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One-Man Star Wars Trilogy Returns to Chicago 123

FrostyWheaton writes "The One-Man Star Wars Trilogy has returned to Chicago and is playing at the Apollo Theater through February 14th. I was at this show last time it was in Chicago (old Slashdot story) and it was even better this time around. The Apollo theater is much larger than the previous venue providing four times the seating and stage space elminitating the cramped feeling the show had last year. The show has not changed a great deal, but it is slightly expanded, including a few jabs at the latest Star Wars re-working."
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One-Man Star Wars Trilogy Returns to Chicago

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 08, 2004 @08:06PM (#11037497)
    He shoots himself first.
  • by Gamefreak99 ( 722148 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2004 @08:08PM (#11037512)
    So when is George Lucas releasing the special edition?
  • Bah... (Score:2, Funny)

    by gandell ( 827178 )
    ...When he sprouts ears, talks in backwards logic, and shrinks about 3 feet, then call me.
    • Re:Bah... (Score:5, Funny)

      by Tackhead ( 54550 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2004 @08:21PM (#11037613)
      > ...When he sprouts ears, talks in backwards logic, and shrinks about 3 feet, then call me.

      Youssa should bees more careful what youssa askey for. [] (What? Youssa want looky Yoda? Yousa no likey Gungans? Yoosa no likey goats? Yousafrady own dirty mind or somethink?)

      (Credits: Itsa not my Photoshoppy. Wassa saving for makey funny about GNU story, but forcey of 503 issa stronga than me!)

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 08, 2004 @08:09PM (#11037521)
    This is not the East or the West Side!
    No it's not.
    This is not the North or the South Side!
    No it's not.
    It's the DARK SIDE.....

    What is thy bidding my master?
    It's the disaster Skywalker we're after
    But if he could be turned to the dark side
    Yes, he's be a powerful ally .... another dark Jedi


    we got DEATH STAR, we got DEATH STAR, we got DEATH STAR, and ya know that we got it, DEATH STAR.....
    Luke!Get your ass over here!Quit ridin' around in that damn landspeeder! Where are those two droids you were s'pose to clean up? d'joo clean your room?
    uncle owen, I know i'm on probation...
    I cleaned the droids, may i go to the Tashi Station?
    I got a lay away on the power converter,
    but now yer treatin' me like a scruffy nerf-herder

    LUKE,use the Force and run!
    run to Dagoba, run to Dagoba
    LUKE, use the Force and run!
    run to Dagoba, run to Dagoba

    I'm Yooooooooda
    I'm a sooooooldier
    [something here i can't understand]
    i thought i told ya
    don't be unwise, judge me not by my size
    you won't believe your eyes, watch the x-wing rise....

    Yoda, why are ya bein' a playa hata?
    you know that i still must confront Lord Vader!
    but Luke..not ready are you
    but there's a city in the clouds where they're keepin' my crew
    A Jedi's gotta do what a Jedi's gotta do
    so now Vader, i'm comin' for you

    yeah that's right R-2, I just set a new course
    we're goin to Cloud City
    mmm, that's a mighty good gin and tonic, why don't you mix me up another?

    Impressive, now release your anger
    owwwww! why'd you slice off my hand?
    It's imperitive that you understand. Obi-Wan would never bother, tellin you about your father
    He told me enough. He told me you killed him.
    there's something that I must reveal then

    I'M your FATHER, I'M your FATHER

    knock 'im out the box, Luke, knock 'im down
    knock 'im out the box, Luke, knock 'im down

    • Re:In rap form: (Score:4, Informative)

      by Neil Blender ( 555885 ) <> on Wednesday December 08, 2004 @08:28PM (#11037664)
      Pretty slow right now (or maybe it's just my network), but you can see what this is from here [] (click on 'watch film'). One of the funniest things I've seen in a long time.

    • It's a great video as well: Star Wars Gangsta Rap [].
    • by nebaz ( 453974 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2004 @08:33PM (#11037697)
      (blatantly stolen - sung to Inperial Rhapsody)
      LANDO: This is the good life, This is a fantasy
      Working on Bespin, An escape from Reality.
      LEIA: Open your eyes, Stand up to these guys and
      LUKE: I'm just a farmboy, I need some sympathy, Cuz who's my dad, I dunno R2-D2, R2-D2,
      R2-D2, R2-D2,
      R2-D2, Where'd ya go? C-3PO O O O O O OH!

