Editorial: On the SpikeTV Video Game Awards 635
That said, I think that an awards show is a good idea for the industry. At the very least, having an awards show with some gravitas would be a great way to put a public stamp of approval on the hard work that development houses put into their games. Games and movies can both take years to make, with certain games having development cycles longer than the lifespan of the average household pet. That kind of commitment by the artists, developers, designers, and producers should be rewarded in some way. If a game is good, I'm sure the big fat checks they get are plenty of reward. There's still something at work in an awards show, though. I bet if you asked a big name actor who's has been in a financially successful film and also won an award which he remembered more you're going to get "the awards ceremony" as an answer every time.
If an awards show in general is a good idea, I believe the debacle that SpikeTV broadcast last night was actually counter-productive for the gaming industry. As far as I could tell, the show had little to do with games, and everything to do with advertising. "Most Addictive Game Fueled by Mountain Dew"? Come on! If the Oscars had categories like "Best Comedy driven by Ford" or "Best Female in a Leading Role with makeup by Revlon" would you take them seriously? The night was a never-ending cascade of scantily clad women, rap, "extreme" stuff, rap, people who had nothing to do with games, and rap.
It's very interesting to me that, at least in my time zone, just after the awards show ended an episode of X-Play that I really wanted to see came on. Aside from the fact that the X-Play folks are (refreshingly) actual gamers, this particular episode had a piece with Morgan Webb covering the Child's Play charity auction from last week. Seeing Gabe and Tycho in tuxedos was excellent in and of itself. Above and beyond that, the disparity between the crass tenor of the awards show and the tone of the charity auction was striking. From what little I saw of the auction, it didn't seem somber at all. Jokes were cracked and everyone seemed to be having a good time. The difference is that the audience and organizers were there to celebrate games and children in a respectful manner.
And that, for me, is the biggest complaint I have about the awards last night. The show showed absolutely no respect to the games themselves. From the Video Game Ombudsman's commentary: "A selection of graphics adjectives used on the show - "slammin'," "great," "amazing," "hot visually," "so sick." That kind of shallow analysis is why games aren't art in the minds of a lot of people. Katamari Damacy is a very worthwhile game, but graphics and the "slammin-ness" of the game have nothing to do with that. Katamari is a good game because of a great (and simple) design, a development team that purposely looked for a unique style of gameplay, and a quirky and original soundtrack. I want an awards show that actually says things like that.
It could be great, too! The Oscars have a board that votes on the movies, and the Academy members are made of folks from the movie industry. I say the same style would be a useful format for games with some slight changes. The Oscars send around DVDs of all the nominee films to the Academy. Forcing a large group of people to play the number of games that would be required would be just cruel. That would mean hundreds of hours of gameplay just to be qualified to vote. It would be a much better idea to split up the field into bodies of relevant people. Have thirty or so folks involved in the RTS genre, say, from developers to producers to fan site owners review a set of five or six games and then vote accordingly. Have a Media Choice Award where game review organs like Gamespot, Game Informer, and X-Play, who have presumably played most of the field, can have their say. Have voting for the Game of the Year award be an industry-wide event, with everyone from an EA developer to a Sony Online Customer Service Rep to an IGDA member having a chance to say their piece. Voting via website is fine if you're taking a Slashdot poll -- making a representative, evaluative statement about a field of entertainment for an entire year should be slightly more involved.
I have enough problems in my day without having to explain to my family why a show honoring the entertainment I love is populated mostly by underdressed women in angel costumes. Once a year, wouldn't it be nice to put the scruffy, anti-social gamer stereotype behind us? To sit down and watch some very intelligent people in tuxedos and gowns get their due for providing us so much entertainment? Seriously, wouldn't it be great to see John Carmack present an award? Or get to listen to a Wil Wright acceptance speech? A gaming awards show taken seriously would be a sight to see. Even if that never happens, please -- enough with the Spike-style awards shows.
zonk (Score:5, Funny)
Re:zonk (Score:2)
Re:zonk (Score:2)
Re:zonk (Score:3, Insightful)
Most every video game within the last 6 years up until recently always had some Big Booby McBoob character who had no reasonable explanation for why they are dressed the way they are. Think Unreal II, Heavy Metal FAKK, etc. FAKK was so bad about this. All the female characters had shrunken head syndrome, but had boobs three times the size of their head (per boob).
