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Former TechTV Shows and Staff Dropped 103

Thanks to nikkisaindon for the heads up about some goings on over at G4TechTV. Apparently, Unscrewed with Martin Sargent has been cancelled, and according to Alex Albrecht's blog most of The Screen Savers staff has been let go as well (including Yoshi).
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Former TechTV Shows and Staff Dropped

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  • what a sad, sad day it is...
    • While channel flipping the other day, stumbled onto "The Screen Savers" where the big topic was FPS. Whatever.

      When it became G4 Tech TV, it was dead. Informative and useful shows were killed on if lieu of gaming shows (badly hosted, IMO). Good hosts were replaced w/ young, clueless wanna-bes.

      Collectively, we can only hope the ratings finally hit the toilet and the station is killed off for good.
  • Y'know (Score:4, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 12, 2004 @01:10PM (#10799198)
    Every time a story here links to a forum elsewhere, I always wind up thinking "Gee, the Slashdot posters suddenly don't seem nearly as rabid, perspective-deprived or generally deranged as I'd thought!"
  • G4 tv has some really good also has some extremely poor stuff as well. It would be good to "trim the fat" so that stations like this can become respectable to all. Ya know, to help gaming grow.
    • Perhaps you are not "getting it", no disrespect intended. TechTV appealed to an audience beyond gaming. There's nothing wrong with gaming and I'm sure G4 is a great station for gaming programs, but I'll never watch them because I only see them as the station that crushed TechTV and fired all the really knowledgeable people that made great tech programs.
      • I get it. I know what TechTV was. It was however a part of G4...a station pretty much committed to gaming ^_^. I'm not saying what they did was a good idea. Like most companies, they were probably letting the finance people make core decisions, instead of the people with all the really good ideas that could help the company grow.
  • by nekoniku ( 183821 ) <justicek.infosource@info> on Friday November 12, 2004 @01:13PM (#10799244) Homepage
    Do the G4 suits really think they purchased the eyeballs of TechTV viewers along with TechTV itself and that TechTV viewers will watch anything on that channel now that it's a completely different channel? Very strange logic.

    It really reminds me of killing the goose that laid the golden egg. Oops! No more eggs!
    • Yup. That sort of thing happens a lot [].
    • Do the G4 suits really think they purchased the eyeballs of TechTV viewers along with TechTV itself and that TechTV viewers will watch anything on that channel now that it's a completely different channel? Very strange logic.

      Actually, I think their logic was a little different. They probably wanted the wide availability that TechTV had struggled for over the course of many years, moving up from making an occasional two week appearance as a "possible new channel" on channel 98 or so on Comcast Cable to bei
  • by Rahga ( 13479 ) on Friday November 12, 2004 @01:14PM (#10799270) Journal
    I wondering home much money Comcast spent to buy what amounts to... well... Morgan Webb [].
  • No shocker there (Score:5, Interesting)

    by mewyn ( 663989 ) on Friday November 12, 2004 @01:16PM (#10799307) Homepage
    This doesn't suprise me at all. I used to be a big fan of TSS and some other shows on TechTV, all the way back to when it was ZDTV. But since G4 bought out TTV, it's gone to the crapper. I have seen a few episodes of TSS and it really has become sub-par now. I'm very sad to see them go, but since the XTREME! makeover by G4, the old TTV shows have gotten bad.
    • I can't claim to go all the way back to ZDTV, but for more than a year I watched TSS nearly every day. G4 completely ruined it though. I'm sure that some marketoid decided that they would have "synergy" or some such shit. I actually liked Alex, but the stupid crap that they would cover on that show just got on my nerves. Damn you, "G4: TV for Gamers".
    • Re:No shocker there (Score:5, Informative)

      by BrookHarty ( 9119 ) on Friday November 12, 2004 @01:41PM (#10799653) Journal
      G4 shows are unbelieveably bad. The even started putting sports in the start of TSS. Lucky they dropped that this week.

      I knew G4 was going to fuck over the shows from TechTV. 3 of my favorite shows are gone, and now they kick Yoshi and Martin! (No more girls gone web?!)

      Main reason I got a Tivo was for Techlive and TSS, techlive is gone, TSS is having issues. WTF is with this Webcam giveaway? You only have 40 minutes for tech news, give up the prizes, its not a damn game show.

      I shouldnt expect a good tv show to last anymore, seems some new president or owner comes along and starts cutting shows, since they know whats best...

