Star Wars TV Show, And An Unmade Trilogy 346
Necromutant writes "Mark Hamill comments about Episodes 7, 8, and 9 really got everyone's attention. Mark told those in attendance what Lucas told him the third trilogy would be about. Also confirmed today officially, a Star Wars television show coming in the future. -- I don't know if I should be happy or scared..."
A big stick and a dead horse (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:4, Insightful)
If you look at them in their intended sequence then you've got (And I don't care how good he makes Ep3) a very childish and frankly not very good story starting with Ep1 progressing to what the majority of people consider to be "the good ones" in Eps 4, 5, and 6. Of course Jedi wasn't up to Empire and really that's where things started getting pretty silly with those furry little previews of the abortion to come but we mostly tend to just lump those three movies together and call them "good" while we look at the prequels and call them (rightfully so) "lousy".
So if there ever were to be a trilogy of sequels then they'd have to be far more adult targeted in nature to even have a chance and they'd have to be the coolest friggin Star Wars movies ever to clean the taste of "Phantom Menace" out of our mouths. They would need to grow up and be serious (probably overly serious) and in effect age with thier audience to make most Star Wars fans happy. Then when the whole nine were viewed in order the story would get better and more serious as it moved along.
I don't see Lucas being capable of doing it. No way can he miracle up the ability to churn out three great pictures now. He is what he is, just a guy who had one really great idea, an excellent techician of film, a great editor, and a crummy director who's managed to pull a few pictures off.
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:2)
Sadly the fact that Jackson has his own special effects workshop will probably preclude that from happening. :(
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:5, Insightful)
It's fantasy.
That is all.
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:3, Insightful)
Any definition you use for the difference between fantasy and sci-fi can be bent or broken by numerous excellent works, even though each subgenere is distinct into itself.
So, "Science Fiction" has three subgenres:
Fantasy, like LOTR or my own (unpublished) novel. Wil
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:5, Interesting)
Your idea doesn't really make sense. There's nothing scientific about fantasy. Doing the opposite and calling science fiction a subgenre of fantasy would also seriously piss off quite a few people.
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:4, Informative)
It's not my idea. Leave USENET and go talk to a bookseller -- like the GM or owner of a local bookstore. Odds are that they'll be able to backup my statement.
"Speculative Fiction" isn't a historic genere. It's an attempt to redefine "S/F" to mean something broader, and it does make more sense than "Science Fiction". But it's still not a classic genere, and you probably won't find "Speculative fiction" as a section in a bookstore.
A Question (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm of the belief that if it isn't this way allready it damn well should be for sanity's sake.
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:3, Interesting)
Um, yeah. Right.
Would you please be kind enough, pointing out the scientific parts of LOTR, The Belgariad or The sword of truth (bad series)? These are afaik, prime examples of what is considered Fantasy.
Sure, not all stuff that people label Science Fiction is that scientific either, but at least SF mostly tries to tell us what might happen in the future and what technology, society and science of the era might have evolved into.
SF could be seen as a genre of Fantasy,
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:4, Insightful)
Oh, really? Then E.A.Poe (1809-1849) wasn't writing fantasy? Gulliver's Travels (1675) isn't fantasy?
Ummm, bullshit.
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:4, Insightful)
Actually, there is. LOTR was in many ways a speculative exposition to backup the myriad of languages and linguistic shifts that Tolkein devised.
There's easily as much science behind LOTR as there is behind, oh, 2001 or Issac Assimov's Robot series. It's just not technological science, so it has a clearly different feel.
(and to be really anal, it fits science's "if X, then Y, right?" mold very well.)
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:5, Insightful)
I agree 100%. Star wars is fantasy. The only diference between SW and Lord of The Rings type of movies is the background. One is technological and the other is not. Considering that this background is in another galaxy in another time frame it doesn't imply any future technology, but a mere definition of its alien background and status quo.
There is no science behind star wars light sabers, ships, force (except the midiclorian mistake) or anything else in the universe. It is the analogy to magic swords, horses, unicorns, olifants and whaterer mechanical doomsday devices you might want to add.
