Judge Says Ohio Must Allow Provisional Ballots 155
expriest writes "A Federal Judge has held that the state of Ohio must provide a provisional ballot to persons who claim to be registered, but whose names do not appear on the voter rolls. This decision reverses a policy by Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, who was only allowing the provisional ballots in limited circumstances. Furthermore, the Judge put some teeth behind his ruling, allowing persons denied provisional ballot to sue the election official so doing for money damages."
More articles (Score:4, Interesting)
Seattle Post-Intelligencer [nwsource.com]
The Guardian [guardian.co.uk]
Re:More articles (Score:2, Informative)
How freaking insane do people have to be to pull stunts like this? I mean come on this is basically a two party/person race and you send out ballots with only one name on it.
On a side note I called it here Karzai is going to win his election, Allawi is going to win his AND Bush is definately not loosing we live in a mad mad corrupt as world.
Is it a conincidence that DIEbold is based
Re:More articles (Score:4, Funny)
Damn straight, Bush is going to stay as tight as possible!
Insert your own jokes here.
Re:More articles (Score:1)
BOTH sides are engaging in MASSIVE voter fraud this year. The winner will be the side that commits the most fraud. The real loser is us: The People.
good (Score:4, Insightful)
at least in ohio the election officials will think twice before f*cking with someone's right to vote
Re:good (Score:5, Informative)
I do not know how it is down there, but in Virginia, you do need a Driver's Liscence to vote if you did not have your voter's card. That is how they checked off that you had actaully voted and made sure that it was you who was voting.
Re:good (Score:2)
C'mon that can't be right? The blind, maimed and Amish are denied the vote in Virginia? Surely your passport or some other formal ID would do instead?
Re:good (Score:1)
Re:good (Score:2)
Re:good (Score:3, Informative)
Some form of picture ID should be required... (Score:5, Insightful)
Provisional ballots are probably one of the worst ideas ever. They seem tailor made to insure fraud does occur.
Re:Some form of picture ID should be required... (Score:1)
That's what its becoming these days - which side can commit the most fraud. By 2008 we should be about par with third world mock elections. By 2012, there probably won't even be any more elections.
Where were you in 2000? (Score:2)
You obviously know nothing about the provisional ballot system.
First, let me point out that it was part of the "Help America Vote Act of 2002" and anything that Ken Blackwell has done to block provisional ballots is in violation of that law. Our Secretary of State, Ken Blackwell, violated that law. If he thought it was wrong then too bad, law is law. He did challenge it and lost in court, law st
Re:good (Score:1)
Re:good (Score:1)
Ken Blackwell is a douchebag (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Ken Blackwell is a douchebag (Score:1)
Is he trying to impress the leadership with some dirty tricks?
Re:Ken Blackwell is a douchebag (Score:1)
I presume he failed because the paper was to thick. Seriousley how do people like this ever stay in there position whilst diplaying and inability to cope with the job.
Re:Ken Blackwell is a douchebag (Score:2)
BOTH sides are engaging in MASSIVE fraud this year. Expect it to get worse in future elections, until finally we just give up on elections all together an openly become the dictatorship we are inevitably heading towards.
A Super-Douchebag (Score:2)
Latest I've heard he'll allow the provisional ballots to be cast but it's likely that he'll instruct poll workers not to count them. He's going by a technicality here. Judging by the US Supreme Court's tendency in elections (cf.2000) and the Ohio Supreme Court's anti-activist leanings ("hey, state legislature, you're funding schools illegally, fix it please?
Its about time (Score:5, Insightful)
Usually, if a voter came to the wrong precinct, they could just vote a provisional ballot and then have any levies that they weren't eligible to vote for be not counted. Now Blackwell wants the entire ballot to be thrown out. Not to mention he didn't accept voter registration forms that were correctly filled out, but weren't on the proper paper stock.
I'm not going to say this is partisanship on Blackwell's part, but let it be known that Ohio is run by the Republicans at every level of government.
Re:Its about time (Score:3, Interesting)
More likly the guy is just anal retentive and worried that something will happen so he is
Re:Its about time (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Its about time (Score:1)
The state does not have to have a majority of Republicans to have a Republican majority. Its called gerrymandering. Ohio is among Texas and Indiana as being among the most horridly gerrymandered states in nation. Take a look at how Columbus is split into 4 different districts in order to dillute the democratic vote. The State Legislature is just as bad in most areas.
