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Star Wars DVD Cover Art Leaked 264

An anonymous reader writes "Everyone already knows that Star Wars is coming to DVD. In related news, the Digital Bits reports that the proposed cover art for the upcoming Star Wars Trilogy box set was "accidentally" leaked over the weekend by design company Neuron Syndicate. The images were pulled, but not before copies were made. Three versions of packages for the Star Wars Trilogy can currently be viewed at French fansite KamuiWeb. If only those were packages of the original versions of these childhood classics...."
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Star Wars DVD Cover Art Leaked

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  • remember folks... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by real_smiff ( 611054 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @09:35AM (#8439994)
    Don't buy this DVD, Han shoots in self-defense and Lucas is a twit. Use this cover for your own LD or Digital TV rip.

    (half serious ;)

    • by Anonymous Coward
      Don't buy this DVD

      Right. is the way to go.

    • Re:remember folks... (Score:5, Interesting)

      by tuffy ( 10202 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @09:53AM (#8440183) Homepage Journal
      I actually prefer the fan covers since they feature the original poster art. The John Berkey [] painting for "Star Wars" really brings back the memories.
    • Re:remember folks... (Score:5, Informative)

      by reidbold ( 55120 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @10:06AM (#8440277)
      gah, seriously, in the a new hope book, han DOES shoot in self defense. In the original print of the film the scene is imperceptible, the special edition just cleared it up.
      • Self Defense (Score:5, Interesting)

        by mcc ( 14761 ) <> on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @10:37AM (#8440656) Homepage
        Han always came across to me as shooting in self defense in the first movie. Among other things, he was facing a BOUNTY HUNTER. Do you NEED to let them shoot first to know what a bounty hunter for jabba the hutt is going to do to you?

        The restoration doesn't clarify he was shooting in self defense. The restoration just implies Han was either so monumentally nice or so monumentally stupid that he couldn't see where this was going and wouldn't shoot to save his own skin unless the other person shot first.

        What I can't stand about that change is that what the restoration ultimately means is that Han did not survive that scene because of quick thinking and reflexes and the cunning to have a gun already hidden. It means that Han survived the scene solely because Greedo missed.
        • It came to be during that scene in "once upon a time in Mexico" where Johnny Depp had a gun hidden under the table while he kept the fake arm on the table...

          I know, I know... totally different genre, but I can't be the only person who was reminded of the Han Solo and Greedo scene from the original star wars.
        • by alChandler ( 86146 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @12:43PM (#8442124) Homepage
          Flunky: Uh, sir, what are you doing?

          Lucas: I'm fixing this bit so that Greedo
          shoots first.

          Flunky: But sir, that sceen is a classic, you can't...

          Lucas: I am altering the scene. Pray I do not alter it further.
      • Re:remember folks... (Score:5, Interesting)

        by ScottGant ( 642590 ) <{TONten.labolgcbs} {ta} {tnag_ttocs}> on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @11:02AM (#8440914) Homepage
        Han shot first...if it was self defense, so be it. But he DID shoot first.

        "Yeah, I bet you have" ZAP. One zap, one shot...greedo didn't get a round off at all.

        Trust me, Han shot first. I don't care about the book or the movie Star Wars (before the episode IV was added) Han shot first. Theres not even a question about it. It's not imperceptible nor unclear. Han shot first.

        Personally, I don't really care. I'm not buying the special editions and really don't care that Lucas messed around with them...I mean, they're his movies. But I just hate revisionists saying "it was really like this before, Lucas just cleared it up". He changed it, he wussed it up and that's that. Deal with it.
    • Speaking of which, does anyone have a DVD-version of the Original series? Let's just call it 'Star Wars: The One that Lucas didn't F*** Up.' The Han Solo Greedo scene followed by the obviously digitally-edited Jabba is perhaps one of the biggest movie F-ups in the history of cinema, second only to Jar-Jar. It only worsens it to know that I can't find a DVD of the original.
      • No DVDs were officially released of the original Star Wars. However, Laserdiscs were, with 5.1 audio and I hear they look really great. You can download rips via Bittorrent, check All three episodes are up there in a single torrent right now.
    • by milkman_matt ( 593465 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @11:59AM (#8441636)
      I was expecting the cover art to have something to the effect of Lucas lighting a cigar with a hundred dollar bill while laughing at us and giving us the finger or something :)