Just because it has blinking lights doesn't make it sci fi.
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:2, Funny)
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:4, Interesting)
Actually, yes it does. Sci-fi, even "hard" sci-fi, introduces devices that cannot be manufactured at current technological level. Since these devices cannot be yet manufactured, their existence in future, as well as inner workings, are pure speculation.
Simply because some author is good at giving "science-like" explanations about how things work in his universe doesn't make those things any more scientifically sound than any other sci-fi props. Don't be fooled by technobabble :).
Think of it this way: There is some science behind magic swords - namely, the inclined plane (the cutting edge forms a wedge) and the fact that pressure increases as the surface decreases (which is why the blade cuts). There is also some unscientific things (the magical properties). There is a lot of science in several sci-fi spaceships (rocket engines, closed hull) and lots of unscientific things (faster-than-light drives in almost all of them, positronic robot brains - why would these be any different from normal electrons ?). It's just a matter of degree.
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:3, Insightful)
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" - Arthur C. Clarke.
Now the magic abilities of LOTR & similar fantasy is presented as innate abilities of (some of) the 'people' who populate the world.
Compare this with the Jedi, force users and adepts. Until the 'midichlorians' were introduced, this was accepted as certain people being able to tap into
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:3, Interesting)
There's a genre jargon definition of sci-fi that is along the lines of having a rational explanation for how things work, but in English it means having blinkenlights and cool tech instead of dragons and magic wands. The only real difference between a blaster and a magic wand is a technobabble/backdrop one, but it turns o
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:3, Informative)
I'm less certain.
American Heritage Dictionary, 4th edition (by way of dictionary.com):
The OED:
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:5, Funny)
Q: Will there be a book about Harry's Mum and Dad, about how they became friends and how they died?
A: So it would be "Harry Potter: Episode One". [Laughter]. No, but a lot of people have asked that. It is all George Lucas's fault. You won't need a prequel; by the time I am finished, you will know enough. I think it would be shamelessly exploitative to do that. I am sure that Mr Lucas is doing it only for artistic reasons, but in my case I think that by the time you have had the seven books you will know everything you need to know for the story.
"Artist reasons" -- She is hilarious.
To be fair to Lucas (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:To be fair to Lucas (Score:3, Informative)
Moreover, Asimov's two prequels predate Lucas's prequels.
Re:To be fair to Lucas (Score:3, Interesting)
Now maybe I'm reading way to much into this one offhand comment, but something about the way he said it made me think that L
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:5, Insightful)
Jeez, he should have been happy in 1978, then.
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:2)
Re:A big stick and a dead horse (Score:2)
Yes, they would. There is one part in the Special Editions, in Empire Strikes Back, where Vader says "Bring my shuttle" after Luke's gone down the shaft. The problem is that that one comment is done in a very bad imitation voice. You've just listened to this guy talk for almost the entire movie, and suddenly the voice chang
Heh (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Heh (Score:5, Funny)
I think a Star Wars TV series is a great step forward. Rick Berman has been well ahead of Lucas for years now, due to the sheer volume of crap that can be produced with a weekly TV show. As hard as Lucas has worked, particularly with the new reworked special edition versions for DVD, Berman has, what, 5 seasons of Voyager behind him (okay, disregarding time travel, holodeck, and other "it never really happened episodes, maybe only 1 or 2 seasons)? You just can't compete with that sort of thing. While continuing to make some of the worst Star Trek feature films ever, Berman has been pumping out Enterprise.
But that's all going to change. Lucas has wised up. His glory years (Caravan of Courage, and Battle for Endor anyone?) are behind him, but he's still capable of of making everything cutesy and pointless for no good reason. Given an opportunity to get crap on air on a weekly basis can really bury the franchise - you only need to look at Droids, or the Star Wars Christmas Special to see what truly amazing things Lucas can do with the TV medium. That level of spectacularly awful work could undercut Berman's years of effort in under a season.
Star Wars' prospects are definitely looking up (or down, as the case may be).
