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Footage From Star Wars: Episode III 558

An anonymous reader writes "Leaked footage of Star Wars: Episode III is now online! Included in the 2-minute and 37-second clip are shots of the Australian set, George Lucas behind the camera, Chewbacca looking cooler than ever, and even a quick peek at Hayden Christensen (in Vader get-up!) and Ewan McGregor duking it out, all being played to AC/DC's 'Back in Black.' I've downloaded it, but am undecided as if I should watch it or not, lest it spoil something (here's hoping that it's good)."
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Footage From Star Wars: Episode III

Comments Filter:
  • by Patik ( 584959 ) * <cpatik AT gmail DOT com> on Sunday January 25, 2004 @11:53PM (#8085520) Homepage Journal
    There really aren't any spoilers in the clip. Most of it is just people fighting in front of a green screen; no produced shots at all, just actors dancing around in a studio, usually not even in costume. It barely even shows Chewy. If you're looking for a reason not to watch this, do so because the video is choppy and low quality (camcorder pointed at a monitor) and hard to watch.
  • PTS vs. PTR... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by danielrm26 ( 567852 ) * on Sunday January 25, 2004 @11:53PM (#8085523) Homepage
    Remember, it's only a spoiler if the movie is actually *good*. This one has a huge PTS (potential to suck) rating, with only a moderate PTR (potential to rock). Given those facts, I can afford a peek at what amounts to some backstage stuff usually included on the DVD.
  • by corebreech ( 469871 ) on Sunday January 25, 2004 @11:53PM (#8085524) Journal
    Given the rumors of Episodes VII, VIII & IX [], I think there's a good chance that Lucas has been slapped out of whatever doldrums that produced I & II and that he understands that III has to be put out of the park.

    In other words, if Episode III is the Star Wars equivalent of Star Trek: Nemesis, then he loses the franchise.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      You're an idiot.

      It's nothing like the Star Trek situation. Rick Berman doesn't personally finance the movies. He has to answer to someone when things go sour.

      Lucas answers to nobody. If a movie flops, he has nobody to answer to, nobody to blame but himself. Should he wish to make another, he can pump out as many Star Wars movies as he wants as long as he has money. Lucas has buckets of money, end of story.
      • by shaitand ( 626655 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @12:02AM (#8085582) Journal
        Yes but a Star Wars Movie COSTS buckets of money to make. It hurts MORE not less when it's your own pocket, even if your pockets are deep.

        You think dealing with a boss if tough, try being one.
        • by meta-monkey ( 321000 ) * on Monday January 26, 2004 @12:14AM (#8085657) Journal
          Have you not been paying attention? There is no correlation between the quality of the film and the profits made. Episodes I & II may have cost buckets of cash, but they also MADE buckets of cash. Not counting all the merchandising, the toys and t-shirts and video games and jar-jar toothbrushes. Lucas has no incentive to make a good movie, because no matter how bad the movie is, you know 92% of geeks will still go see it, just so they can bitch about it on /.
          • I'd just like to back up the above comment with some figures: here [] is the IMDb's all-time top grossing movies. Episodes I and II are placed 3rd and 19th respectively. I don't think these numbers include merchandising profits either.
        • True, but if you spened 150 million, and make 400million, it hurts a lot less!
        • by fenix down ( 206580 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @12:48AM (#8085811)
          You've got $2 billion, you have a house, a ranch, a stained glass window worth more than most people's lives, and your own naval base. What the hell else are you going to spend it on besides wrapping extras in green plastic and paying Samuel L. Jackson to beat them mercilessly with a purple broomstick?
      • by Mulletproof ( 513805 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @12:44AM (#8085793) Homepage Journal
        Whoa, slow down there Quick-draw. What do you think another flop is going to do to his consumer base? I don't care if he produces the movies himself or not, like the man said-- If this a repeat performace of one and two, quite a few people are going to assume the magic is gone and simply won't have faith in his future projects. Oh sure, he'll have the die-hard fans who'll die loyally at his feet, but like Star Trek, you can only screw with the franchise so much before your fans start taking a negative outlook on your movie before it's released (ie, half the threads in this topic).

