SBC CWA Strike Imminent 572
Tmack writes "SBC union workers are preparing (again) to strike after negotiations have broken down between CWA and SBC. What this means to the average person? As long as the strike is taking place, orders for new service and repair of existing services with SBC will be delayed as only non-union workers and temps will be around to complete the work. Latest word is the strike is now planned for Friday night through next Tuesday. Check here(1),
here(2), and here(3)
for more info."
interesting timing (Score:2, Funny)
Who? What? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Who? What? (Score:5, Funny)
Strange Business Creators
Content Watching Authority
Super Boy's Car
Cranky Women's Adovocates
hmm I am sure others can come up with better or possibly even right answers to this mystery.
Re:Who? What? (Score:4, Informative)
CWA = Communications Workers of America, big union including all your telco repair folks.
Re:Who? What? (Score:2, Informative)
Southern would be BellSouth
Re:Who? What? (Score:2)
Re:Who? What? (Score:3, Interesting)
I miss the name, not the service. I'm fine with the service upgrades, but there was something kind of pleasant about the name Michigan Bell.
Re:Who? What? (Score:4, Informative)
I'll freely admit I gave up on tracking the buyouts and mergers, but that seems to be the layout of the local carriers in the US. SBC is a biggie, at least by geography.
Re:Who? What? (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Who? What? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Who? What? (Score:2, Informative)
SBC: Southwestern Bell Company(?)
Taken from: http://www.sbc.com/gen/press-room?pid=5074
In 1999, SBC Communications Inc., introduced the SBC brand to its customers with the SBC Global Network tag line. And last year, the company took the big step of adding SBC, in a dominant way, to its regional brand names.
The time is now right for the company to move to a single national brand -- SBC. The brand change gives SBC a more unified presence throughout its markets, maki
Re:Who? What? (Score:3, Funny)
Which means basically no crochet tea-cosies, fresh scones or home made waffles for a couple of days.
Re:Who? What? (Score:2, Informative)
I'm a SBC manager, and I've already been notifed to transport to my strike location, so I guess I'll be fixed your DSL as of Friday.
Re:Who? What? (Score:3, Interesting)
Best decision I ever made, leaving that job.
Prepare for Potential DSL Outages (Score:4, Funny)
This announcement is to help you prepare for the real possibility that your DSL connection may fail and thus be out of service during the possible labor dispute.
We recommend that you review What Should I Do If The Internet Goes Down? [thetoque.com] and make the necessary preparations.
Re:fixed your dsl? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Who? What? (Score:3, Informative)
Some of the union gripes are that SBC is outsourcing jobs instead of giving the jobs in new areas to union employees, so the union wants some job guarantees. Another union gripe is that they currently pay 4-7% in copays (no premiums) for health insurance, and SBC wants to raise it to 7-11%.
SBC is also using this as a stick to beat the feds with, because they claim that they have to support the CLEC's
Call me! (Score:4, Funny)
Hmmm... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Hmmm... (Score:2)
Re:Hmmm... (Score:2, Insightful)
You might not get service durring that time, but they'll gladly take your money.
Re:Hmmm... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Hmmm... (Score:3, Funny)
Say what you will... (Score:4, Insightful)
IANA Economics Major
Re:Say what you will... (Score:2)
<!-- Insert comment that unions are corrupt. -->
You can say that again (Score:5, Insightful)
The day that I accepted the new job, I got a phone call from my old shop. The union went to management and strong-armed them into restoring a lot of jobs in income-producing areas, including mine. I could have my old position back provided that I came to work the next day. I immediately accepted my old position, and called the new shop to let them know what happened and that I would be returning to my old job.
Good thing I did, too. Within six months of my returning to my old job, the new shop circulated a petition amoung the workers to get rid of the union. As soon as the union was gone, they moved all the first-tier tech support positions to India.
Lesson learned. Unions mean job security. No unions mean you take your chances.
Re:You can say that again (Score:5, Insightful)
Unions also mean you are paid the same as the idiot in the next cube but less than idiot who is two years senior.
I will take my chances, thank you.