I think Lucas wins by default.... (Score:2)
Re:Heh (Score:2)
That's "to boldly drive their respective franchises into ground that no other franchise has ever been driven."
It needed a nice Roddenberry misplaced modifier. ;)
Re:Heh (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Heh (Score:5, Funny)
That number can't be right, because I distinctly remember Trinity's death scene from "Matrix Revolutions" being at least five hours long.
Re:Heh (Score:2)
Re:Heh (Score:2)
It's sad to see Trek limp along while the B5 Universe has so much potential.
I know... (Score:4, Insightful)
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Re:I know... (Score:5, Funny)
Scared or happy? (Score:3, Insightful)
A Bink's Tale (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:A Bink's Tale (Score:2)
Re:A Bink's Tale (Score:2)
I always wanted to do this... ;) (Score:5, Informative)
Re:I always wanted to do this... ;) (Score:2)
mp3 download redirects to google (Score:2)
he (Score:4, Interesting)
How Long ago did Lucas tell Mark Hamill about this, was this sometime back when they were originally filming?
1976! (Score:2, Informative)
Ob. Spaceballs Reference (Score:5, Funny)
Think Mel Brooks would actually mind that?
Re:Ob. Spaceballs Reference (Score:5, Informative)
A friend once told me, after watching Mel Brooks' commentary on the Spaceballs DVD, that Brooks said he'd wanted to do a sequel.
The title he wanted to use, though, wasn't Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money, as Yogurt had prophesized. He wanted the title to be Spaceballs 3: The Search for Spaceballs 2.
Re:Ob. Spaceballs Reference (Score:3, Insightful)
Why wasn't a sequel to Spaceballs made? (Score:2)
A great disturbance in the Force. (Score:5, Funny)
Mirror of mp3 (Score:5, Informative)
Charlie Rose interview (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Charlie Rose interview (Score:2)
Re:Charlie Rose interview (Score:3, Funny)
Yeah, "American Graffiti: Episode 1 - Opie Goes Cruising for Chicks"
Re:Charlie Rose interview (Score:3, Insightful)
I remember back in 1977, Lucas swore up and down that the original Star Wars was a standalone film and there absolutely would NEVER be a sequel, because he didn't believe in sequels, period (he said something to the effect that only losers with no ability to create new material ever made sequels). Then Star Wars became a big hit -- and suddenly it was the first of a trilogy, and soon afterward was transmogrified into th
Money (Score:4, Insightful)
Good creative shows have been pulled because of money and stereotypical, nonsensical tripe put in replacement all in the name of money.
So whats makes SW diffrent?
Re:Money (Score:2)
It's just too bad for us that his "imperfect" versions of the stories from the 1977-1983 timeframe are the ones
Re:Money (Score:2)
Re:Money (Score:2)
Kind of reminds me of Rush [rush.com] in a way. Geddy Lee has said more than once that they don't care what the critics say, they just write and record songs that they want to play.
And there are plenty of Rush fanboys (myself included) who will run out and buy their records every 2 years or so, no matter how badly everyone else thinks they sound.
tv based on brian daley novels? (Score:3, Interesting)
The problem is of course, most all TV shows and movies produced are crap. And I dont think the SW TV show is any more or less likely to be crappy TV than any other sci-fi/fantasy show.
The Audio did real well. (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:tv based on brian daley novels? (Score:5, Funny)
Really, the power of the Force is nothing compared to the power of psychohistory.
Re:tv based on brian daley novels? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:tv based on brian daley novels? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:tv based on brian daley novels? (Score:2, Insightful)
and i completely agree about Anderson. Some of the worst stuff i ever read.
Was Mark Muzzled? (Score:3, Interesting)
On Friday, Mark did two live radio interviews in my market to promote the upcoming DVD releases. In both interviews the host asked about the next trilogy. Although he did not give the same answer word-for-word, he basically said, "I don't know, most of the time the fans know more than I do"
Did Mark say too much on Wednesday and was told to keep his mouth shut?