        Feel free to put down the idiot gun, because Corebreech is absolutely right... If he keeps screwing up, he's lost the franchise. Maybe not the rights, just his loyal following, which is nearly, if not more important than a license you can't do shit with because you've lost touch with reality.
        • I'm going to have to side with the AC on this one. As long as Lucas does nothing more than pump out more shitty Star Wars movies, people will continue to go see them, regardless of how much they suck. Once you count in the licensing deals, he's made back the cost, plus a bit. What's really sad, is that people didn't boycott the second after the first one sucked, and I sincerely doubt that anyone will ditch on Ep III just because the last one was way subpar. As for what happnes with the Tales of the New
          • It's got nothing to do with whether people watch them or not. It's whether he can still keep raking in merchandising money. They'll see the films, sure, but they'll only buy the branded crap if they liked them.
    • by interiot ( 50685 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @12:05AM (#8085596) Homepage
      It didn't do THAT badly, did it? Wikipedia notes [] that it was the first time in the series that a Star Wars movie wasn't the highest-grossing of the year. It may have been a let down for Lucas and perhaps not worthy of spending so much money on production of future films, but it was still a commercial success, no?
    • I think a year ago people were trumpeting LOTR and the Matrix films as the new genre movies of choice, and not thinking of Ep III at all. Then the Matrix sequels came out and were underwhelming, so maybe there's a chance fans will look to Star Wars again for that inspirational spark or whatever the first trilogy had in spades.

      I'm going to keep my expectations low, but see it in the theaters anyhow.

      I'd rather someone would come out with a new science fiction franchise to take the reins from Star Wars- som
      • I think a year ago people were trumpeting LOTR and the Matrix films as the new genre movies of choice, and not thinking of Ep III at all. Then the Matrix sequels came out and were underwhelming, so maybe there's a chance fans will look to Star Wars again for that inspirational spark or whatever the first trilogy had in spades.

        Yes, but unfortunately for George LoTR rather spectacular, and epic, and very successful. Star Wars is going to lose the Genre Film crown - but a large part of that is due to the i
      • by MsGeek ( 162936 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @01:09AM (#8085908) Homepage Journal
        Maybe not a live-action Ghost in the Shell, but there *is* a live-action Neon Genesis Evangelion movie in the works. WETA Workshop, the folks who went a long way towards helping the definite non-sucky LOTR trilogy not suck, is going to do the FX.

        Hopefully Gainax, WETA, and ADV Films and the unnamed but Very Major American Movie Studio(s) will be able to make this work.

        If it's done right, this Eva movie will blow the Star Wars prequels and The Matrix trilogy out of the water. Big time.

        If it's done wrong, it's going to be the American-financed Godzilla movie all over again. Here lizard, lizard, lizard....
  • hate it. (Score:5, Funny)

    by OwlofCreamCheese ( 645015 ) on Sunday January 25, 2004 @11:54PM (#8085526)
    we all hate it. no matter WHAT happens we will all hate it, no matter how great it is, or how bad it is we will say how awful it is. we don't even need to see the movie, we all have our opinions already. although it will probobly be right in the end after all.
    • Re:hate it. (Score:3, Insightful)

      The problem is that Lucas wrote himself into a corner by deciding to make Luke's father Darth Vader (it's painfully obvious that this decision was made after episode 4 was filmed). This created a lot of inconsistencies that Episodes 1 and 2 only made worse. I don't see how episode 3 can possibly duct-tape the plot back together (unless dreaming or time-travel is involved).It also means that the finale of the current trilogy has to end on a downer. Who wants to see that?
      • Re:hate it. (Score:3, Insightful)

        by stienman ( 51024 )
        It doesn't have to be a downer. Remember, it ends with the death of most of the Jedi -- So we've got a real big "End of the Good," then we discover that there are yet two born who can reclaim the Jedi.

        I'm not sure how he's going to put this together, but to most humans, and especially to the crowd which grew up with the original series, having kids is going to be a big "upper." Just right to end the story on, and pick up later in the later movies.

  • what? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by arcadia ( 183606 ) on Sunday January 25, 2004 @11:54PM (#8085528)
    You can't spoil it, we already now the ending, eps 4-5-6. Can you really spoil a middle?
    • Re:what? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by edwdig ( 47888 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @12:13AM (#8085652)
      Everyone knows what happens in Episode 3, but what we don't know is how it happens.

      How does Anakin become Vader?
      Where does the name Darth Vader come from?
      How come he doesn't know about that Padme has twins?
      How does Palpatine gain total control?
      How do all the Jedi die?
      What Jedi survive other than Yoda and Obiwan?
      Will there be an answer to why Obiwan and Yoda fade away when they die, but the Jedi we've seen die in Episodes 1 & 2 don't?