Re:You can say that again (Score:4, Insightful)
I will take my chances, thank you.
The second management thinks your job can go to India, it doesn't matter how smart you are. Your ass is in the unemployment line.
You may get paid the same as the idiot in the next cube (who thinks you are the idiot most of the time) but at least you get to keep your job. I simply do not understand the brainwashing that goes on about unions. Sure, there are bad ones, but quite a few are allright, and some are even very good. Not to say that a union can't be stupid, but let's face it: SBC's profits are sky high, and still they want to screw over the workers. The question is, would you rather have a job where you are paid the same as the idiot in the next cube, pulling down a living wage, or do you want to learn how to say "You want fries with that"?
Your choice. Choose wisely.
Re:You can say that again (Score:4, Interesting)
You may be better at your job than the idiot in the next cube, but seniority policies actually protect workers. They help prevent the company from hiring someone into a higher level position based on their (supposed) experience. There's nothing worse than having your new supervisor hired from outside, finding out that his qualifications are b.s. and then being stuck with him until his contract runs out.
Hiring all employees at the same wage, and then giving them regular promotions and raises, prevents elitism in the rank and file.
Unions by being able to negotiate with authority protect workers, provide protection, and create a sense of brother-ship instead of competition.
--this has been my pro union party line. I've worked in union and non union environments and I must say that I much prefer union.
Re:You can say that again (Score:4, Insightful)
My first job was baging groceries part time in high school. When I moved to Colorado I tried to get a similar job at a local Safeway. Even though the checkout lines were easily 3-4 times longer than the ones at my old store, they wouldn't hire me. I found out that it was mostly because of the union there (which explained why the checkers/bagers were so old). Why on earth should people have a stable, relatively high-paying job baging groceries? It just causes consumer frustration, raises costs for the company and reduces income by providing worse service than non-union competitors. IMO, monopolies should be avoided if at all possible, and in those exceptions be government regulated to keep prices under control.
Unions are anti-competitive (Score:5, Insightful)
The bad thing about unions is they mean you don't have to work hard to keep a job, even at a generous, well managed company. They give workers a lever to use against management to get what they want even if it means screwing a management who's actually doing a decent job.
Sounds like the same union huh?
Unions themselves aren't inherently evil, but they are easily abused these days. I'd rather have lazy stupid people wandering around happy they have a job than lazy stupid people screaming with picket signs and complaining to me that they have no job and they have the right to break into my house and steal my things because society sucks. I believe in that social safety net and all.
However, tighting up a few rules and introducing some healthy competition into unions would be a stellar idea. How about requiring that companies have more than one union for the same workers?! The union that performs better gets better bonuses from the company. How about restricting some of the practices with unions, like making strikes illegal for more important service companies like SBC, where service is crucial.
But of course, evil unions have lobbies, and would never allow that to happen.
Re:Unions are anti-competitive (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:You can say that again (Score:3, Insightful)
As far as CA grocery workers, they struck one chain and were locked out of two other chains. So it was more of a lockout than what you call it, a strike. As far as Wal-Mar
Re:You can say that again (Score:3, Insightful)
Why should UPS agree to the union's terms if it feels that it's not right? Believe it or not, for-profit companies exist to for profit. The owners/shareholders demand certain level of profit. Otherwise, why risk investing in the stock market?
I agree on the fac
Re:Say what you will... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Say what you will... (Score:3, Insightful)
Outsourcing demands (Score:4, Interesting)
What's SBC? (Score:2)
Re:What's SBC? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:What's SBC? (Score:2, Informative)
They started as SBC (Southwestern Bell Company) in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas and Missouri, then started buying other Baby Bells. They bought SNET (Connecticut), Ameritech (Illinois, Wisconson, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio) and recently PacBell/Nevada Bell (California and Nevada).
Verizon covers most of the rest of the New England states and also Kentuky, West Virginia and Virginia.
Re:What's SBC? (Score:2)
The union representing 102,000 employees of SBC Communications said it would stage a four-day strike beginning Friday, following a deadlock in contract talks with the nation's No. 2 local phone company.