If Lucas has half a brain (Score:5, Interesting)
Heir to the Empire [amazon.com]
Dark Force Rising [amazon.com]
The Last Command [amazon.com]
There would be problems with the fact that the actors are older than their characters are portrayed in the Zahn books, but hey, George is a wizard with CGI, let's see him do something useful with it instead of creating more characters like Jar-Jar Binks or editing the cantina scene so that Greedo shoots first.
Re:If Lucas has half a brain (Score:2)
Re:If Lucas has half a brain (Score:2)
This garbage is the best ?!? Good I didn't read the others then. When reading the first one I was reminded on why I stopped reading fantasy after puberty. As for the 2nd book, it was so dumb and lacking any kind of ideas or plot that I gave up halfway. If a book is exceptional, I keep it; if it's good I give it to my friends. Those 3 ended up in a landfill. Saying it's better than Jar-Jar
Re:If Lucas has half a brain (Score:2)
Ah... (Score:5, Funny)
Holy cow (Score:4, Funny)
Six strangers live inside the star wars universe (A huge studio in Hollywood) for six months, where they can become a bounty hunter, pod racer, force-user (only for the very gifted!) Smuggler (Please, no real 'spice' or other illegal substances on the set) among many other professions!
Each 'period' consists of a voting day, where each player votes "the most annoying" player off the studio.
The winner recieves royalty rights to the Star Wars franchise after George Lucas has died, but 50% of the profits MUST be used to beautify his burial ground.
A better idea... (Score:4, Funny)
The Lucas Problem (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm certain that is the only reason Jar Jar Binks ever survived being edited out of Episode 1 is that no one would dare say to George, "Uh, George, you may not have realized it, but this character is nothing more than an offensive racial stereotype that will not go down well with anyone."
Re:The Lucas Problem (Score:2)
I'm sure that in his godliness he is gives less importance to listening, caring, or tolerating such advice. I'm quite certain the man is literate, and if he reads anything besides the Star Wars fansite claptrap, he is sur
Re:The Lucas Problem (Score:3, Interesting)
I've seen plenty of 8 year olds whose favorite Star Wars character is Jar Jar Binks. I guess it just goes to show who Lucas considers to be his audience.
Re:The Lucas Problem (Score:3, Interesting)
What the devil are you talking about. (Score:3, Interesting)
This isn't to say Lucas is some genious who ought to be left along to create. For God's sake, somebody should have pointed out that i
TV Show... oh boy! (Score:2)
Transcript (Score:3, Informative)
Animated Zahn (Score:3, Interesting)
CGI the ships etc...
Hire as many old & current cast members to do the voices.
One hour long each episode. If they did the Zahn books like this they could have an entire series plotted out and it would be a huge hit.
Also, needs to be an HBO series. With Lucas' stand on not wanting to be influenced by studios, wouldn't it make sense to not want censors or suits influenceing the product? I'm sure HBO does much of the same, but I bet they would steer his old ass into a great product.
Inside Scoop; Episodes 7 8 & 9 (Score:5, Funny)
EPISODE 8 (Lost in Space); Luke and Solo must defeat Darth Glukas' army of director's cuts, but they have no idea where they are or even WHAT they are, so they begin searching randomly throughout the worlds of the republic. They come across a planet and discover a family of beautiful humans who claim they are called the Robinsons, and their ship is the "Jupiter 2". Although the ship they have looks nothing like the one in the republic database, and the Robinsons are far too pretty and have the vacuous acting talent of bannana slugs, they do point out that they have seen the dark side. They point our geratric twosome in the direction of Darth Dr. Smith, who is Darth Glukas' apprentice. Smith doesn't look human at all, but he does look a helluva lot better than the crappy paint on Darth Maul (and he does have the cool black robe) so our duo fights with Darth Smith and strike him down for questioning. After Darth Smith stops whining about his injury "Oh the pain, the pain!" He tells them Darth Glukas and the directors cuts can be found on a planet called Skywalker Ranch and that Darth Glukas will surely defeat them and buy the entire republic unless our heroes can get more help. Off they go
EPISODE 9 (Finally over); Luke and Solo go to get help. They stop at the planet of Angles, where they find Princess Leah (in tight vinyl) and her band of female jedi (Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, and Lucy Liu). Accompanying them is Leah's Obi Wan (jedi teacher), Obi Wan Morpheus and his assistant Neo. All 8 of them fly to planet Skywalker Ranch and confront Darth Glukas, but alas, Glukas has a suprise for them. He has THREE young apprentice siths working for him. Darth Elrond (Hugo Weaving), Darth Psycho (Crispien Glover), and Darth Bitch (Demi Moore). An epic battle ensues where almost everyone dies while fighting in slow motion with lots of wire fighting and physics-ignoring acrobatics. In the end, Luke and Glukas are the only ones left. Luke tells Glukas he has lost, but Glukas laughs and says "Lost? My boy you have much to learn about the dark side. I have been following your every move throughout this entire epic with hidden cameras. Your every action has been a part of a thing I call reality television, and I have already made my billions on this tripe. All is lost. I now have the money to buy the republic."