It is my opinion that Blackwell is attempting to make sure that
Re:Its about time (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Its about time (Score:2, Insightful)
Personally, I think one should be able to vote wherever in one's state. We have the technology to make this possible. I suspect many would find it much easier to vote where they work instead of where
Re:Its about time (Score:2)
Yep. Here's an example (from Ohio). I move. I get a new voting location (eventually). I send in the confirmation card (yes, I did move.) Of course why they need that if they allow "motor voter" registration and my address on my license matches my current address.... Go to correct polling place. Well, sorry, we have no record of you on our official lists. You are however on our "possibles" list (paraphrased-I don't know the exact term
voter fraud (Score:3, Funny)
Re:voter fraud (Score:2)
1) lots of people cast provisional ballots who aren't registered
2) the losing party in an election (not just president, but any of the offices and referenda being voted on) will point to provisional ballots that have a) been rejected and b) support the loser's cause to say that "These people were denied the right to vote!" and imply that either the registration system lost their
Definitely a good move (Score:1)
It's about time (from an Ohioan) (Score:1)
I live in one of the most republican counties.
I live in a village with a corrupt council and mayor.
Now I don't have to worry about not getting to vote this year. (Why did I vote for Nader last time?)
At least we didn't adopt crappy, no paper trail, e-voting machines. Maybe next year.
Re:It's about time (from an Ohioan) (Score:2, Interesting)
#2 I live in one of the most republican counties.
I submit that your statement #2 leads to your false conclusion on your statement #1. It may be true that Republicans NEED to win Ohio and there are many Republican strongholds in Ohio (where you obviously reside) - but there are also many Democratic strongholds in Ohio (where i reside) which are equally determined to turn out the vote. If Ohio was so "very republican", it would not be the crucial swing state that it is. The
Re:It's about time (from an Ohioan) (Score:3, Informative)
Re:It's about time (from an Ohioan) (Score:2)
Re:It's about time (from an Ohioan) (Score:1)
Re:It's about time (from an Ohioan) (Score:2)
Remember you do not want to know how laws, sausages, and polls are made....
Re:It's about time (from an Ohioan) (Score:1)
My point was that since Republicans run the state government, we should be extra cautious because they can use their power to influence the presidental elections
Its All About Helping the Cognitively Challanged (Score:2, Insightful)
I strongly believe there ought to be some kind of IQ test and lower IQ limit to the voting process. There are plenty of people in society who can't, for instance, add or subtract 2 numbers under 20 without a calculator. I'm quite generous in the standard, say anyone scoring a 69 IQ or below would not be allowed to cast a vote.
In the past
Re:Its All About Helping the Cognitively Challange (Score:3, Insightful)
this may help stupid people to vote (which i have nothing against) but more importantly it stops corrupt election officials from derailing (even more so) the democratic process.
Re:Its All About Helping the Cognitively Challange (Score:2, Informative)
The judge's ruling still requires you to be properly registered in order for your vote to be counted -- this does nothing to prevent, discourage or otherwise thwart the deliberate removal of your name from the list of registered voters.
The story referenced is about a disgruntled ex-employee of a company called 'Voters Outreach of America'. They were in Nevada to accept voter registration
Voter Cluefulness Test Required (Score:2)
A friend and colleague of mine believes that every ballot should have a simple multiple-choice test. Nothing requiring a History or Political Science degree; nothing needing math skills. Just a few basic questions (randomly selected from a large database for each ballot, to try and defeat cheat sheets or other "prepping" by party pundits) to check whether the voter has a basic grasp of consequences.
For example, maybe you believe that all citizens should be medically cared for equally, even though that
Obligitory MP Reference ... (Score:1)
Something along the lines of
1) What is your name ______________
2) What is your quest ______________
3) What is your favorite color __________
Re:Voter Cluefulness Test Required (Score:2, Troll)
Re:Voter Cluefulness Test Required (Score:1)
Personally I have kidney failure, which makes me eligable for dialysis treatment through medicare. Since my option was die or get federal assistance I decided to get the treatment.
Re:Voter Cluefulness Test Required (Score:2)
Yeah, that's even better. Let's also exclude anyone that's ever received a federal farm subsidy, small business subsidy, Fannie Mae/Sallie Mae/Freddie Mac/VA loan, FDIC insurance, corporate tax breaks, child care credits, etc. Let's also exclude anyone whose ever taken any deductions off their federal income taxes. After all, if you don't want the spongers voting, I'm sure you have no problems paying every penny the government asks you to give back.
