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Lord of the Rings Media Movies

Return of the King Coming Sooner to DVD 338

daveewart writes "According to the BBC, the DVD for the third installment of Lord Of The Rings will go to DVD quicker than either of the first two parts of the trilogy. It is scheduled for release on 25 May, with the usual 'extended version' to follow 'at the end of the year'." Ya know, I feel like a month after I buy the extended version, they'll release the super-trilogy version with more footage.
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Return of the King Coming Sooner to DVD

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  • by Ecks ( 52930 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @08:55AM (#8497436)
    Rent the first one out. Buy the super extended version at the end of the year. Netflix should have it.

    -- Ecks
    • That is an excellent idea. I haven't been a member of Netflix for quite some time. This would save me from buying multiple versions of the same movie.

      Then again, the standard editions make good presents for friends with limited funds. You can feel good about yourself and still indulge in crass consumerism.

    • I was watching the first one the first one last night quite late because it has to go back to the library today. It got quite late and I realized that this thing was going to be around forever. It didn't matter if I how much a saw in one session; it's never going to go away.

      It will be around in fifty years like Beatle records and Star Wars videos. It doesn't matter if the DVD comes out this month or next; it's still going to be on the shelves when your an old man.
  • by michaelepley ( 239861 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @08:56AM (#8497443) Homepage

    Everyone just needs to admit that they want a super extended version. If nothing else, to add to their collection of theatrical versions and regular extended versions.

    I know I do.

  • I hope not (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Morgahastu ( 522162 ) <bshel.WEEZERroge ... fave bands name> on Monday March 08, 2004 @08:56AM (#8497445) Journal
    The way Peter Jackson has been handling things, he doesn't seem to be a money grubbing a-hole like Lucas. The amazing amount of extra footage that was released with the Extended Editions has to be atleast MOST of what they have, if they managed to come up with extra footage I'd be surprised.

    I doubt the Trilogy Edition will have any extra material (what, it's already going to be 6-7 DVDs!) other than maybe one or two special features on the trilogy as a whole (ie. life after LOTR for the cast, etc)
    • Re:I hope not (Score:2, Interesting)

      by tuffy ( 10202 )
      Apparently a boxed trilogy version is on the way. But since Peter Jackson hadn't heard of it, it's likely to be just a boxed set of the existing discs without anything new whatsoever. And since he'll be busy making different movies for the next several years, I think the RotK:EE will be the end of the LotR DVDs for some time.
      • Re:I hope not (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Erratio ( 570164 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:20AM (#8497652)
        Peter Jackson hadn't heard of it....honestly...he would have to be one of the dumbest people on Earth to think that he directed a trilogy of movies based on a literary landmark (which is very often sold in a boxed set), and not see a boxed set coming. You can buy a boxed set of just about anything.
        • Re:I hope not (Score:5, Interesting)

          by tuffy ( 10202 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:37AM (#8497794) Homepage Journal
          Found the exact quote from Peter Jackson:
          New Line have announced some box set that's supposed to be coming out which I didn't know anything about. When I've done 'King Kong' I'd like to do a proper box set and we've got a whole bunch of material - not of the movie but we've got a whole lot of bloopers out there! When King Kong's out the way I'd like to do a really high definition version with the best possbile picture quality.

          And the source [].

          • we've got a whole lot of bloopers out there!

            Cool, I'll bet that they have hours of Baron Harkonnen, er, Denethor being whacked with a stick! ("Gandalf, why did you hit him? He wasn't saying anything." "Overpowering urge, sorry.")

    • Re:I hope not (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Simon Brooke ( 45012 ) * <> on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:07AM (#8497543) Homepage Journal
      I think you're very wrong. I think there's a huge amount of footage they shot which isn't in the released films. For example, they shot a whole lot of a story line in which Arwen had a much more prominent role, and then decided not to use it. Whether you could fuse all this extra material into a coherent story is another matter, but I'm quite confident that there will be a 'single movie' cut, probably twelve or so hours long, which will contain material we haven't yet seen.

      And I have to say I think it will be worth it. I will certainly buy the 'extended edition' cut this autumn; I've already got the extended edition cuts of the first two movies, and both were well worth the money. I will almost certainly buy the 'single movie' cut when it comes out, unless there really isn't any significant new material.

