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Television Media Sci-Fi

Farscape Returns Sunday 165

jagilbertvt writes "I know a lot of Slashdot readers are Farscape fans, so here's some more fantastic news... Farscape returns Sunday October 17th at 9pm ET with the first of two episodes of Farscape: Peacekeeper Wars. has more coverage of Farscape's return. A trailer is available at Apple's Movie Trailer site."
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Farscape Returns Sunday

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  • Foxtrot (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Patik ( 584959 ) * <> on Saturday October 16, 2004 @11:08AM (#10544650) Homepage Journal
    Interestingly enough, I first learned of this when I read this morning's Foxtrot comic [].

    • Re:Foxtrot (Score:4, Insightful)

      by vasqzr ( 619165 ) <> on Saturday October 16, 2004 @11:32AM (#10544793)

      Oddly enough, aren't comics drawn at least 1 month in advance?
      • Re:Foxtrot (Score:3, Insightful)

        by tuffy ( 10202 )
        Oddly enough, aren't comics drawn at least 1 month in advance?

        Typically yes. But it's been known for awhile when the new Farscape miniseries would air, so it'd be easy to draw that particular one well in advance. It's just like doing theme comics meant to run on holidays and so forth.

      • Re:Foxtrot (Score:2, Informative)

        by PreDefined ( 787636 )
        If you look at his FAQ:

        How far in advance do I draw my strips?

        Not very, unfortunately. I tend to procrastinate more than I should, so I often turn my strips in to my syndicate roughly two weeks before they run in newspapers. My syndicate would prefer it if I had a lead time of four to six weeks. Because color must be added, my Sunday strips get turned in six or seven weeks in advance. []

    • I saw that too and luckily it reminded me about it. I had just seen the TV guide with the blurb about Farscape on the cover too and had somehow already forgotten. Thank god for the comics.
  • I like shows where the producers have enough of a clue to make the web page work properly in Firefox.

    That and 24. That Jack Bauer is always in a heap of trouble!
  • hmm.. (Score:5, Funny)

    by hookedup ( 630460 ) on Saturday October 16, 2004 @11:10AM (#10544668)
    family guy... farscape..let's see if we can get full house back on the air..
  • I'm still mourning Firefly. The movie's in production, but I don't want 10 episodes and a movie. I want 7 years of shows and 10 movies. And then many, many more spin offs. (Inara's brothel - a wacky situation comedy? Jayne and his cohorts, an A-Team for the 25th century?).
    • by doormat ( 63648 ) on Saturday October 16, 2004 @11:22AM (#10544735) Homepage Journal
      I pity the foo' whos a [cursing in mandarin chinese]
    • What you want is Star Trek? I mean seriously anyone who thinks that any sci-fi television show (or possibly any TV show) is going to create as much success as Star Trek needs to get their head examined. Firefly was not that good. The only Whedon show I liked was Angel.

      Back on topic to Farscape though, the show was actually fairly good early on, and then things got pretty weird, pretty fast and then the Sci-Fi channel found much better shows including the Stargates.
      • by Chuckaluphagus ( 111487 ) on Saturday October 16, 2004 @11:38AM (#10544830)
        See, I'll disagree with you on that: I think the show started off a little slow (not bad, just getting up to speed), and got better the further it went along. My favorite season was the third, but the fourth was still excellent. I'm a big fan of shows that have serial storylines, as opposed to being more episodic, and Farscape started off episodic and became more serial the longer it went on.
        • Agreed. Stargate is definitely episodic. This is part of the reason why I like Farscape more. The characters in Farscape are also more realistic/human. They are not perfect logical beings always making the right decision at every moment. Most of the time, they don't know what the right decision is, so they just go with the flow and hope for the best. Contrast this with Stargate or Star Trek, where every move is perfect, everyone talks like they've got PhD's, and although mistakes can be made, they are
      • What you want is Star Trek? I mean seriously anyone who thinks that any sci-fi television show (or possibly any TV show) is going to create as much success as Star Trek needs to get their head examined.

