'Bourne' Director to take on Watchmen 346
Here's one of those mixed blessing stories: Paul Greengrass, the director of the Bourne Supremacy has been tapped to direct a film based on The Watchmen, one of the greatest comics ever made. No word on if Paul plans to add Tom Sawyer to the cast.
Analysis (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Analysis (Score:2)
We're married now and we still have our two original sets of twelve(?) issues, comic book style in individual slip cases. I wonder what those sets are worth now?
I also have the original "V for Vendetta" issues set. That set is almost as good as Watchmen. Some Miracle Man, a few series of "Swamp Thing", a Batman book. Go find them if you haven't a
Re:Analysis (Score:5, Informative)
There are several sites dedicated to critical readings of Watchmen, because it is so dense.
These are all dripping spoilers, so care should be taken in following these links. Having Watchmen spoiled is something I wouldn't wish on anyone.
Watching the detectives [ubalt.edu], a Hypertext guide to Watchmen.
Watchmen observations [berkeley.edu].
Watchmen annotations [tu-bs.de].
Taking Off the Mask [ig.com.br], a bacheolor's thesis by Samuel Asher Effron, class 1996.
one of the greatest comics? (Score:2, Funny)
perhaps "greatest" is subjective...
Re:one of the greatest comics? (Score:2, Informative)
one of the greatest SUPERHERO comics (Score:2)
To clarify this declaration: Watchmen is absolutely positively one of best comics ever made ... IN THE SUPERHERO GENRE. Along with Dark Knight Returns, it spawned the "grim-n-gritty" style of comics noir, and allowed some to break free of the four-color spandex world.
But superhero != comics. Don't ignore Maus, Cerebus, Sandman, quite a few worthy manga series, etc, most of whom owe very little to the influence of Watchmen.
Re:Yet... (Score:3, Insightful)
Depth, maturity, characterization, you name it. It has an epic storyline that isn't just padded out for the sake of making the series longer. It has believable, interesting, flawed, and layered characters. It might be the best job ever of creating a world with superheroes and villains that still seems like it could be happening right around us. Seriously - go read it. And while you're at it, pick up the X-Men graphic novel "God Loves, Man Kills." I still read that once or twice a year.
Re:one of the greatest comics? (Score:2)
Informative? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:one of the greatest comics? (Score:2)
Re:one of the greatest comics? (Score:2)
There are generally agreed to be a handful of comics of any literarry import in the comic world, beyond the pop stuff. The Watchmen stands on top of them all.
This is a book that Rhodes Scholars use to teach english students about the Cold War.
Re:one of the greatest comics? (Score:2)
Honestly, if you put Gaiman into the list, you may as well add things like Dark Horse's original Aliens Vs. Predator gr
Re:one of the greatest comics? (Score:4, Funny)
I've seen very few chick flicks, but some of them might be considered great by those that enjoy.
UNless your name is 'comic book guy' I frankly dont give a fuck if you think the watchmen was a great comic or not. And even then - I probably wouldn't give a fuck as you'd be claiming pokemon 12 with the foil back cover and the accidental nipple on panel 4, page 12 was the greatest comic ever.
Damn - ranting and swearing again! Why am I here?
Re:one of the greatest comics? (Score:3, Insightful)
On a different note, I suggest you read The Watchmen.
Yes. Second greatest, in fact... (Score:5, Informative)
2. Watchmen
I can't think of anything that I'd put anywhere close to those two.
I've said it previously on Slashdot (in someone's journal, if I remember correctly) but V for Vendetta would make a great movie. The only problem is that movies that have a terrorist attacking the machinery of a fascist state aren't exactly easy to sell in today's political climate.
Seriously, if you haven't read V for Vendetta (or Watchmen) then do whatever you have to to do so. I found copies of both at my library recently, together with a whole bunch of great graphic novels. which totally blew me away. Even the librarian who checked out my books remarked at how much she'd enjoyed them.
Re:Yes. Second greatest, in fact... (Score:2)
3. Maus
Damn good stuff.
I've got one better (Score:2)
"We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us"
Re:Yes. Second greatest, in fact... (Score:2)
I like V but I think it falls apart some where around chapter 5. It has some brilliant moments but I'd place it well behind W with it's amazing repetition of imagery, long character arcs and sustained, circular story line.
Co-incidentally I just finished the second collected volume of The Invisibles last night and it's very, very good.
