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saw these pics this morning...the general greivous pictures look awesome...what's up with the "x-wing" type fighters though? they appear to have an extra wing in the middle...
the wookie going for nookie picture at the top of the page cracked me up...
I dunno about these pics. In this one [idontfear.com], it looks like Hayden and his bestest buddy just completed a succesful assault on a cheap costume shop in order to get ready for Thursday's bitchin' Halloween kegger down at the Tri-Lams.
Most people agree that the first two movies were pretty much a disgrase to the fanchise. It seems Lucas has decided that special effects should be the focus of the story, instead of the story. The originals were groundbreaking in their look, but also magnificently told a story. The new movies lack that.
With that said, the second one was slightly better than the abortion that was Episode 1. From early word, the new movie will be dark and full of action, and hopefully it will be worthy of the name Star
The movies are what created the franchise in the first place, and Lucas can take the movies _AND_ the franchise in whatever direction he wants.
I think what you mean is that the first two episodes are a disgrace to _YOUR_ impression of what Star Wars is supposed to be. But this isn't your movie, it's Lucas's. If you don't like it, don't watch it.
No, the parent comment doesn't hold up. If there is widespread agreement that the movies sucked, and that the original 3 movies were far better, than it's grandparent-poster's right to call it a disgrace.
Did parent somehow think that "disgrace" was anything but a person's opinion? Or that the grandparent somehow didn't know that they could not watch the movie if they didn't like it? That's like telling me that I need to "get real" because I don't like to eat bell peppers (I don't, really.) Of course i
Your comparison might be a little more apt if it were Lucas's kids or some other person that were doing the newer movies, but it isn't... it's Lucas himself, the _SAME PERSON_ that invented Star Wars in the first place.
And this, class, is a form of what we call a "strawman". You see, the grandparent post was referring to George Lucas having the right to make Star Wars movies how he wants. Parent, on the other hand, is putting forward a strawman (creating a position and attacking it), by putting forward the analogy of a the decendant of the creator of a work of art changing of a series his ancestor created. There is a difference.
And this, folks, is what we call a four-eyed spaz completely missing the point.:-P
"Oh please. There's no such thing as a 12-inch pianist!"
My original post was mostly in jest, but the argument that Lucas is "the same guy" doesn't hold any water. Flesh and blood, perhaps. Spiritually, and in his soul, definitely not.
C'mon, how many 60+-year-olds do you know who are the "same guy" they were in their 20's? Or haven't you noticed how conservative Dennis Miller has become?
Nice attempt at sophistry-- but a tad obvious. It's a really dumb analogy... and is not convincing at all. First George Lucas's son is not making these movies- Geroge is. Second- Michaelangelo was forced to paint the chapel and probably wasn't interested in it very much, he never owned it, and he did paint the figures naked- boobies included. Third- they are not selling Sistine Chapels- you are not a paying customer. Anyways kudos for trying.
The original Star Wars movies are damn good movies, but I think alot of people here forget that when they were first released, they were children or teenagers.
I've said this before and got modded down for it, but screw it. The new Star Wars films aren't really geared towards children any less than the originals were. Sure, Jar Jar is a stupid and annoying character to watch, but C3P0 was also an irritating bastard in the first films, providing childish humour and no-brainer script to the movies.
As for everyone claiming they know they will be dissapointed by this movie, you will only be dissapointed if you go in thinking the movie is going to be a great film. If you know that it won't, they you won't be dissapointed.
Take the movies at face value. They are all certified for younger audiences, even the originals, therefore its pretty safe to assume alot of the content will not only be suitable for younger viewers, but also more enjoyable for them.
Yeah yeah..... mod me down as troll or flamebait just like every time I don't just spit out "Lucas is evil and has destroyed my life" on Star Wars related discussions:P
That doesn't even make any sense. The ratings do not indicate the quality of the movies. Jar Jar was abominable, the reliance on CGI (which is not as natural, even, than stop-motion) was a mistake, and the story was not as complex (by the time you get to Ep. IV, there's already three episodes of back story. But at Ep. I, there really isn't much at all).
The movie wasn't targeted at kids (no more so than anyone else), but it was *about* a kid, and *that* was the biggest problem Lucas faced with Ep. I. It's *really* hard to make a movie about a kid that isn't childish. If he acted just like a little boy, it would have been boring, so they had to make him a pod-racing, star fighter-flying top gun war hero, which was *really* asking a lot of the audience. I would have made the film primarily about the Jedi, the Sith, and the Republic, with the rise of Anakin as a minor role, but Lucas wanted it to be primarily about Anakin. Oops.
Had Ep. II been released as Ep. I, things would have been a lot better.
... Lucas has decided that special effects should be the focus of the story, instead of the story. The originals were groundbreaking in their look, but also magnificently told a story.
I agree. I've said many times before that the orginal movies told a great story against a scifi backdrop. And the new movies tell a so-so story against a great scifi backdrop.
Also in the orginals, there was build up and then an action scene. Then more build up and another action scene. They were paced like that. Contrast t
As I recall, from one of the extras on the DVD, Lee has been a life-long fan of LOTR. In fact he claimed that he has read it once a year for many years now. I suppose if I was a huge fan of a book, and was an actor with some influence, I'd try to get in on the movie project for the book.
And thank God for that, because I can't picture a better casting choice for Saruman than Christopher Lee. And with an equally impressive choice of Ian McKellen as Gandalf, the showdown in FoTR was nothing less than spectacular.
In fact, if you ask me we've seen three of movie-making's best "clashes of the Titans" all in recent years. Christopher Lee and Ian McKellen in LoTR. Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart in X-Men. Alan Rickman and Gary Oldman in HP:TPoA. All examples of fantastic casting, IMO.
Maybe being a big fan is not good for an actor, as they are coming to the project with all their own ideas on what is going on. It's probably better for the director to be the big fan, and then share his vision with the actors. There might be fewer conflicts that way.
The extras indicated that the actors on LOTR often went to Lee for more info about the story. Maybe it would have been better for them to go to Peter. Who knows.
From watching countless movies over the years I've come to the conclusion that actors need to be inspired by a good screenplay more than by direction. No matter who they're working for, no actor looks or feels like a genius when uttering lines or going through plot motions that would make George Lucas look like Tennessee Williams.
Seriously...is anyone going into this thing with high hopes? Episode I was like watching my childhood melt into easily-marketable claptrap, and Episode II felt like the actors had full-body botox.