Alyx from Half-Life 2
Re:zonk (Score:5, Insightful)
On the other side of the gender spectrum, women feel if they don't look like a VS model, then they don't have any sex appeal.
That said, Victoria's Secret models do make the best wallpapers
Re:zonk (Score:3, Interesting)
Wrong. Women who look as flawless as Victoria's Secret models don't exist in the first place.
Sorry to burst your fantasy bubbles dudes but my girlfriend is a designer in the advertising industry. Do you have any notion of how much airbrushing goes on? They spend countless hours on an area of skin about 5cm^2. ALL flaws (no matter how small... 1 hair off is not acceptable) are airbrushed out. Women are given hour-glass fi
Re:zonk (Score:3, Insightful)
Hmm...ok, much as I hate to feed the troll..but, really, why do you say that? Plenty of nice people go to bars..men and women.
Heck, where the hell else are you supposed to meet people these days? Certainly dangerous to try to date people at work. I guess you could meet people online, but, I do prefer to see them in person first....you just can't trust an online picture, ya know?
"You, however, are a fucking pig. Kill yourself
Re:zonk (Score:2)
or is it because he's new, his opinion matters less than CmdrTaco's?
its not like he's advertising another website, he's an editor here on
furthermore, how else would you like his presence to be known? if he's new, he has to say SOMETHING so we know where he stands, what sort of stories to expect to see with his approval on them, etc...
your comment makes no sense
Re:zonk (Score:2, Funny)
You must be new here.
Isn't this what journals are for? (Score:2, Funny)
Yeah, you've got an opinion. Guess what, you're not special.
wrong (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:wrong (Score:2)
To Summarize... (Score:5, Insightful)
Of course, this is completely wrong in most ways and its not a surprise that any 'real' gamer thinks the award cermony was trash.
Re:To Summarize... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:To Summarize... (Score:2)
Re:To Summarize... (Score:2, Informative)
Re:To Summarize... (Score:4, Insightful)
This year, Im going to go with "EA Sports Xtreme Beach Def Jam San Andres Pro Skater Football with Funkmaster Flex."
I dont know who the hell this show even appeals to. I dont have anything wrong with Hip Hop or Rap but geez its a video game awards show not a music awards show. Seriosly the first 10 minutes was a Gansta Rap War that was half censored. Most of the Stars of this thing were rappers or skateboarders. and Frankly, the only reason to even watch this was for Motley Crue (again not VG related), which they cut off in the end. This is a Video game awards show that I swear to god thinks it's some sort of music awards show.
Frankly, this article has it on the money. What needs to happen is let gamers take this over. I know I'm going to take a ton of flak for this, but G4 really needs to take this off of SpikeTV's hands. Sure it will suck but at least it will be game related instead of T&A filled Rappers Delight, and the one awards show G4 had was a much better show than this thing ever was, and thats saying something.
Second, screw the "Viewers Choice" voting that SpikeTV does. All thats ever going to win that is Madden and the like even though they did nothing innovative or groundbreaking. I agree that what needs to happen is a Oscar like board of professional Video game reviewers, programmers and people directly associated with the industry to nominate and award.
Third. The Advertising goes away, pure and simple. No promoting of awards, games or anything in particular. Half of this show was video game previews and acts based on most of the games that won awards. The minute you saw all the Promos for San Andreas you already knew it won GOTY hands down. The "Most addictive game fueled by Dew" presented by Virgin mobile and Moutain Dew is a perfect example of whats got to go away.
Frankly, at this point, I dont think this show could ever be saved. The Gaming public has been so scorned by these last two showings that I can't see SpikeTV possibly getting out of the deep hole they dug. I'm frankly amazed that gamers watched this one because the only reason I watched it is because I cant stop watching a train wreck. I'm guessing the same goes for most of the gaming public out there.