      The biggest question I have is in Episode 3, will we see Anakin become Darth Vader, or will we see Anakin "die" and then Darth Vader first appear soon after?
      • Re:what? (Score:5, Informative)

        by double-oh three ( 688874 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @12:27AM (#8085728)
        Actually, a few of these questions have been answered in the books.

        Anakin really becomes Vader-Vader after falling in a Lava pit while fighting a worm not unlike the sandworms of Arrakis. He survives, but needs the black suit to survive.

        Padme goes into hiding after seeing that Anakin goes over to the dark side. She never tells him that she had kids.

        Palpatine has a military coup, the final bit of which is seen in eps 4 with the dissolving of the senate.

        The Jedi are hunted down by bounty hunters like Fett, along with Darth Vader and some other force-users that the books allude to.

        A few Jedi survive in out of the way places, some of them turn up in the books. (One teaches Kip Durron a bit in the mines of Kessel, another guards a cache of lightsabers on an old library planet that's name eludes me.)

        The longer it's been since the Jedi has died, the harder it is to come back. Even Obiwan stops appearing to Luke after a decade or two.
        • Re:what? (Score:3, Informative)

          by colmore ( 56499 )
          i think lucas has pretty well said that the books aren't influencing his writing of these movies at all.

          shame, really.
      • Re:what? (Score:5, Funny)

        by Wumpus ( 9548 ) <{IAmWumpus} {at} {}> on Monday January 26, 2004 @01:33AM (#8085988)
        How does Anakin become Vader?

        I'm glad you asked. It was a horrible garbage disposer accident. Remember to always turn off the garbage disposer when reaching in to retrieve your light saber, kids!

        Where does the name Darth Vader come from?

        From the Akkadian root for "wooden performance".

        How come he doesn't know about that Padme has twins?

        For the same reason that Homer Simpson failed his fatherhood quiz.

        How does Palpatine gain total control?

        That one's easy. []

        How do all the Jedi die?

        They hold their breath for a very long time and go to doggy heaven.

        What Jedi survive other than Yoda and Obiwan?

        The ones who don't hold their breath when Palpatine asks them.

        Will there be an answer to why Obiwan and Yoda fade away when they die, but the Jedi we've seen die in Episodes 1 & 2 don't?

        No, but they'll finally explain why Klingons had ridged forheads, then lost them, then got them back. I bet you can't wait to find out!
      • Re:what? (Score:3, Funny)

        by NanoGator ( 522640 )
        "How does Anakin become Vader?"

        Annie had an unfortunate encounter with a pit of lava after a Jedi-mind trick prank went awry. You wouldn't believe the japes they play at the Jedi Academy.

        "Where does the name Darth Vader come from?"

        It originated from the word 'dearth', an affectionate title that was born one day after exiting a cold swimming pool.

        "How come he doesn't know about that Padme has twins?"

        Women habitually gain weight shortly after getting married.

        "How does Palpatine gain total control
      • Re:what? (Score:5, Funny)

        by MarsCtrl ( 255543 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @07:29AM (#8086848) Homepage Journal
        With apologies to The Brunching Shuttlecocks []: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Foreshadowing

        Can't get enough foreshadowing? Feel cheated because there wasn't a scene in Attack of the Clones where someone says "You're a pretty good Moff, Tarkin, but you're not quite a grand Moff"? Well, you're going to be ass-clenchingly happy with Episode III, because our sources inform us that there's going to be plenty more of the awkward, forced foreshadowing that filled the first two prequels! Check out this preview:

        "Golly, no one will ever make the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs!"

        "If I ever have a son, I'd like him to have my lightsaber when he's old enough. But not to use against me!"

        "In local news, Mos Eisley has moved up to second-most wretched hive of scum and villany."

        "Okay, me and the rest of the Bothans will be back soon with the information! Don't worry, we won't die!"

        "Call me Ben. Obi-Wan is a name I hope not to hear again in a long time. A long time."

        "These new 'Scout Walkers' can handle anything you throw at them. Except wood of course."

        "Your voice is kind of whiny and reedy for a Sith Lord, Anakin. Can't you get a voice coach or something?"

