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Duchovny Says X-Files Sequel in Works 295

Wolverine Inspector writes "According to The Sun Newspaper Online's exclusive interview with David Duchovny, "he and the shows creator Chris Carter are planning on making a sequel to their 1998 movie." and "Were hoping to get together just under a year from now and make another X Files movie.". Chris Carter, the creater of 'The X Files' is working with Frank Spotnitz who wrote for the series. They say that they would like the movie to be released summer 2006."
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Duchovny Says X-Files Sequel in Works

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  • X-Files? (Score:3, Funny)

    by suso ( 153703 ) on Wednesday January 19, 2005 @11:21PM (#11416044) Journal
    What is that?

    Oh yeah, now I remember.
  • by Anti_zeitgeist ( 583666 ) <anti_zeitgeist@yah[ ]com ['oo.' in gap]> on Wednesday January 19, 2005 @11:22PM (#11416054) Homepage Journal
    Will Gillian Anderson be in it?!
  • by kenp2002 ( 545495 ) on Wednesday January 19, 2005 @11:24PM (#11416068) Homepage Journal
    I've said it beforem I'll be modded again but hell, it's fun!

  • Gillian Anderson? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by phalse phace ( 454635 ) on Wednesday January 19, 2005 @11:24PM (#11416070)
    "Gillian Anderson who played Dana Scully hasn't signed yet, but we'd need to have her on board.

    Wouldn't it be a good idea to ask Gillian Anderson to see if she's interested first?

  • by dolphino ( 166844 ) on Wednesday January 19, 2005 @11:24PM (#11416072)
    like harrison ford im getting frantic
  • Aliens! (Score:4, Interesting)

    by BWJones ( 18351 ) * on Wednesday January 19, 2005 @11:25PM (#11416078) Homepage Journal
    Hey, Chris and David! It better have aliens in it! None of this funny bait and switch nonsense where Mulder sees them and Scully does not and then Scully sees them but does not believe what she saw. I want to believe. {GRIN}

    Oh, P.S., get some more science advisors for the show. I might consider volunteering to help with, ahem.... a reality check on what alien eyes would look like or something.

    • Re:Aliens! (Score:3, Funny)

      by quinkin ( 601839 )
      The truth is NOT out there.


    • I guess you must have missed the final episode where Mulder and Scully were both on the run from the FBI and staying in a seedy motel together. Scully had actually come around to Mulder's way of thinking _much_ earlier in the series.
    • Re:Aliens! (Score:3, Funny)

      by evilandi ( 2800 )
      It's the Sun. They'll probably be reporting that aliens are making the damn film.

      (UKUS: "The Sun" = right-wing soft porn tabloid)

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 19, 2005 @11:26PM (#11416087)
    Chris Carter and David Duchovny?
  • Haha (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 19, 2005 @11:27PM (#11416102)
    Isn't it amusing that Duchovny wanted so badly to stop doing the X-Files, but after a few years without any Hollywood success he's eager to produce another movie in the series, rather than evolve as an actor? Are they all just looking for some quick money from investors for a film that may very well do as poorly as the original did?
    • Re:Haha (Score:3, Insightful)

      by PoderOmega ( 677170 )
      It believe Duchovny stated one of the reasons he wanted to leave the X-Files is that he was getting stiffed on the syndication royalties because FOX sold the syndication to FX for cheap. I definately believe that, because as a newcomer cable channel it was the only show I watched on it (kind of reminds me of the whole TNN/SpikeTV STTNG thing where they got our attention then replaced it with crap). Anyway, he sued FOX over it, but I don't think he won anything -- correct me if I'm wrong. So if anything, h
    • Yeah, it's interesting that they want to release a movie after the show went out with a whimper and now is pretty much forgotten. It's gotta have a helluva big marketing campaign when it's released.

      I think it was ridiculous to make the DVDs so damned expensive.
    • Ummm, No... (Score:3, Interesting)

      by DesScorp ( 410532 )
      Duchovny never pulled a Harrison Ford on us. He liked the series; he just wanted a chance to do something DIFFERENT after doing X-Files for years. What's the harm in that?

      He's said in past interviews that he just wanted a break, and for producers to "give me a chance to miss it" before coming back to the franchise. Looks like that's exactly what they're doing. While he's stated that he got tired of doing X-Files on TV, he liked the idea of feature films, and was very happy [] with the first one.
    • You find it amusing?


