from the bad-acting-good-fun dept.
Clownfush writes "Blake's 7, magnificent UK low budget high drama Sci-Fi from the early 80's is to return, as a former star acquires rights to the show. "
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According to the FAQ, essentially they have no money (yet), no script (yet), no cast (yet) and no broadcasting rights (yet).
Trading on the nostalgia zeitgeist? The plan sounds as shaky as one of their sets!
According to the FAQ, essentially they have no money (yet), no script (yet), no cast (yet) and no broadcasting rights (yet). Trading on the nostalgia zeitgeist? The plan sounds as shaky as one of their sets!
No money?
Well, I can think of a few fans who'd like to see a new series based in the Blake's Seven universe. And if there are fans willing to see it then there will be production companies and broadcasters willing to back it. %5-6 million for a TV show, especially one that already has a cult following, is peanuts - do you have any idea how much the rubbish that fills the channels right now even costs?
If nothing else, it has a particular resonance right now, thanks to the Orwellian Federation, etc. Just like Star Trek's morality matched the 60's, the new Blakes Seven series is tailor-made for the times that we live in.
No script?
Well, jeez, that's the end of the world. How will they ever make anything?
But wait, here's some news just in: apparently, there are these things called scriptwriters. Throw them some cash and give them some time and they'll write a script for you! What a stroke of luck!
No cast?
OMG, another disaster! How will they cope?
Huh, what's that? There's an original cast member involved already? And there are these guys and gals out there - we'll call them actors - constantly looking for new work? And even people - let's call them casting agents - who'll pick the right actors for your production! Genius!
No broadcasting rights?
Well, perhaps you should RTFA. What bit of "Paul Darrow, who played the ruthless anti-hero Avon, is in a consortium that has acquired the rights to the show", didn't you get?
Seriously, money, a script and a cast can be found. But the first step was always going to be getting the rights. If you have the rights you can find the money, a script and a cast. But if you have money, a script and a cast but no rights then you're screwed. It really is that simple.
Of course you're right that there are no obstacles to making a new Blake's 7 series.
But as for making a worthy successor to one of the best science-fiction series ever... heck, one of the best series ever, in any genre... that's more difficult.
I think it was the writers, especially Terry Nation, who made Blake's 7. (Terry Nation also wrote some of the best Dr Who episodes). The actors were OK, but nothing outstanding. The special effects ranged from pathetic to dire. The scenario, band of rebels against
Hey, if your article said "hey, it's not returning just yet and there's still x, y and z to do, so that title might be a bit premature" then perhaps I wouldn't have posted a reply. But you didn't, so I did.
And if you RTFA why were you still questioning the broadcast rights? If you hadn't asked about those I definitely wouldn't have been so ready to respond. But you did, so I corrected your mistake.
In future, if you don't like being questioned, corrected or critiqued, I suggest you don't post to Slashdot o
Just because you followed a link from the article it doesn't mean that you actually read the article and understood it.
Yes, it's a long way away. But what would you have the development team do:
A. Publicly announce that they have negotiated a tough hurdle (getting the rights) restate their intentions, etc and hopefully find more supporters and backers in the process? or B. Stay quiet, struggle in silence until they have made a whole series of episodes?
Which do you think would be the more successful approa
None of that bothers me, as all of that can be fixed. What concerns me is that none of the Blake's 7 societies online are running this story.
Think about it - these are people who monitor the every footstep of these actors, who attend every theatre performance, tape every television appearance. These are not the sort of people who would exactly miss a large-scale purchase of rights, the forming of a consortium, and the gearing-up to work on a mini-series.
These fanzines have the inside scoop on many stories, long before they reach the mainstream media. Assuming the story is even thought worthy, by the mainstream media.
That they say nothing - not even that there are rumors of negotiations - tells me that either the fans fell asleep waiting for the BBC to do anything, or that the BBC story is not entirely honest.
Nothing new here at all. Paul Darrow acquired the rights to make new B7 from Terry Nation about 15 years ago and has been media-pushing it in the hope of getting some funds about once a year ever since. It's been 'about to return' as a movie or TV series for a long time now.
Which isn't to say that I don't consider it worthy of a return, but it is hard to see how an Avon spin-off could reasonably be called Blake's 7. OK so in the original series, seasons 3 & 4 were missing Blake, right up until the final, wonderful, paranoid apocalypse in the final episode, but it was Blake's crew, still basically on Blake's mission, and wanted by the Federtaion because of their history with Blake.
In any case, if you want a fix of Blake's 7 style grit and pessimism, I can strongly recommend Chris Boucher's "Kaldor City" [] audios, in which the Paul Darrow character could very easily be a post-Blake, in-hiding Avon, which also features various characters Boucher originally created for Blake's 7, all set in the society (and with some of the characters) he built for the Doctor Who classic "Robots of Death"
I'd say, use B7 as an inspiration, sure, but it was effectively brought full-circle in 'Blake' and anything more would rather spoil the delicious uncompromising bleakness of that final showdown. How often DO the bad guys get to win?
It's become a standard gimick to get away with a tiny cast. Even Herc in Space [] sort of uses it, except they forgot the fascist police state or any excuse to still have a tiny crew. Oh well...
Bah, in Andromeda, they are the fascist police state. Uh, Lexx, does that have a plot as such? I kind of zoned out after seeing Barry Bostwick in leather bondage gear in the pilot.
I was actually thinking of Blakes 7 when i saw Farscape - don't know why really, its not that they have that much obviously in common - apart from a group of people on the run from the police state.
Blakes 7 was also unusual in that our heros were usually dealing from a position of strengh. Usually writers hate to make their people to strong because then they can't write their way out of it later (bad writers perhaps?) - but the ship "The Liberator" was the fastest ship in known space (only its sister ship was as fast, and it was only see twice and quickly met an untimely end), the ship has regenerative properties and could restore itself even after the most heavy of attacks. It had teleportation ability over wast distances, something that the federation had never been able to work out. The (almost) sentient computer Zen had wast amounts of knowledge about most things they ran into, and the ship was well stocked with copious amounts of food, clothes and valuables (in the form of gems, precious medals, and currency) - and at the end of season one they manage to aquired "Orac" before the federation does. A supercomputer of a special kind, its dying inventor originally invented the chip and computer principles that all computers in exsistance are based on - because of this the sentient Orac is able to tap into any computer system at all and control it. But that didn't really stifle the creativity - perhaps because there was always a certain amount of internal strife.
Yup, Firefly too, although that said, I haven't seen that much of it. It seems a little too-clever-for-its-own-good, like the show they thought they had to make rather than the one they wanted to. Plus, after Farscape, predominantly US casts just don't do it for me. I prefer actors to, you know, act.;-P
actually it is not at all an overstatement. Blakes 7 was a far better show for "the rest of the world" than cheesy star trek. more camp, more down, more mystique and most important - enough dark humor to make the trekkies bowl cut geeks jump up and down on the spot:
noooo noooo noooo (nasely geek voices inserted)
severus snape would have been at home on the deck of the liberator - he would not have been allowed near the star treck set! nobody grew, noone got in touch with their feelings and most teenagers
One of which is the never aired episode written by Douglas Adams (the name of which temporarily espaces me).
Heh, I know that was meant to be "escapes" not "espaces" but it's quite appropriate as there were some Doctor Who stories set in e-space. I'm not certain but I think that one or more of them may have been written by Douglas Adams.