Who is going to see this expecting a wonderful, rounded, well-acted movie? Don't get me wrong, I intend to see it, but mostly because of morbid curiosity.
I dunno...I guess I'm still bitter about LucasArts cancelling Sam and Max for more Star Wars Title. Damn them!
Actually, it IS Lucas' fault. When he made the original trilogy, his ego was much smaller and he allowed others to refine his creative "vision", and even contribute their own ideas. Now his ego is bigger and the new trilogy is exactly what the old trilogy would have been if not for the influence of others.
I used to think Lucas was engaging in revisionist history when he said "I never wanted Han to shoot first. That was never part of my original vision." Now, I'm pretty sure he's right. The reason Han
Oh, I don't think I ever go to a Star Wars movie for a "well-acted" movie, even the original ones. But from what I've seen the eye candy in this up coming one looks like it'll succesfully make me go "Ooo" and that's the extent of my hopes and expectations. I think I will be pleased.
The success of the original trilogy (and I mean their quality as well as commercial) is largely a result of the talented people Lucas assembled to make them. Not the least was the work of the then relatively unknown Harrison Ford, and of the masters Sir Alec Guinness, Peter Cushing (as Tarkin) and the voice work of James Earl Jones. I thought Anthony Daniels as C-3PO was believable and humorous. The rest of the cast was quite adequate to the task.
I don't fault the actors for their performances in the
Well-acted? Ok, well I guess Mark Hamill got all these great acting jobs after Episode IV because of his amazing talent.
Not to say anything, but this has always been the problem with me vs all Star Wars fans. The thing is, when you guys saw it in 77, you were "hypnotized" by it because it was all new. But all in all, it's Spider-Man with a laser sword. (Trust me, I'm not trying to diss Star Wars, I'm a huge fan myself)
I just think the thing was so overblown back then that people now have made it their o
Episode I was like watching my childhood melt into easily-marketable claptrap
You know, I've felt the same way about Episode I. I hated it.
But then this past week I had a revelation. In the years since it was relesed, I had a kid. He's about four and a half years old now. We've watched the first (original) three together (including pausing at the Guido scene to explain that Han shot first), and he's loved them.
Then we watched Episide I last week. And while I was sitting there squirming and re-living the pain, he was REALLY loving it. Jar Jar... "He's funny!". He cracked up at the pod race announcers. Anikin accidentally destroying the space station was met with "That was AWESOME!".
Episide I was not for me. It was designed to satisfy the intellect of a four year old. Well, "designed to" may be to strong, but that's where it succeeded, whether that was the intention or not. Everying I loathed about it, he loved. It's sad that Lucas smashed my dreams of a satisfying first chapter, but my four year old thinks differently.
Your assumption that you can appeal to four-year olds or adults but not both is a false dichotomy. From an interview [nationalreview.com] with Pixar's Craig Good:
NRO: The father of five, I'm something of an expert on animated feature films, if I do say so myself -- and Pixar productions are simply and incomparably the best. Your stuff delights my three-year old, my thirteen-year-old, the three kids in between, and their parents and grandparents. How do you guys do it?
Good: Simple. We don't make movies for kids. We make movies for adults, actually ourselves, and then just make sure there's nothing in them that the little ones shouldn't see. The local cineplex is littered with movies made by studios who want to second-guess what the audience wants. We find we get better results by making what we want, and then assuming that there are other people like us out there.
If audiences in general are underestimated, kids really get the patronizing treatment. Two things are often forgotten about kids. One: They have no taste. They will watch just about anything. This is normal and healthy. Taste comes later. Two: They are not stupid! Kids are born intelligent, and there's no good reason to make dumbed-down entertainment for them.
Quite a few of the movies and tv shows that seem to be, or thought to be 'aimed' at children tend to be made by and for adults originally. Take "The Muppet Show" (which may have not been made for adults, specifically), for example. It's hilarious to a kid to watch, but it's even funnier to adults that get a lot of the 'in' jokes that only adult experience catches. Same for Looney Tunes cartoons.
Personally after the HHGG (Zaphod's second head is up his nose) and Zeta Gundam (A real Gundam is being made for a movie! Here's some pictures which are infact a 1/2 scale Gundam model been around for 10 years!), incidents. I think I'll hold off on any "leaked" or "hot new news" untill it's been comfirmed by a source I trust.
Which pretty much sums up my expectations: it looks neat from the previews, and probably will disappoint me in the end. I was in line at Blockbuster with my girlfriend the other night, looking at recent releases, and noting how many of them had excellent trailers, and how many of them actually turned out to be worth watching. Almost anything looks good when your interaction with it consists of a trailer, some stills, a few out-of-context quotes and maybe a rough plot.
I'll get my ticket, I'll see the movie, I'll be disappointed, and, you know, whatever. And so will you.
I'll get my ticket, I'll see the movie, I'll be disappointed, and, you know, whatever. And so will you.
I sure won't. I got my ticket, saw Episode I, was dissapointed, didn't buy the DVD, and haven't seen Episode II. If you don't want people like Lucas to pull crap like this, why do you pay to see movies you know won't live up to your expectations?
Episode 2 is worth renting to see Yoda get busy with a lightsaber.
Is anyone else really disturbed by the fact that there is nobody to root for in the prequel films? The "good guys" like Yoda and Obi Wan are fighting along side stormtrooper 1.0s for the people who will later become the Empire . The whole idea of prequels is just stupid because we know exactly what the situation is going to be at the end. The minute I saw Samuel Jackson on screen I knew that he was going to get waxed sooner or later.
George Lucas has one chance to turn the ship around. He can turn over all writing and directing duties to other people and let them run with Episodes 7-9.
Episode 2 is worth renting to see Yoda get busy with a lightsaber.
Maybe it's just me, but it didn't really sit right with me that Yoda, "got busy" with the lightsaber. First of all getting all acrobatic just isn't his style.. not to mention hopping around like a mexican jumping bean.
Yoda is calm and reserved with great mental control. IMHO Yoda should have fought with a completely defensive style... Dooku.. (or whatever his name was) should have been fighting Yoda in vain...
Just like the emporer on the dark side, Yoda should be "beyond the light saber". I suppose it could be argued that this was taking place at an earlier time when Yoda was less disciplined... but Yoda IMO is to the light side what the emporer is to the dark..