      I pay extra each month for G4/TechTV, that might change...

      Also G4 is deleteing threads on its forums, so dont bother posting about how they suck.
    • Re:No shocker there (Score:3, Interesting)

      by muss02 ( 822186 )
      Leo Laporte was my favorite host and when they took him off I thought TSS would go to pot, but I adjusted well to Patrick and Kevin and continued watching. Since Patrick left the show has started its downward spiral and kicking Yoshi off would insure its cancelation. They need to bring back some of their ventage hosts, such as Kate Batello and have them host the show that would be awesome. As long as they don't mess with X-Play I will at least have a half an hour of G4TechTV watching each day. As for Ma
    • This does seem more like a mercy killing that anything else, TSS has been pure fluff ever since the G4 merger. They went from segments reviewing new Linux distros, building custom PC's, and case mods to segments reviewing frozen dinners and electric razors. WTF?

      They used to keep me glued to the set for 90 minutes, now I can barely stand to sit through 60. :(

  • by lemkepf ( 727820 )
    Before the takeover, i watched techTv probably 6 hours a week. Since the merger, i've watched less and less, down to about 30 minutes a week.

    Since the changes on TSS i haven't watched it in 3 weeks. (and now Yoshis gone??? he was the only reason i even watched!!!)

    It's truly a sad day in geekdom.
    • I can totally relate. With me it's been like that ever since they had let Leo Laporte go.

      When that happened I realized where TechTV was headed.

    • Since the merger, i've watched less and less, down to about 30 minutes a week.

      I think that's about the same for me, too. My 30 minutes is comprised of TSS minus the first 15 minutes (all the "what's coming up on the show", homophobic Kevin humor, some banter about some Hollywood-related thing), the 10 minutes they devote to celebrity interviews, and the 10 minutes of increasingly useless tips and/or their Mystery Bag thing, PLUS the parts of X-Play that aren't the commercial break. I watch all of X-Play,

  • Independent 'net TV (Score:5, Interesting)

    by crow ( 16139 ) on Friday November 12, 2004 @01:18PM (#10799346) Homepage Journal
    Imagine if the cast (and other creative people) from The Screen Savers were to independently produce new episodes (probably with a different name and slightly different format if they don't have all the rights). Then they would sell advertising just like any other TV show, but instead of broadcasting it on a network, they would release it on the Internet (probably using bittorrent).

    What would make this viable? If TiVO and other PVRs included support for it. You could subscribe to Internet shows just like regular TV, and they would automatically be downloaded (and shared until you deleted them, with some bandwidth limits).

    Perhaps you could find enough unemployed media people to do this on a volunteer basis (for the publicity) to demonstrate the concept. It's probably not viable yet to pay the necessary sallaries. (How many viewers would it require?) Still, it would be cool to seem someone try it.
    • by Anonymous Coward
    • by Lord_Dweomer ( 648696 ) on Friday November 12, 2004 @06:41PM (#10802975) Homepage
      I've actually been doing my senior project on this, although it has been using a college cooking show as an example instead of this show.

      The main barrier to advertisers is that they don't have the security of the time constraints of traditional tv. What I mean by that is that they can offer special deals with a limited duration because they can decide it will only air during certain dates. Now while TiVO and VCRs have interfered with that a bit, it is nowhere near as serious an issue as it would be for internet downloaded shows.

      The other issue is that they would have to make sure the ads were not long enough to piss people off enough to form groups to edit the ads out and rerelease the show ad free.

      So traditional 30 second spots WILL NOT WORK unless they are incredibly entertaining, or worked into the show itself (product placement, or simply having the cast discuss the product, which would be fitting for this kind of show).

      Other than that, the only thing stopping them from doing this is most likely the costs of doing it independantly, and the barrier of getting advertisers to be willing to risk money on advertising in this new medium.

      Remember, mainstream media realizes that piracy happens, but they don't realize how eager people are to have all their content delivered online, so they're still nervous about doing it.

  • by isaac ( 2852 )
    If you have access to G4TechTV, you almost certainly have access to the internet, so why bother?

    I never understood the appeal personally.

  • TSS was something I looked forward to when I got home, as it was usually starting when I walked in the door.

    In general, I've been pleased with the TechTV / G4 merger, but that might be because my cable provider cut TechTV from my package. I was glad to get anything from TechTV, and any of the crap they culled from G4 wouldn't be missed.