Oh, and the episode that never aired that you're thinking of is called Shada. It was originally cancelled because of a strike. Part of it - the 4th Doctor and Romana punt
I'm a big fan of Blakes 7 but the last thing I'd describe it as having 'intelligent scripts and a dynamic variety of characters'... It was pure scifi fun - didn't take itself too seriously. It got a bit crappy when blake was dead and they lost the liberator (it became 'Avons 5' but they never changed the title).. the early stuff was top notch though. Orac was probably half the special effects budget on his own:)
Damn cheap to make, too. Ingredients: 1 Slate quarry, 1 Nuclear Power station, half a tonne
Richard E. Grant as Doctor Who shouldn't be wasted on animated web cartoons. This should be on the big screen as Withnail in fucking space! It's ideal - Withnail was already dressed up suitably as the doctor. It would certainly liven things up if the Doctor turns up drunk in Skaro demanding the finest wines known to humanity^W Dalek-kind. Another episode could have the doctor and assistant searching for 'matter' in the Tardis kitchen sink. Of course plastic bags wrapped around the feet would provide suiable protection from harsh alien environments.
I was young and impressionable when Blake 7 first came out, I really liked it at the time, but why bother trying to revive it now.
Anyone under 25 or most Americans will have no idea what it is. I can't remember much about it myself. So it is just playing on the sentimentality of a few.
Considering the state of SF in general nowadays it would be nice to get something new rather than rehashes of old ideas, we have plenty of them already. As far as I can see this is just £7M down the pan.
Given that Firefly is basically Blake's 7 with a budget but without the plot (rag tag bunch of renegades on a mission to, uh, uh...), that's rather harsh. Given that only Avon will be returning, I doubt that it will have that much connection to the original. I for one am interested to find out whether it's still possible to do a quality hard core SF series in the UK, rather than a dumbed down populist one. If it takes an old name to secure the money for doing that, then I'm prepared to give it the benefit of the doubt rather than writing it off before filming has even begun.
"Given that Firefly is basically Blake's 7 with a budget but without the plot (rag tag bunch of renegades on a mission to, uh, uh...),"
...figure out just what the hell a secret government organization did to River and why they wanted her back?
Beyond that, yeah they were just your typical space rogues doing anything for a buck. However, I think there was a good balance between episodic stories and long-running story arcs. The problem is that the longer plots didn't get a chance to play out before the se
Interesting to note that Terry Nation's widow holds the rights to Blake's 7. The BBC holds most (all?) rights to Dr Who, and they're content to sit on them until nobody cares any more rather than sell or license them. Sigh.
Fair point, it was a mediocre example, and I only used it because it was the most recent. Farscape and Lexx are probably closer. Anyway, my point is that a rehash of Blake's 7 will probably be less like the original than some of the shows that have come and gone in the mean time.
If they haven't heard of it, then they may find it a refreshingly realist approach to a genre so overpopulated by flat and uninteresting characters. Just because somebody hasn't seen the original doesn't mean that they will immediately dispense with the remake.
Remaking Blakes Seven has the potential to "play on the sentimentality of the few" and at the same time introduce a new generation to the show. So long as they play their cards right and don't get too nostalgic themselves
Avon (the character played by Paul Darrow) was a huge influence on me, altho' I was too young to realize it at the time. He was a dark and complex character, a technology expert who could clearly and rationally see that he could make the most money and wield the most power by betraying his comrades... but he could never quite bring himself to do it. He'd always set off with the intent of doing so, then change his mind at the last minute and use his superior intellect to save the day, then hate himself for it afterwards. He got most of the best lines [] too. Oh, and he may or may not have been shagging Blake's arch-enemy, the head of the secret police. Certainly they were both up for it, and even avoided killing each other for that purpose while remaining nominal enemies otherwise.
There simply aren't characters with this kind of depth in modern scifi, even in relatively intelligent shows like B5. I can't wait to see the new episodes.
But wasn't Blake's "worst enemy" in fact Avon's wife ? I distinctly remember an episode when Avon and whats-her-name came face to face and discussed this. Gives a whole new meaning to "fucking each other over".
And he invented ssh, in the episiode 'aftermath' where he uses Orac to run commands on liberator and pipe the output back to the beach he's standing on.
This really is fantastic news, B7 was far far superior IMHO to Star Trek. In B7 the Federation are the baddies - an evil authoritarian fascist state ruled by a corrupt oligarchy, full of Borgia-esque backstabbing and politicing. The troopers are often sympathetic characters sketched in some depth (as opposed to disposable extras whose only role is saying "Arghhh!!!" and falling off something clutching their stomachs after getting shot. The crew are all highly imperfect; a lot of the drama comes from the dramatic tension between the imperfect rebels; Avon (untrustworhty, devious, very clever, arrogant as fsck) Blake the wannabe hero, cowardly drunk Vila, the moody Cally (ah! how I fancied Cally at the age of 10... me that is, not her), the stupid but amiable Gan, and so on. No shortage of 'dark'ness. The last episode features the entire crew but Avon dying in a brief shootout - much more realistic than 'small group of mercenaries overcomes entire galactic government'.
And samples of Zen saying 'Confirmed' and Orac's "state your program requirements... they will be implemented when capacity is available" make great Windows sound effects. If you're a sad fanboy like me that is;)
(yes folks that's where my login iD comes from)
Horizon [] has much more info.
The last episode features the entire crew but Avon dying in a brief shootout - much more realistic than 'small group of mercenaries overcomes entire galactic government'.
Actually if you read afterlife, the book sequel to the TV series, you realise that two of the crew survive the final shootout.
Hmmm, I hadn't heard of this; surely 'canon' for B7 means only the 52 broadcast TV episodes? I realise there was a nice ambiguity about Avon with the fade to black, roll credits (with no theme, just silence) followed by a brief burst of firing. Left me utterly shell-shocked when I first saw it, I couldn't believe they'd all *died*! Come to think of it I can't think of that being used as the ending of *any* TV or movie, in any genre... oh wait, Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid. Any others? Not in sf anyw
I disagree about B5. I'm currently watching the Season 2 DVD's, and I have to say that G'Kar and Londo are two of the most interesting characters I've come across in Sci-FI TV. Kosh's riddles are always fun to try and figure out too.
This programme was so cool! Not for the fact that it was a top notch sci-fi soap but that it had great characterisation. The first anti-hero in Avon. The D&D rogue character in Villa. Now obviously, its almost certain that the new show will be a pile of steaming... but let me just wallow in dreams that it will be good...
P.S. Not nostalgia, got all the vids!!
>The first anti-hero in Avon. The D&D rogue character in Villa.
*cough* Iago *cough* Bardolph *cough*. Remember that BBC luvvies tend to be classically trained. You can find practically any character you want in Shakespeare.
When the show ended there were arguments over whether or not Avon actually dies in the final scene. He is surrounded by guards, it cuts to black and there is a lot of gunfire....
Presumably he is gunned down like the rest of his crew BUT he could have survived... Somehow? Surely? Maybe?
According to the article the actor that played Avon (Paul Darrow) will be the only actor to return. Set 25 years after the last series hopefully the question of Avon's survival will be answered.