      Does sticking with a series for a life time make much sense to you, with anything else being amusing, or what? I just find it to be a very logical thing to do. To try to get other jobs. You know... Variation. And regardless if he succeeded or not in that, he has now got a good break from the X-Files and might have the motivation to make a movie about it again.
    • I'm just praying they don't go the direction of "magical moonbeam rays", like that crap turn the series took after the first film. I don't want to have to suffer through catching back up.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 19, 2005 @11:27PM (#11416103)
    In the end, nothing is solved.
  • by kmb ( 56194 ) on Wednesday January 19, 2005 @11:30PM (#11416120)
    From TV Guide []:

    Question: I was excited to read that a second X-Files movie is finally being made. Do you have any more info on the plot -- other than that it will be a stand-alone horror flick? -- Jack K.
    Ausiello: Actually, it looks like David Duchovny was getting a little ahead of himself when he told USA Today last week that the film was slated to begin production later this year. "There's nothing at the moment going on," Chris Carter's agent, Elliott Webb, says. "There is no negotiation, there's no script written, there's nothing other than a desire for people to get together." Bummer.

  • by deadmongrel ( 621467 ) <> on Wednesday January 19, 2005 @11:30PM (#11416121) Homepage
    I was a crazy fan of the series(still am of the pre-movie episodes) and never missed an episode till I saw the movie. I don't know the reason why they had to make that move. It was more or less a 2 hour episode of the series. I probably would be crucified for saying this but I had lot of expectations for the first one. The sequal, I think, is not going to generate interest like the first one.
    The Truth Is Out There
  • Just one more (Score:4, Interesting)

    by teamhasnoi ( 554944 ) <teamhasnoi@ y a h o o . c om> on Wednesday January 19, 2005 @11:32PM (#11416130) Journal




    exchange, and my life will be complete.

    BTW, for those of you yearning for more Chris Carter, don't forget he did 'Millennium' as well. The second season just came out on DVD, and if you are poor, you can always watch 'Medium', and pretend that Patricia Arquette is a craggy Frank Black.

    I hold no responsibility for what this may do to your 'inner pr0n'.

    • My favorite Millennium was the episode that made fun of Scientology. Anyone know if they ever got any shit from the Scientologists for that?
    • "That martians with big elbows are going to take over Kent" "It's true, Scully, there's all these files. there's hundreds of files, you've got to see these files" and by the end of the episode there's martians with big elbows everywhere. Scully's beating them off with a tennis racket ... "I believe you, I believe you, Scully ... Mulder" "Do you know who you are?"' </obligatory Izzard quote>
  • by brainstyle ( 752879 ) on Wednesday January 19, 2005 @11:32PM (#11416133)
    ...was the one where they investigated something strange, and Mulder had a theory it might be the aliens, and he thought he was going to get to the bottom of the mystery but by the end of it the audience learned that the conspiracy was deeper and more sinister than we ever suspected. Oh, and Scully was out of commission and/or separated from Mulder when the really cool stuff happened.

    I hope the movie's like that episode. That would be awesome.

  • by mcc ( 14761 ) <> on Wednesday January 19, 2005 @11:32PM (#11416136) Homepage
    can they actually create something great enough to lure back all of the fans who are still aching with the memory of how unadulteratedly AWFUL the X Files became in the last few seasons once Fox wrested control of the show away from Carter and everybody who made the show good or interesting had quit...
  • by whovian ( 107062 ) on Wednesday January 19, 2005 @11:32PM (#11416137)
    Gillian Anderson is *the* Scully in my book. But some people over on fark today noticed how Gillian is looking a bit (too) lean these days. Link [] to article with pic.
  • by SparksMcGee ( 812424 ) on Wednesday January 19, 2005 @11:33PM (#11416143)
    Although I love the show and I think that Robert Patrick honestly did his best as John Doggett to live up to the series during the seasons after Duchovny left, I have to say that the quality of the episodes and and absurd continuity of the plots winevitably went significantly downhill. Frankly, without Fox Mulder the X-Files jumped the shark, big time. By the finale I was just hoping for some closure to what had once been an amazing show and now just wasn't worth it any more.

