MPAA Ruins Own Films As Anti-Piracy Measure 732
WCityMike writes "Steve Kraus, a Chicago film projectionist, noted in this week's Movie Answer Man column that movie studios are quite purposefully putting 'large reddish brown spots that flash in the middle of the picture, usually placed in a light area' in order to ruin computer-compressed pirated copies of films. Among recent films that feature these spots are 'Ali,' 'Behind Enemy Lines,' '28 Days Later,' 'Freddy vs. Jason' and 'Underworld.' (I guess they had to destroy the movies in order to save them ... )"
someone had to say it... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:someone had to say it... (Score:5, Funny)
I have 100 gigs of space, and I still wouldn't spare three megs of my valuable diskspace for that piece of crapola....
Re:someone had to say it... (Score:5, Funny)
It's a new lossy compression method. You rip one track, and include a text file that says, "... And a lot more of the same
Lossy compression? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:someone had to say it... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:someone had to say it... (Score:3, Funny)
If they'd managed to STAY in the same area for even part of
Extensive use of Pro Tools cutting-pasting (Score:3, Insightful)
All it really means is that Metallica have gotten even lazier in the studio and can't even play their own parts good enough for an album. So it's now some "garage art" movement.
You misspelled... (Score:5, Funny)
No, it isn't lossy at all... (Score:5, Funny)
I would rephrase that as a "no real loss" compression method.
Yes, I bought their album. I am a long time Metallica fan (since the beginning), and the only reason I bought it was because my wife had several gift certificates for Borders, and she wanted to use them up. I have listened to that album twice, and I could barely get through it both times. What a stinker. It also came with a DVD, which I haven't watched, and some special code to get free music over the net (which I haven't used). Why would I want crappy, free music? I paid good money for my crappy music, thank you very much.
Re:No, it isn't lossy at all... (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:someone had to say it... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:someone had to say it... (Score:5, Insightful)
Honestly, I feel some movies are SOOOO bad as to have STOLEN my time. Too bad we can't go after the movie studios for false advertising. I guess if you compress all the good parts of a movie into a 3min "preview", then even the shittiest of movies can look like Oscar nominees.
Re:someone had to say it... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:someone had to say it... (Score:5, Insightful)
Thats like figuring out if you should by a Ford by asking a salesguy at a Ford dealership. Figuring out which movies you should see should be done by using independant sources (reviews, friends)
Franchise whores (ie: "I know the movie will suck, but I'm an XYZ fan so I have to see it") and people who have stigmas against film critics (ie, the entire profession, not an individual film critic
Like the manipulative, abusive boyfriend, people keep clinging to this (attractive, albiet) fantasy that the studios are trying to correct their recent track record of abusing or ignoring the minds of the people who pay for the tickets. But they arn't
My test? If the 'summary' of the movie contains pre-existing characters/franchises/brands, or hinges on one plot device, asume its bad until multiple discrete, independant sources suggest otherwise. Don't even bother with the preview; they're fun to watch, but a ludicrous way of determining which movie will contain an additional 157 minutes of quality cinema.
Re:Try this one... (Score:5, Funny)
I suppose no one can rightfully argue with you on the point that death is chronic.
Re:someone had to say it... (Score:3, Insightful)
Jesus Fucking Christ you are a spoiled brat. Wake up!
Continuing with your soda analogy, you buy a soda. If it's the best soda you've ever tasted, great. If it's just OK and quenches thirst, fair enough. If when tasting it you are inspired to compare it to a mixture of dog shit, underarm perspiration, and athelete's foot fungus (even though you've never tasted those) and it leaves you feeling as if you are dessicating on the desert sand, you should demand your money back.
Not every movie can be the grea
Prior art! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Prior art! (Score:4, Funny)
Re:someone had to say it... (Score:5, Funny)
moviegoer: two for jigly please
pimply-faced-kid: wha?
m: gigy.
p: huh?
m: zhe-he
p: i beg your pardon?
m: ah screw it, two for seabiscuit!