Apologises to anyone that didn't no what happened to Avon at the end and has been slowly working their way through the series:)
Sigh of relief when I saw that it was Paul Darrow. To be honest, I'm not really a fan of Blake's 7, but I worked with Paul on the CGI voiceover that he did for Deathtrap Dungeon [] and I was impressed with his professionalism and enthusiasm. He seems genuinely to care about the projects he works on, and I'm content that this will be a labour of love rather than a cash-in. Huzzah.
All that's true. (Seen him at conventions.) But he can't write. His script (Man of Iron) and his book are absolutely horrible.
Having said that, he accepted a lot of user input on how to fix the problems. Unfortunately, after publication, and the publisher refused the alterations.
Paul Darrow is a classic example of a person who would work best in an Open Source environment - good ideas, willing to listen, willing to accept good patches, willling to do follow-on research - but is in a media that all but p
It wasn't budget that killed series 7, it was the lack of rimmer. When rimmer came back it was good again. Not series 1 good, but pretty darned good nonetheless.
I watched and enjoyed the original show back when I was a kid, but frankly I can't see the point of this new project, particularly if it's going to have only a tenuous link to the original (what, no Servalan? *grin*) Sounds to me like a blatant attempt to extract money from die-hard fans, rather like what the BBC have been doing with Dr Who for the last decade...
As Slave would have put it - `I'm sorry to report, sir, this project is going to bomb!!!`:-)
My god , have you seen what the actress who played her looks like now? I won't be so rude as to say what I think she looks like now , suffice to say she won't be winning any beauty prizes these days and if I were her I'd get
my money back from the plastic surgeon!
That role did her in. I listened to a BBC radio doc about her a while back; AFAIR she apparently got into the role so deeply she became more Servalan than herself and the character took over her life. I think she's had a nervous breakdown or three in the intervening years, all caused by this, so you can't be too harsh on her. Respect - if you were into dominant babes in the 80s, she's still an icon.
No Virginia, Mrs. Thatcher wasn't a babe. Never liked her, did we precious?
C'mon, surely you realise that Blakes 7 is just the legend of Arthur (and the classic medieval character cast) relocated to the future? I mean they "stumble" on The Liberator (Excalibur) and it is only Blakes "purity" that enables him to defend against Zens defences (ie pull the sword from the stone). The other characters start with the basics, the giant, the maiden (originally Dayna), the rougue the anti-hero and then the wicked witch )Servelan.
Having said that, love the show, and the best settings are always ripe for a revisit. IMHO, the Liberator must be involved for it to succeed.
Some problems with that: Arthur is not a rebel/outlaw story, the anti-hero isn't in the same camp as the hero in Arthur, where is Parsival in B7? etc. etc.
Yes, there are some similarities, but that's unavoidable, there is a lot of stores and myths around. What's really interresting about B7 is how Avon, the anti-hero, comes out to be the most popular character in the series. In fact Terri Nation (the author) was aware of this and adapted the storyline conformingly.
I don't see it as the Arthurian theme. If anything, it was more of the Robin Hood theme.
The problem with either of those comparisions is that Blake is not in a lot of the episodes.
I guess you could make a "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead" comparision. But that has problems because there isn't an original story for the characters to be from. Just a theme.
I liked it because it was different. In Star Trek, the crew is always right and good and more enlightened than everyone else in the universe.
Yes let us remember the heady days gone by, remember if you will the playground and chatting with your mates about how good blakes 7 was....
then remember things like thunderbirds 2017 and all the other failed programmes that tried to make a triumphant return.
If it does come back (i sort of hope is does not) the only way it will survive is if it gets real good real fast, i mean lets face it the first season of ST:TNG was bollox (bad acting, wobly sets terrible sfx) but look how great it was in the end.
I think i agree with one of the earlier postings, i think a new twist on Dr Who would be a lot better.
This was simply the coolest show: not the decor or effects, which were brutally minimalistic, but the characterisation and writing, which was so good that it felt real, every time. The day that the series was killed was so traumatic that I almost kicked off TV: the show's producers simply, and without warning, arranged for the entire cast to be killed in one gruesome and bloody ambush. After years of arranging narrow escapes for our favourite characters, this was just incredibly insensitive. Glad to see the show will be back.
the show's producers simply, and without warning, arranged for the entire cast to be killed in one gruesome and bloody ambush. After years of arranging narrow escapes for our favourite characters, this was just incredibly insensitive
Yeah, but it was realistic. Let's face it, if you're a dissident under a totalitarian regime, and there's no outside power with enough strength or influence to make your government think you might be worth keeping on ice for a while, that's exactly>/b> what will happen t
Just a slight correction, Blake's 7 does not date from the early 80's, it dates from 1978. I remember watching the first season at age 9, but unfortunately never saw any of the other seasons as we moved back to the States at the end of 1978.
A pity because the big sci-fi show in the States when I got back was Battlestar Galactica, which I thought was much inferior, even if the effects were a lot better.
or they'll make a movie out of it. The idea well has dried up, and anything with even a modest fan base and opportunities for lots of CGI will be seized upon immediately.
From [] this page - so good it had to be posted.
* Trust is only dangerous when you have to rely on it.
* Reality is a dangerous concept.
* There is no logical reason why aliens should be hairy.
* I am not stupid, I'm not expendable, and I'm not going.
* No good deed goes unpunished.
* It is frequently easier to be honest when you have nothing to lose.
* Civilization has always depended on courtesy rather than truth.
* On Earth it is considered ill-mannered to kill your friends while committing suicide.
* The art of leadership is delegation.
* All that patience gets you is older.
* Show me someone who believes in something, and I will show you a fool.
* Regret is part of being alive -- but keep it a small part.
* He who trusts can never be betrayed, only mistaken.
* Infallibility depends on your point of view.
* There are times when even the most cynical must trust in luck.
* Heroics seldom run to schedule.
* Dignity, at all costs, dignity.
* The choice is very simple -- either you can fight, or you can die.
* In the end, winning is the only safety.
* Power usually makes its own rules.
* Some days are better than others, Section Leader.
* It is not necessary to become irrational in order to prove that one cares; indeed, it is not necessary to prove it at all.
* While there's life, there's threat.
* Luck has nothing to do with it.
* Strategic withdrawl is running away, but with dignity.
* Idealism is a wonderful thing; all you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use.
* Nobody is indispensible.
* Everyone's entitled to one really bad mistake.
* In the end, your word is all there is, really.
* There are other rules, but you'll find out what those are when you break them.
If they want to re-make it, it is imperative that they not try to continue where they left off.... If I recall correctly,
Sevalan (the villain) was the only survivor.
Oh, while I'm at it, let me add to the chorus: Avon rocks!
as British SF goes, because apart from the shaky sets and dated effects (great at the time though) and some weak stories, it actually had an adult plot, well formed characters and genuine tension.
However, Paul Darrow has been pitching this around for a couple of years now (the original plan was for a movie, and then it became a pilot and now it seems to be a treatment) and I really hope he keeps behind the cameras as he seems to have become an old luvvie in the ensuing years.
>I really hope [Paul Darrow] keeps behind the cameras as he seems to have become an old luvvie in the ensuing years.
See also Sir Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart. The thing about British luvvies is that they can actually act. Also, Avon wouldn't have to have that much screen time, as there's no reason to assume that he'd be one of the protagonists.