      • Re:I hope not (Score:5, Interesting)

        by ZaMoose ( 24734 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:34AM (#8497778)
        If you've played the RotK video game (out on PS2, Xbox, Gamecube and PC) you've been treated to a whole bunch of footage that most definitely didn't occur in the theatrical release. (Gandalf confronting the king of the Nazgul at the gate of Minas Tirith, far more battle footage from the Black Gate and a whole slew of other stuff that I can't remember at the moment).

        This gives me great hope for the extended edition.
        • Wow. The part in ROTK (book) where Galndalf confronts the king of the Nazgul @ the gates of Minis Tirith is one of my favorite parts. This part in the game that you cite - does it appear to be cinematically similar to the movie or is it some after-the-fact game-specific, lower quality sequence? Any other details about this particular part? Thanks.

          • Re:I hope not (Score:3, Interesting)

            by el-spectre ( 668104 )
            For what it's worth, I remember seeing (maybe in a trailer, maybe in a preview on TTT extended version) an incredible looking shot of the Witch King (on fell beast) slamming to the ground in the broken gateway, with only a mounted figure in white standing in it's way... bitchin' shot, I'm sure it'll be in the extended edition.
            • Re:I hope not (Score:4, Informative)

              by Dave_Chimaera ( 622699 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @10:13AM (#8498123)
              yeah - was the preview to ROTK on the theatrical TTT DVD - Gandalf with Merry on Shadowfax, just before they go and stop Denethor killing himself and Faramir - during the fight Gandlaf's staff is broken which is why for the rest of the battle he fights only with his sword (not to mention nicking a spear off one of Denethors guards as he storms the crypt)
      • Yow. I'd buy that extended version.
    • by Dachannien ( 617929 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:24AM (#8497685)
      The way Peter Jackson has been handling things, he doesn't seem to be a money grubbing a-hole like Lucas.

      That's okay. There are more than enough money grubbing a-holes at New Line to make up for him.

    • Re:I hope not (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward

      There is still a lot of footage that wasn't used. In the Two Towers, there were hours and hours of fighting at Helms Deep that was filmed of which only a small amount made it into the the film. In FOTR, they filmed the Orcs chasing the fellowship from Moria to the woods, and that was never shown. Now, how much of what was left out was critical to the story? None. How much of it would be usable after the various script changes along the way? Not all. How much would be "story candy" to a fan? Probably s
    • Re:I hope not (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Flyboy Connor ( 741764 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:38AM (#8497810)
      New material added to the movies is very unlikely. It's not for nothing that it takes Jackson almost a year to finish an extended edition. It's basically a whole new movie that is being made, starting with a new script, new footage that needs to be shot, new computer FX that must be created, new music that must be composed, new editting, etc, etc. It's more than "adding a scene that was deleted for reasons of time".

      The Trilogy Edition will be the three EEs in one box. Perhaps a DVD added with extra material, who knows. If an idiot would add a scene to the movies at this point, it would make them worse.

      Although it must be said that Jackson, in the commentary track of the FotR, remarks that Gollum in his one-second cameo looks different here than in TTT, so he will probably need to redo that shot.

    • Since there is a lot of talk about Jackson making a prequal, (aka 'The Hobbit' ;-) this might provide a oppertunity to also generate new LOTR related footage too, for the 'bumper mega extended edition' that would follow.

      Just a thought, just occurs to me that if you're filming in a 'Middle Earth' environment, possibly with some characters, like Gandalf, on set and in costume. Then doing a few small but important 'filler' shots for a even longer LOTR version is possible..
  • Subscription based (Score:4, Insightful)

    by emo boy ( 586277 ) <<moc.hab> <ta> <nairb_namffoh>> on Monday March 08, 2004 @08:56AM (#8497451) Homepage
    I think that these kinds of movies should be released as a subscription. You could pay so much a month or a large one time fee and just be sent every version or "update" to the movie and in return receive a pricebreak. I can't keep track of every release these days for every movie set I want. It's becoming fanatical and I feel like I'm collecting Beanie Babies or something trying to find every release or even come up with the money for them.

    • Of course, while the movie company is always thinking about an expanded version, they often don't decide to make one until they see the sales numbers for version one.