Re:To Summarize... (Score:5, Insightful)
The entire concept of the 'real' gamer and the "gamer lifestyle" is what leads to pandering garbage like the Spike awards. The more of a market segment you try to make yourself the more attractive you become to advertisers and therefor the more crappy television gets made for you. Since 18-30 year old males are watching less television than ever before advertisers are desperate to try to market to them. Did you notice that most of the sponsors were not game companies?
Most people who buy and play games do so as a side hobby and they have no interest in being 'real' gamers. They just play games that they enjoy and live the rest of their lives. The actual gamer population crosses all demographic lines and is more diverse than you can imagine. Just because that guy at EB talking about Madden accidentally elbowed you and made you drop the copy of Harvest Moon you were looking at doesn't give you any special rights as a "gamer" as opposed to a frat boy.
Media (Score:4, Interesting)
This attitude will change when the media stops portraying gamers the same way they portray internet child predators -- weird, pasty white guys with no lives who cause trouble, e.g. Columbine. Games are a scapegoat for the media, why give them any credit?
They're only video games! (Score:3, Insightful)
"And that, for me, is the biggest complaint I have about the awards last night. The show showed absolutely no respect to the games themselves."
These are video games that people play for fun. It's not a symphany orchestra, it's not a blockbuster movie. While I can see how this show may have demeaned, in many ways, the hard work of the developers, but these aren't productions worthy of prestigous critical acclaim.
Just my $0.02.
Re:They're only video games! (Score:5, Insightful)
These are video games that people play for fun. It's not a symphany orchestra, it's not a blockbuster movie.
Did you just compare a symphony orchestra to a blockbuster movie? Did you just imply that a blockbuster movie has more depth, or more art than a video game? Have you seen any blockbuster movies in the last 10 years? I'm sorry but most people go to see blockbuster movies because they are fun and because you don't have to think very hard.
The top three blockbusters right now are: Ocean's Twelve, Blade: Trinity, and National Treasure. Yeah, that's some real art for you.
Re:They're only video games! (Score:5, Funny)
no kidding... how can you compare that dreck with something so sublime and beautiful as the complex intertwined plot of DOOM,
your on mars... and there are DEMONS!
you cant make that shit up!
rebuttal (Score:3, Interesting)
Allow me to respond with Vampire Raiders: Ninja Queen [imdb.com]!!! OK, your point is taken, some video games are just as bad as some movies. I highly recommend watching the referenced movie, however. It is sort of like a painting done by a mentally retarded elephant. You should see it just to see what a mentally retarded elephant can paint.
Re:They're only video games! (Score:3, Interesting)
If I was to say a mouse is not a dog and a mouse is not a cat would I be comparing a dog and a cat?
No. But neither is that what he said. What he did was state a property on one subject, and then state that two other objects were not [similar to] that object. The implication is that the stated property was the way in which they are differentiated from it, hence they are similar in that they do not share that property.
A closer comparison would be:
These are mice, they are small. It's not a dog, it's not
Re:They're only video games! (Score:3, Interesting)
I don't know why you are being so pedantic. You actually think that if someone says cats and dog are bigger than mice, it is not appropriate ask if they are implying that cats are really big, or nearly as big as dogs?
This person made the trollish claim that blockbuster movies are more artistic than video games and are attended for artistic value not for fun. I incredulously questioned their judgment and asked for clarification. And you, well you decided to start a semantic argument about what was or wa
Re:They're only video games! (Score:3, Interesting)
Have you SEEN Ocean's 12?
but Ocean's 12 is as great as Ocean's 11
...and that does not exactly motivate me. I did see Ocean's Eleven and it was a passable remake, although I was not exactly blown away by the acting. Now the sequel to a remake, of a movie I thought was clever, and moderately entertaining does not exactly make me want to spend good money on it. Maybe I'll see it at the cheap theater, if it is convenient. The choice quote from Mr. Cranky is "It's not unlike watching the monkeys a
Re:They're only video games! (Score:2, Insightful)
They watch it for the colorful musical guest appearances, and a glimpse of celebrity breast in tight fitting low cut dresses.