Just a note to the producers: if they use the godawful theme music from the fourth series, violence will ensue, if I have to hunt down Paul Darrow myself.
"Blake 7" is NOT returning. A new mini-series set in the "Blake 7" is being considered. Not the same thing.
Now, Paul Darrow is a fine actor and Avon is a complex character and I do wish him well in this project. But still, I would look to the original series again, digitally restored in all of it's low budget glory. I would mourn Cally once again.
And I always suspect that Avon would have survived the finale!
B7 challenged TV viewers by constantly focusing on the dark themes surrounding unbeatable opression.
And in the end they had the guts to finish it on a minor chord which solidified its distopian vision.
With that ending it became a noir classic, and I don't want to see that screwed up by adding a "Phantom Menace" years later
you can remember with fondness the original "Dr. Who" and think that William Hartnell was the only "true" doctor. After that, even the original "Star Trek" series pales into insignificance.
I remember racing home from school each afternoon to see what trouble the Doctor would get himself into or whether he would recover the key to his Tardis (the original Doctor lost the key quite a lot).
"Dr. Who" is real science fiction. "Star Trek" is future history. Everything else doesn't count.
I haven't seen Blake's 7 on TV in over a decade. (I even have a Tivo search for it).
Maybe the sequel miniseries will prompt someone to reair the original series. BBC America at 2am? Anyone???
Paul 'Avon' Darrow remembers Terry Nation's early ideas for a revival
and sets the scene for a Rebellion Reborn.
As we have established against all odds; nobody wins, and if Blake's 7
in the 1980's ended with the triumph of 'Establishment Terror' and the
least likely of a hopeful group of dissidents left to oppose it, then
Blake's 7 three decades later, must spring forward from that
unpromising base.
The good/bad guy is beaten. All's wrong with the World/Universe. When
has this been the case before? In Earth's history, many times.
Terry's idea for a later reworking of his Blake's 7 concept was, as
before, inspired by his previous work(s). A bleak Universe where if
you're rich and powerful - or useful to those who are - you're in a
kind of corrupt paradise. Then, out of nowhere, comes one man, then
another and another and so on. Hope springs eternal, but (and it's a
big but) are these new heroes truly heroic? Not in Terry Nation's
Universe. They are, as before, recognisable misfits... Colin Wilson's
Having said that, outsiders are those who trigger, either by default or
design, the greatest of changes for those on the 'inside'. There is
such a thing as a one-man (or in this case seven man) army and armchair
enthusiasts will cheer them on, win or lose. In fact, it makes the
enthusiasts feel a lot better if 'they' lose. It saves the insiders
collective conscience and excuses them from taking up the mantle of
outsiders. Until, of course, the next adventure.
Therefore, Terry's concept for a TV Movie/Mini-Series with a view to
develop into another series of Blake's 7, was as follows;
The basic storyline was that the Federation, while still seeming
all-powerful, would be rotting from within (cf, collapse of the Soviet
Empire). Out of the past comes yesterday's man. But all our yesterdays
are viewed with nostalgic affection. So, through no fault or will of
his own the sole survivor of the original Blake's 7 becomes the
catalyst for the creation of its successor. Terry likened this to
Napoleon emerging from Elba and fighting his last hundred days. He was
always going to lose, but he'd put up one hell of a fight. Glorious
defiance is very appealing.
Avon, imprisoned for 25-years, has in the minds of the average
citizen essentially 'disappeared'. The Federation's propaganda machine
has gone to great lengths to ensure that Blake and his compatriots are
remembered simply as outlaws and certainly not hailed as martyrs.
Information suppression plus the amount of physical time passed makes
Avon a forgotten man. That said there is of course an underground
network of dissidents for whom he represents the voice and potency of
resistance and in many ways Avon will become the unwitting figurehead
to their movement a reluctant El Cid.
The new seven are like a wind, divine or not. Sometimes welcome,
sometimes not, the wind is never static, it always moves on.
Whereas, the mores and values of the TV audience of the time tempered
Terry's vision of 'The Dirty Dozen in Space' playing more like 'Robin
Hood in Space' the new series must be grittier, more believable, and
possess an almost epic and mythic feel to it that will raise it above
the 'SF bubblegum' that often predominates our screens.
A good analogy for the series going forward would be West Wing meets
The Dirty Dozen where the gloves are off and the rules of engagement
ill-defined and thereby the outcome of any conflict either in battle,
emotionally or politically, unpredictable!
Even if the films/shows are good in their own right people remember the original serties' with great fondness and nothing can live up to that memory.
Take Randall and Hopkirk Deceased for example. The original show was fab, and the remakes with Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer were rahter less than fab.. However, I knew people who had never seen the original and actually liked the recent series.
But unlike Blakes 7 they actually had decent some special effects in Space 1999! For the time (mid 70s) some of the space scenes weren't far off being cutting edge and not too far behind the effects in the original star wars. Shame they couldn't have extended the budget to the monster costumes though , they sucked!
Effects-wise, certainly, and many of the scripts were so-so while some were just as awful as a lot of Dr Who scripts. But what made the series really was the characters: the variety and 'in-fighting' amongst the heroes raised it to a level well beyond the average TV SF show.
If they think they can get around the cost of decent sfx with CGI, I fear they're mistaken.
Babylon5 was cheap as SF TV goes due to all the CGI. Red Dwarf was even cheaper - and Space Island One must have had a tiny budget but still worked well.
If you consider Canadian SF - The cube didn't have a big budget.
Blakes 7 with good sfx would seem wrong somehow. If were willing to suspend disbeleif enough for FTL travel we may as well suspend disbelief that a red platic esky is a high tech tool kit. The strength of the show was in the characters (well those that were at least 2D), and since it worked well as a radio play recently, lots of expensive visual effects are not required.
I think it stands as one of the few self-consistant SF TV programmes ever made. I also liked the digs at the Trek utopian federation - the trek symbol at 90 degrees and the federation as a police state.
If you consider Canadian SF - The cube didn't have a big budget.
About half a million, AFAIK, though I don't remember whether that was US or Canadian dollars...
But then The Cube (which you SHOULD SEE if you haven't), had the advantage of only needing one small set consisting of one and a half cube and some different colored lights, and a very small number of actors... Not exactly typical.
And Red Dwarf actually started to suck (as in "chest wound") the more budget it got. With no budget, you have to rely on obsolete FX like "plot", "dialogue" and "acting".
Who needs decent FX? It's possible to do mature character based SF drama with minimal effects - and no rubber monsters - if you have the courage of your convictions.
See Ultraviolet [] as an example of a recent UK miniseries that redefined a genre for those lucky enough to watch it. Ultraviolet is to Buffy as Hamlet is to Melrose Place.
I believe that Paul Darrow - a bona fide actor - has the potential to do something similar with Blake's 7. In fact, as Farscape picked up where Blake's 7 left off, I'd exp
I couldn't disagree more! Well, with bringing it back, not with watching it. What I loved about it was that it ended with most of the questions unanswered. It got off the stage while we were still clapping rather than doing encores until we were wandering towards the exits.
Contrast sharply with the neatly wrapped up arcs on Buffy, where every half dozen episodes Joss Whedon had to pull a new uber-baddie or midichlorian trick out of his posterior, so that by the time he tried to revisit basic vampires i
Their homepage hints they'll not fall into that trap. They're going to concentrate on the story, and let YOUR imagination do the FX (kind of.)