You would never have seen Palpatine pick up a light saber.. he's more into manipulating people to do his bidding. Yoda is more about cultivating the light side in the people around him.
I agree. I refused to see episode 2 after watching episode 1. Lucas is surrounded by Yes Men and has lost the artistic vision responsible for THX-1138 and Star Wars IV. None of his inner circle of assistants had the guts to tell him that Jar Jar Binks was a really stupid concept.
How appropriate that the first Star Wars movie worth a damn was called, "A New Hope." If you watch from Episode 1, I can see people saying, "A New Hope... hmm.. maybe there is reason to keep watching these movies. Up until now, it
Dude, that was the one where it all starts to make sense!
You mean you never saw the epic battle between Anakin and Darth Jar Jar? One of the best sequences in ANY film EVER!
"Meesa gonna cut yousa, Annie! Meesa gonna cut yousa real good! Yousa not gonna see dat sun come out tomorrow! Yousa gonna feel the power of the dark side!"
Man that was cool. Then Darth Jar Jar KILLED Anakin and assumed his identity. Wicked. THAT's why Darth Vader wears that damned mask that filters his voice! Ep 5 would have sounded pretty weird if Vader had said, "Luke, meesa you fadder!" Ep 4 would have sucked if he had said "Meesa find yousa's lack of faith distoobin!"
Okay lads, this guy is asking for it! With a URL like http://www.idontfear.com/ , surely he's mocking the slashdot effect. Bring out all your Amigas and C64s and we'll have his server linched by dawn!
Anyone notice how the first three movies all had a good chunk of time allocate to space/ship battles? While the new movies have practically none? I hope those X-wing looking thngs are indicative of things to come. Though, I am disapointed at not seeing any Z-95s.
I agree with you. Including the Z-95 would have been perfect since A) real SW fans know they are the precurser to the X-Wing and B) those that don't know will easily identify that it's an early version on the X-Wing.
I'm hoping for some good space battles, too, but I guess Lucas decided it's not interesting anymore. However, outside of TV shows, you don't get good space battles anymore... unfortunate, because there is a lot of room there with SFX these days...
Seriously, Slashdot keeps trashing the prequels, saying you'll never see them coz they suck, yada yada yada... and yet that site got slashdotted quicker than lightspeed. Why do you even care? Do you genuinely dislike them, or s it just some kind of slashdot groupthink conformity that makes you bash something you don't have to see if you don't want to?
Now, I'm not defending George Lucas (I didn't think the prequels were great... nor did the acting make me want to care about any of the characters). But still, it wasn't horrible. I could still enjoy watching the story unfold into what we know happens in Episodes 4-6. It is backstory, but I admit I had fun discovering what happens to the galaxy as a whole before the empire. It's fun to know about the Jedi order in its heyday, talked about in the original trilogy.
Dude, just because the first two movies sucked horribly, doesn't mean that people aren't hoping that the third one doesn't suck. You've answered your own question, people don't genuinely dislike them (as can be seen by the comments and slashdotting), they're in fact more incensed because they feel let down. If you're not defending lucas, and you're interested (as everyone else is) in how epIII will tie into epIV, then why are you so hung up about people riding down the first pair of films?
Seriously, Slashdot keeps trashing the prequels, saying you'll never see them coz they suck, yada yada yada...
The Slashdot community is fairly large. The number of bashes vs. the number of people who keep quiet is really high. Not to say that every user of SD sits on either side of the fence but it's not what it appears to be. It's like the LA riots years ago; the news never reported that 18 million or so LA residents didn't riot. You only seen those who did.
I can see how a bunch of dorky teens in 1977 and 1981 could have gotten caught up with it, but it's nothing special thirty years later.
Agreed. I had seen Star Wars at a drive in in 1977 at the tender age of 4. It was big and it rumbled and it had pretty lights. I was so into it. But as time went on and I found films that came a bit closer to "real sci-fi"* like Close Encounters, the Trek films and Dune it just seemed like Star Wars was plastic and dull plastic at that. Once I started to really get into sc
Once I started to really get into science fiction and started to read works by the likes of Asimov, Clarke and Niven I really had no time for what was really nonsense, in my mind.
Asimov had this much to say about Star Wars : he thought it was fun. "Leave your sophistication at the door and have a thrilling ride". The films are fun movies for kids, and they don't try to be anything more. He was less kindly to "Close Encounters", because it tried to pose as "real sci-fi". This offended Isaac more than the c
Asimov had this much to say about Star Wars : he thought it was fun. "Leave your sophistication at the door and have a thrilling ride". The films are fun movies for kids, and they don't try to be anything more.
Perhaps the films didn't present themselves as anything more but the fan base sure as hell tries to.
He was less kindly to "Close Encounters", because it tried to pose as "real sci-fi". This offended Isaac more than the campy fun of Star Wars.
I posted this in my/. journal last night so I'll give you guys a crack at it:
I'm a big Star Wars fan... not a nut, but a fan.
I didn't like the 1st prequel, although it wasn't as bad as many of the people on/. slice and dice it.
The Attack Of The Clones was pretty good. I would rank it with Jedi
The Revenge Of The Sith is shaping up to be pretty awesome looking. As many are putting it - this movie BETTER be good because it's the whole reason Episodes 4,5, and 6 were done. I think in a way, this proves that Lucas was right to do 4,5,6 rather than 1,2,3 first.
I have enjoyed seeing the story behind the story and the elaborate plot of the emporer to wage war to be able to wage war and slowly kill off the "good troops and jedi" to be able to control the weak and lord over the ruthless.
I am quite confused though about the new leaked images that have surfaced on the net.
I thought Palpatine WAS the emporer! And all along I thought it was Palpatine behind that hood when talking to Dooku and Darth Maul. The pictures would indicate otherwise, unless it is telling that the dark side in it's truest form transforms you into an ugly creature. Was Maul just a black guy? Then when he was consumed by the dark side - grow horns and intricate red tattoos? It seems this way. Either that - or the emporer is NOT Palpatine - maybe he is a clone? Maybe Palpatine is a clone of the emporer??
Why isn't Dooku all crazy creature fangy snarly?
I would also like for it to be explained how Anakin looks like he does in Episodes 5 and 6 (behind shot in 5, full head shot in 6) - because if he was consumed by the dark side - where is his evil look?