I think it hasn't gotten the recognition it deserved because it's a hard read next to other more linear
fan boy. (Score:2)
Re:fan boy. (Score:4, Funny)
Because it's a jealously guarded secret. If it were to slip into popular culture and everyone knew about it then it would become a UPN television series starring beautiful twenty-somethings portraying beautiful teenage versions of the characters in the comic book. To transcend it's own genre it would have to be cheapened and it's just not worth the risk.
The Guild has noted your Slashdot ID number and your silence on this matter is expected.
Re:fan boy. (Score:4, Interesting)
(1)I did.
(2)It was.
(3)It is.
(4)It wasn't.
(5)I did.
The Watchmen is the only comic book story I've ever seen which had to be told in a comic book, because no other medium could do the work justice. It wasn't just a great story which was told through comics, it was a complete work of art which would not be nearly as compelling in any other form.
For example, the comic-within-the-comic that wove through the story. The panels of the kid's pirate comic were juxtaposed agaist the scenes on the street where he was reading it, describing the emotional context of both images as if it could have been the narration box for either scene. Even Terry Gilliam, who briefly considered making a Watchmen film, understood that you could never make something like that work in a motion picture.
The clippings of fictional periodicals which provided much of the depth of the world were also something which could only be done in a comic-book format.
Furthermore, the writers of some of those periodicals, as well as the writer of the pirate comic, were extremely important characters to the narrative, who we got to know almost exclusively through "their" writings. Genius!
The Watchmen will probably continue to stand alone as the most ground-breaking and important work in an art-form which is usually very crass and disposable.
The film however... Let's face it: It probably won't get made, and if it does it will probably suck.
Re:one of the greatest comics? (Score:2, Funny)
Who publishes this "War and Peace" series
Re:one of the greatest comics? (Score:2)
Actually, I believe Rorshach usually said "hurm".
Re:one of the greatest comics? (Score:2)
And was Rorshach in America or Norway?
Watchmen: Study in Ties (Score:5, Interesting)
Oh come on... (Score:2, Funny)
Insipid and trite, yet full of rubust low quality acting and flat dialog, Hollywood again and again gives us.... Well, crap.
At least they're consistent.
Re:Oh come on... (Score:2)
Superman movies - REALLY sucked, very insipid.
Batman movies - UNGODLY SUCKAGE. My view on Batman was forever reset by Frank Miller's Dark Knight. The casting for Batman/Bruce in each of the modern Batman movies was simply appalling (Keaton? Aaagh!). Hey, Hollywood: Robin was a CHILD, you freakin' dumbasses!
(Oh well. So much for superhero movies. At least Lord of the Rings
Re:Watchmen: Study in Ties (Score:2, Funny)
X-men (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:X-men (Score:3, Interesting)
Special effects technology caught up with it. As the LotR movies effectively proved, computer-generated F/X are now at the point where absolutely anything you can draw on a page can now be animated realistically on the big screen.
That, and the entire comics industry is still recovering from the pro-artist anti-writer obsession that overwhelmed it in the 1990s. I still regard New Mutants #98 (the issue Rob Liefeld took over) as the point when Marvel Comics began its creati
Alan Moore movies (Score:3, Interesting)
The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen and From Hell weren't exactly the greatest movies every made.
Re:Alan Moore movies (Score:5, Insightful)
Have you noticed how Alan Moore's comics tend to be a little skruffy in movie form?
Yup. It's because of how Alan Moore works. He usually takes something that is normally considered "low" art--Victorian pulp fiction, superhero comics, and so on--and gives it depth and realism. The Watchmen, for example, takes the idea of the superhero and thrusts it into the real world and the resulting slow-motion trainwreck is fascinating.
Hollywood does depth really badly. Even if they manage to fit all of The Watchmen into two hours while still keeping its shape, they're going to end up turning it into just another superhero team movie.
Jude Law wants to play Ozymandius (Score:5, Interesting)
"Darren Aronofsky? I'm on the phone NOW!" said Law, clearly excited. "Adrian Veidt, King of Kings!" And then, as if to show off his Watchmen fanboy credentials, he whispered conspiratorially. "I'm tattooed with Rorschach, did you know that?"
Re:Jude Law wants to play Ozymandius (Score:5, Insightful)
The fact is that I don't think its possible to really do that book properly in movie form. I've got a copy with dog-eared pages, and I just don't see how it could work without the juxtaposed images and character narration - that's the best part of the comic medium.