SBC's 13-state coverage area includes Texas, California, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio and Connecticut.
I guess they are a communications company. Since one of the states listed isn't 'intoxicated' I guess it doesn't affect you or I. ;)
A little locale (Score:5, Insightful)
Someone could at least explain if this will have an effect on us.
Re:A little locale (Score:5, Funny)
SBC is the Somalian Bodybuilders Co-op, they are in dispute with the Cameroon Weightlifting Association (CWA). Something about stolen training methods.
It's only really relevant because Microsoft fund SBC.
Re:A little locale (Score:2)
Perhaps. But for those of us outside the area, it is an interesting point of discussion. Already saw a couple of interesting posts about unions etc.
Re:A little locale (Score:4, Informative)
See, now you see why this is newsworthy. Even if you're not over there, if you depend on reaching something or someone over there, you're a bit nervous because if for any reason a phone line were to go down, a strike would make it take longer to bring back up.
Re:A little local (Score:3, Insightful)
I seriously have no idea. Whenever I see Verizon, I think it's Verisign.
All the Slashdot blurb tells me is that SBC provide a service and repair existing services. That service could be mobile dog-washing for all the explaining done.
The first article tells me that CWA is Communications Workers of America. The second suggests that a telephone company is involved, and the third is fluff.
So people might experience de
Re:A little locale (Score:4, Interesting)
I live in Chicago, and as far as I know, this will affect millions of people from here to Texas. It should at least get an honorable mention for that. Most strikes I hear in the news seem to be about things /.ers don't really care for (not as much as technology) -- you know, mass transit, newspapers, mass transportation... umm... air traffic control (thanks, Reagan. :-( ). Since these are telecom workers, they would be one of the closest parallels to you average everyday software developer unionizing.
There are plenty differences, which I'm sure are to be pointed out in various child posts, but hey, it made front page for some reason.
Re:A little locale (Score:3, Insightful)
I have a friend who works there, and she has had to learn how to solder among other things that may need to be done in the field. I wouldn't change anything relating to my service during the strike. Imagine an army of PHBs pulling wir
Gotta love the unions (Score:3, Insightful)
"Joe won't be coming in to work and you can't fire him nor can you hire a temporary replacement for him. If you want Joe to work again, you must cough up some money."
I'd be arrested and charged with extortion. It has always baffled me that this kind of behavior is actually legally sanctioned.
Re:Gotta love the unions (Score:5, Informative)
They're saying:
"We want a raise. If you don't give us a raise, NO ONE will come to work."
Its totally legit, and you can do it at your job legally as well. However, at your job, unless you can:
a) Convince no one else to show up if you don't get what you want/get fired.
b) Convince any potential replacements that they'll get a better paycheck if they join your strike.
Then management will laugh at you.
Unions are a method of using the collective legal power of the workers (the threat of withholding labor) to counterbalance the economic power of the corporation (the threat of withholding a job/paycheck from a single worker).
So what? (Score:3, Insightful)
2) exacly why is this news? just because it's in the US? (not sure, just assuming).
People do live outside the US, you know.
Re:So what? (Score:5, Informative)
It's news because it affects a good chunk of the IT industry. Basically, if the CWA goes on strike, SBC's ability to resolve field-wiring issues will suddenly be reduced to management employees who aren't represented by the union. This means any line noise or wire failure issue that happens on local phone line loops within their territory will take much longer than usual to be resolved... leading to potential longer-than-usual disruptions to communication services that rely on local copper loops.
Uhh... (Score:5, Funny)
IOW, who/what are SBC and CWA?
Re:Uhh... (Score:2)
Don't you mean "IOW, WTH are SBC and CWA"?
opinion of SBC from a retiree (Score:5, Insightful)
I heard my dad make some mention of this a few days ago. Of course, this doesn't surprise me. My father spoke of SBC cutting retirement benefits in the future just to get people to retire early before the lower benefits took place.
He also spoke of his animosity towards SBC because of their push for Technicians to get more jobs completed in less time. Thus, you get people doing a job and meeting the most basic requirements to complete the job, so they end up closing out the job quickly.