The only hint, so far, that I have seen is in the teaser trailer - Anakin (Hayden Christenson) turns around and his eyes are yellow.
According to the Star Wars: EU, Palpatine had the power/ability to "transfer his consciousness" into a clone, basically to be able to live forever.
My guess is the younger looking Palpatine is a clone that either is directly controlled by Darth Sidious/Emporer P. or a clone that was educated by the elder Palpatine as a "people friendly" version. It would also be the target of the next consciousness transfer.
Wait... you just made a critical error. You're assuming Lucas actually cares about anything in the EU and that the prequels aren't taking a huge giant dump on the entire Extended Universe.
CLONES fails on nearly every cinematic level except production.
The actors deliver their lines like it's their first run through the script. The only one with any life in him is Lee. The body language is non-existant like a high-school play (remember Han Solo running around in Empire, ducking, weaving, waving his finger, barking his lines -- NO actor in CLONES delivers this kind of energy).
The pacing of the picture is frigid -- it is such a colossal bore, plodding from one fx sequence to another. The pauses and gaps between every line of dialoge are exhausting. What ever happened to Lucas' famous direction "faster and more intense"?
Beloved characters like Yoda are characitures of their former selves ("really says EVERYTHING backwards, Yoda does?"), the beloved wise, mysterious wizard from EMPIRE was once awe-inspiring but is now laughable. (Go back and watch the scene from EMPIRE where he's telling Luke about the force and raises the X-WING from the swamp -- it's compelling and inspiring, there's *nothing* in the prequels that comes close to that scene.)
The "lead" actors Christianson and Portman... <sigh>... there's better acting on SAVED BY THE BELL. And their romance is painfully trite. In their defense, they had nothing to work with as their script was pathetic; the most hackneyed writing in recent memory.
The entire plot is an uninspired first draft of a second rate saturday morning cartoon. Each and every sub-plot is completely contrived; Boba Fett and son, Threepio's partnering with R2, the intro of Uncle Ben and Aunt Beru, Shme Skywalkers death. This is all bad, bad, amateur stuff.
I can't wait for the scene in Episode 3 when Anakin says "I want my son to have my light-sabre when he's old enough." Owen replies, "I WON'T ALLOW THAT!". Kenobi whispers to Anakin, "Give it to me, I'll care it" and winks.
Give me strength, honestly.
Factoring in budget, talent, and expectations, CLONE is literally one of the worst movies ever made.
Okay, I know Lego does Star Wars themed sets, but now Star Wars is doing Lego's Bionicles [idontfear.com]? I guess it's only fair. And my nephew will probably stop calling what was a staple of my youth "hecka lame".
Cuz in reality they stole the spoiler images from another site (which is mentioned in the AICN article).
In related movie spoiler news, I think its time that someone 'leaked' the Jessica Simspon as Daisy Duke images on slashdot. I would, except I like my bandwidth bill just the way it is.
General Grievous:
http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/general grievous/
If you haven't seen the cartoon series that ran on Cartoon Network a bit ago, he's the jedi-killing droid. Judging by the site, it seems he'll be the main baddie in Episode III.
As for the 6-winged X-Wings, I was a bit suprised - I thought they'd show Headhunters (2-winged), which, according to the books, are the proto-X-Wings.
Let's look at a selected history of lightsaber injuries here. First, Dooku removes one of Anakin Skywalker's hands. Then, if these pics are accurate, Anakin returns the favor by removing both of Dooku's. In Episode V, Anakin (as Vader) removes one of Luke's hands. And finally, Luke returns that favor by removing Vader's prosthetic hand.
You'd think that at this point, some Jedi genius would have come up with at least a hand guard for those goddamn things.
On a different note, I propose a caption contest for the picture of Yoda, prone on the floor with his cane several feet away. My entry is, "When nine-hundred years you reach, as many push-ups you will not be able to do."
Okay -- I don't have any special inside information or anything, but I have been watching the commentary on the new Star Wars DVDs this past week, and after looking at these pictures have some thoughts to share.
Many of these pictures look to be of the type that are taken for marketing purposes, and at least one of them looks to be unfinished. Take a look at the pictures of General Grevious (sp? -- the robot with the lightsabres). All computer generated of course, with what you'd expect a lightsabre to look like. Now take a look at the shot of Darth Sideous/Anakin, in particular their sabres. Note they are just coloured poles -- no "glow". It would appear that these photos haven't gone through post processing yet, as I can't imagine Lucasfilm's marketing department releasing them that way.
This is important, as it's a vector upon which Lucasfilm will probably focus to try to track the source of the leak. Expect someone to get sacked. Some of the photos are obviously unfinished, and it won't be hard to get a list of people who have access to the originals.
Now I'm going to hypothesize about a few things here which, if correct, may turn out to be spoilers. Or they might be worth less than the electrons used to transmit this message. You've been warned. If you don't want to risk potentially reading about something that happens in the film, stop reading here.
With that out of the way, the other photos I find interesting are the ones of the Emperor in the background with Anakin and Darth Tyrannus in a lightsabre duel. It appears to be shades of Eps 6 (Return of the Jedi), with Luke facing off against Vader. In this case, however, I'm presuming that Anakin wins (looking at one photo, apparently by cutting off both Tyrannus' hands, again much like Eps. 6). Thus, it appears to be somewhat of a redux of Return of the Jedi, but with the difference that where Luke wouldn't turn towards the dark side, Anakin (obviously) did.
Which brings up a few interesting questions. Apparently Lucas is going with the whole concept that there can never be any more than two Sith at any given time -- a student and a master. And that as the student gets older, Sideous/Palpatine gets an up-and-coming Jedi to kill them off for him, becoming the new "student" in the process. This could put the whole duel in ROTJ in a new light.
It also adds some new evidence to something I've long wondered about in the prequels, having to do with Anakin being the one prophisized to "bring balance to the Force". Qui-gon, Yoda, and the other Jedi appear to have made the assumption that this can only be a positive thing. However, look at those who are the masters of the Force. There are at least a dozen (or more) Jedi, but only ever two Sith at any given time. If the Force is out of balance, it would appear to be in favour of the "light" side, in which case the imbalance is a good thing. To bring balance to the Force could entail equalizing those who are its masters. If Anakin kills Tyrannus, that leaves two Sith. And from the original trilogy, we know after Eps 3 there are only two Jedi left (Obi-wan and Yoda). Perfectly balanced.