    What I want to know is why the new channel seems intent on dropping its best hosts - Scott Rubin, Ronilynn Reilly, the TSS crew, etc...

    - TSS is dead, long live TS

  • that frees up an hour a day for me. I liked the new staff, but if they're going to can everyone but Kevin and Sarah (I like them too) then I'm going to stop watching just on principle.

    Good luck Kevin and Sarah. If I were you I'd keep my resume's updated.

  • Comment removed (Score:3, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Friday November 12, 2004 @01:55PM (#10799842)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • WHAT WAS THE POINT OF BUYING THEM OUT????? Was it to get more stations?

      I suspect that was it. TechTV was on DirecTV, but G4 wasn't. I'll bet that buying them also got them on Echostar and non Comcast cable systems as well. Comcast were just buying eyeballs (or, potential eyeballs).
      • Yeah, gave them viewers on Echostar as well.
        I emailed Charlie Ergen back when G4 started dropping programs I watched regularly. (TSS, CFH, silicone spin, ect).

        Just told him that as a consumer, I'd be interested in giving up G4 for something of value.

        One of the biggest reasons I went with Sat instead of cable years ago was for TechTV.
    • I sincerely believe the point of the buy out was to get rid of a TV network that was 24/7 of tech stuff.

      I believe Comcast didn't like a network with TechTV's content to be on the air, so they bought it with intent to kill it. Comcast knew once dead, others might be too scared to create a network in that would bring back the glory of the original ZDTV/TechTV.

      So far, it has worked perfectly.

      In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the network changed their name to simply "G4" sometime next year.
  • by scupper ( 687418 ) * on Friday November 12, 2004 @02:00PM (#10799918) Homepage
    Leo Laporte is supposed to be working for G4 TechTV-Canada [] doing a "Call for Help" for canucks. Maybe he's coming back to G4 - TSS v4????
  • Red, White, and BOOOOOOO!!!!
  • ...and it hasn't been the same since. It became a pleasant routine for us (yes, for bot me AND my wife--lucky me!) We would watch "The Screen Savers" with Kate and Leo, and it was fun, fresh, we learned a lot, and we had a good laugh. Heck, we even attended to a taping of TSS while visiting San Francisco.

    At least we have the memories...
  • Used to watch TechTV every day. About 2 hours per.

    The day after the merger was my last day of daily TechTV viewing. Viewing was itermittant until Patrick's last day.

    Haven't watched since.

    I guess I've been waiting for some new, original, G4TechTV (god, when are they going to ditch the stupid name) produced product.

    Still waiting.

    • I originally got digital cable because of TechTV ... and I've been avoiding not cancelling it just hoping that G4TechTV would get it's act together. Welp, I guess I'll be calling the cable company first thing on Monday.
  • Still Funny? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by bay43270 ( 267213 )
    So is this [] still funny?
  • What About Xplay (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Dr. Wu ( 309239 )
    For what it's worth, TechTV was at it's best when they went with the MSNBC/CNBC format of live broadcasts during the week.

    However, no word on Xplay. Since it's the only program I really watch on the network, and since it's a great recap of what's out there and what is coming, I hope that it somehow survives.

    Dr. Wu
  • Morons in programming. All this leaves is... Basically... Adult Swim. And even then, all I watch is Futurama and Family Guy. I'm selling my damn TV if they cancel them. Even if they Are re-runs.
    • Adult Swim. And even then, all I watch is Futurama and Family Guy.

      Yeah, but Family Guy was/is nothing more than an exercise of a no talent hack trying his damnednest to be zany. Sure Matt Groening has his non-sequer moments, but they use well established characters being simply the characters they are. Seth MacFarlane on the other hand simply tries to throw out one liners that don't have any basis whatsoever and tries to see if they stick. Unsuprisingly, they don't.

      And Stewie! God, he's simply Brain
      • I thought of Venture brothers immediately after hitting reply... I love that show. Good points, however. I simply love "Shock value humor" And though Stewie is really alike Brain, I identify with Stewie on alot of levels and laugh at him alot more than I did with Brain.
      • And Stewie! God, he's simply Brain from Pinky and the Brain. Everyone else is simply stock characters.
        Hmm... I thought he was Dr. Smith from the old Lost in Space TV show.
    • I started watching Adult Swim because of the two aforementioned shows, but I'd advise sticking around and watching some of the other shows. They're quite good.