        "Jedi Master Windu's bravery and wisdom will be remembered for, oh, 27 years, tops."

        "Aren't the Skywalker twins cute? And such sexual tension between them!"

        "Let's remove R2's jet rockets and put in some sort of teddy bear zapping device instead."

        "Well, that's it. There's no hope."
    • Re:what? (Score:3, Interesting)

      by stickb0y ( 260670 )

      Actually, I'm thinking (and hoping, but probably in vain) that maybe we don't know what we think we know.

      For example, everyone is expecting Anakin to become Vader. What if he's not? Perhaps Vader is a clone of Anakin. This could explain a few things:

      • The stupid midochlorian plot element of Episode I. It could have been written in as a (lame) way to get a blood sample from Anakin sent off to Coruscant.
      • How Vader was unaware that he had children. Perhaps they weren't his but instead were the origin
  • heh (Score:4, Informative)

    by ruprechtjones ( 545762 ) <ruprechtjones AT gmail DOT com> on Sunday January 25, 2004 @11:55PM (#8085530) Homepage
    Some enterprising souls have already jammed this thing into After Effects and applied their own lightsabre effects and lava-planet backgrounds. Pretty cool. There are some great discussions of this over at
  • by ackthpt ( 218170 ) * on Sunday January 25, 2004 @11:55PM (#8085531) Homepage Journal
    Anakin Skywalker becomes 'Darth Vader'!!!

    You heard it here first! (c=

  • Not much spoilage (Score:5, Informative)

    by elvesRgay ( 685389 ) * on Sunday January 25, 2004 @11:55PM (#8085533)
    If it gets slashdotted and you are really wondering if you have missed something don't worry about it.
    Somebody put a small video camera in front of a TV showing some video of the film development from about 4-8 feet away. I wonder if they where worried someone would come in and catch them doing it.
    There definitely doesn't seem to be any spoilage. Everything that could be given away in this (very poor quality) video clip is given away buy the description of this story!
  • Characters (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 25, 2004 @11:56PM (#8085540)
    "The set, George Lucas, Chewbacca, Hayden Christensen, Ewan McGregor..." blah blah BLAH
    The important question is... how much Natalie Portman does it show?
    • The important question is... how much Natalie Portman does it show?
      Absolutely none.

      Oh, but Jimmy Smits makes a brief appearance.

  • by goMac2500 ( 741295 ) on Sunday January 25, 2004 @11:59PM (#8085564)
    ...or does it look like there is a dual with the Blue Man Group?
  • BitTorrent Mirror (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 26, 2004 @12:00AM (#8085570)
  • Skeptical (Score:5, Insightful)

    by DarkHelmet ( 120004 ) * <(ten.elcychtneves) (ta) (kram)> on Monday January 26, 2004 @12:07AM (#8085610) Homepage

    I admit...

    The lightsaber fights do end up looking good, even in these green screen clips.

    Then I remember Star Wars: Episode 1. The lightsaber fight with Darth Maul / Obiwan was very very good, but the movie overall wasn't. I realize that from these scenes, that what's shown amounts to roughly 5-10 minutes of the movie that *might* actually be good.

    Call me what you will, but there was nothing in Episode 1 that was truly memorable. There were no lines that are worthy of geeks repeating. There was nothing that truly captured me when I watched it, and made me want to see it again. Just because it's Star Wars, doesn't make it automatically fantastic.

    I hope to god Episode 3 makes up for the other two. But I'm not holding my breath.

    • Re:Skeptical (Score:5, Insightful)

      by nacturation ( 646836 ) <nacturation@gmai[ ]om ['l.c' in gap]> on Monday January 26, 2004 @12:22AM (#8085703) Journal
      The lightsaber fights do end up looking good, even in these green screen clips.

      Then I remember Star Wars: Episode 1. The lightsaber fight with Darth Maul / Obiwan was very very good...

      Sure, if your definition of "good" is having the fighters flip around maniacally in all sorts of improbable positions, doing spins and twirls which would make it easy for any capable swordsman to kill them. What I'd really like to see is for the lightsabre fights to employ traditional swordsmanship techniques. After all, what's the point of doing any kind of spin or wind-up movement... to build up more momentum which doesn't even affect an energy beam?

      I know, people probably expect to see lots of crazy acrobatics so that they can get their action fix rather than having a lightsabre duel be an actual plot device, used in the context of telling a great story.
      • Re:Skeptical (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Ieshan ( 409693 )
        As a past fencer, one simple question: Have you ever SEEN a sabre fencing match?