      I'm just a farmboy, nobody loves me.
      REBELS: He's just a farmboy, with a dead family.
      Spare him this life of such mundacity!
      HAN: Spice'll come,
      spice'll go. Jabba let me go.
      JABBA: Bo shuda! (NO, we will not let you go)
      HAN: Let me go!

      JABBA: Bo shuda! (We will not let you go)
      HAN: Let me go!
      JABBA: Bo shuda! (We will not let you go)
      HAN: LET ME GO!
      HAN: LET ME GO!

      HAN: LET ME GO!

      C3PO: Oh R2-D2, R2-D2, R2-D2, Come along.
      LEIA: C-3PO has a rebel put aside for meeeee, for meeeeee, for


      (Stormtroopers start headbanging)

      LUKE: So you say you're the dear old dad of mine?
      But you cut my hand off and left me to die!

      Oh Vader, can't do this to me, Vader.
      I know there's some good, I know there's still some good in you.

      OBIWAN: May the Force be with you.
      Use the Force to see.
      May the Force be with you,

      May the Force be with you, alwaaaaaaaaaaaaays.

      HAN: Anywhere the Force goes, doesn't really mat-ter, to meeeeeeee.

    • How about some dance numbers from Darth-Side Story?

      When you're a Sith,
      You're a Sith all the way
      From your first evil riff
      To your last dyin' day.

    • I my first year Chem lectures, the prof would sometimes try to wake the class up with little videos or flash animations that somewhat pertained to the material at hand.

      So, on the projection screen in an auditorium with ~400 sleepy students, out blares "IT'S NOT THE NORTH OR THE SOUTH SIDE!" "NO IT'S NOT!" It was priceless, and the entire class couldn't stop laughing at it until the end of the lecture.

      Sadly that, and the fact that David Hasselhoff is popular in Germany, are the only things I remember from
  • May he face the full wrath of the force..
  • I Hope.. (Score:3, Funny)

    by ackthpt ( 218170 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2004 @08:11PM (#11037546) Homepage Journal
    I hope it's better than C3-PO sitting in the ewok treehouse. It was way short, but he did get the sound effects right on.
  • After watching Late Night at the Apollo a few times, I don't think his act will really fit in...

    Yes, I know it a different Apollo.
  • ...of the 15 minute Hamlet. Has anyone had the pleasure of seeing this atrocity?
  • One-Man LotR (Score:5, Interesting)

    by scowling ( 215030 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2004 @08:16PM (#11037579) Homepage
    His One-Man LotR [] is brilliant. He performs all three movies in an hour, and by the end of it he's exhausted and dripping wet.

    He's a local boy, too, having graduated from the University of Victoria. Frankly, a local boy getting big-time acting attention in the outside world is more newswothy, IMHO, than the fact that he's playing Chicago. He played Vancouver four times the other month. Why wasn't that a front-page headline?

    • Re:One-Man LotR (Score:3, Informative)

      by scowling ( 215030 )
      Forgot to mention: he's a stand-up guy. When he did his One-Man LotR in Victoria during the local Fringe Festival, he added a couple of shows due to the demand and then donated half of the gross (that's gross, not net) of every one of his performances during the festival to AIDS Vancouver Island.

      Really, really cool.
    • Re:One-Man LotR (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Lord Apolon ( 805331 )
      I actually did a one-man show of LotR in my high school before I graduated last year... or rather, of a few vignettes from it, since I only had about 5 minutes to do it in. Never heard of this guy, but mine with its 3 scenes (A Long-Expected Party, The Council of Elrond, The Bridge of Khazad-Dum, culminating in me leaping off the stage) was enough of a hit that I got a standing ovation and was crowned Lord of the High School (Ah, high schools.. how cheesy). The best part was throwing costume after costume
    • My wife and I just saw him at the Roxy. Apparently, when he was doing the show in Vancouver, Sir Ian MacKellan was shooting another movie and decided, "Hey, that looks pretty nifty. I'm going to go see it."