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @09:36AM (#8440014)
    Great! Now we can get started and make the DVD clamshells, and get all ready for when we can download the divx's off Grokster and burn them.
  • by FraggedSquid ( 737869 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @09:36AM (#8440015)
    All look rather nice, which one has the Danish Pastry recipe for Princess Lea's hair?
  • by methangel ( 191461 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @09:37AM (#8440019)
    ...I think that George Lucas wanted to show the fans that they were indeed actually going to be released. Still, I'll believe it when I see it on store shelves.
  • Damn it! (Score:5, Funny)

    by Quasar1999 ( 520073 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @09:37AM (#8440020) Journal
    Why isn't it 3d? Holographic cover would be the LEAST that Lucas could do for making us wait this damned long.
  • Probably wont happen (Score:4, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @09:37AM (#8440025)
    Mirror []

    but just in case, a mirror. Its a good static site with just a couple of graphics, probably wont be an issue.....

  • Versions? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Mad_Rain ( 674268 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @09:40AM (#8440045) Journal
    There appear to be 3 different versions of box art - you think that might be for different versions of the DVD? One 4:3, one widescreen, and one unedited version? Or am I still asleep and dreaming? ;)

    More cynically, it's Lucas trying to make more money off the people. Wow, that first cup of coffee makes all the difference in levels of cyncism.
    • Re:Versions? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by jayhawk88 ( 160512 ) <> on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @10:00AM (#8440228)
      Are you kidding? Lucas got us for no less than 4 different releases of the original trilogy on VHS. He practically invented this "Release, then release again with minor changes" strategy.

      By the time it's all said and done, you're going to have:

      Original Trilogy Special Edition
      Original Trilogy Special Edition Light and Dark Side Edition Box Sets
      Original Trilogy Special Edition Rebel and Imperial Edition Box Sets
      Original Trilogy Special Edition Jedi Master Box Set With New 15 Minute "Making of The Battle of Yavin" featurette
      Original Trilogy Special Edition Lord Vadar Private Collection Box Set With One of 15 Collectible Trading Cards
      Original Trilogy Special Edition Master Yoda Box Set With John Williams Commentary Track
      Original Trilogy Special Edition "The Force" Super Complete Box Set with Stone Engraved Luke and Vadar Bookends, Leather-Bound Jedi Initiate Training Manual and Never Before Seen 9 Minute Deleted Footage of Han Offering to Take Luke and Ben to Alderaan For Free and Being Nice to C-3PO in the Hallway On The Way to the Bathroom

      And then they'll start releasing the Original Trilogy Original Edition...
      • Re:Versions? (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Bonewalker ( 631203 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @10:31AM (#8440584)
        Yeah, and if people are willing to pay it, I say Lucas is a genius.

        I wish I had created something, anything, that I could sell over and over, and people would just keep buying and buying.

        It would sure beat the hell out of what I am doing now.

      • Re:Versions? (Score:4, Interesting)

        by Lordofohio ( 703786 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @12:35PM (#8442034)
        I worked in a move theater for a few years, including the time when the first of the "new" Star Wars came out. Lucas had a bastardly set of rules for all theaters that were carrying the film.
        • Projectionists were only allowed to load the film into the projector, they were not allowed to actually glimpse the movie as it was being played.
        • The little windows in the theater doors had to be covered with black construction paper.
        • Lucas had employees sit in the theaters and do head counts. The head count had to match with the ticket sales.
        • No employees were allowed to watch the movies without purchasing a ticket, and then they couldn't even use an employee discount.

        The penalty for breaking the rules? The theater lost the right to show the film. Since it was the hottest movie of the year, of course no theater argued any of the rules that the jerk laid down. Talk about squeezing out every last dime...
    • re: versions? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by ed.han ( 444783 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @10:01AM (#8440243) Journal
      someone needs to explain to production houses that it's perfectly possible to have 4:3 and 16:9/letterboxed formats on the same disc if they're double-sided: i own a few discs sthat do that. this practice of having to have the pan & scan (spits) and widescreen versions as separate is ridiculous.

      and i'm pretty certain lucas wants us all to forget the original theatrical release ever existed.

      • Re: versions? (Score:5, Insightful)

        by LoadStar ( 532607 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @10:16AM (#8440405)
        someone needs to explain to production houses that it's perfectly possible to have 4:3 and 16:9/letterboxed formats on the same disc if they're double-sided: i own a few discs sthat do that. this practice of having to have the pan & scan (spits) and widescreen versions as separate is ridiculous.