Totally un-subtle jab from the artcile... (Score:2)
Re:Jude Law wants to play Ozymandius (Score:2)
Why is it mixed? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Why is it mixed? (Score:2)
Re:Why is it mixed? (Score:2)
So yea from my point of view seeing his name next to it doesn't fill me with hope.
Re:Why is it mixed? (Score:2)
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (the movie) is shit. It bears very little resemblance to the book. Biggest difference between The League and Watchmen is that a quality film adaptation of The League is feasable.
Why they don't shoot for more screen-adaptable Moore is beyond me- Tom Strong or Top Ten would actually work in theaters.
What next? The director of Peewee's Big Adventure doing a film adaptation of P
Re:Why is it mixed? (Score:3, Insightful)
As an example... at no time during the book The Bourne Supremacy, is Marie killed, nor does anything occur in India or Russia. Hell, I rather enjoyed the ploy from the book used to kidnap Marie and convince David Web to revert in order to track down who he was told took her.
The principal driving force of books 1 and 3 is the assassin Carlos, and Bourne/Web's attempts to stay safe from him. Oh how I wi
Re:Why is it mixed? (Score:2, Informative)
The first movie had soul, this one had none. It's a revenge flick, and I just didn't feel it. Totally disappointed.
Well, there's a big "if" here (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Well, there's a big "if" here (Score:2)
Bourne Witch Project (Score:2)
Re:Well, there's a big "if" here (Score:2)
Taking Bets (Score:2)
If it stays reasonably true to the comic, I'll be taking bets on protest sizes and the first 5 countries to ban the film.
I'd love to see a protest... (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm betting on both, and I'm betting this is going to make the recent Punisher movie look like Shakespear.
Re:Taking Bets (Score:3, Funny)
Oh for the love of $god... (Score:5, Insightful)
This is Watchmen. This ain't spiderman, this ain't X-men, this ain't dime-store fluff. This is one of the greatest works in the genre and an absolute masterpiece of the superhero medium.
And Guilliam is on the record as being happy he won't be the one to fuck it over. Paul Greengrass has stepped up to the plate, proving he has some sort of perverse urge to alienate pretty much everyone who's ever read the book.
Watchmen can't be done in 90-120 minutes with Big Name Actors. Leastwise, it can't be done right, and if it can't be done right, it shouldn't be done at all.
Re:Oh for the love of $god... (Score:2, Interesting)
As far as I'm concerned those movies were pretty good, so I wouldn't write of a Watchmen movie yet. Who knows? It might be good!
Re:Oh for the love of $god... (Score:3, Insightful)
Combine the complicated ties between all of the sub plots with the visual style of the book and you already have your script and your storyboards for a film adaptation- all the hard work has been done except for the inconvenient fact that Watchmen is so vast that it works better in the medium it was delivered in.
Re:Oh for the love of $god... (Score:5, Insightful)
Anyhow, the point is that LOTR isn't very subtle. Its high fantasy - its about epic battles and heroic characters and a beautiful, detailed setting. All a director needed to do it right was a huge budget, willingness to do it in a superlong form (trilogy of long films), and solid, generic talent. The fact is that Hollywood is so barren of those gifts that we didn't expect to see that kind of product. LOTR has most of the elements of a popcorn war movie - Hollywood can do those. Jackson made it right by keeping much of the story, rather than fucking around with it like directors are quick to do. This is why we like Jackson - not just that he's a very talented director, but that he kept the fucking around to a minimum.
Watchmen is a whole other matter. This isn't a case of "Hollywood won't adapt it right because Hollywood likes to shit on our dreams" like LOTR. A Watchmen would be really, really _hard_ to do. This book is full of very twisted subtleties and undercurrents. If you just did a slavish reproduction of the comic like the first two Harry Potter films or the Dune miniseries - which is the best we can hope for - it would be a failure, because you'd miss many of the underlying themes and meanings of the comic. Terry Gilliam admitted this himself.
LOTR needs a good action director who cares about the source material to be done properly. Watchmen needs more than that - Watchmen demands genius.
Re:Oh for the love of $god... (Score:2)
Re:Oh for the love of $god... (Score:2)
You know what? This is exactly what a lot of fans said when they first heard about the little-known director Peter Jackson taking on Lord of the Rings.
Peter Jackson wasn't stupid enough to try to squeeze LotR into 90-120 minutes, so I don't see what your statement has to do with the subject at hand.