Re:someone had to say it... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:someone had to say it... (Score:5, Funny)
That's right... no need to thank me. (wink)
Too late (Score:2, Funny)
Hmmm... I didn't even notice (Score:5, Funny)
brown spots? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:brown spots? (Score:4, Insightful)
I would imagine that the next gen of video recording format (whatever replaces DVD) will have built-in rights management a la Windows registration. This might be a Good Thing from a pure "rights" point of view: if you could, say, allow a certain player to play only certain titles (to which it has a license), you'd be able to allow backup copies and even concievably control fair use (albiet in a terrifically annoying Big Brother fashion). That's why they're fighting the DeCSS so hard -- if they lose control of the player, they effectively lose control of the whole ball of wax -- anybody could build a player or player software which disregards the rights management.
Eventually, though, I'm confident they'll work out a way to restrict digital copies well enough that only a very few dedicated people will still be able to produce them, at which point it's not really a problem (from the MPAA/RIAA's standpoint) anymore. This only works when it's easy, after all...
Burst Cutting Area (Score:5, Informative)
DVDs that you buy in the stores are pressed (instead of burned), so by definition they all end up having the same image.
It's possible for stamped DVDs to include up to 188 bytes of individual data in the Burst Cutting Area [dvdburning.biz]. To get an idea of what BCA markings look like, turn over a GameCube disc and look for a fine 1.2mm wide "barcode" that overlaps the inner edge of the data area. Though DVD Video does not use the BCA, the forthcoming DVD HD Video specification may require decoders to read decryption key and serial number information from the BCA and add watermarks to the decoded picture.
This would be very bad. (Score:5, Insightful)
Sorry, I will not buy into a format that requires that some central service authorize my media before I can watch the movie. That central service may go down (again, like DIVX) or suddenly decide.. "Hmm, we're going to re-release _The Lion King_. Let'd disable everyone's copies so they're forced to see it in the theater!"
No thanks. Once I buy media, I want to be able to watch it whenever I want. I urge everyone to avoid formats that require any sort of "authorization" for this reason. If no one buys it, it will fail.
Re:Yet another reason... (Score:4, Insightful)
Don't forget skyrocketing ticket prices (I paid $9.75 per ticket Saturday night), 20 minutes of adverts and previews, and then the cr@pola movie starts.
Movies only need to look as far as the music industry to see what happens when prices rise, choices lower, and tastes merge. I think they forgot that this is an "art." Now, it's merely a business.
Too bad for us.
Re:brown spots? (Score:3, Interesting)
I watched a divx rip of a dvd screener of Bruce Almighty, and where he looks at his beeper, it shows something like 555-1234, but when he reads it out load, he mentions a completely different number. Now, I find it hard to believe this is an error (it's not even a 555-number, and a quick look on imdb.com reveals it's not been noted as a goof, so it's probably only in the screener. Now, if every copy of the screener has a different number in the audio track,
555 (Score:5, Interesting)
I researched this a year ago when working out a fake number to use in a book, and finally have the opportunity to share this worthless information...
What's next? (Score:2, Funny)
Pictures of a big, fat, cock spliced into family films?
Re:What's next? (Score:3, Insightful)
FIGHT CLUB.. did anyone see the movie FIGHT CLUB!!
Main character splices bits of raunchy shit into the movies, people get freaked out when they see it, but aren't sure it was really there because it flashes too quickly.
Go red dots! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Go red dots! (Score:5, Funny)
The fake Gzip Christ isn't not user number ~0xA6CA7
From the industry that brought you Terminator 3 (Score:4, Funny)
Also that the pirating industry doesn't have any resources it could dedicate to changing said file formats.
As if they weren't bad enough already (Score:5, Funny)
solution? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:solution? (Score:2)
Re:solution? (Score:5, Funny)
You mean? (Score:3, Funny)
Those fuckers!
Re:solution? (Score:3, Interesting)
Then I'll corner the film piracy market with my portable 8mm film camera, which will still make a perfect, er, near perfect copy of the film after an EMP burst.