Original series was laughably low budget, compared to starwars, still i know a lot of people that preferred Blake's 7, for it had a good plotline, deep characters et.c. They didn't need flashy effects (their website OTOH is one big Flash effect... hmmm...
I have an Acorn Atom that I "inherited" from the company my Dad worked for in about 1982, when it was still fairly new. It started cutting out and was pretty unreliable after they upgraded it with the VIA chip and a whole whopping 12k of RAM. Close inspection of the manual revealed that the 7805 regulators were supposed to be *removed completely* and the thing fed from an external 5V PSU capable of 6 amps... The bloody great hole melted in the bottom beside the regulator heatsinks was my first major clue
It was the late 70s, wasn't it? So probably most of the money went on cups of tea, biscuits and union-inflated wages.
At least it was late enough in the 70s that they didn't have some of the problems that 'Space 1999' apparently did, with power strikes and three-day weeks while shooting the show.
For example, the
first season [] is due out on 22nd September. Region 2 (obviously), but shouldn't be a problem. I think I'll order mine, never got my VHS tape collection complete...:(
Did Zen run lunix? That might be why nobody could understand how he worked, and why the (clearly Microsoft using) Federation was so keen to track him down. ORAC was prissy, self opinionated and not half as smart as he thought he was. Clearly a Mac.
When you think about it, or at least when I do - most future spaceships must be almost completely controlled by computer - not with some gits standing on a bridge for effect like they do in the thoroughly rung out Star Trek. At most a human would be suggesting the general strategy of any sort of engagement, and then wiping their brow 14 nanoseconds later when it was all over. Generally this is what happened on the original series of Blake7, with the occasional 'manual control' for dramatisation. They let the computer get on with driving the hardware, and they got on with the scheming on how to overthrow the corrupt Federation and each other.
I really hope they spend most of the money on good script writers who give the characters the depth that they had in the original series, and just enough on the sets/cgi to get by.
Hey, and model the new ship on the old one, I thought it was cool!
His behaviour during the series indicated that, if offered a position of power and low risk (Servalan offered him power, but not safety) he would betray any principles he may have been using at the time.
And yet... and the last, Avon stands over the fallen corpse of the only man who understood him but trusted him anyway, and choses certain death to make a final, pyrrhic, defence...
Part of what was so cool about Avon was that he was genuinely at war with himself and so his motives where not always
All puff... (Score:5, Funny)
Trading on the nostalgia zeitgeist? The plan sounds as shaky as one of their sets!
How to make a TV programme (dummies edition)... (Score:5, Insightful)
Trading on the nostalgia zeitgeist? The plan sounds as shaky as one of their sets!
No money?
Well, I can think of a few fans who'd like to see a new series based in the Blake's Seven universe. And if there are fans willing to see it then there will be production companies and broadcasters willing to back it. %5-6 million for a TV show, especially one that already has a cult following, is peanuts - do you have any idea how much the rubbish that fills the channels right now even costs?
If nothing else, it has a particular resonance right now, thanks to the Orwellian Federation, etc. Just like Star Trek's morality matched the 60's, the new Blakes Seven series is tailor-made for the times that we live in.
No script?
Well, jeez, that's the end of the world. How will they ever make anything?
But wait, here's some news just in: apparently, there are these things called scriptwriters. Throw them some cash and give them some time and they'll write a script for you! What a stroke of luck!
No cast?
OMG, another disaster! How will they cope?
Huh, what's that? There's an original cast member involved already? And there are these guys and gals out there - we'll call them actors - constantly looking for new work? And even people - let's call them casting agents - who'll pick the right actors for your production! Genius!
No broadcasting rights?
Well, perhaps you should RTFA. What bit of "Paul Darrow, who played the ruthless anti-hero Avon, is in a consortium that has acquired the rights to the show", didn't you get?
Seriously, money, a script and a cast can be found. But the first step was always going to be getting the rights. If you have the rights you can find the money, a script and a cast. But if you have money, a script and a cast but no rights then you're screwed. It really is that simple.
Re:How to make a TV programme (dummies edition)... (Score:3, Interesting)
But as for making a worthy successor to one of the best science-fiction series ever
I think it was the writers, especially Terry Nation, who made Blake's 7. (Terry Nation also wrote some of the best Dr Who episodes). The actors were OK, but nothing outstanding. The special effects ranged from pathetic to dire. The scenario, band of rebels against
Re:How to make a TV programme (dummies edition)... (Score:2)
And if you RTFA why were you still questioning the broadcast rights? If you hadn't asked about those I definitely wouldn't have been so ready to respond. But you did, so I corrected your mistake.
In future, if you don't like being questioned, corrected or critiqued, I suggest you don't post to Slashdot o
Re:How to make a TV programme (dummies edition)... (Score:2)
Yes, it's a long way away. But what would you have the development team do:
A. Publicly announce that they have negotiated a tough hurdle (getting the rights) restate their intentions, etc and hopefully find more supporters and backers in the process? or
B. Stay quiet, struggle in silence until they have made a whole series of episodes?
Which do you think would be the more successful approa
Re:How to make a TV programme (dummies edition)... (Score:2)
As mentioned elsewhere here, at the end of the previous (I won't say "last") series, the BBC announced that "Blake's 7 will return in the Autumn".
Well, they didn't say which Autumn, or on what channel, did they?
Re:All puff... (Score:5, Insightful)
Think about it - these are people who monitor the every footstep of these actors, who attend every theatre performance, tape every television appearance. These are not the sort of people who would exactly miss a large-scale purchase of rights, the forming of a consortium, and the gearing-up to work on a mini-series.
These fanzines have the inside scoop on many stories, long before they reach the mainstream media. Assuming the story is even thought worthy, by the mainstream media.
That they say nothing - not even that there are rumors of negotiations - tells me that either the fans fell asleep waiting for the BBC to do anything, or that the BBC story is not entirely honest.
Re:All puff... (Score:3, Funny)
I'm sure there is a psychological term for this. And, whatever complex convoluted word it is, I offer this translation to us lay people: "not well".
Re:All puff... (Score:4, Interesting)
Which isn't to say that I don't consider it worthy of a return, but it is hard to see how an Avon spin-off could reasonably be called Blake's 7. OK so in the original series, seasons 3 & 4 were missing Blake, right up until the final, wonderful, paranoid apocalypse in the final episode, but it was Blake's crew, still basically on Blake's mission, and wanted by the Federtaion because of their history with Blake.
In any case, if you want a fix of Blake's 7 style grit and pessimism, I can strongly recommend Chris Boucher's "Kaldor City" [] audios, in which the Paul Darrow character could very easily be a post-Blake, in-hiding Avon, which also features various characters Boucher originally created for Blake's 7, all set in the society (and with some of the characters) he built for the Doctor Who classic "Robots of Death"
I'd say, use B7 as an inspiration, sure, but it was effectively brought full-circle in 'Blake' and anything more would rather spoil the delicious uncompromising bleakness of that final showdown. How often DO the bad guys get to win?
It was better than Cats... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:It was better than Cats... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:It was better than Cats... (Score:2)
It's become a standard gimick to get away with a tiny cast. Even Herc in Space [] sort of uses it, except they forgot the fascist police state or any excuse to still have a tiny crew. Oh well...