It's good to see Kit Fisto makes another showing, at least:).
OK, so how did Sidious, Maul, and Tyrannus all exist at the same time? And frankly, calling yourself a "Lord" when there are only 2 of you reminds me a lot of Calvin declaring himself Supreme Dictator for Life.
I have virtually no interest in science fiction or star wars or any of that cruft. I thought the first two movies (Phantom Menace? and Attack of the Clones? I think?) were okay... mediocre.
I saw the sneak preview trailer for the third movie when my gf and I were watching Meet The Fockers (great movie). The sneak preview for the third movie looked pretty damn cool, and I must say got me eager to want to see it.
Looks like a lot of cool plot unfoldings and lots of action. I remember seeing the preview trailers for the other movies and they didn't really do much for me. Here's hoping that Lucas or whoever's making them now, finally listened to the people and went back to the drawing board to develop something decent, so it doesn't turn into a mediocre Matrix trilogy flop.
Too bad they didn't get the LOTR guy to make these three movies.
Gee, that's really useful, since Google doesn't cache pictures, people! It never has, and probably never will, which makes it largely useless for stories like this.
awesome... (Score:5, Funny)
the wookie going for nookie picture at the top of the page cracked me up...
Re:awesome... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:awesome... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:awesome... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:awesome... (Score:5, Funny)
That would be the "asterick wing" fighter...
Movies (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Movies (Score:2, Insightful)
Get real.
The movies are what created the franchise in the first place, and Lucas can take the movies _AND_ the franchise in whatever direction he wants.
I think what you mean is that the first two episodes are a disgrace to _YOUR_ impression of what Star Wars is supposed to be. But this isn't your movie, it's Lucas's. If you don't like it, don't watch it.
Re:Movies - mod parent down! (Score:2, Insightful)
Did parent somehow think that "disgrace" was anything but a person's opinion? Or that the grandparent somehow didn't know that they could not watch the movie if they didn't like it? That's like telling me that I need to "get real" because I don't like to eat bell peppers (I don't, really.) Of course i
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Movies (Score:2)
Clearly, but that doesn't mean a person can't CRITICIZE the moronic decisions that Lucas makes.
If you don't like it, don't watch it.
That is an absurd suggestion, and one that *YOU* can't even follow (which would have been "if you don't like the poster's criticism, don't read it").
The *fact* is that Star Wars can belong to Lucas all he wants, he can do whatever
Re:Movies (Score:3, Insightful)
Your comparison might be a little more apt if it were Lucas's kids or some other person that were doing the newer movies, but it isn't... it's Lucas himself, the _SAME PERSON_ that invented Star Wars in the first place.
Re:Movies (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Movies (Score:3, Funny)
"Oh please. There's no such thing as a 12-inch pianist!"
My original post was mostly in jest, but the argument that Lucas is "the same guy" doesn't hold any water. Flesh and blood, perhaps. Spiritually, and in his soul, definitely not.
C'mon, how many 60+-year-olds do you know who are the "same guy" they were in their 20's? Or haven't you noticed how conservative Dennis Miller has become?
Just because he's the same DNA d
Re:Movies (Score:2)
First George Lucas's son is not making these movies- Geroge is. Second- Michaelangelo was forced to paint the chapel and probably wasn't interested in it very much, he never owned it, and he did paint the figures naked- boobies included. Third- they are not selling Sistine Chapels- you are not a paying customer.
Anyways kudos for trying.
Re:Movies (Score:2)
No, in fact, we won't. Didn't bother with 'Clone', ain't gonna bother with this. Waste of time, waste of money.
And Lucas most certainly can do whatever he wants with his ideas. I'd prefer he shove 'em, since they're all crap anyways.
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Movies (Score:5, Interesting)
I've said this before and got modded down for it, but screw it. The new Star Wars films aren't really geared towards children any less than the originals were. Sure, Jar Jar is a stupid and annoying character to watch, but C3P0 was also an irritating bastard in the first films, providing childish humour and no-brainer script to the movies.
As for everyone claiming they know they will be dissapointed by this movie, you will only be dissapointed if you go in thinking the movie is going to be a great film. If you know that it won't, they you won't be dissapointed.
Take the movies at face value. They are all certified for younger audiences, even the originals, therefore its pretty safe to assume alot of the content will not only be suitable for younger viewers, but also more enjoyable for them.
Yeah yeah..... mod me down as troll or flamebait just like every time I don't just spit out "Lucas is evil and has destroyed my life" on Star Wars related discussions :P
Re:Movies (Score:2)
Exactly, and these new ones are not. Lucas is not a good director, script writer, or even writer at all without someone else fixing it up first.
The new movies focus entirely on special effects and pretty scenery, and the story is completely lost.
And lest anyone forget... midichlorians.
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Movies (Score:2)
"you will only be dissapointed if you go in thinking the movie is going to be a great film"
Just replace "the movie" with "your life" and "great film" with "anything significant" and you have my philosophy.
You will never be disapointed if you have no expectations.
Re:Movies (Score:5, Insightful)
The movie wasn't targeted at kids (no more so than anyone else), but it was *about* a kid, and *that* was the biggest problem Lucas faced with Ep. I. It's *really* hard to make a movie about a kid that isn't childish. If he acted just like a little boy, it would have been boring, so they had to make him a pod-racing, star fighter-flying top gun war hero, which was *really* asking a lot of the audience. I would have made the film primarily about the Jedi, the Sith, and the Republic, with the rise of Anakin as a minor role, but Lucas wanted it to be primarily about Anakin. Oops.
Had Ep. II been released as Ep. I, things would have been a lot better.
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Movies (Score:2, Insightful)
I agree. I've said many times before that the orginal movies told a great story against a scifi backdrop. And the new movies tell a so-so story against a great scifi backdrop.
Also in the orginals, there was build up and then an action scene. Then more build up and another action scene. They were paced like that. Contrast t
Found you! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Found you! (Score:5, Funny)
"57 years in the movies and all I got was typecasting as Saruman."
At least he doesn't have it as baaaad mutha... uhm, I mean bad... as Samuel L. Jackson.
Re:Found you! (Score:4, Funny)
I thought he got the job because Saruman is a contraction for Scaramanga.
Re:Found you! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Found you! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Found you! (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Found you! (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Found you! (Score:2)
The extras indicated that the actors on LOTR often went to Lee for more info about the story. Maybe it would have been better for them to go to Peter. Who knows.