Re:solution? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:solution? (Score:5, Funny)
Hmmm... if my kids skip lunch, they're REALLY loud and annoying.
dare I say it?
3. Profit!
Re:The real solution (Score:4, Informative)
Re:The real solution (Score:3, Interesting)
Traditional macrovision only affects the brightness in areas of the screen that you can't see (either above or below, I forget which). The idea is that this fools the AGC (automatic gain control) on many VCRs into adjusting the brightness of the entire picture to compensate. Unless your TV also has an AGC it really shouldn't be noticeable. I'm pretty sure that there have been additions/changes to macrovision over the ye
Re:The real solution (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:solution? (Score:4, Funny)
Who cares? They already paid their $10.
Back at MPAA headquarters.... (Score:5, Funny)
Why not pink or blue spots? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Why not pink or blue spots? (Score:3, Informative)
edit the frames? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:edit the frames? (Score:5, Funny)
then apple came out with the dual g5 just in time.
Uh, no... (Score:3, Insightful)
Neo Ranga... (Score:4, Insightful)
Celluloid Crap (Score:5, Funny)
Didn't see it (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Didn't see it (Score:5, Informative)
See http://www.snopes.com/business/hidden/popcorn.asp [snopes.com] for more.
Filter it out (Score:5, Insightful)
It's not anti-piracy... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:It's not anti-piracy... (Score:3, Funny)
Okay, so now they know. Now what? (Score:5, Interesting)
The movie company then downloads the film, see's the spots and tracks it to my theater. Now what? Are they going to shake down the theater owners, untill they install security and metal detectors?
How does this really prevent anything, aside from viewers like me having just ANOTHER excuse to wait until the DVD comes ou and rent that, rather then deal with tampered film (among the other lame problems of theater viewing, like ticket prices, travel, lines, food, seating, etc)?
Re:Okay, so now they know. Now what? (Score:4, Insightful)
The movie company then downloads the film, see's the spots and tracks it to my theater. Now what? Are they going to shake down the theater owners, untill they install security and metal detectors?
How does this really prevent anything <snip>
That's not the point of the spot system. The whole purpose of the MPAA doing this is to ruin the MPEG compression so that you won't want to upload it to the web. A movie will go from being 1.5 GB to >3GB if the spots are left in the movie.
You won't see the spots because they will only be in one or two frames (which might be illegal in some contries) every few seconds, but when your encoder tries to compress the movie, it will have to create an I-Frame (completely uncompressed) because the frame with a spot in it is sufficiently different from the frame before it that the compression won't save any space. So you will get three I-Frames in a row where you would have only one and two compressed frames.
So yes, you could still get the film videoed and on the web, but with your ADSL or cable modem, it will take signifigantly longer to upload, and likewise much longer to download (thus deterring "piracy").
Re:Okay, so now they know. Now what? (Score:5, Informative)
They said they are using bigger dots, because they want them to still be visible AFTER compression. If they used the normal small dots, they might be washed out by the compression, and then unusable.
Well, probably they want both, but the article didn't mention anything about screwing up the compression ratio.
The solution to everything (Score:5, Funny)
- "In order to produce decent movies we have to make sure noone sees them".
Hidden Persuaders (Score:3, Insightful)
Next step: replace the 'large reddish brown spots' with large reddish brown ads for Coca-Cola
Just Remove the Frame? (Score:5, Interesting)
The dot is not intended to break compression, (Score:4, Insightful)
So the solution is not to perform a multipass scan to work around the dots, but to remove the dota altogether.
Eh? (Score:5, Insightful)
in order to ruin computer-compressed pirated copies of films
WTF? These supersized cap codes have nothing to do with *ruining* copies of the film. Rather they are used to *identify* the person responsible for leaking the film. These films go to the projection houses long before their release dates and are often seen on the internet often before opening day. So obviously some houses have evil employees capturing the movie into computer video formats and leaking them via P2P networks. All the MPAA has to do is download and look at a pirated movie and look for the cap codes and bam, they have ID'ed the projection house responsible for leaking the film. These cap codes have been in film forever - but only recently have they been enlarged enough so that they show up in low resolution computer encoded video.