No, they are not only video games (Score:2)
Re:No, they are not only video games (Score:2)
Not even close. Most games cost around $10M, the big ones (HL2) around $30M. Block buster movies cost around $100M. Budget Hollywood movies cost $30M.
Why not? (Score:2)
The only possible significant difference between a symphony orchestra/movie and video games is orchestras and movies have a longer history, and video games make more money.
In both cases, yo
Re:They're only video games! (Score:2)
of co
Re:They're only video games! (Score:2)
Well... (Score:5, Funny)
Seriously, 'slammin article with some wicked good points.
Re:Well... (Score:4, Funny)
Scratchy: Ooh, Poochie is one outrageous dude.
Itchy: He's totally in my face.
-- "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show"
You lost me with... (Score:3, Insightful)
Are you Serious (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Are you Serious (Score:5, Insightful)
I was going to end this with a movie or a song that breaks the rules I have laid out above but I can't think of any. If they do exist they don't get the recognition they deserve.
Re:Are you Serious (Score:2)
Agreed. I've never understood why anyone not directly a part of these shows would even care. I might get a 'really' good hamburger one day. But I'm not going to run to the back of the shop and beg to hear a short speech by the people who made it, nor come in with baited breath days later to see if they've been voted hamburger maker of the year.
I suspect a lot of it just comes down to our societies emphasis on eve
Re:Are you Serious (Score:5, Insightful)
You can tell a great story in any form, books, TV, movies, or in a video game. The truly great ones don't need an award.
Most of the best movies I've seen never won an Oscars, most of the best books I've read never won a pulitzer, most of my favorite TV shows don't win Emmys, and most video games I really like won't get 9 stars at EGM or win any votes. It's irrelevant.
Being popular doesnt mean being great, and take awards shows for what they are - popularity contest. At some point some group, large or small, votes on the winners using whatever arbitrary method they use. There are no metrics, nothing you can measure to say "this game is bigger/faster/better than that one".
People like zonk need to be told what to like or dislike and/or constantly reassured that they like/dislike the same things as everyone else.
here is a movie or two for you (Score:3, Insightful)
Songs are a little tricky, because they aren't very long. It is tougher to pack a message in there. But as far as movies go...
Fahrenheit 9/11. Regardless of what your opinion of it is, it got people across the nation talking and thinking about the issues at hand. To paraphrase a comedian "You didn't hear people arguing about
Re:here is a movie or two for you (Score:4, Funny)
Indeed. It's a little known fact, but most video games are developed by rappers and Victoria's Secret models. Few people truly appreciate Snoop Dog's mad-3d pipeline optimizing skillz.
Re:here is a movie or two for you (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Are you Serious (Score:2)
It's like Fry said in Futurama. The Internet has made me bored of pronography. At any moment I can turn on my computer and 30" Cinema Display and see all the unclothed, orgasming, cum-splattered women my poor eyes can handle. It's just no big deal anymore, so I'd rather non-pr0n things just stick to the topic at hand rather than toss herpes-laden bitch-whores on top of everything as some sort of icing.
Re:Are you Serious (Score:2)
Re:Are you Serious (Score:2)
Lara Croft.
Leisure Suit Larry.
GTA:VC (actually, any of the versions, but that one had babes in bikinis on the ads)
Do I need to go on?
Was it just me... (Score:3, Interesting)
I found it annoying, like an even worse interpretation of an awards show than MTV's typical fare.
Re:Was it just me... (Score:2, Funny)
They must have been working overtime on it...
Not academy equivalent (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Not academy equivalent (Score:2)
But with "Most Addictive Game Fueled by Mountain Dew", that sounds EXTREME TO THE MAX!
Developers and games. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Developers and games. (Score:3, Insightful)
The developers who code the games are like the production crew of a movie. Those who worked on sound, camera work, and the locale. I doubt the majority of movie-goers don't care about them.
The closest thing to a movie actor analog in the videogame world is probably the main character of a game. And a lot of gamers can easily rattle off many video game leads and memorable characters.
Re:Developers and games. (Score:3, Insightful)
Virtually everybody.
