made similar observations about the introduction of TV in Micronesian Islands, back in the 1960s.
  • by Mad Bad Rabbit ( 539142 ) on Saturday June 14, 2003 @11:15PM (#6202598)
    Bizarre thought: what if it's not the programming,
    but the recent introduction of TV sets themselves?

    The flyback transformers in cheap TV sets tend to
    make a very high-pitched whine (around 15.75 khz).
    Most adults cannot hear this frequency, especially
    if they have become deaf to it from a lifetime of
    TV exposure. Those who /can/ still hear it find it
    extremely irritating [1].

    So, if you take an entire country of adults who've
    retained the ability to hear above 15 khz, and now
    expose them to constant loud subliminal noise from
    cheap imported TV sets, it might very well stress
    people out and cause violence and bad behavior
    even if they only showed innocuous programming.

    [1] Just search Google Groups for "flyback transformer"
    + words like irritating, annoying, etc.
  • What? (Score:3, Funny)

    by Jade E. 2 ( 313290 ) <> on Saturday June 14, 2003 @11:18PM (#6202603) Homepage
    Negative impact from cable TV? Violence, crime, and drugs? That's nuts! We've had cable TV in the USA since it was invented, and we're... ...Oh, nevermind, I see.
  • Such Nonsense (Score:3, Insightful)

    by afabbro ( 33948 ) on Sunday June 15, 2003 @01:00AM (#6202902) Homepage
    Well, sure it could be TV...or it could be the Maoist insurgents the Bhutanese have been fighting for the last few years (since '96, actually). Now who do you think is more likely to contribute to a culture of violence: Maoists who agitate for armed revolution, or Nickelodeon?

    But blaming TV is very elitist and one should never underestimate the human desire to perceive oneself as superior to others.

  • by AvantLegion ( 595806 ) on Sunday June 15, 2003 @01:34AM (#6202969) Journal
    Counterpoint: Japan.

    ACLU quote: "Japanese TV and movies are famous for their extreme, graphic violence, but Japan has a very low crime rate -- much lower than many societies in which television watching is relatively rare."

    The case of Bhutan almost certainly involves much deeper and more important social issues than cable TV.

  • Bhutan's culture (Score:5, Insightful)

    by bgspence ( 155914 ) on Sunday June 15, 2003 @01:43AM (#6202993)
    I visited Bhutan two years ago. It is a simple Buddhist monastic society with very little contact with the outside world. Tourism is very limited, with only a few thousand visitors allowed into the country each year. Druk Air, the only airline into the country, had only one small airplane. The other had been in England for over a year in repair.

    The people are wonderful. Education is a top priority. It is a very peaceful society, but changing rapidly.

    The temples do not allow photography inside for fear of providing outsiders of pictorial inventories of the priceless artifacts inside. In the previous year a group of Bhutanese bandits from the east looted a temple, killing the monks who did not escape. This would have been an unimaginable event only a few years ago. Desire for wealth obtainable by selling religious artifacts is overtaking the traditional values of the culture.

    Opening a simple, stable, but closed society to western culture through the window of western media and commercial television is an unavoidable disaster. This simple Buddhist culture, with its sane attitude toward the human problem of desire, stands little chance of surviving the desire machine being unleashed there. Western media is the engine of materialism. I fear that western corporate monoculture will win over the minds of youth in a generation. An alternate form of human social existence will be lost.
  • by Paul Komarek ( 794 ) <> on Sunday June 15, 2003 @02:44AM (#6203117) Homepage
    This article reminded me of things I've seen some foreign students go through in the US. The idea that businesses are happy to screw their customers comes slowly to some. While many (but clearly not all) Americans develop a resistance to twinkies and pop tarts, some foreigners are completely defenseless.

    I have grown up in a culture that, to some degree, "understands" television. I know that both the WWF and the Presidential Debates are complete bullshit. I know I shouldn't trust or believe anyone on television (and many in "real" life). I am beginning to conclude that these traits are cultural and have little to do with intelligence.

    Which means that Bhutan is screwed. I'd far rather see them explore the internet, because it is easier to realize that you are responsible for what you view.

    -Paul Komarek
  • by nathanh ( 1214 ) on Sunday June 15, 2003 @03:55AM (#6203286) Homepage
    It has only been legal there for four years. Violence, crime and drug use are on the up. Was this inevitable, and what does it say about the influence of TV on Western cultures?

    It says absolutely nothing.

    Zimring and Hawkins tested Centerwall's theory more fundamentally by looking at homicide rates in four other industrial democracies - France, Germany, Italy and Japan. They found that the incidence of murder in those countries either remained more or less level (Italy) or actually declined (France, Germany and Japan) with increased television exposure. These counterexamples, they write, "disconfirm the causal linkage between television set ownership and lethal violence for the period 1945-1975." []

    The "TV breeds violence" myth is a religious cause. The faithful will repeat the mantra despite the mountains of evidence to the contrary.

  • All kidding aside... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Mac Degger ( 576336 ) on Sunday June 15, 2003 @06:50AM (#6203648) Journal well as a lot of easy to make, but equally uninformed points aside, this could have been a perfect case study, if only it had been set up as such.

    Any behavioural psychologist worth his or her salt should have read the the news that Bhutan was introducing cable tv to their society, gotten a grant and flown the fsck over there.

    Point being, society is getting more violent on a day to day basis. Sure, society has always been violent (and one could make the case that we're only more informed about it due to mass media), but I think (or at least pretend to see) that it is getting slightly more so.

    Now is that due to tv, as Micheal Moore would have it (and he does make a pretty compelling case), or is that total bollocks?

    Well, we can all philosophise, but we've missed a perfect chance to get some real, valid answers. Which, it strikes me, is kind of stupid of us, to miss this oppertunity.
  • by Brown Line ( 542536 ) on Sunday June 15, 2003 @06:54AM (#6203661)
    My wife and I have been married 25 years. For most of that time, we've not had a TV. Having gone 25 years without watching TV, I am forcibly struck when I see TV today: not by the programs themselves, but by the commercials. The skill with which they are made, and the forthrightness with which they present their messages of consumption, status, and sex, amaze me.

    We in American and Europe have had decades to become inoculated to television, as the crude technology and sanitized programming of TV's early days developed into the high technology and low art seen today. I can imagine, however, that for someone living in an insular society like Bhutan's, flipping on a set and seeing what's broadcast now would be like getting hit on the head with a brick.

    No doubt there are many factors in Bhutan's social change, but I'm sure that television is an important one.

  • by sielwolf ( 246764 ) on Sunday June 15, 2003 @10:47AM (#6204477) Homepage Journal
    Actually the heroin trade has been a problem in Bhutan for a while (along with other SE Asian countries as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka). Although not a source of the drug, it is one of the many pathways out and Bhutani courier recruitment has always been high. With the drug trade comes competition and that brings in guns and violence...

    And increased usage and addiction in the country. Even in Afganistan after the Taliban instituted a ban on poppy growning (and was quite successful BTW) there was still a significant unreported underclass of addicts. Even UN drug documents find no comprehensive numbers on addicts in countries like Bhutan and the Maldives.

    The difference now: instant media coverage (i.e. television), perhaps?

    It is quite possible that they turned on the light for the first time and didn't like what they saw. So instead of considering that things might have been this bad for a while, they blame the one who suggested turning on the lights in the first place.

    And then it comes down to who to blame: those who produce it, those who make it available, those who consume it, or those who make it a crime. Everyone has their hands dirty, but not enough to take the heat.

"Say yur prayers, yuh flea-pickin' varmint!" -- Yosemite Sam