        The dynamics are relatively the same. A single touch from either weapon ends the fight. Moving in "3-D" doesn't really help the Jedi, as unless he's fighting off lots of other things, the closest thing to his opponent is still a straight line, and he's only got to touch him once to win.

        Here's how it goes. People scurry back and forth. Wildly. Points last a couple of seconds. Since we can assume that the Jedi are weighing far m
      • Re:Skeptical (Score:3, Insightful)

        by awol ( 98751 )

        After all, what's the point of doing any kind of spin or wind-up movement... to build up more momentum which doesn't even affect an energy beam?

        Well, here's a thought. Jedi's ability to "feel" the force (remember the drone whose laser bolts LS deflects in his novice training in ANH) means that all the spinning and stuff is necessary to even attempt to defeat their ability to put the light sabre in the right place at the right time to deflect a blow. Now, I am not trying to offer a "coherent" defence

  • by smkndrkn ( 3654 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @12:08AM (#8085622)
    ...a grainy video set to AC/DC back in black without any real interesting footage...of a movie that we already know will suck hehe

    and now on a positive note....
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 26, 2004 @12:14AM (#8085660)
    The quicktime video is at [].

    I'm getting 4kBytes/sec with wget.
  • Hayden (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Coneasfast ( 690509 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @12:16AM (#8085671)
    anyone else find Hayden Christensen was not right for the role of Anakin? it was kind of irritating, i found his acting to be quite poor in star wars and would have preferred someone else in his place; not sure who though.

    just my C$0.02
  • Spoiler (Score:5, Funny)

    by jdifool ( 678774 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @12:19AM (#8085685) Homepage Journal
    Yoda is a woman. Regards, George.
  • Spoil it? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by east coast ( 590680 )
    If anything 'spoils' episode III it will be Lucas' complete witlessness in episodes I and II. IMHO.

    So call me a troll! :)
  • by Sumocide ( 114549 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @12:25AM (#8085720)
    Get it here [].

  • by i_am_syco ( 694486 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @12:27AM (#8085724)
    Here's Syco's do-all formula for figuring out if a Star Wars movie will suck or rock.

    If the name rocks, the film will suck.
    If the name sucks, the film will rock.

    A New Hope: Name sucks, movie rocks.
    Empire Strikes Back: Name sucks, movie rocks.
    Return of the Jedi: Name sucks, movie sort-of rocks.
    Phantom Menace: Name rocks, movie sucks.
    Attack of the Clones; Name sucks, movie sucks (hey, it was an exception)

    Revenge of the Sith: Name rocks, movie will probably suck.
  • by mattdm ( 1931 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @12:28AM (#8085732) Homepage
    Ok, we've all been screwed over by the first two movies. They sucked. And there's nothing we can do about it: we have to go see the third one too.

    But here's my feeble little geek protest: don't go opening night. Go the second night. Wouldn't it be cool if the first day, *no one* showed up?
    • I'd like to thank you in advance for making Episode III such a nice experience for me. I'll have the theater to my self, but best of all I wont have to over hear any of you complain about how bad it was on the way out. I can go home with my delusions that Episode III was a good movie just like II and I (minus Jar Jar of course).
  • by use_compress ( 627082 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @12:45AM (#8085800) Journal
    I know I'm getting for a head of myself but I think that the main reason that we'll all be disappointed in this movie is that we're no longer five to eight years old-- the age range Lucas says he's targeting. What looked exciting and heroic when you were five looks cheesy and predictable when you're 25.

    What I'm really trying to say is that even if this next Star Wars is as good as the first three, no one posting on Slashdot will be able to connect with this movie the same way we did with the first three. I think that we still view them though the eyes of an eight year old and will never be able to recreate that outlook towards another movie of this genre again.
    • by freeweed ( 309734 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @01:04AM (#8085887)
      My parents were well over 8 years old when the original Star Wars' came out. More like 38 (+6 for Jedi). They still loved them.

      Most people that never saw the first trilogy (yes, they exist) who have seen the new ones as adults don't think they're all that great. My folks can't stand them.