RTFA (Score:4, Interesting)
As pointed out beautifully in the article you should have read. Now ask yourself - why would they NEED to enlarge them, if not to screw with compression, in the same way the RIAA has done with sound recordings? RIAA put spikes in that don't play badly, but that really screw with attempts to rip to mp3, resulting in pops and cracks. The MPAA is just combining two technologies here.
Seems easy to remove (Score:4, Insightful)
How hard would it be to have software process the film, look for large swaths of colours approximately matching the splotches, and remove them? Seems almost trivial image processing to me, although there is a lot of data to crank through.
Thank Jebus, I am not crazy (Score:5, Informative)
I did not see this on 28 Days Later. Maybe I just missed it, or maybe it was only in the re-release with the new ending.
They are doing this on PURPOSE? Madness. Will these be on DVDs too?
In underworld (Score:5, Informative)
Maybe it says something about the movie, if i was paying that much attention to a random flaw on the screen...
Add value... (Score:5, Insightful)
They should invest, partner, encourage more theatres like the IMAX franchise. As I understand the Matrix has done very well in those venues and cannot be duplicated in any other environment.
Give the movie goer a REASON to see the movie in a theatre, make us CHOOSE the theatre instead of our living room/computer monitor/etc.
There will always be individuals who would not pay to see a particular movie in a theatre, this is something that cannot be changed (and should not show up on any studio's bottom line). These are the same people who would rather pirate them to just be up on the popular culture of the day.
Make Better Movies, make us WANT to go to the theatre, make us excited enough to go, otherwise they will destroy themselves fighting a trend that will never cease to move forward.
Schism (Score:3, Interesting)
Spots or Streaks? (Score:3, Funny)
If they were handling these reels appropriately, according to their cinematic quality, then they would be wadded up and covered in brown streaks.
I don't care (Score:5, Interesting)
Can't bring in outside food or drink anymore. Can't even bring in a backpack, either - post 9/11 fears and "anti-piracy measures" gone too far.
I don't care if the movie looks like crap on my computer. I'm not interested in keeping most movies anyway. If I like it, I'll go see it in the theatre or wait for the DVD.
This really isn't a bad thing. Heck, since the MPAA is purposely altering movies, maybe they should go ahead and let us download stuff and leave p2p alone. If the stuff on p2p is of such low-quality, what is the big problem?
Oh, the problem is that we'll watch it and realize that the movie sucks and we won't shell out $$ to go see it.
I wish I could have my money back from John Carpenter's "Vampires" - aside from 1 hot nude chick, that movie was a total waste of time and money.
See an independent film today (Score:4, Insightful)
Go to something like the Cambridge Arts Picturehouse [picturehou...emas.co.uk] or the Acadia Cinema Cooperative [acadiacinemacoop.ca], or one of the many in London [rj93.com].
You like Linux or *BSD, because the other OSes aren't good enough for you, why not demand high quality cinema?
Messed up compression? Not really. (Score:5, Informative)
The article does not say the blotches are used to screw up compression to ruin the film for pirates, as the slashdot summary suggests. Rather, it is just 20-year old "cap code" technology enlarged to be more easily visible in high-compressed pirated copies.
Cap code was "designed to uniquely mark film prints so that pirated copies could be traced to the source." Originially the dots were small enough that compression obscured them out of usability.
I've seen some pirated movies, and in my opinion, a few splotches on a few frames isn't going to screw them up a whole lot. They already tend to look and sound bad.
Interesting (Score:4, Interesting)
This amazes me considering that DVD movie technology, and by extension, digital movie files, naturally involve a measureable loss of detail and quality over, say, watching it in a theater.
It almost sounds like a desparate measure; as if someone out there threw the idea out without taking into consideration how little quality matters when it comes to satisfying the average DVD consumer.
Yep, Rundown had it. (Score:4, Insightful)
We enjoyed the film. Robin (girlfriend) thought it was really funny. Robin's sister went with us, and she also liked it.