Re:It was better than Cats... (Score:2)
Funny you should say that (Score:5, Interesting)
Blakes 7 was also unusual in that our heros were usually dealing from a position of strengh. Usually writers hate to make their people to strong because then they can't write their way out of it later (bad writers perhaps?) - but the ship "The Liberator" was the fastest ship in known space (only its sister ship was as fast, and it was only see twice and quickly met an untimely end), the ship has regenerative properties and could restore itself even after the most heavy of attacks. It had teleportation ability over wast distances, something that the federation had never been able to work out. The (almost) sentient computer Zen had wast amounts of knowledge about most things they ran into, and the ship was well stocked with copious amounts of food, clothes and valuables (in the form of gems, precious medals, and currency) - and at the end of season one they manage to aquired "Orac" before the federation does. A supercomputer of a special kind, its dying inventor originally invented the chip and computer principles that all computers in exsistance are based on - because of this the sentient Orac is able to tap into any computer system at all and control it.
But that didn't really stifle the creativity - perhaps because there was always a certain amount of internal strife.
Re:Funny you should say that (Score:5, Funny)
>It had teleportation ability over wast distances [...] Zen had wast amounts of knowledge
That's because it was a nuclear wessel.
Re:It was better than Cats... (Score:2)
Re:It was better than Cats... (Score:3, Insightful)
noooo noooo noooo (nasely geek voices inserted)
severus snape would have been at home on the deck of the liberator - he would not have been allowed near the star treck set! nobody grew, noone got in touch with their feelings and most teenagers
If they're going to bring this back.. (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:If they're going to bring this back.. (Score:2)
Heh, I know that was meant to be "escapes" not "espaces" but it's quite appropriate as there were some Doctor Who stories set in e-space. I'm not certain but I think that one or more of them may have been written by Douglas Adams.
Oh, and the episode that never aired that you're thinking of is called Shada. It was originally cancelled because of a strike. Part of it - the 4th Doctor and Romana punt
Re:If they're going to bring this back.. (Score:3, Interesting)
Damn cheap to make, too. Ingredients: 1 Slate quarry, 1 Nuclear Power station, half a tonne
Re:Don't you just wish... (Score:4, Funny)
Why bother (Score:5, Interesting)
Anyone under 25 or most Americans will have no idea what it is. I can't remember much about it myself. So it is just playing on the sentimentality of a few.
Considering the state of SF in general nowadays it would be nice to get something new rather than rehashes of old ideas, we have plenty of them already. As far as I can see this is just £7M down the pan.
Re:Why bother (Score:4, Interesting)
Given that Firefly is basically Blake's 7 with a budget but without the plot (rag tag bunch of renegades on a mission to, uh, uh...), that's rather harsh. Given that only Avon will be returning, I doubt that it will have that much connection to the original. I for one am interested to find out whether it's still possible to do a quality hard core SF series in the UK, rather than a dumbed down populist one. If it takes an old name to secure the money for doing that, then I'm prepared to give it the benefit of the doubt rather than writing it off before filming has even begun.
Re:Why bother (Score:3, Insightful)
Beyond that, yeah they were just your typical space rogues doing anything for a buck. However, I think there was a good balance between episodic stories and long-running story arcs. The problem is that the longer plots didn't get a chance to play out before the se
Re:Why bother (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Why bother (Score:2)
Come on now, Who was only ridiculous in concept and execution, not in...
No, wait, you're right. It sucked ass. On the other hand, the Daleks would kick the Borg's collective pasty white rump, so let's call it even.
Re:Why bother (Score:2)
Re:Why bother (Score:3, Interesting)
If they haven't heard of it, then they may find it a refreshingly realist approach to a genre so overpopulated by flat and uninteresting characters. Just because somebody hasn't seen the original doesn't mean that they will immediately dispense with the remake.
Remaking Blakes Seven has the potential to "play on the sentimentality of the few" and at the same time introduce a new generation to the show. So long as they play their cards right and don't get too nostalgic themselves
Re:Why bother (Score:3, Funny)
>a genre so overpopulated by flat and uninteresting characters
"Flat" characters? Have you seen 7 of 9 and T'Pol in profile?
Avon (Score:5, Interesting)
There simply aren't characters with this kind of depth in modern scifi, even in relatively intelligent shows like B5. I can't wait to see the new episodes.
Re:Avon (Score:2)
But wasn't Blake's "worst enemy" in fact Avon's wife ? I distinctly remember an episode when Avon and whats-her-name came face to face and discussed this. Gives a whole new meaning to "fucking each other over".
Re:Avon (Score:5, Funny)
This really is fantastic news, B7 was far far superior IMHO to Star Trek. In B7 the Federation are the baddies - an evil authoritarian fascist state ruled by a corrupt oligarchy, full of Borgia-esque backstabbing and politicing. The troopers are often sympathetic characters sketched in some depth (as opposed to disposable extras whose only role is saying "Arghhh!!!" and falling off something clutching their stomachs after getting shot. The crew are all highly imperfect; a lot of the drama comes from the dramatic tension between the imperfect rebels; Avon (untrustworhty, devious, very clever, arrogant as fsck) Blake the wannabe hero, cowardly drunk Vila, the moody Cally (ah! how I fancied Cally at the age of 10... me that is, not her), the stupid but amiable Gan, and so on. No shortage of 'dark'ness. The last episode features the entire crew but Avon dying in a brief shootout - much more realistic than 'small group of mercenaries overcomes entire galactic government'.
And samples of Zen saying 'Confirmed' and Orac's "state your program requirements... they will be implemented when capacity is available" make great Windows sound effects. If you're a sad fanboy like me that is ;)
(yes folks that's where my login iD comes from)
Horizon [] has much more info.
Re:Avon (Score:2)
Actually if you read afterlife, the book sequel to the TV series, you realise that two of the crew survive the final shootout.
Re:Avon (Score:2)
I think I cried iirc (Score:3, Interesting)
of course, it never did
Orac, where are yooooooo?
Autumn (Score:2)
Re:Avon (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Avon (Score:2)
Re:Avon (Score:2)
Re:Avon (Score:2)
Characterisation (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Characterisation (Score:5, Interesting)
>The first anti-hero in Avon. The D&D rogue character in Villa.
*cough* Iago *cough* Bardolph *cough*. Remember that BBC luvvies tend to be classically trained. You can find practically any character you want in Shakespeare.
I hope (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I hope (Score:5, Funny)
ORAC was the inspiration for today's generation of casemodders!
He will, ofcourse, be returning with shiny fans and watercooling in the new series.
Finally! (Score:3, Interesting)
Presumably he is gunned down like the rest of his crew BUT he could have survived... Somehow? Surely? Maybe?
According to the article the actor that played Avon (Paul Darrow) will be the only actor to return. Set 25 years after the last series hopefully the question of Avon's survival will be answered.
Apologises to anyone that didn't no what happened to Avon at the end and has been slowly working their way through the series
Re:How Avon Survived (Score:4, Funny)
"How could you all miss?"
(resumes bicycle tour)
Soldiers gather in circle around Avon, aim laser rifles, Avon ducks, soldiers in circle all shoot each other...