    I think that it's going to be tough to make any sort of effective movie, especially consdiering the ridiculous "super-soldier" motif we were left with, the complete lack of Mulder during the last seasons, the killing off of such key characters as Cancer man and the Lone Gunmen (easily some of the best side characters of any show, ever), and the commercial flop the last movie had. I mean, I wish Duchovny and Carter luck, and lord knows every nerd worth his salt enjoys looking at Gillian Anderson, but I just don't think this is going to work. --Sparks

    • Doggett?! You liked Robert Patrick's rigidly wooden portrayal of Doggett? Watching Robert Patrick play John Doggett was like watching the T1000 impersonating a fence post.
      • That was the point. With Mulder out the picture Scully, his former associate, took his place as the person who had experienced all the phenomena of the X-Files and was thus more willing to concede a supernatural cause to ostensibly supernatural phenomena. Doggett was written to fill the void Scully left as the previous "rational one." Doggett may have been a poorly done character, and goodness knows that extraneous female agent they brought in as Scully's associate was awful, but the point is that as he was
        • Robert Patrick did a good job of portraying him and didn't half-ass it like almost everything else was half-assed in the later seasons.

          Just watching him in a rerun of the last series. An amusing scene where an agent thanks Doggett because his "total lack of imagination" saved them from this kid who could make dreams seem real.

    • They killed the Lone Gunmen? Well thanks a lot for the spoiler warning there pal! I was waiting until the Really Very Special Edition DVD's with added commentary from the set caterer came out but now what's the point.

    • absurd continuity of the plots

      Amen. I've been watching a lot of reruns on TNT lately, and the standalone episodes are the best. The ones that try to build the mythology just keep leading to confusion.

      and lord knows every nerd worth his salt enjoys looking at Gillian Anderson

      Have you seen the recent pictures of her?,,30200- 116234 1,00.html
  • by PrimeWaveZ ( 513534 ) on Wednesday January 19, 2005 @11:34PM (#11416150)
    I remember being a rabid X Files fan in 94-95, when I was in 6th and 7th grade. I still have my autographed picture of Gillian Anderson, and I still have pictures from GA's first appearance at an X Files convention, the one in Burbank, CA.

    I'd love to see another TXF movie, so long as it is along the lines of the first few seasons, not the last few seasons. I enjoyed the more film-like production of the season after FTF, but lost interest due to DD leaving and Robert Patrick and whats her name coming on.

    Let's see if they can get a winner out of the original cast!
  • just to find out what really happens to the cigarette smoking man.

    imho, he was one of the coolest characters i have seen on a tv show.
  • by TrevorB ( 57780 ) on Wednesday January 19, 2005 @11:38PM (#11416181) Homepage
    David Duchovney, isn't he the narrator dude from the softcore porn show "Red Shoe Diaries" []?

    Guess we're in for some alien softcore, stuff you just won't want to believe.
  • ....xorg.conf? (Oh wait....wrong X-File. Sorry!)
  • by jd ( 1658 ) <> on Wednesday January 19, 2005 @11:47PM (#11416244) Homepage Journal
    Do they have anything new to say? Is there anything more they can really add?

    If the answer is yes, if they can really write a fresh, quality story that is neither "standard formula" or a cut-and-paste of bits from series stories, then it could be good. The show had far more potential than it ever actually used. Fair enough - a lot of the time they managed to keep the stories good enough to keep a very respectable fan base going.

    However, if they want to do a movie now, it has to be good. It has to be so good that it can sell on the story, not merely by the merchandise.

    If it's not up to that kind of standard, then it will (at best) utterly destroy the value of the X-Files, because that's what people will remember. People remember sucky movies far more than they remember sucky episodes, and they remember both far better than the real classics.

    If I were in the shoes of the director, I'd get the script editor from hell to make damn sure that the script is polished enough they could use it in a reflector telescope. I'd get the best cameramen on the planet, never mind the cost. And if it took a year to get perfect takes, I'd take the time.

    I'd be a lousy director. Sure, if anything got finished, it would make LoTR look cheap. Problem is, the price tag would make the US national deficit look cheap, too. Half the cast would be dead of old-age before it hit the screen.

    On the other hand, that's the kind of direction a director needs to be pointing in, if they're to make a classic, rather than a one-day wonder. A work of art isn't about who remembers it by lunchtime. It's about staying power.

    The X-Files has been off the screen for so long that only something with real staying power will draw an audience. Star Trek worked because there were enough re-runs and a strong enough fan-base that a decade or two didn't matter. The X-Files simply isn't in that league. It could be, if they do the film right, but it isn't for right now.

  • by Turn-X Alphonse ( 789240 ) on Wednesday January 19, 2005 @11:51PM (#11416265) Journal
    I've heard enough stories on slashdot to think it's time I gave out one of my own.

    about 10 years ago (I was 9-10ish) I was watching an episode, I forget the exact plot, but it involved some guy using vents to get around or something. So any way the was a "family friend" who no one could really get rid of atthe house, she was always there.