        What the hell are you talking about? Who said anything about Star Trek? You are ripping on someone for something that was never said. Maybe you should take off the Klingon makeup and read the post again F I R E F L of the most innnovative sci-fi series in a while.

        Sheez.....You are as bad a
        • ummm...7 yrs of TV Shows and 10 movies. He basically referenced Star Trek. Go back and read again.
          • Star Trek had either significantly less or more than seven years if you want to get pedantic. Three for the first one or 24 if you put all four series together (3 TOS + 7 TNG + 7 DS9 + 7 VOY; 27 if you want to include the three years of the disaster-in-progress).

            Ten movies seems specifically Trek ... or Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm or, at the current rate, the Alien.* movies.

            Seems ambiguous after all, doesn't it? :) Seven years is the typical run for a decent series (if SG-1 wasn't such a cash-cow
      • Back on topic to Farscape though, the show was actually fairly good early on, and then things got pretty weird, pretty fast and then the Sci-Fi channel found much better shows including the Stargates.

        You've gotta be kidding. Grunts in Space is better? At least Farscape wasn't predictable. There was a plot and a continuing story line that was never completed because it was axed. If being different makes it weird, then I guess I like weird scifi. I just hope they finish the story this time, and I hope

    • No doubt, Firefly was awesome. I am in hopes that the movie will spawn interest from tv execs, and maybe we will see firefly come back to TV with more episodes.
      • Alas, the terms by which Universal picked up the movie rights from Fox prohibt them from making a TV show for a good long while. However, they have committed to making 2 more movies if the first one does well.

        The movie ("Serenity") is in post production, and will come out 4/22/2005. The decision by which Universal will judge success is primarily opening weekend box office numbers.

    • I dont get what people liked about Firefly... I saw it when it came out, and I found it very boring :/ maybe its just me, but enlighten me please.
    • Buy the DVDs. There were 14 episodes of Firefly. The DVDs have 3 episodes they didn't show on TV (and those episodes were just as excellent as the rest of the series).
  • by loggia ( 309962 ) on Saturday October 16, 2004 @11:14AM (#10544695)
    If you mod this down, obviously you are NOT a Farscape fan!
  • by Myrmi ( 730278 ) on Saturday October 16, 2004 @11:18AM (#10544711)
    The Second episode is going to be aired on the Monday - i.e. the day after - and not in the same slot the following Sunday.
  • This topic is getting posted on the tail end of the 11 day farscape marathon that the
    Sci-Fi channel just finished. That was better news for me, as I was (mostly) able
    to catch up on the series by Tivo'ing the episodes.
    • This topic is getting posted on the tail end of the 11 day farscape marathon that the Sci-Fi channel just finished. That was better news for me, as I was (mostly) able to catch up on the series by Tivo'ing the episodes.

      Oh, damn. That is painful to hear. I wish someone had told me. :( I still haven't seen all of the 3rd/4th season episodes, it would have been really nice to catch up on them before the miniseries. That sucks.

    • From Brian Henson's statements here []:

      "Our intention is that new audiences should be able to follow this, but they will have to concentrate hard."

      He also says that the miniseries will "bring Farscape to a place in the big story where we could now go in lots of different directions. We could make a movie, we could make a spin-off series, and I hope to do all of those things."

      This all depends on the success of the miniseries though, so even if you're new, even if you're a Trekkie, you should still tun
    • yeah seriously...the marathon was awesome and the commercials for this new mini-series have been on sci-fi for months...basically any geek who watches the sci-fi channel already knows (And probably anyone who cares about farscape does watch the sci-fi channel)
  • I discovered this about three weeks ago.