Yes, it's a dirty trick if it's really intentional, but that little ugly spot lasting only a fraction of a second is hardly what I'd call "destroy the movies in order to save them".
Image of Dots (Score:5, Informative)
RIAA too! (Score:4, Funny)
Why do ugly watermarking? (Score:3, Insightful)
It degrades the movie-going experience, nobody wants that.
It is so obvious the pirates could edit it out.
Simple techniques to watermark films would be to add a tiny amount of flicker to the whole frame for a sequence, or to use techniques similar to the (failed) SMDI system to watermark the audio. I really expected more sophistication from the studios than big brown dots. At least at this point, the sophistication of the pirates is not great -- and identifying them through subtle, persistent watermarks could make a difference.
Re:Why do ugly watermarking? (Score:3, Interesting)
Maybe they'll fine a cinema if a pirated version of their print surfaces. That would give an incentive to control access to the prints and stop people from bringing cameras into the theater.
Another technique might be to briefly mask different parts of the frame, or vary the frame rate slightly, to confound video cameras (like a CRT monitor refresh - you can adjust a video camera for a particular cons
Here's a screenshot (Score:4, Informative)
You can see the big T shape in the upper middle part of the image.
Exhibit B:
is anyone demanding their money back? (Score:3, Insightful)
Subliminal Advertising (Score:4, Funny)
CAM's vs. Red Splotches (Score:3, Insightful)
Regardless, the DVD will be error-free, which means the worst-case scenario is that I have to wait 5 months before getting a crispy XVID DVD rip. Ooh, that's tough love.
Oh, and Mr. MPAA Man, we geeks have this wonderful little open-source program called VirtualDub that makes removing bad frames from videos dead-easy. Just so you know.
RTFA (Score:3, Insightful)
don't rip to DivX... download entire DVDs! (Score:5, Funny)
OMG! RIAA has technology that really works! (Score:5, Funny)
Thank you, Slashdot! (Score:3, Informative)
Guess what? It's not "pirates" that are stealing (Score:3, Insightful)
A recent news story says studios may even be discouraged from distributing advance DVDs of their Oscar contenders to academy members, because some of these movies quickly find their way to the Web.
So guess what, it's not us consumers (the ones who are paying the theater ticket prices and rental fees) who are doing the pirating. It's their own people.
Maybe the studios should police their own people rather than give us even poorer quality films and blame us for having to do it.
Re:bleh (Score:3, Interesting)
P.S. Yes, I know I may have just ruined it for a bunch of you too, but why should I be the only one to suffer. (=
Re:bleh (Score:5, Interesting)
At the first cue mark, 8 seconds from the end of the reel, you'd roll the second projector and uncap the arc lamp. At the second cue mark, you'd close a shutter on the first projector, open the shutter on the second, and throw the sound feed over the the second.
After you changed over to the other projector, you had to shut off the carbon arc, unload and rewind the film on the first projector, thread it up with the next real, check the carbon arcs, and go back to sleep for 10 minutes.
And yeah, I still always see the cue marks.
Re:bleh (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Hmmmmm (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Hmmmmm (Score:3, Funny)
Would that be the experience of buying 20 cents worth of popcorn for $3.25 or the experience of reliving your old college frat parties as soles of your shoes stick to the floor that hasn't been cleaned since late last week?
Or maybe you mean the thrill of shelling out $8.75 for the latest "blockbuster" sratting Pauley Shore?
No, you haven't RTFA. (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Um, these were always there (Score:4, Informative)
Umm, well very rarely are they brown spots. Some 25 years ago, I ran a 35MM projector, showing 4 features per week at a university to several hundred viewers.
Very, very, rarely, did the prints have brown dots towards the end of the reel. Mostly, there were white dots where I, or another projectionist, had scratched the emulsion off the print.
The first set of dots was to indicate that the other projector should be started up (it takes time for the projector to come up to the correct speed) and the second set was the changover signal.
A reel lasted about 20 minutes, so the average film was 5-6 reels.