      Subscription (lump sum or monthly), while it would be convenient for us, has problems. If we pay up front for some DVD and the promise of 'all future versions', what incentive is there to make any future versions? There needs to be some money they don't get until we get the enhanced version.

      Perhaps what we need is a software upgrade model.
  • DYSWIDT? (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 08, 2004 @08:56AM (#8497453)
    "Ya know, I feel like a month after I buy the extended version, they're release the super-trilogy version with more footage."

    The one box set to rule them all?
  • Alt Link (Score:3, Informative)

    by alakon ( 657771 ) <> on Monday March 08, 2004 @08:57AM (#8497461)
    Page is down. Here is the working link: 542000/3542695.stm []

  • At least... (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 08, 2004 @08:59AM (#8497474)
    At least they have the decency to tell people beforehand that they are releasing a special edition. A few years ago my brother, who's an avid collector of DVDs, bought Reservoir Dogs. Inside the DVD was an advertisement for Special Edition which was coming out in a few months.

    Personally, I'd buy a lot more DVDs if they were upfront with their release schedule. There are too many movies I want to buy, but just can't because I don't know when, or even if, they are going to be releasing special editions. I wonder if the number of people who hold back on DVD purchases for this purpose balance out the number who buy both editions?
    • Re:At least... (Score:2, Insightful)

      Could it be that the movie studios don't necessarily know wether there will be enough (or any) demand to cut, edit and print extended versions until they see the sales figures for the standard version? Its a real question. I don't have any insight into how the management of studios works.

      Your Reservoir Dogs anecdote was funny. I don't know that I would buy more DvDs than I do now, knowing the release schedule ahead of time. But it certainly is nice to hear about extended version ahead of time.
  • Now you tell me! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by AndroidCat ( 229562 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @08:59AM (#8497475) Homepage
    I went and saw RoTK yesterday. No intermission. Oww oww oww! Watching it on DVD with a well-stocked fridge and a pause button is the way to go.
    • by Jarnis ( 266190 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:05AM (#8497525)
      Fridge? Yes.
      Good sofa? Check!
      Pause button? BLASPHEMY! Well, maybe for critical biological needs mid-viewing (stuff that ya take out of the fridge gotta go SOMEWHERE in the end), and even then only if you are watching all three extended editions in one go.
    • I went and saw the whole trilogy yesterday in the cinema (admittedly, with breaks between the movies), and I can tell you, this is the way to see it!

      Even though you start to find some annoyances, like no 10 minutes without someone having watery eyes, or the amount of pathos being applied liberally to the film. What I'd really love from the DVDs, is to get a low-pathos version of the film...
    • I've already started installing a home theater setup into my bathroom. After that, I just have to install a mini-fridge with a keg setup for my home brew and I'll be set. Suppose I'll have to send wife+kid out for the weekend.
  • by fulana_lover ( 652004 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:02AM (#8497499)
    End of the day, I'd rather they release the theater version first and release the extended version when they are able. I'll rent the normal version, watch it a few times, and then buy the extended (or super version) when it comes out. I do hope tho they announce info on the super trilogy version before they release the EE ROTK. If they release the EE of ROTK and then 5 months later announce a super trilogy version I'll be pissed. I just bought Two Towers extended a few days ago, pretty happy with it!
  • Sounds like around Xmas 2004, they'll have the SuperExtended DVD Box Set of the Trilogy, with MORE added features per movie. This is what I've been saving up for as the movies have gone to DVD. From a marketing standpoint, it's all logical.

    Any idea/anticipation how much they'll sell/gouge for the Box Set?
  • Hmm.. (Score:5, Funny)

    by hookedup ( 630460 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:03AM (#8497511)
    Wonder if any of the box sets will include gollums acceptace speech at the MTV movie awards.

    Now that's an extra I'd pay money for, I mean, who expected a cussing and screaming gollum calling peter jackson a bastard. Now that's entertainment.
    • Re:Hmm.. (Score:5, Informative)

      by Zocalo ( 252965 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:08AM (#8497548) Homepage
      Wonder if any of the box sets will include gollums acceptace speech at the MTV movie awards.

      It's a hidden "Easter Egg" on one of the movie DVDs in the Two Towers box set. IIRC you need to try and scroll past the last scene entry in the menu to highlight the hidden ring menu option, and press enter.