Re:Developers and games. (Score:2)
Feargus Urquhart, the man with the funny name of (the late and lamented) Black Isle Studio, and Fallout fame.
Ummm... Mike Stephenson, one of many from the NetHack DevTeam.
Mind you, those are the ONLY two I can name without searching Google. Of course, one of the things a well done awards show might do is shine a little more light on some of the developers....
Naming names... (Score:2)
Without going to Google I'll give you three...
That wasn't too hard. I suspect that most seasoned Nintendo game players could name the minds behind Mario, etc. etc. Top developers do get exposure in the technical media.
Some parts of society may be all about visua
Re:Developers and games. (Score:2)
Re:Developers and games. (Score:2)
Sure, some of us might recognize a name or two, but the vast majority of viewers know few names outside of the Best Act* categories. Does that mean that those relatively unknowns don't get honored in a formal and prestigious ceremony in front of their peers? Of course not, so why should the interactive entertainment industry be any different?
Woah, wait. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Woah, wait. (Score:5, Insightful)
Spike TV is not the first network for men. It's the first network for horny adolecents who what to THINK they are adults and dumber adult males. The only reason I've ever watched Spike TV has been MacGyver or a Star Trek. But their origional content, and their ads (first time I ever saw "male enhancement" ads other than SPAM was on Spike) are just demeaning to any guy with a brain.
I HATE them. Real men wouldn't find that kind of crud entertaining. If you don't agree with me, I guess that means that I have a much higher standard for "man" than you, for better or worse. Sorry for the rant.
PS: For more on TV making men look terrible, read "The War Against Boys", which talks about that issue and many more. Facinating book.
Re:Woah, wait. (Score:3, Interesting)
It may have been funny at some point, but the prevalance of these roles has reshaped the definition of man from a competent and capable individual to a blithering buffoon who, despite his deficiencies, manages to fuck scores of vapid women. He has the intellectual and emotional maturity of a teen
Think Grammies, not Oscars... (Score:3, Insightful)
2 hours long was 45 minutes too long. (Score:2, Insightful)
Samuel L. Jackson (Score:2, Insightful)
I only caught a few minutes, but it was terrible. The "highlight" for me was when Samuel L. Jackson accepted the Game of the Year award for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas but kept referring to it as "Grand Theft Auto 2."
How many other award shows have people accepting honors for things they know nothing about? It was a joke.
2 things. (Score:2, Insightful)
2. What's the problem with rap? Video games feature prominently in the mainstream african american community, while in the white community they are still by and large considered "childish" or "geeky". Know your audience my friend, that's what it is all about. You do know that Sno
Agreed (Score:5, Insightful)
I agree completely, I saw it on the channel bar and eagerly switched over expecting some real information, reviews, demos etc. I watched for about 5 seconds before I went back to what I was watching before. What I saw was so rediculous that I specifically avoided that channel for the rest of the night so as not to incur any more brain damage.
I am one 29 year old gamer of many in their 20s 30s and 40s who would request a bit more maturity and relevance.
Targetting specific demographics just alienates everyone else. Note to the producers: Next time try focusing on the games.
Re:Agreed (Score:2)
I think they had the same show on last year, or perhaps the year before. I had heard about it, and I thought COOL! A video game awards show. Probably all the de
Get over yourself (Score:2, Insightful)
I saw no boxes on the shelves at Best Buy proudly proclaiming "Winner of 18 spike video game awards".
They have nothing to do with the industry. They're like the Blockbuster awards or the results of the Nickelodeon Kids election.
You're frankly a moron for wasting the time watching, let alone writing about it.
Agreed (Score:2)
Redundant (Score:3, Funny)
Spike TV as a whole is moronic. (Score:5, Informative)
Apparently someone at Viacom (owners) got a bee in their ass that the Lifetime Oh-My-God-Judith-Light-Is-On-AGAIN Network and the Oxygen (deprivation) women's oriented networks needed some competition. I think, however, that like some women claim about us men, that the Viacom men were caught programming with the wrong head.