    So any way this woman was going to leave when X-files was ove r(it was quite late) so theres my mum doing something and casually goes "You do know X-files is real right?" so I go "nah it can't be" and the woman went "" and gulped.

    Well needless to say after X-files finished she was tempted to try and cling to something rather then leave... if you've never seen a 30 something woman pretty much pee herself with fear in a very safe area then you haven't lived.

    I also remember shortly after that she stopped returning.. I wonder why, maybe it really is true.
  • I WANT TO BELIEVE (Score:5, Insightful)

    by ktakki ( 64573 ) on Wednesday January 19, 2005 @11:57PM (#11416304) Homepage Journal
    From the article:
    And while David doesn't know exactly what Chris's script for the reunion X Files film contains, he said it won't be picking up the storyline from the show's final episode.

    "I think we're going back to the 'monster of the week' type feel, where if you're not an avid fan and don't understand the mythology you can still come to it and get the movie," the hunky actor revealed.


    The alien invasion arc was interesting and all, but sort of heavy-handed when you get down to it. Some of the best episodes were the self-contained ones, IMHO, especially in the later seasons.

    Frank Spotnitz [] is slated to co-write with Carter, though I wouldn't mind it if Darin Morgan [] or Vince Gilligan [] were the co-writers.

    Je Souhaite and Fight Club, two episodes from Season 7, were on late last night on US cable TV (TNT). Not having seen these since their first run, I was impressed at the dark humor, a quality sadly lacking in broadcast television (though cable has it in spades -- Nip/Tuck, Six Feet Under). Again, these were stand-alone episodes, unrelated to the Invasion story arc.

    • I, for one, Welcome our new monster-of-the-week overlords.

      But seriously the long story arc was more than heavy handed, it was downright tedious. I stopped watching after one particularly horrible and long stretch of the damned alien episodes. I like the stand alone episodes where you could just sit down and get a freaky story rather than the same alien crap over and over.
  • Past Tense (Score:2, Informative)

    by skeeball ( 820126 )
    It all makes sense if you read the post correctly. According to the author of the post (although not according to Duchovny himself) this is all past tense. They were going to make a sequel, but apparently not anymore.

    NEWSFLASH: 'Were' is not the same as 'We're'. The two words have totally different meanings. Christ... learn English. We're geeks, not morons.

  • by barfy ( 256323 ) on Thursday January 20, 2005 @12:04AM (#11416345)
    Updated since Homeland Security took over... Otherwise known as "The Carnivore Files"
  • Scully isn't getting any younger . . . let it all hang out and I'm certain I'll go to see it in theaters . . . . or rent it and take it back to my bedroom.
    • I think the only nude scene Scully ever did (Gillain Anderson may have done some as other characters, of course) was in the very first episode where she has a wholly gratuitous shower scene. Anything to sell the show I suppose.
  • by coupland ( 160334 ) * <`moc.liamtoh' `ta' `esahcd'> on Thursday January 20, 2005 @12:13AM (#11416407) Journal

    This is totally awesome, I've been an X-Files fan for years. I really respect how Darryl D'Anchovie left the series to pursue his own independent acting career in Hollywood. I absolutely loved him as "the bouncer" in 25th Hour, and he was great as "raving fan" in Elektra, or "towel boy" in "Million Dollar Baby." See? There really is life after X-Files, good on him for standing up for what's right and leaving the show at its height...

  • This [] was the greatest X Files movie ever made. There was great action, comedy, romance, alien menace. I'm glad they couldn't get Gillian Anderson to be in it, Julianne Moore was just freakin' HOT. I was a little confused at first why David was playing a teacher, but no more confused than normal episodes. They mentioned he was kicked out of a government program so I just assumed this was in some type of time-dimensional-portal-loop thingy that would be explained in the next movie.
  • by teneighty ( 671401 ) on Thursday January 20, 2005 @12:57AM (#11416670)

    According to this interview [] with David Duchovny, it sounds like they want to do a "Monster of the Week" movie rather than something based on the mythology story arch (ie. aliens + government conspiracy). I'm glad to hear that, because despite the fact that I'm an X-Files fan I found that the mythology episodes got old in a hurry.

    Let's hope they shoot it in Vancouver, because California doen't have that authentic spooky feel that the X-Files used so well in its first few seasons.