Re:Found you! (Score:3, Insightful)
From watching countless movies over the years I've come to the conclusion that actors need to be inspired by a good screenplay more than by direction. No matter who they're working for, no actor looks or feels like a genius when uttering lines or going through plot motions that would make George Lucas look like Tennessee Williams.
I've got a better title for Episode III: (Score:5, Insightful)
Seriously...is anyone going into this thing with high hopes? Episode I was like watching my childhood melt into easily-marketable claptrap, and Episode II felt like the actors had full-body botox.
Who is going to see this expecting a wonderful, rounded, well-acted movie? Don't get me wrong, I intend to see it, but mostly because of morbid curiosity.
I dunno...I guess I'm still bitter about LucasArts cancelling Sam and Max for more Star Wars Title. Damn them!
Re:I've got a better title for Episode III: (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I've got a better title for Episode III: (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:I've got a better title for Episode III: (Score:3, Funny)
In Episode IV:
In Episode V:
Re:I've got a better title for Episode III: (Score:3, Insightful)
I used to think Lucas was engaging in revisionist history when he said "I never wanted Han to shoot first. That was never part of my original vision." Now, I'm pretty sure he's right. The reason Han
Re:I've got a better title for Episode III: (Score:4, Insightful)
on the contrary (Score:3, Insightful)
I don't fault the actors for their performances in the
Re:I've got a better title for Episode III: (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I've got a better title for Episode III: (Score:2, Insightful)
Well-acted? Ok, well I guess Mark Hamill got all these great acting jobs after Episode IV because of his amazing talent.
Not to say anything, but this has always been the problem with me vs all Star Wars fans. The thing is, when you guys saw it in 77, you were "hypnotized" by it because it was all new. But all in all, it's Spider-Man with a laser sword. (Trust me, I'm not trying to diss Star Wars, I'm a huge fan myself)
I just think the thing was so overblown back then that people now have made it their o
Re:I've got a better title for Episode III: (Score:5, Insightful)
You know, I've felt the same way about Episode I. I hated it.
But then this past week I had a revelation. In the years since it was relesed, I had a kid. He's about four and a half years old now. We've watched the first (original) three together (including pausing at the Guido scene to explain that Han shot first), and he's loved them.
Then we watched Episide I last week. And while I was sitting there squirming and re-living the pain, he was REALLY loving it. Jar Jar... "He's funny!". He cracked up at the pod race announcers. Anikin accidentally destroying the space station was met with "That was AWESOME!".
Episide I was not for me. It was designed to satisfy the intellect of a four year old. Well, "designed to" may be to strong, but that's where it succeeded, whether that was the intention or not. Everying I loathed about it, he loved. It's sad that Lucas smashed my dreams of a satisfying first chapter, but my four year old thinks differently.
Re:I've got a better title for Episode III: (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:I've got a better title for Episode III: (Score:4, Informative)
Aint it incorrect.. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Aint it incorrect.. (Score:2)
lowered expectations (Score:5, Insightful)
Which pretty much sums up my expectations: it looks neat from the previews, and probably will disappoint me in the end. I was in line at Blockbuster with my girlfriend the other night, looking at recent releases, and noting how many of them had excellent trailers, and how many of them actually turned out to be worth watching. Almost anything looks good when your interaction with it consists of a trailer, some stills, a few out-of-context quotes and maybe a rough plot.
I'll get my ticket, I'll see the movie, I'll be disappointed, and, you know, whatever. And so will you.
Re:lowered expectations (Score:5, Insightful)
I sure won't. I got my ticket, saw Episode I, was dissapointed, didn't buy the DVD, and haven't seen Episode II. If you don't want people like Lucas to pull crap like this, why do you pay to see movies you know won't live up to your expectations?
Re:lowered expectations (Score:5, Interesting)
Is anyone else really disturbed by the fact that there is nobody to root for in the prequel films? The "good guys" like Yoda and Obi Wan are fighting along side stormtrooper 1.0s for the people who will later become the Empire . The whole idea of prequels is just stupid because we know exactly what the situation is going to be at the end. The minute I saw Samuel Jackson on screen I knew that he was going to get waxed sooner or later.
George Lucas has one chance to turn the ship around. He can turn over all writing and directing duties to other people and let them run with Episodes 7-9.
Just rambling.
Re:lowered expectations (Score:4, Insightful)
Maybe it's just me, but it didn't really sit right with me that Yoda, "got busy" with the lightsaber. First of all getting all acrobatic just isn't his style.. not to mention hopping around like a mexican jumping bean.
Yoda is calm and reserved with great mental control. IMHO Yoda should have fought with a completely defensive style... Dooku.. (or whatever his name was) should have been fighting Yoda in vain...
Just like the emporer on the dark side, Yoda should be "beyond the light saber". I suppose it could be argued that this was taking place at an earlier time when Yoda was less disciplined... but Yoda IMO is to the light side what the emporer is to the dark..
You would never have seen Palpatine pick up a light saber.. he's more into manipulating people to do his bidding. Yoda is more about cultivating the light side in the people around him.
Two sides of the same coin.
Star Wars is dead to me (Score:2)
I agree. I refused to see episode 2 after watching episode 1. Lucas is surrounded by Yes Men and has lost the artistic vision responsible for THX-1138 and Star Wars IV. None of his inner circle of assistants had the guts to tell him that Jar Jar Binks was a really stupid concept.
How appropriate that the first Star Wars movie worth a damn was called, "A New Hope." If you watch from Episode 1, I can see people saying, "A New Hope... hmm.. maybe there is reason to keep watching these movies. Up until now, it
Re:lowered expectations (Score:5, Funny)
Dude, that was the one where it all starts to make sense!
You mean you never saw the epic battle between Anakin and Darth Jar Jar? One of the best sequences in ANY film EVER!
"Meesa gonna cut yousa, Annie! Meesa gonna cut yousa real good! Yousa not gonna see dat sun come out tomorrow! Yousa gonna feel the power of the dark side!"
Man that was cool. Then Darth Jar Jar KILLED Anakin and assumed his identity. Wicked. THAT's why Darth Vader wears that damned mask that filters his voice! Ep 5 would have sounded pretty weird if Vader had said, "Luke, meesa you fadder!" Ep 4 would have sucked if he had said "Meesa find yousa's lack of faith distoobin!"