        It's possible, but no more practical than having two discs (a double sided DVD is, more or less, just two single sided DVDs bonded together).

        Additionally, consumers have proven they do not like the double sided discs - generally, most consumers tend to feel that the double sided nature of the discs means they're more susceptible to damage, since there are now two sides of the disc containing data to get scratched, instead of just one.) Plus - it gives the consumer the feeling that they are getting more value - they're getting two discs instead of just one (regardless whether the one disc contains the same amount of information as the two discs).

        Lastly, having them on seperate discs allows you to loan out one disc while retaining the other, should you so choose.

      • Re: versions? (Score:4, Informative)

        by tuffy ( 10202 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @10:18AM (#8440426) Homepage Journal
        I'm sure production houses know. But I believe 2 DVD-9s are cheaper to produce than a single DVD-18 due to the higher defect rate.

        That, and consumers tend to grumble when they get one; they'd rather have two discs in a double Amaray or a bunch of them in a Digipack.

    • Re:Versions? (Score:3, Insightful)

      by ClubStew ( 113954 )
      Or am I still asleep and dreaming?

      Yes. Lucas is an asshole that doesn't care about the viewers. That's been discussed many times before on /. with a pile of evidence that shows he doesn't really care. He's all about the almighty dollar!

      And as much as I dislike modern Disney, at least when they release movies on their 7-year schedule with "touch-ups", they have the original versions boxed as well. At least then we have a choice.

    • One 4:3, one widescreen, and one unedited version?

      You know, since Lucas is do damn bent on giving us his ultimate vision for these movies, I find it incredibly strange that he'd be willing to just lop off the sides and release a 4:3 version at all. That move just reeks of hypocracy. He's willing to chop up his movies to appease those fans unwilling to live with black bars on their 4:3 TV sets but not willing to simply release un-messed-with versions? Spare me.


  • Who cares? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by mrn121 ( 673604 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @09:40AM (#8440049) Homepage
    I don't understand why it is a big deal when cover art is "leaked." What can I possibly do with this information that I am suddenly privy to? I can see why rips of the actual DVDs leaking would be damaging, but c'mon... Deathstar, Vader... weren't these just images that we EXPECT to be on the DVDs? If the cover-art were something unexpected (like a photo of the Dixie Chicks making out with George Bush), maybe THAT would be news, but even then... what difference does it make what a box for a product that I will be able to purchase one day LOOKS LIKE?
  • Box art? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Muttonhead ( 109583 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @09:40AM (#8440054)
    Box art? Slashdot used to talk about bytes and bits and all the cool nerdy geek stuff. But box art?
  • by AtariAmarok ( 451306 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @09:42AM (#8440066)
    From a Lucasfilm contest:

    10. One of the belching muppets from "Return of the Jedi"
    9. A Beowulf cluster of Natalie Portmans
    8. Legolas the Elf. (after a marketing survey showed that this would double sales)
    7. Headless Jar Jar
    6. Tongue-less Jar Jar
    5. Favorite stills from "Star Wars Christmas Special"
    4. Carbonite DVD case that only opens with special electronic key
    3. Free "Phantom Edit" DVD Inside
    2. Bonus: "The Best Non-Star-Wars Films of Mark Hamill"
    1. Dancing "Star Wars Kid" hologram
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Cool things that Mark Hamill has done outside of Star Wars:

      1. In the original theatrical run of "Amadeus", the movie version of which later swept the oscars, debuted the part of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart across from Ian McKellen playing Antonio Saliere
      2. Was in the horribly underrated sitcom "Soap"
      3. The Joker, for crying out loud

      Hold on, I'm sure more will come to me eventually... imdb says that he played "Evil Cat" in an episode of the Powerpuff Girls, that's got to count for something.
    • Naked and petrified and covered in hot grits...

  • by ITR81 ( 727140 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @09:43AM (#8440070)
    Looks like I will be buying all three...damn you GL!!!!!!!
  • Right (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @09:44AM (#8440086)
    Looking forward to ignoring this totally on release, as I have no interest whatsoever in owning a copy of the "restored" Star Wars in any format.