Spike TV is a travesty of programming for men with moronic tastes, and I mean STOOOPID. They could not take the tack that the Fine Living Channel took, or even pair up with known good magazine formats and features such as that found in "Mens Health", "Esquire", "GQ" or even "Playboy" magazines, opting instead to rot our brains with tripe that makes "Maxim" and "Stuff" magazines seem like professional and academic thesis journals.
WTF were they thinking? The only thing good on Spike are spoadic episodes of "Star Trek-TNG", but you have to dodge commercials of the recanned and redubbed Japanese game shows to watch it.
Not even Comcast fucked up this big when they acquired TechTV, ripped a few vital organs from it for G4, then killed TTV. At least you can see a little TTV in the Frankensteinian G4.
Re:Spike TV as a whole is moronic. (Score:2)
Re:Spike TV as a whole is moronic. (Score:2)
Without Spike, I wouldn't have be exposed to Most Extreme Elimination Challenge.
I have NEVER laughed so hard.
FWIW, Spike's doing good with the automotive shows they're producing. (Yes, I'm serious.)
Re:Spike TV as a whole is moronic. (Score:2)
I saw no reason to watch... (Score:2, Funny)
Incorrect assumptions. (Score:5, Insightful)
Firstly, that we actually respect the Oscars, and that they themselves aren't completely shallow renderings of that industry. Awards shows aren't respected anymore. They've become popularity contests at best, and an annual soap opera at worst.
Secondly, that Spike was actually targetting the gamer culture, which they weren't. Remember that the most played game of all time is Windows solitare. Deer hunter, myst, and roller coaster tycoon are among the top selling pc games of all time.
Re:Incorrect assumptions. (Score:3, Informative)
(On the subject of the First Annual Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence)
Lisa: "This show is the biggest farce i ever saw"
Bart: "What about the Emmys?"
Lisa: "I stand corrected"
Been there... (Score:2, Interesting)
Having worked in the Record industry... (Score:2, Insightful)
Wow, the behind the scenes politics were a real revelation about awards shows. Now, more cynical and jaded I watch them as contes
Paid Advertisement (Score:3, Insightful)
There's not a single Internet reviewer or published magazine who doesn't get their palms greased to give a good review now and then. EA has proven that they're willing to sell out in their games, and now they're buying awards as well.
Spike's award show was nothing more than a paid advertisement complete with titties to lure the average jock into wanting to buy stuff.. uh.. yeah.. huh...
For Those Who Don't Get It (Score:5, Insightful)
Well, that's what people have said about many professions and artistic ventures. The fact is, many years of work and people's lives are wrapped into these games.
When you do a $40 million (yes, forty million) dollar game project, you run your dev team in the ground to ship it (see: EA Wife), you struggle with design and features and usability and publishing it on 3 different platforms...well, to sit back and trash it out with Tara Clueless Reid and basically say that all games are just rap videos with an interface...it's disheartening.
It doesn't encourage growth in the industry toward more unusual and original IP/ideas because one of the best things about the Grammys and Oscars is that it recognizes Dark Horses that usually get a huge boost in record sales or box office because they were recognized.
I see a classy, well done and thoughtful award show on video games as a good thing. Let's just face the facts: Spike TV isn't going to provide it.
What's best about this situation is that both of these shows could coexist. You can have your cake (Spike TV) and eat it too (nice, classy show attended by actual important game designers and developers).
I think it would be amazing to have a true video game award show with a host to provide funny banter but at the same time shuttup and let John Carmack accept his Landmark Award (or whatever it would be called) for his achievement in the art of programming and making game technology.
We need this type of recognition so that big games can get the recognition they deserve and little games can get their due limelight.
There is nothing wrong with doing a classless show. But there is also something to be said for having a show full of it, complete with respect, something that the Spike TV show simply refused to provide.
Its an awards show! (Score:4, Insightful)
All of them.
Always have been, always will be.
Expecting more from a Televised awards ceremony is fairly foolish. You would be better off spending your time actually playing the games.. or, heck, even spouting worthless drivel in a thread _ABOUT_ awards shows on tv.. on slashdot.