My dad has a wall of Customer Service awards, but his managers would always complain about his inability to close jobs out quickly. My dad always told them he'd much rather take his time and make sure the customer is happy than do a barely-done job with a disgruntled customer.
Oh well, it doesn't matter now. The older generation of Technicians who actually care about the customer are retiring while newer non-union/contractors fill the slots
Even my dad doesn't have SBC for his phones anymore, even with the retiree discount
Re:opinion of SBC from a retiree (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:opinion of SBC from a retiree (Score:3, Insightful)
Don't take this the wrong way, but your Dad might have been a bit confused about his job. He obviously thought it was to satisfy customers. In truth, it was to satisfy the people paying his paycheck.
Dude, you're brainwashed. People aren't machines.
I'm not advocating crappy service, but I am advocating management not being second guessed.
Is "management" some sort of God or something? You have been totally brainwashed. Individuals are capable of making decisions too.
In reality, people modify roles (Score:3, Insightful)
There is the policy a company states they wish to follow, and there is the policy a companies staff actually implements - these are usually different. A persons job is what they can do and convince the company to pay them for. It's up to the company to hire people that will try to do things beneficial for the company instead of draining from the company.
Re:opinion of SBC from a retiree (Score:3, Interesting)
Thanks for this. Just yesterday I had final words with a subcontractor. I watched him dick around in a cherry picker for almost an hour looking for the "right" place to mount an aerial. Then he came down and said he wanted
Re:opinion of SBC from a retiree (Score:3, Insightful)
Every employee uses discretion, whether they are a telephone installer, policeman, janitor, commercial pilo
woohoo! (Score:2, Funny)
Workers' rights, my ass. They just want the long weekend. Come on down to Billy's Bear Barn where we're on strike every night! Tuesdays women strike for half price! Yee-haw!
non-union workers... (Score:3, Funny)
Wait a minute... (Score:5, Funny)
Story published to encourage union bashing (Score:2, Interesting)
Unions brought us child labor laws, eight hour days, overtime pay, the weekend, paid vacations, etc. You think the bosses just gave us all that? Hardly. People fought and died for those benefits and protections, and even if you aren't in a union, rest assured that unions and the threat of unions has
Absolutely right (Score:2)
What if they had a strike and nobody knew... (Score:4, Funny)
Can't speak for SBC, but if this was Verizon in New York, my response would be "How could you tell?"
Re:What if they had a strike and nobody knew... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:What if they had a strike and nobody knew... (Score:2)
> Can't speak for SBC, but if this was Verizon in New York, my response would be "How could you tell?"
Oh, easy. When you give up and decide to do your own wiring isntead, look around for big fat slobs. If there are no big fat slobs threatening to break your fingers, you know they're not yet on strike.
I heard a radio commercial about this problem (Score:4, Insightful)
They [SBC] don't have the excuse of failing profit margins or losses. They are just greedy. If the shareholders out there would vote their minds, they'd probably change out those in control... but then again, they're probably one in the same.
Re:I heard a radio commercial about this problem (Score:3, Insightful)
Convenient Timing, that... (Score:4, Interesting)
If SBC has the gonadal substructure, they'll reply with "Well, with all these AT&T people coming on board, we'll be way over staffed, and we'll have to start cutting some jobs..."
Hey, I'm against both sides. I just enjoy a good corporate bloodbath. Movies are getting too expensive, news is free.
Re:Convenient Timing, that... (Score:3, Interesting)
Funny, when a business maximizes it's return by exploiting the situation it's called smart. When a union does the same thing it's called blackmail. Why is that? Are union members supposed to be saints? Can't they be as ruthless as the management?
Re:Convenient Timing, that... (Score:5, Informative)
Therefore, SBC will not be aquiring much help in getting local loops fixed... the only local loop AT&T Wireless is concerned with is cell towers. Cingular and AT&T Wireless operate on the same technologies, so they'll have no compatiblity issues taking on the existing AT&T Wireless customers onto the Cingular networks. They basically want AT&T Wireless so that Cingular can mark off any where AT&T has set up a GSM tower up as already done on their GSM conversion effort.