I challenge anyone to find me ONE human being in the Un
Re:Voter Cluefulness Test Required (Score:2)
Number of elligible US voters: 2, both Amish. I guess it does make counting simpler.
Re:Voter Cluefulness Test Required (Score:2)
As for post roads- are you a postal officer? No? Then its a subsidy.
Re:Voter Cluefulness Test Required (Score:1)
Re:Its All About Helping the Cognitively Challange (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Its All About Helping the Cognitively Challange (Score:3, Insightful)
"Black people don't have the education and the cultural background for democracy"
"Women are mentally far to unstable to vote."
"Only working people may vote, because only they contribute to the society."
Yes, there may be more intelligent voters and dumber voters, but who gets to decide, which ones are the right ones? And who will ascertain that the exlusion won't be partisan or arbitary like in the "cited" cases in the past?
But most importantly, what give
Re:Its All About Helping the Cognitively Challange (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Its All About Helping the Cognitively Challange (Score:2)
Since I never intended to do become a billionair, my idea on why there are stock companies fall apart.
In other words, I fail to see the logical consequence.
> Universal sufferage is not the wonderful thing we've all been indoctrinated to believe it is.
Why? First, why indoctrinated?
Next, why isn't it?
The US is a democracy in the sense people use the word [wikipedia.org]. It is
Re:Its All About Helping the Cognitively Challange (Score:2)
Actually, I get the government that MOST of the public deserves.... That doesn't make me feel better, but it does explain a LOT
Re:Its All About Helping the Cognitively Challange (Score:2)
Way to push the Republican agenda there, Lil' W.
Re:Its All About Helping the Cognitively Challange (Score:2)
Wha . . .?
So you're saying that only people who meet your precise definition of "intelligence" should be given the right to vote? If so, I'd like to personally thank you for stepping up to cure all of America's election difficulties with such a simple and sublime solution. Why didn't we think of this before?!? Now all we need to do is amend the Constitution!
I.Q. based? Sweet mother of Christ.
I can think of at least one very prominent U.S. official that has a significant amount of difficulty stringing
Re:Its All About Helping the Cognitively Challange (Score:2)
But I have a couple of questions for you. The problems are not at all related to intelligence, but to simple confusion. Senior citizens who have voted in the same schoolhouse for 20 years are finding themselves re-routed to a new church building several miles away because their neighborhood was re-districted after the last election (we won't mention the fact that some folks may have some very strong opinions about being forced to v
Re:Its All About Helping the Cognitively Challange (Score:2)
Not any linkable that I can find, but from a personal perspective, my district in Georgia has re-adjusted twice now in the last eight years - each time requiring a new trip to a different polling place. At each location I've seen several older folks turned away because they were assigned a new polling place. They complained, but they went on their way without too much fuss as the trip was a relatively short one. As for religious issues, I wonder how some of the Souther
Re:Its All About Helping the Cognitively Challange (Score:1)
You contend that The problems are not at all related to intelligence ..., then go on to deliver examples of 'confusion' that arise out of a lack of intelligence:
Senior citizens who have voted in the same schoolhouse for 20 years are finding themselves re-routed ...
Assuming this is true, which is a big step, this change of polling place would've been detailed on their voter registration card that arrived in the mail. If they were intelligent senior citizens, they would've ma
Re:Its All About Helping the Cognitively Challange (Score:2)
Way to miss the point, let's try again:
What happens when someone just like me gets to change the I.Q. guidelines? Or someone, who in your opinion, is very much worse.
Are you prepared to face being banished to a political wasteland based on somebody else's qualification of your I.Q.? Somehow, I don't think so.
What you fail to see is that every type of reactionary statement (such as this I.Q. requirement) has two sides. What appears positive to you appears fascist as hell to me. Doesn't mean either of
Re:Its All About Helping the Cognitively Challange (Score:2)
And that's all I need to hear. Rrequiring voters to meet any sort of intelligence or literacy standards is illegal, immoral, and a violation of civil, and democratic rights. Period.
Nobody gets to say who is too smart or too dumb to vote. Period. If you can't get your mind around that fact, or you find it personaly insulting, fine. You're free to leave and find a country that'll do it your way.
Re:Its All About Helping the Cognitively Challange (Score:2)
But there doesn't seem to be a problem requiring voters not to have a felony. I suspect those who commit felonies are not the brightest or most literate (as a whole). Sounds like an intelligence or literacy test to me....