Such class (Score:2)
I saw the award show they did last year (Score:2)
And the worst part was... (Score:2)
There is a "real" vg awards show (Score:2, Informative)
The best way to prevent this from happening again. (Score:2, Informative)
1: Not watch.
2: Ensure that pissed-off gamers put in their say with SpikeTV.
3: Point out how the negative aspects are doing more damage than good for the industry on the whole.
4: Offer a feasible solution that might get gamers promoting it themselves.
Hopefully something respectable that really represents the industry will take hold. One can wish.
Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences (Score:2)
I believe it is run by the same organization as the Motion Picture Academy. Membership is only open to full-time employees of the industry with a minimum of 2 years on development teams, who have been credited on a commercially published title. Like the Academy Awards, it is the talent of the industry
best part (Score:2)
"What? Games existed before the PS2?"
For some reason they had Samuel L. Jackson accepting the award, rather than someone who actually worked on the game. A VOICE ACTOR accepted the award for the game. That would be analogous to awarding an oscar to the assitant best boy of a movie.
Missing the key ingredient (Score:3, Insightful)
Answer: Absolutely nothing. The Oscars are carried by the star power of the people receiving those awards. It's not about the Movies themseleves, but the people in them.
Games, on the other hand, are faceless beasts. Giving an award to an animator is nice, but no one really CARES about that particular animator. Outside of the very highest reaches of video game fandom.. it simply means nothing.
This is why they have to trick up the show so much.. They where banking that people would be drawn to the video game piece, but realized no one would stick around to see some bearded programmer get an award for best physics..
Video games need an awards show.. just not on TV.
What did you expect..... (Score:2)
I'd never waste one minute of my life on that worthless channel which for the most part, airs nothing worthwhile and a good pop culture symbol to the decay of western society.
X-Play! (Score:3, Funny)
And Adam Sessler may get goofy, but it's a self-referential type of goofiness that's funny. The best part of X-Play is that they spend the whole review showing extensive and varied game footage. No one else does that.
Relevant question. (Score:4, Insightful)
Marketing before the Holiday seaons. (Score:3, Insightful)
So, if they'll nominate brand new titles (i.e., one's that haven't been evaluated over time to see if they hold that special something) for "Game of the Year" and they'll do this before the end of the year, it leaves one conclusion.
The "Awards Show" was nothing more than a hackneyed marketing shceme to showcase this season's holiday lineup. Nothing more, nothing less.
No surprise (Score:3, Interesting)
Award shows (Score:5, Insightful)
I hated it, but it is a big industry, and there is a broad range of people involved. Honestly, I'm almost certainly in the minority. One developer that I was talking to backstage was very bullish about how important it was to legitimize the industry with events like this, but I just don't have any empathy for what I perceive as "Hollywood envy".
Some award show issues are just a result of stupidity -- I felt so bad watching Hironobu Sakaguchi of Squaresoft, a non-native english speaker, being forced to read a long speech written by some PR type about me. I threw out what they gave me to say about Will, and wrote something more to the point myself.
I do feel that there is a rather fundamental mismatch with big awards shows for game development, because game development isn't a performing art. You expect actors and musicians to show well, because that is what they do. Why aren't awards for authors the same glamorous events that the movie / TV / music ones are? Game developers are much closer to authors than actors.
John Carmack
Re:Award shows (Score:3, Interesting)
Personally, I feel as soon as real writers realise the power of the medium, computer games will become a respected art form in themselves distinct from more traditional modes of expression.
Re:wow (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:What a dipshit (Score:2)
"I will not accept the 'Mountain Dew Most Extreme Radicalness With an Attitude In a Videogame' award until the oppressed peoples of Upper East Bangalushia are freed from the shackles of white, Western hegemony! Oppressed peoples of the world, throw off your shackles and press UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEF... MMFFT!"
Re:Games will never equal TV or Movies (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Games will never equal TV or Movies (Score:2)
Re:What is this 'TV' of which you speak? (Score:2)
apparently they're some real-time, one-way, non interactive content delivery system available for it, but from what i hear, its not worth the monthly cost