    **Clutches his digitally-remastered original-version VHS tapes close and hisses something about 'precious'**
    • Re:Right (Score:3, Interesting)

      by ozric99 ( 162412 )
      I'm with ya, buddy, which is why I'll be sticking with my LD rips on DVD unless the unfuckedwith originals are included via seamless branching or as an "extra".
  • Lucas Too (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Walrus99 ( 543380 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @09:45AM (#8440102)

    It seems like Lucas and other movie companies are beginning to realize what record companies have known for years; by providing new media you can sell the same product over and over. First we had LP's, then 8-tracks then cassettes, then CD's, then super CD's, ... Now we have Beta then VHS, then DVD, ...

    I still have my old LP collection and a betamax copy of "Star Wars" that I taped off HBO twenty years ago.

    • Re:Lucas Too (Score:3, Insightful)

      Dude, fans have been demanding the DVD for years. As much as I can't stand the guy and he's a merchandising jackass, this is the ONE piece of sw product people have pushed him for and which he wasn't releasing quick enough.
      • Really. If they had offered a no frills DVD with just the remastered copy of the movie, we'd have bought it....then when the Super De Duper DVD set came out, we'd buy it too. The way I look at it, multiple sets will come out because Lucas realized he screwed up and should have brought the DVD out years ago.
    • Re:Lucas Too (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Boing ( 111813 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @10:02AM (#8440250)
      Well, even with switches like going from eight-track to cassette, we were ostensibly getting "more" each time we purchased a copy in the new medium. It used to be that the "more" was just better quality, which is a bit questionable when you're being asked to pay another eighteen bucks for the equivalent of a 32kbit/s improvement in sound on something you already own.

      But DVDs have changed the landscape. I buy DVDs as much for the special features as the movie itself sometimes. I'm actually getting new value for my money, as opposed to just an improvement on existing value.

      Now, we're seeing CDs slowly start to come with extra features, like an extra disc with music videos or something. People are realizing that they don't care about the quality differences between the newer formats that much, so the studios have had to come up with a real way of getting new revenue. And this is a Good Thing.

    • OK, first of all I'm a bit of an analog nut as well, I have a respectible collection of LPs, 8-tracks, 1/4" reels, cassettes, 16 mm, Betamax and VHS. But I also have plenty of CDs and DVDs, and in a lot of cases I have the same album / movie on both analog and digital format because as much as I hate it, the analog stuff is decaying. When I park the Beta, VHS and DVD versions of "Raiders of the Lost Ark" next to each other the DVD wins hands down in both the audio and visual categories, and as time marches
  • oh goodie (Score:5, Funny)

    by nizo ( 81281 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @09:46AM (#8440108) Homepage Journal
    For some reason the actual link wasn't posted (it is here []

    Now if the DVDs have the scenes they talked about in one of the "making of" shows where Leia keeps slipping out of here bikini top in the 3rd (6th, or whatever the hell it was) movie, I might buy it!

    • lol. your sig is curiously appropriate.
      • by nizo ( 81281 )
        lol. your sig is curiously appropriate.

        It really is suprising how many different problems it will solve isn't it???

    • Ooops, I guess the URL was in the post. Then again, I didn't read the article either, since pictures are about all I can process this early in the morning anyway. Speaking of which, the pictures aren't worth the click to go look at, except it is worth it to hear the screams of some poor French sysadmin as his machine gets slashdotted.
    • by The I Shing ( 700142 ) * on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @10:14AM (#8440382) Journal
      I heard that halfway through Empire Strikes Back, Han rips Leia's dress, exposing her right breast in front of eighty-thousand stormtroopers.
    • by Cyno01 ( 573917 )
      Maybe your thinking of the cut, the cbs/fox release(vhs, light blue boxes), where in RotJ the Twilek dancer Oola (the green chick with the head tentacles)loses her top when Jabba drops her into the rancor pit.
  • by freerecords ( 750663 ) <slashdot&freerecords,org> on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @09:49AM (#8440137) Homepage Journal
    *waves hand* this is not the cover art you are looking for!
  • Is it just me? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by FS1 ( 636716 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @09:50AM (#8440144)
    or is anyone else holding tight to their "virgin" and unaltered original vhs tapes of Starwars 4-6?
    • is anyone else holding tight to their "virgin" and unaltered original vhs tapes of Starwars 4-6?