      Home Movies: Canceled, but now in re-runs on late Sunday nights. Brilliant show about a kid who makes movies. Low key and self aware (you can actually see characters grow from season to season). Often side-splittingly funny (mostly due to Jason and Coach McGuirk).

      Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Its hard to explain, but it's quite possibly the funniest
      • Never heard of Home Movies. Thanks, I'll check it out. ATHF has become redundant to me as of late, though I laughed my ass off the first few times. Same with Harvey. I try to stick around for Mission Hill usually; Very overlooked show. But, usually just forget 'cause it ain't in the weekday rotations.
    • Well, if you get cartoon network, then you already get those shows.
  • G4Techtv is closer to its evil plan to replace all live actors with Tilde and her lesser known crack addict boyfriend Dash.
  • Noo first leo then patrick now yoshi and dan you bastards why dont they take arena and filter and that stupid wannibe X-play off the air nobody waches them god i miss the good old days when g4 and techtv were TWO Channels
    • Ummm. No one watches X-play? Dude, where have you been? Morgan Webb is on that show. Personally, I think that is one of their best shows left.
  • Some years ago, TechTV's Megan Morrone [] featured one of our games on The Screensavers (screengrab here, with the game on in the background []). Indie studios receive relatively modest press coverage, so seeing one of our own titles on the tele-vision was unreal and wonderful.

    G4's X-Play [] seems more geared towards the mainstream/console market; either they don't cover independents, or I accidentally offended them in our press release. ____________________________________
    Inago Rage - Create. Fly. Fight. []
  • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • I started watching ZDTV as soon as DirecTV started carrying it. Generally watched it a couple of hours a day. Wasn't too bad when it turned into TechTV. The ScreenSavers was classic when hosted by Kate and Leo. Then Kate moved into GameSpot TV with Adam. Good move for GameSpot, but ScreenSavers went down just a little bit with that move. After Leo left, we could all see the end coming. At least after Kate left GameSpot, they brought Morgan in, and she and Adam have done a decent job.

    I miss all the

    • As much as i dislike Dvorak, I sure did enjoy Big Thinkers. I had totally forgotten about Silicon Spin. Fresh Gear and Cybercrime wasd totally awesome as well. I miss the old X-Play with Adam and Kate (the true hot redhead!) Kate > Morgan
  • I agree with many of the previous comments. Most of the G4 shows lacked the quality and watchability that the TechTV shows had. When watching one of the G4 shows I feel like I'm watching a high school A/V production. Sound is always off, concepts are simple and the hosts need more experience. The TechTV shows always gave me the impression I was watching a professional network that was serious about what they did. They had real professional reporters working form them.

    TSS, Unscrewed and Xplay are the only s
  • Email Comedy Central (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    I did, tell them you watched Unscrewed and you want the show saved!
  • Opportunity Knockin' (Score:2, Interesting)

    by zentinal ( 602572 )
    IMHO, the door is now wide open for the creation of a whole bevvy of hard edged, tech savvy television shows. Perhaps not all gathered on one channel, though. Some on DIY, others on TLN or Discovery.

    Then again, with cable and dsl broadband as widespread as it is (yes, I know it is not ubiquitious), and fiber to the home just around the corner [], maybe they could be all gathered together under one roof as a webcast.

  • The G4 Forum Post (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 12, 2004 @05:18PM (#10802116)
    Since G4 has been deleting forum posts about what's going on, here's the post that was linked to in its entirety. -----

    I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. Ok, well that's not true.... the sad fact of the matter is that since this merger, or more appropiately deemed conglomerate corporate buy out between G4 and Tech TV all of our favorite Tech TV celebs and shows have been getting the axe.. including programs that had been with us since the dawn of ZDTV! (Remember those days?) When I first heard of Comcast / G4 buying out Tech TV the first thing I thought is uh oh.. Unscrewed is toast... but alas they fooled us and lulled us all into a false sense of security. And now, just after Laura, Marty, Joey, & the crew moved from San Francisco to LA, evil G4 pulls out the rug from under us all. My dad and I are long time fans of Marty's.. back from his Screen Saver days til now and we've literally seen EVERY episode of Unscrewed. Living in the LA area, we attended the last show taping.. as well as hung out w/ the gang at the bar after the show. This thread's purpose is to share that experience with all you loyal fans who deserve to hear about Unscrewed's sunset.. as well as to clear up a few things other threads on this forum were questioning.