    • Gollum's Speech... (Score:5, Informative)

      by Spencerian ( 465343 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:10AM (#8497568) Homepage Journal already included on The Two Towers Extended DVD box set, disc 1.

      Go to the chapters area, then select the last chapter. Doing so should bring up a Ring that can be selected to play an intro from Peter J. and the full acceptance speech. (Peter J. has a great sense of humor to allow his coworkers/Gollum to call him a "fu**ing hack!" in the ditty.)
    • Re:Hmm.. (Score:2, Informative)

      by WyldThang ( 746602 )
      The acceptance speech is an easter egg on the Two Towers Extended version. Just go into Scene-Selection, skip all the way to the bottom, go down after the last one. A ring appears and the easter egg too. (It's the same with the Fellowship extended, MTV-Awards the year before)
    • Nice! I'll be sure to check that out. Thanks guys.
    • Then you'll be wanting TTT:EE. It's an easter egg (I'll leave it to you to find out where it is :) )
  • by Cowclops ( 630818 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:05AM (#8497527)
    All along, we've KNOWN that there would be both a regular, theatrical version, and an extended version. Peter Jackson simply wanted to put so much more in that he couldn't get away with showing in theaters (since after all, the longer your movie is, the fewer times you can show it a day.)

    They've delivered on that promise, and they've also promised that any future releases, such as an entire trilogy box set, would have no new content. Peter Jackson isn't being "revisionist after the fact," he simply knew along there was just too much content and the movies were already too long, and they have to draw the line somewhere. Just because Lucas wants to update his movies ever 10 years doesn't mean Peter Jackson is GOING to.

    If you didn't want to buy two sets, you would have known all along to wait for the extended version. Now, if the HD-DVD version has added content, people would have to be crazy to complain. Theres no way i'm going to wait until HD-DVD is out to buy a copy of the movies, so I'm just going to buy the extended now, and HD later.
      1. I would extend the arguement that if Jackson added movie content after the extended editions, he might actually destroy what he's created.
      2. Lucas pretty much destroyed my interest in Star Wars with his revisions. I used to be a big fan of the first two, then episode I came out, then saw the "new" version of Star Wars, and just went "don't care anymore, it's been dumbed down to a 10 year old's Spy Kids type show."
      3. HD version would possibly be the only one where new movie content could exist, or maybe if the
  • Proper URL (Score:4, Informative)

    by rleyton ( 14248 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:07AM (#8497533) Homepage
    Here's the correct link []. Good to see Editorial control and reviewing is still as strong as ever.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:07AM (#8497536)
    "I'm sure most of you have heard me blabbing off in the past few weeks but we've just finished the extended cut of the DVD. I finished the edit before I came over here - these poor bastards at Weta have got another 350 effects shots to do! They're well on the way. Elijah's seen the extended cut. New Line have announced some box set that's supposed to be coming out which I didn't know anything about. When I've done King Kong I'd like to do a proper box set and we've got a whole bunch of material - not of the movie but we've got a whole lot of bloopers out there! When King Kong's out the way I'd like to do a really high definition version with the best possible picture quality."

    The Source []
    • When I've done King Kong I'd like to do a proper box set and we've got a whole bunch of material - not of the movie but we've got a whole lot of bloopers out there! When King Kong's out the way I'd like to do a really high definition version with the best possible picture quality.

      OK, so it's...

      Lord of the Rings: Ultra Quality Blooper Edition

      Hmm, I think I'll just get the ROTK EE and avoid that one.
  • Corrected link ... (Score:5, Informative)

    by daveewart ( 66895 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:09AM (#8497558)
    *SIGH* The first ever story I submit which gets posted and the editors manage to munge the URL I include ...

    Correct link is 123.stm []
  • by UncleBiggims ( 526644 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:11AM (#8497572)
    Rumor has it that in the special edition Sauron swings at Aragorn first. No way would Aragorn have let Sauron swing first! And don't tell my that Aragorn was acting in self-defense. I just don't buy that... and I won't buy the DVD either.

    Are you Corn Fed? []
    • Sauron swings first...

      This sets Sauron up as more ambigous. You don't really know if he's a bad guy or not.

      With Aragorn swinging first, he's just a guy defending himself. Instant sympathy from the audience.

      I just didn't like the part where Arwin's riding past all the Nozedruels and all their swords had been replaced with carrier pigeons. Totally ruined the sense of danger and thrill.
  • "they're release"

    Elvish [], right?