(resumes bicycle tour)
Paul Darrow - top bloke (Score:5, Informative)
Sigh of relief when I saw that it was Paul Darrow. To be honest, I'm not really a fan of Blake's 7, but I worked with Paul on the CGI voiceover that he did for Deathtrap Dungeon [] and I was impressed with his professionalism and enthusiasm. He seems genuinely to care about the projects he works on, and I'm content that this will be a labour of love rather than a cash-in. Huzzah.
Re:Paul Darrow - top bloke (Score:3, Interesting)
Having said that, he accepted a lot of user input on how to fix the problems. Unfortunately, after publication, and the publisher refused the alterations.
Paul Darrow is a classic example of a person who would work best in an Open Source environment - good ideas, willing to listen, willing to accept good patches, willling to do follow-on research - but is in a media that all but p
One simple request... (Score:3, Insightful)
Humour, good characters and a neat set of sub-plots is all it take to make a good, fun Sci -Fi romp. CGI special effects and shiny costumes? Naaah!
Re:One simple request... (Score:3, Informative)
File under 'Yeah, right, whatever'... (Score:2)
As Slave would have put it - `I'm sorry to report, sir, this project is going to bomb!!!`
Re:File under 'Yeah, right, whatever'... (Score:2)
My god , have you seen what the actress who played her looks like now? I won't be so rude as
to say what I think she looks like now , suffice to say she won't be winning any beauty prizes
these days and if I were her I'd get my money back from the plastic surgeon!
Re:File under 'Yeah, right, whatever'... (Score:2, Interesting)
That role did her in. I listened to a BBC radio doc about her a while back; AFAIR she apparently got into the role so deeply she became more Servalan than herself and the character took over her life. I think she's had a nervous breakdown or three in the intervening years, all caused by this, so you can't be too harsh on her. Respect - if you were into dominant babes in the 80s, she's still an icon.
No Virginia, Mrs. Thatcher wasn't a babe. Never liked her, did we precious?
Re:File under 'Yeah, right, whatever'... (Score:3, Interesting)
Paul Darrow is a die-hard fan so there's some hope...
The official web site (Score:5, Informative)
Unfortunately it uses Flash but there's more information about the plans and there's a cool new Blake's 7 logo.
Myth Reinvented (Score:5, Informative)
Having said that, love the show, and the best settings are always ripe for a revisit. IMHO, the Liberator must be involved for it to succeed.
Re:Myth Reinvented (Score:3, Interesting)
Yes, there are some similarities, but that's unavoidable, there is a lot of stores and myths around. What's really interresting about B7 is how Avon, the anti-hero, comes out to be the most popular character in the series. In fact Terri Nation (the author) was aware of this and adapted the storyline conformingly.
You're Jungian, aren't you? :) (Score:3, Interesting)
The problem with either of those comparisions is that Blake is not in a lot of the episodes.
I guess you could make a "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead" comparision. But that has problems because there isn't an original story for the characters to be from. Just a theme.
I liked it because it was different. In Star Trek, the crew is always right and good and more enlightened than everyone else in the universe.
In Bl
a few points (Score:3, Interesting)
then remember things like thunderbirds 2017 and all the other failed programmes that tried to make a triumphant return.
If it does come back (i sort of hope is does not) the only way it will survive is if it gets real good real fast, i mean lets face it the first season of ST:TNG was bollox (bad acting, wobly sets terrible sfx) but look how great it was in the end.
I think i agree with one of the earlier postings, i think a new twist on Dr Who would be a lot better.
just my two pence worth (3.2 cents)
Ah, wonderful, wonderful (Score:5, Informative)
The day that the series was killed was so traumatic that I almost kicked off TV: the show's producers simply, and without warning, arranged for the entire cast to be killed in one gruesome and bloody ambush.
After years of arranging narrow escapes for our favourite characters, this was just incredibly insensitive.
Glad to see the show will be back.
Re:Ah, wonderful, wonderful (Score:2, Insightful)
After years of arranging narrow escapes for our favourite characters, this was just incredibly insensitive
Yeah, but it was realistic. Let's face it, if you're a dissident under a totalitarian regime, and there's no outside power with enough strength or influence to make your government think you might be worth keeping on ice for a while, that's exactly>/b> what will happen t
I thought they already made a remake (Score:2, Funny)
Re:I thought they already made a remake (Score:2)
Re:I thought they already made a remake (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:I thought they already made a remake (Score:2, Funny)
Blake's 7 older than that (Score:2)
A pity because the big sci-fi show in the States when I got back was Battlestar Galactica, which I thought was much inferior, even if the effects were a lot better.
Don't tell Hollywood... (Score:2)
That wouldn't be so bad (Score:2)
All I ever needed to know I learned from (Score:5, Interesting)
From []
this page - so good it had to be posted.
* Trust is only dangerous when you have to rely on it.
* Reality is a dangerous concept.
* There is no logical reason why aliens should be hairy.
* I am not stupid, I'm not expendable, and I'm not going.
* No good deed goes unpunished.
* It is frequently easier to be honest when you have nothing to lose.
* Civilization has always depended on courtesy rather than truth.
* On Earth it is considered ill-mannered to kill your friends while committing suicide.
* The art of leadership is delegation.
* All that patience gets you is older.
* Show me someone who believes in something, and I will show you a fool.
* Regret is part of being alive -- but keep it a small part.
* He who trusts can never be betrayed, only mistaken.
* Infallibility depends on your point of view.
* There are times when even the most cynical must trust in luck.
* Heroics seldom run to schedule.
* Dignity, at all costs, dignity.
* The choice is very simple -- either you can fight, or you can die.
* In the end, winning is the only safety.
* Power usually makes its own rules.
* Some days are better than others, Section Leader.
* It is not necessary to become irrational in order to prove that one cares; indeed, it is not necessary to prove it at all.
* While there's life, there's threat.
* Luck has nothing to do with it.
* Strategic withdrawl is running away, but with dignity.
* Idealism is a wonderful thing; all you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use.
* Nobody is indispensible.
* Everyone's entitled to one really bad mistake.
* In the end, your word is all there is, really.
* There are other rules, but you'll find out what those are when you break them.
Must be a remake, can't be a continuation.... (Score:2)
If they want to re-make it, it is imperative that they not try to continue where they left off.... If I recall correctly, Sevalan (the villain) was the only survivor.
Oh, while I'm at it, let me add to the chorus: Avon rocks!
Blakes 7 was unique (Score:3, Interesting)
However, Paul Darrow has been pitching this around for a couple of years now (the original plan was for a movie, and then it became a pilot and now it seems to be a treatment) and I really hope he keeps behind the cameras as he seems to have become an old luvvie in the ensuing years.
Re:Blakes 7 was unique (Score:2)
>I really hope [Paul Darrow] keeps behind the cameras as he seems to have become an old luvvie in the ensuing years.
See also Sir Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart. The thing about British luvvies is that they can actually act. Also, Avon wouldn't have to have that much screen time, as there's no reason to assume that he'd be one of the protagonists.
We've already had a prequel (Score:2)
Just a note to the producers: if they use the godawful theme music from the fourth series, violence will ensue, if I have to hunt down Paul Darrow myself.
Misleading headline (Score:2)
Now, Paul Darrow is a fine actor and Avon is a complex character and I do wish him well in this project. But still, I would look to the original series again, digitally restored in all of it's low budget glory. I would mourn Cally once again.
And I always suspect that Avon would have survived the finale!