    First the sad answer to the main question: Yes Unscrewed has been cancelled by the evil G4 empire. There was some speculation because not much 'proof' was delivered other than moblog pics.. but it's true. Some of you may have read another thread of ours about Laura Swisher being interviewed for and appearing in the pages of Draculina magazine which we write for. We wanted to do the story up big, lending lots of publicity for the show but the G4 publicist continued to decline our request (despite the fact we'd MET Laura at a taping and she said she was interested) stating that G4 couldn't appear in a publication which had mild nudity... (uh.. Girls Gone Wired.. cam whores.. etc etc..?!?!) Now we find out the real truth why G4 didn't want any publicity for the show. When I spoke to Laura last night at the show taping about all of this she informed me that she wasn't even told that we'd contacted the publicist to pursue the interview and wasn't aware that we'd been told no. It seems G4 had Unscrewed's death warrant planned out. We wanted to thank all of you fellow members of the Unscrewed Army for your posts, votes, emails, and support. I talked to Laura and informed her that the story could still be done on HER as opposed to plugging G4 and she said she will be contacting me... so it may still be in the works. All you Swish fans, keep your fingers crossed!

    Now onto the taping of the last show and the send off at the bar after. Everyone at the last show taping was informed that 'it was going to be a very special show' but the G4 crew still never let the cat out of the bag that the show had been canned. A small number of us had heard and knew already, but for the most part they were playing dumb. It was announced that the G4 dignitaries would be in the studio (whoopty friggin doo) and many Tech TV (and G4) personalities participated as members of the studio audience including Kevin, Sarah, Dan (Foo), Alex, Yoshi, etc. The show began as normal but there was definitely something in the air.. and that was validated by Marty's many on camera inside bitter jokes and cutting cracks aimed directly at G4. (We Love You Marty!) It was expressed to us later that evening by some crew and Joey that it was almost 99% definite that this episode will NEVER see the light of day and will not be aired on G4 because of all of the anti-G4 cracks, innuendos, bitter-ness, and strong language. Thus, the last episode, which explains it's demise in the Unscrewed fashion, may never be seen... so let me take this opportunity to tell you about it... CAUTION: Spoilers below in bold!

    Marty opened the show with a G4 audience jab Helloooo Gamers! in a slightly high sarcastic voice. (This is not to say there's anything wrong with gamers or gaming but unfortunately

  • Here... For you...


    ??? What is it?

    Why it's my middle finger!
    Feel free to use it to cancel some other show, or hell, use it on Judgement Day. It's easily taller than Tommy, so swap it out as host. And it carries his exact same opinion of all games. Or the best possible use? Go F_ _K yourselves.

    Saving TTv's Digital Digs contests as the only import won't save your ratings. A $25K prize giveaway at Circuit City (why not frys?) is a financial sinkhole if you don't have watchable shows to air a
    • On Dish Network, I've been holding onto a package of channels just because of TechTV. Now I can drop it, and I will.

      There is good news, though. Leo Laporte made a deal with the Canadian TechTV and has been making episodes of Call For Help there... and apparently, people have been putting up torrents of episodes online. Leo Laporte's site has some links in the forums. Even if Call for Help is geared towards newer computer users, I always enjoyed the show.

  • by Odocoileus ( 802272 ) on Friday November 12, 2004 @05:53PM (#10802459)
    I got started in the computer field when I was flipping through the channels and landed on TechTV. TechTV is where I learned about Linux. I am currently about half way through my CS degree and loving it. I never would have made to this point without TechTV. I will miss it. Oh well, at leasst there is still the Linux Show [] to listen too.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    This seems important enough to go on the main page. It certainly doesn't belong in just the games section, almost the opposite.
  • That's the only show worth watching on there now, right? I'm not missing anything, am I?

  • In my area at least, This channel will survive. It's being pushed into the "sports and info" teir, which is just disgusting.

    Basically, its going to be getting the money from everyone who wants to watch the sports channels and pays into that package. God I hate local cable monopolies.
  • I'm really sorry to see the screen savers go away. I wasn't a fan of the original, but I enjoyed the Alex/Kevin/Sarah/Yoshi days. They presented a wide variety of topics in an entertaining way, and I haven't missed a show in over a month. They were able to inform the public about things like Firefox, Linux, an war driving that most mainstream people wouldn't be exposed to. It may not have had the eye candy of Morgan Webb or Tina Wood, but it had a soul.