    Matt Fahrenbacher
  • ...for the fan-editted, Arwen-light version.
  • Not going to happen (Score:5, Interesting)

    by niall2 ( 192734 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:13AM (#8497593) Homepage
    Before we start hunting down another directory for selling out, remember much of the reason that the extended versions were delayed was to give Jackson time to finish them. They were not just the ususal "hey look at this footage I found on the floor, lets edit it in" directors cuts but completely scored and sometimes relooped versions. This takes time people.

    Will there be a boxed set, of course. New Line wants cash. Will it be anything more other than interviews and other box set stuff you watch once or twice and move on? No. Jackson wants to do something outside of Middle Earth for a while (even if it is just a large stinky ape).

  • by Sandman1971 ( 516283 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:15AM (#8497607) Homepage Journal
    Ya know, I feel like a month after I buy the extended version, they'll release the super-trilogy version with more footage.

    At last week's post-award show, Jackson did state that New Line was working on a box set, and that he had only found out on that day (so it was without his knowledge or input). He will try to convince NewLine to wait, as he would love to work on a boxset once he's done work with KingKong. If that's the case, a boxset would be 2-3 years away.
  • the stolen copy (Score:5, Interesting)

    by bryansj ( 89051 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:16AM (#8497614)
    On March 4th this thing had already hit the internet as a two disc dvd rip (check vcdquality's web site). I figured that I would have heard it all over the news sites over the weekend, but I guess it's under the news' radar. Who is the MPAA going to blame this copy on? Looks to me like it is a insider leak as usual. The copy is a full rip including 5.1 surround and complete menu structure. The speed at which it was leaked is amazing, still in theaters and before the DVD was even mentioned to the public. Is suing a 12 year old going to stop this?
  • Then, there was the Trilogy. Then the THX-certified trilogy. Then the Special Edition Trilogy. Then the Special Edition Collector's trilogy in the Mount Doom shaped box. Then the high definition, non-interlaced ultimate edition on fifteen DVD's. Then the ExXXXXtreme edition in uncompressed DV1 video on fifty blue-green DVD-HDs.

    Of course, the REAL videophiles watch it on D-VHS, in uncompressed DV, and you can have any surround format you want as long as it's Dolby Digital 5.1 :)
  • by Dystopian Rebel ( 714995 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:25AM (#8497691) Journal
    Evil spirits do troll the Middle Ether... wickedly whispering that "the books were better". We must not heed them! They seek to draw us into Flamewar...

    Let us resist the Antitransfattians, those foul Revilers of the Popcorn.

    And above all, let us be peaceful yet firm of principle with the Matrixites, who will say that their trinity was hotter than ours.

  • by His name cannot be s ( 16831 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:27AM (#8497704) Journal
    Loved the LOTR. Loved the Theatrical Releases. Loved the DVDs. Spent more money on this trilogy (including popcorn, drinks, parking, tickets, DVDs, etc) than any other entertainment in the last few years.

    My Problem: I'm wracked by nightmares.

    You KNOW there is some movie exec out there thinking ... "What if Sauramon wasn't Really dead. We could make a sequel!"


    "What if the Ring wasn't Really destroyed. We could make a sequel! Yeah, gollum got the ring yeah! yeah... ad nausem"

    I have such a hard time beleiving that Hollywood will leave it alone. (aside from the previously mentioned Hobbit, but that's ok)

    That, and I think we need to assasinate Peter Jackson NOW. What will happen 25 years from now when he loses all his marbles. (Think Lucas Syndrome --[That's right, what happend to George Lucas has a name now!])

    Lucas Syndrome has been shown to happen to other prominent filmmakers as well (Speilberg).

    It can happen to Peter Jackson too.

    These thoughts are mine, I could be wrong.

    • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @10:27AM (#8498304)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by Atryn ( 528846 )
      "What if Sauramon wasn't Really dead. We could make a sequel!"
      Well, IIRC, in the movie Saruman wasn't ever dead...
    • In fact, there was a few books, written by Russian SF writer Nick Perumov. Last one was complete crap, but first two quite good. In fact, first one sounds very like JRRT himself.
      It's a sequel, 300 years after War of the Ring.
      The main idea is that one ring was destroyed, but others, human rings survived, and guy who happens to be hair of Borromir started to collect them. Very well written and connected to LotR.
  • Liv Tyler (Score:5, Funny)

    by tr0llb4rt0 ( 742153 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:27AM (#8497705) Homepage
    Apparently the special extended edition will contain footage from a camera secreted in Liv Tylers dressing room.