It all does seem lost, but then, Luke informs him; "It is you who has lost Glukas, I have known about your treachery all along, and informed the one force in the universe more powerful than you." From the wings enters Obi Wan Schlocky- Ending (Stephen Spielberg) "I thought you might try a "sad" ending Glukas, I have prepared for this moment with a series of horrible sequels of my own. We can't have people believing that any story can end without a happy ending! This is my mission, my destiny." With that, Obi Wan Schlocky-ending pulls out his glowing blue......checkbook and buys the entire Star Wars series, (copyright, and merchandising!) with the money he made from Indiana Jones 4,5,6,7,8,9, and 10 a
Re:Inside Scoop; Episodes 7 8 & 9 (Score:2)
That reminds me... I saw The Passenger [imdb.com], and I saw Passenger 57 [imdb.com]. But I missed Passengers 2 through 56. Can anyone tell me if they were any good?
No, I didn't make this up myself. Someone else did -- years ago. I would cite them if I knew who they were.
Re:Inside Scoop; Episodes 7 8 & 9 (Score:2)
partial transcript (Score:2, Informative)
MH: He talked about doing 7,8,9. You know when I first did this, it was four trilogies. 12 movies! And out on the desert there's big time between setups 'cause of whatever, ya know, the robots are... can you imagine robots rolling mechanically- oil on sand in the desert? That's the kind of stuff you don't [inaudible] we should prepare for this, so they're digging out sand and putting planks and moving the cameras so you can't see he's on wood. Lots
Mirror of 5 minute talk here (Score:2, Informative)
It's .ogg
Text better than voiced words... (Score:3, Informative)
My kingdom for a quick summary in WRITTEN WORD. Ok maybe not my kingdom but at least my thanks...
Star Trek the animated series (Score:2)
The Biggest Threat to Star Wars is.. (Score:3, Insightful)
Honestly, let it go. If you want to complain about the pillaging and raping of a franchise, go complain about Star Trek.
Happy or Scared (Score:2)
Also confirmed today officially, a Star Wars television show coming in the future. -- I don't know if I should be happy or scared..."
Happy or scared? Let me see if I can help you out. I have here a very old VHS tape of a made-for-TV Star Wars program called The Ewok Adventure. Let me just load that up and take a look...
. . .
Phew! Okay...
I would say, scared. Definitely scared.
Transcript (Score:5, Informative)
Re:SW v ST (Score:4, Funny)
OMG, Chewbacca reciting his favourite poetry to a horde of cute muppet tribbles, as they rally for a devastating strike against the evil Klingon empire (Episode VII). I think I'm calling in sick.
Re:SW v ST (Score:2)
This actually reminds me of seeing Shater doing spoken word songs for priceline commericials. SHUDDER
Re:The sad thing is... (Score:3, Interesting)
And for a time it was rumored to be in the works, too.
Re:The sad thing is... (Score:2)
Re:maybe it's porn (Score:3, Funny)
When was porn out?
Re:maybe it's porn (Score:3, Funny)
When was porn out?
Porn is both in AND out.
Re:maybe it's porn (Score:3, Interesting)
Finally, we'll get to find out just how Anakin Skywalker was concieved!