      You mean you've never played them? (The nature of VHS & oxide media in general is that, when you play 'em, you alter 'em. ;-)

    • I'm holding tight to my DVD's of the unedited versions, taken from Hong Kong Laserdisc.
      You wouldn't believe how glad I am to have a copy of the proper ones that won't degrade!
    • In fact, I've been passively looking for clean, good condition VHS or preferably Laserdisc copies of the ORIGINAL versions of the films so I can transfer them to DVD myself. I have most of the necessary hardware, and I really do NOT want to see the shitty "Special Edition" basardifiications again. :|

      I like the original 4-6, and I'd pay good money for the original 4-6 on DVD. I wouldn't wipe my ass with the speditions. :|
  • by A55M0NKEY ( 554964 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @09:58AM (#8440220) Homepage Journal
    I can forgive those who bought boxed sets of Star Wars IV, V, VI since the movies were all completed before ( at least I ) had access to one of those new fangled VCR things, and then buy the DVD boxed sets to get the advantages of the better format.

    I can understand those who buy the Star Wars Episodes I, II, and III VHS/DVD/Whatever as they come out. ( Same goes for LOTR ). But what about these ppl that buy the videos as they come out and then turn around and buy the boxed set? That's just nuts.

    Personally, on such items, I wait and get the boxed set in the best format available at the time, but not the first release. That release is inevitably chopped off at the edges to fit your TV. I wait for the letterboxed editions of movies, Directors Cut if possible, when buying boxed sets. As for Star Wars IV, V, VI, those are best in letterbox pre 'enhancement'.

    • Well, I bought the Fellowship of the Ring not knowing the special edition was coming out later. When it did, I just decided not to buy anything else in the series. Same principle, I think.

      • You have no one to blame but yourself if you "did not know" the SE was going to be released after the first edition. It was made *very* common knowledge to everyone long before the DVDs were for sale. There was no "trick the fans out of money" going on there.

        • It was made *very* common knowledge to everyone long before the DVDs were for sale. There was no "trick the fans out of money" going on there.

          The regular edition of the FotR actually lists "An Inside Look at the Special Extended DVD Edition" as one of the bonus features on the back of the DVD case. Thus, anyone who bothers to look at the contents should be able to deduce that "special extended DVD edition" is on the way prior to it appearing on store shelves.

  • This is getting lame....every week some part of the movie is getting leaked....just leak the damn movie already...i know one of you out there has it....
  • Issues (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Schnapple ( 262314 ) <tomkidd@gmail.cMONETom minus painter> on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @10:03AM (#8440252) Homepage
    For starters, does anyone have a translation of what the French site says? My guess would be that whatever firm came up with these has done three concept prototypes and submitted them.

    But here's the biggest problem - if the original trilogy comes in casing like this then they won't match the existing movies on DVD. I mean, perhaps I'm misreading what's going on here, but at least one of these sets looks like it's one of those deals where the book unfolds and the discs click into the pages (like when they release seasons of television shows on DVD)

    Granted, with the inclusion of a fourth disc (instead of, say, three 2-disc movies) the whole thing was going to get messed up anyway, but am I the only one who wants keeper cases with "IV", "V" and "VI" to sit next to my "I", "II" and "III" DVD's?

    Or perhaps this is just what the foreign markets get?

  • by oneiros27 ( 46144 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @10:05AM (#8440269) Homepage
    It doesn't cost that much to press a disk. My understanding is that the packaging is the most significant cost of a DVD. Why not give people a boxed set that has both the 'remastered' and the original versions?

    Or release two sets, one with, one without, as there are bound to be those people willing to spend more money on it. [I probably wouldn't for Star Wars, but I would have for the Red Dwarf releases ... it's just not the same without the model shots]
  • by Simon Garlick ( 104721 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @10:05AM (#8440270)
    Really, does anyone actually care any more? I queued up, multiple times, for the original cinematic release like most proto-geeks of my generation, but surely I'm not the only one who realised upon seeing Episode 1 that we were getting fucked in the ass without even the common courtesy of a reach-around?
  • Inconsistency (Score:3, Insightful)

    by ObiWanKenblowme ( 718510 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @10:10AM (#8440324)
    Unfortunately none of the 3 versions looks anything like the cover art for Ep I, II, and presumably III. I know, I know - you all hate anything that has come out since 1983, Lucas is a no-talent hack, LucasFilm forces everyone to buy multiple versions of the same movie, yadda yadda yadda. Frankly I don't care. I enjoyed the originals, I enjoyed the special editions, and I enjoy the prequels - if not as much, then still enough to want to have the entire set of 6 with matching cover art! Guess I'll have to wait until '05 for the big box set and sell the old(er) ones on eBay...
  • Mirror (Score:4, Informative)

    by mikepaktinat ( 609872 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @10:12AM (#8440355)
  • by plams ( 744927 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @10:16AM (#8440401) Homepage