    A full extra disk's worth in fact! :-D

  • by WormholeFiend ( 674934 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:30AM (#8497732)
    with extended and superextended versions coming to DVD, I bet that in the future, they'll just release the total raw footage in the Cut-N-Edit-Yourself-At-Home DVD version, just so you can prove you can make a better version than the director's.
  • Money grubbing? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Darth_brooks ( 180756 ) <> on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:32AM (#8497754) Homepage
    You know, not everybody needs / wants / absolutly has to have the ultra uber extended super dolbey 5.1 thx remix 4 disc set of the lord of the rings.

    There's a large enough segment of the population that is happy with the standard, no frills DVD's that New Line has decided to release it. They're probably aiming that version at the rental market in the first place. If I were only a passive fan of the films, I'd have been happy with the 19.95 wal mart edition. No one has a gun to my head forcing me to buy every DVD version that comes out.

    As for the box set of all three, is there really enough material to make it worth while? the two box sets that have come out already have had more than enough extended footage, and you can only take so many 'behind the scenes' documentaries before it all just runs together.
  • The Funny thing is, that you'll probably still be able to see it in major theaters someplaces in May when it will be coming out on DVD.
  • by Big Nothing ( 229456 ) <> on Monday March 08, 2004 @09:38AM (#8497815)
    "Ya know, I feel like a month after I buy the extended version, they're release the super-trilogy version with more footage."

    Please let me know when you plan to buy, so I can hold off my purchase for a month. Thanks in advance.
  • by l0ungeb0y ( 442022 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @10:12AM (#8498108) Homepage Journal
    " Ya know, I feel like a month after I buy the extended version, they'll release the super-trilogy version with more footage"

    You got to catch them all!

    Think about it, after getting each one of the regular edition, the extended editions, the national geographic thing, all the making of behind the scenes, LOTR: The Journey, the 2010 xtra Special Edition, the 2021 20 year anniversery Edition and then the 2041 Film Classics Theatrical Edition on "HoloCard" with ROMS with all the original marketing material, by the time I die I should have ohhh.... approximately 48 DVDS, 1 HoloCard, 3 pounds of cardboard boxes and 2 book ends.

    And I'll still be wanting more.
  • by Zog The Undeniable ( 632031 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @10:23AM (#8498249)
    New Line want to keep it well clear of the year's really big DVD release []. Would you dare go head to head against Lucas-before-he-was-crap?
  • by alispguru ( 72689 ) <> on Monday March 08, 2004 @10:54AM (#8498620) Journal
    The definitive statement on this subject is here at Dork Tower [].
  • Jackson!=Lucas (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Gannoc ( 210256 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @11:03AM (#8498714)
    Ya know, I feel like a month after I buy the extended version, they'll release the super-trilogy version with more footage.

    Jackson doesn't do crap like that. From the first movie, you knew that the theatrical version would come out 6 months later, and the extended was coming out after that.

    Sure, there might be a bundled version in a year or two with all three versions, but Jackson won't add stuff to the film.

    If it were lucas, we'd have staggered two month releases of:

    LOTR - VHS version
    LOTR - VHS widescreen version
    LOTR - VHS "THX" widescreen version
    LOTR - DVD
    LOTR - VHS Special Edition
    LOTR - DVD Special Edition
    LOTR - DVD Movie of the Year version
    LOTR - VHS Extended Edition
    LOTR - DVD Extended Edition

    All of them not announced until the previous version had been snatched up by burned fans.
  • by Sandman1971 ( 516283 ) on Monday March 08, 2004 @11:16AM (#8498868) Homepage Journal
    Jackson has said that if it's up to him, the only other edition to come out will be in a few years when HD-DVD becomes the standard (read my earlier posts).

    There is no other extra footage to add. What you get in the Extended Editions is it.

    Jackson, however, has little control over what New Line does. They may release a box set, but I doubt they'd do that without Jackson's OK.

The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it. -- Franklin P. Jones