I don't know your opinion on the above matter. I assume you are opposed to ANY restrictions on voting. But
Re:Its All About Helping the Cognitively Challange (Score:2)
You have to keep in mind that not all illiteracy is the result of choice. Poverty and mental deficiency/dyslexia (keep in mind that even "W" has admitted to dyslexia. He may not be able to read well, but it sure hasn't affected his ability to function) are two frequent causes/contributors to illiteracy.
Up until the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, literacy tests were often used as a way to keep black voters from going to the polls in the south. Southern blacks were rural, mostly poor, often del
Re:Its All About Helping the Cognitively Challange (Score:1)
I have come to the conclusion that a person should have to answer a single multiple choice question before being allowed to vote. And here is the question.
Please select all three (3) branches of government from below:
I figure if you cannot get this right you shouldn't be voting.
Re:Its All About Helping the Cognitively Challange (Score:1)
I don't know what IQ range "idiot" is in, but all the same, we have laws on the books to that effect.
I'm just a few hours from Ohio... (Score:5, Insightful)
Thanks, Liberal Federal Judges!!!! And remember, kiddies... Voter Fraud works both ways!
Re:I'm just a few hours from Ohio... (Score:2)
What makes this important (Score:2)
Re:What makes this important (Score:2)
The problem with voting in the U.S.A.... (Score:4, Insightful)
We have an independent agency here in Canada called, appropriately enough, Elections Canada. Their sole purpose is to organize and execute the federal election process (each province maintains a similar independent agency to monitor provincial elections). The system has been refined over many years to eliminate any partisan influence to the point that even the returning officer in each polling station cannot vote in the election to ensure impartiality. The point being that our Attorney General, or whoever, would never have the ability to grab a stack of registration forms and toss them in the trash, it just doesn't work that way.
Ever since the microscope was focused on the election system in the U.S. since the Floridian Fiasco I am still shocked to see how blatantly political it is. The system we use in Canada is not perfect, no system is, (in fact it is quite antiquated as we still use paper and pen for all elections) but when the chief electorial officer has a stake in the outcome of an election it just beggars belief that anyone would accept that the election to follow would be as fair as possible.
What many in the world consider to be the heart of democracy deserves better than this.
Re:The problem with voting in the U.S.A.... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:The problem with voting in the U.S.A.... (Score:2)
1. You can register the day of an election, at the polls.
2. The ballots are counted the same night they're cast.
3. There's always a paper trail.
4. The counting is always watched by people from multiple parties.
5. You can even vote after the results are announced if you can show that you have been disenfranchised.
No right to vote (Score:2, Informative)
DEFIANCE, Ohio (AP) -- Elections officials knew something was wrong when they got voter registration cards for Mary Poppins, Dick Tracy, Michael Jordan and George Foreman.
They notified the Defiance County sheriff, who arrested Chad Staton on Monday on a felony charge of submitting phony voter registration forms. Investigators also were looking into allegations that he was paid with cocaine in exchange for his efforts.
Staton, 22, had fraudulently filled out more than 100 voter registration forms, Sheriff David Westrick said.
"Staton was to be paid for each registration form that he could get citizens to fill out," the sheriff said. "However, Staton himself filled out the registrations and returned them to the woman who hired him from Toledo."
Staton was charged with false registration and was released without bond pending arraignment.
No other charges had been filed in the case Monday, authorities said.
According to Westrick, the NAACP's National Voter Fund had submitted the false registrations to the elections board in Cleveland. George Forbes, Cleveland chapter president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said Monday that the voter fund operates independently from his chapter.
Officers said they interviewed a Toledo woman who claimed that she had paid Staton with cocaine for the registrations. Officers said they obtained a search warrant and took voter registrations and drug paraphernalia from her home.
The woman claimed she had been recruited by a Cleveland man to obtain voter registrations, Westrick said.
Thousands of new-voter cards in Ohio undeliverable (Score:2)
Enquirer Columbus Bureau
COLUMBUS - Thousands of cards mailed by county election boards to newly registered voters in Hamilton County and throughout the state are being returned because the people can't be found.
John Williams, director of the Hamilton County Board of Elections, said the situation indicates that there might not be as many new voters as some expect in a state deemed crucial in the presidential election.
Ohio Republican Party Chairman Robert Bennett on Tuesday said it's a result
Re:Thousands of new-voter cards in Ohio undelivera (Score:1)
Just more of the same from Blackwell. (Score:1)
No person acting under color of law shall . . . deny the right of any individual to vote in any election because of an error or omission on any record or paper relating to any application, registration, or other act requisite to voting, if such error or omission is not material in determining whether such individual is qualified under State law to vote in such election.
http://blogcritics.org/archives/2004/10/05/153124. php [blogcritics.org]
Blackwell's solution to the pesky probl
Re:Great!!! (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Great!!! (Score:2)
This is another reason why the Florida controversy in 2000 is moot. The moment the FL state legislature declared they were setting aside the popular vote and naming the electors directly, Bush won the state, game over.