    Oddly enough, I discovered how cool Stargate is just three months ago.
    • Yeah, Stargate is a bit of a sleeper. I had watched it off and on since the beginning, thought it was ok ... then after a few years, at some point I realised I got pissed off when a season ended and there was no Stargate on TV. Damn you, McGuyver, now I'm addicted!
  • Why in the world, after several seasons of having Chiana with "normal" eyes would they decide to give her contacts giving the appearance of "cat-like" vertical pupils? Anybody else notice this? I think it makes her look a bit more nefarious than she really is.

    Didn't see the cat-eyes? Check out the trailer (there's about a half-second where I saw it) or check the photos at
  • in related news...

    Stargate SG-1 has a new season underway and Stargate Atlantis is just getting started.

    (I prefer Starget to Farscape)
    • I think they're both on hiatus until January, though I could be wrong.

      I like the new show 'Lost' quite a bit, plus the Sigfried & Roy bits of 'Father of the Pride' are freaking brilliant at times (especially the 7-11 episode).

      "I want the 'Ahh'!"
    • I think SG1 should have ended last season. The current eps are just kind.. there. The big fight at the end was a perfect ending point to the series. As for Atlantis, it's also just blah. Also the bigbads from that show kind of suck.. mostly because the concept of 'life force' is lame.
    • Look out for Claudia Black who has a guest spot in an upcoming Stargate episode.


  • Direct File Link (Score:3, Informative)

    by juggy ( 135917 ) on Saturday October 16, 2004 @11:49AM (#10544888)
  • by Linker3000 ( 626634 ) on Saturday October 16, 2004 @12:00PM (#10544944) Journal
    I lent them that Sunday ages ago
  • At the end of the very last episode, (and don't read any further if you haven't seen it already)

    John and Aeryn are melted into a billion M&Ms. How are they going to get around that? And I'm hoping it's not just "All a dream!"

    • I don't think they've ever done a "this is all a dream" type of episode. Several of them came close, but at the end it turns out to be part of the plot, and important.


      My guess is either they were cloned at some point, or those laser blasters teleported them somewhere and left fake shells behind to be destroyed, so that everyone will think they're dead. It's also possible that the John and Aeryn you see at the end of the episode are actually those robotic replacements we've seen before (Aeryn,
      • I figured that it wasn't a weapon designed to kill, but to subdue. A bounty hunter would love a gun that could break their quarry down into little Lego-sized bits as long as they've got a device that'll take all those bits and reassemble them later.

        The last episode wasn't intended to be the last, so of course they weren't supposed to actually die there. It was just a dramatic cliffhanger.
        • The alien gunner at the end of the last episode was not a bounty hunter. The words from his controller were something like "Neutralize target to study later," so I'm subscribing to the theory that the weapon simply put them into some sort of suspended animation (ala the time John was supposed to be married to that princess and was turned into a statue, only more advanced).

          Anyway, both of them are in the trailers, so they aren't dead.
          • One preview I read that had access to a few select scenes (shown at a geek convention, maybe) showed some clips, one of which is John and Aeryn apparently just having been re-assembled. First thing John asks D'Argo is "How long were we out?" You can also find still frames that show the same weird aliens whose faces come apart.

            There's nothing particularly significant about the supposed "death" at the end of the 4th season; they killed Aeryn in season 2 too, remember? (Of course, they killed off other mai
          • they lost a bunch of the marbles over the side of the boat... so they're each going to be a few inches shorter.
  • Well frell me dead. Anyone knows if it'll be available to Canadian viewers (e.g. Space) ?

    • I'm guessing sometime in December, although I can't back that up with any proof.

      Look at the Battlestar Galactica miniseries. We got it here a few months after the States.
  • would it kill to mention where? the world != US, UK, etc the internet == world, tv != world.

    • Sci-Fi Channel (United States)
    • Yes but now because of the Internet the rest of the world will soon after it being aired in the states will be able to D/L them. This really highlights the need for more international release dates.