Re:Oh for the love of $god... (Score:4, Interesting)
No way the depth of the comic is ever conveyed to the screen, even if done shot-for-shot.
Re:Oh for the love of $god... (Score:2)
Man, that movie rocked. Having been a long-suffering Trek "fan" who cringes at the mere mention of time travel, Twelve Monkeys was one of the things that broke me from the franchise, for it was well-written film that (in my mind, anyway) did time travel RIGHT.
I've no issues with some healthy Watchmen influence- your points definitely have merit -but personally, I'm pleased that a director whose work I have a great respect for won't be dirtying his hands with this project.
"Based on" - DANGER WILL ROBINSON (Score:5, Informative)
If Watchmen the movie is "based on" Watchmen the graphic novel in the same way, I suggest installing seat belts in all the theaters to prevent the audience from being pulled from their seats by the suction of the movie.
If, on the other hand, this movie is a reasonably faithful rendition of the graphic novel... then count me in.
Re:"Based on" - DANGER WILL ROBINSON (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:"Based on" - DANGER WILL ROBINSON (Score:2)
Hollywood ending (Score:3, Insightful)
Though I hope Greengrass has the sense to keep it unchanged, I don't think the masses are going to like the ending. It's not standard Hollywood fare.
Re:Hollywood ending (Score:2)
That said, I don't think the story can work without the ending. Except in this post-9/11 world I'm not sure if any studio would be willing to take the chance of portraying...
**** SPOILER ****
**** SPOILER END ***
The Sam Hamm ending (pre-9/11 I believe?) didn't work f
No car chases please. (Score:2, Interesting)
Worst Movie Ever (Score:2)
Nearly everyone I talked to had the same experience I did: got dizzy and a headache from all the flash photography and quick cut scenes.
You couldn't even tell what was going on in the action sequences and car chases.
This director shouldn't be given another film, he should be flogged. That wasn't artistic, it was annoying and counterproductive.
Re:Worst Movie Ever (Score:2)
And I used to think Guy Ritchie was a bit overboard with the tv-commercial-like fast cuts... sheesh!
(my wife and I say "We too" re: the dizzy spells during the actions sequences)
Re:Worst Movie Ever (Score:2)
Unless you're talking about fast pans, or unless I'm thinking entirely of the wrong terms.
Re:Worst Movie Ever (Score:2)
But the level of jittery camera work and fast cuts (and fast pans too, now that you mention it) in "Bourne Supremacy" is so high as to cause dizziness and headache. Not even playing UT2k3 on a small arena with 32 players FFA deathmatch was so bad!
Re:Worst Movie Ever (Score:2)
**I think Peter Jackson has
When will it end? (Score:4, Funny)
What's next??? V For Vendetta starring Vin Diesel?? The Rock IS The Sandman... *gag* *wretch* *puke*
For those of you who haven't heard of Watchmen before, or haven't read it - you should. This is one of the works that really showed just how well comics could tell adult stories and be more than spandex and capes.
It burns us! (Score:5, Funny)
When this happens, please do the right thing and save us the trouble of having to hunting you down.
Re:When will it end? (Score:3, Interesting)
I was a big watchman fan ages ago. I even have the limited edition Hardback [ebay.com] (mine isn't for sale).
At the time everyone was for Arnie to play Dr Manhatten. TBH I can't see this movie being as good as the book.
Hold up all (Score:2)
I haven't seen Bourne Supremecy, it seems to have been pretty much a wash. Greengrass's Bloody Sunday is pretty well regarded. He's got a thing for gritty realism, and his camerawork is adventurous, but not
Incredibles? (Score:2)
Here's the cast it SHOULD have (Score:2)
Dr. Manhatten: George Clooney (alt: Hugh Jackman)
The Comedian: Tom Sellack
Ozymandius: Ralph Feinnes
Nite Owl: Stephen Root (alt: Tom Hanks)
Silk Spectre 1: Lucy Lawless
Silk Spectre 2: Natalie Portman? Too young. Probably need someone more muscular, true brunette, can actually act. Michelle Forbes is probably a little too old. Maybe Maggie Gyllenhaal.
Psychiatristic: James Earl Jones
Re:Here's the cast it SHOULD have (Score:2)
I loves me some Johnny Depp, but Rorshach? Are you kidding? You must be looking forward to that Elektra movie. First of all, he has to be explosively cruel. Depp does a lot of things well, but that's not one of them. Second of all, when the mask comes off, he's supposed to look like a runty little pug. Not a disheveld pretty boy. I'd say Christian Bale for the violence, but he's too pretty as well.