Still, the union's timing in light of a merger close is exactly what they're swinging for. Cheapen the company as the merge closes, and SBC is out money if they cave, and out money if they don't cave. Sad when a business deal heads into mutually destructive territory...
The union position, press release and game (Score:5, Informative)
The Communications Workers of America (CWA) [cwa-union.org] has issued a press release, Communications Workers Set Strike at SBC Involving 100,000 Workers at Midnight Tomorrow [cwa-union.org]:
The CWA also offers a See-n-Say with CWA Game [cwa-union.org].
And we will be able to notice what difference? (Score:5, Funny)
An anecdote from my personal experience with them...
SBC was supposed to install DSL at my home. The equipment for my end came and I hooked it up, waiting for the date service was supposed to start. The day comes and goes with no DSL. I call them the next day and spend several hours on the phone with a tech. Finally, he comes to the conclusion that I don't seem to have DSL service.
In fact, he can't even find record of the order, despite them having sent me equipment. We get off the phone, and I am called not once, but three times by different companies they apparently contract with to let me know that my DSL service is down.
Finally, they get their act together and fix the problem. Over the next three days I received four phone calls and two in-person visits letting me know that they fixed my DSL service.
Never mind how SBC used to call me at my old address trying to sell me DSL (which wasn't offered in my area at the time). We actually ordered it the first time, and it took them two months of hassles to get the to admit they don't offer it in our area and get a refund for the two months of service they charged us for.
So I ask, how would I be able to tell that there was a strike? Oh, my phone wouldn't ring off the hook with notifications of information I already know.
Re:And we will be able to notice what difference? (Score:3, Interesting)
> I mean, honestly. Having no technicians to fix things will mean what exactly?
Dan beat me to this one, so I'll second his opinion. The only thing I can't figure out is who's left in the union. Techs, what techs? All they seem to have telemarketers and sales droids. Any technical issues are Your Problem.Ahh another reason to ban..err love UNIONS (Score:3, Insightful)
Unions should be banned.
I'm one of the guys that gets to fill in... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:I'm one of the guys that gets to fill in... (Score:3, Insightful)
Amen, brother. What a strike means is that union employees (is SBC a closed-shop?) will get better benefits or better pay or subsidized jobs for life, paid for by the company who's got bullied into acquiesence. In order to maintain a profitable bottom line (let's be honest - companies that don't make money for their investors don't survive long, and making money by providing goods and/or services is what running a company is all about), the co
Re:I'm one of the guys that gets to fill in... (Score:3, Insightful)
Don't "thank" the union. The union did not mandate 12x7 shifts. SBC did that. SBC could have hired a larger number of contractors or offered volunteer overtime or any number of other solutions to keep operations moving in the event of a strike. They chose instead to mandate 12x7 shifts for every non-bargained employee and to recall those e
This will have a stronger impact than you think (Score:5, Insightful)
Anyhow, we have our own fiber network, our own switchng equipment, and we are responsible for our own order processing, repairs, service changes, etc. Basically we rely on SBC for what is termed the "last mile", or the cable that leaves from either a COLO (colococation office) or CO (central office) and leads right up to the building being serviced. This also includes the pedestals and other line structures used to pass service along.
We rely on SBC to make repairs to aerial or buried drops and for basic installation. How it works is we send SBC an order saying "Hey, this person wants our service. Hook them up." SBC then gives us the line from their switch and ensures that the line leading from the pedestal or segmentation equipment is dropped off at the NID (Network Interface Device). We then complete the order by doing the necessary routing, NPAC (Number Portability), hooking up the inside wiring, and ensuring service is delivered properly. As you can imagine, while we don't overly rely on SBC's equipment we are very dependent on their service. This strike will make an already long installation process even longer and perhaps delay repairs to infrastructure. While this strike seems to only affect SBC and their customers on the surface, this could have potentially damaging effects on our service as well by delaying key steps in the installation and repair sectors.