    I hope they don't create yet another Tommy Tallar

  • final nail for G4 (Score:3, Interesting)

    by mabu ( 178417 ) on Friday November 12, 2004 @07:51PM (#10803555)
    When G4 took over TechTV, it started to go downhill fast. Getting rid of the original cast members signals the homogonization of the network into nothing worth watching. I used to like to watch TechTV because they were one of the few networks on television that would tell you if a product sucked.

    As for Martin Sargeant, he was entertaining about half the time... some of his bits were really stupid, but his self-deprecating style was funny. His show was one of the weakest on the original TechTV and ironically, it was one of the shining stars on G4 so I'm not surprised it was cancelled.

    On the bright side, it's better to completely kill off all the good content on G4 rather than maintain the lousy network in pergatory. With the dearth of useful content, there will be a gaping hole for a new network to rise up and providing some useful programming to the tech community.
  • I personally couldn't stand to watch more than 5 minutes of unscrewed. I have enjoyed G4Techtv more since they've been putting more game related shows on, namely icons. I dig xplay too. I don't think I'm alone, and I'm looking forward to the makeover.
    • Here's the thing though:

      The eps of Icons you have seen are not new. If you watch the credits, you'll see they are from 2003.

      Ditto with filter: No new eps since 2003!

      I like Icons, but until they come out with new eps, I won't be watching. I enjoyed the first time I saw the ep on things like Lionhead Studios, the Video Game Industry Crash of the 80's, etc, but I hate reptition.

      It wouldn't be so bad if G4 could dish out new content all the time, but they can't even handle that task.

      The only thing Comcast
  • Wow...what a shame, Unscrewed was pretty funny. I had noticed that TSS didn't seem quite the same since TechTV was assimilated.
  • Let's face it, everything that was offered on TSS and TechTV can be duplicated by visiting Slashdot and a few other select websites. To start a network of all techie shows would be a waste of investment capital. The only value brought by TSS to the tech world was their reviews and tips - again, easilly published (and cheaper) on the web. You don't need a buyout by G4 to tell you that TechTV had its days numbered over time.
    • The crux of that argument is the notion that TechTV was designed to bring tech to the masses. The people who don't read Slashdot, or know anything about it.

      The people who wants lots of information condensed in 60 minutes.

      Speaking of 60 minutes, you can go to the Internet and reads tons of good newsmagazine stories, but people still flock to "60 minutes."

      We like TV and there is no disputing that.

      Of course if it turns out that TechTV was a channel for geeks only, then yes, it was a waste.
  • by spyrochaete ( 707033 ) on Saturday November 13, 2004 @01:33AM (#10805315) Homepage Journal
    G4T has some potentially good shows that are ruined by idiot hosts. Filter and Pulse would be great shows if the hosts had credibility. Arena and Cheat are just tripe.

    Icons is an amazing show because it's factual and presented maturely. X-Play is silly but it's frank and in-depth. Electric Playground is outdated and boring but but Vic and Tommy's other shows are excellent. Old TSS with Leo and Patrick were awesome.

    The channel has such potential but someone in charge doesn't know which trendy demographic to market to. Here's a clue! Market to the intelligent!
  • I cannot tell you how much I hate that channel. They annihilated TechTV, and the entire channel is so console game biased. They killed The Screen Savers and X-Play.

    TechTV is now truely dead...

  • Guess we'll bring them to Canada:)
  • How are they going to fill that timeslot? They better come up with something better than, say, Cinematech.

    Unscrewed was fun for a while, but to be honest, I'm not such a huge fan anymore. It seems to have become a showcase for crackpot psychics lately, and while they're fun to laugh at, the problem is they won't appear on the show unless Marty kisses their asses.

    The Screen Savers will never get its former glory back. There's certainly some fat to be trimmed from the show; they seemed to spend the first
  • I heard about this yesterday after a buddy pointed it out on Alex Albrecht's website, and was very disgusted with the whole thing. The G4/TechTV merger was a disgrace, as it did nothing to preserve what made TechTV what it was. All they did was take the shows that had the most ratings, and scrapped the rest. And now they've turned the shows they kept into garbage. I won't get into a whole thing about it, since after scanning through the comments, you folks seem to have pretty much summed up all my feeli
  • Don't worry Robot Wars is still one as far as I know it!!!

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