The Perfect ending (Score:3, Insightful)
You know you're getting old when ... (Score:2, Funny)
I remember racing home from school each afternoon to see what trouble the Doctor would get himself into or whether he would recover the key to his Tardis (the original Doctor lost the key quite a lot).
"Dr. Who" is real science fiction. "Star Trek" is future history. Everything else doesn't count.
Maybe cable/PBS will reair the original series now (Score:2, Interesting)
Premise of the Series (Score:3, Informative)
A Rebellion Reborn
Paul 'Avon' Darrow remembers Terry Nation's early ideas for a revival and sets the scene for a Rebellion Reborn.
As we have established against all odds; nobody wins, and if Blake's 7 in the 1980's ended with the triumph of 'Establishment Terror' and the least likely of a hopeful group of dissidents left to oppose it, then Blake's 7 three decades later, must spring forward from that unpromising base.
The good/bad guy is beaten. All's wrong with the World/Universe. When has this been the case before? In Earth's history, many times.
Terry's idea for a later reworking of his Blake's 7 concept was, as before, inspired by his previous work(s). A bleak Universe where if you're rich and powerful - or useful to those who are - you're in a kind of corrupt paradise. Then, out of nowhere, comes one man, then another and another and so on. Hope springs eternal, but (and it's a big but) are these new heroes truly heroic? Not in Terry Nation's Universe. They are, as before, recognisable misfits... Colin Wilson's Outsiders.
Having said that, outsiders are those who trigger, either by default or design, the greatest of changes for those on the 'inside'. There is such a thing as a one-man (or in this case seven man) army and armchair enthusiasts will cheer them on, win or lose. In fact, it makes the enthusiasts feel a lot better if 'they' lose. It saves the insiders collective conscience and excuses them from taking up the mantle of outsiders. Until, of course, the next adventure.
Therefore, Terry's concept for a TV Movie/Mini-Series with a view to develop into another series of Blake's 7, was as follows;
The basic storyline was that the Federation, while still seeming all-powerful, would be rotting from within (cf, collapse of the Soviet Empire). Out of the past comes yesterday's man. But all our yesterdays are viewed with nostalgic affection. So, through no fault or will of his own the sole survivor of the original Blake's 7 becomes the catalyst for the creation of its successor. Terry likened this to Napoleon emerging from Elba and fighting his last hundred days. He was always going to lose, but he'd put up one hell of a fight. Glorious defiance is very appealing.
Avon, imprisoned for 25-years, has in the minds of the average citizen essentially 'disappeared'. The Federation's propaganda machine has gone to great lengths to ensure that Blake and his compatriots are remembered simply as outlaws and certainly not hailed as martyrs. Information suppression plus the amount of physical time passed makes Avon a forgotten man. That said there is of course an underground network of dissidents for whom he represents the voice and potency of resistance and in many ways Avon will become the unwitting figurehead to their movement a reluctant El Cid.
The new seven are like a wind, divine or not. Sometimes welcome, sometimes not, the wind is never static, it always moves on.
Whereas, the mores and values of the TV audience of the time tempered Terry's vision of 'The Dirty Dozen in Space' playing more like 'Robin Hood in Space' the new series must be grittier, more believable, and possess an almost epic and mythic feel to it that will raise it above the 'SF bubblegum' that often predominates our screens.
A good analogy for the series going forward would be West Wing meets The Dirty Dozen where the gloves are off and the rules of engagement ill-defined and thereby the outcome of any conflict either in battle, emotionally or politically, unpredictable!
Re:Leave it alone... (Score:4, Funny)
Frankly, given the situation on Moonbase Alpha in the original, the chances of them doing a Next Generation are looking pretty slim!
Re:Leave it alone... (Score:3, Informative)
Even if the films/shows are good in their own right people remember the original serties' with great fondness and nothing can live up to that memory.
Take Randall and Hopkirk Deceased for example. The original show was fab, and the remakes with Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer were rahter less than fab.. However, I knew people who had never seen the original and actually liked the recent series.
Space 1999 (Score:3, Interesting)
70s) some of the space scenes weren't far off being cutting edge and not too far behind
the effects in the original star wars. Shame they couldn't have extended the budget to the monster costumes though , they sucked!
Re:Leave it alone... (Score:2)
Re:Wonderful Programme... (Score:5, Insightful)
If you consider Canadian SF - The cube didn't have a big budget.
Blakes 7 with good sfx would seem wrong somehow. If were willing to suspend disbeleif enough for FTL travel we may as well suspend disbelief that a red platic esky is a high tech tool kit. The strength of the show was in the characters (well those that were at least 2D), and since it worked well as a radio play recently, lots of expensive visual effects are not required.
I think it stands as one of the few self-consistant SF TV programmes ever made. I also liked the digs at the Trek utopian federation - the trek symbol at 90 degrees and the federation as a police state.
Re:Wonderful Programme... (Score:2)
About half a million, AFAIK, though I don't remember whether that was US or Canadian dollars...
But then The Cube (which you SHOULD SEE if you haven't), had the advantage of only needing one small set consisting of one and a half cube and some different colored lights, and a very small number of actors... Not exactly typical.
Symmetry? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Wonderful Programme... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Wonderful Programme... (Score:3, Informative)
Who needs decent FX? It's possible to do mature character based SF drama with minimal effects - and no rubber monsters - if you have the courage of your convictions.
See Ultraviolet [] as an example of a recent UK miniseries that redefined a genre for those lucky enough to watch it. Ultraviolet is to Buffy as Hamlet is to Melrose Place.
I believe that Paul Darrow - a bona fide actor - has the potential to do something similar with Blake's 7. In fact, as Farscape picked up where Blake's 7 left off, I'd exp
OT: Ultraviolet. (Score:2)
If anyone hasn;t seen this series, go get the DVD (or download them off Kazaa..) You will be glad you did.
Re:OT: Ultraviolet. (Score:2)
I couldn't disagree more! Well, with bringing it back, not with watching it. What I loved about it was that it ended with most of the questions unanswered. It got off the stage while we were still clapping rather than doing encores until we were wandering towards the exits.
Contrast sharply with the neatly wrapped up arcs on Buffy, where every half dozen episodes Joss Whedon had to pull a new uber-baddie or midichlorian trick out of his posterior, so that by the time he tried to revisit basic vampires i
Re:Wonderful Programme... (Score:2)
Re:Imagine a.... (Score:2)
Sorry, it had to be said..
DON'T! One of them was insufferable enough...
Re:Imagine a.... (Score:2)
Re:"Low Budget" (Score:2)
At least it was late enough in the 70s that they didn't have some of the problems that 'Space 1999' apparently did, with power strikes and three-day weeks while shooting the show.
Re:old episodes (Score:4, Informative)
Due to release on DVD on 22/09 (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Due to release on DVD on 22/09 (Score:2)
Re:What's with the Linux Community? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Information (Score:4, Interesting)
I really hope they spend most of the money on good script writers who give the characters the depth that they had in the original series, and just enough on the sets/cgi to get by.
Hey, and model the new ship on the old one, I thought it was cool!
Re:Oh, and (Score:2)
Re:Oh, and (Score:3)
And yet... and the last, Avon stands over the fallen corpse of the only man who understood him but trusted him anyway, and choses certain death to make a final, pyrrhic, defence...
Part of what was so cool about Avon was that he was genuinely at war with himself and so his motives where not always