SBC has always been a little underhanded when it has come to playing fair, ie giving our customers lines that they knew were of less than stellar quality, delaying the install process when they can get away with it, charging us for doing a "no trouble found" dispatch where the problem "mysteriously" diappears so as to cause an unnecessary dispatch chargeback to appear, etc. We try and get along, but it is not always that easy. We've had issues with their technicians disparaging our service as well, trying to get a "winback" so as to regain their previous customers' service. In fact, we keep a database of all the things that SBC has done to try and undermine our service so we can have an accurate record to present to the PSC (Public Service Commission). You'd be amazed at what SBC tries to do to steal back their customers. Thankfully we do provide cheaper service and better customer care IMHO.
While I understand why the CWA is striking I hope the issue is solved soon. Otherwise it is going to cause our little company a lot of headaches in the long run. While we may not always get along, we are really dependent on SBC to get service and maintanance schedules completed properly and on time.
Re:This will have a stronger impact than you think (Score:3, Informative)
Its suprising.... (Score:3, Interesting)
There are some particularly interesting things to note about this strike (for the record I am one of the replacement workers set to go in to work when they go on strike, alongside alot of out of town SBC managers and some retired SBC workers).
First off, the original strike deadline was set for the 7th of May, for some stupid reason the CWA decided to work through the deadline even though next to NO concessions were made by SBC, thus weakening their position.
Second, as if it didnt seem dumb before, this isnt the first time the CWA tried this tactic, they previously did the same thing at Verizon last year, not suprisingly they ended up getting squeezed on most issues, including a ~$1 billion healthcare package.
Third, the strike is, if you can believe this, a 4 day only strike....to quote a CWA spokesperson "this will show SBC how seriously we are taking this issue."....right....so, to show how serious you are, you worked through one deadline....set another, and then openly told them it would last no more than 4 days....thats serious folks.
Also for what its worth the same spokesperson said the move was only 4 days because they dont want to inflict permanent damage to SBC's business, however at the same time they are mobilizing a carrier switch campaign aimed at persuading SBC's business customers to switch over to AT&T (who does business in 11 of SBC's 13 operating states).
Personally I think the CWA workers have a D@MN good job, and even with the increases laid out in this plan have some excellent healthcare plans....however I feel bad for them because it appears their negotiators have their heads firmly implanted in their rectums.
I honestly wish I could get by without taking this job because while I disagree with the unions I dont neccisarily like the idea of being a replacement worker, but apparently unbeknownst to the CWA workers, the economy sucks and IT jobs are about as scarce as it gets. But either way, as long as I make enough money to keep a roof over my head and they get enough of their demands met, I guess its a win/win.
Unions are more than just workers getting together (Score:5, Informative)
The following list of special privileges reveals the extent to which union bosses have rigged our nation's labor laws in their favor.
Privilege #1: Exemption from prosecution for union violence.
The most egregious example of organized labor's special privileges and immunities is the 1973 United States v. Enmons decision. In it, the United States Supreme Court held that union violence is exempted from the Hobbs Act, which makes it a federal crime to obstruct interstate commerce by robbery or extortion. As a result, thousands of incidents of violent assaults (directed mostly against workers) by union militants have gone unpunished. Meanwhile, many states also restrict the authority of law enforcement to enforce laws during strikes.
Privilege #2: Exemption from anti-monopoly laws.
The Clayton Act of 1914 exempts unions from anti-monopoly laws, enabling union officials to forcibly drive out independent or alternative employee bargaining groups.
Privilege #3: Power to force employees to accept unwanted union representation.
Monopoly bargaining, or "exclusive representation," which is embedded in most of the country's labor relations statutes, enables union officials to act as the exclusive bargaining agents of all employees at a unionized workplace, thereby depriving employees of the right to make their own employment contracts. For example, the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) of 1935, the Federal Labor Relations Act (FLRA) of 1978, and the Railway Labor Act (RLA) of 1926 prohibit employees from negotiating their own contracts with their employers or choosing their own workplace representatives.
Privilege #4: Power to collect forced union dues.