    Seems like everything leaks these days? Even an open source game, work in progress, "leaked" [] recently - but I think they only used that term to be cool and trendy.

    Too bad the leaks sometimes contain spoilers, though. Or as Triumph the Insult Dog puts it:

    Triumph: Spoilers? I've got some spoilers for you!
    (StarWars nerds starts to look a little more curious and alert)
    Triumph: You will die ALONE!
  • Hey Lucas! (Score:2, Insightful)

    by pair-a-noyd ( 594371 )
    You won't get a penny of my money until you publish the ORIGINAL versions on DVD. I bought the original trilogy on VHS (VHS sucks btw) but at least it was unadulterated.

    Us old timers don't like the bastardized versions.

    It worked then, and that's what we want.
  • ...are they holding walkie talkies?
  • mmm, nice (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Sharkus ( 677553 )
    must say I do like the new artwork, but it's what is inside that really counts. And maybe I'm not normal, or maybe not geeky enough, but I can't really see what all the fuss is about. So, GL decides to put only the 'SE' releases of the films onto DVD, and the problem is what? Come on people it's a FILM! it's entertainment, it's not real life! I like the SW films, and yes, I did see the SE versions at the cinema when they came out and some of the 'new' bits were a little tacky, but hey, it was just a film. i
  • by PinkStainlessTail ( 469560 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @11:10AM (#8441002) Homepage
    How about a defraction grid one image of which is Greedo shooting first (the other would be Han firing back in self defense, while being cheered on by a crowd of ewoks and gungans)? Also, the box could have a little sound chip that continuous plays whatever replaced the Yub-Yub song at the end of Return of the Jedi...
  • ... (wave hand) those are not the artworks you're looking for.
  • Didn't they release the special editions, I don't know, the year after those versions were in theaters, becuase I swear to god I saw those in theaters? I mean, to join the bitching and moaning bandwagon, why? This stuff has been on DVD for years, just because it has a new box it's important?
    • Re:SE release? (Score:2, Informative)

      by tuffy ( 10202 )
      The special editions were released on VHS in autumn 1997. No version of the original three Star Wars movies have ever had a legitimate DVD release until now.
  • Ultimate Edition? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by mh101 ( 620659 )
    Everything I've seen indicates that the DVDs coming out this fall are just the Special Edition movies, and not the rumored "Ultimate Edition" I've heard about.

    I'm assuming the Ultimate Edition will come out after Ep.3. Anyone heard any different? This is the version I'm waiting to buy. If I feel the need to watch the Special Edition before then, I can just borrow my parent's video tapes. (And I've never seen the original versions, so I can't comment on the whole "The original is better than SE" thing...
  • by Animats ( 122034 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @12:47PM (#8442163) Homepage
    In other news, next year's Coke can will have a slightly smaller "dynamic ribbon" logo. Liquid Tide is discontinuing the "Fresh Spring" version and adding an unperfumed option. The Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 box will have the new east span of the San Francisco Bay Bridge on the front. Dell Computers is experimenting with ultradark green cases in selected markets. And the new Ford Bronco will have aggressively squared-off styling.
  • by jcoleman ( 139158 ) on Tuesday March 02, 2004 @02:21PM (#8443399)
    ...that the editors only post stories about Star Wars so that the irritated minority of SW "fans" can bitch and whine about the Special Editions and how the quality of the prequels is not the same as the classic trilogy and Lucas is going to screw us all by releasing and rereleasing it over and over again and blah blah blah.

    That's the way it's going to be no matter how much you complain, no matter how many petitions you sign, and no matter how much you think Lucas is a sellout. Please do those of us who still ejoy Star Wars a favor and take your petty little geekery to the forums. Thank you.

If a 6600 used paper tape instead of core memory, it would use up tape at about 30 miles/second. -- Grishman, Assembly Language Programming