Re:lowered expectations (Score:2, Funny)
Wait, stop right there. You're aware this is Slashdot, right? At least try to relate to the audience you're posting to.
Blockbuster. Yeah, right...
Re:lowered expectations (Score:2)
http://www.idontfear.com/ (Score:3, Funny)
Re:http://www.idontfear.com/ (Score:3, Informative)
What the new movies are lacking... (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:What the new movies are lacking... (Score:2)
While I agree with you, some of the flight battles were awesome, but I for one always wanted more light saber duels/battles.
The light saber kicks ass and one always wanted to see ANYONE wield one and kick some ass....
Re:What the new movies are lacking... (Score:2)
I'm hoping for some good space battles, too, but I guess Lucas decided it's not interesting anymore. However, outside of TV shows, you don't get good space battles anymore... unfortunate, because there is a lot of room there with SFX these days...
Slashdotted! Why are you guys clicking on the link (Score:5, Interesting)
Now, I'm not defending George Lucas (I didn't think the prequels were great... nor did the acting make me want to care about any of the characters). But still, it wasn't horrible. I could still enjoy watching the story unfold into what we know happens in Episodes 4-6. It is backstory, but I admit I had fun discovering what happens to the galaxy as a whole before the empire. It's fun to know about the Jedi order in its heyday, talked about in the original trilogy.
But hey, this is Slashdot. Continue your bashing.
Re:Slashdotted! Why are you guys clicking on the l (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Slashdotted! Why are you guys clicking on the l (Score:2)
Oh well, this
Re:Slashdotted! Why are you guys clicking on the l (Score:3, Insightful)
The Slashdot community is fairly large. The number of bashes vs. the number of people who keep quiet is really high. Not to say that every user of SD sits on either side of the fence but it's not what it appears to be. It's like the LA riots years ago; the news never reported that 18 million or so LA residents didn't riot. You only seen those who did.
and yet that site got slashdotted quicker tha
Re:Slashdotted! Why are you guys clicking on the l (Score:2)
It got slashdotted in a mere 6.4 parsecs.
Re:Slashdotted! Why are you guys clicking on the l (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Slashdotted! Why are you guys clicking on the l (Score:2)
Agreed. I had seen Star Wars at a drive in in 1977 at the tender age of 4. It was big and it rumbled and it had pretty lights. I was so into it. But as time went on and I found films that came a bit closer to "real sci-fi"* like Close Encounters, the Trek films and Dune it just seemed like Star Wars was plastic and dull plastic at that. Once I started to really get into sc
Re:Slashdotted! Why are you guys clicking on the l (Score:2)
Re:Slashdotted! Why are you guys clicking on the l (Score:2)
Perhaps the films didn't present themselves as anything more but the fan base sure as hell tries to.
He was less kindly to "Close Encounters", because it tried to pose as "real sci-fi". This offended Isaac more than the campy fun of Star Wars.
A few thoughts on this...
First I will remind that I d
"No guarantees on accuracy..." (Score:2)
I'm confused about these pics (Score:4, Informative)
I'm a big Star Wars fan
I didn't like the 1st prequel, although it wasn't as bad as many of the people on
The Attack Of The Clones was pretty good. I would rank it with Jedi
The Revenge Of The Sith is shaping up to be pretty awesome looking. As many are putting it - this movie BETTER be good because it's the whole reason Episodes 4,5, and 6 were done. I think in a way, this proves that Lucas was right to do 4,5,6 rather than 1,2,3 first.
I have enjoyed seeing the story behind the story and the elaborate plot of the emporer to wage war to be able to wage war and slowly kill off the "good troops and jedi" to be able to control the weak and lord over the ruthless.
I am quite confused though about the new leaked images that have surfaced on the net.
I thought Palpatine WAS the emporer! And all along I thought it was Palpatine behind that hood when talking to Dooku and Darth Maul. The pictures would indicate otherwise, unless it is telling that the dark side in it's truest form transforms you into an ugly creature. Was Maul just a black guy? Then when he was consumed by the dark side - grow horns and intricate red tattoos? It seems this way. Either that - or the emporer is NOT Palpatine - maybe he is a clone? Maybe Palpatine is a clone of the emporer??
Why isn't Dooku all crazy creature fangy snarly?
I would also like for it to be explained how Anakin looks like he does in Episodes 5 and 6 (behind shot in 5, full head shot in 6) - because if he was consumed by the dark side - where is his evil look?
The only hint, so far, that I have seen is in the teaser trailer - Anakin (Hayden Christenson) turns around and his eyes are yellow.
Re:I'm confused about these pics (Score:3, Funny)
Man, he's Dracula! What more do you want?
Re:I'm confused about these pics (Score:5, Informative)
My guess is the younger looking Palpatine is a clone that either is directly controlled by Darth Sidious/Emporer P. or a clone that was educated by the elder Palpatine as a "people friendly" version. It would also be the target of the next consciousness transfer.
Re:I'm confused about these pics (Score:2)
Re:I'm confused about these pics (Score:5, Interesting)
Me too.
The Attack Of The Clones was pretty good.
CLONES fails on nearly every cinematic level except production.
The actors deliver their lines like it's their first run through the script. The only one with any life in him is Lee. The body language is non-existant like a high-school play (remember Han Solo running around in Empire, ducking, weaving, waving his finger, barking his lines -- NO actor in CLONES delivers this kind of energy).
The pacing of the picture is frigid -- it is such a colossal bore, plodding from one fx sequence to another. The pauses and gaps between every line of dialoge are exhausting. What ever happened to Lucas' famous direction "faster and more intense"?
Beloved characters like Yoda are characitures of their former selves ("really says EVERYTHING backwards, Yoda does?"), the beloved wise, mysterious wizard from EMPIRE was once awe-inspiring but is now laughable. (Go back and watch the scene from EMPIRE where he's telling Luke about the force and raises the X-WING from the swamp -- it's compelling and inspiring, there's *nothing* in the prequels that comes close to that scene.)
The "lead" actors Christianson and Portman ... <sigh> ... there's better acting on SAVED BY THE BELL. And their romance is painfully trite. In their defense, they had nothing to work with as their script was pathetic; the most hackneyed writing in recent memory.