      It has dick all to do with childhood memories, really, contrary to what every karma whore has posted to every single Star Wars story on Slashdot for the past 4 years. Kids will eat anything up and call it candy, that is correct. But Star Wars (ep 4-6) stood the test of time because more than just pre-pubescents thought it was good. Same can't be said for the new stuff, sorry.

      If you're going after the historical angle, at least point out the fact that in 1977 no one had even attempted the special affects Lucas did, whereas the new ones could really have been made by anyone. That at least is an acceptable excuse. Star Wars WAS something special, for all ages seeing it. Ep 1/2 might as well have been Matrix sequels, really.
    • I know I'm getting for a head of myself but I think that the main reason that we'll all be disappointed in this movie is that we're no longer five to eight years old-- the age range Lucas says he's targeting.

      Sounds strange when he's putting all this about politics and trade blockades into the movie. The problem I have with especially the prequels is partly what you say -- they may seem too childish for adults, but also that children might miss out so much when key moments in the movies deal with the senat
  • by SPYDER Web ( 717344 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @12:52AM (#8085832)
    With every game and movie being leaked now adays and getting tons of press, I bet Lucas leaked this footage (especially since Entertainment Tonight gets more indepth than that) just to start getting more hype... I mean I could give a rat's butt about star wars now a days but I downloaded it because I saw the words leaked footage. Just something to think about.
  • by nnnneedles ( 216864 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @01:02AM (#8085880)
    I like the last scene..

    where the camera holder gets stabbed in the back of the head by Lucas security goons.

  • Spoiler (Score:4, Funny)

    by jhylkema ( 545853 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @01:35AM (#8085992)
    1. Anakin grows up.
    2. Anakin bangs Queen Amidala.
    3. Queen Amidala begat Luke Skywalker and Leia.

    The end.
  • by jhylkema ( 545853 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @01:40AM (#8086015)
    1. Film Episode III with a Beowulf cluster of G5s in Soviet Russia. 2. ????? 3. Include footage of Anakin banging Queen Amidala (for sexually frustrated /. geeks/Star Wars fans.) 4. PROFIT!
  • Mirror (Score:3, Informative)

    by billatq ( 544019 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @01:54AM (#8086055)
    Here's a mirror. Get it while they'res still bandwidth: []
  • direct download link (Score:5, Informative)

    by mrpuffypants ( 444598 ) * <> on Monday January 26, 2004 @02:11AM (#8086101)
    For those that don't want to bother with bittorrent here's a link to my server.

    Do your fucking worst!

    Here it is []

    share with your friends, whatever. I've got 1TB xfer/month and January's almost over!
    • Update!

      my poor server is now putting out right at 9.88MB/sec with only about 38GB xferred over the last 24 hours (as of this post)

      However, Apache seems to have hit its 150-client limit. If you're trying to connect and it times out then sorry! Everybody else that's connected should be getting good speeds, though ;)
  • by Sivar ( 316343 ) <charlesnburns[.]gmail@com> on Monday January 26, 2004 @04:13AM (#8086432)
    "Everybody, get prepared to be blown away."

    Like the last two tries?
  • by SQLz ( 564901 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @08:54AM (#8087241) Homepage Journal
    I wonder what kind of hardware and bandwidth you need to survive a post on slashdot with the words "star wars" and "video clip".

    Someone needs to figure this out.
  • by ianscot ( 591483 ) on Monday January 26, 2004 @09:34AM (#8087495)
    One of the ways to measure a pop movie is to think of the memorable lines from it. Dialog doesn't have to be all that great to stick in your head. ("This was no boating accident!" isn't great literature.)

    Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back had the same ham-fisted Lucas dialog, but they were fun and you remember a lot of little lines from them. Heck, I can still hear the exact intonation of Luke's lines as he reacts to Ben Kenobi being cut down. "These aren't the droids we're looking for" and a bunch of other quotes have stuck with me forever. "Empire..." I recall a little less from, though I've probably seen it more. Some of the drippingly sarcastic "Your worship" stuff, and lots of Threepio's banter with R2D2, but not tons of it.

    By the time we get to Return of the Jedi, though, I recall nothing to speak of. And for the last/first two movies, all, I can come up with is "Mee-sa." Seriously. And maybe, if I reach, "Around the survivors a perimeter create," but that I'm remembering because it was so stoo-pid. (The entire plot point, not just the line.)

    Anyway, does anyone remember any lines from Episodes I or II? For good reasons? Try it out.

How much net work could a network work, if a network could net work?