Max Perlich [imdb.com] would be kind of perfect since you wouldn't e
Re:Here's the cast it SHOULD have (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Here's the cast it SHOULD have (Score:4, Interesting)
Rorschach's Journal (Score:5, Interesting)
November 23,2004
This city fears me, because I have seen its true face. The Hollywood people want to tell my story. They think they can tell my story? No one can tell my story. No one except me.
In the past there were men who could tell my story. Men like my father or President Eisenhower. But that was before the lawyers and the pornographers and the bleeding heart teachers took over.
Now the smell of their corruption is in the air, polluting everything with their filth and their pornography and their so-called civil liberties.
But their reign will not last. There will be war soon. A Great War sewwping over everything like a storm. And it will wash away the stench and corruption of Hollywood, Las Vegas, New York and all the other cesspools of this country.
And, in their desperation, the people will look up to me an beg me for their help.
And I will look down and I will say
Re:Rorschach's Journal (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Rorschach's Journal (Score:3, Funny)
Theoretically a movie could work (Score:3, Insightful)
This will always be the problem between much literature and film, even for short written works. This is why movies are either of short stories or of novels that are completely gutted of everything but the highlight reel. Rarely are people going to sit through three movies that aren't epic drama. You might get a fan to sit down for the 312 minute Swedish TV version of Fanny and Alexander but no way is it going to survive a theatrical release.
So... if a studio can be convinced to release a 5 hour movie and if a select group carefully translated the symbols to film equivilents (playing into part of the bane and boon of movies being the temporal element) and if a budget can be collected to accurately reproduce everything from Vietnam to Mars to Veidt's Antarctic base to the annihilation of NYC... theoretically this could be the greatest movie ever made.
Of course, that's said by every Producer/Director/Studio Head before every movie they release...
Yeah, this is probably going to suck.
Not too interested.. (Score:2)
Wake me when they're making Preacher into a movie and I'll see it 5 times and buy 2 copies of the DVD.
Re:Not too interested.. (Score:2)
ah Preacher. quality work.
still I would think that would be butchered just as badly... maybe worse.
Yes, but it doesn't answer the question... (Score:4, Funny)
top 10 questions: w/SPOILERS (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:top 10 questions: w/SPOILERS (Score:3, Funny)
And the number 1 question:
Three Movies Hopefully (Score:3, Insightful)
The first movie deals with romance between Laurie and Dan
Sets up Rorsharch's serial killer conspiracy.
Ends with Dr. Manhattan leaving earth and Rorscharch's arrest.
The second deals with Rorsharch's psychosis
Shows Laurie's appeal to Dr. Manhattan on Mars
Ends with the realization Ozymandias is behind things
The third focuses on the complex resolution of Ozy's plan
Resolves with Dan and Laurie's happy relationship
Has a scene post-credits that portrays the cliff-hanger of Rorscharch's diary.
Re:Three Movies Hopefully (Score:3, Insightful)
Oh and Rosebud is a... well, you know.
SPOILER ALERT *** READ ME, NOT THE GUY ABOVE! *** (Score:3, Insightful)
Why? (Score:2, Interesting)
The comic-within-a-comic was a nice flourish of parellelism, but why was it there? The link made in one of the later 'pre-chapter
Re:Why? (Score:2)
In the current political climate... Dark Knight (Score:5, Insightful)
Think about it.
camera work (Score:2)
Re:The comic is awesome, but... (Score:2)
Here, here! What's great about the Watchmen isn't the core story. It's how the story is told. A great deal of its ingenuity lies in its variety of panel layouts, use of parallel story lines, flashbacks and recurrent visual themes. It's the rich interplay between those diverse elements [mit.edu] that makes the comic so exceptional. Achieving a similar level of detail and interplay in a movie would be a prodigious feat of cinema. [imdb.com]
Re:The comic is awesome, but... (Score:4, Funny)
Gee, thanks!
Re:The comic is awesome, but... (Score:2)
Re:Warning: He will probably destroy this movie... (Score:2)
Re:How to tell if it will suck: (Score:2, Insightful)
Apparently people are incapable of imagining what it was like during the collapse of the Roman Empire, Cuban Missile Crisis or [insert historical period/event of your choice here].
Re:How to tell if it will suck: (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Safe bet (Score:2)
I have the graphic novel, which was color. Was the original comic B&W?