      SIM got a copy of the DVD and sent it to Jackson. Hopefully he'll get on the official DVD set.

      I got the same feeling too: Holy crap, a guy from Victoria just made /. front page! Amazing!
  • by theantix ( 466036 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2004 @08:17PM (#11037585) Journal
    It was perhaps the most incredible live show I have ever seen... my friends and I didn't stop laughing our guts out for the hour and a half (or so) it took him to go through the original trilogy. It's not just the imitations that he does well, he also goes through the motions and to see him hopping and jumping and crashing to the floor... it's quite an experience. Seriously, if this is coming to your home town you should check it out.
    • I saw it Chicago also, and it was fun, especially his subtle in-jokes and the way he'd throw himself around, but its far from the "most incredible" thing you'll see. Fans will dig it, but dragging a non-fan along will probably end up as a very lousy date.

      I also recorded it on my Neuros mp3 player but without the guy doing the physical acts, the humor almost disappeared. Its was interesting, at least for me, to see how much his stage presence and physical actions were almost, if not moreso, important than
  • by LiquidMind ( 150126 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2004 @08:18PM (#11037593)
    so if he is his own father, then how did he....

    oh, yuck!
  • And I'm sure the show would be fun... but that web site made my eyes bleed.
  • by WormholeFiend ( 674934 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2004 @08:20PM (#11037607)
    In the Return of the Jedi part, does he play Sebastian Shaw or Hayden Christensen?
  • From the video clip, it looks like he needs to do a better job of imitating the voices.

    Something really impressive is Rick Miller's adaptation of MacBeth using characters from the Simpsons.... []

  • ...or is there anyone else alive who's bored shitless with the entire Star Wars thing.

    I enjoyed it when I was 10 or so when Star Wars was first released, but going back to it now... Yawn.

    Just me then...
  • .Wmv (Score:5, Informative)

    by Malicious ( 567158 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2004 @08:53PM (#11037848)
    There's a clip [] available as well.
    Gives an idea of what is going on.
    • Appears his webserver is case sensitive. There is a longer clip [] which is fantastic...

      At 18MB we'll see how strong the Force is with said webserver, I'm sure.

    • I was actually intrigued until I saw that clip. It's actually very tragic watching a grown man reciting and acting 10 minutes of film word for word.

      He's not doing this humourously or injecting many of his own elements, he is deadly serious in trying to recreate a verbatim Star Wars Trilogy on stage.

      You can hear the audience laugh in parts but it slowly turns from real laughter to awkward laughter when they realise he's taking this far too seriously.

      Just rather tragic, really.

  • I really hope this guy makes a better actor than he does a Web designer. That could take the cake as the worst Web page I've ever seen. Oh, the humanity of it all...
  • OK... look, after watching a clip [] of the show I just have to say... why?

    It's seems to be just like watching a kid acting out the movies, complete with 'pichoo, pichoo' gun sounds... what's entertaining about that? He even gets crucial lines wrong ("Shutdown all the garbage smashers on the detention level"? oh come on)

    Bah and humbug I say.
  • Is this similar to the Star Wars Kid? []

    LMAO, love this guy.
  • by Schwarzchild ( 225794 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2004 @09:20PM (#11038054)
    Gee I hope he doesn't play Princess Leia in a bikini! Ewwww!!
  • Sheesuz. His one-man show came through my tiny town of thirty thousand about two weeks ago. Didn't notice any front page stories here on Slashdot. Will we get another front pager when he gets back to New York? Biloxi? Podunk?
  • Ummm... I thought that's what the prequels were.
  • by maccw ( 693528 )
    He makes a cute princes leia!
  • by SEWilco ( 27983 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2004 @11:10PM (#11038677) Journal
    The Apollo theater is much larger than the previous venue...

    Size matters not.

  • Seriously, I was expecting something in the range of $40-50 USD with all the hype here, but $19 a ticket?!? Might be worth it to head out to Surrey next year to see him to his one-man LOTR with such cheap ticket prices!
  • Worst case of adult ADHD I've ever seen.

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