      SG-1 is strange one. It starts in the states 1st but they have a mid season break. In this time the airing on SKY in the UK catches and passes the US schedule.
  • I guess I'm an atypical Farscape fan in that I'm not much of a television watcher, nor particularly a fan of sci-fi in general. I started watching Farscape intermittently during the first season, and found the show's atmosphere and look intriguing, its characters compelling, and its writing witty and sharp (for television, anyway). By the second season, I was hooked all the way through the third. It was space opera in all its glory -- unafraid to go for the grand gesture, to take its time to build to cli

    • characters didn't fall in love, get betrayed, and learn important life lessons all in the space of 43 minutes

      No, they take 42 episodes to find out they don't hate eachother, then another 42 episodes to find out whose baby it really is, and they get shot down after proposal for marriage.

      And it wasn't, like so many shows, "something else" in space

      No, it's soap opera in space.

      I like farscape, but I'm not afraid to admit that it is a soap opera. The overly long drama between Aerin and Crighton gets old

  • This series was being filmed at the end of last year, and annouced at the begining of this year. The trailer has been out for 2 months, and the series marathon started two weeks ago monday. Good to see the "net" folk are quick to keep up with the times. Anyways it's about time they put it back on the air even if it's only 4 hours. Good to see that Sci-Fi likes to be hypocritical with their standards. "Oh Farscape costs to much. Lets develop tremors the series (failed btw), and pump the money we save from du
  • Sponcered by KFC (Score:5, Informative)

    by zakezuke ( 229119 ) on Saturday October 16, 2004 @02:08PM (#10545708)
    This is going to be the only time in my life that I'm ever going to buy a product based on what they sponcer. I have full plans on sunday to buy a bucket of chicken, cut it into post cards, and send a note to KFC thanking them for sponcering the mini series. This isn't my idea [] but never the less it's a good one.

    I would reccomend that anyone else do the same and send little postcards made from KFC buckets to the following addresses:

    Melanie Dyer

    Associate Media Manager
    Kentucky Fried Chicken
    1441 Gardiner Lane
    Louisville, KY 40213

    John Gilbert
    Chief Marketing Officer
    Kentucky Fried Chicken
    1441 Gardiner Lane
    Louisville, KY 40213

    If your a vegitarian... get potatos. It's time to get off our ez chairs and do something about this flood of reality TV and make it clear to the sponcers what we want them to support.
    • A couple KFCs in my city have been busted for cooking and selling green chicken to customers. Ick. No Thanks.
      • by zakezuke ( 229119 ) on Saturday October 16, 2004 @08:45PM (#10547868)
        A couple KFCs in my city have been busted for cooking and selling green chicken to customers. Ick. No Thanks.

        Then by all means go buy anything, go in ask for a lid. Cut lid to the correct size and write in polite terms, "While I did not buy your product due to recently sited health code violations, I would like to take this time to say thank you for sponsoring Farscape". Or heck, pay the extra 12cents or so and mail them the lid.

  • So now all that needs to happen to completely round out season 5 is for SciFi to make 5 of these mini-series, with the 5th one lasting 3 nights instead of 2. That would give us a full 990 minutes, or the equivalent of 22 45-minute episodes.

    Unless they wimp out and try to completely wrap up the loose ends in tomorrow's show, which would be a mistake: It's probably going to have the highest ratings of anything SciFi will show for a good long time.

    Of course, that sort of depends on when the new SG-1 and Atl
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Sorry, in my half sleeping / almost reading slashdot state I read the tile as Farscape Ruins Sundays.
  • Matt Roush at TVGuide posted an article about the mini series that made me want to wait for it even more. []
  • Farscape Screensaver (Score:2, Informative)

    by brian0918 ( 638904 )
    KFC has released a new Farscape screensaver here []

    Even if you don't plan on using the screensave, please fill out the form (bogus info if you want) and download it. Increase their download count so they know people are interested in the show. They've already contacted the likes of UPN to say that they would advertise on the network if they picked up Farscape.

    So, show them you care, even if you don't. The more money that goes to Farscape, the less that goes to SciFi's sub-B "Original" movies.

You are in a maze of little twisting passages, all different.