Unlike other private organizations, unions can compel individuals to support them financially. In 28 states under the NLRA (those that have not passed Right to Work laws), all states under the RLA, on "exclusive federal enclaves," and in many states under public sector labor relations acts, employees may be forced to pay union dues as a condition of employment, even if they reject union affiliation.
Privilege #5: Unlimited, undisclosed electioneering.
The Federal Election Campaign Act exempts unions from its limits on campaign contributions and expenditures, as well as some of its reporting requirements. Union bigwigs can spend unlimited amounts on communications to members and their families in support of, or opposition to, candidates for federal office, and they need not report these expenditures if they successfully claim that union publications are primarily devoted to other subjects. For years, the politically active National Education Association (NEA) teacher union has gotten away with claiming zero political expenditures on its IRS tax forms!
Privilege #6: Ability to strong-arm employers into negotiations.
Unlike all other parties in the economic marketplace, union officials can compel employers to bargain with them. The NLRA, FLRA, and RLA make it illegal for employers to resist a union's collective bargaining efforts and difficult for them to counter aggressive and deceptive campaigns waged by union organizers.
Privilege #7: Right to trespass on an employer's private property.
The Norris-LaGuardia Act of 1932 (and state anti-injunction acts) give union activists immunity from injunctions against trespass on an employer's property.
Privilege #8: Ability of strikers to keep jobs despite refusing to work.
Unlike other employees, unionized employees in the private sector have the right to strike; that is, to refuse to work while keeping their job. In some
Could the service get any worse? (Score:3, Informative)
My last day with SBC. (Score:3, Interesting)
Anyways, SBC is fucking cheap. They make mad profit every year, but they can't afford a single water cooler for our little 90 person office on the shoreline in Connecticut. They want you plugged in and taking calls on time, but the clocks go unfixed. It feels like a fucking casino. A simple bit of routine maintenance. I'm surprised the mens bathroom light got fixed today.
Good employees that make a company as profitable as it is, should not be treated like disposable trash.
Re:First post! ;-) (Score:2)
Re:First post! ;-) (Score:2)
Re:Uhh (Score:2, Informative)
CWA: Communications Workers of America: a labor union.
SBC: Southwestern Bell Corporation (nee Pacific Bell): an evil, money-grubbing RBOC/ILEC :-).
Re:I am a potential scab! (Score:2, Funny)
Yeehaw and all that.
Re:unions Suck! (Score:3, Insightful)
You people all (most) seem to not like unions. Why? Over here (Europe), they make sure we get the wages we deserve and don't get fired for stupid things like if the boss doesn't like you or whatever. I've never heard of any unreasonable strikes... Have you been indoctrinated from birth or do you have any real reasons to dislike unions?
Re:unions Suck! (Score:2)
I've never heard of any unreasonable strikes...
There are some of those too.... like in here in Norway ATM. Everything isn't black and white, though... a little bit of unions are good, too much bad. Key is to achieve a balance, as in most other areas.
Re:unions Suck! (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:unions Suck! (Score:2)
Re:unions Suck! (Score:2)
I have no problems with labor unions. An individual doesn't have what it takes to strongarm their employer individually so they need to go out and strongarm the employer as a group. If you want to form a group and try to force a bargain with your employer then that's fin
Re:unions Suck! (Score:2, Insightful)
Some unions are vital (Score:3, Insightful)
Now, you are right, there are unions that do more harm than good. They impose requirements to create meaningless jobs instead of letting companies become more efficient (and thereby creating new useful jobs or having more money for raises).
On the other hand, there are unions that are vital for protecting the employees.
Re:unions Suck! (Score:2)
Where in the definition of capitalism does it say that if workers aren't satisfied with their wages, they have the right to hold my business hostage and I'm powerless to do anything (such as find other workers) unless I meet their demands or they reduce their demands?
The definition of capitalism would more likely say that if workers aren't satisfied with their wages and think they're being shafted by management, they can all go and start up their own competing busines
Re:unions Suck! (Score:3, Insightful)
Almost all workers in the US have the right to quit their job if they don't like the conditions. Unions were formed by people saying "Unless you start collective barganing with this here union we formed, we all quit." You decided that you'd