  • What a shame (Score:4, Interesting)

    by tm2b ( 42473 ) on Thursday January 20, 2005 @01:05AM (#11416706) Journal
    I've recently rewatched the whole damned show, and I've gotta say - I got really tired of most of the "monster of the week" episodes. After a while, all that was interesting was the stories that advanced the mythos, and they wrapped that up pretty well.

    The only way I could see this being interesting (Duchovny says not, but he's not the most reliable guy on the planet) was if they set in or near 2012, the year that the Alien invasion was scheduled to begin (according to the final episode). Cover either the gearing up for the final invasion, or the resistance to it.

    Unfortunately, that's probably not going to happen. I don't see any reason that most people would go to see a "Twilight Zone" movie that just happened to have Mulder and Scully in it... I think everybody has been there and done that quite enough in the 9 years they were on the air.
    • I have to disagree (and of course, everything is subjective) but the episodes that didn't touch on the series plot, over the whole course of the series, were more interesting to me. After awhile the mythos became so stupid and convoluted that the freak of the week stuff offered a lot more entertainment.
      • ....which speaks pretty badly of the show.

        What comes to me, I didn't watch X Files very often, but when I think "Alien conspiracy", I think "X Files".
  • by teamhasnoi ( 554944 ) <teamhasnoi@ y a h o o . c om> on Thursday January 20, 2005 @01:28AM (#11416836) Journal
    Consecutive comments:

    (by tm2b (42473))
    I've recently rewatched the whole damned show, and I've gotta say - I got really tired of most of the "monster of the week" episodes. After a while, all that was interesting was the stories that advanced the mythos, and they wrapped that up pretty well.

    (by teneighty (671401))
    According to this interview [] with David Duchovny, it sounds like they want to do a "Monster of the Week" movie rather than something based on the mythology story arch (ie. aliens + government conspiracy). I'm glad to hear that, because despite the fact that I'm an X-Files fan I found that the mythology episodes got old in a hurry.


  • by DesScorp ( 410532 ) on Thursday January 20, 2005 @02:20AM (#11417058) Journal
    ...because I think the old government conspiracy format wouldn't work today. One of the reasons that the X-Files thrived in the pre-911 era, IMHO, is that we USians had no constant enemy threat, so we started to look within for our boogeymen, and we found black helicopters over Waco. It was the perfect time for the X-Files secret government conspiracy plotlines.

    I just don't think they'd work well in today's climate. 911 changed too much, and whether or not you support the Iraq war, nobody questions whether we have real terrorist enemies out there somewhere that want to kill us on a grand scale. After 911, even George Freakin' Carlin said he was willing to live with the US Government if it meant getting Osama and the gang. Unless you're an absolute government hating tin-foil type, the "alien-govt-conspiracy" plotline just wouldn't resonate with most US viewers anymore.

    Of course, it'd be a smash hit on Slashdot.

    I always liked the supernatural-monster episodes better anyway...the werewolf, the leech man,and Bruce Campbell's Demon episode. The Vampire episode was kind of dissapointing, though. So I'm glad that, in David's words, "It has to do with supernatural stuff" [].
  • Would it be possible by some miracle that Cigarette Smoking Man somehow made a comeback? The last I saw, he was blown up by missiles from helicopters while hiding in ruins.
  • Changes (Score:2, Funny)

    by halcyon1234 ( 834388 )
    Except this one will be set on the moons of Mars instead of on Earth. And instead of aliens, they'll be monsters from Hell. And instead of government agents, they'll be gun-slinging Space Marines.

    {sigh} I miss Doom.

  • The best way to end the show would have been to find out that Scully was actually Mulder's sister. She could've found out she'd been adopted or whatever, and it would have tied in perfectly with their "no kissing" rule that lasted for most of the series. It also would have fit in with their alien bloodlines things where past abductees (Samantha/Scully) are later impregnated.

    In addition, I am convinced that the star of the show was actually Krycek, and Mulder was just forever on the fringes of being able to
  • I'm not kidding. I remember reading some really well-written theorizations on what the second Matrix movie would be about before it was released, and the theorized plots that I read on the 'net were a MILLION times better than the Matrix 2 & 3 that followed. I really think that the Matrix guys could have benefitted tremendously from reading some of what was theorized, there were all kinds of interesting twists in what I read on the 'net (even on Slashdot if I recall correctly) that were so much better
  • Id just like to point out to non UK readers that the Sun, is not a newspaper. Its more C list celebrity gossip trash meets hard left and hard right wing (don't ask) editorial bullshit rolled into one. I'm bemused as to how they got Duchovny and why they asked him about anything other than Gillian Andersons boobs...

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