Of cou
Re:Great!!! (Score:2)
their system of government works
It obviously DOESN'T work, at least, not as self governance for most people. It works quite well as a dictatorship of the oligarchy of the rich, however.
Re:Great!!! (Score:1)
Regarding presidential electors, the McPherson ruling states "[t]he Constitution does not provide that the appointment of electors shall be by popular vote
McPherson even explicitly cites, as an acceptable method of selecting electors, the sol
Re:Great!!! (Score:1)
Re:Great!!! (Score:3, Insightful)
or is usa some 3rd world country that doesn't know who even should be able to vote(being citizens)? sorry for asking..
Re:This is amusing. (Score:2, Informative)
Re:This is amusing. (Score:3, Insightful)
What's to stop me from crossing the state and going into to every poll and state "Oh, my! I am in the wrong place. Please let me vote, anyway because my bunions hurt and I could not possibly wait in line again"? If there is a reasonable
Re:This is amusing. (Score:1)
All provisional ballots are checked against the master list. One more time, in case you didn't read that sentence either. All provisional ballots are checked against the master list.
So to answer your question, there is nothing preventing someone from crossing the state line and going to every precinct and voting, except that none of those votes will count, and if they gave their real name, the master list will reveal them as a multi-vo
Re:This is amusing. (Score:2)
Your attempts to confuse this issue with false fears of imagined chicanery are disingenuous. We both know that high voter turnout benefits Democrats. I suspect that is what has you up in arms.
No, I'm just hearing lots of reports of problems on both sides. I am amused because your last statement seems to imply that stupid people tend to vote Democrat though.
I'm not up in arms about anything that's f
Re:This is amusing. (Score:2)
Re:This is amusing. (Score:1)
What if I registered multiple times (say 10) using different names each time (and possibly differnt even made up addresses?
I could then go to 10 different precincts and vote using each of the different names I registered under. Since each of those names would be on the master list each of those votes would count.
Re:This is amusing. (Score:2)
don't you guys have records of _who_ actually is living there officially, and thus able to vote, or draftable & etc? with all the "big brother" surveillance you'd think they would be able to handle that. if you wanted. the parties seriously don't seem that intrested in fixing the situation at large because... drummroll.. it could help the other party and thus it's JUST PLAIN WRONG FOR AMERICA.
and yeah.. around here you just appear at the voting place of
Re:This is amusing. (Score:2)
Way I figure, it is a method for collecting suckers for jury duty. Happened to me every time I registered...
Re:This is amusing. (Score:1)
If we had a National ID card or used our Social Security cards as a means of proving residence and citizenship then yes we could do something like that. However, we do not have a National ID card (for good or ill) and it is "illegal" in this country to use our SSN's as a form identification.
So, even though we do not have as much anonymity in this country as we did in the past we still have quite a lot compared to other places. This anonymity has both its advantages and disadvantages.
Re:This is amusing. (Score:2)
uh, _other_places_ have lost part of their anonymity because usa is demanding things like visa numbers from airplane passangers..
usa has some way or another to figure out if someone is a citizen or not(or else everyone could be citizens..), for sure, so why all this nonsense?
(*i could understand the voting registration as an *Extra* measure to provide for people who wouldn't otherwise get to vote due to not living anywhere, not wanting to register the
Re:This is amusing. (Score:2)
I'd tick 'em off from the front page but slashdot wont let me.
Re:Oh cool (Score:1)
Re:Oh cool (Score:2, Insightful)
Only Because (Score:2, Insightful)
This judge made a decision to ensure that Democracy is preserved -- the only people that would oppose such a decision are Fascists and other supporters of totalitarianism.
Re:Only Because (Score:2)
No. Decmocracy doesn't actually require "provisional ballots" in order to be preserved. Most democracies in history have gotten along just fine without them.
The really neat thing about "provisional ballots" is their utility in enhancing vote fraud. Unlike the traditional ballots, they are not anonymous. Absentee ballots can be non-ano
Re:Oh cool (Score:2)
Re:Oh cool (Score:1)
If this is what opponents of such a decision think then they deserve to be modded flamebait and troll. However if you would like to put forward a genuine opinion with substance ot