The entire plot is an uninspired first draft of a second rate saturday morning cartoon. Each and every sub-plot is completely contrived; Boba Fett and son, Threepio's partnering with R2, the intro of Uncle Ben and Aunt Beru, Shme Skywalkers death. This is all bad, bad, amateur stuff.
I can't wait for the scene in Episode 3 when Anakin says "I want my son to have my light-sabre when he's old enough." Owen replies, "I WON'T ALLOW THAT!". Kenobi whispers to Anakin, "Give it to me, I'll care it" and winks.
Give me strength, honestly.
Factoring in budget, talent, and expectations, CLONE is literally one of the worst movies ever made.
Posting this on slashdot ... (Score:3, Funny)
Obligatory mirror link (Score:4, Informative)
More Deals with Lego? (Score:3, Funny)
It's a good thing they got slashdotted... (Score:2)
In related movie spoiler news, I think its time that someone 'leaked' the Jessica Simspon as Daisy Duke images on slashdot. I would, except I like my bandwidth bill just the way it is.
Re:It's a good thing they got slashdotted... (Score:2, Insightful)
appropriate domain name... (Score:2, Funny)
oh you will (be)... you WILL (be)!
The real revenge of the Sith (Score:2)
A bit about some of new stuff (Score:2, Informative)
Correct link to General Grievous (Score:2, Informative)
Now, that's a bad guy with an attitude !
Re: (Score:2, Informative)
unhand me, you fiend. (Score:5, Funny)
You'd think that at this point, some Jedi genius would have come up with at least a hand guard for those goddamn things.
On a different note, I propose a caption contest for the picture of Yoda, prone on the floor with his cane several feet away. My entry is, "When nine-hundred years you reach, as many push-ups you will not be able to do."
Caption (Score:5, Funny)
"Correct you were, Obi Wan; much improvement Anakin's piloting needs. Tell me, my kidneys around here have you seen ?"
Re:unhand me, you fiend. (Score:4, Funny)
As always.... (Score:2)
Some poor saps server will melt for this...
Oh, wait.
Warning: here (may) be spoilers. (Score:5, Insightful)
Okay -- I don't have any special inside information or anything, but I have been watching the commentary on the new Star Wars DVDs this past week, and after looking at these pictures have some thoughts to share.
Many of these pictures look to be of the type that are taken for marketing purposes, and at least one of them looks to be unfinished. Take a look at the pictures of General Grevious (sp? -- the robot with the lightsabres). All computer generated of course, with what you'd expect a lightsabre to look like. Now take a look at the shot of Darth Sideous/Anakin, in particular their sabres. Note they are just coloured poles -- no "glow". It would appear that these photos haven't gone through post processing yet, as I can't imagine Lucasfilm's marketing department releasing them that way.
This is important, as it's a vector upon which Lucasfilm will probably focus to try to track the source of the leak. Expect someone to get sacked. Some of the photos are obviously unfinished, and it won't be hard to get a list of people who have access to the originals.
Now I'm going to hypothesize about a few things here which, if correct, may turn out to be spoilers. Or they might be worth less than the electrons used to transmit this message. You've been warned. If you don't want to risk potentially reading about something that happens in the film, stop reading here.
With that out of the way, the other photos I find interesting are the ones of the Emperor in the background with Anakin and Darth Tyrannus in a lightsabre duel. It appears to be shades of Eps 6 (Return of the Jedi), with Luke facing off against Vader. In this case, however, I'm presuming that Anakin wins (looking at one photo, apparently by cutting off both Tyrannus' hands, again much like Eps. 6). Thus, it appears to be somewhat of a redux of Return of the Jedi, but with the difference that where Luke wouldn't turn towards the dark side, Anakin (obviously) did.
Which brings up a few interesting questions. Apparently Lucas is going with the whole concept that there can never be any more than two Sith at any given time -- a student and a master. And that as the student gets older, Sideous/Palpatine gets an up-and-coming Jedi to kill them off for him, becoming the new "student" in the process. This could put the whole duel in ROTJ in a new light.
It also adds some new evidence to something I've long wondered about in the prequels, having to do with Anakin being the one prophisized to "bring balance to the Force". Qui-gon, Yoda, and the other Jedi appear to have made the assumption that this can only be a positive thing. However, look at those who are the masters of the Force. There are at least a dozen (or more) Jedi, but only ever two Sith at any given time. If the Force is out of balance, it would appear to be in favour of the "light" side, in which case the imbalance is a good thing. To bring balance to the Force could entail equalizing those who are its masters. If Anakin kills Tyrannus, that leaves two Sith. And from the original trilogy, we know after Eps 3 there are only two Jedi left (Obi-wan and Yoda). Perfectly balanced.
It's good to see Kit Fisto makes another showing, at least :).
Re:Canary Trap (Score:3, Informative)
Re:2 Sith and Why that is- (Score:3, Funny)
Notes from a non-sci fi/star wars fan (Score:4, Interesting)
I saw the sneak preview trailer for the third movie when my gf and I were watching Meet The Fockers (great movie). The sneak preview for the third movie looked pretty damn cool, and I must say got me eager to want to see it.
Looks like a lot of cool plot unfoldings and lots of action. I remember seeing the preview trailers for the other movies and they didn't really do much for me. Here's hoping that Lucas or whoever's making them now, finally listened to the people and went back to the drawing board to develop something decent, so it doesn't turn into a mediocre Matrix trilogy flop.
Too bad they didn't get the LOTR guy to make these three movies.
What would have been better.... (Score:3, Funny)
Han: We have to get to the death star to destroy the evil empire
Luke: Oh Han, I'm so happy we're together. I Love you!
Han: I love you too, Luke. Let's embrace and hold eachother a bit too long to be straight
Luke: Allright! As long as we're together, we can do anything!
Vader: I will kill you all!
Obiwan: So much death!
argh... continue, I cannot..
Re:YAY! (Score:3)
Not sure what they were, but they were not starwars.. They were garbage..
Really a shame, as they could have been great..
Re:Is it just me... (Score:3, Funny)
Dude, he's totally grabbing her boob. Han is so going to be pissed when he hears about this.
Re:Is it just me... (Score:3, Funny)
Yeah, but as the saying goes
"...Let the Wookie win"
Re:Google cache version (Score:2)
Re:Google cache version (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Google cache version (Score:4, Informative)
Luckily, Mirrordot got it [mirrordot.org].
Re:Google cache version (Score:2, Informative)